Distributed Database (DDB) Academic Year: Lecturer: Teaching assistant: Lectures: Labs: Office hours: 2008/09, 2nd Semester Johann Gamper Christian Mair TH 10:30-12:30, Room E412 TH 15:00-16:00, Room E412 Gamper: TH 09:00-10:00 or email arrangement Mair: TBA Home | Lectures | Exercise/Project | Exam Objectives: This course will introduce principles and foundations of distributed databases, including architecture, design issues, integrity control, query processing and optimization, transactions, and concurrency control Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with basic concepts in databases (including relational databases, SQL, and relational algebra) and algorithms, as well as having good pogramming skills This material is taught in the courses Introduction to Databases, Introduction to Programming, and Data Structures and Algorithms Moreover, some knowledge about database management systems (including indexing and query processing) is helpful Syllabus: • • Introduction to Distributed Databases (2hours) DDBMS Architecture (2hours) • Distributed Database Design (4hours) • Semantic Integrity Control (2hours) • Distributed Query Processing and Optimization (8 hours) • Transactions, Concurrency Control (4 hours) • Reliability (2 hours) Textbook: • M Tamer Oezsu, Patrick Valduriez ``Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second Edition'' Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-659707-6, 1999 Lectures TH 05.03.09 Introduction: syllabus, administration and organisation of the course, general pdf introduction in distributed DBMS TH 12.03.09 DDBMS Architecture: definition of DDBMS architecture, ANSI/SPARC standard, pdf global, local, external, and internal schemas, DDBMS architectures, components of DDBMS TH 19.03.09 Distributed Database Design: conceptual design (what can be distributed, design patterns), top-down, bottom-up patterns, technical design (fragmentation, allocation and replication of fragments, optimality, heuristics) TH 02.04.09 Semantic Integrity Control: view management, security control, integrity control TH 09.04.09 Distributed Query Processing: overview of query processing and query optimization, query decomposition and data localization TH 16.04.09 Query decomposition and data localization: normalization, analysis, elimination of redundancy, rewriting, reduction for HF, reduction for VF TH 30.04.09 Optimization of Distributed Queries: basic concepts, distributed cost model, database statistics TH 07.05.09 Optimization of Distributed Queries: ordering of joins and semijoins, query optimization algorithms, INGRES, System R, hill climbing TH 14.05.09 Transactions: introduction to transactions, definition and examples, properties, classification, processing issues, execution 10 TH 21.05.09 Concurrency Control: definition, execution schedules, examples, locking based algorithms, timestamp ordering algorithms, deadlock management 11 TH 28.05.09 Reliability: definitions, basic concepts, local recovery management, distributed reliability protocols 12 TH 04.06.09 Reliability: distributed reliability protocols, 2PC protocol pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf Exercise/Project The exercise part of the course consists in the elaboration of a mini-project, which can be done alone or in groups of students The project consists in the implemenation and evaluation of selected algorithms for parallel temporal aggregation from the following paper: • D Gao, J Gendrano, B Moon, R Snodgrass, M Park, B Huang, and J Rodrigue: Main memory-based algorithms for efficient parallel aggregation for temporal databases Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol 16, pages 123-163, 2004 The project concludes with a final report of 5-10 pages which clearly describes problem, solution, algorithm, implementation, and evaluation The exercise starts on Thursday, 05.03.2009 with the presentation and assignment of the project The weekly meetings are then used to discuss the progress, open problems, etc The project report must be handed in by the end of the semester More details and information can be found here Exam • • The exam is oral at the end of the course and covers the entire course and the project The exam consists of two parts: the defense of the project and the evaluation of the project report (40% of the total grade); questions from the DDB course (60% of the total grade) • Both parts are required to pass the exam • Each student will be examined individually for approx 20 minutes • This is an open book exam, i.e., the student is allowed to use the lecture notes and additional readings in the exam ... reduction for VF TH 30.04.09 Optimization of Distributed Queries: basic concepts, distributed cost model, database statistics TH 07.05.09 Optimization of Distributed Queries: ordering of joins and...3 TH 19.03.09 Distributed Database Design: conceptual design (what can be distributed, design patterns), top-down, bottom-up patterns, technical... Rodrigue: Main memory-based algorithms for efficient parallel aggregation for temporal databases Distributed and Parallel Databases, vol 16, pages 123-163, 2004 The project concludes with a final report