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Common mistakes in english OCR

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Các lỗi căn bản mà người học tiếng Anh thường mắc phải Trong quá trình học tiếng Anh, chúng ta thường mắc phải rất nhiều lỗi. Tuy nhiên các bạn cũng nên nhớ rằng, như bao ngôn ngữ khác, việc học tiếng Anh cũng rất thú vị, và mắc lỗi cũng là một phần trong quá trình học.

Preface Preiace to the firstedition W arson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate,Harlow Essex CM 20 2JE, England andAssociated Companiesthroughoutthe worid www.lorfgman-elt,com n isedition Q Pearson Education Lim ited 2002 'Ihis btlok has been designed to nleet the requirelnents of students whose nnother tongue is not English, 1ts niain purpllse isf()he/p to corrttctthe ctlm lntlllm istakestt)which foreign IearnersofEnglish are Iiable The nlethod adopted throughoutthiswork isuniforln.A ii the errors dealt with are singled out,for thcy have to bi a recognised bef' tlre thtty can be corrccted:then ctlrl-ectftll.ms are substituted f()r incorret!t ones; finally,' sin1plc ' Iherightof' llrnothy Fitikidesto be identified as authorof thiswork hasbeen asserted on his behalfin accordance with the Copyright, Designsand PatentsAct1988 expl2: t1)ations are given wherever neccssary to justify Allrightsreserved;no partofthispublication m ay be reproduced,stored in a retrievalsystem , ortraosm itted in any form orby any m eans, electronic,m echanical photocopying,recording, otothemvise withoutthe , expresspermission ofthe Copyrightholders m inds I( is n(Jl ( ,Iairned that this rnanu: 41 exh?1ustợve N'evertheless, the difficulties tacklckl are real, and the exanlples are reprcsentative ()f the ulistakcs k!( )u' !ino! 4ly naade by ftlreigll students of Englisb, being tllf a result ()f obsela -atitlnslllade tlvera long.period ()t'tinpe, M btcilcare hasbeen given t()tht!prt?pantti()n ()fthe lndex, w'hicl a it is hoped will lzlake thu! bollk a useful wllrk ot' * Firstpublished 1936 Second edition 1937 Tinird edition 1939 Fourth edition 1947 Fifth edition 1963 Sixth edition 2002 partit-tlla! -usages.Exercisesare setatthe end t()ensure that the priTlciples nlay bccom e j' irlllly fixed in the students' lefel' e:lceM y ackn '(lwledgementsare due to M rW H G,Rlppyesttlne wht) has read my manuselipt and m ade many vaiuable suggestitlns, www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Printed in M alaysia ISBN O 582 34458 Formattedby CjB EditorialPlus j A?z, yltst l9.3() Co m m o n M istakes in Eng lish w ith Exercises by T.J.Fitikides,B.A ,RI.L Senior Engiish M aster The Pancyprian Gym nasium ,Nicosia Authorof &ey W ords forEasy Spelling I-essor?s in Greek-Englisb Translation grrors,1ike straws,upon the surfdce fIow ; He w ho would search forpearlsm ustdive below , John Dryden www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com # *: r' Contents Preface to the Sixth Edition It is now more than 60 years since this book was tirst published.lthasgonethrough m any revisions,and additợons have been m ade at different tim es in its hjstofy W ith the millennium approaching itwasdecided thatthere were s om e pointsofusagewhich are no longerrelevantand so thisnew edition hasbeen prepared.' l' he contenthasbeen cempletely reviewed in thelightofmodern English usage, and thetypef acesand dcsign up-dated forclarity And yet the original concept and, indeed,m ost of the original m istakes listed, are still pertinent to students of English even in the year 2000 'Fhis little book has sold several hundred thousand copies al1 ovel- the worid and seemslikely to go on doing so 'l' he author's note on how the book should be used is ori page vii,with an addition forthisedition Par't1 M jsused fonus Using the w rong preposition Misuse ofthe infinitive