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Đề kiểm tra thì quá khứ Tiếng Anh P2

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Part 2: Chia động từ cho phù hợp: 1. I’m on a diet. I …………………………..(eat) nothing but bananas for the last month. 2. How ……………………….(you, break) your leg? – I ……………(fall) off a ladder when I ………………… (put) up curtains. The worst of it ……………....(be) that it ….….………….(be) just before the holidays and I ……………….. (go) away. 3. ………...…………… (you, know) who ………………..(write) Don Quixote? – Cervantes. 4. When the old lady ……………..(return) to her flat, she ………….(see) at once that burglars ……………….. . (break) in during her absence, because the front door ……………(be) open and everything in the flat ……….. (be) upside down. The burglars themselves …………(be) no longer there, but they probably only just ………………(leave) because a cigarette still ………………….(burn) on an ornamental table. Probably they ……………(hear) the lift …………….(come) up and ……………..(run) down the fire escape. 5. He asked what the weather …………….(be) like during my holiday and said that it ……………….(be) awful.

English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi Unit 2: Thì khứ Practice Part 1: Chọn từ có phát âm khác từ lại: a tried b lived c.opened a scored b jumped c pushed a piece b bikes c bags a dropped b arrived c happened a potatoes b ladies c flies a heroes b roses c wives d brushed d worked d times d loved d branches d leaves Part 2: Chia động từ cho phù hợp: I’m on a diet I ………………………… (eat) nothing but bananas for the last month How ……………………….(you, break) your leg? – I ……………(fall) off a ladder when I ………………… (put) up curtains The worst of it …………… (be) that it ….….………… (be) just before the holidays and I ……………… (go) away ……… …………… (you, know) who ……………… (write) Don Quixote? – Cervantes When the old lady …………… (return) to her flat, she ………….(see) at once that burglars ……………… (break) in during her absence, because the front door ……………(be) open and everything in the flat ……… (be) upside down The burglars themselves …………(be) no longer there, but they probably only just ………………(leave) because a cigarette still ………………….(burn) on an ornamental table Probably they ……………(hear) the lift …………….(come) up and …………… (run) down the fire escape He asked what the weather …………….(be) like during my holiday and said that it ……………….(be) awful She told me that she ……………………………(grow) vegetables in her garden the previous year Susan ………………………(not see) her brother for thirty years and yet they recognized each other instantly By the time I got her letter, she ……………… ………(leave) for Japan He said the pudding …………………………(taste) very sweet 10.Alexander Graham Bell ……………………………… (already, invent) the telephone by the time I was born 11.I arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody ……………………………(break) into the office during the night before So we ………………………(call) the police 12.I was very tired when I came home I ………………………………….(work) hard all day 13.Keven gave up smoking two years ago He ………………………………(smoke) for 20 years 14.Ann’s clothes are covered in paint She …………………………(paint) the ceiling 15.The ceiling was white Now it’s blue She ……………………………(paint) the ceiling English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi 16.Jane ………………………………(always, live) in London 17.Yesterday I …………………(go) to my daughter’s dance recital I ………………………… (never, be) to a dance recital before I ……………………….(not, take) dancing lessons when I …………………(be) a child 18.Peter ……………………………(wait) for Jane for almost two hours before she finally arrived Part 3: Tìm lỗi sai sửa lại: He is liking his job very much ………………………………… I like my teacher but she don’t understand Italian ………………………………… He comes from London and is speaking English very well ………………………………… Sometimes I use play tennis with my friends ………………………………… When the film finished we goed to a café ………………………………… I go to London last week ………………………………… He is work in a factory …………………………………… It’s smelling great …………………………………… I can meet my friends and listening to music there …………………………………… 10 How you think about that? …………………………………… 11 The sky was cloudy but it wasn’t rain …………………………………… 12 We was studying all day yesterday …………………………………… 13 What they were carrying in those bags? …………………………………… 14 I couldn’t read the manu because I wasn’t wore my glasses …………………………………… 15 Why Rachel were standing outside the library at 8:30? …………………………………… st 16 On August last year I stay in Prague for the summer holidays …………………………………… Part 4: Chọn đáp án đúng: While we cycled / were cycling to school, it started to rain You weren’t / didn’t using the computer when I came home English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi He dropped / was dropping his wallet while he did / was doing the shopping Sara didn’t take / wasn’t taking that photo while she stayed / was staying in Paris While I made / was making my bed this morning, I found / was finding my watch Jack skated / was skating when he broke / was breaking his wrist Part 5: Xây dựng câu sau theo khứ tiếp diễn, dùng when while I / study / Harry / call ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… He / find / some money / he / walk / home ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… we / wash up / we / hear / the news ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I / see / you / you / play the piano ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… family / walk / in / forest / they / see / snake ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… We / have / rest / my phone / ring ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Dog / jump / in / water / we / swim ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Baby / wake up / they / have / lunch ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Part 6: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống chia lại động từ cho thích hợp Eat get try no work hit see push jump come out Debbie Park’s dog, Toby, saved her life Debbie …………….…… an apple at her home on Friday when a piece of apple ……… … stuck in her throat She ………….… to remove it herself but it …………………… While she ……………….…….herself on the chest, Toby ……….…… what was happening He ………….… her to the ground and ……………… up and down on her The piece of apple ……………….… and Debbie is now fine Talk dance wear not ride not eat Alex looked great He ……………….…… black jeans and an orange shirt What …………… Paula ………… …….at the police station? English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi At midnight the band was still playing and most people …………… ……… We were worried about our cat because it …………….