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First language versus foreign language fluency, errors and revision processes in foreign language academic writing

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First Language versus Foreign Language Fluency, Errors and Revision Processes in Foreign Language Academic Writing Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn vorgelegt von Esther Odilia Breuer aus Köln Bonn, 2014 Gedruckt mit der Genehmigung der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinischen FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn Zusammensetzung der Prüfungskommission: Prof Dr Uwe Baumann (Vorsitzender) Prof Dr Klaus Peter Schneider (Betreuer und Gutachter) Prof Dr Jürgen Esser (Gutachter) Prof Dr Marion Gymnich (weiteres prüfungsberechtigtes Mitglied) Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 20 Juni 2013 ii Acknowledgements Writing my doctoral thesis was one of the greatest experiences of my life However, it would have been much less fun if I had not had the support and help of my very patient environment First of all, I would like to thank Prof Dr Klaus Peter Schneider who did a brave job of bringing me back to my topic when I got lost and who encouraged me in moments of doubt Thanks a lot to Pawel Sickinger, whose programming skills enabled me to analyse the texts both sensibly and comfortably A big thanks goes to Penelope Allsobrook and to Dr Johanna Blokker who supported my views on the topic by pointing out when I made use of my first language in foreign language writing myself Thanks to the academic community of writing who welcomed me into their community and gave me much insight into the field, as well as ideas of how to continue Another important person in this respect is Prof Dr Jon Ericson whose lessons made me turn away from literature and into the wonderful world of linguistics I thank my family and friends, many of whom did not see much of me during the PhD-times and who, when they saw me, had to cope with a person who was rather ‘onesided’ in terms of topics to talk about My biggest thanks goes to Arthur and Markus who had to bear with me every day, had to deal with my bad moods when things did not turn out the way I expetected them to, or when I got laughing attacks about node-switches (see chapter 2.5) from me or other people This must have been really hard on them and at times embarrassing (to quote my son) I am still amazed that they did not move out and am very happy that they did not iii Contents Introduction A bilingual version of Jackendoff’s Parallel Architecture and its implications for ‘node-switching’ 18 2.1 Jackendoff’s Tripartite Architecture 2.1.1 The role of the lexicon in the Parallel Architecture 2.1.2 Simpler syntax 2.2 The integration of FL into the Parallel Architecture 2.2.1 The bilingual lexicon 2.2.2 The Bilingual Tripartite Architecture 2.3 Orthographic structure 2.4 Genre 2.4.1 The academic genre 2.4.2 Cross-cultural differences in academic writing 2.5 Node-switches 2.6 Conclusion Cognitive Aspects of Writing 3.1 Writing components 3.1.1 Idea generation 3.1.2 Planning 3.1.3 Formulation 3.1.4 Execution 3.1.5 Revision 3.2 External factors and working memory 3.3 Parallel processing in writing 3.4 The processes in FL writing 3.5 Writing fluency 3.6 Strategies for problem solving Methods 4.1 Test 4.1.1 Participants 4.1.2 Tasks 4.1.3 Planning strategies 4.1.4 Questionnaires and interviews 4.1.5 Evaluation of the final texts 4.2 Analysis 4.2.1 Keylogging 4.2.2 Productivity and fluency 4.3 Error categories 4.3.1 Subcategories of orthographic node-switches 4.3.2 Syntactic node-switches 4.3.3 Semantic node-switches 4.3.4 Genre node-switches 4.3.5 Miscellaneous 4.3.6 Content 18 20 22 23 26 28 30 34 35 37 42 48 50 52 52 55 59 60 60 62 66 69 72 77 79 80 80 83 85 87 87 88 88 90 92 95 98 100 102 103 104 i 4.4 Error analysis and the analysis of revisions 4.4.1 Error Analysis 4.4.2 Categorization of revisions 4.5 Summary Productivity and fluency 5.1 Text lengths of the final essays 5.1.1 Number of words in the final essays 5.1.2 Number of characters in the final essays 5.1.3 Individual results with respect to text lengths 5.2 Production rates 5.3 Time 5.3.1 Time required to complete the tasks 5.3.2 Time distribution among the different writing processes 5.3.3 Time for execution and time for pausing 5.4 Bursts 5.4.1 Numbers of bursts per task 5.4.2 Words per burst 5.4.3 Characters per burst 5.4.4 Individual results of characters per burst 5.5 Ends of bursts 