Trang 2ar
[A Read and summarize the etiquette guidelines for an international business mesting Write four statements beginning with Don
B International feel t's necessary to tell Discussion Why do you think Rowan Paper Participants about meeting etiquettẻ What ‘ould happen if they didn't clanty expectations? 2 UNH+
ince we all com, together fam i + Please amv ' Brompely for met FY: Foods inerarinay cớ: Murch 24-27 ‘Meeting Etiquette WELCOME T0 oy ALL PARTS oF 7 Tare some pula Bienes to make erent
_ me It you bave a speciat nn =e Alles ith MS Pac Annual Meet Mectig for Atistey anskok, Thailand UR AFFILIATE tons ita Pa he front dh FROM HE Wortpy wil provide °Y require, a and cultures, in smal, am two participants at the meeting in Bangkok, -
Teress: Alow me to ntreduce mysell Tam Teresa Segovia Irom the
Santiago ofc Sonate Koo, teskpa: ‘Yoúre Chiean arent yoủ Pes Teresa: Yes, Iam, But havea fend In chie orn Tala,
though? Surat: Nota ạ “Tee Spann pest sư: Th spear
Photo story Read and listen toa conversation between
meet you, Ms Segawạ m Surat Surat: Ar please call me Surat Teresa: OK Sut, do you mind my ‘sing you a question about tha,
‘ople to Be on a firstname basis? Surat Wel, at company meetings in English, aways othe uations
‘though, people tend o be ile ‘more formal t's probably best to ‘atch what oters da, You know ‘at they say: When in Rome, ‘Teresa: Mrvtmm , "doa the Romans dat”
‘Mh gee ech chert gett cae tesa by sng “Sate Kas" (weren | “Santee Kab" (re) D Think and explain Answer the following questions
11 Why wias Surat surprised about the way Teresa {greeted him? How do you know he was surprised? 2 Why do you think Teresa decided to say Sawatdee-Kaa”?
4 Whatdid Terea mean when she sid, “No need to bbe 50 format"?
4 What do you think the difference is between "People tend tobe alitle more formal” and “People oe a litle mae formal"?
'5 What do you think the saying "When in Rome, {do asthe Romans do” means? E Personalization Look at the char you took would you lke to be ađressed? Explain your reason a trp to another country, hove
Tid lke to be called ‘Always [insome situations] Newer
‘by my title and my family namẹ aan Som) ae! ae nh
by my fist namẹ o E H by my nickname, prefer tofolow the local stom TT Ur i o Ur TT ‘Other or E or
Discussion Talk about the fllowing questions 1 Inyour opinion, is it inappropriate for two people (of very diferent status (such as a CEO and an
assistant) to be on a fst name basis? Explain
Trang 3
AQ) hea and ster to two people meeting and making smal talk
Goad men, Bea ly,
fe be it No neo 2: Neto mee you tw @ stop soas aso rope nities
oacaagi hone
“ : Ramiele ee Wrpo meee
een E TH
Đền nh An
Rayon ming sally Kazvkỏ Absolutely not Please do ‘A: And please call me Janẹ
0 © rym and intonation Liter aan aap Ten parce he Conuraan Malan pater
Be careful
Use arent for negative tag questions aferlam, Timon‘, arent? BUT fat at am 1?
Use pronouns, not names or other nouns, intag questions Bangkokis in Thallond ent it?
NOT ttt Bangkok? 'GRAMMAR
Tag questions: use and form
Use tag questions to contim information you already thinks tue to encourage someone fo make smal talk with you
(tts) beaut day, ist?
When the statements affirmative, th tg is nog stalement is negative, the fag is afirmative, When the
aitieative Yoúre Lee, aren't yoủ Yoú not Amy, are yoủ sega ‘She speaks Thal, doesn' shẻ {don't know you,
Hes going to die, Theyilbehere late, won't theỷ isthẻ Wée not going ta eat ere, Tt won’ belong, "You were there, werent yoủ Theylef, didn't theỷ Wediant know, He wasn’ criving Its been a great ‘Ann would ike Quito, wouldnt shẻ day, hasn't? ‘She hast been here lan, You wouldn't do that, Thời canheạ me, can't theỷ He can speak Japanese,
AA Find the grammar Find a tag question in the Photo Story on page 3 B Grammar practice Complete each statement with a tag question
41 Rob is your manager, > 7 The agends can’t be printed in the business 2 | turned off the projector, , centr belore 8:00 2M, ? 3 Timis going to present next, 2 8 They were explaining the etiquette ue, 4 She won't beat the meeting before 2:00, 7 9 she wants to be adres by her fst '5 We haven't forgotten anything, > 40 ttwas a great 3 fame ? 6 There was no one here from China, ? great eave
Rising and faling intonation of tag questions
Rising intonation usualy indicates that the B@) rating intonation usually nates thatthe
Speaker is confirming the correctness of information
Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat "Speaker expects the listener to agree, Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat 14 People use fst names here, don’ theỷ
2 That meeting was great, wasnt? 3 tsa beautiful day for a wal, nC 1 People use fist names here, dont theỷ
2 That meeting was great, wasn't 1? 3 tsa beautiful day for a walk, BHI
© Pair work Take turns reading the examples of tag questions in the grammar chart on page 4 Read each with both rising an falling intonation,
‘A Pai work Change the Conversation Model ‘Ask each other about hove you would like tobe ađressed, Then change partners to greet a classmatẹ Make smal talk
2: Go0d ert i leas fora — 1
trata, on, ec | ‘hee |
A Ím cleat, | Great a
Don't stop! * Continue making small tak "ert know your new dhsvnates, | Theo etree, i
“Aik about families jobs travel ete
B Extension Write your name and (ona tablẹ Choose another clasmatés paper, read it quickly, and put it back on the tablẹ a few facts about yourself on a sheet of paper and put it ‘Then meet that person and confirm the information you read, using tag questions
Maria Carbone
Trang 4
past perfect to describe an action that happened (ar
‘orbetore a specific time in the past ‘ur fight ha arived by noon, Past perfect form: had + past participle ‘The mean hasn't yet bopun when we arrived,
Use te past perfect withthe simple pat tense to clarity which of two past events occured first ‘The mosing al ended lt, so we hada short neh (Firstacion: Th meeting ended; ater action: we fad lunch)
‘When the tour stared, Ann ad already mel Kazụ (First action: Ann and Kazuko retraction: the tour started) Note: In informal speech, ís common to use the simple pat tense instead of ‘he past perfect The words by, before, and after often caiy (he order ofthe events
By Api he started his new job Blore got married | got dagras in marketing, ‘ier | eared to make presentations, they promoted me,
‘A Grammar practice Choose the correct meaning for each statement,
1 "Before they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok, | had already decided to take my vacation therẹ” {D First they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok Then | decided to take my vacation therẹ 5 First | decided to take my vacation in Bangkok Then they decided to have the meeting therẹ 2 "By the time she got to the meeting, she had already reviewed the agendạ”
D Airst she reviewed the agendạ Then she got to the meeting 8 First she got tothe meeting, Then she reviewed the agenda,
3 “They had already asked us to turn off our cel phones when the CEO began her presentation.” 1 Fist they asked us to tun off our cel phones Then the CEO began her presentation L1 Fint the CEO began her presentation, Then they asked us to turnoff our cell phones 4 “Thad changed into business casual res before the meeting started” _p
Fist the meeting started, Then | changed Inte business casual res
LU First changed into business casual dress Then the meeting started 1B Meg Ash has to travel to a sales meeting in Seoul tomorrow fs naw 7:00 9.4, Read her to-do lit and complete the statements, using
already or yet
1 A830 Meg, she ‘the cat to her mom's housẹ her launry, but
2 By 10:45 shẹ but she for the meeting the cat to her mom's house, 3 By 12:15 shẹ Office Pus, but she the sales binders at funch with Adam
4/130 shẹ ‘the DVDs to FilmPix lunch with Adam, but she 5 By215 se but she the dentist, the DVDs to FimPix, 6 At5:S5 shẹ ‘a manicurẹ the dentist, but she
A) read ana isten to someone descibng a busy schedule,
1: Soho was your deỷ B: Unbelievably busỵ By 9:00 I had already taken the placement
‘est, reaistered for class, and bought my books A: That's alot to do before 9:001
Bs That was nothing, At 10:00 a meeting | had to be across town for A: Wow!
B: And then I had to get back for the class at 1 ‘A: What did you do about lunch?
Be Wel when goto cs had eaten yet, sous goto mack erie thy Jk You mst be sty hungry ` by nowt sẽ + ĐEN
Rhythm and intonation Listen again and
Yepeat Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner TK Ny Describe a busy schedule
‘Ạ Pair work Change the Conversation Model to describe a busy day, morning, afternoon, ‘evening, weet, oF any other perio of time in the past Then change roles ‘Az So how was your
‘Az That's lot to do beforẹ | BB: That was nothing A: Wow! 'B: And then | ‘A: What did you do about ? B ‘A: You must be
Don't ston! re questions bout 2 Adkemere questions abo
Frode mor deals tie aces
Trang 5Severna Pama
A@) vocabutary + aanners and etiquette Read an sen, Then ste again and repeat
etiquette the“1ules*forpolte behavior punctuality the habit ofbelng on time Insodletyorina particular SOUP empoite not polite rude cutural literacy knowing about and as rg tea ee offensive extremely rude orimpolie
nh When eating with other people taboo not allowed because ular or eligous ues of very strong B Complete each sentence withthe correct word or phrase from the Vocabularỵ
1s (aboo / impolite) to eat pork in some religions No one would ever do it Many people believe that (cultural iteracy / punetuahty) is important and that boeing late is impolite
5 Insome cultures, its (offensive / customary) to take pictures ‘without permision, 50 few people do that of people 4 Some people think that talking with a mouth ful of food isan example of bad (cultural literacy J table manne), 5 In some cultures ís (customary / offensive) to name children after alving relative, and most people observe that tradition
6 Each culture has rules of (cultural tracy / etiquette) that are important for vistors to that country to know ` epee cee 7 In more conservative cultures, it’ slightly ‘impolite / taboo) to eal someone by his or her fist name without being invited, but it isnt truly offensive
{8 The most successful global travelers today have developed thie (punctuality cultural iteracy) 50 they are aware of differences in etiquette from culture to culture, © Discussion Discuss your opinions, using the Vocabularỵ
41 What are some good ways to teach children etiquettẻ Give examples
2 Dọyau know of any ctferences in etiquette between your culture and others? Give examples {3 Why are table manners important in almost al cultures? How would people behave if there ‘were no rules?
Table manne A @uisten tor main ideas Looks he Subjects on the chr Listen tive als rom
fn shor heck the suet that are Sis
thing each cal dress and dothing ‘male/female behavier| taboos
8 summarize ten ssn on asepte Sheet of pape, take notes about the cals Then, [offensive behavior
with a partner, write a summary ofeach call, punctualiy
Use the Vocabulary, UNT+ ta
Develop your cultural awareness
‘A Frame your ideas with a partner, look atthe questions about your culture on the notepad, Discuss each question and write your answers to the questions
How do people greet each ater hen they meet forthe Fst timẻ How do they greet eachother when they already know each ther? Are greeting customs different for men and women? How? When and how do you ađress pease Formallỷ
When and how da you ađs people Informallỷ What ae some dós and don'ts for table manners? ‘Are certain foods ar beverages taboỏ
What are some taboo conversation topics? What are the customs about punctualitỷ
What is a customary aft if you are visiting someonés homẻ
© Group work Role-play a | conversation witha vstor to your [Are there any aift taboos (kinds of flowers, etc)? TS Tu nà t0 AY
culturẹ Use the answers to the | questions on the notepad ‘Are there places where certain clothes would be inappropriatẻ ís bad table manner pik
tina soup bow and dene soup From You have to use» spoon 33
Is there an Important aspect of your culture that's not on this is
(661s not customary for a man to ‘entend his haa 0 shake hands ‘oth woman: He shoul wat Tar the woman ta do that 99
Trang 6
ges over time
[A Use prior knowledge In what ways do you think table manners have changed since the days when your grandparents were chilren? B Predict the topic Look atthe tte of the article, the original date of publication, and the internal headings Use those cues to predict what the article wil be about
az ©
Formal Dinner Etiquette
G7 se come rg 9 ie 72/7 Annoganlafheminuexbeloretie bon
C/4 17 1111 Ee tre leone Oe hes ee ero ees at en nhạc bebx miming tắc sai đt nh tay te lon le ki bác Di HH oy = pole ng ca SEATING ""'" Ta a He le Te ben So
The oe and ee Be She tava hve ie tle hss he lip nanninorerta aid Ti hy ss end easly behind is cai onl be - Ba a a gia bi men bảng ác aed Gere The man bls done TH See mg er of he carb MỘT" the Urine States aly published 11 ‘Tue Meat anal ae ry deena HH aes Lge dnver pat you may sr et 2S thw nary ae brn soe Do nt a rn es ek while you have food in your sou, Non Tu nor be put onthe bl when you 28 eee cand whe you chew your Bod
tong (homens wenn cours a st (Tên ca ir your companion, i is prise tø lam fervardon your elbow) " averisdrppedon the flot laeithere an aeident Apron arte abl apologize bir your boss “Thebowtescontnseto her gusts do, When ll bare cat aslng
fal, she nes fom the tle and the hes all
Devsnrinc ~ aac pu your chat fiom the bey akinghald of it af he seat ofthe che Dot cet your handsor
Shion che table push youself up ts moe neezayco eran Longe han city minutes ie Pliner he iation dos not inde te ene Be A Mowever one shoul vod appearingina bury SE
‘A Confirm facts On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions about dinner party etiquette in the 1940s, 1 Ifthe dinner party invitation is fr 8:00, what time should quests arvẻ
Guests should arrive by 755 at the latest 2 Ita quest is going to be late, what should he or she dỏ |3 Who decides where guests should sit atthe tablẻ 4 What are the different oles or expectations of men and women at a dinner partỷ
