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The MBR book, principle and application

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  • Front cover

  • The MBR Book

  • Copyright page

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Contributors

  • Chapter 1 Introduction

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1.2 Current MBR market size and growth projections

    • 1.3 Barriers to MBR technology implementation

    • 1.4 Drivers for MBR technology implementation

      • 1.4.1 Legislation

      • 1.4.2 Incentives and funding

      • 1.4.3 Investment costs

      • 1.4.4 Water scarcity

      • 1.4.5 Greater confidence in MBR technology

    • 1.5 Historical perspective

      • 1.5.1 The early days of the MBR: the roots of the Kubota and Zenon systems

      • 1.5.2 Development of other MBR products

      • 1.5.3 The changing market

    • 1.6 Conclusions

    • References

  • Chapter 2 Fundamentals

    • 2.1 Membrane technology

      • 2.1.1 Membranes and membrane separation processes

      • 2.1.2 Membrane materials

      • 2.1.3 Membrane configurations

      • 2.1.4 Membrane process operation

    • 2.2 Biotreatment

      • 2.2.1 Biotreatment rationale

      • 2.2.2 Processes

      • 2.2.3 Microbiology

      • 2.2.4 Process design and operation fundamentals

      • 2.2.5 Aeration

      • 2.2.6 Nutrient removal

      • 2.2.7 Anaerobic treatment

    • 2.3 Membrane bioreactor technology

      • 2.3.1 MBR configurations

      • 2.3.2 Extractive and diffusive MBRs

      • 2.3.3 Denitrification

      • 2.3.4 Elements of an immersed biomass-rejection MBR

      • 2.3.5 Membrane characteristics

      • 2.3.6 Feed and biomass characteristics

      • 2.3.7 Operation

      • 2.3.8 Fouling mechanisms in MBRs

      • 2.3.9 Fouling control and amelioration in MBRs

    • 2.4 Summary

    • References

  • Chapter 3 Design

    • 3.1 Membrane bioreactor system operational parameters

      • 3.1.1 Liquid pumping

      • 3.1.2 Membrane maintenance

      • 3.1.3 Aeration

      • 3.1.4 Design calculation: summary

    • 3.2 Data for technology comparison, immersed systems

      • 3.2.1 Introduction

      • 3.2.2 Beverwijk wastewater treatment plant, the Netherlands

      • 3.2.3 Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant, San Diego

      • 3.2.4 Bedok Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore

      • 3.2.5 Pietramurata, University of Trento

      • 3.2.6 Eawag pilot plant MBR, Kloten/Opfikon, Switzerland

    • 3.3 MBR design and operation

      • 3.3.1 Reference data

      • 3.3.2 Biokinetic constants

      • 3.3.3 Design calculation

      • 3.3.4 Design and O&M facets

    • 3.4 Summary

    • References

  • Chapter 4 Commercial Technologies

    • 4.1 Introduction

    • 4.2 Immersed FS technologies

      • 4.2.1 Kubota

      • 4.2.2 Brightwater Engineering

      • 4.2.3 Colloide Engineering Systems

      • 4.2.4 Huber Technology

      • 4.2.5 The Industrial Technology Research Institute non-woven fabric-based MBR

      • 4.2.6 Toray Industries

    • 4.3 Immersed HF technologies

      • 4.3.1 Zenon Environmental

      • 4.3.2 Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering

      • 4.3.3 Memcor

      • 4.3.4 Koch Membrane Systems – PURON®

      • 4.3.5 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation

      • 4.3.6 ITT Industries

    • 4.4 Sidestream MBR technologies

      • 4.4.1 Berghof Membrane Technology

      • 4.4.2 Norit X-Flow

      • 4.4.3 Wehrle Environmental

      • 4.4.4 Millenniumpore

    • 4.5 Other sidestream membrane module suppliers

      • 4.5.1 Novasep Orelis

      • 4.5.2 Polymem

    • 4.6 Other MBR membrane products

    • 4.7 Membrane products: summary

    • References

  • Chapter 5 Case Studies

    • 5.1 Introduction

    • 5.2 Immersed flat sheet technologies

      • 5.2.1 Kubota

      • 5.2.2 Brightwater Engineering

      • 5.2.3 Colloide Engineering Systems

      • 5.2.4 Huber Technology

      • 5.2.5 The Industrial Technology Research Institute non-woven fabric MBR

      • 5.2.6 Toray

    • 5.3 Immersed HF technologies

      • 5.3.1 Zenon Environmental

      • 5.3.2 Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering

      • 5.3.3 Memcor

      • 5.3.4 Koch Membrane Systems – PURON®

      • 5.3.5 Asahi Kasei

    • 5.4 Sidestream membrane plants

      • 5.4.1 Norit X-Flow airlift process

      • 5.4.2 Food wastewater recycling plant, Aquabio, UK

      • 5.4.3 Landfill leachate treatment systems, Wehrle, Germany

      • 5.4.4 Thermophylic MBR effluent treatment, Triqua, the Netherlands

      • 5.4.5 Millenniumpore

      • 5.4.6 Novasep Orelis

      • 5.4.7 Other Orelis plant

    • 5.5 MBRs: prognosis

    • References

  • Appendix A: Blower power consumption

  • Appendix B: MBR biotreatment base parameter values

  • Appendix C: Hollow fibre module parameters

  • Appendix D: Membrane products

  • Appendix E: Major recent MBR and wastewater conferences

  • Appendix F: Selected professional and trade bodies

  • Nomenclature

  • Abbreviations

  • Glossary of terms

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • Z

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • Z

Nội dung

The MBR Book To Sam and Oliver (again) The MBR Book: Principles and Applications of Membrane Bioreactors in Water and Wastewater Treatment Simon Judd With Claire Judd AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEW YORK • OXFORD PARIS • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Elsevier Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB UK Elsevier BV, Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Elsevier Inc., 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA Elsevier Ltd, 84 Theobald’s Road, London, WC1Z 8RR, UK © 2006 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved This work is protected under copyright by Elsevier Ltd, and the following terms and conditions apply to its use: Photocopying Single photocopies of single chapters may be made for personal use as allowed by national copyright laws Permission of the Publisher and payment of a fee is required for all other photocopying, including multiple or systematic copying, copying for advertising or 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contained in the material herein Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made First edition 2006 Library of Congress