THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry TUAF, as a member of the Thai Nguyen University, was established in 1970 with the n
Trang 1Lesson 1
Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), as a member of the Thai Nguyen University, was established in 1970 with the name of Thai Nguyen College of Agricultural Technology In 1972, under the decision No 750/VP/15 of the Prime Minister of Vietnam, its name was changed into BacThai University of Agriculture No III Since 1994, under decision No 31/CP its name has become Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry is an educational and research institute for agriculture, forestry, environment and resources technology and management The goal of the University is to provide highly-educated manpower, research and technology in fields of agriculture, rural development, environment and resources management for sustainable development of Vietnam, especially the North Mountainous Region of Vietnam
Through nearly four decades of development, TUAF has been experiencing growth in qualitative and quantitative aspects The University has been recognized as one of leading national agricultural universities in Vietnam As a result, the University has been granted some noble awards from the Vietnamese Communist Party and the Government such as the Third Class Labor Medal, the Second Class and the First Class Medals in 1990, 1995 and 2000 respectively For these achievements, the University was given the Third Class Independence Medal in 2005 This is a good honor fully deserved by all the University staff and students Thus, the University staff and students are working hard to develop the Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry to become a leading Center in education, training and technical transfer in the area of Agriculture, forestry, environment and resource management towards industrialization and modernization
In pursuit of excellence in education, researches and public services, TUAF is continuously attempting to improve the quality of education and research programs to meet the demand of global integration and market oriented labor demands Diversifying education and training programs, improving training curricula and teaching methods and upgrading research facilities have been recognized as the key issues for the development of the University in the 21st century The development of
Trang 2international cooperation is being promoted to improve the capacity of the University staff, training program and curricula, and research facilities
As the mission and foundation of TUAF, we will be continuing our tradition of excellence in research and education We hope that you will join us to make a prospective future for NMR and Vietnam
The main goal of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry is to provide highly qualified staff and researchers in the area of agriculture and forestry and technical and management for Northern mountainous provinces of Vietnam Since its establishment, the University has continuously developed and became the leading Center of education and training in the region At the beginning, the University provided training only for bachelor degrees of Agronomy and Animal Husbandry Today, the University provides training for different degree levels such as Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Master's, Bachelor, and Diploma with 17 different training areas After 35 years, the University has completed 2 PhD, 4 Master's, 16 Bachelor and many Diploma courses with the total graduates of 12,966 Bachelors,
232 Master's and PhDs
Since year 2000, the University has implemented four (4) national-level research projects, 137 ministry-level research projects and 323 university-level research projects, 48 projects with government organizations and international non-government organizations, and 106 projects of technical transfer in the region The University has close relationship with all Northern provinces, and relevant ministries
in the areas of agriculture, education and training, aquaculture and rural development
In the context of global integration, the University has successfully established relationship with many universities, institutions and organizations in the world from Germany, Canada, United States of America, Thailand, Korea, Australia, Netherlands, China, Japan, and other countries in order to improve the quality of education, research and training through cooperation and exchange activities The University has always paid high attention to the development of staff in quantity and quality as well
