Teaching with rigor & urgency Teaching with Without Teaching Timers, tables to the Test & talk © Jen Jones 2015, www.hellolit.com #helloliteracytravels #ncra15 @hellojenjones Urgency {Quarter.Week.Session.Minute} High & wide text reading Tier Core Instruction Tier Core Practice Key Data details detective “One of the beauties of teaching is that there is no limit to one’s growth as a teacher, just as there is no knowing beforehand how much your students can learn.” –Herbert Kohl 8-12 Books in the Basket 6X to me 6X to you A Balanced Reading Diet Historical Fiction Poetry Realistic Fiction Fantasy Fiction Informational/ Non-Fiction A Balanced Reading Diet –www.helloliteracy.blogspot.com Classroom Library Reading Response….and… Reading Romance Reading Collaboration Eyes On Print Time If we teach to the test, then we’ve lost the whole purpose of reading Foster the TRUE LOVE of reading That’s not in any standard anywhere! “Teaching and learning at higher levels means planning for higher level teaching and learning.” Low Prep High Yield teaching & learning every ELA area at Tier Thank You! [...]... talking? How does the author want me to feel? What is the tune? How does it go? What’s the feeling? What’s the message? What is Fluency? in school? in life? automaticity & familiarity Standards Pop Quiz Write a _ summary of the key details What does the _ word “meander” mean? How did the character _ change? Who’s point of view is this story? _ Infer why the river is polluted?... Cooperative (together) – Communication (conversing) – Without Me Developing Problem-Solvers in a Student Centered Classroom Problem Solving Framework Helping Kids Get in the Right Lane Fiction NF Article Poem Song Character Problem Solution Changes What is the structure? What features can help me? Mostly About Big Idea Bigger Idea Key Details What is the author’s message? What did he want me to think or... versions of The 3 Pigs What text structure is this article? _ Agree _ or disagree _ with the author? 2 4 3 6 1 9 5 8 Literal & Inferential Comp w/ Evidence Literal & Inferential Comp w/ Evidence Theme, Lesson & summary Summary, Big Ideas, Main Ideas & Details Plot, Characters Connectedness between People, Places, Things Vocabulary Figurative Language Vocabulary in the Content Areas... Compare/Contrast Two Texts Text Complexity Text Complexity Phonemic Awareness Compre -hension Vocabulary Phonics Fluency the Big 7 ROCKS OF LITERACY Standard-Driven posted objective = mini-lesson = GR teaching focus Are your delivering mini-lessons or maxi lessons? Precise Planning = Total Alignment Purposeful Book Selection