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2000 bilingual phrases level 5

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bilingual phrases 2000 frases bilingues NIVEL para el quinto curso de las escuelas de idiomas LEVEL for the fifth course of the schools of languages bilingual phrases 2000 frases bilingues nivel level Written by/ Escrito por: Eduardo Rosset Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosoffa y Letras de Euskadi Published by / Editado por: Editorial Stanley Layout / Diseno y Maquetacion: Angela Gomez Martin Front page design / Diseno portada: Diseno Irunes © Editorial Stanley Apdo 207 - 20302 IRUN - ESPANA Telf 943 64 04 12 - Fax 943 64 38 63 richard@stanleyformacion.com www.gentedellibro.com ISBN: 84-7873-275-6 Dep.Leg.:BI-2208-03 First Edition / Primera Edicion 1992 Second Edition / Segunda Edicion 1995 Third Edition / Tercera Edicion 2003 Printed at/Imprime: Imprenta Berekintza bilingual phrases level 2000 frases bilingues nivel index ABOUT, ABOVE, ABREAST, ACCIDENT, ELSE, END, ENGAGE, ENOUGH, ENROL, ENTER, ACCOMODATE, ACCORD, ACCOUNT, ACE, ACQUAINT, ACQUAINTANCE, ACROSS 2-3 ACT, ACTION, ACTUAL, ACTUALLY, ADRIFT, 36-37 EXPENSE, EXTENT, EYE, FACE, FAIL 38-39 FAIR, FAITH, FALL, FANCY, FAR, FAST, FAT, ADVANCE, ADVANTAGE, AFFAIR, AFFORD, AFTER, AGAIN, AGAINST ENTRY, EVEN, EVER, EVERY 4-5 40-41 FEATHER, FEED, FEEL FEEL, FEELING, FELLOW, FENCE, FEW,FIGHT, AGE, AHEAD, AID, AIM, AIR, ALL, ALOOF, AMISS, ANSWER, APOLOGY 6-7 APPEAR, APPOINTMENT, APPROVE, APT, ARM, ART, ASK, FORWARD, FRAME, FREE, FRESH, FRONT, FULL, 8-9 BAD, BAGS, BALANCE, BALL, BAR, BARE, BARGAIN, BASH, BEAR HOT, HOUR, HOUSE, HOUSEHOLD, HUNGER, 52-53 ICE, IDEA, ILL, INCH, INKLING, INVOLVE, JAM, 18-19 JOB, JOIN, JOKE, JUMP, KEEN, KEEP 20-21 LAP, LARK, LAST, LATE, LAUGH BURN, BURST, BUSINESS, BUSY, BUT, CALL, LET, LETTER, LEVEL, LIABLE, LIGHT, LIKE 24-25 COAT, COCK, COLD, COLOURS, COME, 26-27 COVER, CRACK, CREDIT, CREEP, CROP, CROSS, 28-29 DEAL, DEAR, DEATH, DEEP, DEGREE, DEVIL, DIG, DIE, DIM, DIP, DISCHARGE, DO 30-31 DODGE, DOG, DOOR, DOWN, DRAW, DRIVE, DROP, DUCK, DUE 32-33 60-61 LINE, LIVE, LOAD, LOCK, LODGE, LONG, LOOK, 62-63 LOT, LOVE, LOW, LUCK, MAKE, MAN, MANY, MARK, MASTER, MATCH, MATERIAL, MATTER 64-65 MAY, MEAN, MEASURE, MEET, MESS, MIND, MIND, MISS, MONEY, MOUTH, MOVE 66-67 MUCH, NAME, NARROW, NASTY, NATURE, NECK, NEEDLE, NERVE, NEWS, NEXT, NIP, NONE, NOSE, NOTHING EAR, EARLY, EARTH, EASE, EASY, EAT, EDGE, EFFECT, EGG, ELBOW LIE, LIFE, LIFT, LOOSE, LOSE, LOSS CONCERN, COOL, COPE, COUNT, COUNTER, CRUSH, CRY, CUT, DASH, DATE, DAY 58-59 LEG, LENGTH, LESS CHIP, CLAP, CLEAN, CLEAR, CLOCK, CLOSE, COURSE 56-57 LAW, LAY, LEAD, LEADING, LEAF, LEAST, LEAVE, 22-23 CHEEK, CHEER, CHEESE, CHEW, CHICKEN, CLOUD, COAL 54-55 KICK, KID, KILL, KIND, KISS, KNOCK, LAND, CART, CASH, CAST, CAT, CATCH, CHAIN, CHAIR, CHANCE, CHARGES, CHARM 48-49 50-51 HOLD HUNGRY, HURT BRIGHT, BROAD, BUCK, BUCKET, BUG, BUM, CARD, CARE, CARPET, CARRY HEAR, HEART, HEAVY, HEEL, HEIGHT HOME, HONOUR, HOOK, HOP, HOPE, HORSE, 16-17 BOUND, BRAIN, BREAD, BREAK, BREATH, BRICK, BUNK, BURDEN, BURY 