This freebie contains work for blends and digraphs, including beginning sound, word identification and cut and paste sorts. This freebie contains work for blends and digraphs, including beginning sound, word identification and cut and paste sorts. This freebie contains work for blends and digraphs, including beginning sound, word identification and cut and paste sorts.
and Digraphs FREEBIE Created by: Date Name Beginning Blends Say the name of the picture Fill in the letters that make the beginning sound Color the pictures _ _ ender _ _ ider _ _ ail _ _ oss _ _ ock _ _ uit _ _ oves _ _ ead _ _ agon _ _ esent _ _ ab _ _ uck _ _ ide _ _ um €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Beginning Digraphs Say the name of the picture Fill in the letters that make the beginning sound Color the pictures _ _ eese _ _ ark _ _ oto _ _ istle _ _ umb _ _ air _ _ eep _ _ eel _ _ ale _ _ ovel _ _ erry _ _ one _ _ ell _ _ rone €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Which Blend? Color the pictures Circle the correct word that matches each picture Write that word in the box blocks fry flog plocks fly frog clab crool plant crab stool prant blane drum ski plane dlum sti smile snake snamp skile stake stamp €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Which Digraph? Color the pictures Circle the correct word that matches each picture Write that word in the box dolphin phisker shurch dolthin whisker church chalk cheese gocher thalk wheese gopher whoto whisk shief photo phisk thief chark shorn thumb shark thorn chumb €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Blends Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to its beginning blend sound Glue in the appropriate box bl br cl cr dr fr blocks, blender, bread, broom, cliff, clock, crab, crown, drum, dragon, frog, fruit €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Blends Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to its beginning blend sound Glue in the appropriate box sk sl sm sn sp st ski, skateboard, sled, slide, small, smile, snail, snake, spider, sponge, stamp, stool €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Digraphs Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to the digraph sound it contains Glue in the appropriate box ch sh th chair, chick, cherry, cheese, shovel, shark, shell, ship, thermos, thumb, thread, throne €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Digraphs Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to the digraph sound it contains Glue in the appropriate box ph sh wh photo, phone, elephant, trophy, sheep, shark, shell, shadow, whistle, wheel, whale, whisk €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 T h a n k u y o I’m only as good as my graphics (and fonts) Like this? Then you’ll love these! €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Thank you for downloading this product! Please leave me some feedback if you appreciate freebies like this one! I will not be making any modifications to this free product If you have any questions, please email me: If you like freebies, make sure to follow me! €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 ... chark shorn thumb shark thorn chumb €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Blends Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to its beginning blend sound Glue in the appropriate... crown, drum, dragon, frog, fruit €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Blends Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to its beginning blend sound Glue in the appropriate... snake, spider, sponge, stamp, stool €Learning With Mrs Leeby 2014 Date Name Cut and Paste Digraphs Color the pictures Cut and sort the pictures according to the digraph sound it contains Glue in the