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BLEEP a guide to popular american obscenities

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\p ql J $riidr, lJ -r lJtj "fJ3,r'l,l$iJ"tJ \ a* -t\ David Burke ArJ.wh"., 1-254 iJ om ", o rnir"r.' ;;; :,J;;l Ur;ssrrliiiE::JJl -BLEEP!A Guide to Popular American Obscenities BLEEP! ts nou) c;ucrilo;ble on ccss ette! -BLEEP!A Guide to Popular American Obscenities David Burke Optima Books lns Angeles San Francisco Pubhsher: Optlma Books Edttor: Robert Graul Managhg Edltorr Debble Wrlght Edltlng, Deslgn, and Productlon: Optlma PrePress Front Cover Illustratlon: Jlm Graul Inslde Illustrattons: Dave Gallup Photography: Marc Berenson Thts publtcatton ts deslgned to provlde accurate and authorltatlve lnformatlon ln regard to the subJect matter covered It ls sold wtth the understandlng that the publtsher ls not engaged ln rendering legal, accountlng, or other professlonal servlces Iflegal advice or other expert asslstance ls requlred, the servlces ofa competent professlonal person should be sought FROM A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES JOINTLY ADOPTED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION AND A COMMITTEE OF PUBLISHERS Copyrtght O 1993 by Davtd Burke All rtghts reserved Reproductlon or translatton of any part of thts work beyond that permltted by sectlon I07 or IO8 ofthe 1976 Untted States Copyright Act wlthout the permtsslon of the coplrlght owner is unlawful Requests for permlsslon or further lnformatlon should be addressed to the Permlsslon Department, Optlma Books Llbrary of Congress Preasslgned Catalog Card Number: 92-6086I ISBN 1-879440-07-5 Prtnted tn the Unlted States of Amerlca 93 1098 65432 This book is dedicated to my family in New York lru, Shoron, Mtchael, JiLI11, & Steue PREEACE \lflnn, o.,*o a book about obscenities possibly serve other "or,ld than simply to crcate shock value by listing Elratuitous \ulgar v/ords and expresslons? There are thr:ee simple answers: 1) to avold embat: rassment: 2) to fully undeFtand American ente.tainment; and 3) sun ival, Although somewould prefernot lo acknowledge this fact, obscenltles are a living part of the American-English language They are heard in movies, television and radio shows news broadcasts, seen ln books newspapers magazines and generally used in everyday life Those who are not completely faInilia:r with the Amencan-Engllsh language often find themselves in awkward or embarrassing situations by using a word in such a way as to create a double entendre or a sexual innuendo When I was in high school, our vice principal a non native speaker of English, made a speech to an auditorium full of students At one point in her lecture she mentioned that her son, Dick, went to our high school some years ago She then casually asked us: "Hou 7m(rng Dicks ute 'idve here in the aud.itorium?" Not having a ffrm grasp on popular American obscenities as did every student in attendance, she was quite unawaie that she hadj u st made a serious yet entertaining falrx pas since ?ick" is a very common slang term for "penis" leading to more tharl just one interpretation of her comment Even on popular American television shows, obscenities are commonly used yet cleverly couched in innuendos One ofthe most obvious and funniest IVe heard was on the very popular American television broadcast of TI€ ?orught Sholr" with Johnny Carson who interviews various celebrittes, Du/rng one of the shows movie stai Zsa Zsa Gabor sat down next to Johnny holding a cat on her lap Then in an ellort to unrleffe Johnny, Ms Gabor purposely used a suAqestive innuendo by asking: v,t vlll BTJEP!: A GUIDE TO POPUI-AR AII4ERICAN OBSCENITIES 'Johnng, gou ttta;nt to pet mg pussy?" Naturally, the audience burst out in laughter as they waited in anticipation to see his reaction since the term !ussg," not only means "cat" but is also a rulgar slang s1mon1'rn for 'Vagina " However, to the surprise of Ms Gabor and the rest of the audience, he countered with: "I'd be glad to iJ gou'd just moae tho,t d.a''nn cot!' In addition, a knowledge of obscenities, arld especially drug slang, ca;r also be vital as a means of survival Many foreign visitors to America are concerned that they may get involved vrith the "wrong element" due to unfamiliarity with certain slang terms BLEEP! is the first step-by-step approach to exploring the most common expletives and obscenities used in America This knowledge is an essential tool in self-defense for non-native speakers as well as native-born Americansl BLEEP! presents chapters such as Vulgar & Non-r.rrlgar Insults for Behind the Wheel, Body Parts, Bodily Functions and Sounds, Handy-Hand Gestures at a Safe Distance, and the special "Buffets" where a word from each column may be chosen to create a personalized "colorful" expression Word games, fill-ins, "cussuord" puzzles, entertaining drills as well as a thesaurus and detailed glossary are presented for easy reference In addition, a thermometer ranging from mild to hot begins each section This book will also provide an important demonstration on how our most common slang terms, idioms, and gestures can be misconstrued as insulting, offensive and even obscene in other English-speaking countries where completely diflerent meanings are applied! BLEEP! is a self-teaching guide divided into four parts: DIALOGI'E Twenty to thirty popular American expressions and terms (indicated in boldface) are presented as they may be heard in an actual conversation A translation of the dialogue in standard English is always given on the opposite page followed by an important phonetic version of the dialogue as it would actually be spoken by an American This page will BIDEP,: A GUIDE TO POPUI,AR AMERICAN OBSCENITIES lx prove vital to any non-native since Anericans tend to rely heavily on contractions and shortcuts in pronunciation VOCABI'II\RY This section spotlights all ofthe slang words and expressions that were used in the dialogue and offers more examples of usage, s]monyns, anton)rms, and special notes PRACTICE THE VOCABUIIIRY These word games include all of the new terms and idioms previously learned and will help you to test yourself on your comprehension (The pages