46-47 HELL, HELP, HIGH, HIGHLY, HINT, HIT, HITCH, 14-15 BOAT, BOB, BODY, BOIL, BOLT, BONE, BOOK, BOOT, BOTTOM GRASS, GROUND, HAIR, HALF, HAMMER, HAND HAPPEN, HAPPY, HARD, HARDLY, HAT, HEAD, 12-13 BIG, BIT, BLACK, BITE, BLIND, BLOOD, BLOW, BLUE 44-45 FUN FURTHER, FUSS, GATHER, GIVE, GOD, GOOD, 10-11 BEAT, BECOME, BED, BEHIND, BID, BELIEVE, BEST, BETTER, BEYOND, 42-43 FLASH, FLAT FLIGHT, FLING, FLUSH, FLY, FOOL, FOOT, FORCE, ATTACH, ATTENTION, AVERAGE, AWAY, BABY, BACK FILE, FINE, FINGER, FISH, FIT, FIX, FLAG, 68-69 NOTICE, NOWHERE, NUMBER, OATH, OBJECT, OCCASION, ODD, OIL, OLD, ONCE, OPEN, 34-35 ORDER, ORDINARY 70-71 OUT, OVER, OWN, PACE, PACK, PAD, PADDLE, STAMP, STAND, STANDING, START, STATE, 72-73 PAINT, PALM, PAR, PART STICKY, STIFF PARTICULAR, PASS, PAST, PATCH, PAY, PEACE, PEG, PENNY, PEOPLE, PICK, PICTURE, PIE, PLAN, PLATE, PLAY, PLEASE, PLEASURE, 78-79 POKY, POLISH, POOR, POSITION, POST, POUR PROCEED, PROGRESS, PROOF, PROPER, PROVE, USE, VALUE, VARIETY, VEIL, VELVET, WALK, WALL, WANDER RELIEF, RELIEVE, REMOVE, RENDER, REPLY, 116-117 WANT, WARM, WARNING, WASH, WASTE, 86-87 RIDE, RIGHT, RING, RIPE, RISE, RISK, WATCH, WATER, WAVE, WAY 118-119 WAY, WEAR, WEATHER, WEIGH, WEIGHT, 88-89 WELL, WHEEL, WHIRL, WHOLE, WIDE, WILD, WILL, WIN, WIND, WIRE, WISH, WIT ROUGH, ROUND, RULE, RUN, RUSH, SAIL, 90-91 120-121 WIT, WOOD, WOOL, WORD, WORK, WORLD, WORSE, WORST, WORTH, WRAP, WRECK, SAVE, SAY, SCENE, SCENT, SCHEDULE, WRITE, WRONG, YEAR SCHOOL, SCOPE, SCORE, SCRAP, SCRAPE, 92-93 SELL, SEND, SENIOR, SENSE, SERVE, 94-95 SHAME, SHAPE, SHARP, SHEER, SHELF, SHELL, SHIFT, SHIP, SHIVER, SHOE, SHOOT, 96-97 SHOW, SIDE, SIGHT, SINK, SIT, SIZE, SKIN, 98-99 SLIP, SLOW, SMART, SMASH, SNAP, SO, SOAK, SOFT, SOON, SORE, SORT, SOUL, SOUND, 100-101 SPIN, SPIRIT, SPLIT, SPOIL, SPONGE, SPOT, SPRING, SQUARE, SQUEEZE, SUMMON, STAKE 114-115 TRIAL, TRICK, TROUBLE, TURN, UNDER, UP, 84-85 REGARD, REGULAR, RELATION, RELEASE, SPARE, SPEAK, SPILL TOSS, TOUCH, TOWN, TRACE, TRACK, TRADE, TREAT RATE, RATTLE, REACH, READ, REAR, RECORD, SLACK, SLEEP, SLIP 112-113 TIME, TOE, TONGUE, TOO, TOOTH, TOP, 82-83 RAG, RAISE, RAKE, RAM, RANGE, RANK, SHOP, SHORT, SHOT, SHOULDER THROAT, THROUGH, THREW, THRUST, TIDY, TIE, TIGHT QUESTION, QUICK, QUIET, QUITE, RACK, SERVICE, SET, SETTLE, SHADE, SHAKES 110-111 THICK, THIN, THING, THINK, THOUGHT, 80-81 PUMP, PURSE, PUSH, PUT, QUARTER, SCRATCH, SCREW, SEAL, SEAT, SECRET, SEE SWORD, SYMPATHY, TABLE, TAIL, TAKE, TALE, THICK PRETEND, PRICK, PRIME, PRINT, PRIVATE, SAKE, SALE, SAME, SAVE 108-109 TALK, TAP, TARGET, TEAR, TELL, TERM, TEST, POWER, PRACTICE, PRESENT, PRESS, PRESSURE, ROAD, ROAR, ROCK, ROD, ROLL, ROPE, ROSE SUIT, SUMMON, SUMMONS, SWEAT, SWEEP, SWEET, SWELL, SWIM, SWING PLUG, PLUNGE, POCKET, POINT, POKE, POKER, REPORT, REQUIRE, REST, RETURN, REVERSE 106-107 STRIKE, STRING, STROKE, STRONG, STUFF, 76-77 PLEDGE RED, REFER, REGARDS STORE, STORM, STORY, STRAIGHT, STRAW, STREAM, STREET, STRETCH PIERCE, PIN, PINCH, PITCH, PLACE, PLAIN, RACKET 104-105 STING, STIR, STITCH, STOCK, STONE, STOP, 74-75 PIECE, PIERCE PROVIDE, PULL