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How to persuade people who dont want to be persuaded get what you want every time joel bauer

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H0# 10 P!R$dàB! PIOPL! W H0 B0N'I WàN1I0 B! P!R$dàB!B '' # z '' t J0:L BA UQR & M ARK LQVY l1()A102E28t)l)E IIEIII'LEAI1()COJ'IA/JI 10SE2E28tAl)El) G ET W HAT You W ANT- EVERY T IME! p* !1 JoelBauer & M ark Levy + W ILEY JO H N W ILEY & SO N S,IN C M ore Praise forH ow to PersuadePeople W ht?D on't IAWJZ'to Be P ersuaded 'JoelBauerand M ark Lev srdraw back the curtain and 1etyou see,hear,touch, andtfscthe mostm ysteriousmechanism sofsuccess- -i r-fïtfewccfpg lècrsuasion.lf i you' rethinkinglightweightcunning orheavyw eightsociologs forgetit.W e' re talking aboutan ancientcraftourancestorsknew thatourgeneration forgot Thisbook willteachyouhow tow ieldyourbestideasto influenceotherswith them ysticaldexterits acavemanwho strikesaflintytfstso- andcreatesfire.' rof - hl ick Corcodilos,founderoftheN orth Bridge G roup,Inc and authorofzlsk tlleH eadllunter 'JJ/tpttlPtrsuat k Pcc')!cTbtlDon' tWkg tttll?cPtrsuatlc? isa gem ltsconceptsare clear/itsexam plesarepowerful/and thewriting initprovidesreadersw ith the energ srinherentinagreatpitch.lfyou wanttoelevateyourideasand getthem received asiftheyw erem annafrom heaven/you mustread thisbook.'' l-eslieYerkes,presidentofCatalystConsulting G roup,Inc.and author of301 W flpsto HaveFun atW tvkfFun W tvksfand Beans 'JoelBauerandM arkLe' orteach you how to getinto themind ofthedecision m akerandconvert'no'into' yes.''' - leffreyGitomer,authorofTlw SalesBibleand TllePattersonPrinciplesofSelling 'l' ve watched JoelBauerwork with audiencesfor 12 yearsand now lunderstand w hy he' sbeen theundisputed leader in persuasion.ButHow ttlPcrsuat k Pcc')!cW' -l,t lDc' g.ïWff wtttll?cPcrsuatk? isn'tjustastonraboutJoel.lt' san unselfish recipeforpersonalandprofessionaldevelopm ent.Thisbook isagift.' - M a ttHill,president,TheH illGroup 'JoelBauerandM arkLev srelevatetheartofsalesmanshipto alevelothersonly dream aboutand revealpersuasion strategiesfew professionalswould bewillingtoshare.Tl-uly/thisisabook on how tobeasuccess.' l-arry Becker,form ercreative partnerofBecker-KanterAdvertising '&1r Bauer possesses amazing insight/and offers inspi red revelations into hum anbehavior.Thisbook isdangerous.' W illiam Bakoyni,presidentand CEO ,Video Technologies 'N hocus-pocushere.Thisbook willawaken the negotiatorwithin and enableyou tobe more persuasivethatyoueverthoughtpossible.'' - M a x Cohen,cofounderand CEO ,CashAdvance.com 'BauerandLev.srdon'tjustprovethepowerofpersuasion intheirnew book/they show youhow to becomeanexpertatthiskeylifeski ll- quicklyandeasily' ' - peterEconomy,coauthorofM anagingforDummies 'NvhilereadingJoelBauer' sbook you'llgetan urgetorush outand testwhat you' velearned.W henyouseeyourfi rst' victimk eyeslightupJyou'llrealizehis persuasiontechniquesreally work.From thatmomentonJyou' rehooked.'' scottGoodm an,CEO ,Sam sonTechnologies 'How tt lPcrsuatkPcc')!cTbtlDon' tWkg ttt ll?cPtrsuatlctliscandid/insightful,educational/and fun.Read itand putsom emagicintoyourbusinesslife.' leffreyJ.Fox,authorofHow toM akeBigAz ftlse yin YtlvrOwn Small - Businessand H ow to Becom eCEO 'DonaldTrump' sairlojt/ Dcfp!andJoelBauer' sHowttlPtrsuat kPcc')!cTbtlDc' g ï Wffwtttll?cPtrsuatlc?aretwo essentialsforthoselooking to succeed inbusiness.' - l lob Bedbury,directorofBttsinessD evelopment,G um asAdvertising 'M asterJoeland M ark' sinfluencestrategiesand you canbecomethebusiness w orld' snextpied pipen' ' - stewartLevine,authorofTlleBook