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;ı',ğ,];-i Wı $§ ,,,F:lı ü, ,,E:i-,, 3ü 4|)1)'!)v ,ıı ffi a BsE zeısıa;l i ffi;: ertç '}, ılıı ,ş ü-ğ * ,-*,' ıry Ç ': -| ü W i, ,.,, wI ıei&;rçı ,i ,, *' ı:., § ,ıııwfır*ı ,' :,r''|ırr§r}*,ğ' öffiffiffi ffiğTd Pdffitr Hi! ]'m Ann I've got two cors and Jour gultars I've got three hites ond a yellow bihe Come ond p[oy wlth me todog! And hi! I'm Tom! I've got Jive duchs ond two big truchs Come ond plog with rne todoy! I've got some bots ond some Junng red hots! 1iiiffi My nome's Sue and his nome's Pot We've got o do[[ ond on ugly blue tro[[! And we've got a Ltzard ond o hoppg wizard Come ond ploy with us todag! We've got lots oJ pets too ond theg plog wlth you! We've got o cot, o dog and three green Jrogs So come ond play wlth us todoy! co(ne ond ptog New words for gou! Drow lines This is o h*ğ l hls ıs o lE flr{Eti This is o wişffir# These ore mg p**s @ Whot ore the chltdren's nomes? @ Who hos got the hots? Write their nomes on the lines Exomple: Her nome is Write the correct nome next to numbers 1-6 Exomple, I9t! l E Kw,ff Exomple: hos got the hots hos got the lizord hos got the ducks hos got the dol[ hos got the guitors hos got the bots hos got the bike sue Par ffişşre Tom @ This is tı bike Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box Exomples: fu *Thisisocor n fu @ ü 2M This is o bike Thisisotruck.[*l Thisisobott 4W 6@ l This is o bike This is o bog l This is o girt İ This is o kite l One robots.'Two robots Look ot the picture.Write the words The robots hove got one b O one q _ ond one The robots hove got two h The robots hove gotthree ondfiveb too! 9,one b _,one d _ d ond two b ,four p k _, tr @ @ \f,fe've got o dog! Look ot the pictures.Whot hove gou got? §ue hos got o red pencil Look ond reod.Write Ues or no Exomples: The chitdren hove got o cot The cot hos got o tou mouse l o Sue hos got o blue pencil The chitdren hove got two bots The big robot hos got five pencils Tom hos got o book obout o robot The chitdren hove got two u9[g tro[[s The tro[ls hove got blue hots fu' \ l o' Now listen ond colour the robots @ Let's drow! Write one word Drow pictures Exomple: This O O is o [T.9.9.Ş9 Pot, cot write words with the some sound Come ond ptog wlth me todog! Are gou o wizord, o lizord, o doll or o troll? @ffi u fuffiffitrfu**** It's mg birthdog todoy! Hoorog! Hooroy! This is my mum ond dod Thls is mg brother, Her name's Ji[[! And Grondpo's here too! My grondpo's nome is Bitt I love him! $:j Let's hove o portg! b",#j":şj3 @re ,ffi ffi "ffi Is this o cloch? No, they're some [s thls o bot? No, [t's o sun hot Is this o tog tiger? No, it's o tou spider! sochs It's my birthdoy todog! Hoorog! Hooroy! It's mg porty now We've got lemonode and lce creom! But where's mg tog splder? It's on Grondpa's heod! ,.!Jrı$ 3lı"ffi-g ! Th[s cohe is greot! And now I'm eight! How old ore gou? Are you eight too? A t ,: i lHlftllffi;;glj İ ,,L ,- İ l ; -ü.r '_-ı L- :-'ffit,-}."** {: p Thonh gou, Mum ond Dod ond Ji[[ And thonh gou Ben ond Grondpo Bi[l,! Kinn', ff€*ruw wgprds ğ*ş, ç*nx§ Drow lines ffiffitrğw @ birthdog! balloons presents Gards Şfuğç §ş KEffit'§ gnmatdpğLook ot the pictures Write the words Exomple: This is Kim's .gt9İCP Ç His nome is .B.]!L Exomp[e: ,ffi fu And this is Kim's Here's Kim's His nome is Ğ And this is Kim's This is Kim's Her nome is @ And look! bWh§th şre ! Kiry?i§ prğ§ent§? f Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) (} ü*] il E Here's ı1 ı-*l ffiffi§W li iİ li a! ıi iİ t_ _l ffi Wfumtr ffişşft ğğ Reod this choose o word from the box l om in Anno's ş.çh*.ç.L their (1) The chitdren in Anno's c[oss dont reod in me.Theg sit on green (2) ond eot in me.The chi[dren put their [unch on the (3) Todog, Anno ond her clossmotes ore eoting fish ond (4) (5) in me.Theg're drinking oronge Whot om l? l'm o dining room! %ffiffi choirs juice Wfuşğ tobIe ffiffiffi trfueç @ r ffi §eh"ğğr ,1' in me too! books bog chips ffiğ*ff§rreç§ Drow lines tennis footboll hockeg bosketboll bodminton )) Whot sport gou tike? l love toble tennis! So l! bosebo[[ @ @r, Aşşdb§e, A*şdb§ei Where ore the chi[dren going? Listen ond colour the streets Luca @ Whçt üı"e theşş ıE$ffi§ter§ doinE? Reod the questions Write one-word onswers @am Exomple: Whot's the oronge monster l @ [m-_ Eı/", doing? ,w.ıjİııg How mong monsters ore in clossroom 't0 now? Whot's the pink monster tooking otl How mong monsters ore drowing pictures? Whot co[our is the blue monster's hot? Whot's the green monster ploging with? S*!ç ryıArı§tğri Drow ond write obout gour monster the .i E :ır'|' ,.,.";} a;: ,;ri' !:|r '{=;++ '|l., :ı ,y:,:"!", ''ri ;,., :{:" :i,,, ,;aij ,,,,-,- ", |i|:| a: : .+,,J,| a::a,:.,.t !.: :.,! t;i'.":::; +,.ıi: :j1 , ii f:l, ' :4 :1' Mum ond Dod ore i.n the living room Theg're watching televlsion My slster's in the bothroom She's singing hoppU songs But ]'m here, in my bedroom I'm woitlng Jor the nlght traln I've got mU nlght troin tichet! Pleose don't te[[ them! Theg don't hnowl Mg Jomitg ore o[[ sleepi.ng now T'* ^a++i^^ ffirı lnnn -nA iaaLa+ I'm ny long red jochet gettlng my I'm openlng m9 window ond I'm jumping to the tree I'm running in the nlght now, verU guichly, very guichlg! I see the ntght tro.in Woit Jor mel ]]:1i J, l !!]!l *Y Now I'm riding on the ntght troin We're 9oi.ng to the mountoins My Jriends ond I ploy there in the snow ! >ç We're mohing Junng snowmen We're throwing big white snowbolls We're running ond we're jumping ond we don't wont to go! egg| :J; Bill! Are gou h [istening to me| ',-l, [il[...]... number Exomples: Whqt's the nome of the forml 1ı How mong sheep hos Mr Grog got? l 2 3 4 5 f-,, c= d: , How mong trucl ... of the forml 1ı How mong sheep hos Mr Grog got? l f-,, c= d: , How mong trucl