Control Number: 2006927679 ISBN-13: 978-1-85-617481-7 ISBN-10: 1-85-617481-6 ϱ The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper) Typeset by Charon Tec Ltd, Chennai, India www.charontec.com Printed in Great Britain 06 07 08 09 10 10 Contents Preface ix Contributors Chapter Chapter xiii Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Current MBR market size and growth projections 1.3 Barriers to MBR technology implementation 1.4 Drivers for MBR technology implementation 1.4.1 Legislation 1.4.2 Incentives and funding 1.4.3 Investment costs 1.4.4 Water scarcity 1.4.5 Greater confidence in MBR technology 1.5 Historical perspective 1.5.1 The early days of the MBR: the roots of the Kubota and Zenon systems 1.5.2 Development of other MBR products 1.5.3 The changing market 1.6 Conclusions References Fundamentals 2.1 Membrane technology 2.1.1 Membranes and membrane separation processes 2.1.2 Membrane materials 2.1.3 Membrane configurations 2.1.4 Membrane process operation 2.2 Biotreatment 2.2.1 Biotreatment rationale 2.2.2 Processes 2.2.3 Microbiology 2 9 11 11 11 13 15 17 17 22 22 24 26 29 37 37 37 39 vi Contents 2.2.4 Process design and operation fundamentals 2.2.5 Aeration 2.2.6 Nutrient removal 2.2.7 Anaerobic treatment 2.3 Membrane bioreactor technology 2.3.1 MBR configurations 2.3.2 Extractive and diffusive MBRs 2.3.3 Denitrification 2.3.4 Elements of an immersed biomass-rejection MBR 2.3.5 Membrane characteristics 2.3.6 Feed and biomass characteristics 2.3.7 Operation 2.3.8 Fouling mechanisms in MBRs 2.3.9 Fouling control and amelioration in MBRs 2.4 Summary References Chapter Chapter 42 46 51 53 54 55 57 58 63 64 71 84 90 94 99 101 Design 3.1 Membrane bioreactor system operational parameters 3.1.1 Liquid pumping 3.1.2 Membrane maintenance 3.1.3 Aeration 3.1.4 Design calculation: summary 3.2 Data for technology comparison, immersed systems 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Beverwijk wastewater treatment plant, the Netherlands 3.2.3 Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant, San Diego 3.2.4 Bedok Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore 3.2.5 Pietramurata, University of Trento 3.2.6 Eawag pilot plant MBR, Kloten/Opfikon, Switzerland 3.3 MBR design and operation 3.3.1 Reference data 3.3.2 Biokinetic constants 3.3.3 Design calculation 3.3.4 Design and O&M facets 3.4 Summary References 135 138 141 143 145 149 149 154 154 159 160 161 Commercial Technologies 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Immersed FS technologies 4.2.1 Kubota 4.2.2 Brightwater Engineering 4.2.3 Colloide Engineering Systems 4.2.4 Huber Technology 165 165 165 169 169 170 124 124 125 127 130 134 134 Contents 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Chapter 4.2.5 The Industrial Technology Research Institute non-woven fabric-based MBR 4.2.6 Toray Industries Immersed HF technologies 4.3.1 Zenon Environmental 4.3.2 Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering 4.3.3 Memcor 4.3.4 Koch Membrane Systems – PURON® 4.3.5 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 4.3.6 ITT Industries Sidestream MBR technologies 4.4.1 Berghof Membrane Technology 4.4.2 Norit X-Flow 4.4.3 Wehrle Environmental 4.4.4 Millenniumpore Other sidestream membrane module suppliers 4.5.1 Novasep Orelis 4.5.2 Polymem Other MBR membrane products Membrane products: summary References Case Studies 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Immersed flat sheet technologies 5.2.1 Kubota 5.2.2 Brightwater Engineering 5.2.3 Colloide Engineering Systems 5.2.4 Huber Technology 5.2.5 The Industrial Technology Research Institute non-woven fabric MBR 5.2.6 Toray 5.3 Immersed HF technologies 5.3.1 Zenon Environmental 5.3.2 Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering 5.3.3 Memcor 5.3.4 Koch Membrane Systems – PURON® 5.3.5 Asahi Kasei 5.4 Sidestream membrane plants 5.4.1 Norit X-Flow airlift process 5.4.2 Food wastewater recycling plant, Aquabio, UK 5.4.3 Landfill leachate treatment systems, Wehrle, Germany 5.4.4 Thermophylic MBR effluent treatment, Triqua, the Netherlands vii 171 173 174 174 179 181 183 184 188 189 189 190 192 195 197 197 197 199 201 205 209 209 209 221 224 226 228 228 233 233 245 247 249 252 252 252 253 256 261 viii Contents 5.4.5 Millenniumpore 5.4.6 Novasep Orelis 5.4.7 Other Orelis plant 5.5 MBRs: prognosis References 264 266 269 270 271 Appendix A: Blower power consumption 273 Appendix B: MBR biotreatment base parameter values 277 Appendix C: Hollow fibre module parameters 281 Appendix D: Membrane products 285 Appendix E: Major recent MBR and wastewater conferences 293 Appendix F: Selected professional and trade bodies 299 Nomenclature 303 Abbreviations 307 Glossary of terms 311 Index 317 Preface What’s In and What’s Not In This Book This is the third book on membranes that has been produced by the Water Sciences Group at Cranfield Moreover, having succumbed to the effortless charm of Geoff Smaldon at Elsevier, and perhaps rather more to the point signed a binding contract, there should be another one out in 2007 (on membrane filtration for pure and potable water treatment) Having completed that tome and possibly survived the experience, it will surely be time to stop trying to think of new ways to confuse readers with definitions and descriptions of concentration polarisation, convoluted design equations and wilfully obscure acronyms and start to lead a normal life again This book follows the first one dedicated to membrane bioreactors, Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment by Tom Stephenson, Simon Judd, Bruce Jefferson and Keith Brindle, which came out in 2000 (IWA Publishing) A number of reference books on membranes for the water sector have been produced since then These include: Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry, Nunes & Peinemann (Wiley-VCH, 2001); Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recycling and Reuse, by Simon Judd and Bruce Jefferson (Elsevier, 2003), and, most recently, Hybrid Membrane Systems for Water Purification by Rajinder Singh (Elsevier, 2006) and Membrane Systems for Wastewater Treatment (WEFPress, 2006) These are just a few examples of the many reference books concerning membrane processes in the water sector, and there have additionally been publications in learned journals and published proceedings from a number of workshops, symposia and conferences dedicated to the subject (Appendix E) Notwithstanding