When joining college, a student has to decide whether he/she will live in the dormitory (dorm), or they will be commuting to college This is a decision that troubles a number of students while others cannot wait to break free from the leash of their parents Contrary to those who might choose to live in dorms, others will prefer to rent off-campus apartments while others will choose to commute to and fro campus College dormitories are usually shared between two people or three people They are furnished with a desk and a bed dresser while some have a living room Living in a college dorm for the four academic years can be an experience of a lifetime However, just anything else under the sun, it has its benefits and drawbacks This paper discusses some if the advantages and disadvantages of living in a college dormitory Advantages First it is convenient to live in a college dormitory As a student, you will have access to all the college facilities at your disposal when you need them For example, the student will be close to the library, classes, computer labs restaurants and any other necessary facility needed in college Secondly, Living in campus will keep the student informed on what is happening on and off campus For example, if a memo is posted on the notice board requiring students to something, you will learn this first hand Thirdly, living in the dormitory can grant the student free access to various things in the college For example, various college offers free internet, laptops and cable in the dorms This eliminates the hustle of going to the library and waiting to get access to a free computer Fourthly, living in college dorms gives the student access to a simple life For example, the student will not have to deal with issues concerning monthly bills, cooking for himself, and doing a lot of chores like cleaning large spaces There are fewer responsibilities as compared to living off campus This could also prove beneficial to the student because he/she will have more time to channel to education Fifth, freedom is a factor that cannot be overlooked Other advantages include: there is company-it hard to be lonely, living in campus is known to have positive effects on academic The student gains a sense of independence It is hard to miss lectures, and lastly students who leave in campus tend to be more loyal and satisfied than their offcampus colleagues Disadvantages Contrary to the advantages, the disadvantages are also evident First, It can be too noisy living in a dorm This may not allow you to study in your dorm as you wish For example, There are students who are not socialized They make loud noise in the corridors, play loud music day and night or are constantly having parties Secondly, living in a dorm has less privacy than living off college For example, you will find that students share bathrooms, shower rooms, living rooms and even bed room sometimes This is not a conducive environment for privacy Your roommate might bring his friends over when you need to study making the environment not conducive for d Thirdly, Adjusting to the new environment might be a problem to some students For example if you are used to having large space to yourself, things might be tough because now you are sharing a much smaller space Fourthly, we cited freedom as one of the advantages On the other hand, there are rules to be adhered to These rules might cause restrictions to students who might not like them For instance, a curfew for sleeping time might be harsh to some people In conclusion, based on the advantages and disadvantages raised above, it is vital for a student to first of all critically weight out his/ self before applying for college dormitory A critical evaluation of the drawbacks as well as the advantages is imperative While living on campus can be a superb experience and highly recommended, it is important to be in an environment that allows you to be comfortable and allow you to study Living in a college dorm can mean quick walks to class, friends down the hall and being at the heart of the campus social scene For others, it represents strictly enforced rules, roommate drama and distractions from schoolwork From convenient living to a lack of privacy, dwelling in a college dorm carries a host of pros and cons Sponsored Link 1002 W Clark Apartments & Bedroom apartments near UIUC Very spacious! In Urbana, Illinois www.advantageproperties.com No Meals, No Mess, No Problems With no utility bills, grocery lists or daily commute, college dorms simplify life for busy students Apart from tidying up your corner of the room, there's no cleaning required; campus personnel take care of maintenance, trash and bathroom upkeep The university dining hall provides food via a meal plan, and paying for the whole semester in advance eliminates worries about monthly rent With campus buildings only a short walk away, you can also feel free to set your morning alarm a little later and take your time getting to classes and events Mixers, Friends and Fun Dorm life also provides more campus social opportunities The Villanova University counseling center advises that meeting new people is a great way for freshmen to get over feelings of homesickness Most residence halls offer social activities, mixers and programs to get to know your neighbors, and having friends just a few doors down can make your loved ones back home seem not so far away Dorms also give you an advantage in getting involved with campus activities, as