Use ofthe wrong tense M iscellaneousexam ples Un-English expressions 13 18 28 40 Part2 Incorrectomissions Omission ofprepositions M iscellaneousexam ples 46 49 Part3 Unnecessary words Unnecessary propositions Unnecessary articies Use ofthe infinitive Miscellaneousexam ples 61 63 69 70 Part4 M isplaced words W rong position ofadverbs M iscellaneousexamples Part5 Confused words Prepositionsoften confused Verbsoften confused Adverbs often confused Nounsoften confused Confusion ofnumber Confusion ofpar'tsofspeech 83 89 107 109 116 122 129 Exercises 137 Index 182 Adjectivesoften confused www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com UsefulIists and sum m aries Have anotherlook at Prepositionsafter certain words Use ofthe genm d Use ofcertain tenses Negatives Tlzird person singular, simple present Indefinite article Verb To 8E Definite article Questions Correctorderofwords Use ofcertain prepositions Use ofwilland shall Singularand plural Irregularverbsin everyday use bearto lie Dphtto write How tbis book should be used 14 19 27 37 50 53 55 68 79 82 88 106 130 198-199 200-201 This book is intended for two uses it m ay be tlsed as a reference book and asan ordinary textbook Asa btlok ()freference itshould be consulted with every composition.Ihe teacher may refer the sttldent to the appropriatesectitln dealing with hism istake by a numberin the margin othisexercise book, Forexam ple,a m isuse ofa preposition oftime (/J,on orinjisindicated by 383 il1the margin to enable the student to look up his mistakc and corretrt it,-rhis m ethod has been tested and found more effective than the com mon practice of writing the ctlrrect forrn for the student lt is axiom atic that the greater the Student's individual effort,the m tire thorough will be his iearning N' Vith regard to itssecond usc,asan actualtextb()()k, w e strongly recomm end thatthe teacher shkluld start offwith the exercises on pages137 t()184.These are arranged llnder the headings of the various parts of speech: l'tluns, adjectivesspnlnokfns,ctc.However.before au exercise is attempted.the teatrhershould m ake certain thatthi?sttldents havc com prehended the partieular usage invtllved A n occasionalrefercnce to sonle specific scctitln nzay be ulatle whtlnever this is deem ed necessary, but under 14o circum stances is it advisable to g() through the vi lritlus sectionsofthe btlok consectttively, or to cxtlm lllitt()m elntll'y rulesctùncerning usage Despite thf ?factthatthis book hasbeen designed t' tlrtwo separate uses, the w riter is of the opinion that thtt best resuitswillbe achieved ifitis uscd by the sttldentbtlth asa textbook and as a book ofreference www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com January 7961 l' Vhile the above isstilltrue, there isalso a self-study use for this little book.ùvith m ore varied teaching lllaterials avaitable now,itcan also be uscd as a sclf-study btốok by Part How thisbook should be used studentsofEnglish asa foreign language who are preparing work eitheraspartoftheirstudies or fortheir occupations W ith a view to this,itis suggested that,when a question of correctusage arises,the studentshould look firstforthe core word in theindex and so find the section detailing the usage, Forexample,is itby footoronfoot? Look up jootin the index and you will be directed to Section 13 which will M isused form s U sing the w rong preposition explainthatonjootiscorrect Students and teachersw illdecide forthem selves whatis thebestway to use thisbook.v/hatisconstantisthequality ofcontentand how helpfulitisto allthose who use Englisk Mistakesaz' coften made Y'usingthewyong preposition afteTcertainztloFts.TheJo/lo' &JzWg listincludestheft 7oFJ ợ which mostoften g, 't?:trouble: asaforeign languake Absorbed (= very much interested)in,notat Don'tsay:The