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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY OF HANOI Faculty of International Education ********* REPORT WORKPLACE CONFLICT Workplace confict Group members: Lê Trà My My Đặng Thành Trung Nguyễn Hải Anh Phan Thị Hà Thu Đào Vân Giang Nguyễn Hồng Quân Lê Trần Linh Đỗ Anh Sơn Class: FNB2 Teacher: Hoàng Anh Duy Subject: Organizational Psychology Hanoi, December 2012 List of contents Page Part 1: Introduction……………………………………………………………………….2 Part 2: Main part……………… ………………………………………………………3-8 I – Main problems……………………………………………………………… II – Methodology……………………………………………………………….….4 III– Clip Analysis……………………………………………………………….5-8 Context of conflict………………………………………………………5 Reasons of conflict…………………………………………………… Influences and Consequences………………………………………… Solving conflict…………………………………………………………7 Part 3: Conclusion…… ………………………………………………………………8-9 I – Review of report……………………………………………………………….8 Advantages…………………………………………………………… Disadvantages………………………………………………………… Limitations…………………………………………………….……… II – Summarize………………………………………………….………….………9 III – Orientation………………………………………………………………… 10 Part 4: References and Apendix……………………………………………………… 10 I References……………… ……………………………………………… …10 II Appendix………………………………………………………………… 10-13 Part 5: Self-assessment……… …………… …………………………………… 14-15 Part I: Introduction At the workplace, there are many issues which people could probably encounter and have to deal with Then we would like to mention one of them as the topic of our assignment, which is workplace conflict The reason why we choose this topic is due to its popularity and high frequency in any organization It seems that almost everyone has to deal with conflict at some time and it is considered to be a normal and natural part of any workplace In addition, conflicts have both negative effects and benefits for people working in an organization, which will be an attractive and challenging topic for us to analyze For example, conflicts could lead to personal insults and attacks; even make someone leaving the organization On the other hand, workplace conflicts might result in better solutions to some problems, a better understanding of other colleagues and even higher teamwork performance The report was made in December 18, 2012 With the topic, workplace conflict, we could apply our knowledge of Organizational behavior subject into a specific case study Through it, as students who have not had any working experience in the office, we will get an overview of people’s work-life When it comes to workplace conflicts, there are common responses: avoidance or cope with Therefore, our knowledge will be usefully applied in order to seek solutions to conflicts By studying how to resolve the problem, people at workplace could get rid of a potentially destructive and serious situation and enhance their performance at work In the process of doing this analysis, there are still have some mistake, we are looking forward to your comment and suggestion We sincerely thank! Part II: Main part I Main problem There are many types of conflict that affect humanity Some philosophers say the biggest conflicts are internal struggles, while others claim that incessant conflict exists between human and the outside world Whatever the causes are, conflict has some impacts on everyone's lives Organizational politics gives rise to conflict as one person or group attempts to influence the goals and decision making of an organization to advance its own interest Organizational conflict is the self-interested struggle that arises when the goal-directed behavior of one person or group blocks the goal-directed behavior of another person or group In these conflicts, interconnected disputes, with multiple causes and systemic impact, the dynamics, participants, and even issues may change overtime; thus, conflict resolution activities need to refocus on the new realities as they emerge In order to analysis the practicality of conflict in life, we give a relevant clip and elaborate all the aspects of the clip as content, characterization and deep cause in the conflict among them Through it all, main conclusions are given around how deal with conflict in life Clip has four main characters, in which a conflict was happened among three women They are all anxious to become president of sorority in their company Therefore, they call on all people to support themselves in election campaign It stemmed from war factions and internal contradictions in the company Finally, director resolves all issues quickly and a little sense of humor He will hold plurality of offices, which one of them is president of sorority Clip was finishedsurprisingly However, through it, we know how to learn experience lesson ourselves about conflict and how to deal with them in our life II Methodology Our aim is to research about conflict and how to deal with it in life now In order to have a coherent analysis, we give a clip around these issues as communication, personality and focus about conflict and solution to face it - How to search clip: We use google to find theclips, which related to the communication, personality, conflict and workplace It is necessary to synthesize and choose the most suitable clip, which shows many real aspects - Reason to choose clip: • Clip represents clearly and reflects honestly the phenomenon, whichis usually happening in life • Clip shows in Vietnamese so it is easy to understand and analyze the content which clip loads - The practicality of the video: It is absolutely easy to imprint and wake the subconscious self up in watcher Through situation happen in clip, watcher knows how to learn experience lesson for them Clip finished by way watcher burst into laugh not gives rise only to be surprised and interested, but it also is easy remember to look within ourselves and revitalize thinking - The question mentioned in clip: • Who face to conflict? • What cause conflict? • How does conflict effect to their work? • How to deal with conflict? III Clip Analysis Context of conflict We choose the clip with the context of a company’s conflict There is an election for president in Women Union of the company All the female employees have their rights to be independent candidates The whole company has been warmed up because of this event There are three women – with three different personalities – are long for the president’s chair They have their own strengths and weaknesses One is strong and her aim is to turn the company’s Women Union into a group that fights for women’s right The second one is lovely – she wants to make Women Union become a place where woman can find their beauty The last one would like to be the president so that she can make Women Union to become a place where women can learn to cook, women’s stuff Since they have different point of view, conflict has begun in the election campaign Reasons of conflict As you can see in the clip, those people argue very keen to each other, the conflict spring from the election of company to vote for head of women union Three women in the clip want to be the president so they induce other people to their side and in the process of electoral campaign; they fall out with each other Firstly, the first scenario of conflict is when Bao Trinh induces guys to her side and Phuong Lan was angry about the condition which Bao Trinh give to these guys She thought that if Bao Trinh becomes the president, will she fight for them? or she will bring them to show to those people For that reason, conflict happened between them and as an absolute result; it spread to two people in Bao Trinh side In this case, conflict come from the feeling of betrayed, unfair treated Secondly, the peak of conflict is when they argue with their boss about each other actions, and what they plan to if they are president, and they censure each other and of course, their people who support them compete mortally In this case, the reason of conflict is their personality, they want to show they are deserve that position; however, they show it in negative way and its lead to clash They turn the free election campaign to something like a rebellion, it is so mess even the director have to scream loudly to take control In addition, all these conflict springs from the contradictions that already have between them, and one thing that kindle the dynamite box are mistake in the way they talk and describe their idea We firmly think that reason is Communication Mistake If those three women consider before talking, the situation might happen in easier way Influences and consequences 3.1 Influences - For each person dealing with conflict: Conflict will damage emotional and psychological well-being of those involved in the conflict By their words and actions, their relationship could be worse Besides, conflicts in workplace can easily lead to personal conflicts Teamwork spirit will be broken In additions, they could blame and impede each other in their job - For other colleagues in their company: It not only has some negative impacts on people who face to conflict, but also affect to people supporting them Conflict can cause dissatisfaction and stress each other 3.2 Consequences There are some consequences of conflict: - Increased costs (time, money) devoted to dealing with the conflict - Wasted resources and energy spent dealing with the conflict - Complain and blaming - Backstabbing and gossip - Decreased productivity and motivation in work However, if conflict is resolved well, it will bring some positive points such as: - Improved understanding and respect among team members - Improved team collaboration through discussion, negotiation when resolving conflicts - Advanced knowledge of each member about their own target of work to know what is the most important target Solving conflict The manager had a smart decision to solve the problem, is that he will become the president of Women Union, instead of letting the girls who are facing to conflict This solution helps to solve quickly the conflict, and the woman will not have the chance to continue arguing However, he is a man, and his age is not so young compared to others, so when he becomes the principle he has to face a lot of difficulties In order to solve these problems, our group had made some solutions for this situation Firstly, with the position of a manager, carefully review capability of each woman is very important, for example characteristic, knowledge and responsibility This will affect directly to the work of future president and