5.5.1 P-bursts and r-bursts 5.5.2 Bursts ending in mid-word 5.6 Discussion Error analysis 6.1 Errors in the L1 essays 6.1.1 L1 Errors in miscellaneous 6.1.2 Orthographic node-switches in the L1 texts 6.2 Errors in the FL texts 6.3 Total number of errors per participant 6.4 Categorical distribution of the FL errors 6.4.1 Phonological node-switches 6.4.2 Orthographic node-switches 6.4.3 Punctuation node-switches 6.4.4 Syntactic node-switches 6.4.5 Semantic node-switches 6.4.6 Genre node-switches 6.4.7 Code-switches 6.4.8 Typing mistakes 6.4.9 Miscellaneous 6.4.10 Content 6.5 Discussion Revisions 7.1 Number of revisions 7.2 Types of revisions 7.2.1 Revision of content 7.2.2 Revisions in miscellaneous 7.2.3 Revision in orthographic node-switch 107 107 109 111 112 112 112 114 115 118 119 120 122 126 128 128 131 135 137 139 140 143 145 148 148 150 152 153 155 157 158 160 165 167 170 172 173 174 176 178 179 182 182 184 188 193 197 ii 7.3 Double revisions 7.4 Revisions in planning 7.4.1 Number of revisions in the plans 7.4.2 Distribution of the revisions in planning 7.4.3 Revisions of typing mistakes in planning 7.4.4 Revisions of content in planning 7.4.5 Revisions in miscellaneous in planning 7.5 Revisions in the process of writing the proper essays 7.5.1 Revisions of typing mistakes in writing the proper essay 7.5.2 Revision of content in writing the proper essay 7.5.3 Revision of miscellaneous in writing the proper essay 7.6 Revisions in the final revision 7.7 Revisions in p-bursts and r-bursts 7.8 Discussion Conclusion 8.1 Results 8.2 Limitations of the study 8.3 Possibilities for future research 200 202 204 206 207 208 212 213 216 217 221 224 230 234 237 237 247 248 Bibliography 253 Appendix 300 A – Abbreviations B – Overview of participants C – Introductory questionnaire D – Tasks Task 1: Simple essay Task 2: FLN Task 3: L1N Task 4: L1F Task 5: FLF E – Questionnaires on the essays E1: English questionnaire E2: German questionnaire F – Contents of the electronic appendix 300 301 302 306 306 307 308 309 310 311 311 315 319 iii List of tables 4.1 Excerpt from Siebenmorgen’s FLN error analysis Excel spreadsheet 108 4.2 Example of revision analysis (Babs FLN) 109 5.1 Mean number of words in the final essays 113 5.2 Mean number of characters excluding spaces in the final essays 114 5.3 Minimum/Maximum number of words/characters per essay 115 5.4 Average amount of time taken for the tasks 120 5.5 Percentage of available time used by each participant for revision 125 5.6 Proportional distribution of average time spent on execution and pausing 127 5.7 Number of bursts per task and in the writing subprocesses 128 5.8 Bursts per minute 129 5.9 Number of words per burst 131 5.10 Words-per-burst rates of individual participants (proper-essay writing) 133 5.11 Characters per burst 135 5.12 Characters/burst in planning for each participant 138 5.13 Percentage of all bursts ending in mid-words 143 5.14 Percentage of mid-word bursts that are r-bursts 143 5.15 Percentage of all bursts in planning that end in mid-word 144 5.16 Percentage of mid-word bursts in planning that are r-bursts 145 6.1 Errors and mistakes in the L1 texts (plans and essays) 149 6.2 L1 errors in miscellaneous 151 6.3 Percentage of errors in the subcategories of orthographic node-switches in the L1 152 6.4 Mean number of errors in the FL texts (plans and essays) 154 6.5 Mean number of errors per participant 155 6.6 Proportion of errors in the different categories 157 6.7 Proportion of punctuation node-switches 165 6.8 Distribution of semantic node-switches 171 6.9 Distribution of genre node-switches 172 6.10 Proportion of code-switches 173 6.11 Proportion of typing mistakes 175 6.12 Proportion of errors in content 178 7.1 Mean number of revisions in the different task conditions 182 7.2 Mean number of characters without revision 182 7.3 Mean number of revisions in the different categories 185 iv 7.4 Mean umber of revisions in the subcategories of content 190 7.5 Mean number of revisions in the subcategories of miscellaneous 194 7.6 Mean number of double revisions in the different categories 201 7.7 Mean number of revisions in the plans 204 7.8 Distribution of revisions in the subcategories of content in planning 209 7.9 Distribution of revisions in miscellaneous in planning 212 7.10 Mean number of revisions in the different categories in proper-essay writing 214 7.11 Mean number of revisions in content in writing the proper essay 217 7.12 Mean number of revisions in miscellaneous in essay writing 222 7.13 