Trang 4
He made a long straight path so he wouldn’t And he set off on his walk, taking his big
get lost Purple crayon with him
Trang 5
But he didn’t seem to be getting anywhere on the long straight path
So he left the path for a short cut across
Trang 6
The short cut led right to where Harold He didn’t want to get lost in the wo idn’ G0 Fedat lost in th ods
thought a forest ought to be S © he made a very small forest, with ju ll forest, with just
One tree in it
Trang 7NT It turned out to be an apple tree | : @ @ 9" .O, 9 F Oo ¢ Xã Co © © 5s 0ì ĐI ¿
The apples would be very tasty, Harold
Trang 10
But by then Harold was over his head in
Suddenly he realized what was happening an ocean
Trang 11
And in no time he was climbing aboard a
He came up thinking fast
_ ttim little boat
Trang 14
Seon >
The sandy beach reminded Harold of picnics
So he laid out ice simple picnic lunch
And the thought of picnics made him hungry eS ph P
Trang 15Me Wie 7 LÀI Pie fe mM.- *''
There was nothing but pie But there were all nine kinds of pie that
= 3 Harold liked best
os In
Trang 16
When Harold finished his picnic there was He hated to see so much delicious pie go
Trang 17Ki
a mE 4+
So Harold left a very hungry moose and a ị And, of he went, looking for a hill to
Trang 18È a ma I) BY : _ If he went high enough, he thought, he
Harold knew that the higher up he went,
Trang 21
But, luckily, he kept his Re a cet) ema ean wi d hi : He made a balloon and he grabbed on to it
Trang 22
| He had a fine view from the balloon but he
And he made a basket under the balloon big Sink ca is winder Fie onan
_ couldn’t see his wi u even
enough to stand in | :
Trang 23
So he made a house, with windows | | And he landed the balloon on the grass in
Trang 24
None of the windows was his window He tried to think where his window ought
Trang 28The policeman pointed the way Harold was
Trang 30
He remembered where his bedroom window
It was always right around the moon
Trang 32The purple crayon dropped on the floor