every member in the company Who deserve the most will become the president Secondly, before promote one person, manger need to think carefully about her future plan For example, Bao Trinh focused mostly on appearance of the women, however Phuong Uyen highly consider in femininity value of woman About KieuAnh, she concentrates on the right of women With clearly purpose like that, will play an important role on choosing a worth president for Women Union Thirdly, the manager can create opportunities for women to work with each others This solution will help to reduce the incidence ofinternalconflictsamong the members In Viet Nam, there is a proverb: “ Loi noi chang mat tien mua, lua loi ma noi cho vua long nhau” If everybody think carefully before they talk, we belive the situation will be easier Part 3: Conclusion I Review of report After analyzing and choosing a long time We think the clip, which is chosen, has some advantages and disadvantages such as: Advantages - Everybody is easy to understand our clip because it is made by Vietnamese Therefore, the clip brings not only a lot of knowledge but also the smile for everyone - The way of clip approach the problems is very funny, so it totally makes us relax to forget the pressure of work - The clip has many different things with the same type of clip which you have seen before - The situation in the clip may be similar to the situation in your workplace, so you are easy to attract by its - Clip is showed clearly and simply - Disadvantages The solution in the clip is not clear to understand and apply in reality The time of clip is too short to cover all issues and problems in workplace Structure of clip is not quite strong Limitations - The number of issue of influence is not too much - The time of research still too short, so we cannot cover all the context of conflict in workplace II Summarize Through our group presentation, we have talked about conflict between KieuAnh, Bao Trinh and Phuong Uyen in clip “Office camera: Women Union” Firstly, we find out the causes, the reason why they had conflict Because three of them are want to be the president of Women Union Secondly, we show the effect of that conflict to other employees in company Through that conflict we can understand the personalities of each character in this clip and how they negotiate with other colleagues to achieve their purpose From those factors, we can analyze the solution of the director in clip In addition, we offer another solution for this conflict, which we consider to be moreappropriate than the previous one III.Orientation Next time, we'll try to make morecasesto be able toanalyzemoreacharacter's behavior We can find out more interesting clip, and then improve our presentation After searching and analyzing this clip, we have drawn a lot of lessons, and we will try to apply many solution useful in our later work Generally in life, we will face to different types of conflict, and we need to know skillfully apply the appropriate treatment for each type of conflict Part 4: I References -Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior-Fifth edition; Pearson International Eddition; Jennifer M Gorge and Gareth R Jones -Reasearch method for business student-Fifth edition; Italy; 2009; Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, AndrianThornhill -This is the link for the video clip name “Camera côngsở: Hộiphụnữ”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eShcccgPqHo II.Appendix - In this part, we will show the slides in our presentation so everyone can easy to follow our structure and our analysis 10 Part 5: Self-assessment There are members in our group Leader assigned tasks for members as: Name The whole group LêTrà My My Job title Task Discuss together to decide the topic and clip -Presentation Vice-leader -Write influences and consequences NguyễnHảiAnh ĐàoVânGiang LêTrầnLinh Member part -Presentation Member -Write solving conflict part -Presentation Leader -Write context of conflict part -Presentation -Write reasons of conflict part ĐặngThànhTrung PhanThịHà Thu NguyễnHoànQuân ĐỗAnhSơn Member -Make self assessment -Write content part Member -Write introduction part -Write main problem part Member -Write methodology part -Write review of report part Member - Write references -Write summarize part -Write orientation part Comments: - All member try they best to finish their task in time and have good team spirit 11 - The qualities of their tasks arepretty good, sometime leader and vice-leader fix some foul - We really have a good time working together and we work very effective, we hope we will have more opportunities to work together in the future - Whatever our mark is, we will still enjoy the moments of teamwork If I have to describe our experiences in only one word, I will say: AWESOME! -THE END - 12 [...]... and clip -Presentation Vice-leader -Write influences and consequences NguyễnHảiAnh ĐàoVânGiang LêTrầnLinh Member part -Presentation Member -Write solving conflict part -Presentation Leader -Write context of conflict part -Presentation -Write reasons of conflict part ĐặngThànhTrung PhanThịHà Thu NguyễnHoànQuân ĐỗAnhSơn Member -Make self assessment -Write content part Member -Write introduction part -Write

Ngày đăng: 14/01/2016, 18:15