Mean number of incidents of final revisions in the different categories 225 7.14 Proportion of revisions after pauses of revisions in total 230 7.15 Proportion of pausing after revisions of revisions in total 233 v List of figures 2.1 The Parallel Architecture; after Jackendoff (2002/2010: 125/3) 19 2.2 Francis (2004: 181): The Bilingual Tripartite Architecture 27 2.3 The Bilingual Tripartite Architecture 28 2.4 Syntactic node-switch 44 4.1 Translog user interface 89 4.2 Translog supervisor interface 90 5.1 Number of characters per participant (final essay) 117 5.2 Words produced vs words in final essays 118 5.3 Characters produced vs characters in final essays 119 5.4 Time for the tasks per participant 121 5.5 Mean time spent on the different writing processes (%) 122 5.6 Time for planning per participant 124 5.7 Words per burst per participant in planning 132 5.8 Characters per burst per participant (proper-essay writing) 138 5.9 Ends of bursts in the different tasks 140 5.10 Ends of bursts for individual participants 142 6.1 Distribution of errors in the L1 texts 149 6.2 Mean number of words per error per participants 156 6.3 Distribution of errors in the categories 157 6.4 Distribution of errors in orthographic node-switch 161 6.5 Distribution of errors in syntactic node-switch 167 6.6 Distribution of errors in miscellaneous 176 7.1 Mean number of characters per revision 183 7.2 Distribution of revisions in the different categories 185 7.3 Distribution of revisions in content 190 7.4 Distribution of revisions in miscellaneous 195 7.5 Distribution of revisions in orthographic node-switch 197 7.6 Mean number of revisions in plan per participant 205 7.7 Distribution of revisions in planning 206 7.8 Distribution of revisions in essay writing 215 7.9 Distribution of revisions in content in essay writing 218 7.10 Distribution of revisions in miscellaneous in essay writing 222 vi Do you use a dictionary when you are writing in a foreign language (yes/no) What type of text you write most frequently (please make a ranking by numbering) _ academic _ literary _ business letters _ e-mails to friends _ forum _ SMS _ chat _ diary _ letters/postcards _ others: _ Do you like to write? Yes/no Why? Are you a good writer? Yes/no Why? 305 D – Tasks In the following, the assignments that the participants received for each essay are presented in the order in which the participants had to fulfil them The texts that the writers produced are stored in the electronic appendix /2_Essays/ The keylog protocols can be found in the folder /3_Keylog_protocols/ Task 1: Simple essay Please take on the position of your writing instrument (your computer, your pencil or your workbook) Let it describe you and your writing processes from its very special point of view 306 You are a participant in an essay writing class At the end of the term, you have to write an essay in 45 on the topic of the different cultures of academic writing throughout the world You want to get a good mark, because the essay can be seen as a test for your bachelor exam which 2: FLN you’ll have to passTask in about three months Assignment: “As Peirce said, if Aristotle had been Mexican, his logic would have been different; and perhaps, by the same token, the whole of our philosophy and our science would have been different.” (Dufrenne 1963: p 35) Please take a position to the quotation above using the information you gained in Kaplan's text Do you agree with the view(s) presented in the text/the quotation? If available, make use of your knowledge from other academic fields for your argumentation Your writing/the essay should meet the following requirements: It has to be finished in 45 Your position has to become obvious Give good and convincing reasons for your opinion The text should have the „classic“ essay form: introduction, main part, conclusion The paragraphs are well structured Take care of spelling and language use The reference paper should be used to underline your argumentation Please not forget to give your paper a title For planning the essay, please use the note method (writing down notes, then indicating at which place in the text you will use this idea/argument) Good luck! 307 Task 3: L1N Aufgabenumgebung: Sie nehmen an einem deutschen Essaykurs teil Am Ende des Semesters müssen Sie einen Essay in 45 Min zu dem Thema “Der Gebrauch der englischen Sprache im deutschen akademischen Kontext” schreiben Sie möchten gern eine gute Note haben, da Sie bald Ihre Bachelorprüfung ablegen und Sie dieses Essay