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The factors affecting job satisfaction at dat phu sa company

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ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT Advisor’s signature NGUYEN THE KHAI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would not have been possible without the support and encouragement received from so many people Firstly, I would like to thank to Dr Khai Nguyen helped me complete this thesis I also would like to thank to lecturers who taught me and thank all of my friends in class who helped me during the process of learning, training and research Despite attempted to implement the project that’s the most complete, beginning I scientific research, access to reality as well as restrictions on the knowledge and experience so i did not avoid a some shortcomings I look forward to feedback from lecturers and friends to get a more complete this thesis Finally, I would like to thank all Contents ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABBREVIATIONS ABSTRACT CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction about Dat Phu Sa Real Estate Company 1.1.1 General information 1.1.2 The goals 10 1.1.3 Development Principles 10 1.1.4 The mission 10 1.1.5 Core values 11 1.2 Research Introduction 11 1.2.1 Problem statement 11 1.2.2 Research engine 12 1.2.3 Purpose of the study 12 1.2.4 The scope of the research 13 1.2.5 Research questions 13 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 14 2.1 Job Satisfation 14 2.1.1 Theory of employee satisfaction 14 2.1.2 The studies related to employee satisfaction 16 2.2 Person environment fit 17 2.3 Procedural fairness, employee voice, justification 19 2.4 Job role discretion 20 2.5 Job control, cognitive demand, production responsibility 21 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES 22 3.1 Research Model 22 3.1.1 Dependent variables 22 3.1.2 Independent variables 22 3.1.3 Constructs 22 3.4 Research participants 28 3.5 Procedure for Data Collection and Analyze 28 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 31 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the respondents 31 4.2 Reliability Analysis 33 4.3 Descriptive Analysis 33 4.4 Correlation of all variables statistics 34 4.5 Hypotheses Testing 35 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 38 5.1 Summary and Discussion 38 5.2 Limitations and Further Research Recommendation 39 REFERENCES 40 APPENDIX 43 APPENDIX 49 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Proposed Research Model of Job Satisfaction in Dat Phu Sa company ……………… 18 Figure 2: A summary of demographic characteristics of the respondents ……………………… 29 LIST OF TABLES Table The Iinternal consistency of Cronbach’s Alpha ………………………………………… 27 Table Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha of the variables ………………………………………… .31 Table Descriptive Statistics …………………………………………………………………… 31 Table Summary of Correlations of all variables ………………………………………………… 32 Table Model Summary of all hypotheses ……………………………………………………… 33 Table Coefficients of all hypotheses …………………………………………………………… .34 Table Hypothesis Statistic ……………………………………………………………………… 35 ABBREVIATIONS SPSS Statistical Packages for the Social Science JS Job Satisfaction PEF Person Environment Fit PEJ Procedural Fairness, Employee Voice, Justification JRD Job Role Discretion JCP Job Control, Cognitive Demand, Production Responsibility ABSTRACT For a long time, the human factor is considered the most valuable human resources of an enterprise, it is not only the elements that make up a competitive advantage, but also as a vital factor for the success or failure of the enterprise Therefore, a study was undertaken to measure Job Satisfaction in Dat Phu Sa Real Sstate company This research aimed to identify the factors that impact the satisfaction among staff working at Dat Phu Sa Real Estate company The research results indicated four groups of factors (variables) which had affected on these staff’s satisfaction namely: Satisfaction with Person Environment Fit; Procedural Fairness, Employee Voice, Justification; Job Role Discretion; Job Control, Cognitive Demand, Production Responsibility Data analysis revealed that there are four factors that have the positive relationship with Job Satisfation Beside, relevant recommendations for improving the employee satisfaction are proposed CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction about Dat Phu Sa Real Estate Company 1.1.1 General information Name: Dat Phu Sa Trading Service Real Estate Company The abbreviated name: Dat Phu Sa Real Estate Co LTD Headquarter: 36 Vu Tong Phan, An Phu ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh city Dat Phu Sa Real Estate company was founded on 09/01/2010, is the unit that operates in the field of business, consulting, management and marketing of real estate In 2015 marked the 5-year, that was sustainable development of Dat Phu Sa Every year, we have proven our success is based on understanding the real needs of customers, the professional staff is trained coupled with significant investment in IT systems IT service business activities in real estate With the continuous efforts, brand Dat Phu Sa has become the symbol of the pioneers in the field of brokerage and marketing organization, distribution, management and real estate valuation At Dat Phu Sa, we always consider the customer satisfaction is a measure for the success of the business, so, nearly 100 staff who are trained in the customer care skills through teaching with the guidance of domestic and foreign experts Employees