cột được đánh dấu trong nền màu xanh chuông, ảnh hồ sơ vòng, và phông chữ màu trắng đậm. Spotlight chức danh chủ chốt và mô tả với màu sắc font chuông xanh. Ví dụ sáng tạo và biểu cảm cho các nhà thiết kế và các chuyên gia truyền thông xã hội.
John Hloomsone Art Director & Designer 123 Park Avenue, Michigan MI (123) 456 78 99 - info@hloom.com - www.hloom.com Sedornare, turpis in auctorvenenatis, ipsumnuncvenenatisdiam, aornare magna ante non neque Praesentvehiculaenimaugue Duis volutpatnisisitametmaurisluctusaccumsan Etiam non rhoncus ANAGEMENT M ADERSHIP LE EATIVITY CR MMUNICATION CO ANNING SKILLS Web design PERSONALITY Team Player SOFTWARE Adobe Photoshop ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Graphic design Efficiency Adobe Illustrator ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Logo design Communication Adobe After Effects ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ User interface design Creativity Adobe InDesign ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Image manipulation Leadership MS Office ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ PL John Hloomsome WORK EXPERIENCE Fantastic Company 2008 – present / London, UK EDUCATION ABC University Bachelor of Fine Arts 2008 – present / London, UK Cras tristique erat velimperdiethendrerit Mauris porta fringil lafacilisis Etiamsed nunc libero Duis volutpatn isisitametm au risluct usaccumsan Etiam non rhoncuselit XYZ College Some Great Degree The Best Company 2003 – 2005 / London, UK 2005 – 2008 / Dundee, Scotland Greenbush High School Sedornare, turpis in auctorvenenatis, ipsumn uncvenenatisdiam, High School Diploma aornare magna ante non neque Praesentvehiculaenimaugue 1997 – 2003 / London, UK Marvelous Team 2003 – 2005 / London, UK Cras tristique erat velimperdi ethendrerit Mauris volutpat nisisitamet porta fringillafacilisis Etiamsed nunc libero Duis nisisitametluctus non RESUME John Hloomsome RESUME Copyright information - Please read © This Free Resume Template is the copyright of Hloom.com You can download and modify this template for your own personal use to create a resume for yourself, or for someone else You can (and should!) remove this copyright notice before sending your resume to potential employers You may not distribute or resell this template, or its derivatives, and you may not make it available on other websites without our prior permission All sharing of this template must be done using a link to http://www.hloom.com/download-professional-resumetemplates/ For any questions relating to the use of this template please email us - info@hloom.com