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Discrete vector fields and the cohomology of certain arithmetic and crystallographic groups

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Discrete vector fields and the Cohomology of certain arithmetic and crystallographic groups PhD thesis by Bui Anh Tuan Supervisor: Professor Graham Ellis School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics National University of Ireland, Galway January 2015 Contents Summary vi Introduction 1.1 Outline of the thesis 1.2 Main goals of the thesis 1.3 Review of necessary background material 1.3.1 CW-spaces 1.3.2 Cellular chain complexes 1.3.3 (Co)homology of groups and ring structure Vector fields and perturbations 2.1 11 Wall’s technique 12 2.1.1 Proof for theorem 2.0.7 14 2.2 Discrete vector fields 16 2.3 Proof of theorem 2.0.6 and related algorithm 18 Homology of SL2 (Z[1/m]) 3.1 24 Resolutions for groups acting on trees 26 i Contents 3.1.1 3.2 ii Proof of Theorem 3.1.1 and related algorithms 28 Resolution for SL(2, Z[1/m]) 31 3.2.1 Theoretical methods 31 3.2.2 Practical results 35 Crystallographic groups with cubical fundamental domain 4.1 38 Introduction 39 4.1.1 Wall’s extension method 41 4.1.2 R¨oder’s method 42 4.1.3 Our contribution 43 4.2 Some definitions 43 4.3 Cubical fundamental domain for crystallographic groups 46 4.4 Non-free resolutions for crystallographic groups 52 4.4.1 Construction of non-free resolutions 52 4.4.2 Contracting homotopy for cubical case 55 4.5 Free resolutions for crystallographic groups 56 4.6 Cup product, cohomology ring structure and a proof for Proposition 4.1.1 57 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 58 4.7.1 First group 59 4.7.2 Second group 60 4.7.3 Third group 61 4.7.4 Fourth group 62 Contents iii 4.7.5 Fifth group 63 4.7.6 Fourth group 65 4.7.7 Sixth group 66 4.7.8 Seventh group 67 4.7.9 Eighth group 68 4.7.10 Ninth group 70 4.7.11 Tenth group 70 4.8 Experimental results 70 4.8.1 Comparison to Wall’s extension method 71 4.8.2 Comparison to R¨oder’s method 71 Bianchi groups 74 5.1 Reviews of SL(2, O−2 ) 75 5.2 H1 (SL(2, O−2 )[1/2], Z) 78 5.3 √ −2 79 5.2.1 ”non-standard” conjugation with the uniformizer π = 5.2.2 Natural injection 80 Algorithmetic method for finding a contracting homotopy 81 Bibliography 83 Summary This thesis makes the following contributions to the area of Computational Algebraic Topology: All algorithms written in this thesis are implemented and are publicly available as documented functions for the GAP computer algebra system, and are distributed with the system as part of the HAP package We devise and implement an algorithm for computing a finite ZG-equivariant CW-space with nice cell stabilizer groups and a contracting discrete vector field, where G = SL2 (Z[1/m]) for any positive integer m (See Algorithm 3.2.1.) We implement a function which inputs a non-free ZG-resolution and outputs finitely many terms of a free ZG-resolution R∗G of Z, where G = SL2 (Z[1/m]) for any positive integer m (See Algorithm 2.1.1.) We devise and implement an algorithm for computing finitely many terms of a free ZH-resolution R∗H of Z for H a finite index subgroup of G = SL2 (Z[1/m]) (See Algorithm 3.2.2.) We devise and implement an algorithm that attempts to find a cubical fundamental cell for a cubical crystallographic group G (See Algorithm 4.3.1) We devise and implement an algorithm that inputs a crystallographic group G together with a cubical fundamental cell and outputs a finite ZG-equivariant CW-space with nice cell stabilizer groups and a contracting discrete vector field (See Algorithm 4.4.1) iv Summary v We implement a function for calculating finitely many terms of a free ZGresolution R∗G of Z with contracting homotopy, where G is an n-dimensional cubical crystallographic group This resolution can be used to compute the cohomology ring structure of G (See Algorithm 4.5.1) We devise and implement an algorithm for computing a free ZG-resolution R∗G of Z with contracting homotopy, where G the full Bianchi group of discriminant -8, G = SL2 (O−2 ) We provide a cellular complex for the congruence subgroup of level √ −2 of the full Bianchi group G = SL2 (O−2 ) in the form of HAP code 10 We implement a function for calculating a free ZΓ-resolution of Z for Γ the √ congruence subgroup of level −2 of G = SL2 (O−2 ) Chapter