5 When should a guest beoin eating?
66 What should a guest do fa fork ora kif falls to the floor? 7 What should a quest do ithe or she spills a drink fn the tablẻ {8 Howlong should the host or hostess continue eating? 9 What should a quest do when the host or hostess leaves the tablẻ 410 Hows long should quests stay ater dinner is over? ¬ 8 Summarize summarize how dinner party etiquette has changed since the 1940s Use the questions in Exercise A’on page 10 as a guidẹ [On your Aero Sy EnreReaing Comprehension ble ranners| 2, Masa ates 2, Dating eustrs 4 Ching estar 5, Rules about oral baba "— 7, Fornsof adress
1, Male fre rosin the workoace
9 Male {eral rosin the bore —
B Pair work Compare specific examples of changes for each answer Use the and discuss your answers Provide
past perfect il you can 661 think loaning customs have become less ‘is had stopped ering them Now gis ‘modest My mater had to wear a ufer Ta school Gut by the tine | sated school, © Discussion Tak about how culture has changed Include these topes in your discussion: |_€2" 0 to schoo in jeans and even short |
‘Which changes do you think are good? Which changes ‘are not good? Explain your reasons *+ How do you think older people fee about these changes? + Doyou think men and women difer in thei feelings about cultural changẻ Ifs0, how?
TY Femalỵ Beonatistname bass | [People don't —asmuch}, | agree “Tag questions ‘Agreement / Disagreement prefer to be ađressed by — | "do theỷ simpotte o— [contom used to be—], | Issogre, His yoúe right
Tes olensive to điển theyi ‘Actually dot agye because Tes customary ta Re in
Wiss estorary to
Trang 7EEEI ‘grammar = vocabulary - dưng
INSion Listen tothe conversations between people intracicing themseWves Check the statement that correcty Paraphrases the main idea,
1.7 Shéd ike to be ađressed by her ttle and family name, TC Shéd like to be adresse by her first namẹ 2 Shéd prefer TF Shéd prefer to be called by her title and last namẹ to be called by her fst name 3 it'scustomary to call people Wes not customary to call people by their fst name therẹ by ther fist name there, 4 Hés comfortable withthe policy about names TC Hs not comfortable with the policy about names,
5 |_ She prefers to use the tte “Mrs.” TF She prefers to use the tite “De” cưng,
‘Complete each sentence witha tag question, 41 Yoúre not from around her, > 2 You were in this clas last year, 2 3 They haven't been here since yesterday, ?
4 Before the class, she hada’t yet told them how she wanted ta be ađressed, > 5 1 can bring flowers as agit forthe hosts, ?
{6 You won't be back in time fr dinner, > 7 met you on the tour in Nepal, 2
8 Well have a chance to discuss this tomorrow, ? 9 They were going ta dinner, ?
10 My fiends are going to be surprise to see you, ? © Complete each statement withthe correct word or phrase
41 Offending other people when eating a meal is an example of bad
2 Each country has customs and trations about how to behave in socal situations “The rules are sometimes called Each culture ha its own sense of
Understand people’ ideas about lateness es important to D Writing On a separate sheet of paper, write two email messages—one formal and one informal—teling someone about the cultural traditions in
your countrỵ Review the questionnaire about cultural traditions on page 9 for information to select from, + For the formal e-mail, imagine you are writing to a businessperson iho is coming to your country on a business tip + For the informal e-mail, imagine you are writing to a friend who is
Visiting your country as a tours * Formal emai etiqvete 2 Gidanes or fear UNT+
Toll a story Fist, took atthe pictures antl the story ofthe Garzas and the hos an June 10 Then look at the tera below ard ute the past periect wotlk about what they had done by lve 5 Slat Ike ths:
By Juné5, the Ites had been te
Create canverstions
41 Create a convertion fr the tivo men nthe st picture Each man el the other how héd ket be adres
2 Crete» conversation for he wo women inthe second picture ‘The women are mating smal ak
Trang 8m5 Talkabout meccaton WHAT IF YOU HAVE A DENTAL EMERGENCY
[Noting can spa tip faster than a dental emergencỵ So before you go on tp, ‘ist your đenlat and make eure your tetharain good shapẹ Ba you have problem during your tp, hare ar some temporary solitons a ot ‘What if ose 2 filing? Sipness chewing ‘gumints place What ify gums are Swollen? nse yourmouth
twenmiaatvatar |) Boot eat any Bortuserea 2n ven | cuncnye waht rogers ‘ode
‘What if my tooth comes loosẻ ‘apy acd compres tothe utsie
painters as needed
What if break a tooth? ‘ependng on how much of your tooth has broken of you maybe Stina tyra ae pa appt awashoiot dppedin
What if have alot of tooth pain?
‘owt wth warn wer and pa {ol compress against your heak lasene coee,BlngÌn Aplanecan Tan ad war tothe uti ofthe ‘ake tootace wore, 20 make parlor panier why “ Ieformation sure: etna
ussion Do you think the information in the website fs useful? Why do you think some people would wait until they got back home to see a dentist?
Pair work Discuss each ofthe situations described inthe website and what you would do, Cirle yes or nọ would
+ ignore the problem yes po + make an appointment to see a dentist ight awaỵ yes No + calor e-mail my own dentist and ask for advicẹ yes no 1 use the remedy suggested in the website, yes no + use my own remedy (explain) yes no
¢ @) Photo story Read and tien to someone witha ental emergency during 3 tip cost ec
Dentist: When cid itint `” ‘begin to hur? Patient: Ws been bolheing me nce righ Dents Lets have 2 ook Open wide Patient: Ah
Dents: Well és ake an Xray and Se what’ going 0,
Guest: ped to see a dentist as ‘soon as posibe thnks an Dentist: Shear yoúre rom ¬ tmergencỵ| was wondering Patient: Fom Ecuador Thanks or Youumight beable torecormend "ting me in
omen who speks Engh Dentist: Lucky, had a cancelation, Clerk et me check Actually ane rot arom here Would you ke patient: Wel this toth ling mẹ heres So ehat henge you la taỷ
‘me to make an appntment for yoủ Guest: you could Thanks min a Tot pala
ces (Pen Spa speaker / Geka dens Rs peers
D Focus on language Find the underlined statements in the Photo Storỵ Then use the context to help you restate each one in your own words, 1 Jes wenden youmiabt he able recommend someone who speaks English
2 dtypn.could Thanks 3 Thanks fr,
5 Its been hatherina me since lastnight 5 Lets havea look
ramen 7 Lets take an X-ray and soe what's op E Personalize Have you—or has someone you knew—ever had an emergency that required dental or medical attention? Complete the chart ee Seer Rs
Trang 9‘of symptoms, Practice correct intonation for ists
Call in sick
VOCABULARỴ Use must andthe base form ofa 2 thin ust broke my tot! ver oi 8: 0h, nọ That must hurt,
Read and listen Then listen again and repeat
1A: You look all You in alt of pain 8:1 am
2 A: Gary just called He has a bad headache 8: Too bad He tọgo running
a = and listen to someone calling in sick
{A Vm afraid 'm not going to be able to come in tea B: Ím sorry to heat that ls something wrong? ‘A: Actually, m not feeling too well ve been coughing land wheezing for a couple of days B: That must be avul Maybe you should see a doctor A Uh vi
tomy chet Innyhs
(KÉM you feeldua, yeu ` ` endie dao Tổ, , 8 @anytnm and intonation tutenaosn and repeat ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner
B: Good, Call e tomorrow and let me know how B Pair work Discuss what you would suggest to someone you feel OK?
‘with some ofthe symptoms in the Vocabulary
escribes Then listen again f the patent has pain, write where itis istening comprehension Listen and check the symptoms each patient
RE ee i
| ‘Then change roles
J ‘A: Ím ataid Ím not going to be able
i tọ today
5 5 ] 5 5 5 ale Be vans I something wrong?
‘Az Actually, m nat feeling too Wells Bs That must be ‘Maybe you should REL intonation of lists ˆ
A Ấ)Use dụng imonaton Belore the last item in a fst Use falling on cách iter 2 twensen eth: Sagi sae 1 ee weak and ea Bt ‘knows how you feel OK? Call me tomorrow and let me intonation on the lait item Read and
listen Then listen again and repeat | have pain in my neck my shoulders, my back, and my hip B Change partners Callin sick for other : ; 16 UNH2
B Pair work Take turns using the Vocabulary to make lists ‘Modal must: drawing conclusions
ical that you think something is probably trẹ ‘The doctor said | should come in next week, B: Oh, good Ímust not bean emergency
[A Pair wark Change the Conversation Model to describe ther symptoms Use must or must not to draw conclusions 6 eet B52 tất and shon of Mệnh 25)
Grammar practice Complete the conversations by drawing conclusions, using must or must not 3A: My doctor says Ím in perfect health,
8: That’s great You ally good, 4 A: Did you cal the dentist?
B: Yes, | did But no onés answering, She ‘in todaỵ l Don't stopt
+ Ask more questions fparner’s symptoms about your + Give your partner more suggestions ‘out wharto do Ask questions ‘eyou eaughiog?
Trang 10Make a medical or dental appointment 'GRAMMAR
Wil beable 1 + The doctor
Sheil be able o see you tomorow ( 1 play tennis again ina week oso 8 form: future ability ‘May or might + base frm: possibility
"You may need to come in right aaỵ Noe: You can use b
The doctor may 1 might nt We must
to see you today ble to gel tet il 6:0,
Will be able to; Modals may and might
no doctor can se you tomorrow) The dentist might have some ime to see you this ttenoọ
owith may and might fr possibility or with must for drawing contusions to park hero—see the sign?
They must not be able cancel the appointment She can pla tennis again ina week or so) grin poss with nye
Grammar practice Complete cach conversation Use might, beable to, might must not be able to and the base form, he able to, oF 1A: Ídlike to see a dentist right awaỵ think ís an emergencỵ
: Wel | sử you an appointment at 2:00 Would that be OK? 2 Ac Is Dr Lindt in this morning? Fm not feeling very well
B: Shés, but she doesnt have any openings However she Time to see you this afternoon Medel proces @rons and tien Then ater again and repeat checkup / shoes an lectrocardiogram aneKG/ anXoay anexamination aninjection 18 UNH2
3 A: I think Strawberries | had some fr breakfast, and allergic to Ihave arash allover my body,
B: Then yoúd better come in this morning, 1 ' you in right before naan
4A: ve been calling Mr Reis for an hour | know hés home, but no one’s answering 1: That’ sta the phone yẹ He
‘blood test
B Pair work Discuss when a person might need teach medical procedure from the Vocabularỵ CONVERSATION MODEL
AQ read and tten to someone making appointment A Hello, Doctor Str’ fice, Can lp yoủ
B: Hello, I need to make an appointment for a blood test I wonder fT might be able to come in early next week,
[A: Let's see if can fityou in, How about Tuesdaỷ ould | come in the morning7
Ác Let me check here at 10/007
B: Thả vodld be peled A: Well ee you then, 8: Thanks! Ieally appreciate it 8 @anythm and intonation usten again and repeat, Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partnẹ
‘Would you be able to be
Make a medical or dental appoint
KH yeu bay panlnyouram, mighL ngan Xa 99 you
[A Pair work Make an appointment ‘or dentist Suggest a daỵ Write the appointment to see a doctor fn the schedulẹ Then change roles
1 Hellọ Doctor ' feẹ Can help yoủ B: Hellọ need to make an appointment for | wonder if might be able to come in
‘A: Lot's se if can fityou in Would te her at you be able to dạy, + tomorow Don't stop! Sayyoucantbethere Thang | cext eek thôn: 1 Slyner week <Dasctssotherdysand | * atthe endo nye times the week af the 3.)
