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Ia n d s c a p e f Con cord designed by Robert A M Stern Architects r 111 S Creating a Sense of Place with Integrated Site Furniture Solutions 800.430.6205 I landscapeforms.com CIRCLE 126 ON READER SERVICE CARD OR GO HTT PdfINFO.HOTIMS.COM/34631 - 126 LAM 32 WATER Catch It While You Can It actually ins now and then in Tucson Arizona , and the city has new rules to red uce potable water use in the landscape by collecting every drop of stormwater it can on commercial sites LANO MATTERS 10 LETTERS BY ANN AUDREY FOREGROUND 38 MINOS 14 NOW States and cities struggle with shrinking parks budgets; a Boston park fence throws a curve; rented goats get to work in downtown Portland; some state capitals will be greener; an invasive plant has an upside; OLl N will upgrade the Metropolitan Museum; you can (sort ofl bike from London to Paris; street trees may deter criminals; and Floridians vote to keep planning among planners EDITED BY UNDA MCINTYRE 26 CLOSE-UP The Healer Clare Cooper Marcus Honorary ASLA has pioneered investigations into the psychological impacts of design especially the ways engagement with the landscape can help ill people hea l BY BILL MARKEN HONORARY ASLA GOOOS Trashy, Yet Novel New designs for trash and recycling receptacles for public spaces look good enough to treasure BY USA SPECKHARDT Ducks Welcome The University of Oregon's new Jaqua Center fo r student athletes is gorgeous-but even more so fo r the dark , ethereal pool that surrounds it , designed by Charles Anderson FASLA BYTIM NEWCOMB 50 HOUSE CALL Let the Good Times Climb , Slide , and Roll The kids are more than all right in a deep city garden in San Francisco designed fo r play, and the parents are super happy tOO BY JOANNE FURIO 4/ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 Jd ,,, PEOPLE JUST LIKE ED US E " IMAGE CREDIT Bill Timmerman 78 EAT YOUR SU8DIVISION ;.; ' Afew new residential neighborhoods around the country are being designed to include spaces for farmi ng an idea that may gain traction as concerns rise about the security of our food supply BY JON ATHAN LERN ER 114 HISTORY The Master's Plan There were no rating standards in place for sustainability when Hideo Sasaki designed the Sea Pines resort in South Caroli na just over half a century ago He ran on intuition to protect the ecology 01 the place and i t' s still largely intact BY MARK HOUGH ASLA 88 NEAR AND FAR 122 800KS Christine Ten Eyck FASLA has a vigorous design practice in Phoenix but her pining for Texas drove her to set up a second office in Austin where she has only multiplied her success BY DANIEL JOS 128 DISPLAY AD INDEX ASLA 129 8UYER'S GUIDE INDEX 144 FORWARD What I Did Over the Summer Vacation (1 Mean Recessionl Alter a layofl oddly enough life as a landscape architect goes on 8YYVONNE G MAHER LAN05CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 /5 LAND5CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE PUBLISHER ASLA BOARO OF TRUSTEES PRESIOENT Jonathan Mueller FASLA Ann Looper Pryor / alooper taas la.or g AOVERTISING SALES PRESIDENT- ELECT Susan M HatcheU, FASLA 202-216-2335 lMMEDIATE PAST PRES l ENT Gary D Scott FASLA SENIOR SALES MANAGER Daryl Brach / dbrachtaasla.org VICE PRESIOENTS SALES MANAGER Edwar G.Cn ASLA M ark Fneden / mfrredentaasla.ol Tammy Workman / /workmantaasla.ol Mark A Focht FASLA R ehard S Hawks FASLA Stephanie V Landgan ASLA Gregory A Miller, ASLA Vaughn B Rtnner, ASLA EDITOR SALES SPECIALIST radford M cKee / b mckeetaa sla.org Vlvian Thompson /thompson'asla org EXECUTIVE VICE PRESl ENT Nancy C Somerville I lonorary ASLA MANAGING EDITOR PROOUCTION , SALES MANAGER L isa Speckh ardt / lspeckhardttaasla.org SECRETARY Mary L Hanson, Honorary ASLA PRODUCTION MANAGER TREASURER Michael O'Brien Sh elly N e ill / sneilltaa sla org ART DIRECTOR Christo p h er McGee / cmcg eetaasla or g MARKETl NG MARKETING MANAGER WRITER/EDITOR Susan A pollon io / sap olloniolồas la org Oan iel Jost ASLA /ostlồasla.org SUBSCRIPTIONS ON THE CO VER Ten tvd Landspe Al'ch1tts S1gned ttllS heahnầl gựren ờlt