M AN689 Engineer’s Assistant Using a PIC16F84A Author: Voja Antonic PC Press INTRODUCTION This compact instrument is intended to be a digital laboratory tool for hardware and, in some cases, software debugging It contains four instruments in one unit: logic probe, single channel logic state analyzer, frequency counter and serial code receiver The only chip used is a PIC16F84A running at 10 MHz The display unit is a LCD dot matrix alphanumeric module with rows of 20 characters The LCD is used as the display device for all functions, except for the logic probe which indicates low, high and pulse logic states on individual LEDs Mode select, parameter change, function execute and ON/OFF switching is activated by two keys The probe tip is the common input for all functions, and the GND cable is used for connection to Vss of the tested circuit Although there are a lot of functions integrated in a single chip unit, it did not increase the complexity of hardware, as all functions are implemented in software This enables a very good price/performance ratio The power supply is obtained by four 1.2V/180 mAh or 250 mAh NiCd batteries of LR03 (AAA) size The instrument also has a battery manager, which supports automatic battery discharging and charging The source code is written in MPASM As it is highly optimized for code space, most of the code could not be written in a modular format For the same reason, a lot of subroutines have more than one entry point and some of them are terminated by a GOTO instruction instead of using a RETURN instruction FEATURES • • • • Stand-alone hand-held instrument Single chip design Built-in rechargeable power supply Easy to assemble and ready to use, no adjustment needed • User interface with LCD output and command input by two keys • TTL or 5V CMOS input, or direct input from RS-232C +/-12V signals SPECIFIC FEATURES FOR INDIVIDUAL FUNCTIONS Logic Probe The low and high logic levels are displayed by LEDs, which are OFF if the probe tip is floating or connected to a hi-impedance (>220k) output A pulse transition is detected and is indicated by turning on the LED for 80 ms Logic State Analyzer The analyzer fetches 300 single bit samples at a selectable rate (in 16 steps from 40 Hz to MHz) It has a programmable start at High-to-Low or Low-to-High transition at input Digital waveforms are displayed in a pseudographic mode on the LCD Serial Code Receiver The Serial Code Receiver receives 42 bytes and displays them in both HEX and ASCII The baud rate is selectable in steps, from 1200 to 115200 The selectable format is or bits with or without a parity bit which is not displayed Signal polarity is also selectable Direct signal stealing from an RS-232 or an RS-232C interface is possible Frequency Counter The Frequency Counter counts frequency and displays it in an 8-digit decimal format on the LCD with a refresh rate of 500 ms There are four ranges, from to 40 MHz, which affect the count resolution (from to 32) Battery Manager The Battery Manager provides for discharging with an automatic switch that changes to charge mode at 4V battery voltage, charging with 18 mA of constant current and automatic power off after 14 hours Any DC source between 10V and 30V, at any polarity, can be used for charging 1998 Microchip Technology Inc DS00689A-page AN689 SYSTEM FUNCTIONS User Interface There are four modes of operation: Analyzer, Serial Code Receiver, Frequency Counter and Battery Manager The logic probe function is transparent in all modes except in the Frequency Counter In all modes, submodes are listed in the lower row of the LCD The submodes list can be cycled through by pressing the right key, which moves the cursor (blinking block) to the right The left key activates the selected submode (executes a function or changes the parameter state/value) The right-most submode (right arrow symbol) acts as a shortcut jump to the next mode After power-on (by pressing any key), a mode is chosen by pressing the left key, then the submode by the right key, and then the eventual parameter change or command execution by the left key again The only exception is the Logic Probe function, the only action needed is to switch the instrument on, and the logic probe is ready to use In Analyzer and Serial Code Receiver mode, the asterisk (*) is a special symbol for the "Start" command When executed (left key pressed while the cursor is on asterisk), it causes the program to wait for a start condition or a start bit DS00689A-page Although there is a manual Switch Off command (accessible in Battery mode), there is also the automatic power off after approximately minutes of inactivity if no key is pressed Note that the down counter for automatic power-off is "frozen", while the instrument is waiting for a start condition in analyzer mode and for the start bit in serial code receiver mode Of course, the same applies to the discharging and charging processes, as another conditions are used to define the end of those processes Figure represents the key functions diagram The dotted line represents actions taken when the right key is pressed, and the solid line is for the left key The cursor, which is the blinking block on the LCD, is represented as a solid block in Figure 1, but it is moved down on the drawing for clarity A variable (named REL) in the assembler source code, defines the position of the cursor on the LCD If it is a '1' (default), the cursor will be placed on the first character of the command (or parameter) If it is a '0', the code will be assembled so that the cursor will be moved to the preceding location (if it exists) before the command 