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    • Keỏ Hoaùch Boọ Moõn

    • Unit 3 ( cont ) B1,2

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Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English Phòng Giáo Dục Huyện Cẩm Mỹ Trường THCS Bảo Bình LESSON PLAN -English 6- Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English Kế Hoạch Bộ Môn I>Tình hình chung lớp dạy: 1.Thuận lợi: -Được BGH nhà trường quan tâm trang bò thêm số đồ dùng dạy học : tranh ảnh,máy cassette,đèn chiếu,… -Phân phối chương trình rõ ràng -Học sinh háo hức học môn Tiếng Anh 2.Khó khăn: -Học sinh chủ yếu người Hoa,vốn từ Tiếng Việt hạn chế nên việc học Tiếng Anh khó khăn -Học sinh chưa có điều kiện học Tiếng Anh tiểu học,nên môn học hoàn toàn xa lạ em -Lớp học đông nên khó bao quát,không đủ thời gian ý giúp đỡ em yếu cách thường xuyên ,chu đáo -Một số trang thiết bò chưa đủ : tranh ảnh,đèn chiếu II>Các biện pháp nhằm nâng cao chất lượng: -Kết hợp chặt chẽ với GVCN để theo dõi,đôn đốc học sinh,xếp chỗ ngồi cho hợp lí đồng học lực nhóm -Nhiệt tình với học sinh,tạo hứng thú học tập cho học sinh,giúp đỡ học sinh yếu -Thường xuyên kiểm tra cũ,vở ghi chép,vở soạn sách tập học sinh để kòp thời uốn nắn,giup học sinh hình thành thói quen học tập -Chuẩn bò kó trước lên lớp nội dung đồ dùng dạy học III> Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu: Lớp Sỉ số Giỏi Khá ĐYC Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English WEEK 1: Period 1: Giới thiệu I>Mục đích yêu cầu: -Giúp học sinh hiểu tầm quang trọng Tiếng Anh thời đại ngày +Tiếng Anh môn học bắt buộc trường hổ thông +Tiếng Anh ngôn ngữ quốc tế chìa khóa đến với kiến thức nhân loại +Biết Tiếng Anh giúp HS có nhiều hội tìm việc làm thăng tiến tương lai -Giới thiệu cách học Tíêng Anh có hiệu số quy đònh môn học +Vocabulary: nhớ tả,nghóa từ loại,cách phát âm âm tiết nhấn.Học câu có từ +Sentences: học thuộc hội thoại ngắn mà có mẫu câu,luyện nói viết giấy nháp nhà II>Nội dung: -GV đặt số câu hỏi để thăm dò học sinh: +Theo em học Tiếng Anh có ích lợi gì? +Tại lại học Tiếng Anh chương trình phổ thông ma không la Tiến Pháp,Tiếng Nga,…? +Để học tốt mômn Tiếng Anh phải chuẩn bò gì? -GV hướng dẫn cách học làm tập nhà -GV giới thiệu cấu trúc SGK -Cách ghi lớp -Cách soạn -Giới thiệu sách tập -Cách làm việc theo cặp,nhóm lớp -Giới thiệu cách làm kiểm tra trắc nghiệm -GV giới thiệu bảng chữ dạy HS hát ABC -Dặn dò học sinh chuẩn bò cho tiết học sau :Unit ( A1-A4) Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English Period 2: Unit : GREETING A-Hello- (A1-A4) I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to greet their friends and introduce their name II>Language Content: -Gram : Simple present of ‘tobe’ -Voc : hello,hi,I,my name,am,is III>Techniques: -Q & A -Groupwork IV>Teachning aids: -textbook -pictures,cassette player,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activties 1.Warm up: -T asks: +What you first when you meet your friends? 2.Presentation: -T shows pictures and introduces the lesson -T reads the words -Students listen to tape and repeat -T explains the way to greet someone -Students repeat Content -hello = hi : xin chào -I : -I am = I’m : eg: I’m Lan My name is Lan 3.Practice: -Students practice in pairs -Checking some pairs -T introduces the dialogue using the picture (A 2) -T explains the structures and new words -Students listen to tape and repeat -Students practice introducing their names Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English in ways: +My name is…… +I am…… -Students practice in groups 4.Consolidation: -Students repeat all new words -Call some students to introduce their names in front of the class 5.Homework: -Learn the lesson by heart -Prepare A5-A8 Period 3: Unit 1:( cont) -(A5- A8) I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to ask and answer about their health II>Language Content: -Gram: +How are you?-I’m fine -Voc : fine,thanks,and you? III>Techniques: -Q & A -pair/groupwork -braistorming IV>Teaching aids: -textbook -pictures,tape,stereo V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activites 1.Warm up: -T asks students to introduce their names and greet each other -T asks students in Vietnamese “em có khoẻ không?” -T introduces the lesson Content Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen 2.Pre-practice: -T explains the way to use the structure -T reads the sentences ,students repeat -Students listen to tape and repeat the dialogue 3.While-practice: -Students practice in pairs -Checking some pairs -T uses the picture to explains “Mr & Miss” -Explaining how to A7 -Students pratice in pairs to complete the dialogue (without books) -Call some students to