providing the answers to all the drills are indicated at the beginning of this section.) A CLOSER LOOK This section offers the reader an inside look at common slang words and expressions pertaining to a specific category Whether you're a native-born Arnerican who spends a great deal of time traveling to foreign countries or a non-native speaker visiting America, BLEEP! will prove to be an essential yet hilarious guide to the darker and more "colorJul" side of the language as well as a valuable manual for avoiding the unintentional use of obscenities from country to country David Burke Author For a close look at the most popular slang used in America, refer to the "Street Talk" series by the same author: STREET TALK -1: Horo to Speak and lJnd,erstand Americon Slang STREET TALK -2: s.ld;ng ttsed bg Teens, Rappers, Sutfers, American Teleuision Shotus STREET TALK -3: Popular Americcrn Business Sl.rng SL & Popu'ld,r Jargon ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A special thanks goes to Janet Graul, Vivian Margolin, and Debbie Wright for making the copyediting phase of this book so enjoyable Their patience, expertise, and attitude are, as always, so appreciated I am especially grateful to Bob Graul for his contribution in the technical end of this book's production His commitment to quality, accuracy, and detail are absolutely unsurpassed I am particularly thankful to Jim Graul, who designed and created such an ideal cover for BLEEP! and to Dave Gallup who created the most wonderful, light-hearted illustrations in each chapter Their creativity, professionalism, and abiliq/ to produce exceptional images were astounding I was also extremely fortunate to work with Mark Barensen who photographed the gesture section of this book To find someone as patient, creative, professional, and talented as Mark was an unexpected stroke of luck I owe a special debt of gratitude to all of the people throughout the U.S who I badgered for information regarding obscenities and gestures I was always met with kindness and an eagerness to offer a total stranger some, oftentimes, "unusual" information d 208 GLOSSARY sigFifies the sound one makes romp (to) whilevomiting rlp someone a new asshole (to) erq to reprimand someone severely can' t belieue that fe' d o f something so mean! I'mgonnago rip him a neto asslwle!; I can't believe that he'd something so mean! I'm going to go reprimand him severely! ripped (to be) odj L on drugs r drrnk round heels (to have) erp {mild) said of a gal who is always on her back with her heels dragging on the ground, being passed from one to the other row n a dosage ofcocaine since it is traditionally sniffed in "rou)s" or 'Lines." roach n (mild) a marijuana cigarette road apple n (mild) humorous term for "excrement" found in the road rock n crack cocaine rock house n the locale where cocaine is bought ) NOTE: A common slang term for "cocaine" u (mild) to fornicate o (lit); to frolic Ipt's go romp inthe basement: Let's go have sex in the basement is "rock.' rock out (to) u to drug overdose rocks n.pl (mild) testicles Rocky Mountain oysters n.pl a southern delicacy of cooked pig testicles rod n (crude) penis ) NOTE: This term signifies the "penis" since both are long and cylindrical rod oflove n (crude) penis ) NOTE: This term signifies the "penis" since both are long and cylindrical roll in the hay (tol exp (humorous) to fornicate Hous about a roll in the fwg?: How about some sex? roll the fivzy llice (tol exp (humorous, yet crude) to masturbate I'm gonna go roLL the fuzzg dice; I'm going to go masturbate ) NOTE: This is a humorous, yet crude, expression based on gambling slang, to "rollthe dice" which has been altered since 'JtLzzg dice" refer to the testicles rub the rod (to) e.rp (humorous) to masturbate Is he nLbbing the rod upstairs again?;Ishe masturbating upstairs again? I NOTE: This is a humorous, yet crude, expression comparing the action of masturbating with that of "rubbing a rod" which is long and hard like a penis rump n (mild) buttocks run a stable (to) u (mild) said of a pimp who has a string of "uorking girl-s." run in (to) u {mild) to escort to jail run like shtt (to) exp to run quickly c Runlike shit! Theg're afier us!; Run quickly! They're after us! runt (to be a) n (mild) an abusive name given to a short person o FIe mag Looklike artnt, butfe's uery strong; He may look very small and frail, but he's very strong -sS.B.D ap (humorous) silent, yet potent, flatulence c Who cut the S.B.D.?;Who has the silent flatulence? ) NOTE: This is a euphemistic abbreviation of "silent but deadly" which is considered humorous S.E.X n may be used as a euphemistic replacement for the word "sex" which is considered, by some, to be improper to say unless 2o/9 GLOSSARY spelled I think theg'refinatlg going to lwue S.E.X S.O.B e;p a despicable person' I'm gonnakiLLtntS.O.B.I; I'm going to kill that despicable person! ) NOTE: This is a euPhemistic abbreviation of "son oJabitch" which is considered vulgar S.O.L elp extremely unfortunate ' I' m sorrg bttt gou missed dinner because gou're so late I grtess g ou' re jrst S O.L : I' m sorr5r but you missed dinner because You're so late I guess you're just extremely unfortunate ) NOTE: This is a euphemistic abbreviation of "shit out oJluck" which is considered vulgar S.O.S exp an army term for "chipped beef on toast" which was referred to as "shiton ashlngLe" ot "s.o.s." ) NOTE: This term is commonly used among children scatterbrain (to be a) n (mild) one who is forgetful and unreliable schlzo (to be) a4]' to have two personalities ) NOTE: This is a common abbreviation of "schizophrenic " ) VARTATION {1): to be schizoid aQi ) VARIATION (2): to be schlzed olut exp schmo (to be a) n (mild) a fool I NOTE: This comes fromYiddish l, (rnild) to fornicate o Did g ou fuwLLg score u ith Anne? : Did you finally have sex wittr Anne? to buy drugs score (to) u scramble n heroin screw (to) u (vulgar) to fornicate S.T.D n sexually transmitted disease salaml n (crude) penis ) NOTE: This term signifies the "penis" since both are long and cylindrical salt n heroin sausagle n (crude) penis ) NOTE: This term signifies the "penis" since both are long and cylindrical o All to is screu; All