m an wasabsorbed athiswork Say:'rhe m an was absorbed in hiswork Accuseof,notjoy Don'tsay:She accused the man forstealing, Say:She accused the m an ofstealing Note:Charge takeswil :Fheman ekosfhatged wr/tllm urder Accustomed to,notwith Don'tsay:I'm accustomed with hotweather Z stzy .I'm accustom ed to hotweather www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Ncte:Alsoused 'to:Re/' sused fo 1heheat Afrzidof,nothom Don'tsay:Laura isafraid from the dog /' Say:Latjra isafraid ofthe dog r Part1 M isused forms Aim at,noton or anainst Dorl' fsay:Sheaimed on (oragainst)th Say:Sh e aimed atthe target e target hlgle'Use the preposktia;lattchde nct dl ett ionrthrow at, shoutatfire at, shootat.Sboot(kvlthoutthea t)eme arn st and klljed it) okill'8eshotabtrd (z=hebit Angry with,notagainst Don'tsay:The teacherwas angr Z S y againsthim ay:Theteacherwasangry with him Note 1'We9etangl with apersoqb wearher(fho!:withtheweather) utatathing'.&c wasangry atthe Note Az soannoyedw ifh vexedw ithaindcgnantw itb ape utfhsfRg rson,butat An xit ous(= troubled)about, notjoy Don' say:' lhey're anxiousforhishealth J Say:TheyAre anxiougabouthi shealth Note'Anxiousmeanlnqw ishing ver ymueb takesfor Parentsayc'anxious torr/p//' rcbijdrensuccess Arrive at,notto Don?say:W e arrived to the villa Say:W e arrived atthevillage atni ge atnight ght Note'USearrive gnz/lthcountriesandlargeci ties:Mr5'&?'t?1AaJarnkt'd in lorlc/on (orNew Fork, Irtdba,etc.J 1O Believe in,notto Don't gm? 'W ebelieve to God ộ s' tzy;W e believe in God Note:To beli eve inrp eansto havefaithin.To believe(wi thoutthei n)means toregardsornethingastrue:/begeve eeefynlN/lg hesays Boastoforabout,notJor Don't ỗtzy 'Jam esboasted forhisstrength Say:Jamesboastetlof(orabout)hisstrength Carefulof,with orabout,notfor Don't ỗtzy 'Elke'svery carefulforherhealth ộ k ợtzy;Elke's very carefulof/aboutherhealth, Or;You should be m ore careiulwith yourm oney, Note:Take tareof:?etakesrareofhlsmoney Travelby train,etc.,notwith the tm fn, etc Don'tsay:He travelled with the train yesterday @' s' tzy 'He travelled by train yesterday, Note:We say:bytrainabyboat by plane,by bike;aiso,byland,bysea, byaiqby bus;in :busoronabus;bytaror$nataù,bylaxiorin ataxi: onhorse-back,onadonkey,ona bltyde;onfoot Complain about,notfor Don'tsay:Annette com plained forthe weather @' Say:Annette eemplained aboutthe weather, www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Ashamed of,notyom Don'tsay:Hc' snow ashamed f rom hisconduct Z Say:He'snow asham ed ofhi scanduct No terltIsn'tccrrecttou6eashamed ofmeanlng shy Ashamed rnears feelingsha t)rguiltaboctsomethiog y meapsfeel sch meone lme j nefvouswlth nsteadclfsayng:1-m ashamedG(h orshamed)ofin myreac/cr, say: t'm shyofm.z'eacher Note:W hentalkingabcotillnessweusetomplainof.W e.Say:She comp/a/nedofasorethroat 15 Composed of,notfrom D0?1'1say:Our classiscom posed from thirty students Z Say:Ourclassis composed ofthirty students Parl 16 Confidence in,not/o Don'tsay:Ihavegreatconfidence to you Say:Ihave greatconfidencein you Note:lnconfỷdence:Letmere/?yousorneth/ r;gin confidence(= asasecret) Conform tojnotwith Don' tsay:v e m ustconform with the m les St zy:W e mustconform io the rules Note:com plytakeswith ' Ae'?lcom ply withyourrequesr 18 Congratulate on,notfo' Don' tsay:Icongratulateyou foryoursuccess, Say:Icongratulateyou on yoursuccess Consistof,noth' om Don' tsay:A yearconsistsfrom twelve m onths Say:A yearconsistsoftwelvem onths Note:Take grea!careneverto use consis' tIn the pasukveform 20 Covered with,notby Don'tsay:The mountainsare covered by snow /' Say:The m ountainsare covered with/in snow Cure of,notyom M isused form s 23 Deprive of,noth'om Dorj' fst ly:Nelson M andelawasdeprived from his freedom r ' Say:Nelson Mandela wasdeprived olhisfreedom 24 Dieofan iilness,noth'om Izrlillness Don'ts(7)? 