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Reasoning robots the art and science of programming robotic agents

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TLFeBOOK TLFeBOOK Reasoning Robots APPLIED LOGIC SERIES VOLUME 33 Managing Editor Dov M Gabbay, Department of Computer Science, King’s College, London, U.K Co-Editor Jon Barwise† Editorial Assistant Jane Spurr, Department of Computer Science, King’s College, London, U.K SCOPE OF THE SERIES Logic is applied in an increasingly wide variety of disciplines, from the traditional subjects of philosophy and mathematics to the more recent disciplines of cognitive science, computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, leading to new vigor in this ancient subject Kluwer, through its Applied Logic Series, seeks to provide a home for outstanding books and research monographs in applied logic, and in doing so demonstrates the underlying unity and applicability of logic The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume Reasoning Robots The Art and Science of Programming Robotic Agents by MICHAEL THIELSCHER Technische Universität Dresden, Germany A C.I.P Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 10 1-4020-3068-1 (HB) ISBN 10 1-4020-3069-X (e-book) ISBN 13 978-1-4020-3068-1 (HB) ISBN 13 978-1-4020-3069-X (e-book) Published by Springer, P.O Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands www.springeronline.com Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2005 Springer No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work Printed in the Netherlands Contents Preface ix Special Fluent Calculus 1.1 Fluents and States 1.2 Actions and Situations 1.3 State Update Axioms 1.4 Bibliographical Notes 1.5 Exercises 11 15 22 23 Special FLUX 2.1 The Kernel 2.2 Specifying a Domain 2.3 Control Programs 2.4 Exogenous Actions 2.5 Bibliographical Notes 2.6 Exercises 25 26 35 38 48 55 57 General Fluent Calculus 3.1 Incomplete States 3.2 Updating Incomplete States 3.3 Bibliographical Notes 3.4 Exercises 59 60 64 70 72 General FLUX 4.1 Incomplete FLUX States 4.2 FLUX Constraint Solver ∗ 4.3 Correctness of the Constraint Solver ∗ 4.4 Updating Incomplete FLUX States 4.5 Bibliographical Notes 4.6 Exercises 75 75 78 87 90 98 99 Knowledge Programming 103 5.1 Representing State Knowledge 104 5.2 Inferring Knowledge in FLUX 107 CONTENTS vi 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Knowledge Update Axioms Specifying a Domain in FLUX Knowledge Agent Programs Bibliographical Notes Exercises 111 121 130 138 140 Planning 6.1 Planning Problems 6.2 Plan Evaluation 6.3 Planning with Complex Actions 6.4 Conditional Planning 6.5 Bibliographical Notes 6.6 Exercises 143 144 151 152 157 169 170 Nondeterminism 7.1 Uncertain Effects 7.2 Dynamic Fluents 7.3 Bibliographical Notes 7.4 Exercises 173 173 181 187 188 Imprecision ∗ 8.1 Modeling Imprecise Sensors 8.2 Modeling Imprecise Effectors 8.3 Hybrid FLUX 8.4 Bibliographical Notes 8.5 Exercises 191 192 197 200 208 209 Indirect Effects: Ramification Problem ∗ 9.1 Causal Relationships 9.2 Inferring Ramifications of Actions 9.3 Causality in FLUX 9.4 Bibliographical Notes 9.5 Exercises 211 213 220 230 239 240 10 Troubleshooting: Qualification 10.1 Accidental Action Failure 10.2 Preferred Explanations 10.3 Troubleshooting in FLUX 10.4 Persistent Qualifications 10.5 Bibliographical Notes 10.6 Exercises 243 244 253 257 262 269 271 11 Robotics 11.1 Control Architectures 11.2 Localization 11.3 Navigation 273 273 275 279 Problem CONTENTS vii 11.4 Bibliographical Notes 282 11.5 Exercises 283 A FLUX Manual 285 A.1 Kernel Predicates 285 A.2 User-Defined Predicates 297 Bibliography 313 Index 325 Preface The creation of intelligent robots is surely one of the most exciting and challenging goals of Artificial Intelligence A robot is, first of all, nothing but an inanimate machine with motors and sensors In order to bring life to it, the machine needs to be programmed so as to make active use of its hardware components This turns a machine into an autonomous robot Since about the mid nineties of the past century, robot programming has made impressive progress State-of-the-art robots are able to orient themselves and move around freely in indoor environments or negotiate difficult outdoor terrains, they can use stereo vision to recognize objects, and they are capable of simple object manipulation with the help of artificial extremities At a time where robots perform