tl /zlgrccvscvzf' and Getting to Resolution 'lfound influenceprincipleslcould imm ediately apply to my businesson a1m ostevenrpage.' - D avid G oldsmith,founder,M etaM atrix Consulting,Inc 'JoelBauer issuch a rock star.He hasshownup with hisown brand ofreal m agicand itw illrockyourworld.Readevenrw ord andread itagain.' - AngelicaJ.Holiday,' TV producer,entedainment/advertising/marketing & brand consultant 'A m ustread and a funread forbusinesspeople atany level.Thebook grabs youthemomentyou pick itupand isfu11ofundergroundpractices/whichw ill haveyou persuading li keaprofessionalpitchm an.'' - -l-homasJ.W aletzki,president,EizoNanaoTechnologies ' H ow ttlPcrsuatkPcc')!cT btlDc' g ïWff w tttll?cPcrsuat k?w illshakeyou outofyour comfortzone and/in the process,draw othersto your ideas.A wonderfully unorthodox look athow to influenceand getattention.' - lohn Izzo authorofSecondInnocence:RediscoveringIoy & W tlsflc'randAwakening tlle CorporateSoul l10A102E28gàpE IIEIIIII.EAI10l)0J'IAàJI 10SE2E28gàpEp l1()A102E28t)l)E IIEIII'LEAI1()COJ'IA/JI 10SE2E28tAl)El) G ET W HAT You W ANT- EVERY T IME! p* !1 JoelBauer & M ark Levy + W ILEY JO H N W ILEY & SO N S,IN C Thisbookisprinted on acid.freepaper.@ Copyright@ 2004byJoelBauerandlvlarkLe' o,.A11rightsresenred PublishedbyJohnW ileyscSons/lnc./Hoboken/Newlersey Published simultaneously in Canada ThankstoAigfcmagazinepublisherStanAllenandeditor.in.chiefJohnlvloehringfor permission to use interview materialthatwaspublished in itsApril2003issue No partofthispublication maybereproduced/stored inaretrievalsystem /ortransmitted in any form orby any means/electronic/mechanical/photocopying/recording/scanning/ orotherwise/exceptaspermittedunderSection 1O7and 108ofthe 1976Uni ted States CopyrightAct/withouteitherthepriorwritten permission ofthePublisher/orauthoriza tionthrough paymentoftheappropriatepencopy feetotheCopyrightClearance Cen ter/lnc./222l kosewoodDrive/Danvers/&l A 10923/(978)750.8400/fax(978)646.8600/ orontheweb atMmrwccopyright.com.lkequeststo the Publisherforpermission should be addressedtothePermissionsDepartment/lohnW ileyscSons/lnc./111lkiverStreet/ Hoboken/NJ07030/(201)748.6011Jfax(201)748.6008 LimitofLiability/DisclaimerofW arranw:W hilethepublisherand authorhaveused theirbesteffortsin preparingthisbook/they make no representationsorwarranties with respectto theaccuracy orcompletenessofthecontentsofthisbookand specifi cally disclaim any impliedwarrantiesofmerchantability orfitnessforaparticularpur pose.Nowarranw may becreated orextended by salesrepresentativesorwritten sales materials.Theadviceand strategiescontained herein maynotbe sui tableforyoursit uation.Thepublisherisnotengaged inrendering professionalsenrices/andyou should consultaprofessionalwhereappropriate.Neitherthepublishernorthe author shallbe liableforany lossofprofitorany othercommercialdamages/including but notlimited to special/incidental/consequential/orotherdamages Forgeneralinformation on ourotherproductsand senricespleasecontactourCus tomerCareDepartmentwithintheUnitedStatesat(800)762.2974/outsidethe UnitedStatesat(317)572.3993orfax(317)572.4002 W iley also publishesitsbooksin avariety ofelectronicformats.Somecontentthat appearsin printmay notbeavailable in electronicbooks.Formoreinformation about W iley products/visi tourweb site atw' vwcv/r iley.com I.ibraryojcongressCataloging-in-publicationData: Bauer/Joel 1960How to persuadepeoplewho don' twantto bepersuaded :getwhatyouwant- everytimeL/Joe1Bauer/lvlarkI -e' o, p.cm lncludesbibliographicalreferencesand index ISBN 0-471-64797-7(hardcover) 1.Persuasion (Psycholomr)1.l-evy/lvlark/1962- ll.' Tltle 81:637.1 74832 2004 153.8'52 (1(222 2003027633 Form y m other,C arol,w ho neversaid,''ltcannotbe done/''and m y wife,Cherie,who said,''lsthat a11?'' - J.B Formy mother,Rhoda,who read me T' ret gsgreJs/t ggk,and m y wife,Stella,who can persuade with the bestofthem TH E I VIECH AN ISI VIEI VIERGEN CY KIT (Continoed) The othermanagers,atfirstuncertainofwhatthey were watching and how to react,are now delighted.In fact,they demand that Lynn teachthem the butterfl y fold,complete with story.Lynn gladl y obliges Hismessage- thatemployeesmustcome first,no matterthe economicclimate- isnow repeated throughoutthe corporation'shalls and meeting rooms Behlnd the Stene The Corporate Butterfly fold wascreated by origamiartistDeg Farrelli,and the storyyou read isreal.ConsultantLynn Hodgesdevel oped thatpatterduring one ofhisassignmentsata multibillion-dollar utility,and the hard-nosed managershewaspitching Ioved it.Ibring thisup in case you thinkfolding paperbutterfliesistoo gentle a mechanism to workin therealworld To create the butterfly: Take a square piece ofpaper,fol d itdown the middl e,and unfold it(Figure 18.10) Fold in the sidesofthe paperuntilthey meetatthe perpendi - cularcreaserunningdownthecenter(Figure 18.11).In essence,you/ve made the paperinto a setofdouble doors,with the rightdoorhinged on itsrightside,and the I eftdoorhinged on itsIeftside Fold down the fourcornersso the top and bottom endsof yourpaperarepointyandthesidesarestraight.(Figure 18.12) Fold the paperin half,so the cornerfoldsrestinsidethe bodyofthepaper(Figure 18.13) Turn the entire paperupsidedown,so itIooksIike a row boat (Figure 18.1 t.) (continoed) THE M ECHANISM S '% R o / ' j Figure 18.10 Fold paperin Figure 18.11 Fold Iong half sidesto center + * ' $ ; - < e Figure 18.12 Fold fourcor- Figure 18.13 Fold in half nersinward THE M ECHANISM EM EZGENCY KIT (Continved) Fold the bocl tin hcll f horizontqll y.However don't creclse the fullI engthofthe bclse.Pinch itinthe center + p only,clnclpi nch i thclrcl(Fi g ure 18.15) Reopenthe pqperto ils l ax tshclpe Scissorthe pclrx)rw i th yourri ghtfingers,(Fi gure 18.16)clndwrqp ittclut X clround yourI eftindex fin ger(Fi gure 18.17) Figure 18.1zt Display ''rowboat.'' + # v ' , # w Figure 18.15 Fold horizon- Fi @ure18.16 tall y and pinchclosed w lth fingers Scissorcenter THE M ECHANISM S ure 18.18) ii Pinchthe pclm r'sbclse L lween yourIeftthumb clncl i ndexfinger(Figure 18.19) Letgo ofthe pclrx)rw i th yourri ghthclnclclnclclllow yourIefthclnclt o conlrolthe flclpping ofthe ''wings''through smclllcontinuoussqueezes (Fi gure 18.20) Figure 18.17 ?uIItaut around finger ? Figure 18.18 Bevelatbase Figure 18.19 Finch base THE M ECHANISM EM EZGENCY KIT (Continved) From stclrtto finish the but terfl y should tqke youonly cl m inute to perform including the foldsclnclyourdicllogue.By using clpiece ofpclperclnclcl bclre.bonesstory,youccln E)e come the centerofcltenti on give m opl e theviscercllexm ri ence ofm uridecl clnclgetthem recepti ve to youri decls F Nx w Figure 18.2O Squeeze ''butterfly'sbody''w ith fingertips Y Backroom 'llps forthe Corporate Butterfly * In the versi on you iustreqd Hodgesused the theme ql xlutem ployeescom i ng firstbeccluse i tfitthe m issionofthe orgclni zcltion he wclsworking with.Nclturclly the theme ofthe Corrxxcl te But terflycclneqsil ybecll teredto fitdifferentmessclges:clproiectthcl t tclkesoff'cln ideclwhose time hclscome'the whol ei s more thcln the sum ofitspqrts * Foryournextcri ti cqlpresentqti on I eqve the Powerpointclthome cl nclbring clsheetof5.by.5.inch