Introduction 1.1 Outline of the thesis 1.1 Outline of the thesis This thesis has seven chapters Chapter includes two sections In the first section we present the main goal of the thesis, namely methods for calculating the homology of SL(2, Z[1/m]) and the cohomology ring structure of certain crystallographic groups The second section recalls standard material that will be used in the thesis Chapter introduces discrete vector fields in the context of group cohomology and explains how they can be used to find a contracting homotopy on a classifying space We also describe a homological perturbation lemma that can be used to construct a free resolution from a non-free resolution Chapter is devoted to constructing a free resolution for SL(2, Z[1/m]) where m is any positive integer, and calculating the homology of such groups We describe an algorithm for computing finitely many terms of a free ZG-resolution of Z for G a finite index subgroup of SL(2, Z[1/m] An implementation of the algorithm is used to determine the integral homology groups Hn (SL(2, Z[1/m]), Z) for all integers m ≤ 50 (m = 36, 42) , and n ≥ Chapter provides a method for calculating the cohomology ring structure for Euclidean crystallographic groups with cubical fundamental domain We describe algorithms for attemping to decide if a given crystallogrpahic group admits a cubical fundamental domain; and calculating the resulting cellular chain complex as a ZGresolution We also give a method for computing the contracting homotopy on the chain complex Finally we provide a computer method for calculating the cohomology cup product 1.2 Main goals of the thesis This thesis has two main topics which are Arithmetic groups and Crystallographic groups 1.2 Main goals of the thesis The work on arithmetic groups SL(2, Z[1/m]) was motivated by a question of Kevin Hutchinson In his paper [18], Hutchinson stated that he is interested in the precise structure of H3 (SL2 (Q), Z) and the answer is still unknown This chapter is written not to solve Hutchinson’s question but to use it as the motivation since we all know the class of integral rings Z[1/m] is very close to the field of rational numbers Q as follows, Z[1/2] ⊂ Z[1/2.3] ⊂ Z[1/2.3.5] ⊂ · · · ⊂ Z[1/2.3.5 ] = Q The work is also a generalization of the problem stated in the paper ”On the cohomology of SL(2, Z[1/p])” by A Adem and N Naffah [1] in which the authors only solve the problem for primes p The main goal of this part is to present a new method for calculating the group homology of the arithmetic groups SL(2, Z[1/m]) Crystallographic groups have been studied for many years and are still an active topic of research Some recently published works in the area are [2, 5, 7] In GAP [14], we know two methods for calculating the group homology of crystallographic groups One of those two methods is developed and implemented by Graham Ellis, presented by a function in HAP [9] His method based on a technique of C.T.C Wall [28] about group extensions T → G → P The technique can be applied to a crystallographic group given some methods for computing the free resolutions R∗T and R∗P The free ZG-resolution can be constructed by combining those resolutions This method works for all crystallographic groups and yields cohomology rings for such groups However, for some cases, it produces big ZG-resolutions or doesn’t stop after one hour of running and some give an error of exceeding permitted memory Another method provided by Marc R¨oder [23] His algorithm uses convex hull computations to construct a fundamental domain for a Bieberbach group and produces a finite regular CW-space for such a group The disadvantages are that R¨oder considers only Biebebach groups and uses computational geometry software Moreover, for some groups, the fundamental domain produced by this method may have a complicated shape which we hardly see a accomplishable method to find a contracting homotopy on the cellular chain complexes involving in order to compute the 1.3 Review of necessary background material cohomology rings for such groups By seeing the disadvantages of those methods above, we was interested in finding a new method which could be faster than Ellis and Wall’s and applied to many groups rather than R¨oder’s At the time we are writing this thesis, we limit our goal to the groups that admit a cubical fundamental domain