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geometry of quantum states

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GEOMETRY OF QUANTUM STATES An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement GEOMETRY OF QUANTUM STATES An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement ˙ CZKOWSKI I N G E M A R B E N G T S S O N A N D K A R O L ZY cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521814515 © Cambridge University Press 2006 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2006 isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-511-19174-9 eBook (NetLibrary) 0-511-19174-x eBook (NetLibrary) isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-81451-5 hardback 0-521-81451-0 hardback isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-89140-0 0-521-89140-x Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Contents Preface Convexity, colours and statistics 1.1 Convex sets 1.2 High-dimensional geometry 1.3 Colour theory 1.4 What is ‘distance’? 1.5 Probability and statistics Geometry of probability distributions 2.1 Majorization and partial order 2.2 Shannon entropy 2.3 Relative entropy 2.4 Continuous distributions and measures 2.5 Statistical geometry and the Fisher–Rao metric 2.6 Classical ensembles 2.7 Generalized entropies Much ado about spheres 3.1 Spheres 3.2 Parallel transport and statistical geometry 3.3 Complex, Hermitian and K¨ahler manifolds 3.4 Symplectic manifolds 3.5 The Hopf fibration of the 3-sphere 3.6 Fibre bundles and their connections 3.7 The 3-sphere as a group 3.8 Cosets and all that Complex projective spaces 4.1 From art to mathematics 4.2 Complex projective geometry 4.3 Complex curves, quadrics and the Segre embedding v page ix 1 13 17 24 28 28 35 40 45 47 53 55 62 62 67 73 79 81 87 93 98 102 102 106 109 vi Contents 4.4 Stars, spinors and complex curves 4.5 The Fubini–Study metric 4.6 CPn illustrated 4.7 Symplectic geometry and the Fubini–Study measure 4.8 Fibre bundle aspects 4.9 Grassmannians and flag manifolds Outline of quantum mechanics 5.1 Quantum mechanics 5.2 Qubits and Bloch spheres 5.3 The statistical and the Fubini–Study distances 5.4 A real look at quantum dynamics 5.5 Time reversals 5.6 Classical and quantum states: a unified approach Coherent states and group actions 6.1 Canonical coherent states 6.2 Quasi-probability distributions on the plane 6.3 Bloch coherent states 6.4 From complex curves to SU (K ) coherent states 6.5 SU (3) coherent states The stellar representation 7.1 The stellar representation in quantum mechanics 7.2 Orbits and coherent states 7.3 The Husimi function 7.4 Wehrl entropy and the Lieb conjecture 7.5 Generalized Wehrl entropies 7.6 Random pure states 7.7 From the transport problem to the Monge distance The space of density matrices 8.1 Hilbert–Schmidt space and positive operators 8.2 The set of mixed states 8.3 Unitary transformations 8.4 The space of density matrices as a convex set 8.5 Stratification 8.6 An algebraic afterthought 8.7 Summary Purification of mixed quantum states 9.1 Tensor products and state reduction 9.2 The Schmidt decomposition 9.3 State purification and the Hilbert–Schmidt bundle 9.4 A first look at the Bures metric 112 114 120 127 128 131 135 135 137 140 143 147 151 156 156 161 169 174 177 182 182 184 187 192 195 197 203 209 209 213 216 219 224 229 231 233 234 236 239 242 Contents 10 11 12 13 14 15 9.5 Bures geometry for N = 9.6 Further properties of the Bures metric Quantum operations 10.1 Measurements and POVMs 10.3 Positive and completely positive maps 10.4 Environmental representations 10.5 Some spectral properties 10.6 Unital and bistochastic maps 10.7 One qubit maps Duality: maps versus states 11.1 Positive and decomposable maps 11.2 Dual cones and super-positive maps 11.3 Jamiolkowski isomorphism 11.4 Quantum maps and quantum states Density matrices and entropies 12.1 Ordering operators 12.2 Von Neumann entropy 12.3 Quantum relative entropy 12.4 Other entropies 12.5 Majorization of density matrices 12.6 Entropy dynamics Distinguishability measures 13.1 Classical distinguishability measures 13.2 Quantum distinguishability measures 13.3 Fidelity and statistical distance Monotone metrics and measures 14.1 Monotone metrics 14.2 