she ever wants to is have sex she euer uants ) NOTE: This verb comes from the image of a screw penetraflng an object screw loose (to have a) e.4p to be slightly cra-4r ) NOTE: It would be less common to hear 'to lnue atoose screto." I VARTATION: to have a few screws loose erp screwball (to be a) n to be a $azy person scagl n heroin screwy (to be) Scag Jones n heroin addict seat n (humorous) buttocks scastmaD n drug supplier sent up the rlver (to get) exp.tobe scare the shit out of someone (to) exp to scare someone terriblY ' You scared tle shit ottt oJ me tuh.en goujumped out oJtte closet/; You scared me terribly when You jumped out of the closet! aQL to be peculiar put in jail ) AI^SO: to send uP the river exP to put in jail servlce station n (humorous) brothel ) NOTE: This comes from the verb "to seruice" which has the slang ) AI^SO: to be scared shitless exp to be scared terribly o (lit); to connotation of "to satisfr be so scared that one defecates (someone) sexually." scaredy-cat (to be a) n (mild) coward shake hands with the governor (to) e.rqr (humorous) to masturbate o I 2LO GI,OSSARY thitrktue's shrrkirtg hands gouernor: I think he's withtle masturbating I NOTE: The term 'gouernor" is a humorous, yet uncommon, term for'penis" since one's sex org€rns tend to'govem" the actions of many people shlft gears (to) erp (humorous) to masturbate He's alittle youtg to be shifiirE gears, isn't he? He's a litfle young to be masturbating, isn't he? ) NOTE: This is a humorous expression comparing the action of masturbating with that of 'shifrit:tg gears" il:r a car shit o (vulgar) l u to defecate o I gottago shif I have to go defecate o n one's personal belongings gour shit and" let's leatse: Go Go get get your belongings and let's leave c o-du nottring He gaDe me shil for mg birthdaA; He didn't give me anytleing for my birthday o { n grief, trouble WhA are gou gilirtg me so mrrch shit?;Why are you giving me so much trouble? o n a despicable person Sh€'s sur;hcshif!; She such a despicable person! o heroin o Z marijuana shtt a brtck (to) e.rp to be extremely frightened or shocked o Wlwnl saro mg girlfriend, u:alk in the door, I ttaught l wds gonnn shit a brick! : When I saw my girlfriend walk in the door, I became shocked! shlt ass n (extremely vulgar) a despicable person shlt for bralns (to bave) exp (vulgar) to be extremely stupid (lit); to have excrement for brains Can goubelieue uhnthe did? He mtst haue shLJorbrano:rs!; Can you believe what he did? He must be a complete idiot! ) VARIATION: shlt-for-bralns erp an incredibly stupid person o FIey, shit-for - br attrej; Hey, stupid ! shlt from shinola (not to tnow) erp not to know anyhing o He dresn't lotow shit fiom Shinola aborrt jootball; He doesn't know a thing about football ) NOTE: Shinola is a brand name for shoe polish shit head ru (vulgar yet very popular) a despicable person (lit); one with a head full of excrement sbit hole ru (extremely vulgar) a despicable person (lit); and sphincter, shlt-klcker n r farmer c I'mtired oJthe ctty Magbe I shottld.just spend the rest oJmg tlfe bemg a shit-kicker: I'm tired of the city Maybe I should just spend t}re rest of my life being a farmer o boot I'mgonttago pulonmg shit-krckers; I'm gonna go put on my boots ) NOTE: This expression originated from farmers who spend a great deal of time with animals and, consequently, pass many hours cleaning up excrement shit on soneone lfol exp to betray someone c I cotddn' t belieue that mg bestfriend, cottld shit on me tike thaf I couldn't believe that my best friend could betray me like that shlt or get off the pot (to) ery to take action or abandon the project (lit); to defecate or get out of the battrroom WhA axe Aoutaking so long to da something about resoluing thrls sifirafion? Shit or get olf the potl:Why are you taking so long to something about resolving this situation? Take action or abandon the proJect! shlt out of luct (to be) erp to be extremely unfortunate c I tried to get ticketsfor the concert, but theg were sold" out, I gtrcss I'mjust shit outoJhrck: I tried to get tickets for the concert, but they were sold out I guess I'm just unfortunate 2tL GLOSSARY shit someone (tol exp to tease someone Are gou shitttq me?; Are you teasing me? shltload (al adu a lot o I haue a shitload oJ work ta dn todag : I have a lot of work to today "Shit, yeah!" e4r.'Absolutely!" shltter n toilet I haue shlt-eatlng grtn (to have a) exp to shittlest have an expression of gloating Look ot hilzl uilh hi.s shit-eating grin!:l-ook at him gloating! sbit-faced (to be) adj to be intoxicated I got shttJaced lnst night:I got intoxicated last night shlt-head (to be a) n (vulgar) a despicable person Whnt @Inearr thhghe did.to gou! Whata shit-lead!:What a mean thing he did to you! What a despicable person! n unidentiliable substance r Wtwt's that shitgou're drinking?: Whafs that substance you're drinking? adu extremely o He's shit sfr.rpid!; He's really stupid! shlt o l shitfit (to have exp to have a ^l sees tantrum WhenmgJaller didtohis neu tie, he's uhatl gonnahanse a shitFtl; When mY father sees what I did to his new tie, he's going to have a tantrum! shlthead (to be a) aq to be a to go to the shitter: I have to go to the toilet a@' worst He didtle shiltiestjob painting his house; He did the worst job painting his house be disgpaceful r He did a shittg job decorattq tle lwtrseJor tle partg: He did a shitty (to be) a4j.to disgraceful job decorating the house for the party shlong n (humorous) penis ru (vulgar) a despicable person (lrt); penis ) ORIGIN: Yiddish shoot (to) u (mild) l to have an orgasm r (lit); to discharge o to take drugs shoot one's load (to) erqr (vulgar) to have an orgasm o (lit); to discharge shmuck one's cargo ) NOTE: This expression is considered to be vulgar due to the descriptive nature of "laad " ) VARIATION: to shoot one's wad ercp (vulgar) o (lit); to discharge one's mass (of semen) despicable person c Your brotlwr won' t let gou borrou his tennis racket? What a shithead!: Your brother won't let you borrow his tennis racket? What a despicable sboot the shtt (to) exp to chat o I'm going ouer to Barry's to shoot tle shit; I'm going over to Barry's person! "Shootl" a commonly used