reads the dialogue loudly -Asking students to write it again at home 4.Post-pratice: -T asks students to greet and introduce the name and ask about their health in pairs -Checking some pairs -Call students to practice in front of class Lesson Plan –English -How are you? : bạn khỏe không? -I’m fine : khỏe -And you? :còn bạn sao? -fine (a) : khỏe -thanks : cảm ơn :thank you -Mr : ông -Miss : cô -How are you? -I’m fine.Thanks 5.Homework: -Do exercise in work book -Prepare next lesson (B1.B2) WEEK 2: Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English Period 4: Unit 1: (cont) -B1,B2,B3I>Objectives: -Students will be able to know the way to greet people in certain time of the day II>Language Content: 1.Gram: simple present 2.Voc: good morning,good night,bye III>Technqies: -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teachning aids: -picture.steore,textbook V>Procedure: Teacher & Students’ activities 1.Warm up: -T asks students to greet each other -Students say “hi” or “hello” Content 2.Presentation: -T introduces the lesson byusing the picture -Students look at the picture and guess the time of the day -T explains new words -Students listen to tape and repeat -T explains the way to use them *New words: -Good morning :chào buổi sáng -Good afternoon : chào buổi chiều -Good evening : chào buổi tốii -Good night : chúc ngủ ngon -bye :good bye : tạm biệt 3.Practice: -T explains the way to answer with ‘we are’ -T reads the dialogue -Students listen to tape and repeat -How are you? -We are :We’re : -thank you :thanks -Students practice the dialogue in pairs B4: Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Checking some pairs -T introduces B4 and ask students what they have to -Students answer -Students work in groups -Getting feedback -Good afternoon Lan -I’m fine.Thanks.And you? -Bye -Students practice greeting in pairs -T sets up some situations for students to practice ->When you meet your friends in the morning/afternoon/evening.How you greet them? 4.Consolidation: -T draw some clocks and asks students to greet each other based on the clocks (9 p.m) (5p.m) (7a.m) 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next lesson Period 5: Unit : (cont) -C1,2- How old are you? I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to count from to 20 and ask and answer about their age II>Language Content: -Structure: +How old are you? Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English +This is… -Voc: old,year III.Techniques: -Q & A -matching -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -tape,stereo -textbook,picture V>Procedure: Teacher & Students’ activities 1.Warm up: -T and students sing the song “Em tập đếm” -T introduces the lesson 2.Presentation: -T introduces the cardinal number from to 20 -T writes them on board -Students listen and repeat -Students read in choral and individually -Call some students read again 3.Practice: -T asks about their age in Vietnamese ->How to say in English? -T explains the way to ask age -T reads and students repeat -T uses the picture and introduces the dialogue -Students listen to tape and repeat -T explains the way to use the pattern -T models with some students -Students practice in pairs -Checking some pairs -T introduces his/her name first,then point a students and says “This is… ->Write on board -T explains the way to use “this is….” 1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.six 7.seven 8.eight 9.nine 10.ten Content 11.eleven 12.twelve 13.thirteen 14.fourteen 15.fifteen 16.sixteen 17.seventeen 18.eighteen 19.nineteen 20.twenty -How old are you? :bạn tuổi -I’m twelve : Tôi 12 tuổi -This is Lan :đây Lan Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Students practice in pairs -Checking some pairs 4.Consolidation: -Having students match -Call some students to match on board -Correcting 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Learn numbers from to 20 *Matching: one eight ten seventeen thirteen two 17 10 13 Period 6: Unit : (cont) -C3,4- I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to count from to 20 and ask and answer about their age II>Language Content: -Structure: +How old are you? +This is… -Voc: old,year III.Techniques: -Q & A -matching -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -tape,stereo -textbook,picture V>Procedure: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -T asks sts to write numbers Content 6, 8, 2, 15, 18… -Getting feedback 10 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English +We have math +It starts at 8.50 +It finishes at 9.35 4.Consolidation: -Having students rub out new words and remember -What we have today? -What time does it start? -What time does it finish? 