join regularly the test in order to improve professional skills Our company is proud to be the unit leading to providing real estate services in the city Our company has a team of consultants qualified real estate professional, experienced and always get credit is important Customers come to us, will be very pleased with the professional work style, effective, conscientious and very responsible of Dat Phu Sa We understand that customer satisfaction is the most important factor to bring success to us 1.1.2 The goals Becoming a trading company specializing in distribution, marketing agency leading real estate Vietnam and the region 1.1.3 Development Principles - Rapid increase in service quality for customers - Rapidly increasing competitive advantage in the market - Training and development of human resources inservice Ascending scale to create solutions sales to investors 1.1.4 The mission For the market Provide products and services with the best quality, innovative ensure maximum customer demand Employees - Develop a working environment technology - professional - dynamic - creative - Always relay awaken the potential energy of the staff to help employees develop the ability, dared to live and work with the highest intensity 10 Edwards, J R (1996) An examination of competing versions of the personenvironment fit approach to stress Academy of Management Journal, 39(2), 292340 Ferguson, T J., & Rule, B G (1983) An attributional perspective on anger and aggression In R G Geen & E I Donnerstein (Eds), Perspectives on aggression: Theoretical and empirical reviews (Vol 1, pp 41-74) New York: Academic Press French, W., & Bell, C (1973) Organizational development: Behavioral science interventions for organization improvement Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 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Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol 25, pp 115-191) Sutton, R I., & Kahn, R L (1986) Prediction, understanding, and control as antidotes to organizational stress In J W Lorsch (Ed.), Handbook of organizational behavior (pp 272-285) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/proceduralfairness.html#ixzz3uxttNxmO 42 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRES Job Satisfaction Survey Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Nguyen Quoc Huy, I’m a student of Open University of Malaysia I’m researching the factors that’s effect the job satisfaction This survey help me get more information for my research and show me the degree of employee satisfaction through the working progress in the company to assess the job satisfaction Please take your time around 30 minutes to answer below questions in this survey as your situation There are 39 questions and your answers will be kept confidential and will be used for the researching purpose only Please answer your question by circling the number in the table below In case, you have any question regarding the survey, please call me at 0907190769 or via mail quochuy.ftu@gmail.com Before you answer the question in the table below, please circle the number of your information Gender Male Female Age Under 25 years old From 25 to 30 years old From 30 to 35 years old Over 35 years old High school education College’s degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Staff Supervisor Manager Senior Manager Academic degree Your position 43 Your service time No Questions All in all, how satisfied are you with the persons in your work group? All in all, how satisfied are you with your supervisor? All in all, how satisfied are you with your job? All in all, how satisfied are you with this organization, compared to most? Considering your skills and effort you put into your work, how satisfied are you with your pay? How satisfied you feel with the progress you have made in this organization up to now? How satisfied you feel with your chance for getting ahead in this organization in the future? Under years From to years From to years Over years (Completely (Satisfied) Satisfied) (Neutral) (Unsatisfied) (Completely Unsatisfied) 5 5 5 (A little) (Some) (A lot) 44 (Hardly any) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 How much time you have to think and contemplate? How much time you have to all work? How many projects, assignments or tasks you have? How much responsibility you have for the future of others How much responsibility you have for the morale of other? How often are you clear about what your job responsibility are? How often can you predict what other will expect of you on the job? How much of the time are your work objective well defined? The organization went about deciding to move in a way that was fair to me The organization was fair to me in the way (a great deal) 5 5 5 5 (Strongly disagree) (Disagree) (Neutral) (Agree) (Strongly agree) 5 45 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 that it made the decision to relocate The steps that the company took to make the relocation decision were to me People like myself had into the decision to relocate Management gave me a chance to express my concerns before they made the decision to move The organization listened to me views about relocating before the decided to move Management explained to me why the move was taking place Management never really explained why the company was moving I have discretion as to what work gets done I have discretion as to how work gets done I have authority to decide what tasks to delegate I have freedom to choose what to become an expert in 5 5 5 5 5 46 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 I have discretion as to what tasks subordinates I have authority to decide what work gets shared I have freedom to decide how much of a generalist or expert to become I have discretion as to what I am responsible for Do you set your own pace of work? Do you plan your own work? Can you decide how to go about getting your job done? Do you have to concentrate all time to watch for things going wrong? Do you have to solve problems which have no obvious correct answer? Do you come across problems in your job you have not met before? 