euphemism for "Shitl" used to shlthouse n (vulgaryet extremely popular) toilet ) NOTE: This comes from the verb "to shit" which is vulgar for "to defecate." ) VARIATION: shitter n {vulgar) shltllst n a mental or physical roster of people that one dislikes IJAoU getonthe boss's shitlist, gou'Ube sorrg; If you become one of the people that the boss doesn't like, you'll be sorry house to have a chat shoot up (to) u to take drugs denote excitement, surprise, or €urnoyance "Shootl" may be used in place of gad., darn, etc shorty (to be a) n (mild) an abusive name given to a short Person ghout at one's shoeg (to) erp (humorous) to vomit I NOTE: This humorous expression describes someone who is bending over vomiting toward one's shoes 2L2 GLOSSARY shover n drug supplier shrimp (to be a) n (mild) an abusive name given to a sholc person ) NOTE: The term '3hnmp" is literally a very small crustacean which is used to mea.n "a very short person" due to its small size shtup (to) u (humorous) to fornicate c TheU shutuppedtlefvstdag they met; They had sex the first day they met ) NOTE: This verb, coming from Yiddish, is considered humorous due to the pronunciation "Shucks!" a commonly used euphemism for 'Shit/" used to denote disappointment r Shucksl I Lost the contest! ) NOTE: The uses of '3hif" will be discussed in depth in lesson four sick (to bel adj (extremely popular and mild) to vomit I'mgonnabe sick; I'm going to throw up I NOTE: Although the adjective "srck" simply means "ill," when preceded by "gotng tobe," lhe connotation changes to "sick and vomitinf." sickie (to be a) n to be an extremely cravjr or perverted person sicko (to be a) n to be an extremely ) VARIATION: to be nothing but skin and bones ap skin head (to be a) n (mild) to be a bald person ) NOTE: This is also the name given to a member of one of the Neo-Nazi organizations skinfllnt (to be a) n to be miset slammer n police officer (used primarily in old gangster movies) ) NOTE: This term signifies the slamming sound a prison door makes when closed slap the snake (to) exp (humorous) to masturbate r All he euer thinks about is slnpping the snake/; All he ever thinks about is masturbating ) NOTE: This is a humorous, yet crude, expression comparing the action of masturbating with that of "slappirtg a snake" which is long and cylindrical like a penis slaphappy (to be) n to be in a euphoric state where everything seems hilarious; giddy sleaze balt (to be a) n (mild) an extremely low and contemptible person ) VARIATION: sleaz5r contemptible crazjt or perverted person sletgh rlde n cocaine l (mild) to be a fearful person (derogatory) a homo- sexual male sleigh riding (to be) sissy (to be a) n sirty-nine (to) exp to perform mutual oral sex at the same time by both partners inverting their positions much like the transposed digits "6" and "9" in the number "sixtg-nine." skank n (mild) an extremely promiscuous person ) NOTE: This term is popular mainly among the younger generation skin and bones (to be) be extremely thin erqr (mild) to a@' a{ low and to be on cocaine slime (to be) n (mild) a low and despicable person 0it); thick slippery liquid slime ball (to be a) n (mild) a low and despicable person (ltt); a ball of thick slippery liquid I VARIATION: slimebucket n (lit); a bucket of thick slippery liquid slip someone the big wet one (to) erp (crude) to kiss with one's tongue ) NOTE: In this expression, "the big wet one" refers to "the tongue." 213 GLOSSARY ) VARIATION: snaLe in the grass slow on the draw (to be) erp (humorous) to be dull-witted ) NOTE: This is a humorous exp expression coming from westerns where cowboys would duel with guns The cowboy with the slowest reflexes, or slowest at drawing his gun, would inevitably lose This expression is now commonlY used to indicate someone who is slow at reasoning slow on the uptake (to be) exP to be slow at common reasoning to use cocaine snifter n cocaine user snooty (to be) a4 (mild) to be pretentious u (very popular) to use snow n cocaine snow snlfter n cocaine user snoc/ snorter n cocaine user slut n a very derogatory and common term for a prostitute or girl of easy morals slutty (to be) n (somewhat crude) to snowball n cocaine snowblrd n cocaine user snowed (to be) odj tobe on cocaine snowed tn (to be) smack slammer n heroin addict smack n (mild and popular) heroin smackhead n heroin addict small fry (to be a) e.rp (mild) an abusive name given to a very short person ait affectionate term used to describe a child smart ass (to be a) erp (crude yet very popular) to be arrogant ac!7" u sniffer n cocaine user cocaine slow! smashed (to be) sniff(to) snort (to) slow-ass (to be a) exp tobe extremely slow That driuer in Jront oJ me is such a slou-r-assl; That driver in front of me is so act like a prostitute and have frequent sex ) VARTATION: to be a slut n (lit); to be a prostitute snap one's twig (to) exp to become suddenly craz5r ) VARIATION: to snap u snatch n (rrrlgar) vagina to be on drugs smoke n marijuana ) VARIATION: smokes n.pl smooch (to) u to kiss o I sau mom and dad smooching in the tiuing roomtodag: I saw mom and dad kissing in the living room todaY smutty (to be) a{' (mild) to be pornographic snake (to be a) n (mild) said of a person who is as low as a snake a@' to be on cocaine snowed up (to be) aQy- to be on cocaine soclal disease n gonorrhea son of a bitch (to be a) erQ ft,rrlgar) an extremely despicable Person ' (lit); to be a son of a female dog I' m gonna klLL thnt son oJ a bitch! : I'm going to kill that despicable person! ) VARTATION: to be an S.O.B e)q? a common euphemistic abbreviation of "son oJ a bitch." source n (mild) drug supplier space cadet (to be a) n to be an oblivious and irresponsible person I VARIATION: to be a space case exp space out (to) u to drug overdose spaced (to be) exp.adj o l to be intoxicated (from alcohol or drugs) to be in a state of oblivion (due to fatigue or meditation) ) VARTATION: to be spaced out exp 214 GLOSSARY spaccy (to be) a$.tobe oblivious and irresponsible spare tire (to have sl exp to have a ring of fat all around one's midsection, resembling the shape of a tire spaz (to be a) n (mild) a very foolish and dull person ) NOTE: This is an abbreviation of the term "spastic" meaning'one who has muscle spasms due to due to injury or illness." spear n (mild) penis ) NOTE: This term signilies the 'penis- since both are long and rylindrical and perform acts of penetration apeedball (to) u to take drugs speedball n cocaine and heroin squat (to) u (crude) to defecate o (lit); to crouch I NOTE: When used to signig'to defecate," the verb "to sqrtat" is considered somewhat crude squlrt (to be a) n (mild) a abusive name given to a very short person stafr n (mild) penis ) NOTE: This term signi{ies the 'penis" since both are long and cylindrical stash house n the locale where cocaine is bought steemy (to be) a4i (mild) to be sexy That's a steamg dance ste's doing; That's a sexy dance she's doing sttct (to be a) n (mild) to be very thin sttff (to have a) n (humorous) to have an erect penis stoned (to be) adj.to be on drugs stoncd out of one's gourd (to be) adj to be on drugs stoned out of one's head (to bel adj to be on drugs stoned out of one's mtnd (to be) adi to be on drugs streetwalker n (mild) prostitute ) NOTE: This term refers to a male or female prostitute stroke oneself (to) exp to masturbate c He likes to stroke himself inJrontoJpeople: He likes to masturbate in front of people strung out (to bel a4i to be on drugs stuct on oneself (to be) erp (mild) said of a person who is self-impressed and whose thoughts are, therefore , "shrck on himself/herseg." stuck up (to be) a{ (mild) to be conceited and arrogant c I can't stand her She's so stuck up!: I don't like her at all She's so arrogant stuff n heroin stulfed shtrt (to be a) erp (mild) said of someone who walks arrogantly as if wearing a stuffed shirt stupe (to be a) n (mild) a foolish and unthinking person ) NOTE: This is a shortened version of "stupid." suck [ofl| (to) u to perform oral sex Can goubelieue he actrn\g offered ler moreg to suck him[olfl?: Can you believe he actually offered her money to perform oral sex on him? planned entrapment of those who are in the process of doing an suck face (to) u to kiss o f'm not going outwithhim- Alltw euer urrnts to dn is to sttckJace; I'm not going out with him All he ever (mild) wants to is to kiss sugar n heroin stlng n (mild) a carefully and secretly unlawful act ) VARTATION: stlng operatlon n stlnter (to be a) n (mild) (lit); who smells repulsively, one sunshiae n lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D.) 216 GLOSSARY sweet catcs n attractive buttocks tea sweet cheeks n attractive buttocks swlnger (to be a) n (mild) to be ready for all types of recreational sex at tea man n drug supplier, tea'd up (to be) adj to be on drugs any moment sword n (mild) penis NOTE: This term signifies the I*penis" since both are long and cylindrical and perform acts of penetration rL marijuana technlcolor yarru (to have a) n(humorous) to vomit ) NOTE: This describes one's mouth opening to reveal a variety of multicolored foods being vomited That sttck n marijuana -TT aad A erp (mild) a common abbreviation and euphemism for "tits and ass" used to signi$r "nudity" There's alot oJT and A inthat mouie; There's a lot of nudity in that movie T.S erp a shame I Istotts goudon't uantto gour homeuork, but T.S.I You hnue no ctwice!: I know you don't want to your homework, but that's a shame! You have no choice! ) NOTE: This is a euphemistic abbreviation of "tough shit" which is considered vulgar tatl n (mild) buttocks take a shtt (to) oq to defecate The dog tcrl.k a shit right on the ng; T1n.e dog defecated right on the rug take la (to) u (mild) to escort to jail take shit (to) exp to accept abuse WhA da goukeep takhg shitfiom hun?; Why you keep accepting abuse from him? talc n cocaine talk to Huey on the big white phone ltol exp (humorous) to vomit ) NOTE: This humorous expression describes someone who is vomiting, and making a'Huey" sound into the toilet which looks like a large white telephone receiver tqlker (to be a) n (mild) to be a talkative person than shtt odu to the extreme o FIe's jnnier ttwttshif He's extremely funny She's meaner than shit!: She's extremely meant that tlme of the month (to be) erp (mild and very popular) to You dnn't laok weIL Is ittlwttime oJtlw month?;Yolu don't look well Are you menstruate menstruating? the blg H n heroin the dlrty deed erp may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "sex" Doaouthirktheg did.the dW deedlastnight?; Do you think they had sex last night? the elevator doesn't go dl the way to the top exp (humorous) ) NOTE: This is a humorous expression inferring that the subject doesn't use his/her entire brain the fuck ap used to denote surprise, annoyance, or 'nonsense" (surprise) It's greatto see gou! Wlnt tle fuck are gou doing here? o (annoyance) Wlnt tlLe fuck gou want now? c ('nonsense") He toldgoule uas T t'tch? heJirck le is!: He told you he was rich! That's nonsense! the ltghts are on but nobody's home e4p (humorous) ) NOTE: This is a humorous expression describing a person who is awake but completely unawa.re 2t6 GLOSSARY "The red flag's up" e.4p (somewhat crude yet humorous) to menstruate ) NOTE: In this expression the "redflag" refers to "blood." "The Red Sea's ln" e4p {crude yet humorous) to menstruate ) NOTE: In this expression, the "red sea" refers to "blood." the runs (to have) aq (mild) to have diarrhea "The shit rolls downhill" erp "The blame is passed down to tJle person with the least amount of influence." "The shit's gonna hit the fanl" exp 'A great disturbance is about to occur!" WhenmyJatler comes home and sees whatl didto his car, tLte shit's gonnahittleJan!; When my father comes home and sees what I did to his car, a great disturbance is going to occur the shit erqp used to modiff interrogative pronouns who, uhaL where, when, usttg, haus o Who tlrc shit is that?; Who could that possibly be? What the sl:tit did" I spillonmyself?: What could I have possibly spilled on mysell? the shits (to have) to have diarrhea I must ttaue eaten something s poile d b e ca us e I' ue been lnuing the shits all dag: I must have eaten something spoiled because IVe been having diarrhea all day ) VARIATION: to have the runny shlts e.rqr e.qq the tragic magic n heroin the Y n vagina ) NOTE: This is a humorous, yet mlgar, description of a woman