STATIONARY, STEADY, STEAM, STEP, STICK, 102-103 122-123 2000 frases bilingues nivel para el quinto curso de las escuelas de idiomas 2000 bilingual phrases level for the fifth course of the schools of languages ABOUT, ABOVE, ABREAST, ACCIDENT, ACCOMODATE, ACCORD, ACCOUNT, ACE, ACQUAINT, ACQUAINTANCE, Hay mucha gripe por ahi Me alegro de verte de nuevo en pie Todos los juguetes estaban esparcidos por el jardin Miro nervioso a su alrededor Y yo que? Ese hombre es un tanto extrano De que trata este libro? 2000 frases bilingues nivel ACROSS 21 El coche lo compramos a plazos 22 Algun dia te pediran cuentas 23 Causo muy buena impresion 24 No tuvo en cuenta ese detalle 25 Tengo que ajustar cuentas ese individuo 26 Saco provecho de las circunstancias No se admiten mas de 30 personas 27 Estaba tan negro como el carbon Estamos a 1000 metros por encima del nivel del mar 28 Ese chico es un as 10 Estaba muy por encima de su comprension 11 Esta pelicula es para mayores de 18 anos 12 Estaba fuera de toda sospecha 29 No todo esta perdido Todavia tengo un triunfo en la mano 30 Estoy al corriente de la situacion 31 Se conocen desde hace mucho tiempo 32 Conocen a muchas personas 13 Mi madre es incapaz de enganar 33 Es una persona que tiene muchas relaciones 14 Formen en fila de a cuatro 34 No tengo el gusto de conocerle 15 Hay que mantenerse informado de lo que sucede 16 Los dos corredores iban a la par 35 Parece mejor despues de conocerle 36 Tengo mucho gusto en conocerle 17 Nos encontramos por pura casualidad 37 Es un viejo conocido mfo 18 En este coche caben cuatro personas 38 Ayudo a una senora mayor a cruzar la calle 19 Lo hizo motu proprio / espontaneamente 39 Habfan colocado un tablon encima 20 Lo hicimos de acuerdo las instrucciones 40 El profesor trataba de dar su punto de vista a los alumnos stanley| ABOUT, ABOVE, ABREAST, ACCIDENT, ACCOMODATE, ACCORD, ACCOUNT, ACE, ACQUAINT, ACQUAINTANCE, There is a lot of flu about I'm glad to see you up and about All the toys were spread about the garden He glanced about nervously And what about me? There's something strange about that man What is this book about? We cannot admit above 30 people We are 1,000 metres above sea level 10 It was above his understanding 11 This film is for people above 18 years of age 12 He was above all suspicion 13 My mother is above deception 14 Fall in line four abreast 15 You have to keep abreast of what is going on 16 The two runners kept abreast 17 We met quite by accident 18 This car accommodates four people 19 He did it of his own accord 20 We did it in accordance with the instructions ACROSS 2000 bilingual phrases level 21 We bought the car on account 22 One day you will be called to account 23 He gave a good account of himself 24 He left that detail out of account 25 I have to settle accounts with that fellow 26 He turned the circumstances to account 27 He was as black as the ace of spades 28 That boy is an ace 29 Not all is lost I still have an ace up my sleeve 30 I'm acquainted with the situation 31 They have long been acquainted 32 They have a large circle of acquaintances 