Product measures and flag manifolds 14.3 Hilbert–Schmidt measure 14.4 Bures measure 14.5 Induced measures 14.6 Random density matrices 14.7 Random operations Quantum entanglement 15.1 Introducing entanglement 15.2 Two qubit pure states: entanglement illustrated 15.3 Pure states of a bipartite system 15.4 Mixed states and separability 15.5 Geometry of the set of separable states vii 245 247 251 251 262 268 270 272 275 281 281 288 290 292 297 297 301 307 311 313 318 323 323 328 333 339 339 344 347 350 351 354 358 363 363 367 371 380 389 viii Contents 15.6 Entanglement measures 15.7 Two-qubit mixed states Epilogue Appendix Basic notions of differential geometry A1.1 Differential forms A1.2 Riemannian curvature A1.3 A key fact about mappings Appendix Basic notions of group theory A2.1 Lie groups and Lie algebras A2.2 SU(2) A2.3 SU(N) A2.4 Homomorphisms between low-dimensional groups Appendix Geometry: it yourself Appendix Hints and answers to the exercises References Index 394 404 415 417 417 418 419 421 421 422 422 423 424 428 437 462 Preface The geometry of quantum states is a highly interesting subject in itself, but it is also relevant in view of possible applications in the rapidly developing fields of quantum information and quantum computing But what is it? In physics words like ‘states’ and ‘system’ are often used Skipping lightly past the question of what these words mean – it will be made clear by practice – it is natural to ask for the properties of the space of all possible states of a given system The simplest state space occurs in computer science: a ‘bit’ has a space of states that consists simply of two points, representing on and off In probability theory the state space of a bit is really a line segment, since the bit may be ‘on’ with some probability between zero and one In general the state spaces used in probability theory are ‘convex hulls’ of a discrete or continuous set of points The geometry of these simple state spaces is surprisingly subtle – especially since different ways of distinguishing probability distributions give rise to different notions of distance, each with their own distinct operational meaning There is an old idea saying that a geometry can be understood once it is understood what linear transformations are acting on it, and we will see that this is true here as well The state spaces of classical mechanics are – at least from the point of view that we adopt – just instances of the state spaces of classical probability theory, with the added requirement that the sample spaces (whose ‘convex hull’ we study) are large enough, and structured enough, so that the transformations acting on them include canonical transformations generated by Hamiltonian functions In quantum theory the distinction between probability theory and mechanics goes away The simplest quantum state space is these days known as a ‘qubit’ There are many physical realizations of a qubit, from silver atoms of spin 1/2 (assuming that we agree to measure only their spin) to the qubits that are literally designed in today’s laboratories As a state space a qubit is a three-dimensional ball; each diameter of the ball is the state space of some classical bit, and there are so many bits that their sample spaces conspire to form a space – namely the surface of the ix 452 References Lieb, E H (1973) Convex trace functions and the Wigner–Yanase–Dyson conjecture, Adv Math 11: 267 Lieb, E H (1975) Some convexity and subadditivity properties of entropy, Bull AMS 81: Lieb, E H (1978) Proof of an entropy conjecture of Wehrl, Commun Math Phys 62: 35 Lieb, E H and Ruskai, M B (1973) Proof of the strong subadditivity of quantum mechanical entropy, J Math Phys 14: 1938 Lin, J (1991) Divergence measures based on the Shannon entropy, IEEE Trans Inf Theory 37: 145 Lindblad, G (1973) Entropy, information and quantum measurement, Comm Math Phys 33: 305 Lindblad, G (1974) Expectations and entropy inequalities for finite quantum systems, Commun Math Phys 39: 111 Lindblad, G (1975) Completely positive maps and entropy inequalities, Commun Math Phys 40: 147 Lindblad, G (1976) On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, Commun Math Phys 48: 119 Lindblad, G (1991) Quantum entropy and quantum measurements, Lecture Notes in Physics 378: 36 Quantum Aspects of Optical Communication, ed C Bendjaballah et al Linden, N and Winter, A (n.d.) 