lying on her back with her legs spread apart forming the letter "Y." thick (to be) a4j to be dull-witted ) NOTE: This adjective describes a person who's head is so thick that information can not penetrate thin as a rail (to bel exp (mild) to be extremely thin thing n (mild) penis think one's shit doesn't sttnk (to) exp to think unrealistically highly of oneself She's so atrogant! She thinks her shit doesn't stink/; She's so €urogant! She thinks unrealistically highly of herself! throne n (humorous) toilet ) NOTE: This term is a humorous comparison of a toilet to a royal throne throw ln the clink (to) u (mild) to put someone in jail throw the book at (to) e.rp to find someone guilty on several counts and put in jail for an extended period of time throw up (to) n (extremely common and mild) to vomit ) NOTE: This is perhaps one of the most common slmonSrms for "to vomit" and is used by everyone tickle the tiger (to) e.rp (humorous) to masturbate He tickles the tiger wheneuer he goes to bed; He masturbates whenever he goes to bed I NOTE: The word "t(ger" is used to mean "penis" in this expression due to the similarity between the large head of the tiger and the large head of the penis tight (to bel a4j.(mild) to be rigid with one's money ) VARTATION: to be as tight as a drum aqp to be very rigid with one's money ) VARTATION: to be a tightwad n (mild) tight-ass (to be a) e:p uptight, tense She's not aoery relaxedperson Whnt a tight-ctss!; She's not a very relaxed person She's so uptight! tight-fisted (to be) a@' (mild) a figurative expression signi8ring one who has difffculty spending money which helshe holds onto tighily 2L7 GLOSSARY tightwad (to be a) n (mild) to be edremely miserly He rejsedto bug me a cup oJcolfee becanse he said it wos too expensiue Wlut a tightwad!; He refused to buy me a cup ofcoffee because he said it was too expensive He's so miserly tlnkle (to) u (mild) to urinate ) NOTE: This verb, primarily used with children, signifies the tinkling sound that is produced when one urinates in the toilet tits n.pl (very popular) titties n.pl breasts breasts toke (to) u to take drugs toke n a portion of marijuana tool n (mild) penis toot (to) u (mild and humorous) to have flatulence (very popular) to use cocaine toot n cocaine tooter n cocaine user torn up (to be) aQj.tobe on drugs touched ln the head (to be) erp to be eccentric and unpredictable tough shit (to be) exp L used to signiS/ "that's a shame" with a feeling of indifference and hostility from the speaker IJAoudon'ttike the wag I drhse, tough st:rit!; If you don't like the way I drive, too bad! o to be menacing; "cool" c That gug's tougtt shiU; That guy is menacing! trafficker n drug supplier tramp (to be a) n (mild) to be a promiscuous person o (lit); to be like a vagabond who rarely sleeps in tl.e same place twice Look, tttere's Donrta She's tle school tramp; I-ook, there's Donna She's the school nymphomaniac trampy (to be) a4 (mild) to act like a prostitute and have frequent sex ) VARLATION: to be a tramp er@ to be like a vagabond who rarely sleeps in the same place twice treat someone llke shit (to) exp to treat someone with great disrespect Wha did gou treat Lter tike shitlnstnight?;Wlry did you treat her with such disrespect last night? trtck (to) u (mild) to trade sexual favors for money ) VARLATION: to turn a trick e4p trlck n (mild) a prostitute's client ) SYNOI\M\4: john n (mild) trip (to) u to take drugs trip n a positive or negative mental experience while on drugs ) AI^SO: acid trtp n a positive or negative mental experience while on lysergic acid diethylamide tripping (to be) a@' to be on dmgs troll (to be a) n (mild) to be an ugly person trots (to have the) a@ (mild) to have diarrhea trouser snake n (mild) penis trouser trout ru (mild) penis tub of lard (to be a) e;p to be an exlremely fat individual (lit); to be a container of fat attlb adj tune one's organ (to) ap ) VARIATION: to be (humorous) to masturbate o I think to go htne my organ; I think I need to go masturbate ) NOTE: This expression is a play-on-words since the term "organ" refers to a musical instrument as well as a "penis." I need turd n (mild) excrement Your dog just Laid" a htrd on the couch: Your dogjust defecated on the couch .2 despicable person That gug's such a turdl; That guy's such a despicable person! ) AI^SO: bird turd n (humorous rhyming slan$ bird excrement o There are birdturds all ouer mg carl; There's bird excrement all over my car! 2ta GLOSSARY turf n (mild) a prostitute's territory where she solicits clients turtey (to be a) n (mild) an extremely foolish and unthinking person tumed on (to be) erp (mild) to be sexually aroused activated 0it); to be tueb n (mild) buttocks ) NOTE: This popular term comes expression to 'to be up shit's creek." upchuck (to) u (very common and mild) tovomit ) NOTE: It would be incorrect to say 'to chuckup." upplty (to be) arU' (mild) said of someone who feels that he/she is superior or above, everyone else use (to) u to take drugs from Yiddish ) VARTATION: tushy n twat n (vulgar) vagina tweek out (to) u to take drugs twerp (to be a) n (mild) to be a despicable person twlsted (to be) a{' (popular in the drugworld) to be on drugs twtt (to be a) n (mild) a foolish and worthless person -vV.D n, venereal disease, syphilis vlper n drug supplier vlslt the red-ltgbt dlstrict ltol -uugly as sin (to bel exp (mild) to be extremely ugly ugo (to bel adi.