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Credit services quality of vietnam joint stock commercial bank for industry and trade vietinbank

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Viet Nam SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines CREDIT SERVICES QUALITY OF VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR INDUSTRY AND TRADE – (VIETINBANK) (SUMMARY) A RESEARCH PROPOSAL PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE SCHOOL SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY, PHILIPPINES IN COLLABORATION WITH THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY S.R VIETNAM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE DOCTOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Supervisor: Dr CONRADO L ABRAHAM Student Name: DONG TRUNG CHINH English name: ERICH Thai Nguyen, 2013 PUBLICATIONS RELATED TO THE THESIS Dong Trung Chinh (2012) Solutions to reduce the credit risk of commercial banks Research Journal of Finance and Accounting No 05 (106) 2012 ISSN 1859 - 4093 http://www.hvtc.edu.vn Pham Hong Manh, Dong Trung Chinh (2013) Restructuring of the state – owner corporations: Some recommendations Economy and Forrecast Review No 06, 3/2013 (542) ISSN 0866.7120 http://kinhtevadubao.com.vn Pham Hong Manh, Dong Trung Chinh (2013) What effects the household businesses’ intention to ask for loans Economy and Forrecast Review No 08, 4/2013 (544) ISSN 0866.7120 http://kinhtevadubao.com.vn Dong Trung Chinh (2013) About the credit servicing quality at Vietinbank Economy and Forrecast Review No 09, 5/2013 (545) ISSN 0866.7120 http://kinhtevadubao.com.vn Chapter I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study The banks are increasingly expressed and demonstrated its important role in the national economy In the context of international economic integration as the current depth has created many opportunities but also many difficulties, challenges and solve problems in the operations of the banks, especially credit area Such as many other banks in Vietnam, credit is not just a basic service to create a large volume of assets in total assets but also the main source of VietinBank Total revenue, interest income and other expenses directly related to credit operations, representing 65% - 75% With competition so fierce place, improve the quality of services is vital for the competitiveness of the Bank The fact that banking is highly homogeneous, so the problem is that banks make a difference in service, high usability, the banks will have strong competitive advantages Keenly aware of this problem, beside solutions such as rapid increase of charter capital and technological perfection, the joint-stock commercial banks have entered the race to expand its network, diversify products and improve service quality to rapidly chalk up share On the Red River Delta region in recent years, the competitive landscape of the commercial banks came so fierce On the basis of the above mentioned reason for the author to choose research topics: “Credit services quality of Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for industry and trade - VietinBank” 1.2 Statement of the Purpose 1.2.1 Overall object Study level customer satisfaction with service quality of VietinBank - Red River Delta region - Vietnam, then to propose solutions to improve the quality service credit of VietinBank, while improving the competitiveness and efficiency of business VietinBank 1.2.2 Special objects - Identify the components that make up quality service credit of VietinBank - Building scale components service quality credit of VietinBank - Proposed model for the study factors that influence the customer satisfaction about the credit quality of VietinBank - Testing hypotheses about the relationship between qualities of service composition, demographic characteristics to satisfaction of customers about credit quality of VietinBank - Based in the analysis results, give recommendations necessary of leadership VietinBank 1.2.3 The study questions What is the composition that constitutes quality of service VietinBank? In the composition of VietinBank service quality, the ingredients are affecting customer satisfaction the most important? The basic solution is to improve the quality of service credit for VietinBank now? What is the possible model that influences the customer satisfaction about credit quality of VietinBank? What are the recommendations necessary for the management of VietinBank based on the results? 