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 Analyzer 01MHz/01ms I Sample rate 1MHz/1ms 500kHz/2ms 228kHz/4.4ms 100kHz/10ms 50kHz/20ms 38.4kHz/26ms 25kHz/40ms 19.2kHz/52ms 10kHz/100ms 9.6kHz/104ms 4.8kHz/208ms 2.4kHz/417ms 1kHz/1ms 400Hz/2.5ms 100Hz/10ms 40Hz/25ms * → LCD output example while key is released (group 4, samples 181-240) group 121-180 iiiiiii .iii .iii iiiiiii 01MHz / 01ms I * → group 181-240 group 241-300 Serial 19.2 * → Baud rate select 2400 9600 19200 38400 7p 8p i7 i8 57600 115200 i7p i8p Frequency 20MHz/R16 7-bit word 8-bit word 7-bits +parity 8-bits +parity 7-bit inverse 8-bit inverse 7-bits inverse +parity 8-bits inverse +parity 41 42 01 1F F3 34 A6 s4& 19.2 * → AB receive 42 bytes Start 1200 4800 I * → iii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii .iiiiiiiii ^125 ^140 ^155 ^170 group 61-120 start on rising edge 01MHz / 01ms LCD output example while key is depressed in Display Group submode (group 3, samples 121-180) Display group 1-60 start on falling edge iiiiiiii iii .iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiii waiting for starting condition Start Starting condition break HIGH LEVEL FUNCTION FLOWCHART break FIGURE 1: Display group 1-7 group 8-14 group 15-21 group 22-28 group 29-35 group 36-42 LCD output example on Break command if no bytes were received Break AB s4& 19.2 * → LCD output example if Break command was taken after reception of five bytes 41 42 01 1F F3 00 00 19.2 * → 12345678 → Frequency counter range range MHz/resolution range 10 MHz/resolution range 20 MHz/resolution 16 range 40 MHz/resolution 32 Battery Off Disch Power Off 00:00 Charge Discharge to 4V break DS00689A-page → Charge 14 Hours break 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 Logic Probe level There are some better versions which can detect a floating input and turn all LEDS off if it is detected Figure represents the common solution for such functions, where two analog comparators are employed to detect the low, high and floating inputs The typical hardware solution for a logic probe is shown in Figure Two inverters, for low and high indication, and two monostables, for pulse detection, are commonly used in most low-cost logic probes This solution will display an unconnected probe tip as high logic FIGURE 2: TYPICAL LOGIC PROBE SCHEMATIC +5V +5V LED “High” +5V +5V LED “Low” Q Q MONOSTABLE LED “Pulse” Trigger on falling edge Probe Tip Q Q MONOSTABLE Trigger on falling edge FIGURE 3: IMPROVED LOGIC PROBE SCHEMATIC +5V +5V LED “High” +5V Q Q LED “Pulse” MONOSTABLE Trigger on falling edge +5V High Resistance Probe Tip Instead of using such approaches, the logic probe function in this instrument is software aided, and the floating input is detected in a dynamic way instead of a static one The equivalent hardware schematic diagram of this solution is shown in Figure (Pulse detection circuit not shown) The hardware detail which supports the operation of the logic probe used in this unit is represented by Figure The microcontroller polls the input tip and services LEDs L and H If a transition is detected, LED P is switched ON and the down counter switches it OFF after 80 ms if no additional transition is detected DS00689A-page LED “Low” Q Q MONOSTABLE Trigger on falling edge This approach has two disadvantages Logic state latching at a uniform rate may cause visible interference if the frequency of the monitored signal is near the latching rate This problem is minimized by adding a self-variable extra delay in software, which makes the latching frequency unstable This makes the range of critical frequencies much wider, but the interference appears as a very short burst of pauses in LED L or H activity, which is completely avoided by adding an extra debouncer of only 250 microseconds Although unnoticeable, this delay helps prevent LED level instability while monitoring critical frequencies 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 FIGURE 4: FUNCTIONAL SCHEMATIC OF PIC16F84A LOGIC PROBE Probe Tip LED “High” High Resistance LED “Low” CLOCK GENERATOR FIGURE 5: SUPPORTING PIC16F84A LOGIC PROBE CIRCUITS OUTPUT PORTB.2 OUTPUT PORTB.7 330 OUTPUT PORTB.6 330 OUTPUT PORTB.5 330 220k Probe Tip 1.5k INPUT PORTA.4 Another disadvantage is related to pulse indication on LED P In the case of a very short pulse, it is likely that the microcontroller, which polls the input, may omit it between two input reads Instead of simple polling, the internal counter, TMR0, is used here so that instead of testing the logic state of the input, the state of TMR0 is tested In this way, pulses as short as 10 ns might be detected In reality, the minimal pulse width is limited by resistor R6 and the input pin RA4 capacitance The T0SE bit in the OPTION_REG register is properly updated at each pass, so that the first incoming transition will increment TMR0 The logic probe software support is integrated in the keyboard routine LEDs L, H and P are active only while the instrument is idle (doing nothing but waiting for some key to be pressed), which is all the time while the unit is ON, except in frequency counter mode, during battery discharging or charging, or if the START command is issued in analyzer or serial receiver mode and the job (300 samples fetched or all bytes received) is not yet finished LED “Low” LED “High” LED “Pulse” all LEDS off This saves energy in batteries and helps to detect if the probe tip is validly connected to the point under test A simplified flow chart for the logic probe is represented by Figure As this subroutine is an integral part of the key scan routine, the key (debouncers are not shown in detail) and time-out