ARTUR YusuPov ISBN 783935 748070 3�935748�07�8 Chess Lessons ARTUR YusuPov Chess Lessons Translated and edited by Daniel King © Chessgate AG 2004 All rights reserved No part of i:his publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior permission First published in 2004 Cover design and layout: Art & Satz Ulrich Dirr, Miinchen Page design and layout : Art.& Satz Ulrich Dirr, Miinchen Typeset with PDFTE)( Managing editor : Ulrich Dirr, Miinchen Preparatory work by Thomas Lemanczyk, Solingen Printed and bound by Druckerei & Verlag Steinmeier, Nordlingen ISBN 3•935748-07-8 v Contents Preface - VII Zugzwang Back- Rank Combi nations - Exerc i ses - So l u ti o n s - 11 Sco re tab l e- 14 - 135 Exe rc i se s- 139 S o l u t i o n s - 147 S c o re t a b l e- 152 Im proving Piece Position -153 Cand idate Moves 15 Exerc i ses- 18 So l u ti o n s - 24 P racti cal exe rc i ses- 29 Score tab l e- 34 - The Wrong-Coloured Bishop -35 Exerc i s es - 45 So l u t i o n s - 52 Score tab l e- 56 Exchanging Pieces -57 Exerc i ses - 6o Sol u t i o n s- 69 Sco re tab l e- 74 Passed Pawns i n the M iddlegame -75 Trai n i ng m ateri a l- 79 Double Attack -95 Exerc i se s - 100 So l u t i o n s- 109 Score table- 113 The Process of Elimination -115 Exerci ses - 119 Sol u t i o n s- 123 P racti c a l exerc i se s- 126 Score tab l e- 134 Exerc i se s- 158 S ol u t i o n s- 166 S c o re tab l e- 170 10 Trapping a Piece -171 Exerc i ses - 175 S o l u ti o n s - 183 S c o re t a b l e- 186 Appendix -187 I n d ex o f co m p o s e rs a n d a n alysts- 187 I n d ex of g a m e s- 189 Explanation of symbols - 196 VII Preface Between 1999 and 2002 I produced and published i n Germany a small series of ten trai ning booklets, each one covering a partic u l ar chess theme T h i s experi m ental proj ect proved quite popular with German-speaking readers, and others too Many of my chess colleagues liked this form of i n d ivid ual trai n i ng; and some of them u sed the m aterial in their cl asses too This favou rable reaction pro m pted the idea of an Engl ish translati o n Although the booklets were aimed at p l ayers of d ifferi ng abil ities, m o s t wanted the complete set And that's how these d ifferent themes h ave ended up in one book You could also look on this d iversity as a strength if a reader, with chess am bitions, wants to test his overall ability Moreover, for chess trainers this book provides several ready-made lectures, and many usefu l exercises covering d ifferent aspects of the game, al ready sorted in terms of their level of d ifficu l ty There are th ree themes and tests that fal l under the h ead ing 'tactics' : chapter , back ran k com b i n atio n s ; chapter 6, d o u b l e attack; and ch apter 10, trapping a p iece These chapters are, on the whole, the sim plest, and pl ayers rated below 1500 Elo should probably start with them Two chapters deal with positional themes: chapter , exchanging pieces ; and chapter 9, improvi ng piece positio n Two chapters deal with endgame themes: chapter 3, the wrong coloured bishop; and chapter 8, zugzwang These fou r chapters are more challenging and perhaps s u i table for players w ith an Elo above 1500 H owever, p l ayers of any strength cou ld profit from studyi ng them Two chapters deal w i th the q u estion of calculation: chapter 2, can d i d ate m oves ; and chapter 7, the process of e l i m i n ation These themes are more su i table for players with an Elo rati ng greater than 1800 Less experienced p l ayers s h o u l d go th rough the examples and try to solve the one and two-star