als Test dafür nutzen möchten Aufgabe: In der Wissenschaft hat die englische Sprache die dominante Rolle übernommen Dies wird zum einen positiv gesehen, da so der internationale Austausch erleichtert wird, andererseits sehen Kritiker aber auch Gefahren in der Abkehr von der Muttersprache Lesen Sie bitte den Auszug aus Wolf Schneiders „Speak German“ und beziehen Sie Stellung zu der vom Autor vertretenen Meinung Beziehen Sie dabei auch Ihr Wissen aus Kursen ein, die Sie hier an der Universität besucht haben (z.B Sprachwissenschaften oder SchreibArt) Ihr Schreiben/Ihr Text sollte folgenden Voraussetzungen entsprechen: Sie müssen innerhalb von 45 Min das Schreiben beenden Ihre Stellung zur Frage muss deutlich werden Geben Sie gute und überzeugende Argumente für Ihre Position Der Text sollte die ‚klassische’ Essayform haben: Einleitung, Hauptteil, Schluss Die Absätze haben eine gute Struktur Sie beachten Rechtschreibung und Sprachstil Sie benutzen die Texte, um Ihre Argumentation zu unterstützen Bitte denken Sie daran, Ihrem Essay einen Titel zu geben Benutzen Sie für das Schreiben die Stichwortmethode (Schreiben alle Ideen/Argumente als Stichwörter auf Nummerieren Sie diese dann in der Reihenfolge, in der Sie sie im Text verwenden möchten) Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß! 308 Task 4: L1F Aufgabenumgebung: Sie nehmen an einem deutschen Essaykurs teil Am Ende des Semesters müssen Sie einen Essay in 45 Min zu dem Thema "Bolognaprozess: Ziele und Umsetzung" schreiben Sie möchten gern eine gute Note haben, da Sie bald Ihre Bachelor-Prüfung ablegen und Sie dieses Essay als Test dafür nutzen möchten Aufgabe: "Der einheitliche europäische Hochschulraum bis 2010 ist das Ziel des Bolognaprozesses, an dem sich 47 europäische Länder beteiligen Durch den Bolognaprozess wächst Europa im Hochschulbereich stärker zusammen und ermöglicht so eine bessere Nutzung der vorhandenen Wissenspotentiale Kernelement des geplanten gemeinsamen europäischen Hochschulraums ist die Einführung eines gestuften Studiensystems aus Bachelor, als erstem berufsbefähigendem Abschluss, Master und der Promotion als europaweit vergleichbare Abschlüsse Auch die Verbesserung der Anerkennung durch das European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) sowie der Aus- bzw Aufbau von Qualitätssicherungssystemen ist von Bedeutung Ebenso ist die Entwicklung und Anwendung europäischer und nationaler Qualifikationsrahmen zur Beschreibung der unterschiedlichen Bildungsabschlüsse und der damit verbundenen Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen wichtig." (http://eu.daad.de/eu/bologna/bologna/06950.html) Die Studiengänge haben sich in Deutschland aufgrund des Bolognaprozesses stark verändert Bitte nehmen Sie Stellung dazu, inwieweit die Ziele des Prozesses sinnvoll sind und wie sie verwirklicht wurden Nehmen Sie dabei auch Bezug auf die Umfrage unter Studierenden und auf Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen Ihr Schreiben/Ihr Text sollte folgenden Voraussetzungen entsprechen: Sie müssen innerhalb von 45 Min das Schreiben beenden Ihre Stellung zur Frage muss deutlich werden Geben Sie gute und überzeugende Argumente für Ihre Position Der Text sollte die "klassische" Essayform haben: Einleitung, Hauptteil, Schluss Die Absätze haben eine gute Struktur Sie beachten Rechtschreibung und Sprachstil Sie benutzen die Texte, um Ihre Argumentation zu unterstützen Bitte denken Sie daran, Ihrem Essay einen Titel zu geben Benutzen Sie für das Schreiben die Freewriting-Methode (Schreiben Sie fünf Minuten lang alles auf, was Ihnen zu diesem Thema in den Kopf kommt Unterbrechen Sie das Schreiben nicht, sondern schreiben Sie zurnot "mir fällt nichts ein, mir fällt nichts ein", bis Sie eine neue Idee haben) Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß! 309 Task 5: FLF Task environment: You are a participant in an essay writing class At the end of the term, you have to write an essay in 45 on the topic of censorship in television and computer games You want to get a good mark because the essay can be seen as a test for your bachelor exam, which you’ll have to pass in about three months Assignment: After incidents like the school shooting in Winnenden, public has once again turned against television and computer games as being responsible for the tragic events Many feel that the media influences people’s perception of and attitude towards violence The ‘Aktionsbündnis Amoklauf Winnenden”, for example, has called on people to dispose of their killer games in a trash