(humorous) a slang transformation of the adjective "uglY." undles n may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "underwear" Ijust bottght some new wtdies: I just bouglrt some new underwear ) NOTD: The word 'undies"is considered infant language and is, therefore, occasionally borrowed by adults in order to desexualize the original term up shlt creet (to bel exp to be in a big predicament IJI don't get this uork done infiie mintrtes, I'm gonna be up shil creek; If I don't get this work done in live minutes, I'm going to be in a big predicament I NOTE: Although it's incorrect, many people transform this exp to look for a prostitute ) NOTE: The neighborhood where prostitutes are known to congregate is called the "red-Iight di-strict" due to the traditional red light in front of each brothel -wwacky (to be) aQj.tobe eccentric and unpredictable walrus (to be a) n to be as fat as a walrus, wasted (to be) odj (very popular) to be on drugs waternelons n.pl (humorous) very large breasts, way out (to be) adj to be on drugs wa:zoo n (mild) buttocks ) NOTE: This term is commonly used in the expression 'up the wazoo" meaning'in great quantity": I'ue got tametuork up urazootonight!; IVe got lots of homework tonight! wee (to go) u (mild) to urinate tle ) NOTE: This verb is primarily used with children ) ALSO: to go wee-wee exp (a very popular expression used with children) 2Lg GI,OSSARY wced n (very popular especially in the 1960s) marijuana ) AISO: evil weed n literally meaning'sausage," is used to signify "penis" in slang whip the worn (to) elp (humorous) wet (to bel adj (vulgar) said of a wom€ul or girl who is sexually excited whack off (to) erp (popular yet crude) to masturbate DidAou lotou he whacks olf alltte time in his car?: Did you know he masturbates all the time in his car? ) NOTE: This verb may also be spelled "wackofr." to masturbate I krnu ushere gou're going You're gonna go whb the worm aren'tgou?: I know where you're going You're going to go masturbate, aren't you? ) NOTE: In this expression, the term 'uorm" is used to mean "penis" due to its long cylindrical shape eccentric and unpredictable ) NOTE: The adjective 'usfncko'is considered slightly more extreme wblte n cocaine white Christmaa n cocaine white cross n cocaine whtte lady n cocaine than "toaclg." whtz (to) u (vulgar) to urinate whacko (to be) a4j.to be extremely whale (to be a) n to be as fat as a whale ) VARTATION: to be a beached whale erqr, to be extremely fat and motionless such as after eating a huge meal wham !sm, thant you ma'nm e.qr, quick sex (humorous and popular) t Ow dnle last night usas nothirE but tphom ban" tlvtttk gou ma' atr{ ; Our date last night was nothing but quick sex ) VARIATION: slam bam tbant you ma'rtrn eJ@ 'What tbe fuct" r l exclzra (as a question) "How is this possible?' Whflt tfw futk? I can' t remember o where I put mg kegs!; How is this possible? I can't remember where I put my keys! o exp (as a statement) 'It's not a big issue" What the fuck lf gou don't uortt to go to her pafig, jttst don't!; It's not a big issue If you don't want to go to her party, just don't! whlp the weenie (to) ) VARLATION: tatc a whiz (to) exp (very popular yet vulgar) whtzbang n cocaine and heroin whore (to) u, l to work as a prostitute o to look for sex ) VARIATION: to whore around e.rp (mild) wbore ru derogatory term for 'prostitute." ) NOTE: This term is often pronounced in jest with a souttrern accent,'ho," ) NOTE: This term refers to a male or female prostitute whorebouse n (extremely popular) brothel wiener ru (humorous) penis ) NOTE: This term signilies the 'penis" since both are long and cylindrical ) VARIATION: ween n ) VARIATION: weenle n wigged out (to bel aQj to be on drugs to masturbate It sounds tike he's upstanrs whipping the useenie: lt sounds like he's upstairs windbag (to be a) n (mild) said of someone whose excessive chatter produces large amounts of wind masturbating wlndowpaoe n lysergic acid er@ ) NOTE: The term "u;eenie," diethylamide (L.S.D.) 220 GLOSSARY wtped out (to bel adj o to be drugged to be exhausted wired (to bel a4j to be dlmamic and lively naturally or due to drugs tenn "gak," literally a long-haired ox, is used to mean "penis." a{ coward ) VARIATION: to be ycUowbellied adl yellow (to be) witch hazel n heroin without a stitch of clothing (to be) yellow erp (mild) to be completely naked woody (to have a) n (humorous) to yellow sunshine n lysergic acid have an erect penis (which is as hard as wood) working glirl n a euphemism for "prostitute." -xX-rated (to be) a{' (mild) to be pornographic ) NOTE: Movies which contain graphic sexuality are rated X and are restricted to anyone under the age of 18 years old This expression may also be used to indicate anything which is sexy o This partg is htrnirg X- ra.ted f; This party is becoming indecent! -Yyacker (to be a) n (mild) to be a talkative person ) NOTE: to yack u to talk n lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D.) diethylamide (L.S.D.) nng yang n (mild) buttocks ) NOTE: This term is commonly used in the expression "up ttw ging gang" rl:eaning "in great quantity": I don't need another dress I'ue got dresses up the Aalg gang: I don't need another dress IVe got lots of dresses york (to) u (humorous) to vomit ) NOTE: This verb describes the sound one makes when vomiting you-know-what exp a euphemistic expression which is used to replace any vulgar word o She's alwags so nastg! I think she's a realgou-know-ustnt! ) NOTE: In this expression, it's up to the listener to guess which obscenity the speaker is replacing Although the listener may not deduce the exact word, the sentiment is still the same excessively yank the yak (to) e:qr (humorous) to masturbate He's Aanking tle Uak; He's masturbating ) NOTE: In this expression, the -zzone out (to) u to drug overdose zonked out (to be) a4 to be drugged or tired T- Learn slang whiLe Aou driue! CaLL 7-900-23-5LANG VISA o MosterCord o Americon Express Discover wEn @ $12.s0 STREET TALK.1 How to Speak and Understand American Slang $14.9s STREET TALK.2 $14.9s $12.s0 STREET FRENCH How to Speak and Understand French Slang $14.9s $12.s0 MORE STREET FRENCH Slang, Idioms, & Popular Expletives $14.9s $12.s0 STREET SPANISH How to Speak and Understand Spanish Slang $14.9s $12.s0 BLEEP! A Guide to Popular American Obscenities $12.9s $12.s0 Slang Used by Teens, Rappers, Surfers & P opular Ame ric an Te lev i sion S how s *Plus shipping/handling to be quoted California residents, please add applicable sales tax All phone orders will be sent out within 24 hours of your request! Overnight and 2nd day air available for additional fee OPTIMA BOOKS 270 N Canon Drive, Suite L270'Beverly Hills, CA 90210 'USA For international orders, please send an lnternational Money Order Domestic orders, add $4 shipping/handling for the first item - add $1 for each additional item lnternational orders, add $5 shipping/lrandling for the first item - add $2 for each additional item ffi.-Please send me Please send me .-.