positions Chapter deals with a strategical theme, passed pawns i n the midd legame, and contains many add i tional examples that could also be u sed by c l u b players as exercises For more advanced players, i t s h o u l d be e nough to p l ay through these examples carefu l ly on the chessboard How should an ambitious p l ayer work with this book? I suggest two possi bil ities : a direct approach; and one based on the d ifficu l ty of the exercises With the d i rect approach, go thro ugh the examples at the start of the chapter, then tackle the exercises The exercises are m arked with stars accord i ng to their d ifficulty Accord i ng to you r rati ng, each star gives the fol l owing scori ng and th i n ki ng time: - Below 1500 Elo, point for solvi ng a position i n under 10 m i n utes - Below 1800 Elo, point and up to m i n u tes - Above 1800 Elo, point and u p to m i nutes So, for example, an exercise with three stars should take a player with an Elo of 1650 a maxi m u m 21 m i n utes to solve, and gives h i m points At the end of each chapter you w i l l find t h e answers, a n d you can see how well you understood t h e theme VIII PREFACE There are some special exercises i n the chapters o n cal c u lation that you m ust p lay through move by move Check the i nstr u ctions before you try these exercises I also suggest an alternative method of a p proaching th i s book - accor d i ng to the d iff i c u l ty of the exercises Th i s m ethod is suitable for p layers with a n Elo below 1500 I n each cha pter, wor k through the exam ples, then try to solve the positions u p to the second level of diff iculty When you have fin ished the book, come back and consider positions on level three If you are comfor table with the res u l ts, i se the level aga i n If you fi nd you aren't yet ready for the next l evel , put the book back on the shelf, d o some other chess wor k, but af ter a couple of months come back and try again ! But i n the end, per haps the most i m por tant th ing i s not to ta ke a l l these poi nts too ser iously I hope you wil l j u st enjoy the book F i nal ly, I wou l d l i ke to tha n k several people who hel ped to make this project possi ble: my wife Nad ia for her hard wor k on the German version ; my chess teacher Mar k Dvoretsky; Jurgen Da niel, my p u bl i sher, for encouragi ng the idea of an Engl ish translati o n ; and U l i Dirr for the layout of the book a n d for correcti ng some m istakes i n the or iginal Ger ma n ed ition CHAPTER 182 E 10-29 a rn **** b c d e f g 4&\ A " " • • CD ��� � a b ][, c E 10-30 a ·� t � iL d � � e �� :a: f g c d e a 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 h f g 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CD � • a a b iL c d e f g h •• d a " � iL � a c � b c E 10-32 h e rn f � A 4&\ A • A t � CD CD � � iL � :a: :a: d g h e f � g h g h b c d •• A i A � CD �� :a: b c e f • d t A A A CD � � � iL � e A il, � 4&\ :a: ***** I a T RA PP I NG A P I ECE ***** b 4&\ i a rn **** b E 0-31 h 10 f � g h SOLUTIONS E IO-I TO E I0-14 S o l u ti o n s E1o-1 E10-7 Yusupov - Romanishin, Yerevan (zt) 1982 3S· �e8 ! Ags 36 h4 +- Axh4 37· gxh4 'i!;>hs 38 �e4 fs 39· etJf6 + c;;,h 40 �c4 �ab3 41 �4XCS I-0 Alekhine - Rubinstein, San Remo 1931 r tlJxds! +- [r tLl x ds cxds i&c7 +-] r-o E10-8 Yusupov - Sokolov, Tilburg 1987 39· �dr ! [ 6't!?fz-e3-d4] 1-o Klarenbeek - Yusupov, Apeldoorn 2000 37· etJd3 � was poor After A x a4 38 etJcs Ad7 39· etJh7+ 'i!;>c7 -+ White resigned because of 40 tLl xas lia4 -+, followed by 't!?b6 o-r E10-3 E10-9 Smyslov - Tolush, Moscow 1961 17 Abs ! +- (17 i&bs �ds rs �xe7 + - ] r-o Yusupov - Kasparov, Riga 1995 36 Wb7 ! 