pclm rinstecld p*,.1 IN D EX Acci clcntal(Qgff/s,153 Active listening,81 Annemann,76 Appearance dressbetterthan anyone else, 189 dressing wellmakes persuasion easier 187 4/4/4/Principler187 hire aconsultantr191 look good outofyour luggager191-192 make off-the-rack seem hanctmacter191 M alinilooked like heshould perform before royaltyr187 reasonsbusinesspeople don' t dresswellr188-189 rulesofgood ctressr189 tw othousand dollarsmakes you sharp enough for prim e tim e 189 wearblack and.gray,189 weardark tiesand.ascots,19O weardifferenttexturesand hues,190 wearlight-colored shirtsand blouses,19O wearthe finestshoesyoucan afford 19O your accessories 190-19 yourlook spellsthe difference,186 Astt/x Hcaclbuntcr,104 A P' I/J 100 BauerrJoel aboard cruise shipsr82J162 asthe Human Puppy D og Closer103-104 changing focusr83-84/162 creating pandem onium r11 grandfatherAlbertr199 grandfatherDuffyr12OJ 187- 188 infotainerand.perceptionistr 17O- 171 professionr10 targeting corporations 164 INDEX BauerrJoel(continuccl) why he' sa successfultrad e show performerr 150- 15 BeckrJohnr17 BeckerrLarly 99 Beerindustly Bell' slkeflexr51 Clarity being clearthrough written ctetailr151-154 everyone wantsto beled r151 life isaboutactionr155 picturesastem platesr150 questionsto help clarifyr BenzaisrJohnnyr224 Bod y M etaphor definition ofJ41 examples of HurstPushing Dem onstrationr 44-45/47 intertwrinedlegsr43 pointing fingerr43 squeezing and.releasingr 1-4 standing on achair,46 Bottled waterindustry,4-5 Changethe M oment doing something outofthe norm r20 em otionaland.personalized m essagesr 17- 18 extrem e situations 20 pastand.future questionsr19 peoplewalk around in their problemsr14 the rightthing to dor21 seeing an energeticfuturer14 through languager14-17 using favored im ageryr19 youreffecton peopler13 yourim portance 18 Dangerfieldvlkodney,93 Dark arts,1 Davenport,Thomas,17 D iamond.,Paul,83 Drcupl sJgttlAction,151 D'Sotlza,Sean,135 ElbowrPeterr70 Entertainm entinventom 28 'Eyelevelisbuy level''92 fJstCotttèany,11 Fifty dollarbillstoly 199 52 restaurants 76 Force,37-38 Fox,Jeffreyl.,178 Freebies bold buildsr119 building thevalue ofJ113-115J 118-120 creating obligationr117 IND EX questionsto ask yourself about,115 subtlebuilds,118 using the questions,116-117 FrightChallenge,2-3/6,201 G ifts applying the principles,129 '' chatch''kit 126 definition ofJ125 personalizingr128-129 tw orulesofgiftgivingr126 'G iftsand.prizessecure lssuing a challenge,158/20 JtTutcs(Q ts,Duplplft/,83 Jackson,M ichael,101 Jackson,SamuelL.,101 Jaye,Aye,125-126 Kaplanrlkobr57 KatselasrM iltonr151-152 Keep goingr149 attention '92 G oldberg,W hoopi,101 ColâcnRulcofS' côplt ltlzf gg,125 G oneW ith the W ind ,73 Greenspan,Alan,153 Grove,Andy,69 Guttraining,82-85 HarvarâBusincssRcvicw,17 'H e who isloudestwins,'92 H igh concept,3-4 H odges,Lynn,227-228 Houdin,Jean-Eugene,lkobert, 175 H oudini,H arry,121-124 H' tlu7ttll?cct lpzaJt.f zf l/plf ztcr,178 H um mer,112 H urst,Lulu,44 Hypercard ,65 Hypnotiststare,80-81 '1don'tgetno respect!''93 lnfluence questionsto ponderr 76-77 M adame Tussaud' sW ax M useum r101-1O2J 1O4J106 M agic magaziner124 M alinirM axr186-187 M etaphorsr22-23/70 M ictctletonrlkobertr43-44/46 M iscall 37 Nloney,112-113 Naming thingsmakesthem real,2 N apoleon 111,175 bkw Ytlrt ' Jlplcs,161 'N ightingales'4 'N urses in wett-shirts'4 PaperM etaphor battleship analogyr60 create yourow n 58-60 definition ofJ54 exam plesof BuildvH old rM ove Processr 54-56 IND EX PaperMetaphor(continuccl) 1aw of1im ited icteasr56-57 organizationalpyram id.r57 to illustrate afeaturer 55-56 to