Hanoi, 2013
I certify that this thesis is my own work and effort, it is originally written by
me under strict guidance of my supervisor The support I have received in my work and the preparation of the minor thesis itself has been acknowledged In addition, I certify that all information sources and literature used are indicated in the minor thesis’s references
Trang 3iii
For the completion of this paper, I have been fortunate to receive invaluable contributions from many people I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Nguyen Thi Men, M A who step by step guides me during my writing thesis Without her assistance, excellent suggestions, expert advice and detailed critical comments, the work could not have been completed I owe her for a debt of gratitude that cannot be measured
In addition, I am greatly indebted to all my lecturers at Faculty of Foreign Languages at Hanoi Pedagogical University No.2, Vinh Phuc, for their useful lectures, support, encouragement and for inspiring me the love for English foreign language teaching and doing scientific research
Besides, the study couldn’t have been prepared without the support and the provision of useful materials from my friends Therefore, their kindness will never
be forgotten
Finally, although great efforts have been made to complete the thesis, I am aware that this study is far from perfect Hence, constructive comments are welcome for more perfection of the thesis
“Adjective” is an interesting category of English grammar It is used in many contexts to describe the characteristic, quality, shape, etc of things or people However, the use of the syntactic functions of adjectives sometimes causes learners
of English to be confused and this theme has not been adequately dealt with in some studies As a matter of fact, Vietnamese learners of English are not often totally aware of the syntactic functions of adjectives in English and in Vietnamese, too
Therefore, the research is carried out into the syntactic functions of adjectives in comparison with those in Vietnamese in the hope of providing a valuable input about the theme for Vietnamese learners of English and vice versus
so that it can partly reduce the barriers in the learning process of English to Vietnamese learners and of Vietnamese to English-native-speaking learners Moreover, the researcher hopes to fill the gap in the research field
Based on results of the comparison, the similarities and differences have been found Teaching implications for the theme of adjectives have been suggested
Trang 5Subject complement Object complement Finite clause
Non-finite clause Noun phrase Object
Subject Verb
2 Research presupposition 2
3 Research scope 2
4 Research objectives 3
5 Research tasks 3
6 Research methods 3
7 Significance of the proposed research 4
8 Design of the research work 4
2 Definitions of adjectives 10
3 Characteristics of adjectives 11
3.1 Adjectives in English 11
3.1.1 Classification 11
Trang Based on meaning 12 Demonstrative 12 2 Distributive 12 3 Quantitative 12 4 Interrogative 13 5 Possessive 13 6 Quality 13 Based on the ground of the complexity of the structure 14 Short adjectives 14 Long adjectives 14 Special adjectives 14
3.1.2 Position of adjectives 15
3.2 Adjectives in Vietnamese 16
3.2.1 Classification 16 Based on general meaning and ability of adjectives to combine with adjuncts of degree 16 Non-gradable adjectives 16 Gradable adjectives 18 Based on the semantics and ability of adjectives to control adjuncts after the adjectives 19 Adjectives of external features of things 19 Adjectives of internal characteristics and states of things 20
3.2.2 Position of adjectives 21 After noun and verbs 21 Before nouns 22
4 Syntactic functions of adjectives 23
4.1 Definitions of syntactic function 23
4.2 Syntactic functions of adjectives in English 24
Trang 8viii
4.2.1 Attributive 24
4.2.2 Predicative with “be” and copular verbs 26
4.2.3 Postposition 29
4.2.4 Head of noun phrases (the + adjective) 31
4.2.5 Verbless adjective clause 32
4.3 Syntactic functions of adjectives in Vietnamese 32
4.3.1 Predicate (Adjective placed after right the subject) 33
4.3.2 Modifier to both the nouns and verbs 34
4.3.3 Adverbial phrase 35
4.3.4 Subject of a sentence 36
4.3.5 Preposition 37
1.1 Adjectives function as attributive 38
1.2 Adjectives in English and in Vietnamese function as verbless adjective clause 40
1.3 Adjectives in both languages can be placed in the position of subject or object when they become a head of a noun phrase 42
2 Differences 43
2.1 English adjectives tend to appear more in pre-position, while Vietnamese ones mainly come in postposition 44
2.2 When functioning as predicative, English adjectives must appear after copular verbs or the verb “be”, whereas Vietnamese adjectives can be direct predicative 46 2.3 Vietnamese adjectives can modify verbs in the predicative
Trang 9which are similar to adverbs modifying the verbs in English, but
English ones cannot 47 2.4 Some English adjectives only get the syntactic function of
predicative, but Vietnamese ones do not have it 50 2.5 Some English adjectives only function as attributive, but
Vietnamese ones do not 51 2.6 Most of the English adjectives become the head of a noun phrase
by adding or reducing the suffixes except the case of combining with
the definite article “the”, while the Vietnamese adjectives can go
with adjuncts without changing their form 52
3 Major findings and recommendations 53
1 Conclusion 55
2 Implications for teaching 57
3 Recommendations for further researchers 58 REFERENCES