1.3 Significance of the Study 1.3.1 In scientific terms: First, the thesis system theoretical basis of quality and service in general banking and credit services in particular Second, from the theoretical foundations for quality of service, the subject has built research models and theories of the component factors of service quality for customer satisfaction for financial services VietinBank use in Vietnam 1.3.2 About is practicable: First, services are difficult to measure, identify the elements of a quality characterized by customer service evaluation, especially credit services is essential Understanding the expectations and perceptions of customers towards banks help managers better understand, more sympathetic, more enthusiasm for serving audience Second, the level of quality of service credit provided by the Bank and its degree of influence to the satisfaction of bank customers have the opportunity to help look at ourselves from the perspective of the customer From there, make policy management, appropriate operational measures to improve service quality, serve customers better 1.4 Scope and Limitations First, in the process of collecting documents and data investigation on the use of credit services to customers VietinBank still difficult Therefore, the sample size is small compared to investigate the number of customers using services of VietinBank Second, stratified sampling method for the local study area can not represent many different customers Third, with a large credit institution as VietinBank many different services, such as loans, receiving deposits, ATM, cash However, a new study stopped just in financial services research of this bank Fourth, from analysis the quality service composition in thesis primarily based on the theory of service quality, namely that model is of Parasuraman SERVQUAL adjusted for the characteristics of VietinBank in the region Red River Delta, Vietnam Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUES AND STUDIES 2.1 Reviw of Related Literature and Studies 2.2 Conceptual Framework 2.3 Hypothesis 2.3.1 Research Model As mentioned above, and based on the results of in-depth interviews with experienced professionals in the banking sector, the adjusted model to measure satisfaction credit quality service in VietinBank proposed include the following 06 elements Figure 2.7: The research model with hypotheses based on five dimensions by Parasuraman et al (1988) Tangibles H1 Reliability H2 Responsiveness H3 Satisfaction the quality of H4 credit Assurance H5 Empathy H6 Credit Profile 2.3.2 Hypotheses The model will be used to test hypotheses about group relations between the components of credit quality service for customer satisfaction: H1: Tangible means of of bank VietinBank to positively impact customer satisfaction H2: The reliability of the service provider's bank credit VietinBank to positively impact customer satisfaction H3: The enthusiasm of staff in providing services to positively impact customer satisfaction H4 The assured of provides banking services VietinBank to positively impact customer satisfaction H5: Empathy in the service of the bank employees to positively impact customer satisfaction H6: Profile of bank credit is simple to positively impact customer satisfaction 2.4 Definition of Terms and Variable Assurance: The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence Empathy: The provision of caring, individualized attention to customers Tangibles: The appearance of physical facilities, equipment personnel and communication materials Reliability: The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Responsiveness: The willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design This study consists of two main steps: (1) Preliminary research and (2) qualitative research Presented in the following figure: Figure 3.1: The process of conducting research - Theoretical basis and results of previous studies - Quality of service - Customer satisfaction Model & scale (1) Discussion group Questionnaire Model & scale (2) Adjust the scale and model Testing scale Reliability and value Adjust model Check Cronbach Alpha coefficients Factor Analysis Testing theoretical models Regression Verification of conformity Testing the hypothesis 3.2 Research Locals 3.3 Samples and Sampling Techniques Used 3.4 Instrumentation 3.5 Procedure 3.6 Statistical Analysis of the Data Chapter 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Results 4.1.1 Sample size and response rate With 400 sample, but the sample was collected for analysis unsatisfactory sample was only 368 Due to the client when performing the investigation, did not answer enough information for data analysis Thus, the sample size for the analysis of the thesis to reach 92% of the sample being investigated 4.1.2 Demographic characteristics * Gender and age of the customer: In the 368 customer’s surveyed client to 61% in the loan transaction Vietinban credits are men, the percentage of female customers accounted for 39% The results of gender statistics in the study sample * Age of customer: The age of the customers is quite diverse, spanning most of the age Rate Customer under the age of 25 accounted for 20.11% Customer are aged from 25 to less than 35 percentage 35.87% Customer are aged from 35 to less than 45 percentage is 21.20 % Customer aged 45 and under 55 accounted for 19.57% and the rate is the rate customers over the age of 55 accounted for only 3.26% of customer surveyed Age of the Customer to the transaction at the lowest VietinBank 24 and 58 the highest Average age of the Customer transaction is 36.07 years old * The level of education: The level of education of the Customer to the transaction at VietinBank very diverse, from secondary, secondary to university and graduate The rate of high school