'M any people have died from malaria /' Say:M any pepple have died ofm alaria , Note:Peopledieofillness,ofhtlnger, ofthi rst,oforfrom wounds;from overwork;by vlolence,by the sword.by pestilence;in tattle;fortheircoantry, fora cause,throughneglect;on thescaffold;atthestake Differentfrom ,notthan Don'tJtzy:M y book isdiffcrentthan yours .z ' Say:M y book is differentfrom yours 26 Disappointed by,aboutorat,noth' om (a) by/at/about: Don'tsay:Phillipa wasdisappointed from the low mark she gotin the test bf Say:Phi liipa wasdisappointed by/about/atthe low m ark she gotin the test (b) with/in: Don'tsay:Jane wasdisappointed from her son Say:Jane wasdisappointed with/in herson, www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Don'tsay:The m an wascured from hisillness / Say:' lhe m an was cured ofhisillness Ncte.Thenouncuretakesfor:Fhere/snoct/re forrllsfdisease Dependon orupon,noth'om Don'tsay:Itdependsfrom her V Say:Itdependson (orupon)her Note:Rely on orupon /cap'rrelyon r orupon)&! ' r! Note'Befcre apersonweusew ithorin,befofeathingwe useat aboutor by and before agertlnd we use at:Keith ! very dtiappointed afcloộwinn/ng thepcize.WeuGethat(optionalbeforeanew clause):Ikvasdt' sappointeỗi rrhat)!di dn%pet' qnt nvitatton ' Divide iltto parts,notin parts Don'tsay:Idivided the cake in four parts Say:ldivided the cake into fourparts Note:A thirhg maybedivide'dinhalforintwo:Pautd/e/ded theapplefrkhalt (orin twol Pad 28 Nodoubt(n)oiorabout,notJor Don'tsay:l've no doubtforhisability Say:I'veno doubtof(orabout)hisability Note'Doubtfulof:/am dotzõtfu?ofhis aụfl'ty to pass 29 Dressed in,notwith D on'tsay:'Fhe w om an w asdressed w ith black / Say:The woman wasdressed in black B0 Exception to,noto/ D orl'tsay:Thisis an exception ofthe rule J' Say:This isan exception to the m le Note:Aesaywitbtựeexceptionof:SheI ikedaIherstlbjt zcrswỗ'ht' /le M isused form s 34 Getrid oi,notfwm Don' tJcy '1'11be glad to getrid from him Say:1'11be glad to getrid ofhim 35 Glad about,notfrom orwith Don'tl' fzy 'Franciswasgladfrom (orwith)receiving your letter Say:Franciswasglad aboutreceiving yourletter 36 Good at,notin Don' ts'f7)?;My sister'sgood in m aths Say:M y sister'sgood atmaths Note1:Bad at,cleverat qultkat slow at.etc.Ftowever,w eak in:He's weak in grarnmac Note2:He' sgoodin dassmeansthathi5conduct15good exỗeption ofphy-s/c.c 37 Guard against,notyom Exchange for,not:y Don'tsay:Heexchanged hiscollection ofm atchboxes by som e foreign stamps Z Say:He exchanged hiscollection ofm atchboxesfor som e foreign stam ps, Note'ln exchange for'Hegakze tbeln /7!L5oId carin exchalw e fora nevvone 32 Failin,notjrom Don' t ỗtly 'You mustguard from bad habits, V Scy;You m ustguard againstbad habits 38 Guiltyof,notfot' Don't ỗtzy:He wasfound guilty form urder ộ scy;H ewasfound ggilty ofmurder 39 Independentof,nothnm Don'tstzy;Clare'sindependentfrom herparents ộ $tzy 'Clare' sindependentofherparents www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Don'tsay:Steven failed from mathslastyear Say:Steven failed in m athslastyear Note:wesaydependenton:A zhlld'depen* ntonitsm renls 33 Fullof,notwith orfrom Don'tsay:Thejarwasfullwith (oAfrom)oil Say:Thejarwasfullofoil Note'Filltakeswith:Janefilled thegiasswithwater 40 Indifferentto,notJor Don'tscy;'Ihey're indifferentforpolitics ộ 5' fry 'n ey're indifferentto politics Part1 ờ' lnsiston,notto Dou' tsay:He always insisted to hisopinion $.m / 'He alw aysinsisted on hisopinion Hole.Persisttake.qin ble per,3109with the nam es tie 0A?,69 till,forbefore orwhen,185; ofthesenses,311;with forto,380 nam esofdaysand m onths, 3129with man (mankind), tircd ol,m isuse ofinfinitive after,84 313;with school,314;with tall!use of,483 taxlgobyorin a,13 (note) www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com lnote) spetd