can that they have set up in front of the State Opera in Stuttgart Please take a position: would keeping these influences away from children and young people, e.g via censorship, be a good method of protecting society or would it be too big a violation of freedom of the press/the media? Your writing/the essay should meet the following requirements: It has to be finished in 45 Your position on the question has to be clear You must give good and convincing reasons for your opinion The text should have the „classic“ essay form: introduction, main part, conclusion The paragraphs must be well structured You must pay attention to correct spelling and language use You should use the reference text to support your argumentation Please not forget to give your paper a title When planning the essay, please use the free-writing method (write down everything that you can think of regarding to the topic in five minutes Do not stop writing but write down “I don’t have any idea” or something along that line until new ideas come up) Good luck! 310 E – Questionnaires on the essays The participant filled in questionnaires after each essay writing session The questionnaires were filled in in the language that the text was written in In the following you find the English and the German versions The filled-in questionnaires are stored in the electronic appendix in the folder /4_Questionnaires/ E1: English questionnaire Name: Essay: Date: _ Was the topic of interest to you? Why? Planning: Did you like the way of planning? yes/no Why? _ Will you use this kind of planning again? yes/no Why? _ Did you have word finding difficulties? yes/no Where? Was this of influence in you planning? yes/no In which respect? Could you solve/get around the problem? yes/no How? _ Did you have a German word in the head at some cases during planning? yes/no When/why? _ Have you been in a flow in respect to idea generation? yes/no Did you have ideas that you did not write down in the planning process? yes/no Why? _ Do you think that the language influenced your idea finding process/your planning? yes/no Why? _ 311 Writing: Are you content with your writing process? yes/no Why? Did you have enough/too little/too much time for writing? yes/no Have you taken a position to the topic? yes/no Which one? _ Do you think that your text is convincing? yes/no Why? _ Did you write according to the plan? yes/no Why? _ Could you use all the ideas of your planning phase? yes/no Why? _ Did new ideas come up during the writing process? yes/no Which ones? Could you use them in the essay? yes/no Why? _ Did you write fluently? yes/no Did you have word-finding problems? yes/no Where? What did you in order to solve them? Did you have other language-related problems (e.g spelling, puncutaion) yes/no Which? _ What did you in order to solve them? _ Were there moments when the German instead of the English word came to your mind? yes/no When? _ 312 Which parts were easy to write? _ Why? _ Which parts were difficult to write? _ Why? _ Was the planning of help to your writing? yes/no Why?: If you could write the essay again, what would make differently? _ Did you have a reader in your mind? yes/no Who? _ Did you appeal to him? yes/no Is the essay structured in a clear way? (introduction, main part, conclusion) yes/no Why? Is the main idea of the main part visible in introduction and conclusion? yes/no _ Did you use paragraphing in order to underline the structure? yes/no Have you “left” the topic? yes/no Where? Is the structure of the main part logical? yes/no _ Are the paragraphs connected with each other in a logic manner? yes/no Do you think that your position is obvious? yes/no Is your language “academic”? yes/no Why? Please give yourselves marks for (5 = excellent/1 = very bad): - language: - Why? _ - content: 313 - Why? _ - structure: - Why? _ - style: - Why? _ Revision: When did you revise the text: in the writing process or after the writing process? How many times did you read the text after finishing? time(s) Which aspects have been of central interest in your revision? - spelling - grammar - structure - content) - others: _ 314 E2: German questionnaire Name: Essay: Datum: War das Thema für Sie interessant? ja/nein Warum? Planung: War die verwendete Art der Textplanung für Sie gut? ja/nein Warum? Werden Sie die Planungsvariante in der Zukunft noch einmal verwenden? ja/nein Warum? Hatten Sie Schwierigkeiten damit, Wörter zu finden? ja/nein Welche? Hatte das einen Einfluss auf Ihre Planung? ja/nein Welchen? _ Konnten