(:::::-'-'-i!:::':-::?:?:! book(s) and book(s) and book(s) and book(s) and andPlease send me book(s) and Please send me -book(s) - Please send me Please send me for Street Talk '1for Street TaIk -2' cassette(s) for Street French cassette(s) for MORE Street French cassette(s) for Street Spanish cassette(s) for Bleep! cassette(s) cassette(s) ADDRESS STATE/PROVINCE ZPlPOSTALCODE (PHONE) $ ta.gs Now youtll never be at a loss for words again vvith BIEEH! is the first step-by-step guide and workbook which explores some of the most common expletives and obscenities used in America today This humorous and practical guide will take you on a journey through the popular yet forbidden language of obscenities which are cornmonly used in movies, books, on the job, in school, behind the wheel, and in day-to-day conversations EIFI will guide you through the world of obscenities by presenting E Essential tnsults dtrected at other d.riuerc Et Obscene hand gestrtres E porbdden sAnonAm^s for bodg parts V Glossary of dtrty slang taords Vl nea hot word games, ifind.-a-tuord grlds and spectat CUSSWORD puzzles! Cover desigfr Jim Graul DAVID Bt RI{E is also the author of STREET TALK Hotu to Speak and Understand American SLang, STREET TALK -2: Slnng Used bg Teens, Rappers, Su{flers and Popr ttay American Teleuisrbn Shotus, STREET FRENCH, MORE STREET FRENCH, and tr #4ffi STREBI SP ':::i+"' ISBN l, - B?1rr q0 - [7 -5 95 ||il|ruilililililililililIllmn [...]... mlgar meanin$ I haue to go take a cntd; I have to go defecate I oRIGIN: This is commonly used as a euphemism lor crap" which is considered vulgar yet extremely popular darn 1 n unpleasant Do gou haue to play that darn mtsic all dag?; Do you have to play that unpleasant music all day? 2, excktm an exclamation used in astonishment ald angir Darn! Inok ot ttlat neLL) car!; l'r,:r really astonished!... that your old boss? What runt! a little Debbie: Oh, yeah That creep was the biggest tlghtwad I ever met and he's a real crazo, too Oh, look! There's his wifel What a loser! Everyone says she's a real tramp but does she ever have a bad case of the uglles! They make a real pair, don't they? He's a fat slob who's bald as a billiard ball and she's a total blrdbrain and no sprlng chicken Nancy; Wow, what... AMERICAN OBSCENITIES to convey great frustrauon and anger Crap! I can'tfnd mA wallet! "D?gnabbit!" exclam may be used as a euphemisUc replacement for "God domn itJ" which is used to convey frustration and anger Dagnabbit! I lost mg cor keys again! "Dash it all!" exclam used to indicate anger and frustration (may be used as a euphemism for "Damn it!" which is considered harsh) Dosh it clM mis sed the tast... unpleasant 2 exclaflL an exclamation used in astonishment and anger o g u to damn 8 "pardon my - obscenities- " " l 9 substance alp "Forgive my use of n any unidentifiable or unusual BI,EEP' A GUIDE TO POPUIAR AMERICAN t0' ' OBSCENITIES L a4 i extremely difficult despicable person ll 12 ' 13 2 n a adj This is a euphemistic replacement for the adjective 'fucktng" mearing "intense." - n 1 unpleasant woman... extremely \,nlgar t7 Tlaat guA' s a real motLer! : That guy's a real despicable person! 2 ar!1 extremely diflicult What a mother of a fnmeuork ass@nment| What a difficult homework assignmentl number o'r'e exp may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "urination" I fwDe to go ntntber one: 1 have to urinate num.ber two exp may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "defecation" The little bobA uent... shoes are too tightl; These irritating shoes are too Ught! ) Ar^so: "Doggone lt!" exclarru used to indicate anger or frustration fmay be used as a euphemistic replacement for "God damn it!" which is considered irreverent) Doggone A! He's lote again!: How frustrating! He's late again! "Fooey!" excLam (also spelled "phooey") used to indicate anger or fmstration (may be used as a euphemisfic replacement... any body part having to do with sex is in bad taste Althougfr the word "buftocks" is perfecfly acceptable, there are those who prefer to use a less direct term such as "d,erribre -" Since Americals 15 feel that French is such a beautiful and romantic language, to use a French sJmonJrm in its place seems more refined doggone a4 i irritaung (may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "God damn" which... considered to be irreverent) JiminA Crtcket! Where did gou f.nd aII that moneg?; What a surprise! Where did you find all that money? r NOTE {r): This exclamation is based on a famous cartoon character whose initials are the same as Jesus Christ and consequently may be used as a euphemistic replacement I NoTE (2): This exclamation is used primarily in jest I SYNoI{YM; "Jiminy Christmas!" exclcm used primarily... chapters The following are common American euphemisms whlch are considered to be very mild and may be used \Mithout any fear of offending, unless otherwise stated baloney n nonsense (may be used as a euphemistic replacement for "bullshit" which is considered mlgar) You actually belieDed that bi oneu?: Yott actually believed that nonsense? blazes n used in surprise to add emphasis to a question (may... adD absolutely, completely Wllat an F-ing great stereo!; What an absolutely great stereo! o B used before a verb to indicate great annoyance WhA do gou alu;ogs F-ing cone ouer here ond bother me eDery tuo minutes?! o 4 used before a noun to indicate great annoyance I don't want to driue ter to the airport but u:hat F-ing choire do I haue?! ) OzuctN: This is commonly used as a euphemism for the adjective/adverb'Jucking" ... "hippopotamus." a hog (to be a) ap to be fat as a hog cow (to be a) n to be as fat as a cow, I AISO: to be a fat cow exp t AI^SO: adjective "fat." I AI^SO: to be a p7g exp fat slob (to be a) e:qr to. .. chunky (to be) a@ to be somewhat fat- plg (to be a) adJ ro be as fal as a pig to be a fat fatty e.qr hippo (to be a) a@ to be as fat as a hippopotamus NOTE: The term "hrppo" is a common abbreviation... -BLEEP! A Guide to Popular American Obscenities BLEEP! ts nou) c;ucrilo;ble on ccss ette! -BLEEP! A Guide to Popular American Obscenities David Burke Optima Books lns Angeles San Francisco

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2016, 14:31