testing (which employs a 16-bit counter, "Time-out Counter") are also provided "Up Counter" is the free running counter which enables execution of the second part of the subroutine to be performed at each 256th pass "Down Counter" is the timing base for the LED Pulse If the state of this counter is greater than zero and the LED Low or LED High is on, the LED Pulse will be turned on The program exits only if some key is pressed (flag bit STATUS,C denotes which) or when the time-out counter reaches zero Pin RB2 is the output which generates square-wave pulses These pulses are fed through R5 to the probe tip The resistance is high enough not to affect the tested circuit, except if the tested point is the floating input However, in that case it will probably make the circuit unstable and thus help in locating the floating input This pulse stream is also used by software to detect the floating probe tip, and in this case to switch DS00689A-page 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 FIGURE 6: LOGIC PROBE FLOWCHART Logic Probe Preset time-out counter Increment up counter mod 256 Self-variable timing loop No Up counter = 0? Yes Decrement down counter No Yes Down counter = 0? Yes TMR0 = 0? No Clear TMR0 LED “high” on? Yes Preset down counter No Input = low? Yes Clear T0SE No Turn off LED “pulse” Yes Left key falling edge? Set flag STATUS,C No Clear Hi-imp output Set Hi-imp output No Decrement time-out counter No Yes Turn-off LED 'high” Turn off LED “low” Turn-on LED 'high” Turn on LED “low” 2 Clear flag STATUS,C No Input = high? Yes No Time-out counter = 0? Yes Return Switch off power supply Logic State Analyzer The commonly used hardware concept for a logic analyzer design is represented in Figure All those functions are realized in software, which is much easier to implement, but results in a loss of sampling speed The software solution is briefly represented on the flow chart in Figure In analyzer mode, a sequence of 300 one-bit fetches is performed Samples are stored in internal RAM (actually, 304 samples are read, but the last are dummy reads) The upper row of the LCD is used to display the samples As the LCD (Hitachi's LM032L) has no graphic capabilities (it is not possible to address a single dot), this is simulated by eight special user-defined characters (which are stored in the character generator RAM), each for a group of 3-bit samples This enables a pseudo-graphic mode which, in this case, looks as if all pixels were individually addressed The display shows a window of 60 samples One of five windows is selected by placing the cursor on the group number and advancing it by pressing the left key While the key is pressed, the lower row displays the numeric DS00689A-page LED “low” on? No Turn on LED “pulse” Right key Yes falling edge? Yes Yes Set T0SE Output = low? Input = low? No Stop pointers, which help by counting the sample number and calculating the timings in the recorded sequence When the key is released, the normal row is restored A uniform clock, for sample rate, is internally generated It is selectable to 16 steps The frequency and period are both displayed The following is a list of available sample rates: MHz 500 kHz 228 kHz 100 kHz 50 kHz 38.4 kHz 25 kHz 19.2 kHz 10 kHz 9.6 kHz 4.8 kHz 2.4 kHz kHz 400 Hz 100 Hz 40 Hz The sampling sequence does not start immediately after the command is issued, but after the selected transition (L to H or H to L) is detected While waiting for the transition to occur, the RB2 output is continuously held in the state which is opposite of the triggering logic level This enables application on the wired-or logic, even if it is without pull-ups If this condition never occurs, it is possible to escape by pressing the right key In this case, message "Break" is displayed in the LCD upper row 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 all samples are fetched In slower rates, it is noticeable that LED P blinks while sampling One blinking period is equal to 32 sampling periods LED P has an additional function while sampling in analyzer mode It is turned OFF when the start command is issued, then turned ON when sampling or the receiving condition was met, and then OFF again when FIGURE 7: LOGIC ANALYZER SCHEMATIC .Parallel Outputs Probe Tip Serial out Serial in N-bit Shift Register Clock Q Start/Stop Flip - Flop S R +5V N-th Count Clock Counter Q Starting Transition Select Ready/Busy Flip - Flop S R 'Start' Command 'Break' Command DS00689A-page Reset Clock out Clock Generator 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 FIGURE 8: LOGIC ANALYZER FLOWCHART Analyzer Point FSR to Buffer Right key pressed? No No Yes Break handling All sample rates are generated by software, and the three highest ones use individual subroutines The sample rate for MHz, which is at the very beginning of the program, has to fetch and memorize a single bit sample by rotating it into the buffer, change the destination address after every samples and exit the loop after 304 samples All this while keeping uniform timing of and (alternated, which gives an average of 2.5) instruction cycles for one fetch That could not be realized in a conventional manner, so it has a location-sensitive structure Upon exit, it jumps to address 4Dh (which is far from the subroutine itself) If you modify anything in this program, take care not to affect this location The analyzer may have some unpredictable delays between an external starting event (rising or falling edge) and the first sample In all cases, this delay may vary from to microseconds, so it may have some significance only in highest sample rates One of the