as planning for well-balanced teaching and service staff The teaching staff is 268, one (1) of which is a Professor, 16 are Associate professors, 52 are Doctors, the remaining are Master's degree holders and some teaching assistants have Bachelor degrees About 30% of teaching staff can communicate in English in their work and
Trang 3more than 8000 The full time students were more than 4000 and graduate students were 198
In order to meet the requirements for industrialization and modernization of the agriculture sector, the University has developed a comprehensive development strategy in the mobilization and effective use of resources to make an innovative change in training programs and teaching methods, and ensure the adequate quantity and quality of staff for successful completion of key training and technical transfer programs such as biotechnology, post harvest and processing technology, resource management, and others
The Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry has always
successfully completed the tasks given by the State and Government The University's party committee has been recognized by Thai Nguyen provincial committee Party as a good and strong party committee for many years
Lesson 2
I Reading comprehension:
The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine was established in
1970 It was amongst 6 academic departments in Bac Thai University of Agriculture and Forestry at that time Its mission is to Train, research and technology transfer in fields of animal sciences and veterinary medicine, and aquaculture The Faculty of Animal science and veterinary medicine has had 38 years experience in training, research, extension and integration activities It has recruited a major number of competent veterinarians and agricultural engineers who have enthusiastically contributed to the health and well- being of animals as well as humans in the northern part of Vietnam
The Faculty of Animal science and Veterinary Medicine consist of 6 academic departments included:
1 Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
2 Animal Genetics – Breeding - Feed
3 Animal husbandry science
Trang 44 Infectious Pathology
5 Veterinary Pharmacology
6 Valuable and Rare Animal Husbandry - Aquaculture
The educational service facilities are:
- Practical laboratories in each department use for subject practical lessons
- 01 Central laboratory
- Centre for agriculture experiment and practices
About human resource: The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine has 47 staff members, in which there is one professor, 6 associate professors, 25 senior lecturers holding Ph.D and MSc degrees, 14 teaching assistants, 2 Technicians and 989 full – time students
II Vocabulary
1 Husbandry: ['h zbəndri] : Công việc chăn nuôi, nghề chăn nuôi
3 Veterinarian: [,vetəri'neəriən]: Bác sĩ thú y
5 Establish: [is'tæbli∫]: Lập, thành lập, thiết lập, kiến lập
6 Agriculture: ['ægrik lt∫ə]: Nông nghiệp
7 Forestry: ['f ristri]: Khoa học và công việc trồng, quản lý rừng; lâm nghiệp
10 Theoretical: [,θiə'retikl]:(thuộc): Lý thuyết; có tính chất lý thuyết
11 Practical: ['præktikl]: Thực hành (đối với lý thuyết
12 Prevention: [pri'ven∫n]: Sự ngăn ngừa, sự ngăn trở
13 Diagnosis: [,daiəg'nousis]: (y học) phép chẩn đoán; sự chẩn đoán
14 Treatment : ['tri:tmənt]: Sự đối xử, sự đối đãi, sự cư xử (với người nào)
17 Aquaculture: [,ækwə'k lt∫ə]: Nghề nuôi trồng thuỷ sản
Trang 523 Create: [kri:'eit]: Tạo, tạo nên, tạo ra, tạo thành, sáng tạo
25 Cattle: ['kætl] : Loại động vật có sừng và móng chẻ như bò, nuôi để lây sữa hoặc ăn thịt; gia súc
26 Biochemistry: [,baiou'kemistri]: Khoa hoá sinh
27 Pharmacology: [,f :mə'k lədʒi]: Khoa dược lý (nghiên cứu tác dụng của thuốc lên cơ thể)
28 Infrastructure: [,infrə'str kt∫ə]: Các bộ phận, thiết bị phụ thuộc, tạo thành cơ
sở của một hệ thống, cơ sở hạ tầng
29 Laboratory: [lə'b rətəri]: Phòng thí nghiệm; phòng pha chế
30 Experiment: [iks'periment]: Thực nghiệm
31 Analysis: [ə'næləsis]: Sự phân tích; phép phân tích
33 Culture: ['k lt∫ə]: Sự cấy (vi khuẩn); số lượng vi khuẩn cấy; mẻ cấy vi khuẩn
34 Microorganism: [,maikrou' :gənizm]: Sinh vật nhỏ đến nỗi chỉ thấy được qua kính hiển vi; vi sinh vật
35 Senior: ['si:niə]: Nhiều tuổi hơn; cao hơn về cấp bậc hoặc chức quyền ; lâu năm hơn, thâm niên hơn
36 Lecturers: ['lekt∫ərə]: Giảng viên đại học
III Exercise
Practice 1: Answer the following questions
1 When was the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine established?
Trang 62 What are the missions of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine?
