27 Communication Telling people what is happening, finding out their views and discussing your ideas helps considerably in understanding them and in them understanding you No one is a mind reader and constant communication is necessary when dealing with and relating to problems and situations You must be seen as the man that people can talk to, either on a professional basis or a personal level Do not talk about other people behind their backs unless it is something good Finally, a sense of humour is essential for anyone aspiring to leadership If there is a funny side to a situation then see it, at the appropriate time of course! 27.1 With the Office The fact that the Chief Officer can read and write can come as a surprise to some companies There seems to be an attitude that all communications must come from the Master or the Chief Engineer This can be frustrating, but there is nothing to stop you from asking the Master if you can send off your own e-mails to both the company and to the port regarding the cargo planning, with copies sent to the Master All letters from the ship must be countersigned by the Master Remember that anything sent cannot easily be retrieved, so leave anything written in anger until the morning 27.2 With the Captain I always used to look forward to talking with the Captain in the mornings when he visited the bridge to have a tea or coffee This discussion at the beginning of the day, before the work started, was the best time for reviewing the ship and any problems The bridge was a neutral place and avoided the more formal atmosphere of his office or cabin If you can, try to encourage such meetings 27.3 With the Crew It is often assumed by the senior officers that the crew know what is going on Without a doubt the galley radio works well but it also has a habit of making up news that doesn't exist If there is anything of interest regarding the ship, future movements or cargoes or changes of crew, in fact anything that might affect them, then tell the crew A short one page newsletter on their noticeboard is an excellent way to keep them informed They will still believe what they hear on the galley radio, but at least you will have tried! 27.4 With the Officers Talking is a great medium It saves writing, can clear up misunderstandings and stop loneliness Just finding out where they come from, what they are doing at sea and asking after their family provides a break to what can be for some a lonely environment If an officer is not doing well, you might find out why and get the opportunity to informally help 157 You can only know each other by talking to each other Too often with a mixed crew everyone settles into their own cultural groups As the Chief Officer, regardless of your nationality, you have to be open to all 158