illustrate aprocessr 54-56 problem approachr59 solution approachr59 PerecrGeorgesr1OO 'PerfectPitch '4 Persuasion m odel 1-2 Persuasion N iner68-70 Platform Pitch the audiencer198 building m assw ith a challenger201 building m assw ith a mechanism r 200-20 the BuilctStepr198 based on public perceptionr 160 basing image on a positionr 164-165 itcan besim pler160 differentpositionsfor differentaudiencesr 170-171 discovering whatyour audiencevalues,169 in a nutshell,168 slantsto positionby,166-168 term coinedby l kiesand Trout,160 why positioning works,166 yourself 169 Processing w ords,81 Proof admitting a deficit,145 bestforms of association and creating painr202-203 organization the dosand.cton' tsofslidesr membershipsr 206-207 expand and.contractyour presentation 2O6 hold stepr201-204 involve youraudiencer2O6 m ove stepr205-206 offering a solutionr203-204 PcrfOrmance a Stransaction, 2OO public speakingr2O7 selling yoursolutionr2O4 the structurer198 PollackrShepr57 Positioning 136- 137 casestudiesr14O celebrihrendorsementsr136 clientlistsr134 clienttestimonialsr134-136 expert opinion 137 guaranteesr70 142-143 photographsr141-142 propsr85J143-145/ 198-199 realreason whyr138 specificityr139 survey resultsr137-138 Pub ' -flkir120 IND EX QuickPitch advantagesofJ79 bod y sentencer78-79 conversationalassum ptionr80 conversationalkeysr80-82 declarative formatr67,71 definition ofJ66 generative stage 71 hypotheticalelem entsin questions 82 listening,80-81 practicingtheQuick Pitch 82J84-85 question-based form atr 67-68/7 raising eyebrowsr72 rephrase yourquestionsr82 sampleopeningsr71 storiesasm aterial 72 aszo-seconctcom ing attractions 68 hring questionsto thepastr82 usesforr66-67 ' T he lkealThingr''94 lkesistance alternate waysofdealing withr180-181 G ift-shiftM indsetr181 handing objectionsas requests 176 objectionsarejustopinionsr 176 Sid e Approaches agreewith the objectionr and.reaffirm your main benefitsr179 ask whatshereally wants toknowr178 getherto seethe consequencesofnot using your services 179- 180 make herobjection the very reason forgoing ahead 179 make the objection into an objectiver178-178 pretendyou don' t understand the objectionr178 refertoa clientwho had.the same objectionr178 Straightforward Approachr 177 strengthenyourpresentation to forestallresistancer 181 lkevealing secretsr38J51,226 lkichiardir212-213 lkogersrCarl 81 lkolex ofpastries,126 Sam ples creating a sam pler106-1O7 definition ofJ6 d o thejob in the interviewr 104 functionsof 1O2 H uman Puppy Dog Closer 103-104 IND EX Samples(continuccl) im pressing onlookers,1O8 physicaland.time lim its,107 positioning of,1O8 simulatedbaby,1O5 Sawing awom an in half 211-212 Schlitz 69 'Seeing herdilemm aanew '8 Seinfeld rJerly 117 Slogan Pitch definition ofJ91 distorted imagely 95 examplesof m nem onics in 93 repetition cturingr92 signature linesr93 trade-show presentationr 92 'WC OWn the factoriesJ'' 1-92 within aconversationr 94 parallelconstructionr95-96 slogan characteristicsr92-93 Society' sdem and forbrevihrr 90-9 SpellingrAaronr4 StahlrDavid r127 TheatricalPersuasion M odel,2 Tiffany,126 Trad e Show etiquetteviolationr79 pressuresr 10 processr54-56 Transformation M echanism s in the BuilctStep,200-201 build yourow n,29-33 connecting unrelatectobjects as practice 33 to create m ass 199 definition ofJ6-7/22 during the H old Stepr2O3 exam plesof AllowanceM oneyr223-227 Balancing a Coin O n a D ollarBillr108-111 can'topen eyesr can'twrite nam e can'tstand 51 The Cork in the Bottler 13O- 132 Cutting a Person in H alf w ith l kopesr207-212 The Corporate Butterflyr 227-232 