scsdale Hea1ttlcal ThMpson PeilK HOsp1till mScttsdiJle Anza ge88 IMAGE CREDIT N1C er PO I NTS OR -.IGC ::::S GREEN @ 4%RECYCl"' ịoTlIIIAl.S 877-426 -9 128 INFO@STORMCHAMBERS.COM WWW_STORMCHAMBERS.COM/ LABG11 CIRCLE 231 HTTP: //I NFO.HOTl MS.COM/34631 -231 CIRCLE 110 HP://lNFO.HOTl MS.COM/33 -1 CIRCLE 299 HTTP ://IN FO H OTIMS.CO Mf33 - 299 REPRINTS: CIRCLE 231 HTTP://INFO.H OTl MS.COM31 -231 What Better Way to Market Yourself? There's no better way to market your firm than with full-color reprints of articles published in Landscape Architecture For more information , contact The Reprint Dep t at 717-481-8500 or info0reprintdep t com American Society of Landscape Arch 636 Eye Street NW , Washington , DC 20001 202 -898- 2444 Fax 202-898- 2285 www.asla.org CIRCLE 433 HTTP://INFO.HDTIMS.COM/3463 1-433 14 / LAND5CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 CIRCE 95 HTTP://INFO.HOTIMS.COM/34631 -95 Aluminum Landscape Edging Esy to 'nst 11: 0verlap | 5imply slide together & insert spikes! Convenient 6ft Secfions sure-Ioc Edging c CIRCLE 204 H TP://I N FO.HO TIMS C OM/34631-204 CIRCLE40 HTP://INFO.HO TI MS.CO M/3463 -40 LAND5CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 / 141 e zini 9!"jtj Zinio's iPh one App Have flJ'l rdingyour rne magsỗd taccessto em yr pc andmact) E Zinio.com/GoWithlt REPRINTS: What Better Way to Market Yourself? There's no better way to market your firm tha n with fu ll-color repri nts of articles published in Landscape Architecture For more information , contact The Reprint Dep t at 717-481-8500 or info0reprintdep t com Science helping - m;: your plants grow better naturally Pec 8Family Friendly MycoApply@ Products Available At: Toll Free: 866.476.7800 www.mycorrhizae.com / www.mycoapply.com CIRCLE 454 HTTP://l NFO.HOTIMS.COM/34ú31.454 142 / LAN05CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 American Society of Landscape 636 Eye Street NW Washington DC 202-898-2444 Fax 202-898-2285 www.asla.org ~LABash 2011 march 25 + 26 urdue unive t ,, ,, markdawson jo: nl.-elle'r cultural landscapes- G~ ' CIRCLE 42 ON REAOER SERVICE CARD OR GOo HTTPJ/lNFO.HOTIMS.COM/34631.426 HE K/FORWARD WHAT I 010 OVER THE 5UMMER VACATION (1 MEAN RECE5510N) BY YVONNE G MAHER am an out-of-work landscape architect, and have been since Ju1y 2009 used to work for a rmthat has been in the Raleigh North Carina area for more than 35 years The fỡrm is still in business-barely 1, on the other hand, am not So what have been doing over the past 18 months? WeU, after sending my rộsumộ to e more than 40 landscape architecture firms in the Raleigh area, and after a couple of days relaxing at the neighborhood pool, discovered that was bored In fact , was so bored started talking to other stay-at-home adults never had the chance to get to know when working Last February , forced my husband and my dad to help me build raised beds for my backyard and spent a weekend planting seeds with my daughters We turned my unused drafting table into a mini greenhouse, complete with grow lights , and started peas and zucchinis and tomatoes from seed When the seedlings were big enough and the weather was warr enough we stuck everything in the raised beds and watched, over the next few months, as insects had never heard of systematically ate the leaves off most of the plants This called for more cookies and a new lecture series on identii insects in the garden discovered a wonderful book by Douglas Tallamy called Blinging Natre Home and started organizing yet another a:er-schoollecture on why we need to plant things that ract bugs so that e birds have something to feed their babies This time made brownies AM STILL UNEMPLOYED~ BUT NOT OUT OF WORK I AM NEVER A LOSS TO FIND ANOTHER OUTDOOR PROJECT OR ANOTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSE TO CHAMPION spent hours ta1king to one neighbor about whether she should install a stone patio or a deck in her backyard Firs t, we talked construction costs and what a realistic budget would be We went over the logistics of drainage, as the strucre wou1d go next to her koi pond Then 1went