reasons for this delay is the time which the microcontroller requires for a key test, which enables the manual break if this event never comes Also, there is some minor jitter at the MHz analyzer sample rate In the worst case, it might be 300 ns Start condition met? Yes Turn on LED “pulse” Get input in flag C Rotate INDF through C Timing loop bits fetched? Yes No Advance FSR End of buffer? No Yes Display buffer in graphic mode Return DS00689A-page 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 Serial Code Receiver In this mode, a total of 42 bytes is received and displayed in both HEX and ASCII The acceptable format is: Start Bit / or Data Bits / or Parity Bit / or more Stop Bits It is possible to connect the probe tip directly to the RS-232 or RS-232C +/- 12V voltage levels, to RS-422 or RS-485, or to +5V logic The available baud rates are: 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 (1.2) (2.4) (4.8) (9.6) (19.2) (38.4) (57.6) (115) or data bits may be selected to adjust for the desired data format Parity or no parity bit (suffix "p") This affects only the proper timing for this bit during reception It is neither tested for validity nor displayed Standard RS232C or inverse polarity If prefix "i" is displayed, then inverse polarity is active (low start bit, inverted data and optional parity bits and high stop bit) This is useful if the serial message must be fetched before the RS-232C TX drivers and after the RX buffers (which are both inverters) Received bytes are displayed both in HEX and ASCII in groups of bytes each ASCII representation is with bit cleared, and the non-printable characters (00h-1Fh) are represented as dots All other codes are standard ASCII The string of received serial codes is 42 bytes long If the string is shorter, the instrument will wait for next start bit, so it may look like it is stuck without any message In that case, reception may be stopped by pressing the right key If no bytes were received, the message "Break" will be displayed, but if at least one byte was received, the received sequence will be displayed with all unreceived bytes represented as zeros Similar to the analyzer mode, LED P will be turned ON when the first start bit is detected This helps to detect sequences of less than 42 bytes in length No error test is performed during reception Figure represents the flowchart for the serial code receiver DS00689A-page 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 FIGURE 9: SERIAL CODE RECEIVER FLOWCHART Serial Code Receiver Clear buffer and point FSR to buffer Preset bit counter to 7, or Parity bit received? Yes Rotate left INDF Yes Inverse signal mode? No Clear hi-impedance output Set hi-impedance output No No Input = low? Yes Right key pressed? No No Input = high? Yes Inverse signal mode? Yes Complement INDF Input = high? Yes Right key pressed? No No Yes No Yes Advance FSR End of buffer? Any byte received? No Rotate INDF through C 7-bit data mode? Yes Rotate right INDF Input = low? Loop bit period Get input in flag C No Yes Turn on LED “pulse” Loop 0.5 bit periods No Yes No Yes Display buffer in HEX and ASCII mode Display “Break” Turn off LED “pulse” Return Decrement bit counter No Bit counter = 0? Yes DS00689A-page 10 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 0307 0307 0308 0309 0309 030A 030B 030C 1A05 2B07 1D85 28E8 1E05 2B09 030D 030D 030D 030E 030F 0310 0311 0311 0312 0312 0313 0314 1686 0000 0B8E 2B0D 008E 23A0 0B8E 2B12 0315 23A2 0316 0C85 0317 0C80 0318 0B94 0319 2B11 031A 180D 031B 0D80 031C 1D0D 031D 0980 031E 1003 031F 188D 0320 0C80 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0A84 1B04 1E04 2AF5 2AC6 0326 0326 0A9A 0327 111A 01550 01551 01552 01553 01554 01555 01556 01557 01558 01559 01560 01561 01562 01563 01564 01565 01566 01567 01568 01569 01570 01571 01572 01573 01574 01575 01576 01577 01578 01579 01580 01581 01582 01583 01584 01585 01586 01587 01588 01589 01590 01591 01592 01593 01594 01595 01596 01597 01598 01599 01600 01601 01602 01603 01604 01605 01606 01607 01608 01609 01610 01611 01612 01613 01614 01615 1998 Microchip Technology Inc GetSp2 btfsc goto GetStart2 btfss goto btfss goto PORTA,4 GetSp2 PORTA,3 BrkRS PORTA,4 GetStart2 ; - true rx ; test input status ; and loop if still high ; ; ; ; ; test status of key and jump to Break if presseed test input status and loop if still low rising edge detected: start reception StartFound ; 2-9 t from starting edge HalfBit bsf nop decfsz goto PORTB,5 DJNZ,F HalfBit ; ; ; ; 1*W 1*W 1*W 2*W led P on waist one cycle DJNZ = timing constant counter loop if not half bit timing passd movwf DJNZ ; call decfsz goto Waist8T DJNZ,F OneBit ; 8 * W ; * W ; - * W call Waist6T ; rrf rrf PORTA,F INDF,F ; ; 1 decfsz goto COUNT,F RX8Bits btfsc rlf RXBITS,0 INDF,F ; COUNT = bit counter ; total 22t + (w-1) * 11 ; received byte @ INDF ; test if parity bit selected ; and discard parity bit if received btfss comf RXBITS,2 INDF,F ; test if inverse polarity selected ; and complement if true parity bcf btfsc rrf STATUS,C RXBITS,1 INDF,F ; clear 8th bit for 7-bit mode ; test if 7-bit mode selected and ; rotate 8th(zero) bit if 7bits slctd incf btfsc btfss goto goto FSR,F FSR,6 FSR,4 RX42Bytes Show2 ; ; ; ; ; RX8Bits move timing constant to cnter OneBit waist t DJNZ=timing constant counter loop if not bit time passd waist t < - move input status to C place C in input rotor advance destination pointer bits and will both be set if end of buffer+1 reached loop if not yet FSR=50h over: go show received bytes ;******* FREQUENCY COUNTER ;********************************************************************* ;* GoPresc ;* Prescaler factor (variable PRESC, in range 3) is advanced ;* (executes when key is pressed in frequency counter mode) ;********************************************************************* GoPresc incf PRESC,F ; advance prescaler bcf PRESC,2 ; and cycle prescaler in range ;********************************************************************* ;* FreqEp ;* Frequency counter entry point ;* Subroutine WrParam does this: Displays message "Frequency" in row 1, ;* counter range (taken from table RangeTab) & resolution (taken from ;* table PrescTab) in row2 ;* LEDs are turned OFF, and the main counter (BIN4, bytes) cleared DS00689A-page 41 AN689 0328 0328 2364 0329 21BF 032A 032A 30D3 032B 23CF 032C 032D 032E 032F 019F 01A0 01A1 018F 0330 0331 0332 0333 30F5 0096 3025 0097 0334 0335 0336 0337 0337 0338 0339 0339 033A 081A 3E20 2278 1D85 2B26 0801 009E 033B 0D1E 033C 0D8F 033D 080F 033E 3903 033F 3A02 0340 1D03 0341 2B43 0342 0A9F 0343 1903 0344 0AA0 0345 309B 0346 1D05 DS00689A-page 42 01616 01617 01618 01619 01620 01621 01622 01623 01624 01625 01626 01627 01628 01629 01630 01631 01632 01633 01634 01635 01636 01637 01638 01639 01640 01641 01642 01643 01644 01645 01646 01647 01648 01649 01650 01651 01652 01653 01654 01655 01656 01657 01658 01659 01660 01661 01662 01663 01664 01665 01666 01667 01668 01669 01670 01671 01672 01673 01674 01675 01676 01677 01678 01679 01680 01681 ;* The following is used to count pulses: ;* State of TMR0 is written to BIN4+0 and sequencialy tested, and when ;* bit7 of current value detected as and the previous one was 1, the ;* overflow is considered In that case, state of BIN4+1 is advanced, ;* extended to BIN4+2 After 500ms,the 32-bit value of BIN4 is shifted ;* left in a total of PRESC+2 times, to get multiply by 4,8,16 or ;* 32 Then BIN+4 (4 bytes) is converted to ASCII and printed on LCD ;* This routine does not call keyboard routine, as accurate timing of ;* 500 ms must be generated for counting (high count register is ;* CHARCOU lo count SHOWCOU) Instead of this, there is the individual ;* routine for key and key test, and also the countdown timer for ;* automatic power-off (registers TIMOUTL, TIMOUTH) ;* If key is pressed, mode (analyzer) is entered If key is ;* pressed, prescaler value is advanced ;* ;* Note: code from label "Loop500A" to comment "; 500 ms timeout" is ;* real time code If the # of cycles is changed, then the literals ;* 0f4h+1 and 24h+1 written to CHARCOU and SHOWCOU must be readjusted ;* ;* Input variables: PRESC (affects prescaler factor) ;* Output variables: none ;********************************************************************* FreqEp ; mode 3: frequency counter call WrParam ; print "Frequency" and "xxMHz/Rxx" call KeysOff ; test both keys off for 34 ms and ; initialize auto off sequence Count500 movlw 0d2h+REL ; right arrow position call WrComL ; move cursor on right arrow clrf clrf clrf clrf BIN4+1 BIN4+2 BIN4+3 SCRATCH ; ; ; ; clear next clear next clear next initialize counter byte counter byte counter byte TMR0 overflow detector movlw movwf movlw movwf 0f4h+1 CHARCOU 24h+1 SHOWCOU ; ; ; ; high loop counter for 500 ms CHARCOU = hi byte counter 0f424h=.62500 cycles=1250000,T=500 ms SHOWCOU = lo byte counter movf addlw call PRESC,W 20h ToOption ; PRESC = prescaler factor selected ; for PRESC 0,1,2,3 w=20h,21h,22h,23h ; here is clrf TMR0 also btfss goto PORTA,3 GoPresc ; ; - movf movwf TMR0,W BIN4 ; 1 ; 1 only place where TMR0 is read rtcc -> freq0 rlf rlf BIN4,W SCRATCH,F ; 1 ; 1 carry < - TMR0.7 rotor < - carry movf andlw xorlw SCRATCH,W ; 1 ; 1 ; 1 SCRATCH=TMR0 overflow detect mask LSbs for edge detect 00000000 if < - btfss goto STATUS,Z NotOvf1 incf NotOvf1 btfsc incf BIN4+1,F STATUS,Z BIN4+2,F ; ; ; ; ; ; Head4-1 PORTA,2 ; ; Loop500A test key status and jump to "prescaler change" if hit Loop500 movlw btfss 2 | skip if TMR0 overflow - - | if nz | 5T any case - 1 | nsb 2 | skip MSB adv ifnot overflow - - | msb initialize "Battery" message test key status and 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 0347 2933 0348 0B97 0349 2B37 034A 0B96 034B 2B39 034C 034D 034E 034F 034F 0350 0351 0352 0353 0A1A 0096 0A96 1003 0D9E 0D9F 0DA0 0DA1 0354 0B96 0355 2B4F 0356 308A 0357 23CF 0358 238C 0359 0B9B 035A 2B2A 035B 151B 035C 0B9C 035D 2B2A 035E 29BC 035F 035F 0360 0360 0361 0362 0363 0197 008F 303B 22B8 2BDE 01682 01683 01684 01685 01686 01687 01688 01689 01690 01691 01692 01693 01694 01695 01696 01697 01698 01699 01700 01701 01702 01703 01704 01705 01706 01707 01708 01709 01710 01711 01712 01713 01714 01715 01716 01717 01718 01719 01720 01721 01722 01723 01724 01725 01726 01727 01728 01729 01730 01731 01732 01733 01734 01735 01736 01737 01738 01739 01740 01741 01742 01743 01744 01745 01746 01747 1998 Microchip Technology Inc goto Mode4 ; - decfsz goto SHOWCOU,F Loop500A ; (2) ; (-) lo loop counter 20T total decfsz goto CHARCOU,F Loop500 ; ; hi loop counter 20T total incf movwf incf PRESC,W CHARCOU CHARCOU,F bcf rlf rlf rlf rlf STATUS,C BIN4, F BIN4+1,F BIN4+2,F BIN4+3,F ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; decfsz goto CHARCOU,F ShLoop ; CHARCOU = multiply factor counter ; loop if not PRESC*2 times multiplied movlw call call 8ah WrComL Print8 ; frequency display position ; cursor to freq display position ; print the frequency in 8-digit ASCII decfsz goto bsf TIMOUTL,F Count500 TIMOUTL,2 ; ; ; ; decfsz goto TIMOUTH,F Count500 ; TIMOUTH=hi byte auto power off cnter ; loop if not yet 8.5 goto Suicide ; 8.5 timeout - go switch power off ShLoop got shortcut to mode if pressed (1) (2) - 500 ms timeout here prepare for x2 multiply: PRESC incr CHARCOU = multiply factor counter and prescaler