Language is very important means of communication in daily human life Human beings use language, both in written and spoken forms, to express their ideas In a wider scope, language functions as means of international communication In a smaller group whose members share the same language, for instance, there are likely to be no difficulties in using the language since the people involving in the process of communication are used to speaking their own native language On the other hand, if people taking part in the conversation speak different languages, they might face difficulties or obstacles in getting along with each other One of the problems causing the difficulties is the language used Accordingly, they need a language which is understood by sides, the speaker and his or her counterpart This will occur when speakers are different from background: nationality, race, and language, etc In this case, an international language is really in need, especially the one that is the most widely spoken in the world Such a language is English
In Vietnam as well as in other countries, there is a greater and greater need to learn English, from young to old, and from male to female No one can deny the importance of English in Vietnam at present Therefore, English is taught at every educational level
However, learning a language is difficult because each language has its own system which is different from that in the learner’s native language The differences
in systems of language may bring about problems for foreign language learners Hence, it is inevitable that in learning English as a foreign language Vietnamese students usually have problems on account of the differences between Vietnamese and the target language It is true that English grammar is complex and often causes
Trang 11embarrassment to students The adjective is one of the language categories that all learners of English have to learn much In every English skills, students usually use adjectives with a high frequency since it is one of the important complements of one sentence However, many students confess that the adjective is one of the problems of English grammar that they are vague about and often make mistakes in the use Besides, they find it difficult to distinguish the syntactic functions of adjectives in English from those in Vietnamese
In addition, as a prospective teacher, I would like to make contribution to the English teaching in Vietnam For all these reasons, this study is conducted, which focuses on the syntactic functions of adjectives in English in comparison with those
in Vietnamese
Some questions are raised:
a) What are the syntactic functions of adjectives in Vietnamese?
b) What are the syntactic functions of adjectives in English?
c) What are the similarities and differences between the syntactic functions of adjectives in English and those in Vietnamese?
Based on the questions above, I am eager to learn about the problems and make a comparison analysis between English adjectives and Vietnamese ones so that the major similarities and differences may be found
The general research area of this study is grammar
The phenomenon is the syntactic functions of adjectives in English in comparison with those in Vietnamese Others relating to the functions of adjectives are also briefly mentioned
The thesis is to be focused on:
a) The syntactic functions of English adjectives and Vietnamese ones
Trang 12The study involves fulfilling the following tasks:
a) To study the classifications, the positions, and the syntactic functions of adjectives in English
b) To study the classifications, the positions, and the syntactic functions of adjectives in Vietnamese
c) To compare the syntactic functions of adjectives in English with those in Vietnamese On the basic of the findings teaching implications to this category are recommended
To achieve the objectives of the study, the following methods have been applied:
a) Quantitative
- Collecting the materials and references
- Consulting the supervisor, experienced teachers and friends
- Synthesizing theoretical documents on English and Vietnamese grammar b) Descriptive
Giving the theoretical background of the adjectives and the syntactic functions of the adjectives in the two languages
c) Comparison
Comparing the syntactic functions of adjectives in English with those in Vietnamese ones based on the materials’ analysis and the researcher’s own knowledge
Trang 13xiii
The syntactic function category in the two languages always has similarities and differences It will get mislead for learners if they cannot distinguish the differences in the classification, the position, the functions, and even the formation
of that category It is, therefore, essential for teachers to have better solutions to limit the misleading After the research, it is hoped that the result will be helpful to provide:
a) Input for Vietnamese learners of English about different aspects of adjectives especially their syntactic functions
b) Input for foreign learners of Vietnamese about different aspects of adjectives especially their syntactic functions
c) Input for teachers of English with teaching implications
This study is also beneficial to anyone who is interested in adjectives in English
The research work has three main parts, namely: Introduction, Development,
and Conclusion The part Development includes two chapters Chapter one is entitled Theoretical Background that deals with things related to the adjectives such
as literature review in brief, definition, classification, position, and the syntactic
Chapter two is named The Syntactic Functions of Adjectives in English in
Comparison with those in Vietnamese, which has three sections Section one
provides the definition of syntactic functions of adjectives The second one deals with the similarities The last one focuses on the differences
1 Literature review in brief
Adjectives are very familiar to us in language use They make our life more colorful and language more beautiful However, basing on their syntactic functions adjectives are used differently in different languages, and so are adjectives in English and in Vietnamese There are a great number of Vietnamese and Foreign grammarians doing studies on adjectives and their syntactic functions such as S Greenbaum (1973), Geoffrey (1989), Eastwood (1999), Side and Wellman (1999), Nguyen Huu Quynh (1980), Le Bien (1999), Dinh Van Duc (2001), Hoang Thung, et.al (2003), Nguyen Van Thanh (2003), Diep Quang Ban (2005), etc They have their own way to describe adjectives Generally, they focus their attention on the definition, classification, position, order and formation of adjectives About syntactic functions of adjectives, almost grammarians mention their functions as predicative and attributive