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entanglement breaking, 289, 384 Pauli, 277 characteristic equation, 212 complex structure, 76, 143 concurrence, 375, 399, 405, 410, 436 cones convex, dual, 4, 289, 384 positive, 229 connection, 67 affine, 68 dual, 72 exponential, 71 Levi–Civita, 67, 418 mixture, 71 on fibre bundle, 89, 129 preferred, 92, 129 contraction, 387 convex body, 3, 18, 349 cone, 211, 229 function, hull, jointly, 44 polytope, 3, 185 roof, 398 Schur, 33 set, coordinates, 20, 22 affine, 68, 102, 132 barycentric, complex, 73 embedding, 62 Euler angles, 85, 98 exponential, 214 geodesic polar, 98 gnomonic, 64 homogeneous, 103 mixture, 213 octant, 120 orthographic, 63 spherical polar, stereographic, 63 curvature, 67, 91 holomorphic, 79 sectional, 419 tensor, 67, 419 distance, 17 L p , 329 l1 , 19, 324 l p , 18, 25, 324 Bhattacharyya, 50 Bures, 242, 337, 341, 396 Bures angle, 243, 336 Fubini–Study, 115, 141, 244, 375 geodesic, 22 Hellinger, 50, 244 Hilbert–Schmidt, 210, 337, 396 Jensen–Shannon divergence, 320, 327 Minkowski, 17 Monge, 204, 207 trace, 329, 330, 337, 396 variational, 19 distribution Dirichlet, 55 462 Index Glauber–Sudarshan, 167 Husimi, 167, 187 joint, 26 marginal, 26 multinomial, 25 normal, 46 Wigner, 163 duality, 104 e-bit, 366 embedding, 23 Segre, 110, 368, 373 ensemble classical, 53 Ginibre, 357 length, 398 optimal, 398 quantum, 339 entanglement, 371 concentration, 378 dilution, 378 measures, 394, 403, 409 monotones, 376, 395 of formation, 398 witness, 383, 393 entropy average, 356, 361 Boltzmann, 45 Chebyshev, 57 conditional, 387 entanglement, 375 generalized, 55 Hartley, 57, 312 Havrda–Charv´at, 56 linear, 56 mixing, 301 operation, 319 Page formula, 357 relative, 40, 50, 307, 344, 397 Belavkin–Staszewski, 313 generalized, 55, 313 Kullback–Leibler, 40 R´enyi, 326 Umegaki, 307 R´enyi, 57, 311, 375, 403 Shannon, 35 structural, 60, 428 sub-, 433 von Neumann, 301, 309, 356 Wehrl, 169, 192, 312, 431, 433 face, of M(N ) , 221, 224 facet, Fano form, 381, 382, 406, 409 fidelity, 142, 244, 333 average, 361, 435 classical, 50 maximal, 398, 409 root, 242 form, 21, 417 K¨ahler, 78 symplectic, 79, 127, 144 functions Bargmann, 188 digamma, 195 Morozova–Chentsov, 340, 361 operator concave, 298 operator convex, 298 operator monotone, 298, 340 gates two-qubit, 294 universal, 294 geodesic, 22, 65 Bures, 247 Clifford parallels, 83 on CPn , 116, 130 on spheres, 65, 83 totally, 115, 248 geometric phase, 129, 200, 242 group Borel subgroup, 133 coherence, 161 Heisenberg–Weyl, 157 homomorphism, 423 isotropy, 98, 132 Lie, 94, 177 parabolic subgroup, 133 projective, 108 symmetric, 112 hidden variables, 154 holonomy, 91 Hopf fibration, 85, 368 hyperplane, support, inequality Araki–Lieb, 305 Cauchy–Schwarz, 18 H¨older, 18 Klein, 299 Lieb, 300 Peierls, 300 Pinsker, 328 strong subadditivity, 305, 308 subadditivity, 37, 304 triangle, 17 Wehrl, 312 information, 35 mutual, 327 insphere and outsphere, isometry, 65 Jamio lslashkowski isomorphism, 290, 292 kernel, 210 Killing vector, 65 on CPn , 123, 142 463 464 Kraus operators, 266 rank, 267 lattice, 5, 108 orthocomplemented, 224 lemma Choi, 273 Fannes, 332, 395 HLP, 31, 315 Horn, 32, 316 Mehta, 389 purification, 239 reduction, 239 reshuffling, 283 witness, 383 local invariants, 376, 409 LOCC, 376, 394 majorization, 28, 377, 386 manifold, 19 base, 87 complex, 75 flag, 131, 224, 344, 373 group, 93 Hermitian, 77 K¨ahler, 74, 78, 117, 144, 161 Lagrangian submanifold, 80, 369 minimal submanifold, 369 parallelizable, 95 Stiefel, 134 stratified, 184, 226 symplectic, 79 maps, 420 affine, 2, 255 binary, 280 bistochastic, 272, 277, 359, 403 CcP, 284 Choi, 285, 433 conformal, 64 CP, 265, 277, 282 decomposable, 285 diagonal, 279 environmental representation, 358 indecomposable, 287 one-qubit, 275 positive, 264, 282, 296, 383 PPT-inducing, 384 PPT-preserving, 384 random, 359 stochastic, 267 super-positive, 289, 383, 384 trace preserving, 264 unistochastic, 270, 275, 359 unital, 272, 276, 403 Markov chain, 34 matrix bistochastic, 30 density, 136 dynamical, 264, 271, 