Trang 11Discuss types of treatments
‘Warm-up What da you da when you get sick or yoúre in pain? Do you treat the problem yourself or see a doctor right awaỷ “ty © Consider the choices - Ki Pesce c at yEyNG ‘Homeopathy was founded inthe
= a ace a eee steenth century in Germany: ha shot
Kees eee Ô ae ethan” tela cocuatore mils ot peopl were hom nh an sn mein TSH fom premade
ackarces ose in when they need mesial eve made pple, (100,000,000 000 pat
syeptore ae treated with remedies
C30) (g7ã= gi
‘ate bos ‘agọ Today, itis use
eapuncture may De Many belies aera bellog psople— mesation oF BENET mglingarvdlL - "HN NMP Tay bếp —”` UNT2 BH pee = 7 \ a A
Hoàn medicine ten eh 2 ete se dso year im ames een peated ¡
đi he west mena means wee
or set
Sree pst 2 cat Bạt won ser hear meal Heat Organization cla Benalla sae rfl ae
ro kro ah Cine or imind and body Taprual healing ext Sr the wort The na Trova eating hates # (2= ‘A Understand from context Five ofthese words have similar meanings Cross out the three words that don’t Belong Look a the article again for help remedy — Therapy
resources heaing core hà purposes B Relate to personal experience Talk about the folowing questions
41 Which ofthe treatments in the Reading have you or your family tried? 2 Which treatments do you think are the most effectivẻ Whỷ
© Draw conclusions Decide which treatment or treatments each patient would probably NOT want to uy and which he or she might prefer Explain your answes, using might oF might not (More than one therapy might be appropriatẹ)
1 EEldefinitelywantto doctor when | have a problem see 2 I believe youhave toheal 3 (EI thinkit would yourself You can’t just expect try ahealth care method that be crazy to But! want to avoid taking any a doctor to do everything for isnt strongly supported By strong medications orhaving yoụ 99, Scientific research, 99
surgerỵ 39 me = cn Sa Sy Bo heron Question
‘A Notepađing with a partner, discuss treatments you would choose for teach ailment What kind of practioner would you visỉ Complete your Practioners
notepad conventional doctor
+ abomeopathicdoctor ‘iment you Your partner + anacupuncturst, + an herbal therapist
scold + aspirtual healer abeidache back pain igh fever broken finger B Discussion Compare the kinds of treatments [ {61 would never ry herbal herapỵ ust dont thing works My pares agres 99 2 you and your classmates would usẹ Say what
You learned about your partner
‘EE My pare hasbeen to an scupuncurt» numberof mes
Trang 12
A @vocabutary «Medications Read and iter The lten again and repeat reset
Xe painkiller ‘cold tablets
anantibiotic anantaciẻ ‘an ointment vitamins cough medicine B Pair work Discuss Eriseissisyni what you might use {664 might take an antacid ¬ Sen bo LISTENING COMPREHENSION
‘A @uisten fr key details steno each conversation witha doctor Te the mediation Vocabulary above and he symptoms vocabulary tom
ppage 16 to complete the char for each patient
None Lay Baemdindea
redeatonẻF Toe “TNO
‘ine pao gta presipton? 23 UNH2 # Gxeeuesene Listen again Complete the
8 Dhisten for more set Tnformation about each patient
Sid ocie Yes ON
Diem ie aap te ay | Lucy Ferdnder Wan whetaeihẻ —— ——— = a Ss Se Sie effect (Yes Mo ng Side fect: Ie Ne Đagg———— ấy > a sat ah? SE
\ Talk about medicatlons
A Preparation Imagine you are visiting the doctor
‘Complete the patient information form
B Group work with three other classmates, ‘oe-play a vis to a doctor Fist, choose roles ‘Then role-play the three scenes below Use the patient information form Roles ‘patient | + afiend colleague, classmate or relative + dreceptonist, + Aoctor Seane 1: The colleague, classmate, end, oF ‘elatverecanmende a doctor, Seane 2 The patient calsthe receptionist to ‘make an appointment Seene 3 The dator aks about the sympame Sand recommends mediation ete | sate Loe
Trang 13
Co Ativeook Sl Study Die
‘grmmar = ocabuly = sing » Cae (cong » speaking = proranaston
Pair work
1 Cene corwereaton forthe people inthe photos tothe ft Start Ke this
A@tistening comprehension Listen to each conversation and complete the TYuemane Tim lượn ag oe ou ane,
The patient lost ‘en she was eating Ím afraid Ym not going te be able to ‘The patient has She needs to take come in teday-1
The patient needs of his 2 create a convertion forthe man on the The patient would ike to try for pain in her ‘fee below Make an appoiniment Sart [hone and the receptionist inthe doctors
Ihe tie ‘A: Hell, Can help yoủ Bil wonder if I might be able to Game Esch student takes a tun desing the doctor’ office Below using ma of may ‘and might (Ia stent ‘orshés out) For example: cant say anything, he
He’ touching hit arm He mustbe ina lot of pain B suggest a medication for each person, (Answers wil vary)
Complete each conversation by drawing your own conclusion with
1A: | fee really nauseous ve been vomiting all moming 3A: My daughter was sic, but serious, thank goodness, it wasn't anything B: You mvst.fel terrible B: You
2 A: My dentist can‘t it me in next month, 4A: My husband fll down and broke his ankle B: Your dentist B: He ' D ona separate sheet of paper, rewrite each statement, using may (or might) and be able tọ
41 Maybe the doctor can see you tomorrow | The doctor might be able to see you tomorrow 2 Maybe an acupuncturist can help yoụ
3 Maybe the hotel can recommend a good dents 4 Maybe she can't come to the office before 6:00
'5 Maybe you can buy an antihistamine in the hotel git shop
E Writing On a separate sheet of paper, compare two types of medical treatments Use the Reading on page 20 and your own
‘experiences and ideas Consider the following questions xy of My He + How are the two medical treatment similar oliferent?
+ Which treatment do you think is more effectivẻ
+ Why might people choose each treatment? ccna
< “, “ Cc Reece Le Hạ
+ Which treatments do you—or people you know—usẻ Whỷ Comparisons and coors uidonce or ĐecneE
Trang 146 Css Preview
Y Aine bogening reek you ot every
CPN reverie Em nmetueblen dot yr scr tuto mon ` Secs 2) whon younesd sone Be geaatary: Fe eer nhe to buy sorneans ae 1 Sekeomating penSedyyn nh `3) men you nave someting thenn tron vn neta ae Hobo Đ teatime oti Š Rgượn manrotoom in —
tf yu arewored “four or more tie: ‘roa the traeiđfootmMI) patent ft you answered inoettcaponatrạ tut atirgane ne “our or ore tes:
you sneered” four or more tes: TY nh mạ test eater ya nga corer tim Viet
Source: adapted tom
[A Pal work Compare responses on the survey with a partner, Does your score accurately describe the kind of person you arẻ Explain, using examples
i Getting Things Done
4 wmenyouhave Jeunend todo, you do a tof things
E58 the narcest things fret ah 5 meesnea nreeie:
1 when ‘something you noed to get dane in a short ‘amount of tne, you —
ĐT S eamơhgellowdkeenhade ` LÍ 6 nanaheel đe soret
B Discussion Based on the survey questions, what isa procrastinator? What do you think it means tobe an “organized and sll: motivated” person? ‘What do you think are the advantages of being
that type of person?
¢ Denote story reas and steno some customers placing orders ata copy shop, eet
Manager: What can do for you today Ms Krauss? customer 1: Ineed tage these ‘documents copied acạp.* Think
could get 300 copies done bỵ Tron “Manager: rm ara that might be ‘diel ve gota lat of orders to
complee thề meming
{Customer 1: Sor know his is ast ‘minutẹ Butts ely urgent Manager: Wel, youre «good ‘inter et me see what can do ‘customer 1: Thanks a millon Yoúre alieavei 1 5t last minutẹ” 2 it’ really urgent 3 "Yoúre a lifesaver!” 4 "No sweat” Manager Excuse mẹ Hellọ Happy es reer Copỵ
‘customer 2: Hi am Ken Li here Manager H, MỤ How can help you todaỷ Customer 2: Wel, 'm going through my to-do ist, and ust ealzed |
reed to get ity 30-page sales binders ‘ace up for aur meeting next week ‘ry chanee could get them dane by fist thing tamoeraw moening? Manager: Tomorrow morning? No ‘weal Can yu get the documents to
ime beore non?
Customer 2 Absolutely Lowe you one, Sam!
5 “Lowe you one!”
6 “yoúve got allot on your plate 7 "1 won't keep you any longer”
Complete the chart Then compare charts with your classmates,
Ms Krauss 1
Sam 1 Met
Manager Sorry to keep you wating, sR, ‘Customer 1: Wel 26 that yoúve ‘ot alton your pate todaỵ
‘won't keep you any longer, Manager: Don't worry, Ms Krauss Well get your order done on imẹ ‘customer I: Should tater? give you a call Manager: No need for thal Come {8 TT00 an have your ‘ocuments ready ‘Customer 1: Thanks, Sam, D Paraphrase say each ofthe folowing statements from the Photo Story in your own waỵ
Trang 158 Complete each sentence with one ofthe verb phrases from the Vocabulary
Get someone else to do something 1 The meeting doesn’t end unti 5:00, Do you think you could Son? iy kd from school at 4 Ihave to make an important phone call Could you en minutes? my daughter for about 2 Janus usualy answers the phones but hés oụt Dorsis catching a fight at 9:00 Do you think
CSU causatives get, have, and make sick taỵ Could you possibly hina yo might ie ale anne
3 Oops 'm completely out of cash! Do you think you to the airport Use a causative lo express the idea that one person causes another tod something could me some money for lunch?
Get: Use an objet and ani
hie nats race EM MODEL ‘gotta company 1658 to anew ater themesting, Si CHhrmeemsn.uurcmoae
“hey oot the students 1 cleanup afer the pa Catncnd corer pean lode Srey ‘AG Dread and Eten to someone asking for a favor
‘Have: Use an object andthe base form ofa verb bjt bane rm feanetonewerepyens h ~ Taccouatie make pes on obigon ‘A: Martin, | wonder if you could do me B: Sure, What do you need? a favor [Az My cars atthe rpair shop and I need to pick it up at 300, Do you think you could give me a idẻ Lad my assistant plan the meeting
The had the bellman bring the guests bags to their rooms ‘Make: Use an object and the base form of ver, ject base form
[made my brother help ma finish the ob B: I would, but | have a doctors appointment at 2:00, BAMMAR BOOSTEE
2 Oh, hats OF J ura
Tinie al Seeha * <4 8: Maybe you cul La D siysrnscn vce aan reba Teer
Gramwiar practice Complete cick sentence wah a causative eo en ee ee
4 have ea Why dont you +» your asta them? 8 @rnytnm and intonation iste again ana repeat Then pate the 2 (eto) never be abet 3 hve dean hy đưmtyøụ your ends my bother the laundry pater the panỷ race Men HH ninh
4 (Get che) You should wa the hotel 5 (neke wash) hy dont you your bother ou your the dhe bal cen r2) ng 6 (gi in a uh these forms Teer E0 the Vocal On styrene Sst of por vats ác rae
CELE ‘© ped aster Then listen again and repeat some ways to help out another person B Pair work Change Pee eee eee a partner gives a reason for turning down your request and the Conversation Model to create a
suggests getting someone ese to do it, Then change roles,
Mon nữ J—— nh ‘osc wonder yon could 30 me
he Coat you possibly Em ‘me your pen? jood player Do you ‘Do you think you mm pecsons tp dee ne ee ‘appointment
S0 0000) nến Ấn he edtdt | | cam s2 my Sonor Bo 1m15" B: I would, but What do you need? Lraeang mentee ne ae ae
fe Oh, thats OK es IE Me yu oe wneaour 7 wove
Why dont youssk 7
ae (Change partners Try to get someone alse todo you a favor 9lWe(someonel aride [something orsomeone] [something] keepaneyeon _lend[sorneone) [someone] [something or someone] fil in for pick up
Trang 16
CI services
8 @ read an tsten Then listen again and repeat
5 lengthen shorten a skirt 6 print sign 7 copyareport B Pair work Name other things you can get these services for ', yy an ao dye sweaters or pants 3
EZ the passive causative
Use a form of have or get wth an object anda past participle services There is no dference In meaning belween have and g to talk about aranging beet
Theýre having fhe office palnted tomorrow ‘She can gel her sandals repaired inan hour
Remember: In the passive voce, aby phase is used when the information is important We ha the office painted lat veẹ It ooks great (no by phrase) Wete having the ofc painted by Royal Painting Services, Theyre the best!
he pe cv: heb hc [A Grammar practice write questions using the passive causativẹ Write three
{questions wth have and three with get
41 Would tbe possible to / these pictures / framẻ 4 Cant these shirts / dry-clean/ by tomorrow? 2 Could / these sandals / repie/ herẻ 5 sit possible to/ my har / cut /at 3⁄0 / by Georgẻ 3 Where canl / this bow fait wrap? 6 Would you / these photos / print / before 6:007 30 UNE3
© ead and tate to someone requesting expres service
B@uistening comprehension ust to tne conversations Complete Tach statement with the tem and the service Ue pasve casas
41 She needs to gether 2 He wants to get his
3 ‘Shés thinking about having a 4 He needs to have his
[A: Do you think I could get ths jacket dry-cleaned by tomorow?