R Quirk and S Greenbaum who are the authors of A University Grammar of
English (1973) give a general picture of the syntactic functions of adjectives in
English They pay much attention to five aspects like attributive, predicative, as a head of noun, verbless clause, and exclamatory adjective sentence Besides, they
Trang 15also describe such characteristics of the adjectives as modifying nouns, taking comparative and superlative forms Basing on the functions of the adjectives, the authors divide the adjectives into attributive and predicative only Next basing on their meanings, the grammarians classify them into three pairs such as stative and dynamic, gradable and non-gradable, inherent and non-inherent Finally, they mention the order of the adjectives R Quirk and S Greenbaum provide a complete view on the English adjectives, especially their syntactic functions
A Communicative Grammar of English (1989) written by G Leech and J
Svartvik shows the syntactic functions of the adjectives in attributive and predicative, then the adjectives function as a head of a noun phrase They carefully and clearly describe them in common and particular usages Besides, the two authors also give explanations and examples for comparative and superlative adjectives Thus, Leech and Svartvik only concentrate on some characteristics of adjectives and make them remarkable They are different from the others when mentioning the function of adjective as a head of a noun phrase by taking the determiners
In Collin Cobuild English Grammar (1990) William Collin Sons deal with
the types of adjectives including qualitative, classifying, color, emphasizing, and determiners Moreover, he gives more descriptions of comparative, “ing” form, “-ed” form and compound adjectives The functions of adjectives as attributive and predicative are found in his book
To illustrate the adjectives in English, the grammarians in National Literacy Secretariat of Human Resources Development Canada concentrate on the
definition, classification, position, and function of the adjectives in Academic
Studies English Grammar (1998) For the classification, the authors only remark
the use of demonstrative Then they add one more syntactic function of adjectives that is verbless clause Nevertheless, it is better when they mention three syntactic functions of the adjectives
Trang 16In Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students (1999), E Walker
and S Ellsworth provide a general picture of adjectives in English They concentrate on position, function, order and formation of adjective For position of adjective, they indicate that when adjective comes before a noun it is attributive and it is predicative when coming after a copular verb For function of adjective, they show the function of attributive and predicative However, for the formation of adjective in English they only pay attention to particles as adjectives Walker and Ellsworth also mention comparison of adjectives with some expressions used for positive, comparative, and superlative comparison One thing different in their study is that they give definition and using of non-gradable adjectives Two grammarians represent a lot of specific information about adjectives in English
In Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency
(1999), G Side and G Wellman deal with position of adjective with specific examples Then they prove that some adjectives can be used in both positions In conclusion, their study on adjectives is narrower than others’
M Swan and C Walter who wrote The Good Grammar Book (2002) point
out some characteristics of English adjectives like their definition, comparison and position But the authors do not explain more about the syntactic functions of adjectives Basing on the position in relation to nouns and copular verbs, they function as attributive and predicative
According to Advanced Learners’ Grammar (2003) written by M Foley and
D Hall, the adjectives used before nouns function as attributive and those placed after linking verbs function as predicative Unlike the above grammarians, they focus on functions and positions of the adjectives; classify them into predicative and attributive adjectives
Likewise Advanced Learners’ Grammar, Hewing in Advanced Grammar in
Use (2005) presents adjectives in their functions and positions It is more specific
Trang 17when he pays much attention to how to use gradable and non-gradable adjectives Hence, these grammarians have no new ideas on the syntactic functions
Ruth Colman in The Briefest English Grammar Ever (2005) refers to
definition and function of adjectives in English He wrote that the adjectives are formed from nouns and verbs His study has a lot of ideas which concentrate on demonstrative and comparison of adjective However, they are not as specific as others’
Unlike foreign grammarians that only conduct researches on the English adjectives, some Vietnamese ones compare Vietnamese adjectives to the adjectives
in European languages to emphasize them Ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt Từ loại (2001)
written by Dinh Van Duc explains the adjectives in this way He points out that the position of Vietnamese adjectives is different from those in English and Russian The adjectives in Vietnamese come after nouns but those in European languages are placed before nouns In that book, he mainly makes comparison between the syntactic functions of Vietnamese adjectives and those in European languages
In Từ Loại Tiếng Việt (2002), Le Bien particularly describes adjectives in
Vietnamese He defines adjective as a type of word having positive ability to create other words Next, he gives grammatical functions of adjective with attributive, predicative, subject and combination to different types of word Lastly, he points out that there are two types of adjective: relative adjectives and strict adjectives