graduation Customer base up 3.26%, preferably 9.78% of high school, college - university graduates accounted for 72.83% and postgraduate 14.13 percentage % * Position work at the company: Most Customer are in the business staff to deal with the bank Rate Customer are directors or deputy directors accounted for 36.40%, the rate of Customer is the chief accountant at the company is 29.30% and the percentage of customers are accountants is 34.20% 4.1.3 Descriptive Analysis Results The object to business transactions In business transactions to the bank to 53% of non-state enterprises (except for private enterprises), enterprises are state owned, and the remaining 6.5% are private enterprises, percentage of 40.5% The level of loan transactions and credit The survey results showed that 368 clients in business transactions at the bank to VietinBank there is now 3.26% of the transaction with the bank's services for the first time, 23.10% and there are more than time to 73.64% in the regular trading Purpose and interest loans credit The purposes for the loan of credit at the bank Customer also vary with the business With 37.23% of the borrower for the purpose of additional capital for the business, while business loans for machinery and equipment investment is 36.41% Percentage of enterprises using the remaining credits for purposes other customers, such as payment of short-term debt, building workshops Status debt these loans customers The survey results also show that, in businesses surveyed 69.3% to regular duly repaid for loans from bank credit, seldom limited to incorrect rate 27.4% and often incorrect term rate is 3.3% of the surveyed enterprises Approaching Credit VietinBank Assessment of the situation of access to credit services business is very different Of 368 companies surveyed, there were 31.8% of businesses said that access to financial services is easy, 38.6% of the business is normal and 29.6% for that difficult 4.1.4 The rating scale Using analytical tools reliability Cronbach's Alpha to remove the garbage processing This involved two calculations relationship between themselves and ask the correlation between the scores of all the items asked for the score of the entire chain of respondents asked for The correlation coefficients of variables are greater than 0.3, allowing standard (Nunnally & Burnstein, 1994) and the criteria for selecting the scale when it Cronbach's alpha coefficient reaches 0.6 or higher Cronbach's Alpha will indicate the measure of the links we have with each other or not Tangible Composition Scale "Tangible" includes observed variables The Cronbach's Alpha is 0.9309 > 0.6 The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3, and if we eliminate any variable will also be reduced Cronbach's Alpha are no variables were excluded So this scale satisfactory, further variables are included in the factor analysis Reliability The scale consists of observed variables Most of the correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item - Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3 However, only variables RELIABI6 = - 0854 < 0.3 is not satisfactory should be excluded (Appendix 2) After this kind of record, perform the analysis, the results achieved scale reliability with Cronbach's Alpha is 0.9229 > 0.6 Responsiveness The scale consists of observed variables The Cronbach's Alpha is 0.8344 > 0.6 The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3 Results achieved scale reliability Empathy The scale consists of observed variables The Cronbach's Alpha is 0.8593 > 0.6 The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3 and if we remove any variable will also be reduced Cronbach's Alpha are no variables were excluded So this scale satisfactory, further variables are included in the factor analysis Assurance Composition Scale "The assurance provider" includes observed variables The Cronbach's Alpha is 0.8077 > 0.6 The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3, and if we eliminate any variable will also be reduced Cronbach's Alpha are no variables were excluded So this scale satisfactory, further variables are included in the factor analysis Profile Ingredients scale "credit profile" includes observed variables The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3, except for variables PROFILE5 (Appendix 2) After this kind of processing, performance analysis, the results achieved scale reliability, with Cronbach's Alpha is 0.8496 > 0.6 Satisfaction Composition Scale "Satisfaction about the service credit" includes observed variables The Cronbach's Alpha is 0.9209 > 0.6 The correlation coefficients of variables (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) are greater than 0.3 Results achieved scale reliability 4.1.5 The results of analysis to explore factors Perform job accreditation thang measured EFA, factor analysis for the thang measured be used with method withdraw criticized is the method Principle trục factoring with allows rotary Promax and point stop eigenvalue equal to Thang measured be accepted when total variance criticized equal or greater than 50%, the variables have coefficient load factor 