Tomorrow? That might be ificult
[A Imm sorry, but ís pretty urgent My fiend is getting maried thề weckend, Bs Wall sce what after 4:00 | can dọ But it won't be ready until
really appreciate it Thanks!
8 Drnythm and intonation vsten again and repeat Then practice the Comveraton Melt 3 parte,
[A Pair work Change the Conversation Model Use the ideas eas to request an express service and give a reason fr why its * famea photo painting /awing/cploms) for express services
cây cena aut dress sweater) a “lengthen or shorten a ates sk pants]
[As Do you think could By eas tor why is urgent "Someanés coming ovis
B: 2 That might be cificut {Youre going one vocation / business
‘As Ym sory, but its petty urgent - hatgotg be spay /areetng B: Well Il se what | can do, But it won't bbe ready unl Se = Aoooel
Doni stop
+ Sayyounced tohavethe service completed enter «= Ask how much wil cost
@ bee re to recy this tangnagẹ
J toe you one! Họ 5 oth ast inte
Trang 17Evaluate the quality of service azar ‘Warm-up Have you or someone you know ever had something custom-made—for example, something to wear or something for your homẻ Ifs0, haw vias the qualty of workmanship? aay © The Tailors of Hong Kong Whadhonldsliaytheclo Yuanchoose Tin cua cSom mad tot xe wo ote ings You wll pay
pot fat Sp ft ri“ ipa Pradeep dont have to sce Your iced wa eed (aly expense wl bet depot
‘With more than 250 slong <tablshments Shaul he any problem finding onẹ in Fong Kong Seether fons ae oct hotel araderand shopping complexes, ‘tthe more ups thelocatin, the higher the pices
The fmons Hong Kang 21-hour site thing af the past, ec iery de e eal edabhe Yoel et ithey ay they have yourlothescaston-made In jut ew days
Today, price are gute reasonble—not a ot at They used tobe, but they te feed alo or fora ready-made garment Ick homẹ The afizenc, conte ith biệt Sok acre oh ou pretỵ Moc alors ‘Se cattemelyprofssna The weekinahip ad
cty dc bedẹ ‘rablshd shops ial even ‘hove of Land Savile oy bt at eas thas half the pice!
Tals in Hong Kongare very help and are ling eateries or want Most offer wide
Fangeaf fic from which to choos, frm cotton dnl linen fa very fine wool cheered ak
` - ison made and your talorhas your measurement you fl ror thas ily be ale to St xttTeD Ki ‘online even ter youve nen Traưnei hong
A Identity supporting details Check the statements that are true, according to the articlẹ Find information in the Reading to support your answers 41-1 You used to be able to geta suit made in one day in Hong Kong,
2 Having ahvays less expensive than buying one at home, a suit custom-made in Hong Kong i=
4-1 ityou are not said with the finishee ‘garment, you can refuse to accept it and pay ‘only 50% ofthe total cos
'5 1 ityou want to pay a lower price fora custom: ‘made garment, go to an upscale hotel 3! ifyou buy a garment on Savile Row in London, you wal pay about twice as much as you would meg shopping arcade
pay for one custom-made in Hong Kong, 3E UNE3
B Activate language from a text Find these adjectives in the Reading on page 32 Complete the descriptions, using
the agjectives Clable reasonable helplul professional
1 ind Portella’s tobe really ‘compared to other places Fve shopped around land I can‘tfind another service with such low
prices 4 Dom's Auto Repaiis incredibly
2 What like about Link Copy Services is that theýre so Even i the job you can be sute that they wil If they promise to have a job ready in an hour, ‘sa bit unusual, theyre willing to tỵ
2 Jamo Design is extremely You never have to worry about their doing anything less than an excellent job,
fe yur Acne Sy BH Extra Reading Comprehension Question GE «emphatic stress to express enthusiasm
©) read and tsten Then bien again and repeat Finally, read each statement on your ov, using emphatic stress 41 Theýre REAL reliable
2 Theýre incREDIbY helpful 3 Theýre exTREMLEly professional 4 Theýre $0 reasonable,
Evaluate the quality of service Reasons fra ng rchoosngabuins., È
1 frame your ea Conon rt th vy Os te Stam = |
land list the reasons wy you use that business, Then compare + beacon efcenoy | |
‘chars witha partner + glenn | = | laundry / dry cleaning repairs tailoring delivery haircuts copying other: B Discussion Recommend local businesses from your chart, Explain why you or ther people use them Use the active and passive causatves
661 always get my cothes dy-cleaned ‘QuickClean Theýe near oy home Shad ther prices are reasonable 99
: {teary have ry shows epied But be that As Shoes st ae retẹ 99
Trang 18Paar A@) Vocabulary» Planing an event Read and ten Then sen asain and repeat ad make alistof attendees pickadate,time,and place make abudget 1 aad plan an agenda sendloutanannouncement arrange catering setup theroom assign responsibilities
air work Have you ever taken any ofthese steps to plan an event, such ‘asa meeting or partỷ Which of the activites do you think you would be the best at doing? Use the Vocabulary LISTENING COMPREHENSION
A @)isten for main ideas usten to the Tem ed steers ibn 8D tisten tor order of details Listen again and Sumber he ates te ode they wl ocr 1 acl cede thei Cie the acts she ao he
2 How many people will come to the event? 1 elk dat ante fale a etek 0n ng:
43 Is ita formal or informal event? pick a location ‘make a budget 4 Which ofthe following ace mentioned 238 part ofthe event? (music / food /
a lecture / dancing / meetings) assign responsibilities send out announcements arrange catering arrange music set up the room 34 UNE3 ‘A Frame your ideas Take the surveỵ Compare answers with a partner Column A Column B
Check which event © make a budget } spend mone
activities you would a
rather dọ Choose take responsibilty
{rom Column Aor 8 ©) pananagenda © bea presenter
© assign responsibilities
arrange catering © cook food 2 get people to setuptheroom ©) set up the room O leave before cleanup stick around to clean up
What type of
person are
you chose four or more from Column A, yoúre a BORN ORGANIZER! If you chose four or more from Column B, yoúre a TEAM PLAYER!
B Notepađing In a group, plan a meeting or social event for your clas ‘Choose the type of event and discuss what needs to be donẹ Write the ‘activities and assign responsibilities, Discuss dates, times, and locations,
Type of event Location: |
Date ao time | + An Englsh praciee dạy A special meeting Activity Name Anend-of-year New Year's Eve - party ATgFt ran eons ay WhydofLuwe ? | What needs be done first?” why dant you ? | Thats a [good dea) great weạ
Trang 19‘gammar = vocabulary - bưưnng @uretening comprehension usten wo cach conan, Vie a senate to ate whale coe nd hen bám sạn recesany Example: He’ like to get his shoes shined by tomorrow moming, ' 2 ; : ica ae cớ tes aide ea Oa lege’
‘Complete each causative statement in your awn waỵ Remember to use either the base form or the infinitive form of a verb 41 At the end of the meal, she had the waiter
‘We got the travel agent
‘When Iwas young, my mother always made me ‘When you arrive, you should get the hotel Don't forget to have the gas tation attendant | cân never get my fiends
Writing Do you think being a procrastinator sa serious problem? ‘On a separate sheet of paper, explain your views by giving examples fom personal experience
Some posible examples
+ getting things repaired + hang things cleaned 5 paving ils 1 iaking ples fora vacation
+ Heeping in ouen with people
Suppoting an opinion with Pecan ape
ame Study the pictures fr one minute, paying tention tothe time in ech pcre, Then ease your books Ask and answer questions about the phates,
sing the causative Star ike Dis What dees Pav) need te get done at 2:00? vOTk Crete a conversation for each station, Stace ths Do you think T could get this — by —? ‘Story Close your books na small group, tol the Sor of Pauls daỵ tart ike ts ‘Ả 00, Paul needed fo get —
Trang 20
Tih Mử TÔM worse
ening Thư, hierdie ears — Aasgecbpelr- Senator anderen, vest be fed andre mien Joust jaontecigot — DaneleSee, gunk? wore get AI CBAek CÔ Đám loi rastpice! eas 0 ) 36s Ways T0 BELIME A MILLIUNAIRE
The te soy oft trinphsdanvào —— mmwamh hứ Inn Kats An ươm gad a Thebue soy fer Terkiicevfssipling Ware gic Ban Keo ‘pee lon = twfepeblesm a ‘toc teen! Geswhogetdean mdômycpmlavee — tone Sacer nen oy you a
Jocabulary * Types of books Read and isen Then listen again and repeat ‘anovel sfomancenoel abiogfaphy amemoir
amystey &ienceflclon anautobiography a se-elp book athiller short stories travel book
B Discussion Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? Have you ever read a book in English? How about a magazine ora newspaper? Int, what would you like to read? Whỷ 38 UNE4 Hi aaa i =
lynne Hey, Spl Poe never Sophie: Lynn! Good tose you Lynn No, Fm just browning How
lynn: This one doesn’t look bad ts ou hee before! ‘biography of Helen Keer, What Looking fr anything spe ‘00d these days?
Sout yoủ Are you reaging ansthing Sophie: Wel, ve gota ew mystery ‘about yoủ ‘on my night able, but gps
Sophie: Ym jt pcking up some urering magisneor my mom, Tea/8IAlL tess mysores sv AVL FAN She se antag [bơm tye: hn a ou mẹ They So, anything rein? Sophie: Wel, yoúre a big reader Tưng TS
T wonder you could recommend something forme
Photo Story by its meaning, Explain your choices
ty Have you read he ew on Sophie: No, haven ct know ie had a new book out Ly Wel Le MA) /E/N8d9.0EP Sophie: Thanks for he tip! Do you thik could bortow it when yoúre fen lynn: Ofcourse you can wai il The end of the week be happy
in Classy each ofthe six undetined expressions from the
Paraphrase Say each of the underlined verbs and phasal verbs in your own way, ve never run inta you here before,
im just browsing
\'m picking up some gardening magazines for my mom Do you think | could orraw it when yoúre finished? Yd be happy to lend it to yoụ
Trang 21
Recommend a book
[2110 Ways to describe a book & Dread and ten Then listen again and repeat
Ws a page-turner 1 so interesting tht you want to keep reading it
Ws a cliffhanger I! sa exciting that you can’t wait to find out wht hoppers next Ws a best-seller Its very popular and everyane is uying copies
W's a fast read (es easy and enjoyable ro red Ws hard to follow It dificult to understand I trash, Irs very poor qualitỵ
B Pair work Discuss which types interesting, Use the Vocabulary from here and page 38 of books you find the mast we peer irs A tier i usualy 2 W elt fast read thlps pas the imẹ 99 GRAMMAR -vậh that often follow these verbs Ngun dausesandotherclauses and adjectives ‘Noun clauses ‘Anoun claus i a group of words that functions as a noun A noun clause Verbe Adjectives
canbe inroduced by tat and often functions as the direct object ofa
mental activity” verb oe hội en
i didnt that he wrote that boọ heleve indent | ta
Thi ha una Dar’: novel are fantasti feel hope | sony
Sho forgot that Andrew Merton wrote biographies Soube remember | Surprised SSippose forget sire \When a noun louse functions a5 drct objet that may be omit |g’ know he wrote that book ‘guest my
[on thinkso,/| dont lieve so, ‘Does Steven King have anew book oủ BUT {guess nt./ hope not 8:| thinks, / believe So/ guess sọ/\ hope so, NOT ldontguesxso/l dothopcso
(so = tat Steven King as 3 nes book out)
(ther ctuses with that often fllow certain predicate adjectives The word that canbe omitẹ
Were you suprised (ial he ending was sad?
