The Android Development Tools ADT plugin for Eclipse adds extensions to the Eclipse IDE.. Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT SETUP Download the Android SDK – Installing on Windows, Linu
Trang 1Chapter 1 Android Development
Trang 4China Mobile Ascender Corp Aplix Audience ACER
… Teleca
Broadcom Corp.
Intel Corp.
Marvell Tech.
Group Nvidia Corp.
Qualcomm SiRF Tech. Holdings Synaptics Texas Instr.
AKM Semicond
ASUS HTC LG Motorola Samsung ASUSTek Garmin Huawei Tech LG Samsung
… Sony Ericsson Toshiba
Trang 6Operators
Software Device
to lock down their networks, controlling and metering traffic.
Device manufacturers want to
differentiate themselves with features, reliability, and price points.
Vendors Manufacturers
Software vendors want complete
access to the hardware to deliver cutting‐edge applications.
Trang 75 Research In Motion
145.Research In Motion 6.Symbian
Trang 9Android Components
• Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components
• Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices
• Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine
Trang 12• As new accessories appear on the market drivers can be
• As new accessories appear on the market, drivers can be
written at the Linux level to provide support, just as on other
Linux platforms
Trang 17Delivering Intents
• An Intent object is passed to
Context startActivity()orActivity startActivityForResult()
Context.startActivity()or Activity.startActivityForResult()
Trang 18to see Contacts.
Trang 25public class Service1 extends Service implements Runnable {
private int counter = 0;
Log.i( " service1 " , "service1 firing : # " + counter ++);
Thread.sleep(10000); //this is where the heavy-duty computing occurs
} catch (Exception ee) {
Log.e( " service1 " , ee.getMessage());
Trang 27Android OS itself.
• An application may register at runtime via the Context class’s registerReceiver
Trang 29• Ordered broadcasts (sent with sendOrderedBroadcast) are
delivered to one receiver at a time As each receiver executes in
Trang 30public class MySMSMailBox extends Activity {
// intercepts reception of new text-messages
// define instance of local broadcast receiver
MySMSMailBoxReceiver mySmsReceiver = new MySMSMailBoxReceiver();
// receiver's filter will accept event: SMS_RECEIVED
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(
// tell Android OS this receiver is ready to go
registerReceiver (mySmsReceiver, filter);
Trang 31Android Broadcast Receiver
Broadcast Receiver Example (3/5). Intercept arriving SMS
// this is the custom made broadcast receiver Its onReceive method
// is fired when the filter matches the SMS_RECEIVED event
public class MySMSMailBoxReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public static final String tag = "<<< MySMSMailBox >>>";
Log i(tag "Found our SMS Event!");
Log.i(tag, "Found our SMS Event!");
// you have intercepted the SMS // do something interesting with it Bye!
Trang 32android:versionCode ="1"
android:versionName ="1.0" >
< application android:icon ="@drawable/icon" android:label = "@string/app_name" >
< activity android:name =".MySMSMailBox"
android:label ="@string/app_name" >
< intent-filter >
< action android:name ="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
< category android:name ="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
< uses-permission android:name ="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
< receiver android:name ="MySMSMailBoxReceiver" >
• Content providers store and retrieve data and make it
accessible to all applications.
Trang 35public class AndDemo1 extends Activity {
/** queries contact list */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Use the ContentUris method to produce the base URI for the contact with _ID == 23.
Uri myPerson1 = ContentUris.withAppendedId(People.CONTENT_URI, 23);
// use the "people" content provider to explore all your contacts
Uri myPerson2 = Uri.parse("content://contacts/people");
// Then query for this specific record using method: managedQuery
// args: (Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection,
// String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)
Cursor cur = managedQuery(myPerson2, null, null, null, null);
// do something with the cursor here
Trang 36< application android:icon ="@drawable/icon" android:label = "@string/app_name" >
< activity android:name =".AndDemo1"
android:label ="@string/app_name" >
< intent-filter >
< action android:name ="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
< category android:name ="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Trang 37– It describes the components of the application — the activities, services, broadcast receivers,
and content providers that the application is composed of.
– It names the classes that implement each of the components and publishes their capabilities
Trang 38android:label="@string/app_name" >
< intent-filter >
< action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
< category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
</ intent-filter >
</ activity >
< activity android:name=".SatelliteMapping" > </ activity >
< service android:name="AndQuakeService" android:enabled = "true" >
< uses-library android:name="" />
< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Trang 39public class Currency1 extends Activity {
// naive currency converter from USD to Euros & Colones
final double EURO2USD = 1.399;
final double COLON2USD = 0.001736;
Trang 40txtUSDollars = (EditText)findViewById( );
txtUSDollars setHint( "Enter US dollars" );
txtEuros = (EditText)findViewById( );
txtColones = (EditText)findViewById( );
// attach click behavior to buttons
btnClear = (Button)findViewById( );
btnClear setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
btnClear setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
// clear the text boxes
// do the conversion from USD to Euros and Colones
btnConvert = (Button) findViewById( );
btnConvert setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
try {
String usdStr = txtUSDollars getText().toString();
double usd = Double.parseDouble( usdStr );
String euros = String.valueOf( usd / EURO2USD );
String colones = String.valueOf( usd / COLON2USD );
Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "Invalid data - try again" ,
Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
Trang 41<? xml version="1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< LinearLayout LinearLayout <AbsoluteLayoutd id id "@+id/ b L t"
Trang 42<? xml version ="1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?>
< manifest xmlns:android =""
Trang 44Victor Matos
Cleveland State University
Notes are based on:
Trang 45Sample of Student’s Apps
Taken from:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Spring Semester, 2008
Building mobile applications with Android
the EECS Department in cooperation with MIT's Information and Technology organization
manager of IS&T's mobile devices platform project
professional application developers from the Boston-area software developer community who volunteered to work with the teams
industry, and technology venture funders Here are videos of the presentations:
Trang 46(Similar to UPS parcel tracking App.)