0.5) and a mean of (sig = 0.000), demonstrating a consistent factor At Engenvalue value greater than for the extraction Principle axis factoring and Promax rotation, factor analysis has been criticized for EFA factors from 36 variables with observed variance extracted is 68 537% > 50% (Index 2) There are six factors that would explain the 68 537% of the data variability The analytical results relevant factors have drawn six factors, are shown in Table below: Table 4.1: The analytical results EFA Component TANGIB3 905 TANGIB1 890 TANGIB4 879 TANGIB6 875 TANGIB5 793 TANGIB2 779 TANGIB7 767 RELIABI1 897 RELIABI4 838 RELIABI5 834 RELIABI3 821 RELIABI2 807 EMPA2 901 EMPA4 868 EMPA3 841 EMPA1 495 572 EMPA5 448 RESPON2 827 RESPON5 819 RESPON1 793 RESPON3 744 RESPON4 675 ASSURA3 ASSURA2 ASSURA4 ASSURA1 ASSURA5 PROFILE2 PROFILE1 PROFILE4 PROFILE3 826 812 763 731 591 871 832 818 789 a Rotation converged in iterations Source: Calculated from survey data 4.1.6 The correlation analysis between service quality components with customer satisfaction at VietinBank The analytical results show that a satis correlated strongly correlated positively with the changes and respon-dimensional and correlated strongly with the variables PROFILE, RELIABI and statistically significant at the 1% significance level TANGIB variables, RELIABI, EMPA, respon, ASSURA, PROFILE no relation to each other 4.1.7 Results regression analysis of the impact of the credit component to quality of customer satisfaction at VietinBank The results estimated by regression method identified backward final model (Model 4) The data are explained 37.70% variation of the variables TANGIB, RELIABI, EMPA, respon, ASSURA, PROFILE satisfaction (SATIS) in quality customer service credit for VietinBank in Vietnam South, where most of the explanatory variables are marked as expected In the six variables studied three variables are statistically significant at the significance level of 1% and 5%, including: RELIABI, RESPON, PROFILE In particular, the response factor (RESPON) the greatest impact to customer satisfaction on service quality in bank credit After the turn of no statistical significance and perform the analysis, the results are shown in Table below: Table 4.2 Results regression analysis (Constant) RELIABI RESPON PROFILE R Square Adjusted R Square Statistics F Durbin-Watson N Unstandardized Coefficients B Std Error -3.150E-07 041 141 041 590 041 120 041 Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig .000 1.000 141 3.431 001 590 14.325 000 120 2.917 004 0.383 0.377 75.165 (Sig = 000) 1.932 368 Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a Dependent Variable: SATIS Source: Calculated from survey data Regression equations for the components of credit quality services at VietinBank - Red River Delta Area is expressed in the equation: SATIS = 0.141* RELIABI + 0.590 * RESPON + 0.120* PROFILE 4.2 Discuss research findings 4.2.1 Characteristics of the borrowers and providers of VietinBank 4.2.2 The components of quality of service credit Results of the reliability analysis of component services shows that most scales (iterm) were good measure to ensure the reliability and simplicity of the scale direction, except for the iterm PROFILE5, RELIABI6 in components credit profile (PROFILE) and reliability (RELIABI) Cronbach's alpha values of all components are quality of service criteria allows larger (> 0.6) This suggests that the scale measuring the quality of service composition in VietinBank credit - Red River Delta region to meet the expectations of the study The factor analysis was performed through EFA tool, has six components were to extract factors include: tangible (TANGIB), reliability (RELIABI), empathy (EMPA), the response (RESPON), assurance (ASSURA), credit profile (PROFILE) and satisfaction with the quality of customer service credit (SATIC) 4.2.3 Evaluate the relationship and the influence of the components in the credit quality of the service to the customer satisfaction From the correlation analysis results showed that the quality of the service component of the credit VietinBank no relationship is statistically significant at the 1% and 5% However, they are positively correlated to customer satisfaction, components of research have components correlated to customer satisfaction and are statistically significant at the 1%, including: response (RESPON), credit profile (PROFILE), and reliability (RELIABI) In part of this response (RESPON) strongest correlation and processing credit profile (PROFILE) weakest correlation to customer satisfaction (STATIS) Regression analysis results are shown in Table 4.16, model explains quite well the change of the composition the credit quality service and customer satisfaction in VietinBank Index Adjusted R Square = 0377; the value F-test = 75 165, at 1% significance level (Sig = 0.000), shows the model explained 37.70% of the variation in the quality of credit services to customers satisfaction in VietinBank As this is crossdata (cross - data) to value Adjusted R Square = 0377 high is not entirely consistent with the characteristics of this kind of data The regression model