290 isometry, 223 Index normal, 210 orthostochastic, 32 positive, 211 reduced density, 236 stochastic, 30 unistochastic, 32, 316 Wishart, 352 mean geometric, 71, 247, 299, 336 operator, 299 measure, 46 Bures, 351, 356 Fubini–Study, 127, 197, 352, 360, 414 Haar, 97, 344, 358 Hilbert–Schmidt, 348, 356 induced, 352 operation induced, 360 product, 345 measurement, 253 POVM, 254 projective, 254 selective, 253 metric Bures, 242, 245, 334, 341 Fisher–Rao, 49, 68 Fubini–Study, 117, 121, 140, 342 induced, 23 Kubo–Mori, 341, 344 monotone, 51, 324, 331, 334, 340 Poincar´e, 53 Riemannian, 21, 340 mixed point, state, 136, 380 moment map, 145 monotonicity, 394 neg rank, 282 negativity, 401, 410 norm, 18, 329 l p , 18 operations, 251 canonical Kraus form, 267 coarse graining, 271, 316, 324 deterministic, 267 environmental representation, 268 local, 371, 375 LOCC, 376 operator sum representation, 266 probabilistic, 252 proper, 267 random, 358 separable, 376 Stinespring form, 266 unitarily similar, 272 orbit, 98, 239 adjoint, 133 partial trace, 252, 352 polarity, 104 Index positivity, 287 block, 264 complete, 265, 277, 287, 296, 384, 433 complete co, 287, 433 POVM, 158, 180, 254 informationally complete, 256 pure, 256 prior, 45 Jeffreys’, 55 uniform, 54 pure point, state, 136, 197, 371 purity, 56, 311 quaternions, 149, 230, 235 qubit, 140 random external fields, 273 mixtures, 354 operations, 358 rank, 6, 219, 421 Schmidt, 238 reshaping, 258 reshuffling, 260, 262, 388, 432 robustness, 397 Schmidt angle, 366, 436 decomposition, 237, 260, 274, 372 rank, 372 simplex, 372, 378 vector, 261 Schur convexity, 33, 378 section conic, 104 global, 88 of S3 , 92 of bundle, 88 separability criteria, 286, 383 separable ball, 390 simplex, eigenvalue, 218, 219 regular, 11 Schmidt, 238 singular values, 212 space affine, bundle, 87 complex projective, 106, 182, 367 coset, 98, 132 cotangent, 21 Grassmannian, 107, 131 Hilbert–Schmidt, 210 holomorphic tangent, 76 homogeneous, 98 non-orientable, 105 orbit, 184 quotient, 98 real projective, 102, 184, 424 sample, 24 tangent, 20, 46 Teichm¨uller, 76 sphere, 62 Berger, 97, 125 Bloch, 138 celestial, 182 Heegard decomposition, 424 incontractible, 125 round, 62 squashed, 97, 125 spinor, 113 states absolutely separable, 392 Bell, 364 bipartite, 237 Bloch coherent, 169, 187 bound entangled, 386 cat, 166 coherent, 161, 256 Dicke, 169 distillable, 386 entangled, 364, 381 EPR, 363 Fock, 158, 166 GHZ, 380 intelligent, 172 interconvertible, 371 maximally mixed, 213, 391 PPT, 384 pseudo-pure, 391 random, 354, 435 separable, 364, 381 squeezed, 166 SU(K) coherent, 175, 178, 196 Werner, 382 statistical inference, 46, 323 structural physical approximation, 288 support, 25, 210 swap, 262 tangle, 375 teleportation, 365 tensor product, 234 theorem ˇ Cencov, 51, 340 Birkhoff, 33 Carath´eodory, 5, 399 Choi, 265 Chow, 109 Cram´er–Rao, 53 de Finetti, 54 Dittmann, 248 Frobenius, 150 Frobenius–Perron, 34 Gleason, 155 Hahn–Banach separation, Helly, 27 Helstrom, 331 Jamiolslashkowski, 264 Kadison, 216 465 466 theorem (cont.) L¨owner, 298 Minkowski, Naimark, 258, 279, 432 Nielsen, 376 Pythagorean, 42 Sanov, 41 Schmidt, 236 Schr¨odinger, 222, 273, 407 Schumacher, 306 Schur, 33 Schur–Horn, 316 Shannon, 37 Størmer–Woronowicz, 285 Uhlmann fidelity, 243 Wigner, 118, 147 torus, 75 Cartan, 99 in CPn , 121 transformation anti-unitary, 118, 147, 183 Index canonical, 80 Legendre, 69 local unitary, 239 M¨obius, 113, 182 Radon, 164 transposition, 282 partial, 262, 381, 390 vector Bloch, 138, 213 quantum score, 343 score, 47 weight, 177 volume M(N ) , 349 convex bodies, 13 flag manifolds, 345, 434 orthogonal groups, 361, 434 unitary groups, 346 Weyl chamber, 225 [...]