5 Copy and paste the group to create multiple bubbles just over the coffee cup Use the Transform tool to scale the bubbles to different sizes Using the Deco tool Decorated Brush Now you’ll explore the Deco tool’s Decorated Brush, which creates decorated borders and complex line patterns In the toolbar, select the Deco tool ( ) In the Properties inspector, choose the Decorated Brush option In the Advanced Options, select Dashed Line Choose a dark brown color for the Pattern color and leave Pattern size and Pattern width at their default values adobe flash professional CS5 Classroom in a Book 61 Download from Library of Wow! ebook Note: The Line and Pencil tools can also create dashed lines and different line patterns, but they can’t make repeated complex patterns like the Deco tool can In the Properties inspector, click the Edit Stroke Style button to customize the stroke for dashed lines On the Stage, draw several curvy lines above the coffee cup The Decorated Brush creates dashed lines giving your coffee cup a little more life! Using the Deco tool Flower Brush Now you’ll create flower patterns to decorate the borders of the banner ad In the toolbar, select the Deco tool ( ) In the Properties inspector, choose the Flower Brush option In the Advanced Options, select Garden flower Select the Branch option and leave the colors and sizes at their default values 62 Lesson 2 Working with Graphics Download from Library of Wow! ebook Draw a swooping branch of flowers across the lower portion of the Stage The flowers, leaves, fruits, and branches are generated repeatedly as you move your brush over the Stage Select all the flowers, leaves, fruits and branches Choose Modify > Group The flower decorations are combined into a single group so you can move or modify them as a unit Creating Curves You’ve used the Selection tool to pull and push on the edges of shapes to intuitively make curves For more precise control, you can use the Pen tool ( ) Using the Pen tool Now you’ll create a soothing, wave-like background graphic Choose Insert > Timeline > Layer, and name the new layer dark brown wave Drag the layer to the bottom of the layer stack Lock all the other layers In the Tools panel, select the Pen tool ( ) Set the Stroke color to dark brown Begin your shape by clicking on the Stage to establish the first anchor point adobe flash professional CS5 Classroom in a Book 63 Download from Library of Wow! ebook Click on another part of the Stage to indicate the next anchor point in your shape When you want to create a smooth curve, click and drag with the Pen tool A handle appears from the anchor point, indicating the curvature of the line Continue clicking and dragging to build the outline of the wave Make the width of the wave wider than the Stage Close your shape by clicking on the first anchor point Don’t worry about making all the curves perfect It takes practice to get used to the Pen tool You’ll also have a chance to refine your curves in the next part of the lesson 10 Select the Paint Bucket tool 11 Set the Fill color to a dark brown 12 Click inside the outline you just created to fill it with color and delete the stroke 64 Lesson 2 Working with Graphics Download from Library of Wow! ebook Editing curves with the Selection and Subselection tools Your first try at creating smooth waves probably won’t be very good Use the Selection tool or the Subselection tool to refine your curves Choose the Selection tool Hover over a line segment and look at the curve that appears near your cursor This indicates that you can edit the curve If a corner appears near your cursor, this indicates that you can edit the vertex Drag the curve to edit its shape In the Tools panel, select the Subselection tool ( ) Click on the outline of the shape Drag the anchor points to new locations or move the handles to refine the overall shape Deleting or adding anchor points Use the hidden tools under the Pen tool to delete or add anchor points as needed Click and hold on the Pen tool to access the hidden tools under it Select the Delete Anchor Point tool ( ) Click on an anchor point on the outline of the shape to delete it Select the Add Anchor Point tool ( ) Click on the curve to add an anchor point adobe flash professional CS5 Classroom in a Book 65 Download from Library of Wow! ebook Creating Transparencies Next, you’ll create a second wave to overlap the first wave You’ll make the second wave slightly transparent to create more overall depth Transparency can be applied to either the stroke or the fill Transparency is measured as a percentage and is referred to as alpha An alpha of 100% indicates that a color is totally opaque, whereas an alpha of 0% indicates that a color is totally transparent Modifying the alpha value of a fill Select the shape in the dark brown wave layer Choose Edit > Copy Choose Insert > Timeline > Layer and name the new layer light brown wave Choose Edit > Paste in Place (Ctrl/Command+Shift+V) The Paste in Place command puts the copied item in the exact same position from where it was copied Choose the Selection tool and move the pasted shape slightly to the left or to the right so the crests of