constant incr again BIN4 = BIN4 * total (PRESC+2) times clear C to allow clean x2 multiply low byte x2 multiply next byte x2 multiply next byte x2 multiply highest byte x2 multiply TIMOUTL=lo byte auto power off cnter inner loop TIMOUTL is init to passes instead of 256, 4*256*500ms=512s=8.5min appr ;******* BINARY TO ASCII CONVERSION ;********************************************************************* ;* Headline ;* Clears SHOWCOU (Headline2 skips this), Clears LCD, prints right ;* arrow @ last pos of row2, prints message addresed by W+1 at page ;* Terminator is last character with bit set ;* ;* Input variables: W+1 addresses string (on page 0) to be printed ;* Output variables: ;* CHARCOU is decremented by the number of characters printed ;********************************************************************* Headline clrf SHOWCOU ; initialize show group counter Headline2 movwf SCRATCH ; move input parameter to SCARTCH movlw 59 ; 59 characters to clear call SameAs20 ; clear all but right arrow goto GoWrite ; print headline message on LCD ;********************************************************************* ;* WrParam ;* Prints message "Frequency" in line and parameters for frequency ;* counter in line ;* Text XXMHz/RYY is printed, where XX is taken from RangeTab, and YY ;* from PrescTab ;* ;* Input variables: ;* PRESC, affects displayed frequency range and resolution ;* Output variables: ;* CHARCOU is decremented by the number of characters printed DS00689A-page 43 AN689 0364 0364 3092 0365 2360 0366 23CE 0367 3064 0368 236E 0369 036A 036B 036C 306F 23DD 3052 23D8 036D 036E 036E 036F 0370 0370 0371 0372 0372 0373 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 3060 0378 0379 037A 037B 3064 2383 1D03 23C9 071A 23B6 108C 019F 009E 01A1 01A0 01A5 01A4 01A3 037C 300A 037D 2383 DS00689A-page 44 01748 01749 01750 01751 01752 01753 01754 01755 01756 01757 01758 01759 01760 01761 01762 01763 01764 01765 01766 01767 01768 01769 01770 01771 01772 01773 01774 01775 01776 01777 01778 01779 01780 01781 01782 01783 01784 01785 01786 01787 01788 01789 01790 01791 01792 01793 01794 01795 01796 01797 01798 01799 01800 01801 01802 01803 01804 01805 01806 01807 01808 01809 01810 01811 01812 01813 ;********************************************************************* ;* Print255 ;* Entry point Print255 converts 8-bit binary value ( btfss STATUS,C ; Is it > ? goto NumBin4 ; if not, just print it as-is addlw 7+3ah ; 3ah 3fh to 'A' 'F' correction goto Char ; print ASCII adjusted hex value a f ;******* DATA EEPROM ;********************************************************************* ;* This table is located in data eeprom ;* It contains numerical data for 16 sample frequencies period display ;* for analyzer Last 13 bytes are timing constants used by subroutine ;* GetSlowClk to generate internal timing (three fastest rates need no ;* constants from the table, as they are treated as special cases) ;********************************************************************* ;* - TABLE (00h-2Fh): Rate display table for analyzer ;* 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 2100 2100 2103 2106 2109 210C 210F 2112 2115 2118 211B 211E 2121 2124 2127 212A 212D 0088 0098 008C 0088 0088 00D8 0088 00C8 0088 00C8 00C8 00C9 0080 0014 0000 0000 2130 0001 0010 0030 2137 0064 000E 0001 00F4 00E4 0064 0032 0080 0019 00C0 000A 0060 0030 0018 0001 0090 0064 0028 0001 0002 002C 000A 0014 001A 0028 0034 0064 0068 00D0 00A1 0001 0019 000A 0019 0006 0009 0016 002E 02210 02211 02212 02213 02214 02215 02216 02217 02218 02219 02220 02221 02222 02223 02224 02225 02226 02227 02228 02229 02230 02231 02232 02233 02234 02235 02236 02237 02238 02239 02240 02241 02242 02243 02244 02245 02246 02247 02248 02249 02250 02251 02252 02253 02254 02255 02256 02257 02258 02259 02260 02261 02262 02263 02264 02265 02266 02267 ;* ****First byte: Flags Bits in this byte have the following functs: ;* bit = 0: Frequency in Hz ;* = 1: Frequency in Mhz or Khz ;* bit = 0: Frequency does not contain decimal point ;* = 1: Frequency contains decimal point before last digit ;* bits 5,4: Bits and for frequency display, respectively ;* bit = 0: Period in us (microseconds) ;* = 1: Period in ms (miliseconds) ;* bit = 0: Period does not contain decimal point ;* = 1: Period contains decimal point before last digit ;* bits 1,0: Bits and for period display, respectively ;* **** Second byte: low significant byte for frequency ;* **** Third byte: low significant byte for period ;********************************************************************* ;* - TABLE (30h-3Ch): Timing constant table for analyzer ;* ;* Timing constant factors to all sample rates generated by subroutine ;* GetSlowClk (all except 1MHz, 500KHz and 228KHz) ;********************************************************************* ;* Note: This is read-only data, so the Data EEPROM must be programmed ;* before the unit is ready to use MCU will not affect data EEPROM ;* contents If your programmer does not support automatic loading of ;* Data EEPROM contents from the HEX file, it must be loaded manualy ;* This will help in that case (all values are hexadecimal): ;* ;* addr 00-07: 88 01 01 98 F4 02 8C E4 ;* addr 08-0f: 2C 88 64 0A 88 32 14 D8 ;* addr 10-17: 80 1A 88 19 28 C8 C0 34 ;* addr 18-1f: 88 0A 64 C8 60 68 C8 30 ;* addr 20-27: D0 C9 18 A1 80 01 01 14 ;* addr 28-2f: 90 19 00 64 0A 00 28 19 ;* addr 30-37: 01 06 09 10 16 2E 30 64 ;* addr 38-3c: CC 05 0E 3B 95 ;* ;* Total bytes used in Data EEPROM: 61 (the last bytes don't care) ;********************************************************************* org 2100h ; constant T/sample Hz s RATE