jor,62 stayandremain,404 194 sympat*ise,forlike,448 T take,forget,440)forbuy,445 takeaniz/erestin,42 (note) takecaretd,12(note) takeIrom,68 take out,fortakeoff,446 195 Index lndex tireõ#o?n,70 to,simplepasợwroEgly used after,111 t:and at,379 toan1 till,380 toiaợrnornfrlg,etc.,219 tcg,foreither,183 toa,forvery,455 toGMach,for very muchj457 tni:,go by,139geton oroffs 193(note) tri w lateto,71 travel,forjourney,498 tmvelwith the f' rcin,etc-,13 very m uỗh,use of,457 vexed with,at,6 (note 2) work,w rongly preceded by a, 320 works,forwork,519;m eaning of,519 (note) W waje,forwages,540 walt,forwaitfor,239 warn about,73 warn againsty73 (note1) was,misuse ot afterasiioras though,128(note);in conditionsand wishes,552 worth,m isuse ofinfinitive after,97;m isused as verb, 573 would,sequence ofm oods, Y Yeg,or No,166 yesterday >l!' :/?f,219 (note) you ?, ptzs,552 young,use of!482 162;tlse of,396 (note) wounded,forinjured,472 write,forwrite to,241 writewith,use of,74 (note) write w ith frzkJ74 (note) ttemble#om cold,etc.,72 watch to,329 watch goc ỗbehind,etc.,212 unable,use oi,77 (note) whathave you,forwhat'sthe matter 221 whick,mlsuse of,forpenons, 144)afteralletc.,145 tmaser,etc-,536 (note) ak in,36 (note) lndb,misused asadjective,564 we we arandguton,406 t' l pnj' rxf,etc.,373 weight,m lsused asverb,576 la?ntim es,168 what,misuseot afterall,145 what(interrogative),forwhich, 149;useof,149 (note) U undertheruin,175 l mkertheshade,175 (note) t mkertheNuzl,175 (note) u2,denoting completeness,407 (note) up,forupstairs,279 upatree,61 (note) who (interrogative),forwbich, 149 who and whom ,relative,146; interrogatiye,150 whose the,319 will,forwould,in subordinate clause,108;sequence of moods,162 win,forearn,421;forbeat, 428 wish,misuseof,129;focwish for,240 with the exceplion of,30 www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com use,misuse of,122 used to,3 (notel;misuse of infiniti ve after,85;use of, 122(note) V value,useof,508 (note) verb forms,m ixing up,161 very and too,455 very and much,456 196 (note) w ithin,use of,395 woman,forw ife,507 197 lrx gularverbs In everyday use Past bore beat began beat bade bound bit bled blew broke brought built burnt bunt bought caught chose PastPartidple com e Cam e com e cost cost cost crept crept cut cut dealt dug did drew dream ed drank drove dwelt dealt dug done drawn dream t drunk driven dwelt ate eaten IYesent bear beat begin bend bid bind bite bleed blow 10 break bring build burn burst buy catch choose 20 creep cut deal dig draw dream drink drive dwell 30 eat bornte) beaten begun bent bidden bound bitten bled blown broken brought built burnt burst bought caught chosen 40 Past fell fed felt fought found fled flung flew forgot froze gOt gave w ent 50 ground grew heard hid hit held hurt kept kneeled knew laid PastParffciple fallen fed felt fought found fled flung flown forgotten frozen gOt given gone ground grown heard hidden hit held hurt kept knelt know n laid led left lent let lain www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com 198 1ed left lent let 1ay 199 lrregularverbs In everyday use Present 61 light lose m ake m ean m eet Pay put read ride 70 ring rise Past 1it lost made PastParticiple lit lost m ade m eant m et m eant m et paid put read rode Fanù Paid put read ridden nlng risen O n rose ran Say said said see SaW seen seek sell send set SeW 80 shake shed shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit sleep sought sold sent set sent set sew ed shook shed shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sew n shaken shed shone shot shown shrunk shut Sung sunk sat sat slept slept SOW speak spei! spend spread spring stand steal stick strike strive X n sought sold Present sm ell Past sm elt sowed spoke spelt spent spread sprang stood stole stuck struck strovc SW ear SW OFe