1 From all above possible information, write a short message about FASVM
(preferably 50 words) to summarize what you have learned from the passage
Trang 7Animal Breeding, Genetics & Genomics: Animal protein is essential in
meeting escalating nutritional needs around the world Animal Breeding, Genetics & Genomics research focuses on desirable genetic animal traits that have revolutionized poultry, livestock, and fish production These genetic traits include animals that are leaner; have increased disease resistance; or excel in growth rate or the production of eggs, meat, milk, wool, or mohair The natural efficiency of an animal to use
Trang 8nutrients in its feed could affect the nutrients in the manure and thus affect the environment
Animal Nutrition and Growth: Inefficient nutrient intake by animals is
financially and environmentally costly in animal operations from livestock farms to fish farms It not only hurts animal growth, health, and well-being, but it may also affect the safety and quality of the food products It may result in excess nutrients polluting the environment in the form of odors or ground water contamination The primary objective of the Animal Growth and Nutrition Program is to discover the nutritional, biological, and genetic factors underlying:
• Normal animal growth
• Nutrient digestion and efficiency
• Metabolism
• Lactation
• Muscle and bone development
Animal Products: Americans buy approximately $100 billion of animal products
at the farm gate, and several times that amount at retail each year These products include meat and meat products, poultry products (meat and eggs), fish, shellfish, dairy products (milk and cheese), and non-food products such as fiber (wool, mohair, cashmere, and leather)
The quality and safety of animal products prior to harvest are influenced by genetics, nutrition, and management systems After harvest they are affected by handling, processing, storage, and marketing practices
Animal Reproduction: Reproductive efficiency is the major factor affecting
profitability in many livestock production systems For example, the fertility of domestic ruminants (cattle and sheep), even under optimal conditions, is only about
50 percent Inefficient reproduction may be caused by numerous factors, including:
• Increased genetic selection for meat or milk production traits
Trang 9• Early embryonic and fetal loss
• Failure to reach puberty at an optimum age or an inability of young females to conceive early in the breeding season
• Environmental stressors such as temperature extremes or changes in photoperiod (day and night cycle)
• Production of sperm with a low potential for fertilization
• Limited sex drive
Animal Well-being: Evaluating farm animal well-being is a challenge to the
animal food industry and scientific communities Scientists study how to accurately measure an animal’s state of comfort and well-being For example, scientists study animals in different environmental conditions that vary in temperature, humidity, amount of daylight, bedding, size and shape of living quarters, and the number of other animals in the environment They also work to understand how animals react both behaviorally and biologically in stressful situations, such as in transport, or when animals must be restrained, such as during a medical evaluation or treatment These understandings are important to those who work with animals as pets, livestock, or wildlife to ensure the safety and well-being of both animals and humans as they interact
Trang 108 Biological (adj) [ ]: Sinh vật học
19 Wildlife: Thú vật, chim muông hoang dã
Trang 1130 Pet (n) [ ]: Thú cảnh
III Exercise
Practice 1: Answer the following question:
1 What challenges do researchers and educationist confront with in order to optimize animal production?
Trang 128 What could be the causative factors accounted for the inefficient reproduction?
Practice 2: True or false statement:
1 Research, education and extension activities did not change to address new
2 Researchers collaborate with industry and other interested parties to develop and disseminate knowledge and methods to improve agriculturally relevant animal
3 The quality and safety of animal products prior to harvest do not depend on genetics, nutrition, and management systems TRUE FALSE
4 Inefficient nutrient intake by animals does not affect environment in animal operations from livestock farms to fish farms TRUE FALSE
Practice 3: Word/phrase usage
Fill in the blank the most appropriate word or phrase
1 One of the most important tasks for the extensionist is to …… Knowledge to the farmers
A, Disseminate B, Talk C, Tell D, Get E, Obtain
2 Beside dogs and cats, some wild animals e.g snakes, croccodie etc are also considered as …
A, Friendly B, Pets C, Aggressive D, Submissive
Trang 133 A Hostein Frisian cow can produce up to 8000 kg of milk in one …… period
A, Photoperiod B, Cycle C, Course D, Latation
4 High producing cows have a high requirement for energy supplied by …… that differ in nature
A, Nutrients B, Water C, Clay D, Vegetable
Trang 14Lesson 4
Source: Knut Schmidt Nielsen Animal Physiology – Adaptation and Environment 5th Edition Cambridge University Press