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next lesson WEEK 11 Period 31: Unit : (cont) -C2,3I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to talk about subjects they have on the days of week II>Language Content: -Gram :When we have math? -Voc : days of week III>Techniques: -Q & A -pairwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook -steore,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activtities Content 1.Warm up: *New words: -T asks: -a week (n) : tuần +How many days are there in a week? -Monday -T introduces days of a week -Tuesday -T reads and students repeat -Wednesday -Thursday -Friday -Saturday -Sunday 2.Presentation: Nga: When we have…………….? 43 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen -Students listen to tape and repeat -Call some students read again -T writes the dialogue with some blanks on the board -Students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in pairs -Getting feedback -T notes the preposition “on” 3.Practice: -Students practice the dialogue -Checking some pairs -T shows a timetable,students look at it and answer the questions -Studenta practice in pairs to ask and answer -Getting feesback 4.Consolidation: -Students match the days in Vietnamese with them in English -Correcting Lesson Plan –English Ba : We have it on………and……… Nga : When we have…………………… ? We have it on………….,………… ,and………… Nga : Does Lan have math on………… ? Ba : No,……………… _When we have math? -We have it on Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Math History Geography Math listerature English English history Monday Sunday ……… thứ năm thứ hai 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next lesson Period 32: GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1- 44 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to review and remember important structures and vocabulary they have learnt II>Language Content: -Gram : Wh-questions,present simple tense -Voc : store (n) III>Techniques: -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities Content -get up *Warm up: -go to school -T shows some pictures,asks sts to write the -have breakfast activity in each picture -wash face -Feedback 1.Activity 1: -Review present simple tense I/We/You/They -> V He/She/It ->Ves/s -Having students exercise in pairs -Getting feedback -Call sts write down on board -Correcting *Exercise : a.get-get-get-gets-get-get b.do-have-have-does-have-has-do-have-have c.do-go-go-does-go-goes-do-go-go d.do-wash-wash-does-wash-washes 2.Activity 2: -T revises the way to say time -Asking sts to look at the clocks and answer :”What time is it?” -Asking students to practice in pairs -Correcting -T asks them to say the time in different way *Exercise 2: a.It’s seven o’clock b.It’s a quarter past nine c.It’s half past four d.It’s twelve o’clock e.It’s a quarter to two f.It’s ten to nine *Exercise 3: Y/N questions 3.Activity 3: -T asks: +Is your school big? -Students work in pairs to practice exercise 45 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Checking some pairs -Note the Y/N questions 4.Activity 4: -T reviews some words questions :where,when,what,who,how” -Having students complete exercise in groups -Getting feedback *Exercise 4: a.where b.how c.what d.how e.which f.what *Consolidation: -Having sts exercise 1and (p.57 & 58) from workbook -Sts write down on board -Feedback *Homework: -Write down exercise 1,2,4 on sts’ notabook -Prepare next lesson “Grammar Practice 5-7” 1> a.I … to school in the morning b.My mom ……… up at c We……… English on Tuesday d There …… forty students in my class e.I …….soccer everyday -store (n) :cửa hàng Period 33: GRAMMAR PRACTICE 5-7 I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to review and remember important structures and vocabulary they have learnt II>Language Content: -Gram : Wh-questions,present simple tense -Voc : store (n) III>Techniques: -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook V>Procedures: 46 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Teacher & Students’activities *Warm up: -Asking sts to tell some subjects in English Lesson Plan –English Content English History Math Geography Literature 1.Activity 1: -T asks some questions: +When we have math? +What we have on Monday? +What time you get up? +Do you go to store? -Student practice in pairs to ask andf answer exercise 5,6 -Getting feedback *Exercise 5: a.I have literature/math/geography on……… d On Friday I have…………… 2.Activity 2: -T asks sts some questions -Explains some new words -Sts practice in pairs -Checking some pairs +What time you get up? +What time you have lunch? -go to store (v) : đđdi mua hang -help mom (v) : giup me 3.Activity 3: -Sts work in groups to exercise -Sts write down on board -Feedback 4.Consolidation: -T asks some questions -Sts practice in pairs -Checking some pairs -Asks sts to write down on board a.What’s your fisrt class on Momday? b.What’s your second class on Tuesday? c.What’s your third class on Wednesday? d.what’s your fourth class on Thursday? e.What’s your fifth class on Friday? 