these tasks more and more reliably, we are ready to pursue the next big step, which is to turn autonomous machines into reasoning robots A reasoning robot exhibits higher cognitive capabilities like following complex and long-term strategies, making rational decisions on a high level, drawing logical conclusions from sensor information acquired over time, devising suitable plans, and reacting sensibly in unexpected situations All of these capabilities are characteristics of human-like intelligence and ultimately distinguish truly intelligent robots from mere autonomous machines What are Robotic Agents? A fundamental paradigm of Artificial Intelligence says that higher intelligence is grounded in a mental representation of the world and that intelligent behavior is the result of correct reasoning with this representation A robotic agent is a high-level control program for a robot—or, for that matter, for a proactive software agent—in which such mental models are employed to draw logical conclusions about the world Intelligent robots need this technique for a variety of purposes: x Reasoning about the current state What follows from the current sensor input in the context of the world model ? x Reasoning about action preconditions Which actions are currently possible? PREFACE x x Reasoning about effects What holds after an action has been taken? x Planning What needs to be done in order to achieve a given goal ? x Intelligent troubleshooting What went wrong and why, and what could be done to recover ? Research on how to design an automatic system for reasoning about actions has a long history in Artificial Intelligence The earliest formal model for the ability of humans to solve problems by reasoning has been the so-called situation calculus, whose roots go back to the early sixties In the late sixties this model has been used to build an automatic problem solver However, this first implementation did not scale up beyond domains with a small state space and just a few actions because it suffered from what soon became a classic in Artificial Intelligence, the so-called frame problem In a nutshell, the challenge is to describe knowledge of effects of actions in a succinct way so that an automatic system can efficiently update an internal world model upon the performance of an action The frame problem has haunted researchers for many years, and only in the early nineties the first satisfactory solutions have emerged These formal models for reasoning about actions are now being developed into actual programming languages and systems for the design of robotic agents One successful approach to the frame problem is provided by a formalism known as fluent calculus This book is concerned with this model of rational thought as a way to sepcify mental models of dynamic worlds and to reason about actions on the basis of these models Very recently the calculus has evolved into the programming method and system FLUX, which supports the problem-driven, top-down design of robotic agents with the cognitive capabilities of reasoning, planning, and intelligent troubleshooting Why Fluent Calculus? Fluent calculus originates in the classical situation calculus It provides the formal underpinnings for an effective and computationally efficient solution to the fundamental frame problem To this end, fluent calculus extends situation calculus by the basic notion of a state, which allows to define effects very naturally in terms of how an action changes the state of the world Based on classical predicate logic, fluent calculus is a very versatile formalism, which captures a variety of phenomena that are crucial for robotic agents, such as incomplete knowledge, nondeterministic actions, imprecise sensors and effectors, and indirect effects of actions as well as unexpected failures when an action is performed in the real, unpredicatble world A.2 USER-DEFINED PREDICATES Examples: state_update(Z1, alter(X), Z2, []) :knows(open(X), Z1) -> update(Z1, [], [open(X)], Z2) ; knows_not(open(X), Z1) -> update(Z1, [open(X)], [], Z2) ; cancel(open(X), Z1, Z2) ?- not_holds(open(t1), Z0), or_holds([open(t2),open(t3)], Z0), duplicate_free(Z0), state_update(Z0, alter(t1), Z1), state_update(Z1, alter(t2), Z2) Z2 = [open(t1) | Z0] Constraints: not_holds(open(t1), Z0) state_update(Z1, enter(R), Z2, [Ok]) :Ok = true, update(Z1, [in(R)], [in(0)], Z2) ; Ok = false, holds(entry_blocked(R), Z1), Z2 = Z1 ?