The reasons are that: we observe that a high proportion of low-dimensional crystallographic groups admit a cubical fundamental domain; and we can easily give explicit formula for a contracting homotopy on the cellular chain complex involving Furthermore, by subdividing the cubical fundamental domain, we can obtain the Bredon homology which by the limit of this thesis, we will not mention here The main goals of this part are to introduce: (i) new algorithms which attempt to calculate the group (co)homology of certain crystallographic groups; (ii) a method for computing the cohomology ring structures for those groups who was successfully applied in (i) 1.3 Review of necessary background material This section recalls the basic definitions and concepts needed in the thesis The material is standard and taken from [17, 22, 16] with little or no modification 1.3.1 CW-spaces This section gives a brief review of CW-spaces In this thesis, we use the following notation for the closed unit n-ball , the open unit n-ball and the unit (n − 1)-sphere Dn = {x ∈ Rn : x ≤ 1}, int(Dn ) = {x ∈ Rn : x < 1}, S n−1 = {x ∈ Rn : x = 1}, where is the standard norm, (x1 , x2 , , xn ) = x21 + x22 + + x2n 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 63 ye13 ye0 zye12 ze0 e13 ye11 e12 xe12 e0 e11 xe0 e13 xe13 ze0 zye12 ze11 ze11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z2 H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z2 H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y, z]/ < x2 , xy + 2z, 2xz, y , yz >, where deg(x) = deg(y) = 1, deg(z) = 4.7.5 Fifth group Crystallographic group generated by      0 0 −1            −1 0 0 −1 0   ,  ,       1 0 0 1 0 0       −1 0 0 −1    0   −1 0  1 0 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 64 Presentation of group: G =< x, y, z : zy −1 zx−1 = xzyz = x2 y −2 = Fundamental region: e12 e13 e0 e11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = H (G, Z) = Z2 ⊕ Z H (G, Z) = H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y]/ < x2 , xy, y , 2x >, where deg(x) = deg(y) = 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 4.7.6 65 Fourth group Crystallographic group    0       0 0 0  ,     0 0 0    0 1 Presentation of group: generated by   0     0 1 0 ,    0 0   0 1/2    0   0  G =< x, y, z : yxy −1 x−1 = zyz −1 x−1 = zxz −1 y −1 = Fundamental region: ye13 ye0 zye12 ze0 e13 ye11 e12 xe12 e0 e11 xe0 e13 xe13 ze0 zye12 ze11 ze11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z2 H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z2 H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 66 Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y, z]/ < x2 , xy + 2z, 2xz, y , yz >, where deg(x) = deg(y) = 1, deg(z) = 4.7.7 Sixth group Crystallographic group generated by      0 −1 0 0           0 0  0 0 −1  ,  ,       0 0  0 0 0      0 1/2 0 1/2 Presentation of group:    0   0  G =< x, y, z : yx−1 y −1 x−1 = zxz −1 x−1 = zy −1 z −1 y −1 = Fundamental region: e12 e13 e0 e11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 67 H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z22 H (G, Z) = Z2 H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y, z]/ < x2 , xz, y , z , yz, 2y, 2z >, where deg(x) = 1, deg(y) = deg(z) = 4.7.8 Seventh group Crystallographic  0    −1    0  −1/2 0 group generated by   −1 0     −1 0  ,    0    −1/2 1/2 Presentation of group:    0 ,  0   −1 0    −1   0  1/2 1/2    0   0  G =< x, y, z : yx−1 z −1 x−1 = zx−1 y −1 x−1 = z y −2 = Fundamental region: 4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 68 e12 e13 e0 e11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z4 H (G, Z) = Z2 H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y]/ < x2 , 2xy, y , 4y >, where deg(x) = 1, deg(y) = 4.7.9 Eighth group Crystallographic group generated by      0 0 0 −1            0 0 0 1 0  ,  ,        0 0 0 0 0      −1 0 1 1/2 0 −1/4    0   0  4.7 Three dimensional Bieberbach groups 69 Presentation of group: G =< x, y, z : yx−1 y −1 x = zyz −1 x−1 = zxz −1 y = Fundamental region: e12 e13 e0 e11 Group cohomology: H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z H (G, Z) = Z2 ⊕ Z H (G, Z) = Z H n (G, Z) = 0, for all n ≥ Cohomology ring H ∗ (G, Z) = Z[x, y]/ < x2 , xy, y , 2x >, where deg(x) = 1, deg(y) = 4.8 Experimental results 4.7.10 70 Ninth group Gramian of this group is not identity We need to something with it later 4.7.11 Tenth group This group does not admit a cubical fundamental region for its action on R3 Proof to be written! 