Organ Major component organs Function
Integument Skin, nails, and hair; cutaneous * Protects deeper organs from injury due
Sense organs and glands to bumps, chemicals,
bacteria, and
Dehydration (drying out)
* Excretes salts and urea
* Help regulate body temperature
Trang 15Skeletal Bones, cartilages, tendons, * Supports and protects internal
organ Ligaments, and joints * Provides levers for muscular action
* Stores minerals (calcium and others)
* Cavities provides a site for blood cell
organs” of the body
* Plays a role in regulation of long –term
Trang 16Cardiovascular Heart, blood vessels, and blood * Primarily a transport system that carries
blood containing oxygen, carbon dioxide
Propel nutrients, wastes, ions, hormones, and
other substances to and from the cells
where exchanges are made; pumping
action of the heart propels blood through
The blood vessels
*Protects body with blood clots, antibodies,
and other protein molecules in the blood
Lymphatic/ Lymphatic vessels,, lymph nodes * Picks up fluid leaked from the blood
Immune spleen, thymus, and tonsils vessels and returns it to the blood
* Cleanses blood of pathogens and other
Trang 17small and large intestines, particles which can be absorbed
gallbladder, and pancreas) feces
Urinary Kidneys, ureters, urinary * Rids the body of containing
bladder, and urethra wastes (urea, uric acid, and ammonia),
which result from the breakdown
of proteins and nucleic acids by the body,s
Female: Ovaries, uterine tubes, * Produces germ cells (eggs); the female
uterus, and vagina uterus houses a developing fetus until birth
II Vocabulary
5 Endocrine [ ](n) Tuyến nội tiết, thuộc về nội tiết
6 Carvadiovascular (Thuộc về) tim mạch
Trang 188 Immune [ ](n) Miễn dịch
12 Reproductive [ ](adj) Sinh sản, tái sản xuất
13 Cutaneous sense organ and glands Cơ quan nhận cảm và tuyến trên da
20 Special sense organs Tổ chức nhận cảm đặc biệt
Trang 1939 Small and large intestine Ruột non và ruột già
61 Homeostasis Nội môi, tính cân bằng tự nhiên
67 Debris Mảnh vỡ, mảnh vụn, chất lạ (vào cơ thể)
Trang 2070 Undigested Không tieu hoá, không hấp thụ
III Exercise
Practice 1 Answer the following questions
1 What is the main function of the skin?
How do animals react to the invasion of foreign substances (e.g pathogen)?
What is the function of the skeletal system?
What is the main difference between blood in the vein and blood in the artery? How do the ingested feeds travel in the digestive system?
Which part of the intestine the digestion and absorption processes are mostly taken place?
2 How does protease break down the protein structure?
3 What is the name of hormone secreted by the adrenal?
Trang 21What are the most important factors that make the cows come into heat?
10 How do we detect the cow if she comes on heat?
IV Assignment
- Learn all the given keywords and vocabularies
- Make sentences with the given keywords and vocabularies
Trang 22
The nutrition compositions include energy, protein and amino acids, vitamin, minerals, and water Energy plays an important part of animal nutrition Estimates of energy intakes of animal are expressed as kilocalories (kcal) or mega-calories (Mcal)
of digestible energy (DE) or of metabolizable energy (ME) per kilogram of feed and animal per day Digestible energy is dietary gross energy intake minus the gross energy of the excreted feces Metabolizable energy is the gross energy of the diet minus fecal, gaseous, and urinary gross energy Net energy (NE) is the difference between the metabolizable energy and heat increment (HI) The heat increment is the amount of heat released because of the energy costs of the digestive and metabolic processes It has been demonstrated that net energy, although difficult to measure, is the best measure of the energy available to an animal for maintenance and production
Protein generally refers to crude protein, which is defined for feedstuffs as the nitrogen content x 6.25 This definition is based on the assumption that the nitrogen content is 16 grams of nitrogen per 100 g of protein The capacity of the diets to provide sufficient indispensable (essential) amino acids and nitrogen for synthesis of dispensable (nonessential) amino acids determines the adequacy of a dietary protein level Although dispensable amino acids are needed for normal metabolism, dietary
Trang 23sources are not usually required They can be obtained from feeds or are synthesized
by using amino groups derived from amino acids present in excess of the requirement
The term vitamin describes an organic compound distinct from amino acids, carbohydrate, and lipids that is required in minute amounts for normal growth and reproduction Some vitamins are not required in diets because they can be synthesized readily from other food or metabolic constituents, or by microorganisms
in the intestinal tract Vitamins are generally classified as either fat soluble or water soluble The fat - soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K The water – soluble vitamins include the B vitamins (biotin, cholin, folacin, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, B6, and B12) and ascorbic acid