this, it is not unreasonable to say that sufficient developments have taken place in the membrane bioreactor technology over the last years to justify another comprehensive reference book on this subject specifically The current book is set out in such a way as to segregate the science from the engineering, in an attempt to avoid confusing, irritating or offending anyone of either persuasion General governing membrane principles are summarised, rather than analysed in depth Such subjects are dealt with far more comprehensively in reference books such as Kenneth Winston Ho and Kamalesh Sirkar’s excellent Membrane Handbook (van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992) or, for dense membrane processes, Glossary of Terms A number of key terms used in the book are defined below Proprietary names and processes are not included Aerobic Conditions where oxygen acts as electron donor for biochemical reactions Allochthonous Of terrestrial origin Anaerobic Conditions where biochemical reactions take place in absence of oxygen Anisotropic Having symmetry only in one plane anMBR Anaerobic membrane bioreactor Annular flow Flow through an annulus (or gap created concentric cylinders) Anoxic Conditions where some species other than oxygen acts as the electron donor for biochemical reactions Anthropogenic Of human origin or derived from human activity Autochthonous Of microbial origin Autotrophic Using carbon dioxide as sole carbon source for growth and development Backflushing Reversing flow through a membrane to remove foulants Biofilm Film or layer of biological material Biological treatment (or biotreatment) Process whereby dissolved organic chemical constituents are removed through biodegradation Biomass Viable (living) micro-organisms used to achieve removal of organics through biotreatment Bubble flow Air/liquid two-phase flow where the liquid is the continuum Cake Solid material formed on the membrane during operation Cassette See Appendix D Churn flow Air/liquid two-phase flow at high air/liquid ratio 312 The MBR Book Clogging/ sludging The accumulation of solids within the membrane channels Concentration polarisation (CP) Tendency of solute to accumulate at membrane: Solution interface within concentration boundary layer, or liquid film, during crossflow operation Conditioning fouling First stage of membrane fouling through adsorption of material Critical flux Flux below which permeability decline is considered negligible Critical suction pressure Threshold pressure arising during sub-critical flux fouling Crossflow Retentate flow parallel to the membrane surface Cyclic aeration Aeration on n s on/n s off basis, where n is normally between and 30 s Dalton (Da) Molecular mass relative to that of a hydrogen atom Dead-end or full-flow Flow where all of the feed is converted to permeate Death coefficient A biokinetic parameter Denitrification Biochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas Dense membrane Membrane of high selectivity attained by specific physicochemical interactions between solute and membrane Electrodialysis Membrane separation process by which ions are removed via ion-exchange membranes under the influence of an electromotive force (voltage) Electron donor Species capable of donating an electron to a suitable acceptor, and is oxidised as a result Element (membrane) See Appendix D EMBR Extractive MBR: MBR configured so that priority pollutants are selectively extracted into the bioreactor via the membrane Endogenous metabolism Developing or originating within, or part of, a micro-organism or cell Exogenous Originating outside the micro-organism or cell F:M (ratio) Food-to-micro-organism (ratio): Rate at which substrate is fed to the biomass compared to the mass of biomass solids Filament Single hollow fibre or capillary tube Filamentous index Parameter indicating relative presence of filamentous bacteria in sludge Fixed film process Process configured with the biofilm attached to a solid medium (which may be a membrane) Glossary of terms 313 Floc Aggregated solid (biomass) particle Flux (or permeate velocity) The quantity of material passing through a unit area of membrane per unit time Flux-step Critical flux identification method whereby flux is incrementally increased and the TMP or permeability response recorded Fouling Processes leading to deterioration of flux due to surface or internal blockage of the membrane Gas/air sparging Introduction of gas/air bubbles Gas/air-lift Lifting of liquid using gas/air Gel layer formation Precipitation of sparingly soluble macromolecular species at membrane surface Heterotrophic Requiring an organic substrate to get carbon for growth and development Humic matter Organic matter of terrestrial origin Hydraulic loading rate Rate at which water enters the reactor Hydrogenotrophic Feeding of hydrogen Hydrophilic Water-absorbent Hydrophobic Water-repellent Inoculum Medium containing micro-organisms initially introduced into a reactor to establish new populations and start the biotreatment process Intensive/ recovery clean Cleaning with aggressive chemicals to recover membrane permeability Irrecoverable fouling Fouling which is not removed by physical or chemical cleaning Irreversible/ permanent fouling Fouling which is removed by chemical cleaning Lumen-side Inside the fibre/filament/lumen Macropore Pore with diameter above 50 mm Maintenance cleaning Cleaning with less aggressive chemicals to maintain membrane permeability Membrane packing density Membrane area per unit volume Mesophilic Thriving at intermediate temperatures (20–45°C, 15°C optimum) 314 The MBR Book Mesopore Pore with diameter between and 50 mm Methanogens Microorganisms producing methane as a metabolic byproduct Micropore Pore with diameter below mm Mist flow Air/liquid two-phase flow where the air is the continuum Modularisation Based on modules: Using more modules at higher flows, rather than increasing the unit process size Module (membrane) See Appendix D Monod kinetics Kinetics defining biomass growth and decay during biotreatment Nitrification Biochemical oxidation of ammonia to nitrate (Organic) loading rate Rate at which (organic) matter is introduced into the reactor Panel FS membrane element Percolation theory Theory defining probability of water flowing through a medium containing three-dimensional network of interconnected pores Permeability Ease of flow through membrane, represented by