results also indicate that, in terms of other factors in the model not change, if the independent variable changes by unit, customer satisfaction with the quality of service the credit VietinBank will increase / decrease β (regression coefficient) units - Tangible (TANGIB): This factor positively impact customer satisfaction and have signs as predicted If the viewing other factors constant, then the increase in tangible elements to point will for satisfaction level of customers increased to 0.024 points However, this variable is not statistically significant at the 10% the level of significance - The reliability of service credit (RELIABI): This factor impact positively to the satisfaction of quality of service credit and marks VietinBank as predicted, are statistically significant at the 1% significance level This factor regression coefficient is 0.141 This means that if you seen as other factors unchanged, when confidence increases by point will make the customer satisfaction increased to 0.141 points - Empathy (EMPA): these factor positive effects on customer satisfaction and have signs as expected However, this variable is not statistically significant at the 10% 10 significance level Enthusiastic attitude and understanding of staff VietinBank for customers to contribute positively in improving customer satisfaction - Responsiveness (RESPON): This factor also impacts positively to the satisfaction of quality of service credit VietinBank and marked as predicted (a +), are statistically significant at the 1% significance level Standardized regression coefficient of this factor is 0.590 This means that if you considered other factors constant while increasing the response to point will make satisfaction for the quality of customers service credit increased 0.590 points - The assurance provider (ASSUARA): This factor has a positive impact on customer satisfaction with the quality of service credit VietinBank, regression coefficient is 0.054 If considered other factors constant, while the increased point to ensure the unit will the level of customer’s satisfaction increased to 0.054 points However, this factor is not statistically significant at the 10% significance level - Credit Profile (Profile): Factors credit record can also impact positively to the satisfaction of quality of service credit to customers VietinBank and marked as predicted (a +), are statistically significant at the 5% significance level Regression coefficient of this factor is 0.120 This implies that if other factors constant, the credit profile of the bank improved by point will increase the level of customer’s satisfaction of quality of service credit increased 0.120 points Recapitulate, the results of analysis of the components of quality of service factors VietinBank there really significant impact to customer’s satisfaction (SATIS), including: reliability in the quality of service (RELIABI), response (RESPON) and credit profile (PROFILE) 4.2.4 Detect violations assumptions in regression models 4.2.5 The difference in service quality between customer groups Quality of service credit by gender customers ANOVA analysis result shows, Levene Statistic indicators are statistically significant level by 0688 (Sig = 0.688) and the Sig Anova table analysis (Sig = 0619) it can be concluded that there is no difference in the quality of credit services VietinBank among male clients and female Quality of service credit in the age group customers ANOVA analysis results for quality of service credit in the customer's age group also showed, Levene Statistic indicators are statistically significance levels by 0.010 (Sig = 0.010) and the Sig Anova table analysis (Sig = 0.795) it can be concluded that there is no difference in the quality of credit services VietinBank between customer age groups, Quality of service credit by qualifications of education customers The results of the ANOVA analysis of credit quality services by qualifications of education customers showed, Levene Statistic indicators are statistically significant level by 0416 (Sig = 0.416) and in the Sig ANOVA analysis (Sig = 0.091) it can be concluded that was no difference between the groups educational of quality services credit VietinBank Particular, the difference between groups expressed Graduate with Secondary groups, High School, Ungareduate are statistically significant Quality of service credit by types of enterprise 11 ANOVA analysis results for quality of service credit by types of of enterprise customers show, Levene Statistic indicators are statistically significant level by 0678 (Sig = 0.678) and the Sig Anova table analysis (Sig = 0.182) it can be concluded that there is no difference between the types of businesses the credit quality of services VietinBank Chapter 5: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Summary This study used a model of service quality Parasuraman et al (1985;1988) is applied to the credit quality services at VietinBank - Red River Delta Region By using statistical analysis tools, reliability analysis, factor analysis to explore, regression analysis and ANOVA analysis of the 368 customers surveyed are in the