Sie das Problem umgehen? ja/nein Wie? Kam Ihnen manchmal eher ein englisches als ein deutsches Wort in den Sinn? ja/nein Wann/wieso? Kamen die Ideen flüssig? ja/nein Gab es Ideen, die Sie nicht aufgeschrieben haben? ja/nein Warum? Glauben Sie, dass die Sprache einen Einfluss auf Ihre Ideenfindung/Ihre Planung hatte? ja/nein 315 Warum? Schreiben: Sind Sie zufrieden damit, wie Sie geschrieben haben (mit dem Prozess)? ja/nein Warum? Hatten Sie genug/zu viel/zu wenig Zeit für das Schreiben? ja/nein Haben Sie eine klare Position zur Frage eingenommen? ja/nein Welche? Halten Sie Ihren Text für überzeugend? ja/nein Warum? Haben Sie „nach Plan“ gearbeitet? ja/nein Warum? Haben Sie alle Ideen aus der Planungsphase verarbeiten können? ja/nein Warum? Kamen Ihnen beim Schreiben neue Ideen? ja/nein Welche? Konnten Sie diese in Ihr Essay integrieren? ja/nein Warum? _ Hatten Sie das Gefühl, dass das Schreiben „floss“? ja/nein Hatten Sie Wortfindungsschwierigkeiten? ja/nein Wo? Wie sind Sie diese angegangen? Hatten Sie andere Sprachschwierigkeiten (z.B Rechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung) ja/nein Welche? _ _ Wie sind Sie diese angegangen? 316 _ Gab es Momente, in denen Ihnen eher das englische als das deutsche Wort einfiel? ja/nein Welche waren das? _ Welche Teile fielen Ihnen besonders leicht zu schreiben? _ Warum? Welche Teile fielen Ihnen schwer? _ Warum? Hat Ihnen die Planung für das Schreiben geholfen? ja/nein Kommentar: Wenn Sie das Essay noch einmal schreiben könnten: Was würden Sie anders machen? _ Hatten Sie einen Leser beim Schreiben im Kopf? ja/nein Welchen? _ Haben Sie ihn angesprochen? ja/nein Ist das Essay klar gegliedert? (Einleitung, Hauptteil, Schluss) ja/nein Warum? Steht die Hauptidee sowohl in der Einleitung als auch im Hauptteil als auch im Schluss? ja/nein _ Machen die Paragraphen die Struktur klar? ja/nein Sind Sie einmal vom Thema abgekommen? ja/nein Wo? _ Ist der Aufbau des Hauptteils logisch? ja/nein _ Sind die Paragraphen sinnvoll miteinander verbunden? ja/nein _ 317 Kommt Ihre These klar heraus? ja/nein Ist Ihre Sprache „akademisch“ genug? ja/nein Welche Noten würden Sie sich geben für (1 = sehr gut, = sehr schlecht): - Sprache: - Warum? _ - Inhalt: - Warum? _ - Struktur: - Warum? _ - Stil: - Warum? _ Überarbeitung: Wie haben Sie den Text überarbeitet: während des Schreibens/nach dem Schreiben? Wie oft haben Sie ihn nach Fertigstellung gelesen? Mal Worauf haben Sie bei der Überarbeitung (während und nach dem Schreiben) besonders geachtet? - Rechtschreibung - Grammatik - Struktur - Inhalt - anderes: _ 318 F – Contents of the electronic appendix The following lists the folders on the CD-ROM and gives an overview of their contents: 1_Participants In this folder, the filled-in introductory questionnaires of the participants the results of the language test are stored 2_Essays Here, you find the essays that the participants wrote in the test Each task (e.g L1N, FLN) has got its own folder 3_Keylog_protocols Like in 2_Essays the keylog protocols of the participants text production processes are stored in separate task folders 4_Questionnaires The participants had to fill in questionnaires about their writing experiences in each task They are stored in separate task folders 5_Tables The results of the analysis were stored in tables which were used for the statistical analysis with SPSS In this folder, the Excel spreadsheets which form the basis for the analysis of fluency (chapter 5), errors (chapter 6), and revision processes (chapter 7) are stored Fluency: Table with the results of the analysis of productivity L1_errors: Table with the errors per participant in the different types of L1 text and in the different error categories FL_errors: Table with the errors per participant in the different types of FL text and in the different error categories Revisions_Total: Table with the results of the analysis of the revision processes in total Revisions_Plan: Table with the results of the analysis of the revision processes in planning Revisions_Formulation: Table with the results of the analysis of the revision processes in writing the proper essays Revisions_Final_Revisions: Table with the results of the analysis of the revision processes in the final revision 319 [...]