Frisbeer29-30 gray elephantin D enmarkr 25-27 The lmm ovableFingerr 155-158 The lm possible Objectr 1-65 knivesr31-32 The Lightand.H ea' or Personr171-175 The M agazineTestr34-39 The M igrating Pepperr 193-196 M issing the Obviousr 96- 100 The Needle Through Balloonr145-149 IND EX Predicting Fingers,73-77 The Pressure PointLeg Lock 47-52 The l keappearing M atchr 239 job ofJ39 making the shifttoJ24-25 properties of 40 TwainrM arkr150 182- 185 rubberband.r7-9 VernonrDair124 stam psr31 Sticking YourH ead Through a Business Card r218-222 TheTrick ThatFooled H oudinir121-124 TheW ork-Flow Knotr 15-2 17 TheW allStreetJournalOnliner 1O p*,.1 A BO U T TH E A U TH O RS JoelBaueris,accordingtotheJ' $Q//Street7' ogrgt g/Online,''undoubtedly the chairm an of the board''of corporate trade-show rainm aking.Llsing a com pelling synthesis ofm agic,hypnosis,sales persuasion,and revival-show fury,Joelbuildscrowdsfrom tradeshow passersby and converts them into willing prospects forhis clients.On witnessing thismiraculous,Joel-engineered conversion process,a J//fret : tmagazine reportercalled it 'an incredible featofm assobedience thatm ustbe seen to be believed.'' Twenty million people have experienced Joel' s traffic-stopping presentationsfororganizationssuch as 3M ,Canon,G eneral M otors,IBM ,lntel,M itsubishi,M otorola,Panasonic,and Philips M illions m ore have seen him perform on television fornetw orks such asABC ,CBS,N BC ,C N BC,C N N ,and Fox Although Joelcontinues to entertain and persuade attrade show s,he now works prim arily as a speaker,teaching audiences the secretsofpersuasion,sales,and personalproductivity H e lives in C alifornia with his w ife, Cherie, and children, C hanelle,Briana,and Sterling VisitJoelon theweb atwwm infotainencom M ark Levy is the founder of Levy lnnovation, a marketingstrategy firm thatm akespeople and com panies com pelling.D ue in partto M ark' sefforts,hisclientshavebeen featured in T' / ?etiew ABo u' r TI-IE Au-rl-lolts J'or/t' Fv es,the lhnancial' Jlmes,and the Lo l ï;to' l ï' Jlrles and on AI?C Netvs,CBSfveniny lWf z's,kkltgrt/?t gStewartLive,and r' /?:T' orb' )rSbow H e has also w ritten or co-created four books, including Accfkegttg/Cenius:RevolutionizeJ'ogr T' llfgêf' l g tllrogf ?llPrivate J/rftf' l g - (Berrett-Koehler,2000),which hasbeen translated intofivelanguages H elivesin New Jersey with hiswife,Stella VisitM ark on the w eb atwwm levyinnovation.com [...]... hen people hire m e,they have high expectations W hatis the trade-show environm ent? W hen you' re atatrade show ,you' re in an environm ent that can be im personal and at tim es brutal.The com petition surrounds you, and they w ant to seeyou failbadly.And the people you' re trying to persuade- the show attendees- are rushing pastyou.They don' tcare w ho you are ,how nice you are ,how fearfulyou are,or how. .. doesn'ttake into accountw ho w e are and whatwe w antto offer the w orld lam going to teach you how to persuade in aw ay that' sneithersinister,m anipulative,norzero-sum lam going to show you how to becom e influential,charism atic,and m agnetic You w illgetw hatyou w antby helping others getw hatthey w ant,and in the process ,you willa11have a good tim e 12 DlkAw IN TH E LISTENER T hisisnotabook on how to w... entforothers ,you m ustfirstdo itfor yourself.Give yourselfa w ider,deeperunderstanding ofhow you and your offerings benefit the world.Push yourself on this.Selecta clientbenefitthatyourw ork brings,and further ituntilyou geta clearpicture ofhow ithelpsthe w orld lf you produce m icrochips for an autom obile m anufacturer ,you protectthe