37· £6 �as [3S es D � x fJ+ 39· £2 �d6 38 �b7 �d2+ 39· Ae2 �d6 40 Ac4 �f6+ 41 'i!;>e3 'i!;>fs 42 h3 'i!;>g7 43· g4 hxg4 44· hxg4 'i!;>fs 4S· �c7 'i!;>g7 46 'i!;>e4 �f2 47· gs! White prepares to transpose into a winning king and pawn endgame 47· �fs 48 �xf7+ �xf? 49· Axf? 'i!;>xf? so 'i!;>ds ! +- r-o • E10-11 Timman - Yusupov, Linares (cmsf6) 1992 37· Afs ! [ x t'l.h4] 37· Ae2 38 Ae6+ 'i!;>h7 39· Afs+ 'i!;>gs 40 'i!;>g2 +- [ 6lif6, lier] r-o • • E1o-6 E10-12 Bilek - Smyslov, Polanica-Zdroj 1968 36 �c7 ! [ l"Kb6] 37· as �bs 38 �ar �bcs [ i::X s c6] o-r E10-13 Laurent - Lund-Jensen, Denmark 1937 r Ags! Ax6 Wd2! Wxd4 3· Axh7+ ! 'i!;>xh7 4· Wxd4 +- r-o E10-14 Gutman - Gaidarov, SSSR 1978 r es! [r es dxes (r lLld7 e x d6 + -) lies +-] r-o Fischer - Reshevsky, New York 1958 ro Axf? + ! 'i!;>xf? [ro t! x f7 II tLle6 ! +-] n etJe6 ! dxe6 [rr g3] 1-0, • E1o-18 Yusupov - Zapata, SaintJohn 1988 2.8 ttlaz ! Wbz 2.9 �ez Wa3 30 Ae3 (30 ctJc3 ! would have been simpler : ct:Jhs ct:Jbs Wa1 32 \?if x a1 A x a1 33· g3 +-] 30 �e8 31 Aci Z!xez 32 Axa3 �xaz 33· Wbi !� �xa3 34· Wbz tb x ds 3S· W x a3 ttl x f4 36 Afi Ad4+ 37· �hi ttlh; 38 g4 ttlg3+ 39· �gz tb x f1 �! (039 ± ] 40 � x fi fxg4 41 hxg4 + hs 42 gxhs gxhs 43· Waz �f7 44· Wgz ttld7 4S· Wxb7 �e7 46 We4+ I-o E10-23 Botvinnik - Spielmann, Moscow 1935 9· ttla4 ! Wxaz 10 Ac4 ! Ag4 n ttl6 Ax6 12 gx6 ( gx [J \?ifa3 ( ctJc2+ 13 \?if x c2 + -) IJ ftc3 +-) 1-0, E 10-24 Mikhail Kliatskin, 192.4 I, C7 ! �XC7 2., axb6+ �Xb8 3• b7 +- I-0 E10-25 E10-19 Kasparov - van der Wiel, Brussels 1987 18 ttlbs ! ± (If 18 ctJe2 (with the idea g4, Ac;), rhen 18 ctJe6.] 18 ttle6 ( c x b; 19 kcs kfs 20 � x fs + -] 19· A xe6 fxe6 ( cxb; 20 ka2 ± ] zo ttlxc7 W>c2 s tL:lcs (s tL:las tL:la6) E10-31 Yusupov - Suetin, Moscow 1980 2I tbf6+ ! c;;,h8 2.2 E:bi (22 tL:lg4 Axh 23 Axh E! xd1 24 t::l xd1 Ag5 ±] 22 Wc7 23 E:xb7! (23 tL:lg4 � x f3 ± ] 23 Wxb7 24 tbg4 ! + [24 tLlg5 �c7 25 tL:lgx h7 ±] 24 tbf5 25 tbh4 We7 26 tb x f5 gxf5 27 tb x h6 Wg5 28 tb x f5 ! [28 tL:l x fs \3! x fs 29 \3! x fs e x fs 30 e6+ 'i!;>g8 31 e7 +-) I-0 • • • • • • • • • • • • E10-32 Ruban - Dautov, Novosibirsk 1989 I5· g5! I6 tb x e4 dxe4 I7 tbd2 f6 I8 d5 ! fxe5 I9 W xe5 E:e8 (19 �d7 !? 20 tL:l xe4 g4 + ] 2o tbxe4 tbc5 (20 g4 21 d6 � ; 20 'tifd7 !? 21 d6 �d8] 2I tbxc5�! (o21 d6 !? cxd6 22 tL:l x d6 A x d6 23 �xg5 + 'i!;>h8 (23 �f7 ? 24 E! x d6 El.e6 2s 'tiffs+ c;!;>e7 26 1tixh7+ �xd6 27 !'l.d1+ �es 28 \3!f7 + - ) 24 \3!f6+ 'i!;>g8 2s 'tifgs+ = ] 2I bxc5 22 E:aCI �! (22 Ae4 'tifd7 23 �fs �d6 24 �e6+ 1tixe6 +] 22 Wd8 23 Ah3 Ac8 + o-I • • • • • • • • • • • C H APTER 10 TRAPPING A PIECE I86 Score tab l e N� Po i n t s 23 13 24 14 25 4 15 26 16 27 17 28 18 29 19 30 20 31 10 21 32 11 22 N� Poi n t s 12 N� Po i n t s You r Poi nts You r Poi nts total Poi nts Pl ayi n g St rength l e ss than poi n t s begi n n e r - poi n t s ELO 800 - 1000 - 30 po i n t s E L O 1000 - 00 31 - po i n t s E L O 0 - 1800 46 - 60 po i n t s E L O 1800 - 100 61 - poi n t s ELO 100 - 300 76 - 90 poi n t s ELO above 00 90 You r Points A p pendix I n dex of c o m p o s e rs a n d an al y sts Names in italics refer to analysts A Adorjdn, Andrds, 167 Afek, Yoch anan , 124, 185 Averbakh, Yuri, 41 , 55 B Beliavsky, Alexander, 92, 93, 167 Bond arenko, Fi l i pp, 27 Breukelen , G ij s van , 52, 53 Bro n , Vl ad i m i r, 112, 123 c Chero n , And re, 151 D Darga, Klaus, 15 Del Rio, Ercole, 147 Donev, lvo Hristov, 172 Dreev, Alexey, 70 D u ras, Oldfich, 52 Dvizov, Evgeny, 52 Dvoretsky, Mark, 17, 