business of trading in the local VietinBank of the Red River Delta area From research tasks, the thesis has achieved the objectives proposed research, that is: First, from the literature review of relevant research, the same time based on the theory of the service quality Parasuraman et al (1988) and the discussion group, the thesis were identified to create credit quality service of VietinBank These components include: tangible, reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness and credit profile Second, from the inherited of the Parasuraman SERVQUAL scale, the thesis to build scale component quality credit services of VietinBank From the results of scale analysis and factor analysis to explore identified components of credit quality service at VietinBank Scale ingredients in VietinBank credit quality, including: Tangible with observed, reliability with observations, assurance with observations, empathy with observations, responsiveness observed with and credit profile with observed variables Third, the thesis analyzed using regression techniques to assess the impact of the composition of credit quality services to the customer's satisfaction at VietinBank The analytical results show that in quality ingredients with service components affecting customer satisfaction at VietinBank and statistically significant at the significance level of 1% and 5% The three components of this quality include: reliability, responsiveness, and credit records; in which satisfy the most influential and credit records affect the weakest Fourth, the results of testing hypotheses about the relationship between service quality components, demographic characteristics to the satisfaction of the customer's credit quality VietinBank shows components of quality of service credit are marked as expected (+ sign) in the regression model This suggests that, components credit quality services at VietinBank positively impact customer satisfaction, consistent with the original hypothesis posed The test results are among the characteristics of customers with satisfaction that, no difference in satisfaction between male and female customers, between customers of different age groups; and between the customer groups with characteristic type of enterprise However, there were differences between the qualities of services between customer groups with different levels of education 5.2 Conclusion 12 This study uses the theory of the service quality Parasuraman, factor analysis methods to estimate and analyze the impact of the credit quality of the service to the customer's satisfaction in VietinBank - Red River Delta Region The requirements of the thesis research and complete the basic details: First, presents the theoretical basis of the theory of the service quality, service approach, quality of service, service quality of bank credit, customer satisfaction and relationship quality quality service with customer satisfaction as a basis for the theoretical background and research Second, the thesis research projects and strategic research models typically related to the quality of banking services in general and the credit quality of particular services The model works and this study contributes typical analysis framework for thesis, as a basis for modeling studies and the theory of the subject Third, thesis has added elements of credit quality in the services that are part VietinBank "credit profile" from the actual research in VietinBank Service quality ingredients are added to the component service quality by the Parasuraman et al proposed (1988) Fourth, from the results of scale analysis and factor analysis showed the scale to achieve the reliability and value of converged Besides that, from the results of factor analysis to explore, identify the thesis component of credit quality in VietinBank services, including: tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, empathy and credit profile Fifth, resulting in regression analysis showed that a component of quality of service credit at VietinBank really affects customer satisfaction, including: reliability, responsiveness and credit profile The explanation of the influence of the components of this quality to customer satisfaction in VietinBank is 37.70% Besides that, test results also showed that, demographic characteristics such as: gender, age of customers as well as business type features no difference in the satisfaction of quality of service credit However, education of consumers may be differences between different educational groups: group qualified graduate with college education groups - universities, school groups and groups with lower secondary school These main findings of thesis First, the majority of customers are transactions with VietinBank corporate customers, have much time transactions with this bank Most of the businesses are trading at VietinBank private enterprises and non-state business (corporation, limited liability company) State-owned enterprises (the state capital) accounts for only a small fraction Second, credit loans are mostly under billion These loans are mainly complementary businesses in the capital and procurement of