flux:pressure ratio Permeate Water or fluid which has passed through the membrane Perm-selectivity Permeation of some components in preference to others Plate-and-frame Synonymous with “flat sheet” Pleated filter cartridge Type of flat sheet module Plug flow Flow in which no back-mixing or dispersion occurs along the length of the pipe or reactor Pore plugging Type of membrane fouling (by blocking of pores) Porous membrane Membrane of low selectivity operating by physical straining alome Psychrophilic Thriving at relatively low temperatures (0–20°C) Rack See Appendix D Recovery or conversion Fraction of feed water converted to permeate product Reductionoxidation (Redox) conditions Conditions defined by the presence of either dissolved oxygen or some other species capable of providing oxygen for bioactivity Glossary of terms 315 Relaxation Ceasing permeation whilst continuing to scour the membrane with air bubbles Resistance Resistance to flow, proportional to flow rate:pressure ratio Retentate Water or fluid which is rejected by the membrane Reversible or temporary fouling Gross solids attached to the membrane surface and which can be removed by cleaning relatively easily Septum Coarse membrane filter Shear (stress) Force applied to a body which tends to produce a change in its shape, but not its volume Shell-side Outside the membrane fibre/filament/lumen Side-stream Stream outside the bioreactor Slug flow Air/liquid two-phase flow at moderate air/liquid ratios Stack See Appendix D Struvite Magnesium ammonium phosphate salt Substrate Surface or medium on which an organism grows or is attached Supernatant Liquid clarified by sedimentation Isoporosity Property reflecting narrowness of pore size distribution Surface porosity Percentage of the surface area occupied by the pores Sustainable flux The flux for which the TMP increases gradually at an acceptable rate, such that chemical cleaning is not necessary Thermophilic Thriving at relatively high temperatures (49–57°C, 45°C optimum) TMP jump Sudden increase TMP when operating under sub-critical flux conditions TMP-step method Critical flux identification method where TMP is incremen tally increased and the flux or permeability response recorded Tortuosity Ratio of pore length to membrane thickness Upflow clarification Dynamic clarification by sedimentation Volumetric mass transfer coefficient A combination of (i) the overall liquid mass transfer coefficient and (ii) the specific surface area for mass transfer The term measures the mass transfer of oxygen into the liquid via air bubbles Zeta potential Potential (in mV) at the shear plane of a solid:liquid interface ␣ or ␤ factor Factors applied to correct biological aeration demand for dissolved and suspended solids content of biomass This page intentionally left blank Index A ␣ factor 47, 49–50 and viscosity 51 A3 200 Aberporth 209, 212 activated carbon (AC) 194 see also BAC, GAC, PAC activated sludge biomass 72 activated sludge plants 3, 44 foaming 76–77 activated sludge process 12 see also aeration activated sludge systems 40–41 ecology 40 adsorption 70, 92 ADUF process see anaerobic digester ultrafiltration process advanced membrane bioreactor (AMBR) 254 aeration 46–51, 124, 149–152 biomass aeration 127–128, 129 blower power consumption 129–130 coarse bubble aeration 128, 129, 139, 236, 238, 241 design 157 diffuser type 128–129 energy demand 124–125 fine bubble aeration 128, 129 fundamentals 46–47 impacts, in iMBR 49 increasing aeration 97–98 mass transfer 47–51 membrane aeration 84–88, 128, 129 operating data 156 see also activated sludge process; membrane aeration aeration demand data full-scale plant 150 aeration systems features 129 aerobic processes 37 aerobic systems 84–86 aerobic treatment 38, 146–147 air blower 274 power requirements 157 air–liquid flow in cylindrical channel 85 air sparging 87 airflow 127 airlift municipal WWTP 253 airlift sidestream MT systems 201 allochthonous 80 alum 98 AMBR see advanced membrane bioreactor ammonia 155 kinetic constants 155 ammonia-oxidising bacteria 41 anaerobic baffled reactor 53 anaerobic digester ultrafiltration (ADUF) process 200 anaerobic systems 68–69, 83–84, 86–88 anaerobic treatment 53–54, 201 characterisation 53 configuration 53 Anisotropic UF membrane 25 anoxic system 86–88 Aqua Renaissance programme 12 Aquious 188 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 184–188 Asahi Kasei Microza HF membrane module 252 ASM Brescia 236 ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH 200 Australia autotrophs 41 B ␤ factor 47, 48 BAC (biologically activated carbon) 98 backflushing 28, 33, 92, 95, 148, 238 air backflush 95 backflush flux 95 cassettes 236 chemically enhanced backflush 32, 186 see also cleaning 318 The MBR Book backwashing 125, 233, 249 Bah-Teh plant 244, 245 banknote paper 262 Bedok Sewage Treatment Works 199 Bedok Water Reclamation plant 141–143 Benelux nations Berghof 189 Beverwijk wastewater treatment plant 135–138 Bilbao leachate sludge 261, 262 BIO-CEL® membrane module 199 biochemical oxygen demand see BOD biodegradability 200, 257 biofilm 37, 39, 57, 58 biokinetic constants 154 biological aerated filter (BAF) biological nutrient removal (BNR) see nutrient removal biological operating parameters 131–132, 155 biological parameter 156 biological treatment 71, 98, 188, 230 see also biotreatment biologically activated carbon (BAC) 98 biomass 48 aeration 84, 127–128 dissolved oxygen 76 foaming 76–77 foulants 71–73 MLSS concentration 73–75 temperature 75–76 viscosity 75 water phase separation 82 biomass rejection MBR 61–62 immersed 63–64 BIOMEMBRAT 257 with integrated post-treatment 195 BIOMEMBRAT® Airlift process 193–194 BIOMEMBRAT®-LE 193 bioreactor pressurization 193 Biosep® process 233–234 biotreatment 240 aeration 46–51 anaerobic treatment 53–54 microbiology 39–42 nutrient removal 51–53 process design and operation fundamentals 42–46 processes 37–39 rationale 37 see also biological treatment blinding 24 blocking 31 blower power consumption 129–130, 273–276 BOD 38, 131–132, 140–141, 209, 228, 241, 246 kinetic constants 155 boundary layer 33–34 Brescia plant discharge design criteria 237 Brescia sewage treatment works background 236–238 plant design and operation 238–239 Brightwater engineering 169 Coill Dubh 221–224 Brightwater MEMBRIGHT® module 169 BusseMF system 200 C cake filtration 31, 71 cake layer 33 California Calls Creek plant 249 Canada 2, capillary tube (CT) 