When describing Vietnamese adjectives, Nguyen Van Thanh in Tiếng Việt
Hiện Đại (2003) collects the definitions of the adjectives by many Vietnamese
grammarians and from his view He classifies the adjectives into nine types as following: quality, color, characteristic, temperature, state, gender, relationship In addition, he presents the comparison of Vietnamese adjectives with the three levels the same as English ones And the most important is that he indicates that the adjectives have three functions of attributive, predicative, and subject (as a head of
a noun phrase) in comparison with those in European languages Therefore,
Trang 18xviii
Nguyen Van Thanh is only different from others in classification of the adjectives and the way he shows the characteristics of Vitenamese adjectives in comparison with those in European languages
Diep Quang Ban in Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (2005) begins his study with
definition of adjective and emphasizes the functions of main components in a phrase He classifies Vietnamese adjectives into two kinds that are quality adjectives and relative adjectives A new thing in his study is distinguishing between adjectives and verbs relating to state of mind To sum up, Diep Quang Ban focuses much on the classification of adjectives
With Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (2009) written by Nguyen Ly Kha, the features of
adjectives are described in detail Firstly, she defines Vietnamese adjectives as a major part of speech denoting quality of nouns Then she shows their ability to combine with adjuncts Different from Nguyen Van Thanh, she classifies the adjectives into two types: gradable and non-gradable For the function, she presents
it so clearly and completely According to her, Vietnamese adjectives are used as attributive, predicative, subject and verbless clause (adverbial)
We would have a comprehensive view on adjectives in Vietnamese with
Cẩm Nang Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (2010) written by Tran Ngoc Dung Firstly, he
gives a simple definition of adjective Secondly, he represents types of adjectives in Vietnamese including impartial adjectives, partial adjectives, semi-partial adjectives and special adjectives His classification is not like other authors’ Then,
he shows one new thing in comparison to other Vietnamese grammarians that is forms of adjective consisting of simple adjectives, compound adjectives and complex adjectives In addition, he describes the position of adjective before and after a noun His final point is about comparison of adjectives
In Tiếng Việt 3 (2003) Hoang Thung points out that Vietnamese adjectives
function as subject, attributive, predicative He continues describing adjective with its conversion into noun In this study, he mentions adjective generally
Trang 19In conclusion, a lot of studies have been conducted on adjectives in English and in Vietnamese However, most of them only describe adjectives in either English or Vietnamese without comparison between the syntactic functions of English adjectives and those of Vietnamese ones Due to this, Vietnamese learners
of English have some difficulties in using English adjectives Therefore, it is
essential to have a comprehensive study of the syntactic functions of the adjectives
in English in comparison with those in Vietnamese
2 Definitions of adjectives
2.1 Definitions of adjectives in English
People use adjectives in their daily speech, which can denote a person, thing
or phenomenon
For example:
It’s so hot today
All the words “hungry, hot and wonderful” are adjectives So what are
adjectives? There are a lot of definitions of adjectives given by a large number of
grammarians Mentioning adjectives, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter in The
Good Grammar Book (p.199) indicates:
“Adjectives are words like easy, slow, sorry, important, etc They usually
tell you more about people and things.”
Similarly, in Academic Studies English Grammar (Part I: Part of Speech,
1998, p.7) the authors define adjectives as a description of nouns, but in a more
general way “[…] that give the reader a clearer picture of what you mean, [ ]
Words that tell more about pronouns and nouns are called adjectives.”
If the two books define the adjectives in terms of meaning, S Chalkier and
E Weiner, who are the authors of The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar
Trang 20(1993, p.18) show the definition of adjectives in terms of both syntactic and
semantic functions, an adjective is “A major part of speech, traditionally defined
as a describing word or ‘a word that tells us something about a noun.”
Those are some ways foreign grammarians define the adjectives in English
2.2 Definitions of adjectives in Vietnamese
For Vietnamese adjectives, Nguyen Van Thanh who is the author of the book
entitled Tiếng Việt Hiện Đại (2003, p.213) states that:
“Tính từ là những từ diễn đạt những đặc điểm về chất lượng, về tính chất,
mù sắc, mùi vị, trạng thái, quan hệ của các danh từ hay đại từ (Đại từ xưng hô, đại từ xác định)”
(Adjectives are words that describe the quality, characteristic, color, state and relationship of nouns or pronouns)
He includes all things and phenomena in the term “noun”, which makes the
definition of Vietnamese adjectives shorter and easier to remember
However, to concretize the meaning of adjective Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (p.17)
written by Nguyen Ly Kha shows that:
“Tính từ là lớp từ loại có ý nghĩa chỉ đặc trưng, tính chất của sự vật, hiện
tượng, hành động, trạng thái, quá trình VÍ dụ: xanh, dỏ, tím, vàng, tốt, xấu, cao, thấp, ít, nhiều, thông minh, ngu, nhanh, chậm…”
(Adjective is a main part of speech denoting the characteristic and quality of objects, actions, states, and processes For instance, they are green, red, violet, yellow, kind, ugly, tall, short, little, much, intelligent, stupid, quick, slow, etc.)