… its food You were on the phone for ages! Who …………… you …… ……….…to? I saw them in town, but they …………………….their bikes Part 7: Chọn đáp án đúng: When was a teenager he … (1)……in his parents’café every summer He wasn’t a very good waiter because he often …….(2)…… The wrong food and drink to the customers, but they liked him because he …….(3)…… lots of funny stories He … (4) …… work on Fridays so he always went out with his friends in the evening Now Danny … (5)…… his own café called ‘Danny’s Place’ and he …… (6)…… every night of the week! a works b work c used to work a is giving b gave c gives a tell b telling c told didn’t used to b isn’t working c didn’t use to has b have c doesn’t have a used to work b is working c works English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi Unit 2: Thì khứ Practice Part 1: Đặt dạng từ ngoặc: I …………….(be) in this city for a long time I ……………… (come) here sixteen years ago “Hurry up! We’re waiting for you What’s taking you so long?” – “I …………………… (wait) for an important phone call Go ahead and leave without me” Hello? David? This is Jeff How are you? – Jeff? What a coincidence! I …………………… (just think) about you when the phone rang Mark is a pilot for British Airways He ………………… (fly) nearly million miles during the last 22 years Last years, he …………… (fly) 380,000 miles Dennis usually ……………… (drink) coffee with his breakfast, but this morning he ……………………(drink) tea instead When Mrs Grant was having trouble, she ………………… (seek) help from her neighbours She asked them for their support and advice When we ……………………… (look) in on the baby last night, he …………………… (sleep) I think he …………………… (dream) about something nice because he ………………… (smile) When are you going to ask your boss for a raise? – I ……………… (talk) to her twice already, I don’t think he want to give me one It’s against the law to kill the black rhinoceros They …………………… (become) extinct 10 Jane’s eyes burned and her shoulders ached She ……………… (sit) at her computer for straight hours Finally, she took a break 11 The little girl started to cry She ………………… (lose) her doll, and no one was able to find it for her 12 Jim, why don’t you take some time off? You ……………… (work) too hard lately Part 2: Chọn đáp án để điền vào chỗ trống: Michael has just graduate from a Technical College As many other graduated students, he is looking (1) ……… a job He likes to work at a place (2) …… He can meet many interesting people and has a chance to travel He (3) …………… his driving license (bawngf caaps) three years ago, he can drive a van and a truck, too At school, he did mostly technical subjects Technical drawing and mathematics …… (4) his best subject He is very …… (5) in transport of all kinds – motorcycles, cars, airplanes – he loves engines and can all his own car repairs He had a job interview yesterday The interviewer promised to offer him a position of a car ……….(6) a after b to c for d up a that b where c who d which a is getting b gets c has got d got a were b had been c are d would be a interest b interested c interesting d interestingly a sale b sold c sell d salesman Part 3: Chia dạng động từ ngoặc: George phoned you while you were out – OK I ……………… (phone) him back I’ve decided to repaint this room – Oh, have you? What colour ……………………… (you paint) it Ann is in hospital – Yes, I know I ………………… (visit) her tomorrow Ann is in hospital – Oh, really? I ……………… (go and visit) her English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi Oh, I’ve just realized I haven’t got any money – Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry I 10 …………………… (lend) you some I don’t know how to use this camera – It’s quite easy I …………… (show) you Has George decided what to when he leaves school? – Oh, yes Everything is planned He …………………… (have) a holiday for a few weeks and then he …………… (do) a computer programming course Hello, can I speak to Jim? Just a moment I …………… (get) him I’ve got a headache – Have you? Wait there and I ……………… (get) an aspirin for you Why are you filling that bucket with water – I……………… (wash) the car Part 4: Tìm từ có phát âm /tƒ/ and /dƷ/: Education, engineer, damage, mutual, computer, children, teach, Christmas, machine, village, religion, humburger, enjoy, dirty, schedule, literature, information, question, orchestra, cheap, pleasure, feature, imaginary, jealous, cheese, jacket, geometry, green, purchase, suggest, instruction, essential, nature, fortunate /tƒ/ /dƷ/ ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Part 5: Điền từ vào chỗ trống: While he ………………… (make) his speech, the minister suddenly ………………… (feel) faint But someone ……………… (bring) him a glass of water and after a few minutes, him …………… (be) able to continue I……………………… (just open) the letter when the wind ………………… (blow) it off my hand He ……………………(not allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind ……………… 10 11 12 (blow) The car had nobody in it but the enine …………… (run) From the sound it was clear that Mary ………………… (practice) the piano I can’t hear what you …………………… (say) the traffic ………………… (make) too much noise said, is making ……………you…………… (like) this necklace? I ……………… (give) it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow The helicopter ……………… (fly) around the house for the last hour, you……………… (think) it is talking photographs? Jim, you ………………… (whisper) to the student on your right for the last five minutes You …………………… (help) him with his exam paper or he ……………… (help) you? I …………………… (teach) hundreds of student but I ………………… (never meet) such a class You …………… (like) your last job? – I ……………… (like) it at first but then I ………………… (quarrel) with my employer and he ………………… (dismiss) me How long you …………… (be) there? – I …………… (be) there for two weeks English Grammar _ Bui Thi Chi ... Thi Chi Unit 2: Thì khứ Practice Part 1: Đặt dạng từ ngoặc: I …………….(be) in this city for a long time I ……………… (come) here sixteen years ago “Hurry up! We’re waiting for you What’s taking you so... computer for straight hours Finally, she took a break 11 The little girl started to cry She ………………… (lose) her doll, and no one was able to find it for her 12 Jim, why don’t you take some time... London 17.Yesterday I …………………(go) to my daughter’s dance recital I ………………………… (never, be) to a dance recital before I ……………………….(not, take) dancing lessons when I …………………(be) a child 18.Peter ……………………………(wait)

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2016, 19:11

Xem thêm: Đề kiểm tra thì quá khứ Tiếng Anh P2