machinery and equipment for production and business activities of the enterprise In addition, enterprises also use these loans for other purposes, such as construction of buildings, However, for the purpose of this loan is negligible Third, the accessibility the credit of VietinBank stills certain difficulties for the enterprises customer The difficulty in VietinBank loans mainly borrow conditions have secured assets for the mortgage 13 Fourth, due to the nature of service quality often change very rapidly over time by the increasing demands of customers and the difference between the banks Therefore, the use of models of service quality Parasuraman et al (1988) there was a significant difference between the studies in Vietnam and the world Research has found that, in addition to components of service quality Parasuraman et al (1988) proposed for quality of services in general, in VietinBank - Red River Delta region also has a "profile credit " So these components that make up quality of service credit Vietinbank include: sympathy with observed variables, reliability with observed variables, tangible with observed variables, assurance with observed variables, response with observed variables and credit profile with variations observed In the credit quality components, the composition of this "response" have a positive impact on the level of (+) and have the greatest impact to customer satisfaction (regression coefficient β = 0.590), reliability also has a positive impact and the second largest influence (regression coefficient β = 0.141) and component "credit record" low impact (regression coefficient β = 0.120) Research model explains 37.70% of the variation in the "reliability", "access" and "credit profile" for customer satisfaction for the quality of service credit VietinBank Finally, there were differences between the groups of customers with different levels of education on the quality of service credit at VietinBank This suggests that, while the level of education the higher the customer needs response quality of service in the greater VietinBank 5.3 Recommendatio 5.3.1 Improved service response of VietinBank The response of Vietibank service to customers is not good and needs to be improved quickly Measures to of interest: (i) the development of network transactions to the district / town in the province in the Red River Delta region; (ii) should retrofit ATMs, POS machines for transaction old and new; (iii) should communicate the plan and evaluate the implementation plan for the development of each network transaction branch and network development department at Head of VietinBank branch in the Red River Delta area 5.3.2 Improving the reliability of service providers of VietinBank First, should improve the image of VietinBank for customers to customers always have sympathy for the bank's services Second, in the process of service providers, should customer-center to ensure that all customers are equally and fully meet their demands in the process of service providers? Besides information on interest rate policy, lenders should timely and accurate the same time fulfills customer commitments Third, should capacity building for contingent of cadres, staff of VietinBank to ensure the processing, manipulation of transactions that right the first time 5.3.3 Improved of procedures in the credit profile of VietinBank The results of analysis have shown that, component "credit file" to have a positive impact on customer satisfaction when using the services of VietinBank credit and statistically significant at the 5% significance level So the improving the procedures for 14 credit profile will help customers easily make loans of bank credit Want to solve this problem, VietinBank leaders should to focus on solving the problems well basically, that is: (i) Reduce paperwork and procedures related to the provision of credit services ensure simplification, transparency provisions related procedures such as loans, procedures for card services as well as the different stages of the bank; (ii) process should provide tabulations, template made up of bank websites so that customers can access information capture, declaration and perform This will contributing actively to create conditions favorable to the customer on time perform in banking services 5.3.4 Improved assurance in the provision credit services of VietinBank Although factors "assurance" no statistical significance in the regression results in the 1% significance level, but the quality of ingredients is important to the impact of customer satisfaction on service quality of VietinBank To improve this assurance, VietinBank should concentrate on implementing some main issues: (i) Should have diversified credit products and to constantly improve the quality of banking services, (ii) Should be reduced transaction costs for customers The competition between banks on transaction costs as well as the major challenges for VietinBank About transaction costs, and customer care services, promotional gifts policy has not been appreciated, with low quality factor 5.3.5 Directions subsequent studies Although there have been many attempts in