4.8 Experimental results The experimental results given in this section are the application of our subpackage on the list of space groups in GAP’s library GAP provides a library of crystallographic groups of dimensions 2, 3, and which covers many of the data that have been listed in the book [3] It has been brought into GAP format by Volkmar Felsch Table ?? shows experimental result for such a list Dimension T otal F ound F alse F ail Gram(P ) = In 17 12 0 219 114 13 86 4783 1996 348 368 2071 Table 4.1: Statistical result for dimension 2,3 and Note that we presume the gramian matrix of the average scalar product Gr, i.e the sum over all gg t with g in the point group of the crystallographic group, is always identity But recall that, under change of basis represented by an invertible matrix Q, the gramian matrix will change by a matrix congruence to Qt GrQ Readers could find more cubical crystallographic groups by conjugating such groups by sufficient matrices The following GAP sessions will give a comparison of our method to Wall’s and R¨oder’s 4.8 Experimental results 4.8.1 71 Comparison to Wall’s extension method GAP session below illustrates Wall’s extension method It takes 58183 ms to construct a free resolution for the 3550th group in the list [3] with the rank 1, 6, 18, 38, 66, 102 respect to six first degrees GAP session gap> G:=SpaceGroup(4,3550);; gap> H:=Image(IsomorphismPcpGroup(G));; gap> R:=ResolutionAlmostCrystalGroup(H,5);; gap> time; 58183 gap> List([0 5],R!.dimension); [ 1, 6, 18, 38, 66, 102 ] Our new method give a free resolution in 3104 ms and the corresponding ranks are 1, 3, 6, 7, 7, GAP session gap> R:=ResolutionCubicalCrystGroup(SpaceGroup(4,3550),5); Resolution of length in characteristic for gap> time; 3104 gap> List([0 5],R!.dimension); [ 1, 3, 6, 7, 7, ] In this example, our method provides a free resolution much smaller and the construction is about 20 times faster than Wall’s 4.8.2 Comparison to R¨ oder’s method As we mentioned in the Introduction, R¨oder’s method may produce a fundamental domain in a complicated shape and deeply depends on the choice of the starting 4.8 Experimental results 72 point for a Dirichlet-Voronoi construction The GAP session below illustrate the difficulty of finding a good choice of the starting point GAP session gap> G:=SpaceGroup(3,2);; gap> fd:=FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup([0,0,0],G); Error, center point not in general position gap> fd:=FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup([1/2,1/2,1/2],G); Error, center point not in general position gap> fd:=FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup([1/2,1/3,1/4],G); gap> Polymake(fd,"VISUAL_GRAPH"); gap> fd:=FundamentalDomainStandardSpaceGroup([1/4,1/4,1/4],G); gap> Polymake(fd,"VISUAL_GRAPH"); (a) Fundamental domain with respect to(b) Fundamental domain with respect to [1/4,1/4,1/4] [1/2,1/3,1/4] Figure 4.3: Examples of fundamental domains In R¨oder’s method, the choice of the starting point for a Dirichlet-Voronoi construction is difficult to get a nice fundamental domain in order to find a free resolution and furthermore ring structure It is one of the reasons which give us motivation to this work 4.8 Experimental results 73 GAP session gap> G:=SpaceGroup(3,2);; gap> B:=CrystGFullBasis(G); [ [ [ 1, 0, ], [ 0, 1, ], [ 0, 0, 1/2 ] ], [ 1/2, 1/2, 1/4 ] ] gap> R:=ResolutionCubicalCrystGroup(SpaceGroup(3,2),5); Resolution of length in characteristic for gap> time; 280 Our method gives us a fundamental domain F which is a cuboid centered at (1/2, 1/2, 1/4) and determined by vectors {(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1/2)} A free resolution is obtained in only 280 millisecond Bibliography [1] Alejandro Adem and Nadim Naffah On the cohomology of SL(2, Z[1/p]) London Mathematical society lecture note series, pages 1–9, 1998 (Cited on pages and 25.) 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[...]