33 He is a person who has many acquaintances 34 I have not the honour of his acquaintance 35 It improves upon acquaintance 36 I am very glad to make your acquaintance 37 He is an old acquaintance of mine 38 He helped an old lady across the road 39 A plank had been laid across 40 The teacher tried to get his point across to the students stanley| CT, ACTION, ACTUAL, ACTUALLY, ADRIFT, ADVANCE, ADVANTAGE, AFFAIR, AFFORD, AFTER, AGAIN, AGAINST 2000 frases bilingues nivel La medicina tarda en surtir efecto 21 Nuestros productos se deben ver bajo la luz mas favorable La droga afecta el cerebro 22 Tenemos que sacar un buen partido de este asunto Los acidos atacan los metales 23 Fue un asunto muy raro Esta es la repeticion de la jugada Dicho sin hecho no trae provecho A las personas hay que juzgarlas por sus hechos d'Cuales fueron sus palabras exactas? dEs este el mismo cuadro? dCual es el precio real? 10 No hay contrato propiamente dicho 11 En realidad, soy su hermano 12 En realidad, no estuve allf 13 dQue es lo que dijo exactamente? 14 El barco rompio amarras 24 Creo que sera un acontecimiento importante 25 Es el secretario de asuntos exteriores 26 Tienes que arreglar tus asuntos personales 27 Tu hermana tuvo relaciones amorosas un hombre mayor 28 Podemos permitfrnoslo 29 No podemos permitirnos el lujo de tener coche nuevo 30 Esta es una ocasion que no puedes desperdiciar 31 La anciana corrio tras el gamberro blandiendo su paraguas 32 Esto se pinto segun el estilo de Goya 33 Se le dio el nombre de su padre 15 Corto las amarras de la barca 34 Ya lo que pretendes 16 Le abandono a su suerte 36 Te lo he dicho una y otra vez 17 Ese viejo verde hizo insinuaciones a mi mujer 37 Me debes 1000 libras y otro tanto de intereses 18 Reservamos una mesa anticipacion 35 Va en busca de un marido 38 Se devuelve el dinero al presenter este resguardo 19 Mi jefe me dado un anticipo 39 Hemos vendido mil este ano en comparacion dos mil el ano pasado 20 Ascendio al rango de capstan 40 Anotalo en gastos stanley| ACT, ACTION, ACTUAL, ACTUALLY, ADRIFT, ADVANCE, 2000 bilingual phrases ADVANTAGE, AFFAIR, AFFORD, AFTER, AGAIN, AGAINST level The medicine is slow to act The drug acts upon the brain Acids act on metals This is the action replay Actions speak louder than words People must be judged by their actions What were his actual words? Is this the actual picture? What is the actual price? 10 There is no actual contract 11 Actually, I am her brother 12 I wasn't there, actually 13 What did he actually say? 14 The ship broke adrift 15 He cut the boat adrift 16 He turned him adrift 17 That dirty old man made advances to my wife 18 We booked a table in advance 19 My boss has made me an advance payment 20 He advanced to the rank of captain 21 Our products are to be shown off to best advantage 22 We have to turn this business to our advantage 23 It was a strange affair 24 I think it will be a big affair 25 He is the secretary of foreign affairs 26 You have to put your personal affairs in order 27 Your sister had an affair with an older man 28 We can afford it 29 We can't afford