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Hướng dẫn bói bài Tarot The 2 hour tarot tutor the fast, revolutionary method for learning to read tarot in 2 hours

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Cấu trúc

  • Contents

  • Acknowledgments

  • Introduction: Stop, Look, Listen!

  • I. One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

    • Part A: E-Z Three Card Spread

    • Part B: The First 2 Hours

  • II. Sample Readings for the Celtic Cross Spread

  • III. Are We Having Fun Yet?

  • IV. The Seven Triplets or the Seven Sisters Spread

  • V. The Information Super Highway

  • VI. The Ultimate Question

  • VII. Finale: The Last Picture Show

  • The Major Arcana

  • The Minor Arcana

  • Bibliography

Nội dung

ISBN 0-7499 -2610-4 oe l 780749 926106 £9.99 The2-hour TAROT TUTOR The fas t revolutionary meth od fo r learning to read tarot cards in hours WILMA CARROLL QI) ClO Pl ATKUS Visit ao the Piatkus website! Pial kus publishes a wide range of best-selling fiction and non -ficti on, includ ing books on healt h mind body & spi rit sex self-help, cook ery, biography and the paranormal If you want to: • read descrip tions of OUf popular t itles • buy OUf books ever t he Intern et • take advantage of OU f special offers • enter ou r monthly com peti ti on • learn mo re abo ut yo ur favou rit e Piatk us aut hors VIS IT OUR WUSlTE AT: ~Tlgtll www.piatkus.co.uk e 2004 "" \It'ilma Carrol l FInl rubll" i!'d Th., Rilkr·Waile Ta rol [)" ,!< ~ a re~,,, r l l ra,, mark of U.S G am , SY1,.,nu, Inc Th i~ book bee n l"inreJ on 1"'pI"Othy Sun JUrM" Mcl«od 07"99 IlJ.lZ 07"99 DOH } OHIN l IMO o H 9Y 1510 o HW 1H2 X 07 99 20497 o HIN 207 H 7499 21 19 J CoIou" of 1M Soul llo lrbin H n1in ll: EnJo.-rhin Eff« t Tbe E.nnn Hnling For EvC'1"yda , Kann.ll ~nnrn b C'1""d., Ritual a nd Cnomon~ FindiflK Ful61mml Heal Yourtrlf lt r"lrn " nd H linK HralinKJOUn'lC'V, T1w I Chin KOr BooIl Of Chan K" , T1w JOUnM'Y of Srlf l)i fo('(wr r y Ufr on thr Othrr Sidr U vin lC D ru idr , living ~t gi(' lIy Malo r You r Vrrama Comr Trur Hoeece M.tOfY o w " i lliam h llll RUlh Whil lt Ca nnrn tL,rn lvma SI Aubvn liz Simpoon AnrM" JorlUt, Slrml1\iln £8 £12 99 £7 99 rian Bro WfM' W;ll krr A mbilo W UIIt" S, lvla Browne Emm.ll Rr>« Kd '" Gill f.lJward Sl"Jvv, Brownr VIIi $prin1l'1I Nanq G.llrm £7.99 £10.99 £9.99 £10.99 £7.99 £9.99 £9.99 £9.99 £10.99 £8.99 £12.99 All P Liltim s tid n a re avaibble from: PLiltkus Book l td , c/o Bcokpost, PO Box 29, Dougb , Is le of ~n , IM99 180 Telephone (+44 ) 1624 67i 23 Fax ( ++I) 01624 670 923 Emai l: booh hop@e n lr rp riK.ne c Free Pottage anJ Pack ing in the Uniled Kingdom C raJil Cards accep ted A ll C hequn pay;r,ble 10 Bockpost P rien and ava ib bilily are 5ubjecl to cha nge wi lhoul prior no tice A llow dlys for deli ver y When placing o rde rs , please state if you nOI wish 10 rece ive a ny aJJil ional information [...]... described as the ultimate Rorschach test, what we see in th e ca rds is merely a reflect ion of our own inner psyches 56 THE 2- HOUR TAROT TUTOR ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? 57 Therefore by using the Tarot in a pract ical manner as a tool for The int erp retati ons are always ultim ately subjec t to th e intu - for tune-te lling , th e subconsc ious mind easily co nnec ts on an ition of the reader intuitive... card readin g, there is no magical power afforded by this observance If the querent accidenrally uses th e right hand to cut or even ClltS the deck to th e right instead of th e left, it will not affect th e read ing in any way I have seen th is happen man y times, when I am giving a read ing It is, in my opinion, no big 50 ARE WE HAVIN G FUN YET? THE 2- HOUR TAROT TUTOR deal A nd since, acco rding to. .. with day -to- day pract icalities, but rational th ink ing int erferes with Tarot card reading which