Like other foreign grammarians, she gives the definition of adjectives in Vietnamese from a semantic perspective Hence, it is summarized that adjectives in both English and in Vietnamese is a major part of speech which describes the quality, characteristic, state and relationship of nouns or pronouns
3 Characteristics of adjectives
3.1 Adjectives in English
Trang 21Basing on the meanings, the adjectives can be divided in to many different
types According to Advanced English grammar and Communication (2008) –
Vipul, there are four principal classes of adjectives such as adjectives of quality,
adjectives of quantity, mineral adjectives, and demonstratives And in Collin
Cobuild English Grammar (1990), William Collins Sons classified the adjectives
into 5 types like qualitative adjectives, classifying adjectives, color adjectives, emphasizing adjectives and determiners However, these two classifications do not include all typical adjectives So in my study, I will present 6 main types of
adjectives in accordance with the book A practical English Grammar written by A
J Thomson and A.V Martinet and other materials which provide a general view on classification of English adjectives Demonstrative
Demonstrative adjectives point out which person or thing is meant They
contain this, that, these, those
For example:
I love this book
“This” is the demonstrative adjective showing the book which is near the speaker Distributive
They are used with singular nouns to identify them There are 4 distributive
adjectives: each, every, either, and neither
For example:
Every member in my family loves playing badminton
Each person should be responsible for his/her action
“Each” and “every” are distributive adjectives
Trang Quantitative
This is the family of numeral adjectives and identified ones which is used to answer
the questions “How many/much and Which order” They can be some, any, no, a
little, etc (numeral adjectives or one, two, the first, the eighth, etc., indefinite
adjectives) For example:
“Some” and “30” are quantitative adjectives, of them “some” is indefinite
adjective and “30” is numeral one Interrogative
They are often used to ask questions and including which, what, whose
For example: Which pens do you like?
From the example, it is clear that “which” and “what” are interrogative adjectives Possessive
A possessive adjective modifies a noun by telling to whom something or
somebody belongs These possessives are popularly used such as my, his, her, their,
our, its, your
For example:
English people don’t like to talk about their private things to others even their friends
I love my family so much
All the words highlighted in the example are possessive adjectives
Trang 23xxiii
On the way to the supermarket, I am met his friends and their baby is
so lovely
The adjective “yellow” indicates the state of changing the color of the leaves
in the fall And the adjective “lovely”describes the quality of a baby which is very
bable Based on the ground of the complexity of the structure
The structure of adjectives is also a basic to classify adjectives They may be short adjectives, long adjectives or special adjectives Short adjectives
Short adjectives are adjectives which have one or two syllables In
comparison forms they only need adding “-er” or “-est” to the end of the
For example:
Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare is a sad and romantic love story
Ho Chi Minh City is bigger than Hanoi
In the example, “sad”and “bigger” are short adjectives with one syllable (“big” is in comparison form) and “romantic” is not one for including three syllables Long adjectives
Long adjectives have two or more syllables of which the comparison is
formed by using “more” or “the most” prior to adjectives In the case of the adjectives ending in “y”, “y” is changed into “i” then adding “-er” However, the
adjective “friendly” is a special so when it becomes comparative or superlative it can be used as the the form of short adjectives or long ones Some adjectives can
illustrate them as following: beautiful, important, mischievous, etc The following
sentences are specific samples:
Trang 24Electric vehicles are friendly with environment
Hoa is the most excellent students in my class
Uranus is the farthest planet from the Sun in the solar system
Basing on the formula, the comparative adjective “better” and the superlative adjective “the farthest”are derived from the positive “good” and “far” respectively
3.1.2 Position of adjectives
Adjectives have function of modifying nouns so they can go before or after a noun The adjectives coming before a noun are called attributive and those coming after linking verbs are called predicate Most adjectives can be both in attributive and predicative positions
For example:
Harry hit an old man (Attributive)
This car is very old (Predicative)
She thinks there is something strange in the box