Grammar practice On a separate sheet of paper, respond to each question ‘witha clause using that Use the prompts
|What has the author Monica Al been up to latelỷ (write / a new novel) _— | Link that she has written anew novel
41 Where does the story tke placẻ (in London / | quess)
22 What does Amy Tan usualy write about? (mother-daughter relationships / | believe)
53 Where does Maro Vargas Los's novel The Fost of the Goat take pacẻ (inthe Dominican Republic / hear) 4 What kind of book s Dan Brown going to write next? (another thriller / | hope)
ELT sentence stress in short answers with so
8@) read and listen Notice the stress on the verb in Short answers with so, Then listen again and repeat B Pair work Ask and answer questions about your future plans, yes / ng
cece: b, Respond with short answers, using
41 Are there alot of characters inthe storỷ THINK: soon wea tenes 2 Has she read that book yet? I dort THINK sọ
3 Do you think this trier wil be good? | HOPE sọ ) 4 Does the story have a happy ending? | beLIEVE so
8 @® reas ana isen to someone recommend a book
[Az Have you been reading anything intresting latelỷ B: Actually, m reading a tiller called Don't Clase Your Eyes ‘A: Ive never heard ofthat one sit any good?
8: a
[66 Are you going to read ‘nvhing tris weetend?99/ Tosa pp
(Oh, | think its great t's a clif-hanger How about yoủ ‘We just finished a Hemingway novel, The Old Man and the Seọ highly recommend i ‘Rhythm and intonation Listen again and repeat
Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner A Notepađing Write some notes about a book ‘yoúve read, oF choose one ofthe books herẹ Machine arạ "1 Type of book Tie Anhor Whats it about? Soar TS MA But what are they afraid of? aw Yor, Marin B bì IK The King
B Pair work change the Corverstion Mod, iajiie Vocilay asl your nomad nares bi đông ae
‘A: Have you been reading anything interesting latelỷ “Pec at | es
VN hen Sat
errs tale ata oll Sen đớn
B: Oh, | think Ws How about yoủ aie had a dream
eae ane Se, eee eee ease secre beak ‘Whats about ES ———
Trang 22Cae GRAMMAR fies Offer to lend something
AG) rea and ten to someone oteing to lend a magazinẹ ‘A: Is that the latest issue of Car Magazinẻ
B: Yes, itis
‘A: Could you tel me where you bought it? | can't find it anywhere, B: At the newsstand across the street But think it’s sold out ‘A: Too bad, Therés an article in there 'm dying to read,
B: You know, Íd be happy to lend it to you when Ím done with it ‘A: Reallỷ That would be great Thanks!
® sanynm ana intonation tse in Tracie te Convertor Mol worn eat, Then ‘Noun clauses: embeđed questions "tage and conan ero
Noun clauses sometimes include embeđed questions Use if or whether 0 begin embeđed yes/no questions (i and whether ‘es a0 questions Embeđed ys /an questions have the same meaning.)
that magazine any good? Tol ei that magazine is any
Did he ke te artẻ 1 he to know whether he like the atte Have ou finished that newspaper? Could you tell mei you
Can borrow your brochurẻ wonder whether | cou
Use a question word a begin embeđed information questions iomatin questions Embed ormati ‘What’ the aril about? “ele what he ail’ about,
Why did ou decid orcad ta Whos th ter? ould youll {onder wh thew me why you decided to rea ỉ che "
Worecommended the atẻ _DayouTow who recommended the ariciẻ_Use normal word rd Wot) sit wen fỏ ose magazine it? Tali to know whese magazine Ii Canyou tee who(m) is wnten for? (Pet question word ore) inated au When was wen? Wares the wr rom? Weuldyoutelimewhentwas.riten? Doyouoow wierethe witerie ton? Ponty: (wenger ora he wre corer fom? Find the grammar Undetine three examples of noun clauses in the
Photo Story on page 39 Which two are embeđed questions? Grammar practice Change the questions to embeđed questions
41 Does she lke to read? 4 Why don't you read newspapers? I wonder rm urious
2 Where did you get that magazinẻ 5 Who told you about the articlẻ Can you tell me ? was wondering
3 Ise a John Grisham fan? '5 When did you hear about the new websitẻ ve been wondering 7 ike to knows
© Pair work Complete the survey below Then look at your partner's responses,
Use embeđed questions to lear more _ 1, 2° Gb wonder wat sections ofthe about your partner sever you ket 65d 99 ữw Đại piẹ {66 Te me why you ike to read photography magasnes 39 World news Sports Economies
> Photogeephy > Health end fitness Computers and electronies © Business Entertainment > Pood and cooking
Music Other © World news © Entertainment © Local news Travel © Sports © Other (© Business ee
‘A Pair work Change the Conversation Model Create -a conversation in which you offer to lend your partner
something that you are reading, Then change roles Couidyoutelime Boyou kone
A We that ỉ Nông ị
` i
‘A: Could you tell me where you bought Ở cam find it anywhere, 8: But I think its Sold out
‘A: Too bad,
Trang 23Describe your reading habits 20/1 sạ vỀ ẤỀVocahulary + Some ways to enjoy reading Read and listen Then Ksten agein and repeat curl upwith{abook) read aloud to someone] listen to audio books read [articles] online skim through fa newspaper]
B Pair work Discuss which activites from the Vocabulary match the situations below Explain your reasons + Is convenient for when you are driving
` "=
41 What kinds of reading material does he or she likẻ 2 When does he or she like to ead?
L3 Where does he of she tke to read? 4 UNITS + 153 q00d way to relax * Helps pass the time during a bus or train commute + [sa way to keep up with the news Su Yomei + Taivan
Vick Patterson + USA
‘A Frame your ead electronic books /-books Describe your readi 38S Completethe questonnai
'What are your reading habits? 1 Da you consider yourself to be s big wader? Why ar why not? 2 Do-you have any favorite authors? Who are theỷ
3 Do you prefer any particular types of books? Which types? 4 Ane you a big newspaper reader? What setio
paper da you prefer to read?
5 Do you read a lt of magazines? What kind?
6 Dayou spend a lot of time reading onlinẻ Why or why not? 7 Have you ever read sload to someonẻ Has anyone ever
real aloud to yoủ When?
{5 Da you listen to ano Books? If so, do you like them? ‘9 When and where do you prefer to read the most?
of the
10 Is there anything else you cam ad about your reading habits?
B Pair work Use the survey to interview your partner about his or her reading habits Take notes on a Separate sheet of paper
® se sure to moydetielenguagẹ
Val the tô na,
‘Could you erie 1 guess (sat This (at) "suppose hai)
© Group work Now tell your classmates {your partner’ reading habits, about ‘6 len petro tead in bod before she goed lo sleep
Warm-up Do you—or does anyone you know—read comics? Do you think therés any value in reading them? <r ®
Comics: trash or treasurẻ `
Jn apan theýre nown as mange; n _belleved that comies were {atin America, hetrics ‘vacrinhos; nay amet Some people cased bad behavior or histori em immoral and that they among fallthem grape moves" But no matter young peoplẹ Even tay, ‘what youcall then, comics areafavorte _ tmanyguedlon source ofreadingpsssureformillosin young people shou ead
sary parts ofthe word them tall
Incaseyoue wonderinghow popula They ane that reading theyare the bestselling comieinthe comics encourages bad reading ỤS, sells about 45 milion copies ayear habits In more recent years ‘Mexicós comic tiles ee over Tallon some comles have been critica
copies aweck But Japan is by farthe for neluding violence and semua Jeading publisher of coms inthe world, content ‘Manga account for neary 40 percent of One other hand, some educators aul boul and magne pulsbed nora mà ‘choose reading instead of television and wy tog ecngrs to Ever since comics first appeared, Ihave been people who have crititred there numberof edeators have argued that videogames And because ofthe ar, a
ther, the 1940s and 3s, many people ‘comics area great way to get children to thinkereatvelỵ Some recent esearch has suggested that the combination and testin comics may be one reason of visuals
young peopl handle computers sted software co casi and In many paces, comics have boon a ‘ouveatent way to communicate sola ‘or polical informatie, For example, nthe 180s, comics were use bythe ‘Bran heath minty to communicate
defend them, according tothe article, points of viow Ust some reasons people criticize comics and Eee
46 UNE4
Spldee Nar sone of tha words est, ‘Renghitableand eslbated come “peters Res millon Seder Man ‘comlsaresold exch erin 7S counties andinZlergges
Information about AIDS In Japan the ‘Education Ministry calls comes “a part ol Japars national culture, recognized nd highly regarded abroad” Comics are
Ineresigly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see ‘Hem asa useful way of teaching history and other subjects,
‘Nomatter how you view them, comes remain a gly pleasure formilions wore, Soures: Associated Pres Ananova News Serve, PRNeWsire
eee ed
B Critical thinking Discuss the following questions
+1 What point of view do you think the writer of the article has about comics? Explain your reasons, 2 Why do you think comics are so popular around the world? Why do you think japanese manga are so popular outside of Japan? '3 Why do you think some people find reading comics “a quilty pleasure"? [Sryeardaiaibar alu BS
comics YON teen magazines yon fashion magazines Yon sports magazines yon ‘movie magazines ca INN) romance novel VN tem pall Ð horror magazines Si IẾN: 6-8 magacines yon online blogs yon ewspapers VN other aly B Pair work Compare ideas Then choose one type of reading material you both agree i trash and the comments you wrote on your charts Discuss your
‘one you both agree isnot Prepare to explain your reasons tothe cas © Group work with the quality of two types of reading a partner, compare
materials Explain your reasons to your classmates
Zentmining option indtine language nthe Reading'on page st se Inthe Gus Work For ample "Many people @BEtriGii ‘question whether Express an opinion Tih hay Ibelee (Ea) I guess cha) my opinion, Describe materials Fresno leaweget enough of They es ae ead Tea get into — ret my ting
Trang 25gammar i boon L PELL @ tistening comprenension Listen o cach conversation lay 00851 cf book enc pen dsussing Then gece fhe person he he book ụ nS and write the ‘which eats about the book she reading, She makes a Pair wor ee mm ae biEerie xua v0iEer 1 = mm Eammmmm
\Write the name of each type of book, ‘A novel about people falling in love ‘book about a famous perso:
A book that a famous person writes about his or her ovine Books that are about factual information 1 2 3 4 Avery exciting novel with people in dangerous situations: 5
66 Astrange fictional story about the future Sect,
Use the expressions in the box to change each question to an embeđed is ‘question (Use each expression oncẹ)
| was wondering Could you tell me | don't know leant remember Would you please tell me
41 Where does the story take placẻ 2 Who isthe main character inthe novel? 13 How much was that newspaper? 4 How do you say thisin English? '5 What does this word mean?