28 membrane modules 190 carbohydrate EPS fraction 79–81 Carbosep 197 cassettes 177, 234, 236, 239, 243, 244 cellulosic matter 267 ceramic membrane 24, 69, 70, 87, 188 CES Sub Snake system 170 CFV see crossflow velocity chemical cleaning 32 cycle 126, 209 frequency 127 chemical oxygen demand see COD chemical parameters, of membrane 69–70 chemical phosphorous removal (CPR) 159, 214 chemical reagents costs 133 chemically enhanced backwashing 127 chloride 22 CIA (cleaning in air) 96 ciliates 40 CIP (cleaning in place) 126, 182, 217, 250 citric acid 243, 252 Clean Water Act Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) 8–9 cleaning 95–97, 152–153, 223, 241 see also backflushing; CIA; CIP clogging 270, 24, 94, 101, 233 coarse bubble aeration 128, 129, 139, 236, 238, 241 oxygen transfer 158 COD 76, 84, 140–141, 191, 194, 209, 257, 262, 264, 266 Coill Dubh 221–224 design 222–223 operation and maintenance 223–224 colloidal materials 73, 82, 83–84, 100 Colloide Engineering Systems (CES) 169–170, 224–226 colloids 72 commercial technologies 163 complete blocking 31 concentration gradient 29, 34, 57, 60, 95 concentration polarisation 33–34 confined cell see extractive microporous MBR continuous aeration 177 continuous membrane permeation 124 conversion 30, 37, 39, 124 costs chemical reagents 133 energy demand 178–179 Index investment for membrane replacement 125 operating costs 124, 125, 130 for sludge disposal 134, 154 Zenon MBR life cycle 178–179 critical flux 35–37 see also flux critical suction pressure model 93 crossflow operation 28, 30–32, 33 crossflow velocity (CFV) 57, 69, 193–194 customer perception matrix wastewater treatment technologies Cycle-Let®, Zenon Environmental 12 cyclic aeration 177 D DAF see dissolved air flotation Dairy Crest 262 Dairy Gold 262 Daldowie 215–218 plant design and operation 215–218 sludge liquor and treatment 215 dalton 23 Dangerous Substances Directive dead-end operation 30 decision-makers 3, denitrification 47, 52, 58–63, 160 biomass rejection MBR 61–62 diffusive MBRs 61 extractive ion-exchange MBR 60–61 extractive microporous MBR 59–60 hybrid MBR systems 62 synopsis 62–63 Denmark design calculation 130–134, 154–159 design facets pre-treatment and residual management 159 process control and software 159 tank sizing and redundancy 160 design information 136, 139, 147 detergents 49 diffusion 59 fine bubble 128 shear-induced 34 diffusive MBR (dMBR) 55, 57–58 denitrification 61 disc membrane aerators 193 dissolved air flotation (DAF) 241–242 dissolved oxygen (DO) 76 Dorr-Oliver 11, 12 dosing 84, 98 double-deck (EK) design 167–168 Drinking Water Directive driving force 29, 32, 237 Dual Stage MBR technology 188 E Eawag 145–146 EC Bathing Water Directive 5, EC Water Framework Directive Eden project 264–266 319 effluent treatment activated sludge process 39 Bedok Sewage Treatment 199 Brescia Sewage Treatment works 236–239 classic sewage treatment process 38–39 Daldowie sludge liquor and treatment plant 215 food effluent treatment plant 262 industrial effluent Zenon MBR-RO 243–245 MBR effluent 140–141 MBR sludge 159 sludge disposal cost 154 sludge recycling 160, 217 sludge treatment 216 thermophylic MBR effluent treatment 261–264 Unifine Richardson Foods effluent treatment plant 241–243 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 5, ejector aerator 193 electrodialysis (ED) 23 electrolysis 62 energy demand determination of 134 representative costs 178–179 in submerged systems 128 see also specific energy demand enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) 52, 219 enhanced capital allowances (ECAs) EPS see extracellular polymeric substances Europe European Union EU Landfill Directive extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) 37 extracted 78–79 protein and carbohydrate 79–81 SMP 78–79 soluble microbial products 81–83 extractive ion-exchange MBR 60–61 extractive MBR (eMBR) 55, 57–58 extractive microporous MBR 59–60 F Far East fats, oils and grease (FOG) 228, 241 see also oil and grease Federal Water Pollution Control Act feed nature and concentration 71 feedwater chemistry 63 COD 84 quality 97, 136, 139, 142, 146 specification 155 ferric chloride 98 ferric dosing 98 filamentous bacteria 77 filtration 31 filtration market filtration mechanism 30, 92 fine bubble aeration 128, 129 Finland 320 The MBR Book Fisherman cottages 225 fixed membrane biofilm reactor see extractive microporous MBR Flat Plat 199 flat sheet (FS) membrane 12¸67, 149, 151, 286 clogging 94 recovery cleans 152 floc hydrophobicity and surface charge 77–78 size 77 Florida flux 29, 124 reduction 97 see also critical flux flux-step method 35 foam formation, hypochlorite 149 foaming 76–77, 270 food effluent treatment plant 262 food-to-micro-organism ratio 44–45 food waste drainage (FWD) 269 food wastewater recycling plant 253–254 background and drivers 253 plant configurations 254 plant performance and cost savings 256 formaldehyde 78 foulants 71 characterisation 71 identification 71 fouling 24, 30, 32, 33, 57, 61, 62, 66, 69, 70, 88, 124 anaerobic systems 83–84 biomass foulants 71–73 biomass parameters 73–77 control 34, 94–99 dissolved oxygen 76 extracellular polymeric substances 78–83 feedwater 71 floc 77–78 foaming 76–77 in MBR 90–94 MLSS concentration 73–75 scientific studies 125 temperature 75–76 viscosity 75 fouling control 34 aeration increase 97–98 chemical cleaning 96–97 feed pretreatment 94 flux reduction 97 mixed liquor modification 98–99 physical cleaning 95–96 fouling mechanism conditioning 90–92 slow fouling 92 TMP jump 92–94 fractionation method 72 France 2, Freiburg 257–261, 262 Freshwater Fish Directive FS microfiltration (MF) membrane 165 Fuji photographic production plant characteristics 230 plant design 230–233 full-flow operation 30 full-scale plant cleaning protocol data 153 G GAC (granular activated carbon) 62 galley grey water (GGW) 269 gas bubbles 85 gas scouring see membrane aeration gas transfer (GT) 23, 62 disadvantages 61 gel layer 33, 68–69, 73, 74, 87 Georgia Germany Gold Series™ diffusers 188 Governor Dummer Academy plant 246 granular activated carbon (GAC) 62 Green Technology Challenge gross flux see operating flux Guidelines for Water Reclamation and Urban Water Reuse H Habitats Directive Han-S product 199 heterotrophs 41 hexane 77 HF UF iMBR 13 HF ZeeWeed 13 high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) 80 HM Treasury hollow fibre (HF) 26, 68, 86, 144, 148, 149, 152, 281 