Water account for as much as 82 percent of empty body weight (whole body weight less gastrointestinal tract contents) in the 1.5 kg neonatal pig and declines to
53 percent in the 9 kg market hog Many variable factors, including environmental ones, govern the water requirement of animal Animal obtain water from three sources: (1) water that is consumed; (2) water that is a component of feedstuffs; and (3) water that originates from the breakdown of carbohydrate, fat, and protein (metabolic water) Water is lost from the body by four routes: (1) the lungs (respiration); (2) the skin (evaporation), (3) the intestines (defecation), and (4) the kidneys (urination)
Animal feeding practices have developed over time, and have generally been validated by their use The pace of development has quickened markedly over the past 150 years - in particular, the intensification of the livestock industry in the second half of the 20th century means that a much wider variety of ingredients is used in feed than previously This includes ingredients that might not be thought part
of an animal's natural diet, such as fishmeal Concerns about the recycling of animal material into feed (a practice common in developed countries for many decades) have led, during the past ten to 15 years, to a number of prohibitions on what may be used
in feed The use of mammalian meat and bone meal (MBM) was banned because it was thought to have caused or spread mad-cow disease (Bovine spongiform
encephalopathy, BSE); the ban was subsequently extended to almost all forms of
Trang 24processed animal protein (PAP) However, there is no positive, restricted list of what may be fed to farmed livestock This is partly because of the likely length of such a list, which could run to hundreds of items, and partly because research into animal nutrition is continually revealing new uses for potential crops Research also continues into the genetic modification of crops used for feed Farmers' choices of what to feed their livestock will be governed by many different factors - the age and species of the animals concerned, their intended products (meat, milk or eggs), the price and availability of feed materials, their nutritive value, and even the time of year and the geographical location (soil type and climate) of the farm The energy and nutrients that feed provides occur in different proportions in different materials, and for many animals a typical diet will consist of a combination of feeds to provide everything they need for their health, welfare and production Ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats) are an exception to this because grass may be the only ingredient in their diet for much of the year
II Vocabulary
1 Nutrition [ ] (n) Dinh dưỡng
2 Implication [ ] (n) Sự liên quan, (Số nhiều) Sự quan hệ mật thiết
3 Composition [ ] (n) Thành phần
4 Requirement [ ] (n) Nhu cầu, sự đòi hỏi
5 Formulation [ ] (n) Sự làm thành công thức, xây dựng công thức
7 Maintenance [ ] (n) Sự duy trì
8 Growth [ ] (n) Sự sinh trưởng, phát triển
9 Digestible energy [ ] [ ] Năng lượng tiêu hoá
10 Metabolic [ ] (adj) Thuộc trao đổi chất
11 Metabolizable energy Năng lượng trao đổi
12 Gross energy [ ] (n) Năng lượng thô
14 Feed [ ] (n) Sự cho ăn, thức ăn gia súc
15 Net energy [ ] (n) Năng lượng thuần
Trang 2516 Crude protein [ ] [ ] (n) Protein thô (Protein tổng số)
17 Assumption [ ] (n) Sự thừa nhận, sự cho là đúng
18 Indispensable [ ] (adj) Sự cần thiết
19 Dispensable [ ] (adj) Sự không cần thiết
20 Distinct [ ] (adj) Sự khác biệt, riêng biệt
21 Metabolic constituents [ ] (n) Thành phần, phần tử cấu tạo
22 Fat soluble [ ] [ ] (adj) Hoà tan trong mỡ
23 Water soluble Hoà tan trong nước
25 Respiration [ ] (n) Sự hô hấp
26 Evaporation [ ] (n) Sự làm bay hơi, bốc hơi
27 Defecation [ ] (n) Sự đi ỉa, sự gạn, lọc, làm trong,
28 Urination [ ] (n) Sự đi đái, đi tiểu
29 Validate [ ] (n) Làm cho có hiệu lực, hợp lệ
30 Ingredient [ ] (n) Thành phần
32 Prohibitions [ ] (n) Sự ngăn cấm, sự cấm
33 Mammalian [ ] (adj) Thuộc động vật có vú, loài thú
35 Processed animal protein (PAP) Protein có động vật chế biến
36 Genetic modification Biến đổi di truyền
37 Feed materials Nguyên liệu thức ăn
38 Nutritive value Giá trị dinh dưỡng
III Exercise
Practice 1: Working with detail
First read each of the statement in this text Then decide whether each one is true or false according to the reading Circle TRUE or FALSE
1 To achieve more efficient animal production, we must provide in amounts necessary of nutrition to meet the animal’s requirements TRUE FALSE
Trang 262 The net energy, although easy to measure, is the best measure of the energy available to an animal for maintenance and production TRUE FALSE
3 The dispensable amino acids can’t be obtained from feeds TRUE FALSE
4 Many variable factors, including environmental ones, govern the water
5 The use of mammalian meat and bone meal (MBM) was banned due to the
Practice 2: Checking Your Understanding
Read each question carefully and then answer the question:
1 What are nutrition compositions in the livestock feedstuffs?
How can we define crude protein?