19 On a separate sheet of paper, wile a review of something yoúve read—a book oF
an article from a magazine, a newspaper, or the Internet màn * summarising dance for Eece 0
+ Summarize what it was about + Make a recommendation ta the reader, UNT&
‘Are you reading anything interesting
2.Use the petres wo create a conversation In which the than and wornan dacs ther reading habs For example
BT esvally like t curl up in bed with a good book, Ne Close your books Make an “statement about the reading habs ofthe man ar woman
Trang 26GOALS Natural Disasters World week m=—
The influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 let an estimated 25 million people dead wortdwid
In February 2010, two major blizards dumped historic levels of snow on the Washington D.C, area, causing travel delays, schoo! closures, ‘and power outages
In 1984, hungry communities in Ethiopia {faced one of the wast food crises in historỵ [A Discussion Discuss one oF more ofthe following topics about the content ofthe news
41 Do you think or worry about epidemics, famines, and weather emergencies? When stories about these events appear inthe nes, ate you interested in reading about them? 2_ Why do newspapers often put this information on the front pagẻ
53 What percentage ofthe news is about disasters and emergencies? 4 Notall disasters are natural disasters (caused by nature) What are some other kinds of disasters? How are they caused? 5 UNES 8 @Photo story ead and listen toa conversation about amar cater
Rachel: Oh, my goodhnes Tom: Whỷ What’ going on? ahi Take look Rachel: It say, °No reports of deaths Toms What ernie fer." Blin miđle ofa city for goodness the Rach | order compares othe one they had in a dst ow this od Rachel: There’ his enormous lod in Stovakiolok t ese people huệc ‘eden ill cauld end up being New Orleans few yes ick, Remenber thả
Gn theroll The waters upto the Tom: And can you imagine the “Tom: Yu bet dọ How could anyone second loot A look at these cars propery damagẻ orgẻ And that fladed sos all Teorehope there wes no oneln Rach Wel hey estimate almost the ly too
them 50% of the houses in town ae Rachel: Lets tum on CNN They ‘om: That sounds homendous Ary ‘word on asus? underwater already “aly have Breatng news about Stl het © Focus on language Complete cach statement with words or phrases from the Photo Storỵ
41 Two words that mean very big are and
2 The number of nan event indicates the number of people who are injured or killed 3 Ạwọword phrase that means the destruction of or harm to buildings, cas, and other things that belong to victims of an event i 4 Atwosvord expression that is used to describe the fist news reports of an important event that is happening atthe presenti D Pair work Where do you get your news? Complete the chart with the news sources you and your partner use
My news sources My partners news sources
a newspaper
a weekly news magazine Woevscasts
radio news ports Intemet news sites ‘word of mouth
Trang 27GEN Direct and indirect speech: rhythm
A] Notice the sys of sentences in dec and inde spech, Read and stn, “hen listen again and vepeat
1 He sid, [pause] "Be home before midnight." > He said to be home before midnight
2 told your parents, "Geta fly shot at the cnc." | tld your parents to get a fly shot atthe clinic CZ tnairect speech: imperatives
To report what someone sald without quoting the exact words, use indirect speech Inarect speech io kind of B Pair work Take turns reading aloud the sentences in the Grammar Practice on page 52 Read both the original Don't use quotation marks when you write indirect speech ee eet Sentences and the sentences you wrote, using corect rhythm for direct and indtect speech
Direct speech: Peter sid, "Be caret! if you go out during the storm ‘jer following reporting
Iniect speech: Peer sid 1 be earlul you go out during the strm, ‘et such 3653 rake enue a
‘An imperative in direct speech becomes an infinitive in indirect speech They sid, “Read the weather report" They said to read the weather repr
She ays, “Dont go out without aul tank of gạ"—> She says nat ogo out without ul tank of gs ‘A Notepađing Read the possible excuses and ‘messages Then write thee more excuses and
Change time expressions and pronouns in indirect speech as necessarỵ ‘he told Dan, "Calle tomorrow."-> She told Danto cal het the nex! day three more messages
B Pair work Change the Conversation Model Roleplay conveying a messagẹ Use ay of
[A Grammar practice On a separate sheet of paper, write each statement in Indiect speech, making necessary changes, the excuses dlsplaỵ Then change roles / messages onthe telephone Possible excuses Frm running late
41 Martha told me, “Be home belote the snowstorm.” _ 5 ‘A: tim on the phone with would der bare tre 2 Everyone i saying, “Get ready fora big storm.” TU DA) Hệ, Your own thres excuses: 13 The radio says, “Get supplies of food and water incase the toads are closed.” 8: I would, but
4 They told her, “Don’t be home too late this afternoon.” ‘A: Anything yoúd like me to tll ? '5 Maria always tells him, "Don't leave your doors open.” B: Yes, Pease tell to
& B Pair work For each sentence, say what you think the speaker's original words werẹ Take turns
4 He told them to call him when itstants ining peas ea me when astans rong 99 `
2 The police said to leave a window or door open | << when therés going to be a severe storm ‘etyour parmer + todoyou stave ‘tte Her she willbe homẹ 3 She told his parents to read the emergency instructions in the newspaper la
4 Ray old Allison to look for the story about him in the paper the next daỵ
Trang 28Report news
CETTE severe weather and other natural disasters A@ read and tsten Then listen again and repeat
ahurricane/typhoon ——_aflood landslide a drought
ening comprehension Listen to the news Ine, and then write the kind of ‘event the report describes
1 3
@aiseno cach opr again, ter each opr te one Seatement om a spat sect of paper about at the rporer Sst Use dec spendh ane nae ty necesay changer 1, She taid it hadn't rained in months
SLED ‘direct speech: say and tell—tense changes Use tell when you mention the listener Use say when you dont Maggie told her parents to stay home (isteners mentioned)
Maggi sid to stay homẹ istenersnot mentioned)
‘han say and tl are inthe past tense, the verbs in the indirect Presei becomes pasl Pas becomes past perect speech st
They si, "The weather Dan sid, "Weal ha thet," Oan sai that they al had had the , is avul"~> Thay sad (hat) the weather was aul it corte 3
A Grammar practice Cire the correct ves for indirect speech My Great Grandmother Meets Hurr Hurricane Clo struck the Unit ets Hurricane Cleo
‘grandmother, Ana, was travel struck, She (I sid tld) me áeyone Nếu She sod) me tha the hoa her rom one mori on aa
ed Sales in Ags, 1964 My gent, in Mam when th harcane ” that she stl remembers how seared
(has called had cae ner 1 a one waỵ They (ald) ua a i and had (sd ol) her hat abso {7 have / odo) Sayin the etl unt We wanton oe (1s) att wa) lene aye in er oom and seid tow what happened un tnesonm va oe Whenshetnedon he Weapon (0 sad) alata of peop hare been thee inured and at al the roa (1 se wee) Nooded she shay, (13 says sad) that she sl (14 fea el n/a (14 Tels fel lucky to ave sured
8 Grammar practice Change each statement from direct speech to indirect speech, changing the ‘verb tense in the inlrect speech statement 1 The TV reporter worst in historỵ” sai, “The landside is one ofthe
2 He also said, "it caused the destruction of half the houses in the town.”
“The TV reporter said the landilide was one of the erdtin history
3 My sister called and said, "There is no electricity because of the huricanẹ”| 4 The newspaper said, “There vas a tornado inthe central part of the countrỵ”
5 The paper sai, “The drought of 1999 was the worst natural disaster of the twentieth century” 6
Alter the great snowstorm in 1888, a New York newspaper reported, “The blizard of 88 ‘caused mote damage than any previous storm.”
GD rena en on comrton sou hens
Thank goodness for that,
8 @nythm and intonation usten again and repeat Then pactce the Conversation Model ath a partner ‘A Notepađing Read each newspaper headlinẹ Then write ‘what it sid on a separate shet of paper using indirect speech, 20,000 killed in earthquake in Iran DAR POST_ people ođ ver ley al [bxhesiediartssrsreassterse seo]
B Pair work Use the newspaper headines to repoftwhat cach newspaper says Then change roles and newspaper headlines = 'A: Whats going on in the news todaỷ
Well vse says š
: |
A: Reallỷ ie esos Don’t stop! D20 TC National News HE
ˆ eos co CS TH T— es
ace, Vị illage Times
Thats enemas igante/ huge Tenerisue aime ham car “ ag
Trang 29
Describe natural disasters
A@Wocabutary Adjectives of severity Read and iste, Ten listen again and repeat Sey
B Warm-up Have you or someone you know experienced a natural disaster? ‘What kn of csaster wast? Hony severe was it Tell the class about it
EARTHQUAKES Enthquakecafeamong the dedet natal asters causing
thelargest numbers of eatuaties the highest dest athe (restest destruction In 1556 in China, he dead earths Inistery kiled 830000 people But many other earthquakes have cau the dents of ore than 10000 peopl, tie not anual even In medern times, for am earthquake det tate reach 2030000 people wth hundred of thousands et homeless and ath countess muted The floodwaters of the 2004 ura in Suma sched ove 208000 prope were ‘ured acatatwophieeathouake Thec ae four factors that afect the easy rate and conor pact of erthqudes magne, neato, Guy of omeiucuenofbuldings and ning
“Themagntide, Fcher sale, ranging Fem 1 0 10, wth 10 being the eats or strength ofan earthquake emensredon the Fanhrakes cue 6 the Rehl sal ae een deadly, and thom che Bae general catastrophic causing eile arp,
Aocation ‘severe eorthquske that acted fa from population centers inthe miđle of cy Re an example, 1980 he strongest farthaake ever ecxdee 95 magntude onthe Reter sale ‘Stuckin the ace Ocean near the Cheah contin, deste basing lng ver 2000 airing another 300m egona fitesneartnecoser Hthsquskehacetrck ey recỵ ou fave been atastoph, and hundreds af thousands mht have beenkiled Smlarỵn Ansa in 1964 magnitude 92 quake ‘Quality of Construction
eden bung constuction ehniquescanfesen tolandecanomicimpuct ofa roderatecathquae ist would the death ‘theron cite severe destcon of ders bulngs
Information eure: slats
2010, terebie ease in ort Pence, ‘ausedthedestrtonoatremendour number othe cy the apt bangs most deo poor cencoucton incantat an een Srongercathguse oe a yearn Cece es desttion bebe oho county seo ears retanteontricton ‘Timing Finale ue of accurence ofan earthquake can affect the urbe death an casas Eriukes that cer nthe talon onerthateccurhen people re outdoor
{gest Earthquakes nthe Word ace 1950
[A Paraphrase Rewsite the following statements in your own words, changing the underlined word or phrasẹ 41 The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale,
2 There ae four factors that affect the destructive value of an earthquakẹ
'3 Good construction techniques can lessen the danger to people in buildings affected by an earthquake, 4 Damage ie alten due to poor construction,
5 If an earthquake occurs near a major population center, more people willbe affected 56 UNES
B Confirm facts Answer the questions, according to the information in the articlẹ Use indirect speech
1586 war the deadliest nhistorỵ 99
[Ge The artes he eanhauakein
1 Where did the deadliest earthquake in history take placẻ 2 Which earthquake had the highest recorded Richter scale reading?
3 How can location affect the death toll ofan earthquakẻ [on your Acnenk Pura Reading Comprehension Guest Sy Ba 4 What else can lessen the destruction and economic impact of an earthquakẻ
© Identity cause and effect Discuss how magnitude and timing affect the casualty rate and economic impact of earthquakes, Explain your ideas by putling together information from the article
2000 ‘A Pair work Partner A, read the fact sheet -
hurricane, Partner B, read the factsheet about the Philippines earthquake, In your own words, tell your partner about the disaster, JAMAICA HURRICANE \ Me: September | ace: Pore Royals Nanene | Deena, aa ashes ries: hundreds Roms and 580 (66 Ahurcane hit ica on September 20 There va alot ut the Jamaica | et property damagẹ 99 PHILIPPINES caRTHqUaKE Mania hits S| men | Paper damage: mar
B Notepađing choose one of the historic disasters from thelist Find information about it on the Intemet, at a library, orn 3 bookstorẹ (Or choose a disaster you are already fair with.) ‘Write details about the disaster on your notepad, bate Pace Event Property damege: ‘casuals:
Some historic disasters “The Bam earthquake of 2003 (ran) The San Francisca earthquake of 1906 (US) * The sunaml of 2004 Indian Ocean) * Hurieane Katrina 2005 (New rieans, US) The earthquake af30%0 (ah) * Anata isaser of your choke: © Group work Make a news broadcast or presentation (or one of the disasters in A) Deserbe the natural disaster to your clas about the disaster you researched ` 0 “ype of disaster | Adjectives food mild storm landslide moderte seuee earthquake deany đang famine catasUoplic epidemic
Features Text-mining optional ional casuals injures Underine engage nthe feading on page S60 ne propery damage Seath to [the Group Work Poreample
Trang 30© Paraphrase What di the radio announcer say in the emergency radio broadcast? With a partner, nent ts tliscus the questions and complete each statement in indirect speech Listen again if necessarỵ
‘1 What should you do to get your car ready for an evacuation? He said to
2 What should you do with outdoor funiturẻ
BEFORE YOU LISTEN 2: What shoul you buy for ashighs and potable radios? Hesaid to
AQ vocabuiry + emeroenay reparations and supplies René and len The den agen ae opt tae
4 What should you listen to in case ofan evacuation? evacuate to remove all people fom an atea that sto0 dangerous He said to we
anemergency a very dangerous situation that requiresimmediate ation '5 How should you prepare to have food and water incase you have to stay indoors for several days? ‘power outage an interuption nthe flow of electrical power over alarge area He sid to
shelter a safe place where people may go when the area they ven has een evacuated
đã Som,
first-aid kita small box or package containing supples to teat and
mre rates an esses {8 Group work Choose an emergency from thelist Write plans for Hàn BỊ xe,
aflazlight 2 portable battery operated ght Your emergency on the notepad Provide a reason foreach plan hurcane,syphoon!
non-perishable food food that doesn't need refgeration, Sicha canned and die food ran K— soneplemic ee |
— ÌHme2liesatrae— thaueesuahralerbsas—— Ì lonecide |
Please erica ei Ì Sn entake :
Type of emergency
Plans Reasons
B Pair work With a partner, write sentences _| They vied to evacuate the entire population of the city
‘using the Vocabulary words and phrases, before the flood, but lots of people refused to gẹ
A Lan for ain ideas tsten oan emergency aio brows ite Sein Chom mew oan cape
8 Driston for details tsten again ad coet each of the following false statements, using indirect speech, ££ 00+ group prepared fora storm We si to be sre cel phones were working A power outage might occu: 99
Example: He sai you should stand near windows during the storm, “G6 Nọ He said wesdows during the storm 39 na to stand newt
B Present your plans tothe cas 1 He said you should turn your refrigerator and freezer off ` ‘Compare your plans, 2 He said that in case ofa flood, you should put valuable papers ‘on the lowest floor of your homẹ
3 He said you should read the newspapers fr the location of shelters
Trang 31
‘ganar = voabuay + lanh fading = speaking = penuncton
omprehension Listen to the report The reporter ‘Tescribes three kinds of disasters Listen carefully and check the ones that fall into the categories she describes Lsten again it necessarỵ
10 epitome China 1902 1,500.00, tye 149 Complete each statement with the name ofthe dsaiter or emergencỵ
1n houses and can bury entire towns | mud and soll cover the A storm with high winds and rain is
2 Avwidespread event in which many people become sick with the same ilness is When there is no ain fora long period of time, is said to occur aA Fiver enters houses and roads, jccurs when water from a In food and mary people go hungrỵ ôthere ie not enough â Complete each indirect statement or question with said or Lol
4 They me tocallthe offcein 3 He the storm was awtul the moming 4 Who bus to get extra 2 The students been very dificult the test had batteries?