a new car 30 This is an opportunity you can't afford to miss 31 The old woman ran after the hooligan brandishing her umbrella 32 This picture was painted after Goya 33 He is named after his father 34 I see what you're after 35 She is after a husband 36 I've told you again and again 37 You owe me £1,000 and as much again in interest 38 Refund available against this voucher 39 We've sold a thousand this year against two thousand last year 40 Put it against expenses sta n I ey WORD, SYMPATHY, TABLE, TAIL, TAKE, TALE, TALK, TAP, TARGET, TEAR, TELL, TERM, Quien a hierro mata a hierro muere Entraron a sangre y fuego en mi pafs Le acompano en el sentimiento Te aseguro que pronto te devolvere la pelota Esto no tiene ni pies ni cabeza Pronto pusieron los pies en polvorosa Nos vienen pisando los talones desde que salimos El ruido y las voces se fueron apagando Mi hijo se aficionado a la Quimica 10 Los bandidos se refugiaron en las colinas 11 Enseguida trabe amistad el 12 Me hice cargo del negocio 13 No te chives 14 Me temo que esta perdido TEST, THICK 2000 frases bilingues nivel 21 Eso es hablar por hablar 22 Hay que explotar los recursos naturales del pais 23 Nos han interceptado el telefono 24 Seguimos el rumbo previsto 25 Me aburro como una ostra 26 Se echo a llorar 27 Se enjugo las lagrimas antes de hablar 28 Se nota que es inglesa 29 No se distinguir la mantequilla de la margarina 30 iA otro perro ese hueso! iCuentaselo a tu abuela! 31 Se le empieza a notar la edad 32 iA mf me lo vas a contar! 33 Nunca se sabe esta gente 34 Hemos llegado a un acuerdo ellos 15 No digas tonterfas 35 Todo lo ve en funcion del beneficio que pueda producir 16 Esa mujer habla por los codos 36 Este metodo esta avalado por muchos anos de uso 17 El anciano discutio sus problemas el asistente social 18 Ya puedes hablar hasta que se te seque la boca 37 Esos dos son una y carne 38 Es fntimo amigo de mi hermano 19 iAsf se habla! 39 No untes demasiada mantequilla 20 Hablando del rey de Roma por la puerta asoma 40 Le llovfan los golpes por todos los sitios no Stanley| WORD, SYMPATHY, TABLE, TAIL, TAKE, TALE, TALK, TAP, TARGET, TEAR, TELL, TERM, TEST, THICK He who lives by the sword will die by the sword They put my country to fire and sword You have my deepest sympathy I assure you that I'll soon turn the tables on you I can't make heads or tails of this They soon turned tail They've been on our tail since we left The noise and the voices were tailing off My son has taken to chemistry 10 The bandits took to the hills 11 I soon took to him 12 I took over the business 13 Don't tell tales 14 I'm afraid his tale is told 15 Don't talk rubbish 16 That woman talks ten to the dozen 17 The old man talked over his problems with the social worker 18 You can talk till you're blue in the face 19 Now you are talking! 20 Talk of the devil and he will appear 111 2000 bilingual phrases level 21 That is talking for the sake of talking 22 We have to tap the country's resources 23 They've tapped our telephone 24 We are on target 25 I'm bored to tears 26 She burst into tears 27 She wiped away her tears before speaking 28 You can tell that she is English 29 I can't tell margarine from butter 30 Tell me another! Tell that to the marines! 