membrane aeration 130 packing density 28, 67 hollow fibre membranes 149 hollow fibre module 144, 282–284 HRT see hydraulic retention time Huber 226, 228 Knautnaundorf 226–227 Huber FS membrane 201 Huber technology 170–171 Huber VRM® membrane 171, 172 module 171 product 170 humic matter 83 hybrid MBR systems 62 Hydranautics LFC3 reverse osmosis 141 hydraulic operating parameter 124 hydraulic retention time (HRT) 136 hydrophilicity 70, 82 hydrophobic flocs 77–78 hydrophobicity 25, 69–70 hydrostatic head 130 HyperFlux 189 HyPerm-AE 189 hypochlorite 96, 149, 249 Index I Iberia immersed biomass-rejection MBR 63 immersed configuration 12 immersed flat sheet technologies Brightwater engineering 221–224 Colloide Engineering Systems 224–226 Huber 226–228 Kubota 209, 211 non-woven fabric MBR 228 Toray 228–233 immersed FS technologies 165 Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation 184–188, 252 Brightwater 169 Colloide Engineering Systems (CES) 169–170 Huber technology 170–171 ITRI NWF-based MBR 171–173 ITT industries 188–189 Koch membrane systems 183–184 Kubota 165–169 Memcor 181–183, 211, 247–249 Mitsubishi Rayon 179–181, 245–247 PURON® 249–252 PURON® system 183–184 Toray 173–174 Zenon 233 Zenon environmental 174–175 immersed MBR (iMBR) 67, 154, 160 elements 63 immersed system technology comparison 134–149 incentives and funding 8–9 industrial effluent Zenon MBR-RO 243–245 Industrial Technology Research Institute 171–173, 228 inhomogeneous fibre bundle model 93–94 inhomogeneous fouling model area loss 92–93 pore loss 93 insect larvae 40 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) intensive cleaning 96 intermediate blocking 31 intermittent operation 97 investment costs Ireland irreversible fouling 32, 96 Italy 2, 143 ITT industries 188–189 J Japan 8, 12 JETOX aeration systems 254 K Kaarst site 240 Kanes Food plant 253–254, 255, 256 Kellogg 262 Kerasep 197 321 kinetic constants 42, 154, 155 Kingston Seymour 210 Kloten/Opfikon 146–149 Knautnaundorf 226–227 Koch membrane systems 183–184 Korea Kubota 11–13, 135, 136, 137, 165–169 510 membrane panel 166 Daldowie 215–218 ES Model 166 peak flux operation 138 performance 211 Porlock 209–214 Running Springs 218 SADm figures 168 type 155 168 Wessex Water MBR plant 214–215 Kubota Corporation 165 Kubota EW module 168 Kubota MBR plants 215 L landfill leachate plant 257, 261 landfill leachate treatment systems 256–261 Bilbao 257, 262 Freiburg 257–261, 262 landfill leachate 257 performance comparison 261 legislation 5–8 liquid pumping 124–125 livestock wastewater recycling plant 246 Lough Erne, Co 224 lumen-side 28 M maintenance CIP 149, 250 maintenance cleaning 33, 83, 86, 96, 97, 152, 239 mass transfer 47–48 MBR demonstration planned location of 143 MBR design and operation 11, 149 biokinetic constants 154 design calculation 154–159 design facets 159–160 reference data 149–153 MBR effluent 140–141 MBR market changes 15–16 size and growth projections 2–3 MBR performance 134 MBR products development 13–15 MBR-RO project 244 MBR sludge 159 MBR technologies 11, 54, 209 benefits biomass rejection, iMBR 63–64 cleaning protocols for 141, 148 confidence in 11 configurations 55–57 322 The MBR Book MBR technologies (continued) denitrification 58–63 diffusive membrane process mode 57–58 extractive membrane process mode 57–58 feed and biomass characteristics 71–84 fouling control 94–99 fouling mechanism 90–94 historical perspective 11–16 membrane characteristics 64–70 operation 84–90 pilot trials of 135 SAD data 150 unsteady-state operation 88–90 MBR technology implementation barriers 3–4 drivers 4–11 membrane 22–23 calculation 156 characteristics 64–70 chemical parameters 69–70 materials 24–26 operating data 155 operation 156 panel 166–167, 168 physical parameters 65–69 process operation 29–37 separation process 22–24 technology 22 membrane aeration 128 aerobic system 84–86 anaerobic system 83–84, 86–88 anoxic system 86–88 failure 160 membrane aeration bioreactor (MABR) 58, 61 see also diffusive MBR membrane cleaning 252 design parameter 126 membrane configuration 26–28, 67–68 capillary tube (CT) 26, 27 hollow fibre (HF) 26, 27 multitube (MT) 26, 27 plat-and-frame/flat sheet (FS) 26, 27 pleated filter cartridge (FC) 26, 27 spiral wound (SW) 26, 27 membrane extraction (ME) 23 membrane life membrane maintenance 125–127 chemical membrane cleaning 125, 126–127 membrane replacement cost 125 physical membrane cleaning 125–126 membrane performance enhancer (MBE) 95, 99 membrane permeability aeration reduction 86 anaerobic systems 83 chemical cleaning 33, 96 HF and FS systems 86 soluble microbial products (SMP) 81 membrane product 199–205 categories 201 specifications 202 membrane resistance 29–30 membrane sewage treatment (MST) process 12 Memcor 138, 144, 181–183, 210, 247–249 Park Place 247–249 performance 211 Memcor MemJet® MBR system 181 MemJet® module 182 MemJet® plants 249 MemJet® Xpress 182 microbiology 39–42 Microdyn-Nadir 199, 200 microfiltration (MF) 22, 23, 165 microorganisms 37 classification 41 Microthrix 77 Microza 184, 186, 187 Millenniumpore 195–197 Eden project 264–266 Mitsubishi Rayon 135, 148, 179–181, 245–247 early Japanese installations 245–246 US installations 246–247 Mitsubishi Rayon Engineering (MRE) 179 Mitsubishi Rayon technology 246 mixed cellulose esters (MCE) 67 mixed liquor modification 98–99 adsorbent agents 98–99 coagulant/flocculant 98 mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) 43, 44–45, 129, 267 MLSS concentration 50, 63 and fouling propensity 73–75 molecular weight (MW) 66 molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) 23 Monod kinetics 42 Motimo MBR membranes 199 Moustic 175 multitube (MT) 28, 86 membrane module 190 municipal effluent 141, 194, 247 municipal wastewater treatment data 228 N nanofiltration (NF) 22, 23, 194 Naston package plant 229 natural organic matter (NOM) 77–78 nematode worms 39 Netherlands, The 8, 135 NEWater 141 Nproject 244 nitrate 52, 62 Nitrates Directive nitrification 41, 52, 257 kinetics 46 nitrifying bacteria 41 nitrite-oxidising bacteria 41 Nitrobacter 41 Nitrosomonas 41 Nitrosospira 41 Nitrospira 41 Nocardia 40, 77 NOM see natural organic matter Non-woven fabric MBR 171–173, 228 Index Nordkanal wastewater treatment works 239–241 background and plant description 239–240 plant operation 241 Norit X-Flow 135, 138, 190–191 airlift process 252–253 Novasep Orelis 13, 14, 197, 269 nutrient removal 51–53, 236 NWF MBR module 172 O