- Z1 = [in(0) | Z], not_holds_all(in(_), Z), state_update(Z1, enter(1), Z2, [true]) Z1 = [in(0) | Z] Z2 = [in(1) | Z] ?- state_update(Z1, enter(1), Z2, [Ok]) Ok = true Z2 = [in(1) | Z1] Constraints: not_holds(in(0), Z1) not_holds(in(1), Z1) More? Ok = false Z2 = [entry_blocked(1) | _] More? 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107 Σkua , 121 Σplan , 158 Σposs , 19 Σsstate , Σstate , 63 Σsua , 19 Ab, 264 AbCaused, 264 abnormality, 264 ab state update, 297 Acc, 245 accident, 245 action, 13 – complex a., 152 – exogenous a., 49 – generated a., 51, 135 – nondeterministic a., 173 – processed exogenous a., 51 and eq, 83, 201 arithmetic constraint, 76 associated situation, 40, 53 associativity, auxiliary axiom, 14 binding, 80 cancel, 285 cancellation law, 10 causal – relation, 223 – relationship, 216 Causes, 214 causes, 298 cleanbot, 59 cognitive effect, 113 collectbot, 191 commutativity, COMP, 27 completion, 27 complex action, 299 computation tree, 29 constraint – arithmetic c., 76 – domain c., 14, 121 – finite domain (FD) c., 76 – handling rule, 79 – interval c (IC), 200 – range c., 76 – satisfied domain c., 14, 121 – state c., 76 cost of a plan, 151 decomposition, default theory, 246 – extension of a d., 246 – for qualifications, 246 – prioritized d., 253 – prioritized fluent calculus d., 254, 265 INDEX 326 delayed effect, 229 deterministic domain, 19 Do, 13, 14 domain – axiomatization, 18, 121 – constraint, 14, 121 – deterministic d., 19 – satisfied d constraint, 14, 121 duplicate free, 286 effect – cognitive e., 113 – delayed e., 229 – imprecise e., 197 – indirect e., 211 – physical e., 113 empty state, – axiom, equality, event calculus, 70 execute, 286 execution node, 40 – linked e., 43 existence of states axiom, 63 extension, 246 – anomalous e., 263 – preferred e., 253 finite domain constraint, 76 fluent, – dynamic f., 181 – functional f., 15 – schematic f., 87 FLUX-expressible state formula, 76 foundational axioms – for conditional planning, 158 – for knowledge, 107 – of fluent calculus, 63 – of special fluent calculus, frame problem, 18 GOLOG, 55 heuristic encoding, 148, 166 Holds, 5, 14 HOLDS, 106 holds, 287 If, f 158 imprecise – effect, 197 – sensing, 193 indirect effect, 211 init, 300 interval constraint, 200 irreducibility, knowledge – expression, 105 – state, 104 – update axiom, 113 – update axiom for imprecise sensing, 193 – update axiom with ramification, 224 Knows, 105 knows, 288 knows not, 289, 290 KnowsVal, 106 knows val, 291 KState, 104 λ-expression, 63 local navigation, 280 logic program, 27 – completion of a l., 27 – constraint l., 76 macro, mailbot, minus, 28, 93 model – internal m., – motion m., 277 – perceptual m., 276 momentum, 214 neq, 80 neq all, 80 not holds, 292 not holds all, 293 nursebot, 157 INDEX observation, 135 – consistent o., 135 – processed o., 135 or and eq, 83, 201 or holds, 293 or neq, 80, 201 path planning, 279 perform, 302, 303 physical effect, 113 plan, 144 – cost of a p., 151 plan, 294 plan cost, 304 planning problem, 144 – conditional p., 166 – heuristic encoding of a p., 148 – solution to a p., 144 plus, 28, 93 Poss, 13, 16 precondition axiom, 15 progression, 56 qualification problem, 243 ramification problem, 212 Ramify, 223 ramify, 295 range constraint, 76 regression, 56 rewrite law, 64 sensing result, 125 – consistent s., 125 sensor – fusion, 196 – model, 192 signature – fluent calculus s., 12 – fluent calculus state s., – for accidental qualifications, 245 – for conditional planning, 158 – for knowledge, 104 – for qualifications, 264 – for ramifications, 214 327 situation, 13 – associated s., 40, 53 – calculus, 22 – formula, 14 sorts, sound – encoding, 122–124, 126 – program, 41, 53, 137 space – grid-based s., 275 – topological s., 275 State, 13 state, – FLUX s., 77 – FLUX-expressible s., 76 – constraint, 76 – determined s formula, 125 – empty s., – equality, – finite s., – formula, 14 – ground FLUX s., 27 – ground s., – knowledge s., 104 – possible s., 104 – signature, – update axiom, 16 state update, 309, 310 state updates, 50, 269 STRIPS, 22 successor state axiom, 70 unique-name axiom, 11 update, 296 [...]