... the inclusion GP → G and GQ → G is an isomorphism Theorem 3.1.4 [25] Let G = G1 ∗A G2 be an amalgam of two groups Then there is a tree Γ (and only one, up to isomorphism) on which G acts, with fundamental domain a segment such that if the vertices of this segment are {P ; Q} and the edges are {y; y¯} then G1 3.1.1 GP , G2 GQ and A Gy Proof of Theorem 3.1.1 and related algorithms The construction of. .. ∗A G2 below is also the proof of the Theorem 3.1.1 3.1 Resolutions for groups acting on trees 29 Consider the group G = G1 ∗A G2 acts on the tree T with details as in Theorem 3.1.4 Then T is a G-space with the 0-cells are vertices of T and 1-cells are the pairs of edges of T One can see that T has two orbits of 0-cells whose representatives are P, Q respectively and one orbit of 1-cells whose representative... vertex and no critial edge Above, we have identified the vertices of T with the left cosets of U ≤ M But since we are constructing a 2.3 Proof of theorem 2.0.6 and related algorithm 21 ZG-resolution for G = SL(2, Z) it is more practical to identify the vertices of T with the left cosets of the group ST in G Each left coset consists of six matrices We use the following two rules to construct a discrete vector. .. fundamental domain for the action of G exists if and only if T /G is a tree Theorem 3.1.3 [25] Let G be a group acting on a graph Γ Let T a segment in Γ be a fundamental domain for the action of G Let P ; Q be the vertices of T and e = (y; y¯) be the geometric edge of T Let GP ; GQ and Gy = Gy¯ be the stabilizers of P ; Q and y respectively Then the following are equivalent: (i) Γ is a tree (ii) The canonical... k-cell and (k+1)-cell, then the incidence number ε(σ k , τ k+1 ) is the coefficient of σ k in the boundary dτ This incidence number is non-null if and only if σ k is a face of τ k+1 ; it is ±1 if and only if σ k is a regular face of τ Definition 2.2.2 [13, 19] A discrete vector field V on a regular CW-space X is a collection of arrows s → t where 2.2 Discrete vector fields 17 • s, t are cells and any... orbit of e under the action of G, and let Orb(n) denote the set of equivalence classes of n-dimensional cells The cellular chain complex C∗ (X) of X is an exact sequence of ZG-modules with H0 (C∗ (X)) = Z and with Cp (X) = [e]∈Orb(p) ZG ⊗ZGe Ze → 2.1 Wall’s technique 13 where each Ze is a copy of the integers endowed with an “orientation” action of Ge The chain complex C∗ (X) is a ZG-resolution of Z... one can define the quotient graph of Γ by G in a natural manner It is defined to be the graph whose vertex set is the set X/G of orbits of vertices of Γ under the G-action and the edges are G-orbits of edges of Γ Definition 3.1.2 [25] Let G be a group acting on a graph Γ A fundamental domain for the action of G is a subgraph ∆ ⊂ Γ such that ∆ X/G, the isomorphism being induced from the quotient map... homotopy The contracting homotopy implementation is new and has been done by the author 2.1.1 Proof for theorem 2.0.7 Let G be a discrete group and X be an n-dimensional regular contractible G-space Let [ei ] denote the equivalence class of i-cells in the orbit of ei under the action of 2.1 Wall’s technique 15 G The cellular chain complex C∗ (X) of X is Ci (X) = [ei ] ZG ⊗ZGe Z Suppose that there is... [17] The cellular chain complex C∗ (X) is the chain complex that Cn (X) is the free abelian group generated by all n-cells in X bn Zeni Cn (X) = i=1 where bn is the number of n-cells; and the boundary map can be defined by using simplicial homology The definition of the boundary is slightly non-trivial and we will not described it here See [17] for the standard definition For the purpose of this thesis,... action there is one orbit of vertices and one orbit of edges The stabilizer group of any vertex is conjugate to C6 = ST The stabilizer group of any edge is conjugate to C4 = S The cellular chain complex C∗ (T ) thus has the form δ C∗ (T ) : Z[SL2 (Z)] ⊗ZC4 Ze −→ Z[SL2 (Z)] ⊗ZC6 Z (2.4) where C6 acts trivially on Z and where Ze denotes the integers with non-trivial action 2.3 Proof of theorem 2.0.6 and

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2016, 15:05

Xem thêm: Discrete vector fields and the cohomology of certain arithmetic and crystallographic groups


Mục lục

    Outline of the thesis

    Main goals of the thesis

    Review of necessary background material

    (Co)homology of groups and ring structure

    Vector fields and perturbations

    Wall's technique

    Homology of SL2(Z[1/m])

    Resolutions for groups acting on trees

    Resolution for SL(2,Z[1/m])

    Crystallographic groups with cubical fundamental domain