collecting and survey the data quality credit services in VietinBank - Red River Delta Region However, the sample size is small compared with the scale of enterprise customers use credit VietinBank services in this area because of the limitation of time and financial resources despite inheriting advantage from earlier studies Besides, components measuring service quality credit quantitative perspective in VietinBank just at the level of survey at the local Red River Delta area in a short stage, scale component of credit quality service have not yet reached the unidirectional, to explain the level of the variables in the research model are not high Furthermore, the solution that the authors of this study suggested mainly from the perspective of access through regression analysis and setting suspect that there are methods and other approaches valuable and more persuasive while research on credit quality of the service, such as structural equation models 15 [...]... explains 37.70% of the variation in the "reliability", "access" and "credit profile" for customer satisfaction for the quality of service credit VietinBank Finally, there were differences between the groups of customers with different levels of education on the quality of service credit at VietinBank This suggests that, while the level of education the higher the customer needs response quality of service... component quality credit services of VietinBank From the results of scale analysis and factor analysis to explore identified 6 components of credit quality service at VietinBank Scale 6 ingredients in VietinBank credit quality, including: Tangible with 7 observed, reliability with 5 observations, assurance with 5 observations, empathy with 5 observations, responsiveness observed with 5 and 4 credit profile... service quality Parasuraman, factor analysis methods to estimate and analyze the impact of the credit quality of the service to the customer's satisfaction in VietinBank - Red River Delta Region The requirements of the thesis research and complete the basic details: First, presents the theoretical basis of the theory of the service quality, service approach, quality of service, service quality of bank credit, ... plan and evaluate the implementation plan for the development of each network transaction branch and network development department at Head of VietinBank branch in the Red River Delta area 5.3.2 Improving the reliability of service providers of VietinBank First, should improve the image of VietinBank for customers to customers always have sympathy for the bank' s services Second, in the process of service... Quality of service credit by types of enterprise 11 ANOVA analysis results for quality of service credit by types of of enterprise customers show, Levene Statistic indicators are statistically significant level by 0678 (Sig = 0.678) and the Sig Anova table analysis (Sig = 0.182) it can be concluded that there is no difference between the types of businesses the credit quality of services VietinBank. .. satisfaction and relationship quality quality service with customer satisfaction as a basis for the theoretical background and research Second, the thesis research projects and strategic research models typically related to the quality of banking services in general and the credit quality of particular services The model works and this study contributes typical analysis framework for thesis, as a basis for. .. point will increase the level of customer’s satisfaction of quality of service credit increased 0.120 points Recapitulate, the results of analysis of the 6 components of quality of service factors VietinBank there really significant impact to customer’s satisfaction (SATIS), including: reliability in the quality of service (RELIABI), response (RESPON) and credit profile (PROFILE) 4.2.4 Detect violations... influential and credit records affect the weakest Fourth, the results of testing hypotheses about the relationship between service quality components, demographic characteristics to the satisfaction of the customer's credit quality VietinBank shows 6 components of quality of service credit are marked as expected (+ sign) in the regression model This suggests that, components credit quality services at VietinBank. .. credit profile of VietinBank The results of analysis have shown that, component "credit file" to have a positive impact on customer satisfaction when using the services of VietinBank credit and statistically significant at the 5% significance level So the improving the procedures for 14 credit profile will help customers easily make loans of bank credit Want to solve this problem, VietinBank leaders should... was a significant difference between the studies in Vietnam and the world Research has found that, in addition to 5 components of service quality Parasuraman et al (1988) proposed for quality of services in general, in VietinBank - Red River Delta region also has a "profile credit " So these components that make up quality of service credit Vietinbank include: sympathy with 5 observed variables, reliability

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2016, 17:46