community bulletin boards and word of mouth can inform you about what's going on Privacy, Please Living in dorms isn't all fun and convenience, though Many students struggle with the lack of privacy posed by sharing a small space with another person Although being surrounded by people offers social advantages, conflicts between roommates, friends and significant others can easily erupt Positive social opportunities can also become a distraction from studying, and students often need to develop a balance between their schoolwork, campus activities and time with friends Students who study best with peace and quiet can also clash with the noisy atmosphere of many dorms Not Fully Free College-themed movies like "Old School" and "Animal House" often depict it as a constant party full of beer and bad behavior In real life, though, living on campus property requires you to abide by campus rules Most universities have specific policies regarding opposite-gender visitation, overnight guests, quiet hours and drugs and alcohol Failure to follow the rules can lead to disciplinary action or even expulsion You may have the freedom of living on your own for the first time, but still need to keep the other residents and policies in mind Contemplation of Dorm Life Advantages and Disadvantages of Dorm Life Having the full college experience is living in a dormitory for the next four years of your academic career Even though resident life is a fun experience, with many advantages there are also disadvantages So, is living in a dormitory right for you? Or is an alternative option better, for example living at home and commuting to and back from your school of choice, or renting an off campus apartment? These are all choices in which vary according to financial expenses which differ from campus to campus ‘To Dorm or Not to Dorm’ When applying to college or a university each student decides whether they are candidates to live in dormitories with a roommate or varies roommates Once you make that decision the students are required to fill out a survey questionnaire that narrows down a search for roommates that share similar qualities Of course, living in a dormitory has its advantages and disadvantages like any situation These are the disadvantages and advantage in making such a life changing decision to dorm Advantages of Residence Life • • • • • • • • • • • • • Having company Often when living in a dorm There are hardly any chances of you being lonely Friendships begin to form starting with your roommate, others dorm mates living down the hall, and classmates you encounter yourself when starting school College is an environment of making friendships that will help you along the way Whom find it tough being so far away from home The companionship and friendship you gain through your college experience is one that will help you with the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a student This makes student transition from home much easier Having freedom Some students are comfortable with the idea of living away from home While others don’t feel the same When living in a dorm your parents have less of a say of your everyday life’s dos or don’ts Which most students find it to be GREAT! Having the simple life When living in a dorm theirs less responsibilities than living in an offcampus apartment For example, there aren’t monthly bills, cooking meals for yourself, and having a large space to clean Except for just paying for your cell phone bill and cable there aren’t any other expenses or responsibilities Having easy access Students have the ability to sleep later because they don’t have to go through the hassles of dealing with traffic and the difficulty of finding a parking space Having free access Some colleges give free access to internet, laptops and cable So students don’t go through the hassles of always being in the library and waiting for an available computer Having social skills When living in a dorm you have to overcome any dreading social skills You have to overcome any anti-social skills to deal with your roommate or other college students down the hall These are situations that may help you in the long run with your social life Having the full college experience When living in a dorm you have other perks that come along Such as living the full college experience with joining sorority and fraternity clubs and parties, activities and events, and friendships that last a lifetime And campus life is overall the most best experience Disadvantages of Resident Life Having no privacy When living in a dorm you’re often never given any privacy your mostly accompanied by your roommate It can go both ways you either feel very lonely or also feel that you are often bothered because you’re never given any privacy Having roommate Issues A dorm is such a small area that is shared with a stranger at first can at times cause conflicts with one another This is either turn out to be a great experience or just turn out to be the worst case scenario Having it be too noisy If you are a person that likes their sleep then this can be a serious issue for you Campus life is basically rebelling over any kind of rules that your parents ever gave you So for some it’s staying up until past midnight during the week days or ends Having students that freak you out Although you may enjoy your roommate you may encounter yourself with a person that freaks you out or just plain annoying You’re not going to like everyone but you also