O&M data 4, 137, 145, 146, 147 design 142 oil and grease 242 operating flux 32, 35, 137 operational parameter aeration 127–130 design calculation 130–134 liquid pumping 124–125 membrane maintenance 125–127 Norit X-flow sMBR 191 Orelis 266–269 Queen Mary II WWTP 266 Orelis Novasep MBR treatment scheme 269 Orelis Pleiade® PAN FS membrane 201 organic acid 96 organic carbon 41, 42, 52, 60 organic matter 39–40 see also natural organic matter organic solvent 243 osmotic pressure 30 oxalic acid 143 oxygen 58, 127 oxygen transfer efficiency 127, 129 oxygen transfer rate 47, 48 P PAC (powdered activated carbon) 62, 84, 98–99 packing density 202 Pall 25 Park Place 247–249 particle size 50 PCI Membrane 15, 188 peak flow test 137 percolation theory 93 permanent fouling see irreversible fouling permeability 29 fluctuation 147 see also membrane permeability permeate flux 87 permselectivity 23, 58 Persep 197 Perthes en Gatinais plant 233–236 pervaporation (PV) 23 PES (polyethylsulphone) 25, 169, 183, 195 PET (polyethylene terephthalate) 173 phosphate removal 52, 236 physical cleaning 32–33 cycle 33, 126 protocol 95, 153 physical operating parameter 133 physical parameters, of membrane 65–69 Pietramurata 143–144 323 pilot plant trial, comparison 135 pilot scale MBR 145–146 pilot trial 209, 210 Pleiade 197 Pleiade® membrane modules 269 Pleiade® skid 268 point Loma wastewater treatment 138–141 Pollution Prevention Act polyacetonitrile (PAN) HF membranes 199 polyethylene (PE) 25 polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 173 polyethylsulphone (PES) 25, 169, 183, 195 Polymem 197–199, 201 Polymem Immem system 198 polymeric membrane 24, 69, 286 polypropylene (PP) 25, 169 polysulphone (PS) 197–198 polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) 15, 25, 173, 181, 262 pore blocking 74 pore size 22, 65–67, 69, 165–166 distribution 67 effects on hydraulic performance 65 Porlock 209–214 plant design and operation 212–214 porosity 67 potable water 181 powdered activated carbon (PAC) 62, 84, 98–99 PP (polypropylene) 25, 169 precipitation 33, 57 pressure 29 pre-treatment and residuals management 159 process control and software 159 process design and operation fundamentals nitrification kinetics 46 sludge yield 43 SRF and F:M ratio 44–45 substrate degradation 42–43 prognosis, MBRs 270–271 progressive cavity (PC) pumps 144, 223 protein EPS fraction 79–81 Proteobacteria 41 protozoa 39, 40 PS (polysulphone) 197–198 pumping energy efficiency 133 purification 209, 245 PURON 183–184, 185, 249–252 Simmerath 249–250 Sobelgra 250–252 PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) 15, 25, 173, 181, 262 PVDF MT modules 190 Q QM2 WWTP 266, 268, 269 background 266 treatment scheme 267–268 R recirculation system 59 reclamation 138, 141, 244 recovery cleaning 97, 152, 236, 243 324 The MBR Book recovery cleans 152 recycle sludge 160, 217 recycling plant food wastewater 253–254 livestock wastewater 246 relaxation 219 Renovexx 210 performance 211 resistance 29–30 retentate stream 30 retrofitting 160 reuse 239 of reverse osmosis 230 water 256, 264 reverse osmosis (RO) 9, 22, 23, 230, 231, 244, 245, 269 Hydranautics LFC3 membrane 141 reuse 230 Saehan BL membrane 141 Toray 173–174 reversible fouling 32 Reynolds number 34, 87 Reynoldston 233 Rhodia-Orelis 13, 14 Richardson Foods 241 rotifers 39 roughness 67 Running Springs 218 background 218 process design 218–219 process operation and performance 219–221 Rödingen 239, 240 S SAD see specific aeration demand Saehan BL reverse osmosis 141 Safe Drinking Water Act Sanitaire 188 Sanitaire® diffused aeration technology 188 Sanki Engineering 12 SBR see sequencing batch reactor Schwägalp 228 scour solids 128 SDI (silt density index) 141, 245 secondary critical flux 35 sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 38 sewage treatment process, classic 38, 39 shear enhancement 100 shear-induced diffusion 34 shear rate 85, 203 shell-side 28 Shellfish Waters Directive Ship-board wastewater treatment 266 sidestream configuration 12 sidestream MBR (sMBR) 56–57, 154 advantages 57 sidestream MBR suppliers 189 Berghof 189 Millenniumpore 195–197 Norit X-Flow 190–191 Novasep Orelis 197 Polymem 197–199, 201 Wehrle 192–195 sidestream membrane plants 252 Food wastewater recycling plant 253–254 landfill leachate treatment systems 256–261 Millenniumpore 264–266 Norit X-Flow airlift process 252–253 Orelis 266–269 thermophylic MBR effluent treatment 261–264 sidestream system 13, 14, 34, 124, 256 Siemens 181 silt density index (SDI) 141, 245 Simmerath 249–250 Singapore 141, 143, 199, 244 Skyland Baseball Park 175–176 sludge disposal cost 154 non-Newtonian nature of 124 treatment 216 yield 43, 134, 156, 245 sludge volume index (SVI) 159 slug flow 85 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) SMP see soluble microbial products Sobelgra 250–252 sodium 22 sodium chloride 90 sodium hydroxide 262 sodium hypochlorite 32, 236, 243 recovery cleaning 236 solid retention time (SRT) 42, 78, 88, 89, 98, 142, 213, 182 and F:M ratio 45–45 soluble microbial products (SMP) 73, 79, 81–83, 84 solutes 72 sourcing process 129 South Africa 12 spare capacity 160 specific aeration demand (SAD) 86, 139, 150 specific energy demand 130, 193, 194, 264 in sidestream MBR 124 see also energy demand specific UV absorbance (SUVA) 83 spiral wound (SW) membrane 26, 27, 188, 197 SRT see solid retention time stainless steel membrane 70 standard aeration efficiency (SAE) 47 standard blocking 31 steady-flow energy equation 274 SteraporeSADF™ element 181 SteraporeSUN™ elements 179 Sterapore™ PE HF membrane 179, 180 streptococci 209 substrate degradation 42–43 substrate to biomass concentration ratio 89 supernatant 66, 72, 83 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system 219 Index SUR unit 180 surface porosity 30 Surface Water Abstraction surfactants 49 suspended solids 72 sustainable flux 35 sustainable permeability operation 97 Swanage 214 Swanage plant 214 Switzerland Symbio® process 218, 219 T tank sizing and redundancy 160 technology comparison, immersed system Bedok Water Reclamation plant 141–143 Beverwijk wastewater treatment plant 135–138 Eawag pilot plant MBR 145–146 Kloten/Opfikon 146–149 Pietramurata 143–144 Point Loma wastewater treatment 138–141 temperature 75–76 mass transfer, effect on 48 temporary fouling see reversible fouling thermodynamics 274 thermophylic MBR effluent treatment 261–264 Thetford Systems 12 thin film transistor–liquid