all crazy and showed up at the pool one day with a stack of garden design books We pored over pictures of stone patios and brick patios We learned that she had an irrational aversion to the herringbone pattern, but she liked the look of irrellar flagstone Her new patio is gorgeous , though not as big as she had original1y planned because of costs, and it does not drain into the fỡsh pond Since wasn't spending all my time at e pool, found other things to occupy my time spent one afternoon with my ughư ter and a bunch ofher Io-year-old friends explaining stormwater Th ey were actually somewhat interested We went outside and looked at the curb inlet in front of my house where the water went in We looked at the 36-inch concrete pipe that daylighted behind my house and dumped that same water into the stream along the back of my property line We talked about all the yucky stuff that gets washed into the stormwater when it rains , like 144/ LA N0 5CA PE ARCHITECTURE MAGA ZINE FEB 2011 fertilizers and dog poo Th is particar lecture series also included raiding my pantry for snacks, but to be honest, never go to an education seminar myself unless know there's a free lunch Last spring, entered a desn competition at the Sarah P Duke Gardens in Durham, North Carolina, with a friend and colleague of mine We didn't win, but we did get to present our design to a large group of people at a seminar on natural gardening We had based our design concept on permaculture ideas, and got to spend 45 glorious rninutes talking to a very interested audience about sustainability in the residential landscape Someone else handled the food this me Over this past summer, 1attempted my most ambitious and timeconsuming unemplonent project yet: swapped professional services with a local architect He agreed to design an outdoor classroom structure for my daughters' scho01 and agreed to work up a planting and paving desi for his backyard.le result was a set of architectural drawings that is ready to be submitted for a building permit, and one really nice-100king backyard As of this moment, am still unemployed, but not out of work am never at a loss to fỡnd another outdoor proj ect at needs completing or another environmental cause to champion while am chatting with eoer moms at the bus stop in the afternoon have taken all the things that have made me a good landscape architect-creativ ingenuity, cleverness, resourcefulness-and applied them to the other aspects of my life After all, why did any of us go into this profession in the fỡrst place? serious1y doubt it was for the money Most of us had an insatiable urge to make our environment a better place through design am still doing at 10N NE G MAHER , A LAND5CAPE AR CHITEC LNE5 IN o CAN BE REACHED AT YVONNEGMAHER@YAHO COM CARY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND For on in.deplh look 01 sile furnishings ond Ihe quolilies 1.800.368.2573 (USA &Conodo) I Tel: 301.855.8300 (1 I 10 look for before specificolion , schedule Morylond, USA I Viclor Slonley lunch & leorn 01 your office www.victorstanley.com : Calolog & DVD requesls , lEEDI[!; info, CAD specs & Imoges VICTORofQISTANLEY, INC -Mnl/lcturers CI RCLE 222 ON REA ER SERVICE CARD OR GO TO HTTP://l NFO.HOT1MS.COM/34 31.222 U/ lify Sife Fumis/t illg sillC(' 1962- [...]... students who com plete their undergraduate degree in landscape architecture? Th e current an swer to the dilemma of students who get it right with their fỡrst degree and then need more credentials seems to be pursuing another degree outside of landscape architecture or working on other professional certifications, seminars, or classes 1 see three options landscape arcrutecture progrnsw take to address the... and widen an a1ready worrying performance deficit among Latino and African American kids by teaching them bacl{-breaking labor Some ds fall for architectuecause they visit an impressive sư scraper Ki ds fl.y on jets and decide they want to be pilots I've been wondering what kinds of sparks it takes to draw 1dds to landscape architecture; visits to parks might do the job