Why some vitamins are not required in diets?
How much is water amount in empty body weight in the 1.5 kg neonatal piglet?
Why a typical diet of the ruminants will not consist of a combination of feeds?
Practice 3: Building Vocabulary
Practice with words and learn more about them Choose the best word or words to complete a sentence The words in bold type will have you
1 Amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and water are the substances in
the feedstuffs These are necessary for animal growth
A, Nutrition B, Compositions C, Growth
Trang 272 The term vitamin describes an organic compound distinct from amino acids,
carbohydrate, and lipids This is required in minute amounts for normal growth and reproduction
A, Difference B, Similar to C, Disproportion
Practice 4: Finding the Main Ideas
1 The main idea of paragraph 1:
a The important of animal nutrition
b The need of formulation of balanced diets
c The role of feed to the animal health
2 The main idea of paragraph 2
a Clarification of the energy role to the animal growth
b Classification of the energy of animal feeds
c How to measure the net energy in animal feeds
3 The main idea of paragraph 3
a The definition of protein and classification of amino acids
b The protein digestion in digestive tract
c The synthesis of protein in the animal organs
4 The main idea of paragraph 4
a Drinking water for livestock
b Water in animal husbandry
c The animal farms should establish the water system for their animals
5 The main idea of paragraph 5
a The use of materials in animal feed production
b The risk of using processed animal products as animal feeds
c The grass production for cows
IV Assignment
1 Uses all possible information above to write a short text (preferably 50 words)
to summarize what your perception about general animal nutrition
Trang 28It is advantageous in a constant environment because a large number of offspring can
be produced in a short time
Flatworms can divide into 2 halves; each half grows into a separate organism
Cnidarians undergo budding where a new individual grows from and then breaks off
of the parent individual
Echinoderms can be cut to form new individuals
Insects- parthenogenesis (unfertilized egg develops)
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two gametes
Sperm and eggs are sometimes produced by the same individual and sometimes produced by different individuals
The sexes of vertebrates are separate but some vertebrates can change sex
Variation is advantageous to species in fluctuating environments
Reproductive cycles
Reproductive cycles in many vertebrates and invertebrates are related to changes in day length
Trang 29Day length is a reliable indicator of season for timing circannual events such as
reproductive behavior and migration
In many species, the pineal gland secretes melatonin in the dark Increasing day
length (decreased melatonin levels) triggers reproductive behavior
Males of some aquatic animals (ex: sharks, skates, rays) have specialized pelvic fins which allow the sperm to be passed to the female
The penis evolved independently in insects It is found in all mammals
Some reptiles and birds have a penis but most have a single opening for the reproductive, excretory, and digestive systems called a cloaca
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive Structures
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes but mature in the
epididymide They are stored in the epididymides and vas deferens
The penis contains 3 masses of spongy erectile tissue with distensible blood spaces
that produce erection when blood flow in the veins is inhibited The spongy erectile
Trang 30tissues become engorged with blood Stimulation is provided by the parasympathetic nervous system
An orgasm occurs as rhythmic muscular contractions compress the urethra and expel the semen This expulsion is termed ejaculation
Fluids Added to Form Semen
The prostate gland produces a secretion that buffers the vaginal pH, which is
normally 3.5 to 4
The seminal vesicles add fructose to nourish the sperm and prostaglandins to promote
contractions in the female
The bulbourethral gland (cowpers gland) produces mucus which lubricates the
The testes are kept slightly cooler than body temperature because they are suspended outside the body within the scrotum
Each testis contains 250 to 300 lobules, and each of these contains one to three tightly
coiled seminiferous tubules Sperm are produced within the seminiferous tubules The Leydig cells, located between the tubules, function to secrete testosterone
Sertoli cells are located within the tubules They support, nourish and regulate
(stimulate) cells that form sperm
The formation of sperm (called spermatogenesis) is stimulated by testosterone
It promotes the development and maintenance of sexual behavior
It stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as beard growth, deepening of the voice, etc and has growth-promoting effects
The head of a sperm contains the nucleus and acrosome The acrosome contains enzymes that play a role in breaking down the barrier surrounding the egg