lives of m illions of people w ho count on yourw ork to get them to and... hether you' re trying to influence a child at hom e,the board ofdirectorsin a conference room ,orten m illion viewerssitting in theirliving room s,w atching you on television A re you ready,then ,to learn how a professional pitchm an persuades people who don' t w ant to be persuaded, and how you can do the sam e? lfso,step closer ldon'tw anteveryone to hearthis C H A N G E T H E M O M EN T hatyou do... to learn what m agicians dub ''the real w ork/''this is the only place to find it.lt' s a11very doable, and you' llbe able to use the m odelno m atterw hatyour situationthatis,ifyou don' t1etyourfears getthe bestofyou Reader,ljusthityouwith an influence technique:the Fright C hallenge.L ken itto the carnivalbarker'sballyhoo used to snare people strolling the m idw ay:''Ladiesand gentlem en,can you bear... grlll/fgf ?.lfyou want to persuade people, you' re going to have to figure out w ays ofletting them sam ple your suggestion, idea,service,or product.O therwise,they'lldoubtyou,and that doubtm ay keep them from acting on yourw ishes lopened with the Fright Challenge because it' s an attentiongrabber(gg;titacted asasample ofwhatyou're going to learn.lf you thoughtthe challenge flim flam ,then you instantly... fearfulyou are,or how superior you think yourproductis Persuading ata trade show is akin to persuading on the street or in the ancientbazaar.There are rules,but few ofthem are in yourfavor.lt' sm y responsibility to stop passersby,getthem to listen to a productpitch,and coax them into leaving theircontact inform ation To be cost effective, lcan' t persuade people to stop one by one.lnstead,l m ust... ong you willw antto keep w alkingl'The m ore the carny protests,the largerthe crowd grows lf lw as successfulwith m y pitch ,you didn'tnotice you w ere being influenced.O r,ifyou realized it ,you w ere atleastintrigued enough to read thisfar.W hateveryour reaction,lnow have your attention,and lintend to keep it You can rely upon the FrightChallenge w hateveryour audience' ssize and intellectualm akeup.Everyone-... dism issthe brilliance ofthe beerindustry.Thatis,untilyou realize onething: ln 2002,beersalestotaled $74.4 billion.Say whatyou like.Entertainm entsells W illM y Techniques Require You to Becom e an Entertainer? You w illnot have to sing,dance,act,recite ,get up in front of crow ds,orw restle in m ud,unlessyou w antto.W hen ltalk about entertainm entasapersuader,lm ean thatyou w illuse com pelling, often... ideaofappealing to the extrem es ,you can ask questionsthatalso putpeople into the future: - ''lf you reached your goal three m onths early,w hat w ould you do w ith thatextra tim e?'' ''W here w illyou be this tim e next year,ifyou continue to hold thatassum ption?'' A nd you can take people out of their currentreality by getting them to flip a perspective and create a new reality: ''W hatwould have to happen ... you on television A re you ready,then ,to learn how a professional pitchm an persuades people who don' t w ant to be persuaded, and how you can the sam e? lfso,step closer ldon'tw anteveryone to. .. I.ibraryojcongressCataloging-in-publicationData: Bauer /Joel 196 0How to persuadepeoplewho don' twantto bepersuaded :getwhatyouwant- everytimeL/Joe 1Bauer/ lvlarkI -e' o, p.cm lncludesbibliographicalreferencesand index... 'NvhilereadingJoelBauer' sbook you' llgetan urgetorush outand testwhat you' velearned.W henyouseeyourfi rst' victimk eyeslightupJyou'llrealizehis persuasiontechniquesreally work.From thatmomentonJyou'

Ngày đăng: 30/11/2015, 01:05