31 His age is beginning to tell 32 You are telling me! 33 You can never tell with these people 34 We have come to terms with them 35 He sees everything in terms of profit 36 This method has stood the test of time 37 Those two are as thick as thieves 38 He is very thick with my brother 39 Don't spread the butter too thickly 40 Blows fell thick and fast on him sta nIey THICK, THIN, THING, THINK, THOUGHT, THROAT, THROUGH, THREW, THRUST, TIDY, TIE, TIGHT 2000 frases bilingues nivel E Seguiremos adelante contra viento y marea 21 Se esta cavando su propia tumba Una casita se levantaba en medio del bosque 22 Me duele la garganta Una capa espesa de nieve cubria el suelo Se oyo una voz en medio de la pelea Este chico esta en los huesos La joven se esfumado 23 No pude pronunciar una palabra 24 Se aclaro la voz 25 Cada vez que oigo esa cancion se me hace un nudo en la garganta Tiene los labios muy finos 26 He terminado ella para siempre La niebla se esta disipando 27 Termino usted enseguida Mi hermano perdido mucho pelo 28 La pobre mujer tuvo un ataque de nervios 10 iPobrecito! 29 Tienes que tirar la basura 11 Este vestido es el ultimo grito 30 Le clavo un punal en el corazon 12 Haz las maletas y largate 31 Se lo metio en el bolsillo 13 Lo primero que hay que hacer es secarlo bien 32 Saco pecho 14 iVaya! [...]... Me vendrfa al pelo una taza de te 19 Van a armar un escandalo 20 Coma como un descosido 30 Stanley| DEAL, DEAR, DEATH, DEEP, DEGREE, DEVIL, 2000 bilingual phrases level 5 DIG, DIE, DIM, DIP, DISCHARGE, DO 1 We haven't got a great 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 deal of money Don't make a big deal of it Ill deal with him The murderer will be dealt with The two boys ran for dear life... attached to the post is £1,000 19 He is attached to the Russian Embassy 20 There are no strings attached 9 ASK, 2000 bilingual phrases level 5 21 The soldiers came to attention 22 All the soldiers stood to attention 23 He paid no attention to my warnings 24 He averaged 100 kms per hour 25 He averages 12 hours of work a day 26 He was a man of average height 27 Next Sunday we are playing away 28 He is... Estaras de acuerdo conmigo en decir que eso es verdad Stanley BAD, BAGS, BALANCE, BALL, BAR, 2000 bilingual phrases BARE, BARGAIN, BASH, BEAR level 5 1 I have a very bad cold 21 He was called to the bar 2 Business is very bad 22 They summoned the prisoner to the bar 3 That's too bad 4 I feel very bad about it 5 He seemed tired and had bags under his eyes 6 The deal was in the bag 7 We've got bags of... dar credito a mis ofdos 40 Nos despedimos de ellos en el muelle 12 Stanley BEAT, BECOME, BED, BELIEVE, BEST, BID, 2000 bilingual phrases BEYOND, level 5 BEHIND, BETTER, 1 He was beaten to death 2 The bird beat it wings uselessly The poor man is beating his brains out 4 He just beat me to it 5 If you can't beat them, join them 6 That beats everything 7 The drums were beating 8 The waves beat on