The adjective in the first sentence attribute the noun “man” and in the second sentence modifies the noun phrase“this car”and it comes after the verb
“is” Lastly, the adjective “strange” become after indefinite pronoun
In Advanced Grammar in Used (2005, p.132), Michael Hewing points out that:
Trang 253.2 Adjectives in Vietnamese
3.2.1 Classification
The Vietnamese language is an inflectional one, so the adjectives can be combined with nouns, verbs and other parts of speech to create significant phrases For this reason, adjectives in Vietnamese are classified into rather many different types basing on different criteria In this part, the two ways to divide Vietnamese adjectives are presented Based on the general meaning and the ability of adjectives to combine with adjuncts of degree
From Diep Quang Ban and Hoang Van Thung’s point of view in Ngữ Pháp
Tiếng Việt (2006) and other grammarians, there are two types of adjectives such as
gradable adjectives (adjectives of degree) and non-gradable adjectives basing on the above criteria Non-gradable adjectives
They are words themselves implying the absolute sense of quality and characteristic of nouns Moreover, they do not have ability to combine with
adjuncts referring to degree such as rất (very), hơi (quite, a bit), quá (so), kém
(less) For instance, riêng (private), chung (common), trắng tinh (spotlessly white), tím ngắt (dark purple), etc
Hoang Van Thung and Diep Quang Ban continue classifying non-gradable
adjectives into two smaller kinds as following: absolute adjectives (tính từ tuyệt
đối) and absolute adjectives without building pairs of absolute antonyms (tính từ
Trang 26tuyệt đối không tạo thành các cặp đối lập) The difference between them is directly
shown in their names, in which the absolute adjectives will have couples of absolute opposite whereas the absolute adjectives without building pairs of absolute antonyms will not
Absolute adjectives are usually placed after nouns and verbs to act as
attributive or adverbs like công (public)>< tư (personal), chính (main)>< phụ
(secondary), duy nhất (only)><vô số (countless),etc., most of them have equivalent
antonym adjectives However, some of these adjectives can combine with adjunct
“rất” so as to stress the meaning of the noun
For example:
Mỗi nhà văn, nhà thơ đều mang những hơi thở rất riêng của họ vào trong các tác phẩm
(Any poem and writer transmits their particular style into their works.)
The phrase “rất riêng” completely describes the different styles of the
poems and writers Due to this, thousands of works from thousands of authors are not similar This example shows the case of absolute adjectives in combination with “rất”
Với một số đồng nghiệp ở công ty, Hải hay lấy việc công trả thù riêng
(Hai is a narrow-minded and lasting hatred person to his colleagues.)
Trụ sở chính của Liên Hợp Quốc đặt tại New York
(The official foundation of United Nations is located in New York.)
In the first instance, the absolute adjective “riêng” placed after the verb “trả
thù” indicating a bad behavior In the second example, the adjective
“chính”modifying the noun “trụ sở” become an attributive
About absolute adjectives without building pairs of absolute antonyms, they are normally compound words and reiterative words mainly placed after nouns
Here is a list of them: đỏ lòm (gaudy red), trắng phau (very white), đen sì (very
black), xanh mượt (deep blue), xanh xanh (greenish), etc
Trang 27“Tái ngắt” is an absolute adjective without absolute antonym, descrbing the
woman’s tireness after hard working
Non-gradable adjectives can completely describe nouns by itself It means these adjective cannot be compared in any degree Gradable adjectives
They are words indicating the characteristics of something, people and actions which can be used to compare the degree of these characteristics In
addition, they are able to combine with adjuncts of degree as following: rất (very),
hơi (quite, a bit), quá (so), etc or with numerals
For example: ngắn (short), dài (long), cứng (solid), mềm (soft), đẹp
Mentioning the class of gradable adjectives, Le Bien in Từ Loại Tiếng Việt
Hiện Đại (1999) only mentions features of this class while Diep Quang Ban and
Hoang Van Thung in Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt (2006) focus on the classification of
gradable adjectives with adjectives of quality, adjectives of quantity, adjectives of characteristic, and adjectives of intensity
Trang 28xxviii
Adjectives of quality: chăm chỉ (hard), khéo léo (clever), thông minh
(intelligent), giỏi (good), trang trọng (formal), etc
Adjectives of quantity: nhiều (many, much), ít (little, few), rậm (thick),
thưa (sparse), đông (crowed), etc
Adjectives of characteristic: xanh (green), béo (fat), thơm (perfumed), ồn
ào (noisy), đắng (bitter), etc
Adjectives of intensity: mạnh (strong), yếu (weak), nóng (hot), sáng
(bright), tối (dark), mát mẻ (cool), etc