D Ona separate sheet of paper, reste the following indirect speech statements in direct speech,
41 She said they knew the reason there was so much I said not to tll the children about the storm Property damage, 4 He asked if the epidemic had been severe 2 The radio announcer told the people to ill up theie cats with gas before the storm,
(On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the following direct speech statements in indirect speech, 1 Robert told Marie, "Don't wait fr the evacuation order.”
2 Sylvia said," think the earthquake occurred during the night." 3 The emergency broadcast said, “Buy bottled water before the hurricane, 4 They told Marlene, “Call us the next daỵ” * Organising deta -4atoneni by order + Gndahce or sertse
F Writing On a separate {an emergencỵ Choose an emergency sheet of paper, write about how to prepare for and include infermation on what to do, ‘what supplies to have, and what preparations to make,
Tell a story cive te people names and telatortis “Then tel the ayo Tucsey and Weds ine cel
(On Tuetday, [Robert] called Chit father] and feld him fo 4 Tellyourparner what the TV announcer sad on Tuesaỵ “Then sch res You parr ee you wba the raọ ‘rset on dey he de eh
“The announcer seid tropical storm wor coming
2 create conversion between the two rn on ust | Start ets Helle, [Dad] Theré going to be a bad
Trey Say
Trang 32
What's the best care
Toke this preference inventoty to see which fields ae the best imate for you, Check all the activities you like to do
be a doctor and
sare for sick people design the stage scenery for a play
Dy teach adults how to read
teach science to young people
take a creative writing class
TT ead to blind people make clothes to sll interpret Xtays and other medical test make pain and sculptures
1 help coupes with marrage problems
the number of check marks you have by each color
Discussion Talk about the following questions
“+ Which field o fields did you have the most check mats in? *+ Were you surprised by your results? Explain,
+ What are some jobs or professions in that ilả 2 UNITS Charlotte: Dr Miler, wonder 1 could RAYE
Dr Miler: Sure, Chaviote hater your? Charlotte: Welt avaye thought ‘would go to engineeting schoo
but nvr not so sure anymorẹ Dẹ Mile: Wels not so unusual fora person your age osha be
Dr Miler: must have changed rine ten lies before Iota medicine Have you decided on somehing esẻ
Charlotte: We actualy, Fe developed an interest in the Health Fe, and since yoúre a doctor Dr Miler: Are you thinking of Charlotte: Not special Something related that doesn’ tale that long to
expression with its meaning
make up one’s mind
keep something in mind semember something
Charlotte: 1hoaw there ce some ‘904 plans, bum having rouble mahiog inrỵ tind
Dr Miller: Wel ave you given any ‘thought to becoming a physical therapist? Ws grea fel Yu help people ard theres avays ajo balabe
Charlotte: Hm, Physical therapy should have tought of thal sso a\invvind
language Look at the underlined expressions in the Photo Storỵ Then match each decide to do something ele
decide to do something after considering conflicting choices ask someone about something
‘make a final decison that won't change 4A change one’s mind Ð bbe on one’s mind € think of something 4 1 pick someonés brain
Discussion {sit common to change life ot work plans before setting ‘on something? Check any areas in which you have ever changed your ‘mind, Then take a survey ofthe class How many people have changed plans in each areả Disctss reasons people change thee plans
Trang 33Wye
‘A: So what are you doing these days? B: Well, Ím in dental school
‘A: No kiđing! | thought you had other plans
B: That's right was going to bean artist, but | changed my min ‘A: How comẻ
B: Well ís hard to make alving asa painter!
8 @atythm and intonation usten agin and repeat Then practice the Conversation Model wih a prtner
| was going ta get martied (but edn), Was se going t ake the coursẻ Weren't you a
Where were they going fo work (In Kuala Lumput)
Would i he past form of wilt can as Use woud he base form in ‘hat describes fuure plans or expectations xpress ul They They
© ead ond tsten to a conversation about a change plans
‘Was / were gong to sth past form of be going fọ His used to express or ask about future plans or expectations someone had in the past Wis often used for pans that changed or werent ache They were going ta study art (but hey cn’), Were you going to study with Or Mellon? to study law? (Yes, was No, | wasnt)
Who was going fa teach this class? (My sister was.)
jun cause direct object ‘She thought se would bea doctor (but she changed her min) We always believed they would gel married (but they neve di) they would pay or her daughters studies (but hey cn’), Note: Noun clause diet objects an also use was hey were going to artve before noon (but they didn), / were going ta + the base form
yas | were going to and would
Be careful Dont use would +a base form alone to express future pans or expectations the Use was / were going wainstead She mas going to bea doctor,
NOT She wane» doctor ‘ean rw 4
Grammar practice On a separate sheet of paper, write what each person said he or she was ‘0ing to dọ Write the sentences two ways, once with was going to and once with said and would
Erm going to Sop smoking 33 EGÍm going wo app tolaw school 33
6m going a hoan tm going to racy Sa 39
He was going to stop smoking / He said he would stop rmoking wanted tobe arock
star but my tastes
changed, was going tobe anartst.butits hhardtomakea living as an artist exam bea layer but Ididwtpassthe thought! would family talked me ‘out of it | wanted a firefighter but my to become twas going to
B Integrated practice On a separate sheet of paper, complete each sentence, using yiould anda reason from the Vocabularỵ Then compare reasons with a partner 1 Laura thought / be / @ doctor, but
2 | thought / become an astronaut, but, 4 Joe wanted / a writer but 3 We were sure / Bill and Stella get a divorce, but
¢ Distening comprehension Listen to he conversations Complete each statement about the ection each peson madẹ Ten sen again and use th Voi to we the reson each patton changed ior et ind 4 She wanted to be nu but she changed er mind because
2 Hewas going tọ esc, bute didnt because
2 He aways thought she would become 9s ut she đ becae
4 She was going to ' Romanian named Andre, but she didn’t because ach Em
‘A Notepađing On the notepad, life, study, or work plans you had inthe past, write some but which you changed your mind about ‘Wit th reasons for the changes, using the
Vocabulary or other reasons study plans B Pair work change the Conversation Model, using the information on your notepad Then change roles So what are you doing these days? Wel, work plans ———— "1 Da you
‘Thats right was going to ạ Km
b Hơi trai Bp cheapest 8: Wl ‘hide ofertas
Trang 34GOA Express reøgrets about past actions
actions: should have + past participle | should have studied medicinẹ (But unfortunately, | dnt)
‘Sha shouldn't have divorced Sam (But unfortunately, she di) xpress possibility or speculate: may have, might hae + past participle | may (of nÌgM) have filed the final exam, twas really had
He may (or might) not ave been able to make a living as a pane
Its to bad he broke up with Annẹ They would have been happy together He was the diver He could have prevented te accident raw conclusions: must have + past participle Beth isn't her She must have gone home eat
(Cink thats what happened.)
Thay did't (Ctunktats the reason.) buy the house, The price must not have been acceptable Grammar practice Choose the modal that logically completes each sentencẹ ‘Write the modal and the ver i the perfect modal form
4 don't know why she married him He the only man available, 2 nei age ariectre
3 Jennás not studying Chinese anymorẹ | quess it and Japanese atthe same timẹ
saga AMY ged at
Ti ng ge =~ 400 hard to learn Chinese 4 We didet know we were going to have five chien Wẹ sucha small housẹ 5 Ella still loves Ben Shẹ i i id a i vith him,
{6 When | was young, everyone thought Iwasa great singer But I decided to become a lawyer instead, Looking back, | think ni al ee ‘on the wrong career
ikauctod oF hae iced ile
oe eee fou nav)
4 BGI maria Mai 3 Wemay seenit Agdau/
2 They GRU let "` been on time
B Pair work Take tums reading the sentences with perfect modals in the ‘Grammar Practice abavẹ Use correct reduction of have
© Pair work Provide three possible reasons foreach ofthe statements below Use may ‘must have, and could havẹ Follow the examplẹ / might have, (7 My brother never got marred 1 `
2 All the classes were canceled todaỵ 3 Michaelis forty and he ust became a doctor
4 Rachel grew up in New York, but now she lives in Sao Paulọ 5 6 Example: john is late for dinner, {He might have gotten suckin wale 99
(6 Ard he most not have taken his el phonẹ 99 £6 Orhe could have had Important meeting at work 99 They had one child and then they adopted three more
‘They had their honeymoon in the ỤS instead of in France,
a Read and laten to 2 conversation between two people ‘iscussing a regret about the pas
+ | should have maried Steven, Why do you think that?
Well, | might have had children by now,
Could bẹ But you never know, You might not have been happỵ A: Tue, rs 8: x B: 8@© rant and intonation Listen again and repeat Then races the Conersaton Model wha partes Expr past actions "A Notepađing we about some reqretsyou have about past actions Say how you SELINA MCHRE Pet MAT arin one rly
tna tice ‘Lđá th ih at MaceTech
Lnisithovebeen CEO by ne
Past action Regret How might things have been efferent? lob / caer choice field of sty mariage đương boytiend /giifend choice breakup
B Pair work Change ‘on how things might have been diferent, Use information from your notepad and “Askyourpartner the Conversation Model Discuss your regrets and speculate Don't stop! past modals, Then change roles, mote questions about Wiser herregets ‘A | should (or should) have 'B: Why do you think that? a Wal | mg REEF mg sb 7 STH + Giese + ciate out what
fr Could be bu jou et oe You might eh musta he ˆ
Trang 35
A@ vocabutary « skits and abies Read and ster, Then ten again and eee
talents ables nat, musi mathemateset, that you ate born with ‘She was Bom with talents in both mathematics and art
kille ablities that you lear, uch as cooking speaking a foreign language, or driving ‘She has several publshing ski wnting eating, ond lusting ‘experience time spent working atajob Marts has lot of experience in soles He has worked at three companies
knowledge understanding James bas extensive knowledge of o family with a subject gained rom experience ofthe history offi You can ask im which classes to see o study B Think and explain Explain the following in your own words Use examples from your life
+ the difference between a talent and a sil + the citfeence between experience and knowledge
Smee 0ï
@isten tr detạ tser one peple bing intervened Seviearancnatfn Ne Sop set ext Ineverand neh thenactanes wah ie una Interviewee Qualifications
họ Sonia Espinoza 2 ạgood memory 2 Sivan Lucastro bb artistic ability
2 van Martinovie © mathematical ability 4 Agnes Lukins logical thinking 5 Elena Burgess compassion 6 Karen Trent 1 manual dexterity 7 ed Snodgrass 9 common sense 8 Akko Urawa fh athletic abiity 9 Mia Kim 1 leadership sills
B Pair work with all the clasfications? Diseuss and explain your opinions a partner, classy each qualification from Exercise Ạ Do you agree on
hơn Hy má you tain
‘and work ait you ean develop into 3 8 site Thi ta sát 99 oe UNES ‘A Frame your ideas Take the skls inventorỵ
Careers, Jobs, Advanced Studies ⁄ y) |
\Whather yout looking for fob interviewing fo Schoo, Interviewers enpectyouts answer questons about your interes talets, stis,nd experienc, Toke hs rwentory to prepare youre for these questions Interests ‘Qualifications
‘Check the els thot interest you: busines Con ‘Check the qualifications you believe actions you hove: TD manual deety CD artistic aiity
Hee education LÍ ather_" 5 mathemati abity is good merry D mandeeuine - LÍ legeummang DT commonsense” endesin salt compossion \ eee athlete bity SF other
Brey note information about your experience sil and any speci knowledge you havẹ
Specie knowedge-——
B Notepađing On your notepad, write specific examples of your qualifications ẵ “Then share and đầcuss your skila, abilities, —] ‘and qualifications with a partner I
ualication Eampe
© Pair work Use the information on your natepad to do ane of the following activities + Roleplay an interview fora job
+ Role-play an interview for career advicẹ
+ fale ply an rtenewforenryntoaprotesonal GB geet jl ong {or other kind of schoo Interdewer
Group work Tell your class what you learned about rip work Te your cs Pease come inj havea seat Pease cl me something bout your (si {your partner in the int D5 You hạ ay anowedge ‘What kinds of ers} do you haẻ of (rab)?