38 , 70, 115, 150, 169 E Euwe, Machielis, 82 F Ferdesi, 97 Fridste i n , 123 Fri n k, Orri n , 52 Fritz, J i ndfich, 25, 137 Ftdcnfk, Ljubomfr, 89, 91 G Gorgiev, Tigran, 25 Gotsd i ner, G , 52 G reco, Gioacch i no, 53 G rigoriev, N i kolay Dm itrievich, 123, 126, 150, 151 G u rvich, Abram, 126, 149 H H e rbstma n , Alexander, 52 H i l debrand, Alexander, 148 Holzhausen, Walther von , 40 H orwi tz, Bern h ard , 151 Hubner, Robert, 169 Huzman, Alexander, 91 I l l ustrative example, 147 K Kai la, Osmo, 54 Kaspari an, Genrikh Moiseevich, 112 Kasparov, Garry, 184 Kiss l i ng, G , 26 Kliatski n , M i kh l , 84 J osef Kl i ng & Bernhard H orwi tz, 42 Kosek, V , 54 Kotov, Alexander, 57, 171 Kozi rev, V , 127 Kramnik, Vladimir, 70, 88-91 Kri khe l i , losif, 52 Ku b bel , Leon i d , 149 , 184 Kuznetsov, Alexander, 27 Kuznetsov, Anatoly Georgievich, 53 188 A P P E N DI X L Lasker, Emanuel, 110, 135, 136 Levenfish, G rigory, 96, 109 Levenpsh, Grigory, 98 Lewitt, Moritz, 147 M Makagonov, Vladimir Andreevich, 57 Makarychev, Sergey, S o Matous, M ario, 29 Mednis, Edmar, 39, 53 Mees, W , 54 Megvi n ishvi l i , N , 54 N Nimzowitsch, Aaron, 79 s Smyslov, Vassi{y, 57 Stohl, Igor, 90 T Taimanov, Mark, 167 Tarrasch, Siegbert, 110 Tartakower, Savie{y, 72 Troitzky, Alexei Alexeyevich, 52 u U m n ov, G , 54 u n known , 52 v Van Vl iet, Louis, 148 Vancura, J osef, 149 Vlasenko, V , 127 Ojanen, A , 147 p Petrosian, Tigran, 53 Pogosj ants, Ernest, 29 Polugaevsk.y, Lev, 82 Psakhis, Lev, 89 R Rauzer, Vsevolod, 41 Reti, Richard , 25, 123 Rinck, H en ri , 111, 112, 148, 149 w Winants, Luc, 91 Wotawa, Alois, 17 y Yusupov, Artur, 38, 53, 91, 94 z Zaitsev, Igor, 27, 28 Zhuravlev, Nikolay, 110 !89 I N D E X OF G A M ES I n dex of g a m e s N u m bers i n b o l d i n d i cate that the fi rst named pl ayer h ad Black A Adams, Edward Bradfo rd - Torre Repetto, 13 Adams, Michael - Pi ker, 150 - Yusupov, 26 Adorjan, And ras - Yusu pov, 167 Alden - N i lsson, 11 Alekh ine, Alexander - Bernste i n , 11 - Bogolj u bow, 109 - Friem an, 12 -Jahner, 12 - Keh n l e i n , 11 - Reshevsky, 11 - Ru b i n stei n , 83 - Reri , 96 Ambroz, Jan - l n kiov, 155 Anand, Viswanathan - Andersson , 25 - Gelfand , 125 - Karpov, 123 - Kasparov, 92 - Kram n i k, 88 - Salov, 24 - Tomczak, 25 - Tu kmakov, 24 - Yusupov, 147 Anderssen, Adolf- Paulsen, 11 - Stau nton, 97 Andersson , U lf- Anand, 25 - McNab, 147 Antu nes, Anton io - Loek, 109 Arbakov, Valentin - Yusupov, 184 Aro n i n , Lev Solomonovich - M i kenas, 11 Averbakh, Yu ri - Herberg, 110 Bagi rov, Vl ad i m i r - Planinc, 124 Balogh - Szi ly, 147 Baram idze, David - Smeets, 147 Bareev, Evgeny - Hel lers, 109 Batu ri n - Yusu pov, 167 Bel i avsky, Alexand e r - Cabri lo, 169 - Chandler, 109 - Ge l ler, 154 - Stri kovic, 92 - Yusu pov, 109, 67, 169 Belousov - Selyavki n , 11 Bely, M i klos - Karaklajic, 184 Bernste i n , Ossi p - Alekh i ne, 11 - Capablanca, B i lek, I stvan - S myslov, 183 Bogolj u bow, Efi m - Alekh ine, 109 - H u ssong, 24 - Reri, 12 Boleslavsky, Isaak - Ragozi n , 123 - Smyslov, 69 Bensch, Uwe - Yusu pov, 183 Botvi n n ik, M i kh l - Chekhover, 69 - Kan, 69 - Ragozi n , 71 - Smyslov, 71 - Soroki n , 71, 09 - Sp i e l m a n n , 184 - Stepanov, 184 - Taimanov, 148, 167 - Tal, 72 B restian, Egan - Yusupov, 135 B ronste i n , D avid - M i kenas, 11 - Pachman, 111 B u rn , Amos -J a n owski , 11 Buts - Fauskas, 174 c Cabrilo, Goran - Bel i avsky, 169 Cam para, Daniel -J ansa, 167 Campos Lopez, M ario - Smith, 39 Capablanca, J ose - Bernste i n , - Fonaroff, 12 - N i mzowitsch, 148 90 - Rubi nste i n , 110 - Samisch, 95 - Steiner, 171 - Wi nter, 172 Chandler, M u rray - Beli avsky, 109 - Polgar, 37 Chekhov, Valery - Peresi p k i n , 183 - Psakhis, 155 - Yusu pov, 169 Chekhover, Vitaly - Botvi n n i k, 69 Christi an sen , Larry - Karpov, 95 Crouch, Col i n - Speel m a n , 12 Csom, I stvan - Karpov, 124 - Kindermann, 109 - Yusupov, 168 D Dautov, Rustem - Ruban, 185 - Sermek, 41 - Yusupov, 26 Day - van der Wiel , 168 Dlez del Corral , j esus - Ti mman, 70 Dj aja, D raguti n - Staudte, 11 Durie, Stefan - Yusupov, 169 Dol m atov, Sergey - Yusu pov, 78, 86 Domes - Fedorov, 110 Dreev, Alexey - Kram n i k, 59 E Eh lvest, J aan - Nogueiras, 109 Ei ngorn, Vereslav - Smyslov, 148 Epish i n , Vlad i m i r - Yusu pov, 125 Estri n , Yakov - Kletsel , 71 Euwe, M achgiel is - Fonte i n , 11 - Vi d m ar, 12 F Fauskas - Buts, 174 Fedorov - Domes, 110 Fejzullah u , Afri m - Yusu pov, 183 Fernandez - Pahtz, 109 Feuer, B H - O'Kelly de Galway, 109 Fischer, Robert - Keres, 72 A P PENDIX - Petrosian, 70, 153, 185 - Reshevsky, 136, 183 - Spassky, 109 - Tai m anov, 36 Flo h r, Salo - Tai manov, 167 Fold i , J6zsef- Lu kacs, 150 Fon aroff, Marc - Capablanca, 12 Fon te i n , George Saito - Euwe, 11 Frieman, A - Alekh i ne, 12 Fu rman, Semen Abramovich - Smyslov, 69 G Gabriel, Ch ristian - M i c h aelsen, 124 Gaidarov - G u tm a n , 183 G al l iamova, Alisa - Xi e j u n , 111 Gapri n d ashvi l i , Non a - Servaty, 25 Garda Vera, Osca r - G rau , 96 Gelfand, Boris - Anand, 125 Geller, Efi m - Beli avsky, 154 G h i nda, M i h l - Yusu pov, 70 G l ienke, Manfred - Yusupov, 166 G l igoric, Svetozar - Smyslov, 136 - Yusupov, 168 Gol 'berg - Zhuk, 147 G randa Zun iga, J u l io - Svi d ler, 24 G rau, Roberto - Garda Vera, 96 G rigorian, Karen Ashotovich - Ku p reich i k, 73 G r6szpeter, Atti l a - Ku preichik, 166 G u l ko, Boris - Svesh n i kov, 54 G u revich, M i kh l - Razuvaev, 110 Gutm a n , Lev - Gaidarov, 183 - M i kenas, 38 H H e l lers, Ferd i nand - Bareev, 109 Hernandez, Roman - Yusupov, 71 Holzhauer, M athias - Yusupov, 111 H o n fi , Karolyne - M i nic, 11 Herberg, Bengt-Eric - Averbakh, 110 H u bner, Robert - N i kolaidis, 110 H u l ak, Kru noslav - Yusu pov, 166 H uss, Andreas - Razuvaev, (71) 91 I N D E X OF G A M E S H u ssong, H ugo - Bogolj u bow, 24 l n kiov, Ven tzislav - Ambroz, 155 l ose l i a n i , N an a - Xi e J u n , Ivanov, Alexander - M alani uk, 168 J J anowski, D awid M arkelowicz - Burn, 11 Jansa, Vlasti m i l - Campa ra, 67 J i menez-Zerq uera, E leazar - Larsen , 72 Johner - Alekh ine, 12 K Kamyshev - Rovner, 11 Kan , I l i a Abramovich - Botvi n n i k, 69 Kanzyn - Vodopyanov, 12 Kapengut, Al bert - Zhu ravlev, 109 Karaklajic, N i kola - Bely, 184 Karpov, Anatoly - Anand, 123 - Ch ristiansen, 95 - Csom, 124 - Korchnoi, 43 - Spassky, 72, 72, 154 - Topalov, 111 Kasi mdzh anov, Rustam - Kasparov, 172 Kasparov, Garry - Anand, 92 - Kasimdzhanov, 172 - Pri byl , 93 - Short, 40 - van der Wiel , 184 - Vlad i m i rov, 174 - Vu kic, 70 - Yusupov, 149 , 166, 183 Kavalek, Lu bom i r - Portisch, 37 Kengis, Edvi n s - Yusu pov, 157 Keres, Pau l - Fischer, 72 - Spassky, 81 Kinde rmann , Stefa n - Csom , 109 Klaren beek, H ans - Yusupov, 183 Kletsel, M - Estri n , 71 Koh nen - Lepek, 12 Koh n l e i n , H - Alekh ine, 11 Konstanti nov - Nezhmetd i nov, 185 Korc h n o i , Vikto r - Karpov, 43 - S passky, 82 Kotov, Alexand e r - N ajdorf, 27 Kotro n i as, Vasi lios - Yusupov, 149 Kou atly, Bachar - Yusupov, 85 Kram n i k, Vlad i m i r - Anand, 88 - D reev, 59 - N ij boer, 91 - N u n n , 87 - Po lgar, 88, 90 - Sh i rov, 90 - Ti mman, 75 - Yusupov, 87 Kupreic h i k, Vi kto r - G rigorian , 73 - G r6szpeter, 166 - Yus u pov, 169 Kuzm i n , Gen n ad i - Timoshchenko, 123 Kuznetsov - Petu khov, 53 l Larsen , Bent -J i m enez-Zerq uera, 72 - Petrosian , 53 Lasker - N N , 110 Lasker, Emanuel - Rubinstei n , 110 Lau rent - Lund-J ensen, 183 Lepek - Kohnen, 12 Levi n , Alexander - Zej bot, 147 Ligteri nk, Gert - Yusupov, 185 Li l ienth al, Andor - Smyslov, 1 , 25 Lobro n , Eric - Svid ler, 15 - van der Wiel , 41 towcki, Moj.iesz - Tartakower, 12 Lputian, Sm bat - Yusu pov, 117 Lu kacs, Peter - Fol d i , 150 Lund-J ensen - Lau rent, 183 M Mai n ka, G rego r - Yusu pov, 157 Malan i u k, Vl ad i m i r - Ivanov, 168 M arshal l , Fran k - Sch lechter, 71 M arti n i , Marco - Yusupov, 166 M atanovic, Aleksandar - Petrosian, 184 A P P E N DI X 192 McNab, Col i n - Andersson , 147 Merger, J ohan nes - Pau lsen, 54 Michaelsen, N i l s - Gabriel, 124 M i kenas, Vlad as - Aro n i n , 11 - Bronstein, 11 - Gutman, 38 M i les, Anthony - Yusu pov, 148 M i l ov, Vad i m - Yusupov, 24 M i n ic, Dragolj u b - H onfi , 11 M itite l u , Gheorghe - Tol u s h , 111 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan - Yusupov, 184 Movsesian, Sergei - Yusu pov, 124 N Najdorf, M iguel - Kotov, 27 Nezh metd i n ov, Rash id - Kon stantinov, 185 N ielsen, Pau l Eri k - Ravi kumar, 124 N ij boer, Friso - Kram n i k, 91 N i kolaidis, loannis - H u bner, 110 N i lsso n , L - Aiden, 11 N i mzowitsch , Aaron - Capabl anca, 148 - Samisch, 79 NN - Lasker, 110 NN - NN, 11, 11 NN - Swiderski , 109 Noguei ras, Jesus - Eh lvest, 109 - Yusu pov, 16 N u n n , J oh n - Kram n i k, 87 Olland, Adolf Georg - Wol f, 24 O'Kelly de Galway, Alberic - Feuer, 109 p Pachman, Ludek - Bronste i n , 111 Pahtz, Thomas - Fern andez, 109 Pau lsen , Louis - Anderssen, 11 - Merger, 54 Peresipki n , Vl ad i m i r - Chekhov, 183 Petrosi an , Tigran - Fischer, 70, 153, 185 - Larsen , 53 - M atanovic, 184 - Simagi n , 97 - Smyslov, 167 - Spassky, 81 - Sueti n , 153 Petu khov - Kuznetsov, 53 Petu rsson, Margei r - Yusu pov, 115 Piket, J eroen - Adams, 150 Pi rrot, Dieter - Yusu pov, 147, 184 Planinc, Albi n - Bagi rov, 124 - Raicevic, 38 Polgar, Zsuzsa - Chandler, 37 Polgar, J u d i t - Kram n i k, 88, 90 Ponomariov, Ruslan - Su tovsky, 173 Portisch, Lajos - Kavalek, 37 Pri byl , J osef- Kasparov, 93 Psakhis, Lev - Chekhov, 155 - Yusu pov, 156 R Ragozi n , Viacheslav - Boleslavsky, 123 - Botvi n n i k, 71 Raicevic, Vlad i m i r - Plani nc, 38 Ras i n , J acob - Yusu pov, 168 Ravi kumar, Vaidyanath an - N ielsen, 124 Razuvaev, Yuri - Gu revi ch, 110 - H uss, (71 ) - Vasi u kov, 109 - Yusupov, 70, 83 Ree, H ans - Tim man, 138 Renet, O l ivier - Yusu pov, 70 Reshevsky, Samuel - Alekh i ne, 11 - Fischer, 136, 183 - Smyslov, 72 - Tatai, 53 Reti , Rich ard - Alekh i ne, 96 - Bogolj u bow, 12 Ri b l i , Zoltan - Yusu pov, 84 Rokh l i n , Yakov - S i l i ch , 24 Roman ish i n , Oleg - Yusu pov, 183 Romanovsky, Peter Arsenievich - Stepanov, 109 Rovner, Dmitry Osi povich - Kamyshev, 11 Ruban, Vad i m - Dautov, 185 Rubi nste i n , Aki ba - Alekh ine, 183 I N D E X OF G A M E S - Capablanca, 110 - Lasker, 110 s Salov, Valery - Anand, 24 - Yusupov, 24 Samisch, Fritz - Capablanca, 95 - N i mzowitsch, 79 Sax, Gyu l a - Yusupov, 84, 184 Sch lechter, Carl - M arsh al l , 71 Schlosser, P h i l i p p - Yusu pov, 27 Sei rawan, Yasser - Yusu pov, 168 Selyavki n - Belousov, 11 Sermek, Drazen - Dautov, 41 Servaty, Rudolf- Gaprindashvi l i , 25 Shampouw - Si lal ac h i , 12 S h i rov, Alexei - Kram n i k, 90 - Yusu pov, 11, 173 Short, N