the waves are somewhat offset Select the fill of the shape in the light brown wave layer Note: You can also change the transparency of a shape from the Properties inspector by clicking the Fill Color icon and changing the Alpha value in the pop-up color menu 66 In the Color panel (Window > Color), set the fill color to a slightly different brown hue (CC6666), and then change the Alpha value to 50% Lesson 2 Working with Graphics Download from Library of Wow! ebook The color swatch at the bottom of the Color panel previews your newly selected color Transparencies are indicated by the gray pattern that appears behind the color swatch Matching the color of an existing object If you want to match a color exactly, you can use the Eyedropper tool ( ) to sample a fill or a stroke After you click on a shape with the Eyedropper tool, Flash automatically provides you with the Paint Bucket tool or the Ink Bottle tool with the selected color and associated properties that you can apply to another object In the Tools panel, choose the Eyedropper tool Click on the fill of the shape in the dark brown wave layer Your tool automatically changes to the Paint Bucket with the sampled fill color Click on the shape in the light brown wave layer The fill in the light brown wave layer changes to match that of the one in the dark brown wave layer Undo this step to return to the two different colored wave shapes adobe flash professional CS5 Classroom in a Book 67 Download from Library of Wow! ebook Creating and Editing Text Finally, let’s add text to complete this illustration Flash has two text options, Classic Text and a new feature called Text Layout Framework (TLF) Text You’ll learn more about TLF Text in Lesson For this project, you’ll use the simpler Classic Text option When you create text on the Stage and publish your project, Flash automatically includes all the necessary fonts to display the text correctly That means you don’t have to worry about your audience having the required fonts to see the text as you intended it Using the Text tool Select the top layer Choose Insert > Timeline > Layer and name the new layer text Choose the Text tool ( ) In the Properties inspector, select Classic Text and choose Static Text Under the Character options, choose a font, style, size, and color Under the Paragraph options, you have additional choices for formatting the text such as justification or spacing Click on the Stage and begin typing Enter Garden Court Cafe Taste the Difference Alternately, you can click and drag out a text box to define the maximum width of your text Exit the Text tool by choosing the Selection tool 68 Lesson 2 Working with Graphics Download from Library of Wow! ebook Review Questions What are the three drawing modes in Flash, and how they differ? How can you draw a perfect circle using the Oval tool? When would you use each of the selection tools in Flash? What does the Align panel do? Review Answers The three drawing modes are merge drawing mode, object drawing mode, and primitive drawing mode • In merge drawing mode, shapes drawn on the Stage merge to become a single shape • In object drawing mode, each object is distinct and remains separate, even when it overlaps another object • In primitive drawing mode, you can modify the angles, radius, or corner radius of an object To draw a perfect circle, hold down the Shift key as you drag the Oval tool on the Stage Flash includes three selection tools: the Selection tool, the Subselection tool, and the Lasso tool • Use the Selection tool to select an entire shape or object • Use the Subselection tool to select a specific point or line in an object • Use the Lasso tool to draw a freeform selection area The Align panel aligns any number of selected elements horizontally or vertically and can distribute elements evenly adobe flash professional CS5 Classroom in a Book 69 Download from Library of Wow! ebook Creating and Editing Symbols Lesson Overview In this lesson, you’ll learn how to the following: • Import Illustrator and Photoshop artwork • Create new symbols • Edit symbols • Understand the difference between symbol types • Understand the difference between symbols and instances • Use rulers and guides to position objects on the Stage • Adjust transparency and color • Apply blending effects • Apply special effects with filters • Position objects in 3D space This lesson will take about an hour and a half to complete If needed, delete the previous lesson folder from your hard drive and copy the Lesson03 folder onto it 70 Download from Library of Wow! ebook ... shape in the light brown wave layer Note: You can also change the transparency of a shape from the Properties inspector by clicking the Fill Color icon and changing the Alpha value in the pop-up... exactly, you can use the Eyedropper tool ( ) to sample a fill or a stroke After you click on a shape with the Eyedropper tool, Flash automatically provides you with the Paint Bucket tool or the Ink... • Adjust transparency and color • Apply blending effects • Apply special effects with filters • Position objects in 3D space This lesson will take about an hour and a half to complete If needed,