de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de ; 00CC 0005 02268 003B 0095 02269 02270 b'10001000', b'10011000', b'10001100', b'10001000', b'10001000', b'11011000', b'10001000', b'11001000', b'10001000', b'11001000', b'11001000', b'11001001', b'10000000', b'00010100', b'00000000', b'00000000', 1, 244, 228, 100, 50, 128, 25, 192, 10, 96, 48, 24, 1, 144, 100, 40, 44 10 20 26 40 52 100 104 208 161 25 10 25 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 16 22 46 48 100 204 14 59 149 2.5 11 25 50 65 100 130 250 260 520 1040 2500 6253 25018 62548 1M 500K 228K 100K 50K 38.4K 25K 19.2K 10K 9.6K 4.8K 2.4K 1K 400 100 40 1u 2u 4.4u 10u 20u 26u 40u 52u 100u 104u 208u 417u 1m 2.5m 10m 25m 10 11 12 13 14 15 timing constants table de 001, 006, 009, 016, 022, 046, 048 de 100, 204, 005, 014, 059, 149 end All other memory blocks unused 1998 Microchip Technology Inc DS00689A-page 51 AN689 Program Memory Words Used: Program Memory Words Free: Errors : Warnings : Messages : 0 reported, reported, DS00689A-page 52 1023 suppressed suppressed 1998 Microchip Technology Inc AN689 1998 Microchip Technology Inc DS00689A-page 53 Note the following details of the code protection feature on PICmicro® MCUs • • • • • • The PICmicro family meets the specifications contained in the Microchip Data Sheet Microchip believes that its family of PICmicro microcontrollers is one of the most secure products of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the PICmicro microcontroller in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in the data sheet The person doing so may be engaged in theft of intellectual property Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable” Code protection is constantly evolving We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our product If you have any further questions about this matter, please contact the local sales office nearest to you Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, FilterLab, KEELOQ, microID, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICMASTER, PICSTART, PRO MATE, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A and other countries dsPIC, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, microPort, Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, MXDEV, PICC, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, rfPIC, Select Mode and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A Serialized Quick Turn Programming (SQTP) is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies © 2002, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved Printed on recycled paper Microchip received QS-9000 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona in July 1999 The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are QS-9000 compliant for its PICmicro® 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs and microperipheral products In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001 certified 2002 Microchip Technology Inc M WORLDWIDE SALES AND SERVICE AMERICAS ASIA/PACIFIC Japan Corporate Office Australia 2355 West Chandler Blvd Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200 Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support: 480-792-7627 Web Address: http://www.microchip.com Microchip Technology Australia Pty Ltd Suite 22, 41 Rawson Street Epping 2121, NSW Australia Tel: 61-2-9868-6733 Fax: 61-2-9868-6755 Microchip Technology Japan K.K Benex S-1 6F 3-18-20, Shinyokohama Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa, 222-0033, Japan Tel: 81-45-471- 6166 Fax: 81-45-471-6122 Rocky Mountain China - Beijing 2355 West Chandler Blvd Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7966 Fax: 480-792-7456 Microchip Technology Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Beijing Liaison Office Unit 915 Bei Hai Wan Tai Bldg No Chaoyangmen Beidajie Beijing, 100027, No China Tel: 86-10-85282100 Fax: 86-10-85282104 Atlanta 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 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350001, China Tel: 86-591-7503506 Fax: 86-591-7503521 China - Shanghai Microchip Technology Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Room 701, Bldg B Far East International Plaza No 317 Xian Xia Road Shanghai, 200051 Tel: 86-21-6275-5700 Fax: 86-21-6275-5060 China - Shenzhen 150 Motor Parkway, Suite 202 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: 631-273-5305 Fax: 631-273-5335 Microchip Technology Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Liaison Office Rm 1315, 13/F, Shenzhen Kerry Centre, Renminnan Lu Shenzhen 518001, China Tel: 86-755-2350361 Fax: 86-755-2366086 San Jose Hong Kong Microchip Technology Inc 2107 North First Street, Suite 590 San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 408-436-7950 Fax: 408-436-7955 Microchip Technology Hongkong Ltd Unit 901-6, Tower 2, Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: 852-2401-1200 Fax: 852-2401-3431 New York Toronto 6285 Northam Drive, Suite 108 Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1X5, Canada Tel: 905-673-0699 Fax: 905-673-6509 India Microchip Technology Inc India Liaison Office Divyasree Chambers Floor, Wing A (A3/A4) No 11, O’Shaugnessey Road Bangalore, 560 025, India Tel: 91-80-2290061 Fax: 91-80-2290062 Korea Microchip Technology Korea 168-1, Youngbo Bldg Floor Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Ku Seoul, Korea 135-882 Tel: 82-2-554-7200 Fax: 82-2-558-5934 Singapore Microchip Technology Singapore Pte Ltd 200 Middle Road #07-02 Prime Centre Singapore, 188980 Tel: 65-334-8870 Fax: 65-334-8850 Taiwan Microchip Technology Taiwan 11F-3, No 207 Tung Hua North Road Taipei, 105, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2717-7175 Fax: 886-2-2545-0139 EUROPE Denmark Microchip Technology Nordic ApS Regus Business Centre Lautrup hoj 1-3 Ballerup DK-2750 Denmark Tel: 45 4420 9895 Fax: 45 4420 9910 France Microchip Technology SARL Parc d’Activite du Moulin de Massy 43 Rue du Saule Trapu Batiment A - ler Etage 91300 Massy, France Tel: 33-1-69-53-63-20 Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79 Germany Microchip Technology GmbH Gustav-Heinemann Ring 125 D-81739 Munich, Germany Tel: 49-89-627-144 Fax: 49-89-627-144-44 Italy Microchip Technology SRL Centro Direzionale Colleoni Palazzo Taurus V Le Colleoni 20041 Agrate Brianza Milan, Italy Tel: 39-039-65791-1 Fax: 39-039-6899883 United Kingdom Arizona Microchip Technology Ltd 505 Eskdale Road Winnersh Triangle Wokingham Berkshire, England RG41 5TU Tel: 44 118 921 5869 Fax: 44-118 921-5820 01/18/02 2002 Microchip Technology Inc [...]... voltage stabilizes and the LCD appears as normal Note: Data EEPROM is used for some lookup tables This is read-only data and the Data EEPROM must be programmed before the unit is ready to use The MCU will not affect data EEPROM contents If your programmer does not support automatic loading of Data EEPROM contents from the HEX file, it must be loaded manually (a total of 61 bytes are used, and the last... RATE,F RATE,4 ; continue if SUBMODE=1 ; advance sample rate ; RATE range 0 15 call incf call goto ClrRow1 RATE,W Print255 Farm1 ; ; ; ; prepare line 1 to print sample rate # readjust RATE from 0 15 to 1 16 print serial # of sample rate 1 16 go redraw row 2, wait next command movlw xorwf goto 10h FLAG,F Farm1 ; ; ; ; Change start cond(L-2-H or H-2-L) bit 4 is flag XTOX change flag go redraw row 2, wait... dissipation in a small area Resistors R3 and R6 are used for signal voltage limitation, with internal reverse diodes in the PIC16F8 4A This enables connecting the probe tip directly to the RS-232C connector, which has +/- 12V voltage range Resistor R8 disables input floating while the unit is OFF Inputs RA0 and RA4 are used to read the same signal, which was necessary because RA4 is the only port which may... (or any small signal silicon PNP in SOT-54, pinning CBE)3 pinning CBE)2 Diodes: 1N4148 (or any small signal silicon diode)12 ZPD 6V8 (or any low power 6.8V zener diode)1 ZPD 3V3 (or any low power 3.3V zener diode)1 Resistors: 5K6 1/4W axial1 62R 1/4W axial1 15K 1/4W axial5 120R 1/4W axial 2 47K 1/4W axial2 330R 1/4W axial 4 220K 1/4W axial1 1K5 1/4W axial3 2K7 1/4W axial3 Capacitors: 27 pF ceramic2... probably need to be reset by pressing S3 The normal charging process should then be used by executing the Charge command in Battery mode The contrast on the LCD is voltage-dependent, and as there is no voltage stabilizer, it appears to be a little darker immediately after a full charge The battery voltage will be slightly over 5V This will not affect readability After a few minutes of operation, the battery... than half of the hardware is used for discharging and charging Figure 12 explains the structure of the battery manager hardware in a simplified form, where transistors T1, T4 and T5 are replaced by switches, for clarity The flow chart for the battery discharger and charger is shown in Figure 13 BATTERY MANAGEMENT SCHEMATIC Unit Supply Constant current source Power On T4 T5 External DC 10 30V 14 hours... it changes the range immediately Internal counter TMR0 is used, and the program expands the width of the counter for an additional two bytes The fourth byte is added after 500 ms of counting and multiplying the 24-bit counter state by a constant, which depends on which prescaler factor was used Clear software counter No FREQUENCY COUNTER SCHEMATIC Advance prescaler factor TMR0 overflow? Yes Advance... counter, and RA0 had to be the "edge bit" in the port The analyzer fetch DS0068 9A- page 13 The voltage monitor (transistor T2 with ZD1) acts as a comparator which holds input port RA1 low if the battery voltage is higher than 4V This is used to automatically detect the end of the discharging process The value of resistor R13 can be modified to fine trim this cut-off voltage to 4V Transistor T5 is the main... RB0 also has two functions It controls the Enable signal for the LCD module and the transistor T1, which is used for the discharging function To eliminate current spikes through T1 while accessing the LCD, capacitor C4 is added, which disables activating T1 by short Enable pulses The main discharging resistors (R20 and R21) are intentionally located at two distant places on the PCB to minimize heat... protection if at all avoidable If the NiCd batteries are discharged to the point the PICmicro cannot operate, it will be necessary to keep the left or right key pressed for some time (while the DC supply is connected for charging), as the pressing of any key makes hardware bypass for charging current After about one minute of such charging, the battery DS0068 9A- page 14 voltage will be sufficient and then ... DS0068 9A- page 45 AN689 039D 039D 039E 039F 039F 0 3A0 0 3A0 0 3A1 0 3A2 0 3A2 0 3A3 239F 2 3A5 0 9A2 0 9A3 0 9A4 0 9A5 0AA2 0 3A4 0008 0 3A5 0 3A5 0822 0 3A6 079E 0 3A7 0 3A8 0 3A9 03AA 0823 1803 0F23 079F 03AB 03AC... last three bytes are don't care) The following will help in that case (all values are hexadecimal): addr 0 0-0 7h: addr 0 8-0 Fh: addr 1 0-1 7h: addr 1 8-1 Fh: addr 2 0-2 7h: addr 2 8-2 Fh: addr 3 0-3 7h: addr... 1/4W axial1 62R 1/4W axial1 15K 1/4W axial5 120R 1/4W axial 47K 1/4W axial2 330R 1/4W axial 220K 1/4W axial1 1K5 1/4W axial3 2K7 1/4W axial3 Capacitors: 27 pF ceramic2 uF tantal1 100 nF ceramic1