sw eep sw im sw ing take tcach sw ept tear tore 110 tell think throw thnlst tread w ake Sw a113 sw ung took taught told thought threw thrust trod w oke www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com i w ear w ecp w in w ind 120 w rite i 200 Y W O FC Wtlpt W (3n w ound w rote * d ' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ygygyggggygy E EE Ej IE EEE EEE EEy EEEEEEEEEEEE EE SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEN IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ' NNNC; 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(arthing D on'tsay:H e pointed the m ap on the w all / ch' tzy 'He pointed to the m ap on the wall, Or 'He pointed atthe m ap on the wall Note'Also poin:out:b4epoFrlfed eutfhe bny zz:cld' 'd rrTo point(oltlAout arlyprepositlon)maanstodirect:Don'tpointthegun thisway' 231 Rem ind a person ofsomething,notrem ind a pezson som ething Don'tsay:Please remind... not+ INFINITIVE www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com ln the end meansfpnallyaratIast'atthe end mearlsatthefarlhes:polntof par: Fhel ee'Tan jnc/ezattbe end offb/ sbftok Fhere' 5ộ3&otdoy atthe end of 'hlslnpcrt' ti q75 U sing underr/zi rrain instead ofin the rain Don'tsay:They played footballunderthe rain / st zy;' Fhey p3ayed iofltballin the rain qote Ai sointhesunandintheshade LHekvaỗ5/ tT/ kg in 1hesun (:)rin tbes'sade)... of+ -ing Dorl'rsay:She'salwaysfond to talk /' Say:She's alwaysfond oftalking lnsiston + -ing Don'tsay:Sim on insisted to go to London Say:Simon insisted on going to lvondon 80 Objectto + -ing Don'tsay:Iobjectto betreated likethis / 5' &y 'Iobjectto being treated likethis M isuse of the infinitive Use thegerundand 1$4)2theinjinitive: (a)Afterprepositionsorpreposition phrases ' W ithoutjetc.+ -ing Don'tsay:Do... Atljectlves(orildverbs)kn tileccr-nparatkve are followed by than and notbyfrom 154 Using the com pnrative instead ofthe superlative Don' ts(ty 'Cairo isthe largercity inAfrica / Say':Cairo isthe largestcity in Africa 159 Usingthe passiveinfinitive(tobe+ pastparticiple) instead oftheactive(!o + infinitive) D on' tsay :English isn'teasy to be learned Say :English isn'teasy to Iearn www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com ul sethe SuperlatI'... m e forbeing so late 3 Aftercertain verbs,stlch asazloid,e?zjoy,finish,JJDP, nsk,excuse Examples:n ey enjoyrl/tyyir?g football.'rhe wind has stopped lplo?zlùng Finish + -ing Don' tsay:Haveyou finished to speak? Say:Have you finished speaking? 4 Aftertheadjectivesbusy and worth Examplej:Lena wasbusy zt, ?'? ' f; 'r?g abook,Thisdatets Note:l' o + inflnitlveoftbeqerundfollow verbsmeaningto begin'5hebegaa... Afler1heauxiliarydoesusetheintinitivewithoutto,and notthethird persch oftile present Note.'rheanswertoaquestionbeginningwithDoesisalwaysintbepresent teqse.thirclperson:DoesheJket'Yezinema?- Fes;heJfke s2hecl' nernaz'cr FeJ,hedoes's (ForSections104-105 seeExercises33 and 34 on pages152-153.) 106 Using thethird person singularaftercan,must,etc., instởad bfthe infinitive withoutto Don'tJf7y:Ian can speaksEnglish very... irố'the pas' tcoyhlinuing a:thetime anotheradion tookpiace:Iwa ... irom going 82 Succeed in + -ing Don'tsay:Paula succeeded to win the prize Say:Paula succeeded in winning the prize Think of+ -ing llon'tsay:Ioften think to go to England Say:Ioften think ofgoing... sing underr/zi rrain instead ofin the rain Don'tsay:They played footballunderthe rain / st zy;' Fhey p3ayed iofltballin the rain qote Ai sointhesunandintheshade LHekv5/ tT/ kg in 1hesun (:)rin... gerund orthe infinitive aftercertain verbs,such 91 Mind(objectto)+ -ing asbegin,/? 'àc,dislike,hate,love,prefen Don'tsay:W ould you mind to open the door? J Say:Would you mind opening the door?

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2016, 14:51