if somebody shows a kid how... profession- Please e-mail comments to LAMletters@ als, combine undergraduate programs la.org or send via U S mail : with required graduate degrees , or allow other credentialing institutions AMERICAN SOCIETY to take up the slack OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SUBMIT 636 RYAN BENTLEY, ASSOCIATE ASLA OMAH A NE8RASKA 10/ LANOSCAPE ARCH lTECTURE MAGAZIN E F[B 2011 EE STREET NW WASHINGTON OC 20001 3736 : R Capture... public television show at a community center in the Queen An ne neighborhood, but resớdents rose up in opposớtion, A.ooding City Hall with complaints Brớce Maryman, ASLA, a locallandscape architect and a lecturer in the landscape architecture program at the University ofWashington, says there is stla somewhat binary sense of nature and culture as being separate in the city, especial1y in neighborhoods... collaborate, blur the line between art and landscape. " le ABOVE fV\ ost fence nakers told artlst Beth Galston her undula t1 ng deslgn was lmpOSSlble but a dỷrlng tabrlcto madeltwo INSET Onan uban corner ln Boston, landscape deslgn bV Ray Dunetz, ASLA, echoes a meandermg fence IMAGE CREDITS Bartel Kmeczny top , Clements Howcroft Photography, bottom 18/ lAN05CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 make such... museum's strikihg Bộa-rt~ faộ~de ẻ S' 1ess invớting '0 ch ộ\!lge that situation, the Met hỏs , / , broug9 to otIN to redesign the enf4e / 2 / LANOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 f OLIN v45 seiectedafter a smra1 at indỳdeỗl more than 39 landscape architecture and a~chi tecre f1,:r,rns PartnerDennis McGlade, FAST:A, wHl1ead thộ design team.le museum adminislra'fion estimate.sat constructiqn wil1... the POSSIB I LITIES re ENDLESS! j CIRCLE 235 HTP://INFO.HOTIMS.COM/34ú31 -235 CIRCLE 90 Hnp:IIINFO.HOTl MS.GOM/3463 1-90 LAND5CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 20 11 /17 FOREGROUND / NOW SW IRLING PEOPLE IN ARTIST'S FENCe BRI GS p;] I.ZZ o A ~ NIPARK BY MARTY CARLOCK The landscape architect Ray Dunetz, ASLA, and the artist Beth Galston had never met until they found themselves at a meeting to remake... crop, raising the possibility that soybean farmers can grow it in winter while maintaining ~oy crop yields during warmer month " - d"'" I~ - - - f- \tiI 91 smarowthjgreencapitals htm 0 ã~ 22/ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMAGAZINE FCB 2011 FOREGR o /NOW ECOTOURISM CONTINENTAL STYLE The English Channel spans just 21 miles divergence in priorities, budgets, and temperament is most evident from Dover to Cal... building, too, has a Nike provenanceNike founder Phil Knight paid for the building, which has been said (though neverocially) to have cost more than $40 million 26/ LAN05CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 Architects, was the landscape architect Charles Anderson, FASLA On the trianllar site , a former parking lot along a major street on the campus, Sandoval designed a glass box, slightly elevated,... harvesting water at cept, and store large volumes of water commercial sites at 50 percent of in the soil Tank storage extends the landscape demand was reached by time during which rainwater can be analyzing monthly rainfall data and used, but its costs can be substantial1y landscape needs, then calculating the more than those of passive harvesting level that could be met using passive ing tanks to harvest ... Recessionl Alter a layofl oddly enough life as a landscape architect goes on 8YYVONNE G MAHER LAN05CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE FEB 2011 /5 LAND5CAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE PUBLISHER ASLA BOARO OF... to be pursuing another degree outside of landscape architecture or working on other professional certifications, seminars, or classes see three options landscape arcrutecture progrnsw take to... with required graduate degrees , or allow other credentialing institutions AMERICAN SOCIETY to take up the slack OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SUBMIT 636 RYAN BENTLEY, ASSOCIATE ASLA OMAH A NE8RASKA