Presentation available at:
Trang 47Android Environment
Victor Matos
Cleveland State University
Notes are based on:
Android Developers
Part 2-a
Trang 48The Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin for Eclipse adds extensions
to the Eclipse IDE
It allows you to create and debug Android applications easier and faster
1 It gives you access to other Android development tools from inside the
Eclipse IDE For example:
2 It provides a New Project Wizard, which helps you quickly create and
set up all of the basic files you'll need for a new Android application.
3 It automates and simplifies the process of building your Android
4 It provides an Android code editor that helps you write valid XML for
your Android manifest and resource files.
5 It will export your project into a signed APK, which can be distributed
to users.
Trang 492A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Typical Layout of the Eclipse IDE for Android Development
Trang 50Typical Layout of the Eclipse IDE for Android Development
Trang 512A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Download the Android SDK – Installing on Windows, Linux, Mac OS
This page is taken from
If you're already using the Android SDK, you should update to the latest tools or platform using
the Android SDK and AVD Manager, rather than downloading a new SDK starter package
Windows installer_r08-windows.exe
Mac OS X (intel)
Linux (i386) android-sdk_r08-linux_86.tgz
Here's an overview of the steps you must follow to set up the Android SDK:
1 Prepare your development computer and ensure it meets the system requirements.
2 Install the SDK starter package from the table above (If you're on Windows, download the installer for help with the initial setup.)
3 Install the ADT Plugin for Eclipse (if you'll be developing in Eclipse).
4 Add Android platforms and other components to your SDK.
5 Explore the contents of the Android SDK (optional).
To get started, download the appropriate package from the table above, then read the
guide to Installing the SDK
Trang 52Installing the SDK (Link: )
This page describes how to install the Android SDK and set up your development environment for the first time.
If you already have an Android SDK, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager tool
to install updated tools and new Android platforms into your existing
Step 1 Preparing Your Development Computer
1 Make sure you have already installed the most recent JDK
2 Make sure you have Eclipse installed on your computer (3.4 or newer is
recommended) Eclipse is available from:
(For Eclipse 3.5 or newer, the "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended)
Trang 532A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Step 2 Downloading the SDK Starter Package
The SDK starter package is not a full development environment—it includes only
the core SDK Tools, which you can use to download the rest of the SDK
components (such as the latest Android platform).
If you downloaded the Windows installer (.exe file), run it now to install the SDK Tools into a default location (which you can modify, usually the folder is:
Make a note of the name and location of the SDK directory on your system—you will need to refer to the SDK directory later, when setting up the ADT plugin and when using the SDK tools from command line.
Step 3 Installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse
Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android Development Tools (ADT) This is the recommended platform You may want to first read
Installing the ADT Plugin for step-by-step installation instructions, then return
here to continue the last step in setting up your Android SDK.
Trang 54Step 4 Adding Platforms and Other Components
You will use the Android SDK and AVD Manager (a tool included in the SDK starter
package) to download essential SDK components into your development
If you used the Windows installer, when you complete the installation wizard, it
will launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager with a default set of platforms and
other components selected for you to install Simply click Install to accept the
recommended set of components and install them
You can launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager in one of the following ways:
From within Eclipse, select Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager.
On Windows, double-click the SDK Manager.ext file at the root of the Android
SDK directory.
On Mac or Linux, open a terminal and navigate to the tools/ directory in the
Android SDK, then execute: android
Trang 552A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Step 4 Adding Platforms and Other Components (cont.)
To download components, use the graphical UI of the Android SDK and AVD Manager.
To begin with choose only the latest version of Android (include documentation,
samples and USB driver) (Warning: this process is slow…)
Figure 1 The Android SDK and AVD Manager's Available Packages panel, which shows
the SDK components that are available for you to download into your environment.
Trang 56Installing the Eclipse ADT Plugin
(Link: )
To simplify ADT setup, it is recommend installing the Android SDK prior to installing ADT.
Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and 3.6 (Helios)
1 Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software
2 Click Add, in the top-right corner.
3 In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and
the following URL for the Location:
5 In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded Click Next.
6 Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
7 When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.
Trang 572A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Configuring the ADT Plugin
The next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the
Android SDK directory:
(Mac OS X: Eclipse > Preferences).
your downloaded SDK directory ( c:/path/android-sdk-windows )
Trang 58Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) are configurations of emulator options that let you better model an actual device.
1 In Eclipse, choose Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager
2 Select Virtual Devices in the left panel.
3 Click New.
4 The Create New AVD dialog appears.
5 Type the name of the AVD, such as “AVD23API9".
6 Choose a target (such as “Android 2.3 – API Level9”).
7 Optionally specify any additional settings
(SD, camera, trackball, ….) YES to all.
8 Click Create AVD.
Trang 592A Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT
Testing the Emulator
Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) are configurations of emulator options that let you better model an actual device.
1 In Eclipse, choose Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager
2 Select Virtual Devices in the left panel.
3 Click on an AVD
4 Click Start.
Trang 60A Final Step
This seems to be a transitional issue, and may go away in future releases For now, update the system’s PATH variable to recognize two folders inside your
android-sdk-winwows The first is: tools and the second is platform-tools
Variables > System Variables > PATH > Edit
Trang 61Android Setup Videos
Appendix Web resources available at
Five videos, a bit older (SDK1.0) but useful nonetheless.
1 How to setup Java.
2 How to install Eclipse IDE
3 Application development: “Hello World” using Eclipse
+ Android