have to follow a fine line of respect Having to deal with drama Oh boy, it’s high school all over again or maybe even worse Your friend may have been dating someone that was betrayed by their close friend or even a friend of a friend Even though college could be small or big it’s a small world and drama arises Having a meal plan This seems Great! at first that you don’t have to cook you have everything handed to you Then you have cafeteria food every single day three times a day, which your college may or may not require to be purchased After having cafeteria food for a long period of time it gets tiring to have the same food It’s not healthy and awful for that matter • Having mandatory breaks Many colleges require students to leave campus during break periods This may be tiresome when you don’t live in state Having too much freedom Being parent-free is found to be a great experience, but it can also be too much for some students That being said it can result to bad behavior Meaning that you may not be able to handle it Topic: Compare the advantages of living in the dormitory rooms and apartment buildings? Please read my essay.I am preparing for TOEFL test in 13th of July Students of college and university usually have two places where they can to live in Some students prefer to live in dormitory buildings where are located on the campus Others, however, may like to live in apartments in the community Both choices have advantages and disadvantages To begin with, students like to live dorm rooms They have to share their rooms with two, three or even roommates Therefore, they have the great opportunity to meet different students with different traditional backgrounds and cultures They also can make new friends with other dorm students They have the chance to share their rooms with people whim have the similar academic interests and field Moreover, the dorm buildings almost always are located close to the class buildings and departments Thus, it is not essential to pay money for public transportation Students are able to use various on-campus facilities such as restaurants, snack bars, and libraries and rooms which are allocated for the reading Furthermore, apartments are spacious and larger than dorm rooms If you are a rich student, you have the choice to live in the apartment buildings in the community These places are very large and spacious and it is not necessary to share your suit with others You are allowed to pay the rent money and live in These places usually are located in the heart of the city So, educators access to all things that they need such as hypermarkets, public transportation, restaurants and fruit stores and large mall Therefore, living in the apartment buildings are very conveniently Last but not least, livings in dorms are conveniently, too Since they are located on the campus which is close the class buildings You can get up early and your exercise and eat a complete breakfast whether in your own room or in the restaurants which are placed on the campus and finally go to your classes on time and without stress You can spend most of your time with your friends in the university environment and meet your professors whenever you want In addition, apartment buildings are located in the town and you can meet different people in the community and you can make new friends who live in that metropolis and learn new things from them like their language, cultures and so on To sum up from what I have discussed above, we can draw a safely conclusion that, dorm and apartment buildings ate the best places for the students They can spend most of their time in the dormitories University administrators are willing to invest too much money on constructing new dormitories to ensure the all students that they can employ on-campus facilities Hi habib, I think that you have a lot of ideas but its not orderly constructed You should site first the advantages and disadvantages of dormitory then the apartment to be organize I didn't read any disadvantage about the two places you mentioned (I think not all students need to live in a apartment or a dormitory, you need to specify why students need to live in such places like living in a distant place from school or university) Students of college and university usually have two places where they can to live in Some students prefer to live in dormitory buildings where are located on the campus Others, however, may like to live in apartments in the community Furthermore, apartments are spacious and larger than dorm rooms I believe when you are comparing you need to use on the other hand Last but not least, livings in dorms are conveniently, too you could use lastly to make it more prof To sum up from what I have discussed above, we can draw a safely conclusion that, [b]both dorm and apartment buildings ate the are best places for the students (state why like safety) ... with your roommate or other college students down the hall These are situations that may help you in the long run with your social life Having the full college experience When living in a dorm you... roommate, others dorm mates living down the hall, and classmates you encounter yourself when starting school College is an environment of making friendships that will help you along the way Whom... don’t feel the same When living in a dorm your parents have less of a say of your everyday life’s dos or don’ts Which most students find it to be GREAT! Having the simple life When living in a dorm