... not be complete without the admission that the current state -of -the- art in research on reasoning robots still poses fundamentally unsolved problems Maybe the most crucial issue is the interaction between cognitive and low-level control of a robot, in particular the question about the origin of the symbols, that is, the names for individuals and categories that are being used by a robotic agent In this... of requests, fillings of the bags, and locations of the robot This number increases exponentially with the size of the office floor or the capacity of the robot In many applications there is even no upper bound at all for the state space It is therefore advisable for agents to adopt a principle known as “logical atomism,” which means to break down states into atomic properties The state components of the. .. packages in the first room and then to move up to room number 2, where it can deliver one of them Thereafter, it may select the package which is addressed from room 2 to 3, and to move up again Arriving at room number 3, the robot can drop both the package coming from room 1 and the one from room 2 This leaves the robot with two empty bags, which it fills again, and so on At the end of the day, there will... taken out of a mail bag, this has to be done mentally as well, in order for the robot to know that this bag can be filled again Fluent calculus lays the theoretical foundations for programming robotic agents like our mailbot that base their actions on internal representations of the state of their environment The theory provides means to encode internal models for agents and to describe actions and their... model and programming method for robotic agents As theory and system unfold, the agents will become capable of dealing with incomplete world models, which require them to act cautiously under uncertainty; they will be able to explore unknown environments by logically reasoning about PREFACE xii sensor inputs; they will plan ahead some of their actions and react sensibly to action failure The book starts... are the current requests, the contents of the mail bags, and the location of the robot By convention, atomic properties of states are called fluents, thereby hinting at their fleeting nature as time goes by Maintaining a model of the environment during program execution is all about how the various fluents change due to the performance of actions Fluent calculus is named after these state components and. .. to the axiomatic formalism of fluent calculus as a method both for specifying internal models of dynamic environments and for updating these models upon the performance of actions Based on this theory, the logic programming system FLUX is introduced in Chapter 2 as a method for writing simple robotic agents The first two chapters are concerned with the special case of agents having complete knowledge of. .. all relevant properties of their environment In Chapters 3 and 4, theory and system are generalized to the design of intelligent agents with incomplete knowledge and which therefore have to act under uncertainty Programming these agents relies on a formal account of knowledge given in Chapter 5, by which conditions in programs are evaluated on the basis of what an agent knows rather than what actually... top-down approach, which requires the designer of a system to predefine the grounding of the symbols in the perceptual data coming from the sensors of a robot Ultimately, a truly intelligent robot must be able to handle this symbol grounding problem by itself in a more flexible and adaptive manner Another important issue is the lack of self-awareness and true autonomy The reasoning robots considered in this... to fill it again On the other hand, collecting a package does not alter the contents of the other bags, nor does it change the location of the robot, etc The changes that an action causes are specified by axioms which define the update of states Under the condition that the action A(x) in question is possible in a situation s, the so-called state update axiom for this action relates the resulting state, ... representations of the state of their environment The theory provides means to encode internal models for agents and to describe actions and their effects As the name suggests, the 1.1 FLUENTS AND STATES... introduce the three basic components of a problem-oriented description of a robot domain: 1.1 the states of the environment; 1.2 the actions of the robot; 1.3 the effects of the actions on the environment... combinations of requests, fillings of the bags, and locations of the robot This number increases exponentially with the size of the office floor or the capacity of the robot In many applications there is

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