... successful writing process, in that its capacity determines the writer’s ability to handle the cognitive demands of the writing processes (Olive 2004: 33) Consequently, working memory capacities have an impact on parallel processing in writing (Chapter 3.3) Writing processes do not unfold chronologically, but rather interact and influence one another They become even more demanding in FL writing, because... content and audience” (Kennedy and Smith 2010: 19) In other words, the challenges and cognitive demands facing academic writers -in- training, and in particular those who attempt to write in a foreign language, are extraordinarily high, and they must develop methods and strategies to deal with these challenges (Manchón and de Haan 2008: 3) Among the strategies available are using the L1 in FL writing to... of thinking processes in writing (Flower and Hayes 1981: 366; Hayes 2012: 370, Torrance and Jeffrey 1999: 1) All writing models (e.g Bereiter and Scardamalia 1987: ch 1, van den Bergh and Rijlaarsdam 1999, Chenoweth and Hayes 2001, Flower and Hayes, 1984, Hayes 1996, Hayes and Flower 1980, Kellogg 1996) share in common the idea that writing consists of different processes: generating ideas, planning,... switches languages in the process of word generation These errors will be called node-switches (Chapter 2.5) and will form the basis for the error analysis in Chapter 6 and the revision analysis in Chapter 7 Since writing makes more complex demands than speaking, it is suggested that in FL academic writing, the influence of the L1 on the FL is even stronger, but that the underlying writing processes also... casts light on the processes that underlie writing in general, and on those that underlie FL academic writing in particular It gives an impression of how the various writing processes interact and of how different kinds of tasks make different demands on the writer’s attention and cognitive resources (Berman 1994: 40, Chenoweth and Hayes 2001: 85, Schilperoord and Sanders 1999: 26) Analysing fluency also... two languages (Chapter 5.4) Again it was proposed that there would be differences between L1 and FL writing, and that fluency would be enhanced by planning by freewriting because of the activating effect of ‘uncontrolled’ formulation The results confirm these expectations: fluency does differ between L1 and FL writing, and freewriting indeed activates the linguistic structures differently in L1 and in. .. 2007: 15, Just and Carpenter 1992: 136) A positive aspect of the complexity and difficulty of FL academic writing is the window it can potentially open onto the underlying processes in FL writing generally To date, however, the main body of research on second language writing has tended to compartmentalize, and thus fragment, current knowledge through separate investigations of either writing processes, ... planning strategies on the writing processes and reveals variations between L1 and FL writing Because of this explanatory potential, the fluency of the participants was analysed in different respects, including the amount of time the participants needed to produce the texts (Chapter 5.3), and how long the stretches of sustained writing or “bursts” were during and after the two planning conditions and in. .. Distribution of revisions in final revision 227 7.12 Distribution of revisions in content in the final revisions 228 vii 1 Introduction The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say (Mark Twain [1902] 1935: 380) Writing is a relatively new form of communication, and the written... planning, essay writing, and final revision (Chapters 7.4– 7.6) The writers’ attention focused on different areas in these different writing processes However, although in the act of freewriting, a slightly higher awareness of node-switching was detectable, during the writing processes there does not generally seem to have been an awareness of the influences of the L1 on the FL Another area of examination ... content in planning 7.4.5 Revisions in miscellaneous in planning 7.5 Revisions in the process of writing the proper essays 7.5.1 Revisions of typing mistakes in writing the proper essay 7.5.2 Revision. .. between L1 and FL writing, and freewriting indeed activates the linguistic structures differently in L1 and in FL The ways in which the writing bursts ended were also examined, i.e whether sustained... Distribution of revisions in miscellaneous in essay writing 222 vi 7.11 Distribution of revisions in final revision 227 7.12 Distribution of revisions in content in the final revisions 228 vii Introduction

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2015, 16:40

Xem thêm: First language versus foreign language fluency, errors and revision processes in foreign language academic writing