5 5 (Not at all) (Just a little) (A moderate) (quite a lot) (A great deal) 5 5 5 47 End of Questionnaire -Thanks you so much for your support and sharing your time to complete this! 48 APPENDIX PRESENTATION OF BUSINESS RESEARCH METHOD 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 [...]... how they work, what things affect their satisfaction on the job 1.2.3 Purpose of the study Formalized theoretical, practical basis for employee satisfaction 12 Identification of factors and building scale quantifies the constituent elements of employee satisfaction and building models of employee satisfaction at Dat Phu Sa company Research, analyze, and evaluate the impact of these factors to the satisfaction. .. on Job Satisfaction 13 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Job Satisfation The concept of job satisfaction has many different definitions from various researchers In this study will introduce some common concepts and introduces the concept of job satisfaction for this study According to Spector (1997) job satisfaction is job one feel like work and other aspects of their work looks like Since it is the. .. Manager of the company I noticed that meets the needs of employees is a realistic request require research for solutions to improve the satisfaction of demand and increasing business efficiency productivity On the other hand, at the recent, no surveys, studies on the problem "employee satisfaction" at the company Dat Phu Sa So this research is to study the initial discovery to assess the true state employees... colleagues, job content, the treatment, and the rewards include advance , physical conditions of the workplace, as well as organizational structure So there are many different definitions of job satisfaction, but we can draw is that a person is considered to have job satisfaction, he or she will feel comfortable, pleasant to with his work 2.1.1 Theory of employee satisfaction Satisfaction is the feeling of the. .. examining the factors influencing the hearts of staff poorly in the company Therefore, the following questions will be addressed within the study: - How much is the impact of Person Environment Fit affects employee satisfaction like? - Does Procedural Fairness, Employee Voice, Justification take any affect on Job Satisfaction - What is the impact of Job Role Discretion on Job Satisfaction - How do Job Control,... with the unit, the company had regular relations with each other on a job, interested exchanged about work Most of the time the workers come into contact; so the relationship between colleagues together also affect general satisfaction at work The main factors of satisfaction are the trusted colleagues, dedication to work and help each other in work, friendliness, etc Model job characteristics (Job. .. justice) Vroom's expectations theory: the psychologist Victor H Vroom (1964) suggests that people will be motivated to perform the work to achieve the goals if they believe in the value of that goal and they can see that the work they do will help them achieve their goals Vroom's theory asserts that motivates people to work will be determined by the value they placed on the outcome of their attempt, which... playing a mediating role The results point to the fact that profitsharing exerts a negative influence on job satisfaction, particularly whenever the perception of procedural and interactional fairness is absent Job satisfaction, on the other hand, is positively influenced by the perception of fairness When people believe they are treated fairly, they tend to be more satisfied with their jobs (Alexander... that: Hypotheses 1: PEJ is moderate associated with JS at correlation of 0.419 Hypotheses 2: JRD is also moderate relationship with JS at correlation of 0.471 Hypotheses 3: JCP and JS are strong relationship with correlation of 0.517 Hypotheses 4: PRF and JS are in moderate relationship with correlation of 0.318 4.5 Hypotheses Testing The table given below shows the regression analysis between Satisfaction. .. Justification H(+) H(+) Job Satisfaction Job Role Discretion H(+) Job Control, Cognitive Demand, Production Responsibility Figure 3 Proposed Research Model of Job Satisfaction in Dat Phu Sa company 3.1.1 Dependent variables - Job Satisfaction (JS) 3.1.2 Independent variables - Person Environment Fit (PEF) - Procedural Fairness, Employee Voice, Justification (PEJ) - Job Role Discretion (JRD) - Job Control, ... analyze, and evaluate the impact of these factors to the satisfaction of the staff at Dat Phu Sa company Propose some solutions involve raising to raise employee satisfaction at Dat Phu Sa company is... reflection of the factors affecting the satisfaction of the employees at Dat Phu Sa company - Last but not least, this research was conducted within staffs of Dat Phu Sa Therefore, the findings of the. .. in Dat Phu Sa Real Sstate company This research aimed to identify the factors that impact the satisfaction among staff working at Dat Phu Sa Real Estate company The research results indicated four

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2016, 17:58