While non-gradable adjectives have no comparison, the gradable adjectives can be used to make comparison, particularly in proverbs
Nhanh như cắt
Khỏe như trâu
The gradable adjectives “nhanh” and “khỏe”appear in proverbs with the comparison form “như” However, the non-gradable adjective “khỏe khoắn” cannot be used as “khỏe khoắn như trâu”
We can easily realize this type of adjectives by making couples of antonym For instance:
Short ><long; old >< young; nice >< ugly; big >< small; smart >< dull Based on the semantics and ability of adjective to control adjuncts after the adjectives
Many Vietnamese grammarians recognize this criterion to classify adjectives
and some of them only concentrate on it In Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Hiện Đại (1980),
Huu Quynh shows two types of Vietnamese adjectives which are adjectives of external features of things and adjectives of internal characteristics and states of things Adjectives of external features of things
Trang 29With these adjectives, users can draw a portrait of person or object It pays attention to the color, appearance, quantity and size; therefore, there are following adjectives:
Adjectives of color: đỏ (red), tím (violet), vàng (yellow), hồng (pink), da
cam (orange), etc
Adjectives of appearance: cơ bắp (muscular), gầy (thin), mảnh mai (slim),
xoăn (curly), cao (high), etc
Adjectives of quantity: đầy (full), trống rỗng (empty), một nửa (half), ít
(few), nhiều (many), etc
Adjectives of size: nhỏ (small), lớn (big), to (huge), rộng (large), vừa
(fit), etc
They regularly function as the attributive of nouns and verbs
For example:
Chiếc váy đỏ của Loan thật bắt mắt (Modifying noun)
(Loan’s red dress is very eye-catching.)
Mai bị mọi người chú ý khi nói chuyện to trong văn phòng (Modifying verb) (Some people looked at Mai when she spoke loudly.)
The adjective “đỏ”denoting the color of the dress function as an attributive, and the adjective “to” function as an adverb when placed after the verb “nói
chuyện” Adjectives of internal characteristics and states of things
These adjectives describe the quality of a person, a thing or an object so they can function as both attributive to nouns and predicative in the sentence Here is a list of them
Tốt (kind), xấu (bad), hiền (gentle), dữ (violent), to gan (daring), mau miệng (voluble), etc
Tản Đà compliment his writing style in the poetry “Hầu Trời”by using adjectives of internal characteristics of things
Trang 30For example:
Nhời văn chuốt đẹp như sao băng!
Khí văn hùng mạnh như mây chuyển!
Êm như giĩ thoảng, tinh như sương!
Đầm như mưa sa, lạnh như tuyết!
(Hầu Trời, Tản Đà, 1921)
The author utilizes the adjectives “chuốt đẹp”, “hùng mạnh”, “êm”, “tinh”,
“đầm”, and “lạnh” together with comparison estimated as a wonderful scenery
Occasionally, the adjective are able to combine with adverb “đang (be Ving)”, đã (the verb in the past simple), đừng (don’t), hãy (let’s), etc in order to increase the ability to become predicative Obviously, we have the below illustration:
Em tưởng trên mình khơng cĩ bọn ác ơn hay sao Đừng ngây thơ như thế
(Giang Nam) (Do you believe that here are no evil-doers? Do not be so nạve.)
In summary, there are two main ways to classify Vietnamese adjectives Because of being an inflectional language, Vietnamese has its classes of adjectives almost based on the meaning of the adjectives and its ability to combine with other parts of speech
3.2.2 Position of adjectives
Like other parts of speech, adjectives need to have suitable positions to show their functions and meanings Due to the fact that Vietnamese adjectives modify nouns and verbs; they will have two major positions which are after nouns and verbs and before nouns or we can say postposition and preposition After nouns and verbs
Trang 31Unlike English adjectives, Vietnamese ones are mostly placed after nouns
and verbs The following sentences in Mùa Lá Rụng Trong Vườn (1985, p.87)
written by Ma Văn Kháng will explicit it
“[…], ông Bằng lâng lâng trong những hoài niệm hư ảo, thoát trần Nhưng ông chỉ ở trong dòng tình cảm trôi lững lờ đó trong giây phút.”
([…], Mr Bang is very light in illusory and peaceful thoughts However, he
is only in that sluggish emotion just a few moments)
It is evident that the adjectives “hư ảo (illusory)” and “thoát trần
(peaceful)” are after the noun phrase “những hoài niệm (thoughts)” and the
adjective “lững lờ” (sluggish) is placed after the verb “trôi” to describe the action
In another example, the adjectives are combined with adjuncts in postposition
“Với người vô sản, ở quá rộng là một cái tội, trong khi cán bộ và gia đình phải ở chen chúc trong những khu nhà tập thể, […] Cái mặc cũng sang trọng quá.”
(Một người Hà Nội, Nguyễn Khải) (For proletarians, it will be a sin if they stay in a house so large, while their family and cadres had to hustle in a collective quarter, […] Their dress is also too formal.)