‘What [wor experience do you havẻ {have experience in teaching Ion thave much experience, but mgood at mat
Trang 36Discuss factors that promote success
Ạ Warm-up How important do you think the folowing factors are to career success? Put the factors in order of Importancẹ Make † the most important and 6 the east important
LI sas LL taene m4
prior experience [job knowledge [other
J physical appearance, dress, ete
B Discussion Explain the reasons for your most important and least important choices Use concrete examples czy © Na to ees froma CEO rs Aes a fain Án Tà Em in Dalene a ee won fread of acompanỵ et ae oe
Poe coe your ences
© Votuneerforasignments Ore fhe tartan you sea ee
HT nọ aad of hard wore
eae sone eet ocyoutee © nc enews nd tones owner bee @ Stayposive As someone tan O Sete wong wots
thes and knoe 0 402911 Seat comple tn a thre maybe fe
Đen neo regards off peoples they go out oftheir HH HA ĐT lạm hơn Tự gạo tro mm P Ti tho px and min ‘When
oar i you, and every new worker need Tel in order to get ae Lee scl ofthẹ Fouare posiove, you say facised on oA cụ , Ye You make beter desions and heer Focused on your
a eas solutions Offer a solution
thi tiatiolae, Otpipeartinet toc cen
Howser nese may ng ost ES TT remeber Have a st of things to do according 0 i ings 0d {to your companỵ f[tasks to dọ i go ro ae peop may thik ofyou a “complain! You Jusions, peoF har when youn Pea an ink of yo she strategic importance Whee you priorfie your work, YOU SN,
=o 5
= pa e sere Howe 4 counaninen workers our compan
wiegeisbin entice cron oe
Source: Adopted from vasa/20e-ukrtslacsexekca 7 UNITS
[A Understand fram cantext Find the words below inthe aticle on page 70 Use context to help you ‘write 2 definition for each, Then compare definitions with a partner,
Confirm content Answer the following questions, according to what the CEO suggests
41 Which is most important in determining a new worker's success: knowledge, work habits, or skis? 2 Why should workers volunteer to do tasks?
3 Whýs “being nice” a valuable habit to develop? 4 Whatis the value of prioritizing tasks?
'5 How does staying positive help you be more productivẻ 1Ý 6 What's wrong with stating a problem without proposing a solution? [Ere erson Question
‘8 of wof, and some factors that have prevented you from being succesful, (You can choose one some, oF all Notepadiing On your notepad write some factors that have helped you be sucesslin youre, stu, ‘teas to comment on.) Then compare notepads wth apatne, mm Factors that helped Factors that hur -ypenerd lúc natin srpoyigatioiienlrcieir Area Factors that helped © Factors that hurt sry persona fe | managing my home ny studies / work
Discussion Discuss factors that you think promote success and factors that don't Use your notepad for support, but expand on it with specific examples from your life to ilustrate each factor Talk about plans that changed and any regrets you may havẹ
(Qualuee changes of plans Regrets ‘alent vấn Tihaught would) but Ta Yo, bt Told have Heald have —
experience Vehanged my mind I might have — | irowedge commonsense | Ive hard ta make alving as — Taled me out of would have
My tastes changed
Trang 37=," er t7 | ‘grammar = ocala - tering Trang = speaking ‹ prruncaton
4 Duistening comprehension usten ote comversations between people Taking about te changes, Wit formation on the notepad
\why did the person change his or her mind? Any regrets?
Explain the meaning of each ofthe following qualifications Then write an ‘occupation or course of study fora person with each qualification, EE Ea 1 athlete ability 2 wlilcaby 3 mathemati ability 4 logical thinking ability s 6 8 900d memory leadership sills
© Complete each statement of belief about the future, using woul 41 When Iwas a child, | thought!
2 My parents believed
2 My teachers were sure ' 4 When finished school, I dn know
Read each sentencẹ On a separate sheet of paper, complete the statement in parentheses, using a perfect modal
41 Marie was vety unhappy in her mariagẹ (She should .) | She should have tried +e communicate 2 Aker Sylvia and David got separated, they discovered they were sili lvẹ (They could ) =——=
3 My parents were sorry they sold their country housẹ (They shouldn't ) 4 | can’t understand how she earned to speak Italian so fast (She might ) '5 Lookat John's car Ís all smashed up (He must ) tyes 150 E Writing write topics below I you have any regrets, express them, using past modal, a short autobiographỵ Include information about one or all ofthe
* your birth + your studies
+ your childhood + other aspects of your lite rope mm + Guionc or rece E
Trang 38TH ee
People pinching and viewing the chery Blossoms at a Hanan partyin tapan
Filends who have come together or Quinceariero 1 celebrate g's fteanth ìnhday ander enty inte adthood in Mesa ‘couple dressed in the tradtionalhanbok uring the Korean hoidy of Chuseok ances in the fonti costumes of Bast ‘world-famous estly {elebation of Carnaval
[A Look at the photos Which traditions are you already familar with? Which ones would you Tike to knaw more about? Whỷ B Discussion ‘alivẻ Do you think it’s important to learn about the customs and Why do people think t's important to keep traditions
traditions of other cultures? Explain your reasons 7% uN?
wesrijixwrietal MoEner Đồ on Cec Teast one hoy he thal eccason? [Mi-cha: We get together wth aur MI-Cha: What halay comes to ming "Mischa: Oh, that was for Chuseok relates, And we eat ala oeyoủ
The dress is called #hanbok, Basa Did you say Chuseok?WhafS ML-Cha: Not only that, but we qo to ‘Basa Wel that sounds ni Basra rein four-day regous holay we eof id al cha that hollỷ ‘ourhometowns and vst the gaves celebrate where | come rom Mi-Cha: That's ight, Ws a ‘Korean hoy It takes place Mischa: n what waỷ
sumo: $o suppote the sorts Baum Wel, people pu on the best Sepiemberor Ociobereachyearto“andan alone are mobbed with "cates, andwe eats tn great ae pope eh? fad, We ao travel to be wath ou Basms: So does eveyone dressup he that? Micha Totaly And he afc ‘aes and atthe tvs fr ove oes whe have che
Micha: Some people do anyohere
from the Photo Story in your own waỵ 1 IeJakes place in September oF October,
2 We gst spaetber with our relatives, 23 The train stations are
sd vth.oserls 4 The traffic mpessibe
5 tyemindsng of Eid al-Adhạ
nguage Write five sentences about ’ holiday of 2 tradition in your country, using the Underined language
from Exercise D, ngkran Fakes place ia April
"s impasse It akes hours to get
Say each of the undetlined expressions F
‘your countrỵ Present your information tothe clas, Complete the chart about traditions in IMi-cha: How about tha! Sounds ust Tie our hota
hing | Explain when is worn
Trang 39lefeỵ\) Wish someone a good holiday
Pees fe
A head and sten toa conversation about ahokidaỵ Solas
B: That's right The Harvest Moon Festival, religous ‘Az What kind of olay is it?
B: Isa seasonal holiday that takes place in autumn, People spend Ume with their familes and eat moon cakes, ‘A: Wel, havea great Harvest Moon Festival!
B: Thanks! Same to you!
& wy and noraton tse sn an pn Saari ent tr oes
TTS ways to commemorate a holiday
AD read ar ttn Then ste again and repeat 1
march in parades, have picnics
A pay,
Wish eachother well remember the Geod weer costumes
B Pair work Match the Vocabulary with hoy gg Rebiwetie eh fayors (et tenone wears cones on.39)] ì
76 UNE7
Grammar practice On a separate sheet of paper, write five sentences with adjective clauses to describe some holidays and traditions in your country,
DI9)/0/91119,Ệ Wish someone a good holiday
€Ề Liatening comprehension töien dc the Vocabulary to compete the chart
Mardi Gras (ỤS) Bastle Day France) “Tsagaan Sar (Mongolia)
Adjective clauses with subject relative pronouns who and that
‘Adjective clauses identity or describe people or things Introduce adjective clauses about people with wha or Haị ‘Garnaval la geät holda or people who lo tha) là ‘A matiach singer is someone who (or that sings traltional Mexican musị ‘Anyone who (r thal) doesnt wear a costume cant go to the festival
Use that, Thanksgiving isa celebration that take not who, for adjective clauses that describe things The parade that comr
Be careful! Don't use a subject pronoun after the relative pronouns Dont say: Thanksgving a celebration that takes place in Nove who or that Sin alte oan
Understand the grammar Underline the adjective clauses and circle the relative pronouns ‘Then draw an arrow from (he rdaive pronoun to the noun or pronoun it describes
Ramadan is a religious tractionfhap falls on a lifeent day every yea, Chuseok is a Korean holiday that celebrates the yearly harvest
‘The woman wha designed our Halloween costumes for the parade was really talented The celebrations that take place in Brazil duting Camava are alot of fun,
People who celebrate April Fool's Day have a lt of fun every April st
‘The Dragon Boat Festival in China is a celebration that takes place onthe fith day of the fith moan, in May oF junẹ
Pair work Use your holiday chart rom page 75 to role play the Conversation Model witha visitor to your countỵ ‘Wish each other a good holidaỵ Then change roles
I neard therés going to be a holiday next
Bs That's right Some waysto exchange
‘A: What kind of holiday is it? en mee rete:
Br Isạ Ho ranẹ holiday that takes place vives 2 thoy Don't! me =
fe Wehner „ generis
8: Thanks Same to your Exjyynaaonichsec Wi ee do peed? ae cha” 4
Change partners Exchange wishes
Trang 40
AG) tad and tte to a conversation about lac cstoms
‘A: Do you mind if ask you about something? B: Of course not What's up?
[Az Ím not sure about the customs herẹ someone invites you for dinner, should you bring the host a gift? B: Yes Isa good ideạ But the gif that you bring should be inexpensive 'A: Would it be appropriate to bring flowers?
B: Definite!
‘Ac Thanks, Tht’ realy helpful
© anytnm and intonation isten again ae ep Then pice the Convention Moe! pater
2W Adjective clauses with object relative pronouns who, whom, and that ‘In some adjective clauses, the relative pronoun i the subject ofthe clausẹ
The person who comes for dinner should bring agit
(wha = subject The person comes for ine) ofa clause, {In other adjective clauses, the rotatve pronoun isthe object ofthe clausẹ eae
The person wha {or whom or that you invite for dinner should bring agit (who = object You invite the person for giner) Nowe: wham fs very femal ‘When the relative pronoun isthe object of the clause, it may be omitted
‘The person you invite for dinner should bring agit Relative pronouns careful!
‘Wien the relative pronoun isthe subject ofthe clause, can NOT be omitẹ Don't say The person comes for diner should bring agi ‘Do not use an abject pronoun after the ver Dont say: The person who you invite tem or dinner
"Ajeet and ‘Shes oral tegen
A Understand the grammar Correct the error in the adjective clause in each sentencẹ Explain each correction,
4 Parting butter on a chil’ nose i bithdy tradition Si people [ 66 Ony we sha fx propẹ 99 observe on the Allantic coast of Canadạ ore
2 On the Day of the Dead, Mexicans remember family members who they have diẹ 3 The tomatoes that people throw them at each other during La Tomatina in Bufo, Spain, rake a terible mess, .4 The performer sang that traditional holiday song is world-famous,
'5 The fireworks people set them off during the summer festivals in Japan are very beautiful 7 UNE7
* Usewho or that fra subject + Ue who whom otha for an
B Grammar practice Complete the adjective clause in each sentence, using the cues, Omit the relative pronoun when possible, 4 Peoples theutinether counts should find out the lca customs 2 The man ie ga my Bi lays in a mariachi band 3 The young people "=
traditional costumes,
4 The tational Chinese de osc ve Balled a cheongsam, 5 Anzac Day isa hold rer 0 Femember
the soldiers who died in wars,
MW rover groupe Dn RIE ce EA he il cent Fentence iythm indicates how thoughts are grouped Listen and repeat aes
1 The person who comes for dinner should bring flowers 2 The man we invited to the party i from Senegal
3 The song that you were listening foi fado music from Portugal
4 The Chery Blossom Festival i a tract that people observe n Japan every spring
B Practice reading the sentences you completed in B Grammar Practice, breaking the sentences into thought groups
[A Pair work Change ask about local customs, Use the ideas fom the box below Then change roles the Conversation Model Role-play a conversation in which you
‘A: Do you mind if ask you about something? Be ccs What’ up? ‘A: im not sure about the customs herẹ If should? 8: ‘A: Would it be apptoprite tọ ? Đ
‘A: Thanks Tht’ relly helpful Ideas someone nites you ou for dinner { fomeone Someone givesyoua git ites yout 9 Bary
Someone makesaspeca effort o help you 1 yeur own len Don't stop!
‘Askand answer other questions ston? WeđitbepesiBlete 7 Should!"