... minimum, and it is attained on some convex subset of the domain of definition X If X is not only convex but also compact, then the global maximum sits at an extreme point of X 1.2 High-dimensional geometry In quantum mechanics the spaces we encounter are often of very high dimension; even if the dimension of Hilbert space is small, the dimension of the space of density matrices will be high Our intuition,... hypotheses which lie at the foundations of geometry in 1854, in order to be admitted as a Dozent at G¨ottingen As Riemann says, only two instances of continuous manifolds were known from everyday life at the time: the space of locations of physical objects, and the space of colours In spite of this he gave an essentially complete sketch of the foundations of modern geometry For a more detailed account... ‘mixtures’ of any pair of points in the set This is, as we will see, how probability enters (although we are not trying to define ‘probability’ either) From a geometrical point of view a mixture of two states can be defined as a point on the segment of the straight line between the two points that represent the states that we want to mix We insist that given two points belonging to the set of states, the... precisely Indeed we will not even discuss whether the state is a property of a thing, or of the preparation of a thing, or of a belief about a thing Nevertheless we can ask what kind of restrictions are needed on a set if it is going to serve as a space of states in the first place There is a restriction that arises naturally both in quantum mechanics and in classical statistics: the set must be a convex... characteristic of mechanics Hence the word quantum mechanics It is not particularly difficult to understand a three-dimensional ball, or to see how this description emerges from the usual description of a qubit in terms of a complex two-dimensional Hilbert space In this case we can take the word geometry literally: there will exist a one-to-one correspondence between pure states of the qubit and the points of the... systems are of great independent interest in real experiments The entire book may be considered as an introduction to quantum entanglement This very non-classical feature provides a key resource for several modern applications of quantum mechanics including quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum communication We hope that our book may be useful for graduate and postgraduate students of physics... at a physical theory from a distance, so that the details disappear? Since quantum mechanics is a statistical theory, the most universal picture which remains after the details are forgotten is that of a convex set Bogdan Mielnik 1.1 Convex sets Our object is to understand the geometry of the set of all possible states of a quantum system that can occur in nature This is a very general question, especially... the set too This is certainly not true of any set But before we can see how this idea restricts the set of states we must have a definition of ‘straight lines’ available One way to proceed is to regard a convex set as a special kind of subset of a flat Euclidean space En Actually we can get by with somewhat less It is enough to regard a convex set as a subset of an affine space An affine space is just... According to this theory, colour space will inherit the property of being a convex cone from the space of spectral distributions The pure states will be those equivalence classes that contain the pure spectral distributions On the other hand the dimension of colour space will be determined by the number of detectors, and not by the nature of the pure states 16 Convexity, colours and statistics Figure 1.10... useful dual description of convex sets in terms of supporting hyperplanes A support hyperplane of S is a hyperplane that intersects the set and is such 1 Because it is related to what George Boole thought were the laws of thought; see Varadarajan’s book on quantum logic (Varadarajan, 1985) 1.1 Convex sets 7 Figure 1.6 Support hyperplanes of a convex set that the entire set lies in one of the closed half ... indispensable support: Martha and Jonas in Stockholm, and Jolanta, Ja´s and Marysia in Krak´ow Ingemar Bengtsson Waterloo 12 March 2005 ˙ Karol Zyczkowski Convexity, colours and statistics What picture... area in linear algebra Major landmarks include the books by Hardy, Littlewood and P´olya (1929), Marshall and Olkin (1979), and Alberti and Uhlmann (1982) See also Ando (1989); all unproved assertions... put more strain on the notation Suppose we have two random variables X and Y with N and M outcomes and described by the distributions P1 and P2 , respectively Then there is a joint probability

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