The adjective “rộng” and “chen chúc” both describe the verb “ở” However, in English they become attributive to nouns (“large” is an attributive of
house) or verbs in the clause (“chen chúc” means “hustle”) Only the adjective
“sang trọng” (formal) still keeps its post-position in English
Trang 32or rhetoric Here are some examples for pre-position adjectives
Tốt danh hơn lành áo (A good name is better than richness)
Anh về đi ngủ kẻo khuya
Xấu chuôm cá chẳng vào đia anh đâu!
Xấu chuôm, tốt cá em ơi
Tốt chuôm mà nỏ có nơi cá nằm
Anh về em nỏ chi đưa Quan sơn nghìn dặm em chưa hết lời
(Kho Tàng Ca Dao Người Việt, Trung tâm Ngôn Ngữ Văn hóa Đông Tây)
All in all, there are two positions of Vietnamese adjectives, before nouns and verbs and after nouns and verbs Normally, adjectives in Vietnamese are used in postposition to show their functions more clearly
4 Syntactic functions of adjectives
4.1 Definitions of syntactic function
Not many definitions of syntactic functions are given by grammarians So in this section I only give two typical definitions from the two foreign and Vietnamese grammarians to help the readers understand more about this term
In the electronic reference material entitled LinguaLinks Library 5.0 Plus
(2003) composed by various authors, a definition of syntactic function is presented:
“A syntactic function is the grammatical relationship of one constituent to another within a syntactic construction.”
(Chức năng ngữ pháp là mối quan hệ ngữ pháp của một thành phần từ loại với những thành phần khác trong một cấu trúc ngữ pháp)
Trang 33xxxiii
The definition of syntactic function of adjectives is stated in Ngữ Pháp Tiếng
Việt: Từ Loại (2002) written by Dinh Van Duc He said that the syntactic function
of adjective indicates the ability to be grammatical constituents of an adjective in
a sentence, i.e it brings both some grammatical functions not only one
In a mass, the syntactic function is a manner expressing the grammatical relationship of a part of speech or some of them to another when it is pleaced in one certain position in a sentence
4.2 Syntactic functions of English adjectives
In University Grammar of English (1973), the authors give a complete
picture of syntactic functions of English adjectives with five main types as following: attributive, predicative, postposition, head of noun phrase and verbless adjective clause
4.2.1 Attributive
Attributive is one of the major functions of English adjectives With this function, adjectives modify nouns by appearing between the determiner and the head of noun phrase
For example:
It was rather a rainy day and by mistake Mr Gray shot at one of the other hunters and hit him in the leg
Joe and Helen Mills had two small children
(Nụ cười nước Anh, L A Hill, p.149)
In the above examples, the adjectives “rainy” and “small” are placed after the determiners “a” and numeral “two” and before the noun “day”, “children”
respectively in order to modify them
According to Collin Cobuild English Grammar (1990), “There are a few
adjectives which are always or almost always used in front of the noun and are rarely used as complement of linking verbs These adjectives are called attributive adjectives.”
Trang 34The first type mentioned in this part is classifying adjectives identifying someone or something as a member of class Here is a list of classifying adjectives used attributively
countless existing occasional chemical orchestra outdoor
digital federal phonetic reproductive smokeless western
Some following sentences show this function of the adjectives
Colossus developed during the Second World War to decrypt Germany massage was the first electronic digital computer
We do not use: The first electronic computer was digital
It is better for children to take part in outdoor activities
We do not use : Some activities like playing sports, picnicking are outdoor
Emphasizing adjectives which emphasize your feelings about people or things you are talking about are usually used in attributive, too They include:
entire absolute true blooming freezing
The position of these adjectives is illustrated in the following examples
We were impressed by the sheer size of the cathedral
It cannot be said: The size of the Cathedral is sheer
Trang 35Hoang Anh Tuan was an outright winner in the Asian Weightlifting Champion
It cannot be said: Hoang Anh Tuan was outright
If these classifying and emphasizing adjectives are placed after linking verbs
or the verb “be”, they don’t have enough sense to modify nouns
Most qualitative adjectives are used in both positions; however, a few of them only come before nouns Here is a list of them:
unenviable fleeting thankless ramshackle choked
For example:
She expected to have a fleeting visit to Singapore
We do not say: A visit to Singapore is fleeting
There are more and more ramshackle buildings in cities
We do not say: More and more buildings are ramshackle
4.2.2 Predicative
It is also an essential syntactic function of adjectives when the adjectives are used after verb “be” ad copular verbs (seem, sound, feel, find, etc) to describe the subjects or the objects Therefore, predicative adjectives can be subject complement and object complement Subject complements
Predicative adjectives function as subject complement when they come after verb “be” and copular verbs including structure SVC