the shore... llovido del cielo sta n l e y | BLACK, BITE, 2000 bilingual phrases BLIND, BLOOD, BLOW, BLUE level 5 BIG, BIT, 21 This is a blind alley 1 Your brother is always talking big 22 James had a blind date 2 You're a big mouth, you know 23 That man is blind in one eye 3 He is too big for his boots 24 He turns a blind eye to all the smuggling 4 It was blown to bits 5 He did his bit during the war 6 I'll have... bolt 16 He made a bolt for it 17 He sat bolt upright 18 He bolted it together 19 She bolted him out 20 He bolted me in 17 2000 bilingual phrases level 5 21 It was as dry as a bone 22 He works his fingers to the bone 23 I have a bone to pick with him 24 He makes no bones about it 25 It was the bone of contention 26 The poor man was a bag of bones 27 We have to go by the book 28 I know I am in his bad... sta nIey BOUND, BRAIN, BREAD, BREAK, BREATH, BRICK, BRIGHT, 2000 bilingual phrases BROAD, BUCK, BUCKET, BUG, BUM, BUNK, BURDEN, BURY level 5 1 He is bound by ties of friendship 21 They robbed the bank in broad daylight 2 John is bound up in his work 22 It is as broad as it is long 3 This is beyond the bounds of decency 4 You're out of bounds 5 He was bound hand and foot 6 He blew his brains out 7 I was... | BURN, BURST, BUSINESS, BUSY, CALL, CARD, CARE, CARPET, 2000 BUT, bilingual phrases level 5 CARRY 1 He burns with desire for it 21 There are not buts about it 2 He is burning with impatience 22 He was the last but one in the queue 3 It was burnt to ashes 23 He is but a servant 4 Money burns a hole in his pocket 24 If I could but speak to him 5 He is burning the midnight oil 26 Let's call a meeting... pigeons 19 When candles are away, all cats are grey 20 Before the exam she was like a cat on hot bricks 23 2000 bilingual phrases level 5 21 He hasn't a cat in hell's chance of winning the race 22 He looks like something the cat dragged in 23 He grinned like a Cheshire cat 24 The pullover caught on a nail 25 He could just catch a glimpse of her 26 Astonished, he caught his breath 27 You'll never catch me... CHEEK, CHEER, CHEESE, CHEW, CHICKEN, CHIP, CUP, CLEAN, CLEAR, CLOCK, CLOSE, CLOUD, COAL 2000 bilingual phrases level 5 1 That boy's got a cheek! 21 The evidence cleared him 2 He's got the cheek of the 22 I want to make it clear that it wasn't me devil 3 There were loud cheers 4 I'm really cheesed off with work 5 Well, hard cheese! 6 They are chewing something over 7 Don't count your chickens before .. .bilingual phrases 2000 frases bilingues NIVEL para el quinto curso de las escuelas de idiomas LEVEL for the fifth course of the schools of languages bilingual phrases 2000 frases... DATE, DAY 58 -59 LEG, LENGTH, LESS CHIP, CLAP, CLEAN, CLEAR, CLOCK, CLOSE, COURSE 56 -57 LAW, LAY, LEAD, LEADING, LEAF, LEAST, LEAVE, 22-23 CHEEK, CHEER, CHEESE, CHEW, CHICKEN, CLOUD, COAL 54 -55 KICK,... ACROSS 2000 bilingual phrases level 21 We bought the car on account 22 One day you will be called to account 23 He gave a good account of himself 24 He left that detail out of account 25 I have

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