requi res non-rhinking The mind must be trained to go into intuitilJe mode (that is, non-thinking mode) T he spontanei ty exercise hel ps to make th is sh ift That is why the fundamental teaching must be drilled int o you r head People tend to forget it almost immediatel y and find themselves in a quand... its mean ing spreads used for Tarot ca rd reading are designed to give the Spontanei ty is the essential key It unl ock s your im uiti''et psychic faculties by facilita ting the sh ift fro m logical thinking reader some d irection It is the ca rds themselves that will ulti - to intuitive perception Rat ional th inking inte rferes with the intuitive mind If you depend on your rati onal (thi nking) mately... Follow These Instructions In the Exact O rder In Which They Ar e Presented! Do Not Skip Ahead! Do Not Refer to the Other Chapters Until the Exercises in The First 2 Hours Have Been Correc tly Co mpleted! This Method is Guaranteed to Work If the In structions Are Followed Sequentially * Marie showed me all of her Tarot books "They're so confusing," she complained " I can't figure them o ut!" Havin g... peopl e looking at th e ca rds you are allowing your subconsc ious mind to begin to experience extreme confusion I am going to elimina te make an intuitive link with the Tarot 's symbolism, and you are tha t by givi ng you anot he r trade secret Skilled readers are not already begi nni ng naturally to develop your own mean ings to th ink in g abo ut the ca rds' posit ions in a spread Sk illed readers... his fore fi n ishing the instructi ons in The Firs! 2 Hours However, mother's car had broken down he had slill tak en th e t ime to learn the basic techniq ue of Position 6-9 of Pentacles: Brendan's mother was a shapa halic She firmlv believed when the going gets lough, the rough go shapping Brend an predicted a sho pping spree co ming up soon loo king at the cards So I forgave h im for th is indiscreti... very int ere sting co rrespondences * * These observat ions will be helpful in further devel oping your own mean ings, because the cards will be ta lking to you Al so, in this sect ion, write down any feelings you may h ave * had abou t the cards in the spread Rem ember you are beginn ing Congratulat ions! You have just given yo urself a Tarot card to work on an intuitive level and will get readin g For. .. handed down orally, but event ually they were put into pictor ial form Indeed man y of these Major Trumps are clearly remini scent of biblical sto ries For instan ce The Lovers appears to me to be the depiction of th e sto ry of Adam and Eve; The Tower, an obvious illustration of the Tower of Babel; and The Han ged Man is suggestive of the crucifixion The Hermit reminds me of Diogenes, th e G reek philosopher... gathe ring togethe r in Fez (once a province of Morocco) around the year ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? 55 120 0 , somerime after the great library at Alexandria in Egypt was destroyed Their object ive was to preserve esoteric teach ings, but in order to do so they had to bridge the language barrier Since in ancient times most people did not read or write, symbols were used instead of words to convey information ... no intention of srudvmg Pulling the cards from the shelf I grabbed all the Tarot books and put them on the shelf I ",HAS going to read the cards without the books I was going to look only at the. .. mind is, of course, necessary to deal with day -to- day pract icalities, but rational th ink ing int erferes with Tarot card reading which requi res non-rhinking The mind must be trained to go into... Swords These appeared to indicate sleeping on an issue (4 of Swords) and being to m apart (2 of Sword s) The similarity between The Lovers and The Devil was anothe r indicator In The Devil, TIna

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2016, 13:20