crystal display (TFT–LCD) plant 243, 244, 245 Thiobacillus 41 Tilburg MBR plant 231 TMP-step method see flux-step method Toray 173–174, 228 Fuji photographic production plant 230–233 Heenvliet and Fuji 233 Toray membrane-based MBR plant 233 total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 127, 143 total maximum-daily load (TMDL) programme total organic carbon (TOC) 60, 72, 79, 80, 81, 139, 141, 143 total organic nitrogen (TON) 144 total suspended solids (TSS) 131 toxics 6, 58 track-etched membrane 67 transmembrane pressure (TMP) 24, 25, 29, 35, 87, 124, 159, 191 and flux 35–36, 56, 152 jump 92 treatment options 216 tricking filter (TF) 39 turbulence 129 promotion 28 U UK ultrafiltration (UF) 22, 23, 66, 231, 256, 259 Ultraflo 199, 201 ultrasonic cleaning 97 ultraviolet radiation 325 UNIBRANE® MBR 228 Unifine Richardson Foods effluent treatment plant 241–243 background 241 plant design and operation 241–243 UNR™ process 218, 219 unsteady-state operation 88–90 upflow clarification 53 upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) 53 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 5, USA 2, state funding, for water technology Thetford Systems 12 USFilter 181 UV disinfection 254 V vacuum rotating time (VRM)® system 226, 227 Veiligheidspapierfabriek (VHP) 261 Veolia 181 Verziano WTTP 236 VHP MBR 263 VHP Ugchelen sidestream membrane modules 263 viscosity 51, 75 and ␣ factor 51 VitaSoy International Holdings Limited 266 Vivendi see Veolia volumetric biomass aeration demand 128 volumetric mass transfer coefficient see mass transfer W wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) 224, 226 Water Act 5–6 Water Code 7–8 water exploitation index (WEI) 10–11 water quality 3–4, 5, 7, 55, 71 funding sources 8–9 quality 97, 136, 139, 142, 146 water scarcity 9–11 water stress 10–11 Wehrle 192–195 BIOMEMBRAT® process 192 leachate and food effluent plant 262 Wehrle Environmental 256 Weir Envig 12 Wessex Water 210, 214 WWTP see wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Z ZeeWeed 150, 175, 176, 177, 178, 500 ZeeWeed® tank 243 ZeeWeed® train 178 ZenoGem 12 Zenon 11–13, 135, 138, 144, 233 peak flux operation 138 Zenon environmental 174–175 Zenon MBR lifecycle costs 178–179 zeta potential 77 [...]... systems and the treatment of sewage according to the size of the discharge and the sensitivity of the receiving surface water Drinking Water To set standards for drinking water to protect public health and maintain the aesthetic quality of drinking water supplies Bathing Water To set standards aimed at protecting the health of bathers in surface waters and maintaining the aesthetic quality of these bathing... Degrémont and VA Tech Wabag There have been several recent acquisitions within the municipal membrane sector and, of these, the three of some specific significance with respect to the MBR market place are the acquisition of PCI by ITT, of Puron by Koch and of USFilter/ Memcor by Siemens PCI Membranes, acquired from the Thames Water Group (itself now part of the German company RWE), developed the FYNE... perspective 1.5.1 The early days of the MBR: the roots of the Kubota and Zenon systems The first membrane bioreactors were developed commercially by Dorr-Oliver in the late 1960s (Bemberis et al., 1971), with application to ship-board sewage treatment 12 The MBR Book Recirculated stream Out In Membrane Air In Air Bioreactor Sludge Out (a) Figure 1.6 Sludge (b) Configurations of a membrane bioreactor:... for the future indicate that the 2004 figure is expected to rise annually by 6.7%; the European MBR market is set to more than double its size over the next 7 years (Frost and Sullivan, 2005), and is currently roughly evenly split between UK/Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the Benelux nations and Iberia (Fig 1.1) The US and Canadian MBR market is also expected to experience sustained growth over the. .. Aeration SAD xi Specific aeration demand, either with respect to the membrane area (SADm) or permeate flow (SADp) As with any piece of work the editors would welcome any comments from readers, critical or otherwise, and our contact details are included in the following section SJ and CJ About the Editors Simon Judd Simon Judd is Professor in Membrane Technology and the Director of Water Sciences at Cranfield... stated, the cumulative capacity of both Zenon and Kubota has increased exponentially since the immersed products were first introduced (Fig 1.7) These two systems dominate the MBR market today, with a very large number of small-scale Kubota systems and the largest MBR systems tending to be Zenon The largest MBR worldwide is currently at Kaarst in Germany (50 MLD), though there is actually a larger membrane... facility in Kuwait (the Sulaibiya plant), which has a design capacity of 375 MLD 1.5.2 Development of other MBR products Other MBR products have been marketed with varying degrees of success, and further products are likely to become available in the future The installation of 14 The MBR Book in-building wastewater recycling plants in Japan based on the Novasep Orelis (formerly Rhodia Orelis and before this... reverted to the original name of MBR Technology for their MBRrelated activities Mitsubishi Rayon similarly have licensees in the UK and the USA, the latter being Ionics Inc (now part of GE Water and Process Technologies), but their operations appear to be largely restricted to the South-East Asian markets and Japan in particular In Europe, Zenon have had licensing agreements with OTV (a subsidiary of the French... growing faster than the larger market for advanced wastewater treatment equipment and more rapidly than the markets for other types of membrane systems In Europe, the total MBR market for industrial and municipal users was estimated to have been worth €25.3 million in 1999 and €32.8 million in 2002 (Frost and Sullivan, 2003) In 2004, the European MBR market was valued at $57 million (Frost and Sullivan,... University of Aachen The company developed an HF membrane which has undergone extensive 16 The MBR Book demonstration as an iMBR at pilot scale The acquisition of Puron by Koch in 2005 – Koch being a major membrane and membrane systems supplier and owner of Fluid Systems (acquired from another UK water utility, Anglian Water Group) – would appear to signal a strategic move into the MBR technology by a

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2016, 12:24