igel - Kasparov, 40 Si lalach i - Sham pouw, 12 S i l ich, Vladislav - Rokh l i n , 24 S i m agi n , Vlad i m i r - Petrosian, 97 Sl iwa, Bogdan - Stoltz, 12 S l u tzky, Leon i d - Yusupov, 166 Smeets, Jan - Baramidze, 147 Smith, Ken n eth - Campos Lopez, 39 Smyslov, Vassily - Bi lek, 183 - Bolesl avsky, 69 - Botvi n n i k, 71 - Ei ngo rn , 148 - Fu rman, 69 - Gl igoric, 136 - Li l ienthal , 11, 25 - Petrosian , 167 - Reshevsky, 72 - Speelman, 110 - Tal , 69 , 71 - Tolush, 183 Sokolov, And rei - Yusupov, 12, 183 Soroki n , Maxim - Yusu pov, 124 Soroki n , N i kolay - Botvi n n i k, 71 , 109 Spasov, Li u ben - Yusu pov, 166 Spassky, Boris - Fischer, 109 93 - Karpov, 72, 72, 154 - Keres, 81 - Korchnoi, 82 - Petrosian, 81 - Ti m m a n , 148 Speel man, J o n athan - Crouch, 12 - Smyslov, 110 Spiel m an n , Rudolf- Botvi n n i k, 184 S p i ridonov, N i ko l a - U h l m an n , 110 Spraggett, Kevi n - Yusu pov, 57 Staudte, Hans H i l mar - Djaja, 11 Stau nto n , H oward - Anderssen, 97 Stei ner, E n d re - Capablanca, 171 Stepanov, G - Botvi n n i k, 184 - Romanovsky, 109 Sterre n , Pau l van der - Yusu pov, 76 Sto h l , Igo r - Yusupov, 86 Stoltz, Gosta - Sl iwa, 12 Stri kovic, Aleksa - Beli avsky, 92 Stromberg, Pete r - Vedder, 110 Sueti n , Alexey - Petrosian , 153 - Yusu pov, 185 Sutovsky, E m i l - Ponomariov, 173 Sves h n i kov, Evgeny - G u l ko, 54 Svid ler, Peter - G randa Zun iga, 24 - Lobro n , 15 Swiderski, Rudolf- N N , 109 Szi ly - Balogh , 147 T Tai m an ov, M ark - Botvi n n i k, 148, 167 - Fischer, 36 - Fl o h r, 167 - Yusupov, 168 Tal , M i khail - Botvi n n ik, 72 - Smyslov, 69, 71 Tartakower, Savi e l ly - towcki, 12 Tatai , Stefano - Reshevsky, 53 Ti m m an , J an - Dfez del Corral, 70 - Kramnik, 75 - Ree, 138 - Spassky, 148 - To rre, 11 94 A P P E N DI X - Yusu pov, 26, 183 Timoshchen ko, Gennad i - Kuzm i n , 123 Tolush, Alexander - M itite l u , 111 - Smyslov, 183 Tomczak, Rai ner - Anand, 25 Topalov, Vesel i n - Karpov, 111 Torre Repetto, Carlos - Ad ams, 13 Torre, Eugen io - Tim man, 11 - Yusupov, 78 Tseshkovsky, Vitaly - Yusu pov, 168 Tukmakov, Vlad i m i r - Anan d , 24 - Yusu pov, So, 167 u U h l man n , Wol fgang - Spi ridonov, 110 - Yusupov, 171 v Vagan ian, Rafael - Yus upov, 166 va·i sser, Anatol i - Yusu pov, 68 Vasi u kov, Evgeni - Razuvaev, 109 Vedder, Henk - Stromberg, 110 Vid mar, M i lan - Euwe, 12 Vilela, Jose Lu i s - Yusu pov, 166 Vlad i m i rov, Evgeny - Kasparov, 174 Vodopyanov - Kanzyn , 12 Vooremaa, And res - Yu ksti , 110 Vu kic, M i l an - Kasparov, 70 Vu lfson, Vlad i m i r - Yusu pov, 166 w Wely, Loek van - Antu nes, 109 Wiei , John van der - Day, 168 - Kasparov, 184 - Lebron, 41 Wi nter, Will iam - Capablanca, 172 Wirthensohn, Hei nz - Yusu pov, 70 Wolf, Heinrich - Oil and , 24 X Xie J u n - Gal liamova, 111 - l oselian i , y Yuksti - Vooremaa, 110 Yusu pov, Artu r - Adams, 26 - Adorjan, 167 - Anan d , 147 - Arbakov, 184 - Batu rin, 167 - Beliavsky, 109 , 167, 169 - Brestian, 135 - Bonsch, 183 - Chekhov, 169 - Csom , 168 - Dautov, z6 - Du rie, 169 - Dolmatov, 78, 86 - Epish i n , 125 - Fejzu l l ah u , 183 - Gh i nda, 70 - Glienke, 166 - Gl igoric, 168 - Hernandez, 71 - Holzhauer, 111 - H u l ak, 166 - Kasparov, 149, 166, 183 - Kengis, 157 - Kl arenbeek, 183 - Kotronias, 149 - Kouatly, 85 - Kramnik, 87 - Kupreichik, 169 - Ligteri n k, 185 - Lputian, 117 - Mainka, 157 - Marti n i , 166 - M iles, 148 - M i l ov, 24 - Morovic Fern andez, 184 - M ovsesian, 124 - Nogueiras, 16 - Pi rrot, 147, 184 - Psakh is, 156 - Petursson, 115 - Ras i n , 168 195 I N D E X OF G A M E S - Razuvaev, , 83 - Renet, 70 - Ri b l i , 84 - Roman i s h i n , 183 - Salov, 24 - Sax, 84, 184 - Schlosser, 27 - Sei rawan , 168 - Shirov, 11, 173 - Sl u tzky, 166 - Sokolov, 12, 183 - Soroki n , 124 - Spasov, 166 - Spraggett, 57 - Stoh l , 86 - Sueti n , 185 - Tai m anov, 168 - Tim man , 26, 183 - Torre, 78 - Tseshkovsky, 168 - Tu kmakov, 8o, 167 - U hlmann, 171 - Vaganian, 166 - van der Sterren, 76 - Va'i sser, 168 - Vi lela, 166 - Vu lfson , 166 - Wi rthenso h n , 70 - Zapata, 184 z Zapata, Alonso - Yusupov, 184 Zej bot, I M - Levi n , 147 Zh u k - Gol' berg, 147 Zh u ravlev, N i kolay - Kapengut, 109 A P P E N DI X 96 Exp l a n ati o n of s y m bo l s white stands sl ightly better white has a clear advantage +white has a decisive advantage 1-0 white won black stands sl ightly better + black h as a clear advantage + -+ black h as a decisive advantage 0-1 b l ack won equal or eq ual chances ¥2-Yz d raw mate # an i n teresti ng move I? a very good m ove I an excellent m ove II a d u bious m ove ?I a mistake ? a blunder ?? with attack t with i n i ti ative with counterplay white to move D black to m ove • ;!; ± + + 00 i50 Q 1::: )( () 0 � � IE )) (( ED l @ � t rn u nclear with compensation for the m aterial better is with the idea weak poi nt, o r endangered piece development advantage greater board room zugzwang only m ove fi le d i agonal centre kingside q ueenside time ending pair of bishops bishops of opposite colo u r bishops of the same colour passed pawn wh at should white p l ay? what should b l ack p l ay? [...]... l'!xeS 2 '/:1 x d7 ? '/:1 x d7 3· l'! x d7 gel+ 4· Gt:lfi GLJe2+ - + ; 1 l'! xd7? l'! x d7 2 '/:1 x d7 '/:1 xd7 3· l'! x d7 l'!e1 + - + ; 1 '/:1xd7!! '/:1 xd7 2 l'!dxd7 +-] I-o 0 E1-5 0 E 1-13 Shirov - Yusupov, Bundesliga 1995/96 (variation from the game) 2.2 Wxfi + ! -+ I• I •• 0 E1-4 • • • • Mikenas - Bronstein, Tallinn 1965 E1 x a3 !! (2 l'! xa3 V:1ei + ; 2 '/:1 x a3 V:1ei + 3· l'! x e1 g x e1#;... 1-o 0 E1-23 Vodopyanov - Kanzyn, 1974 1 \Mgt+!! z �xg• fH 3· �hi fxe1W o-1 0 E1-24 Shampouw - Silalachi, Indonesia 1971 •· WxeS! W x hs z eDe7+! eD x e7 3· W x fS+ �xfs 4· g ds# 1-o 0 E1-25 Sokolov - Yusupov, Riga (m3) 1986 19 tiJ xes!! zo tDxes [20 Eixd8l2Jx6+ -+ J zo Wq! z1 Wez [21 Eixd8 �xc2 22 Eixf8+ �xf8 23 Eib8+ CLJc8 -+ J z1 Wxes u Ae3 • 0 E1-29 Lowcki - Tartakower,Jurata 1937 Black... randmaster Darga, was de l i gh ted to see a si m p l e way to d raw H e glanced at E ric, looking tired af ter the long struggle, and rea l i sed that h e was prepa r i ng to resign Sadly, the ru les of chess don't perm it any prom pting, so our team lost an i m portan t half poi nt B lack only has two can d i date m oves (or rather, two candidate ideas) : 61 f4 and advancing the pawn ; or 61 ... * The selection of candidate moves has a cru cial i nf l u ence on the accu racy of calculation, a b c d e f g h and therefore determ i nes the strength of a Th i s ga me was played at a critical mo chess p layer O n e ca n say that ca n d i date ment: the German team faced R u ssia, the m oves a re central to ca l c u lati o n , and the tournament favourites For the whole ga me search for can di... , then i n off : i n the diagram position Black has a sav the majori ty of cases f u rther ca lcu lation i s u n necessa ry ing resou rce There fol lowed : C H A PT E R 2 C A N D I DAT E M O V E S !6 Artur Yusu pov -jesus N ogueiras Montpellier (ct) 1985 5 D a b c d e f 15 exf6 gxf6 16 £ xf6 �g8 Or 16 G[)xf6 17 18fxf6 �g8 18 G[)xd5 ! 17 ttlbs l Wxbs h 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 17 18fxd4 18.llJd6#...