5.Homework: -Do exercise 2,4,6,9 (p.58 & 59) from workbook -Prepare next lesson :Unit A1-2 WEEK 12: 47 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Period 34 Lesson Plan –English Unit : PLACES A-Our House (A1,A2) I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to talk about places in their neighborhood II>Language Content: -Gram : Present simple tense -Voc: lake,river,hotel,yard,rice-paddy,park III>Techniques: -brainstorming -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook,pictures -stereo,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -Asking students to look at the pictures and tell what are there in the picture? -T introduces new words -T reads and students repeat -Call some students reads them again 2.Presentation: -Having students listen to tape and repeat -Students read the text in silence -Call some students read loudly -Work in groups to answer the questions -T explains how to says what is near the house 3.Practice: -Asking students to read the text again -Work in groups to answer the questions -Getting feedback -Students practice in pairs to ask and answer -Having students look at th pictures in A then 48 Content *New words: -lake (n) : hồ -river (n) : sông -park (n) : công viên -yard (n) :cái sân -rice-paddy (n) : cánh đồng lúa -hotel (n) : khách sạn Eg: I live in a house near a park Our house is near a lake *Answer: a.Thuy is twelve b.She is a student c.Her brother’s name is Minh d.He is twenty Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English ask and answer about the things in it using +What is this?/that? +What are those?/these? e.She lives in ahouse near a lake f.There is a rice-paddy near the house *Matching: lake ricer hotel yard rice-paddy 4.Consolidation: -Having students match some places with the meaning in English -Getting feedback sông khách sạn sân đồng lúa hồ 5.Homework: -Learn new words by heart -Prepare next lesson Period 35: Unit : (cont) -A3->A7I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to describle places where they live II>Language Content: -Gram : present simple tense -Voc: near,village,town III>Techniques: -brainstorming -pair/groupwork -Q & A IV>Teaching aids: -textbook,pictures -tape,stereo V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -T shows some pistures of places Content *New words: 49 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Asking them to write places under each picture -feedback -Asking students to look at the pictures and introduces new words -T reads and students repeat -Call some stduents read again 2.Presentation: -Asking students to exercise in pairs -Getting feedback -Asking students to losten to tape and repeat -Call some students read it loudly -Students read the words in A4 -Students listen to A4 and note the words in pairs -Getting feedback 3.Pracrice: -Having students look at the pictures A -Students say the name of each picture -T explains the exercise and models -Students practice in groups -Getting feedback -town (n) : thò trấn -near (a) :gần -village (n) : làng 3> a.yard-ricepaddy b.hotel-lake c.river-park d.trees-flowers 5> b.There is a park near our house c.There is a river near our house d.There is a lake near our house e.There is a school near our house f.Ther is a rice-paddy near our house 4.Consolidaiton: -Students talk about their house in pairs -Checking some pairs 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next leson Period 36: Unit : (cont) 50 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -B In The CityI>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to crible their town II>Language Content: -Gram : Simple present tense -Voc : store,restaurant,bookstore,temple,museum,stadium,next to III>Techniques: -pair/groupwork -Q & A IV>Teaching aids: -textbook,picture -stereo,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -T asks: +What you often see on the street? -Students look at the pictures and answer Content 2.Presentation: -T explains new words -T reads and students repeat -T introduces the lesson -Students listen to tape and repeat ( B1) -Call some students read again *New words: -restaurant (n) : nhà hàng -bookstore (n) : tiệm sách -temple (n) : đền -museum (n) : viện bảo tàng -stadium (n) : sân vận động -next to (adv) : kế bên 3.Practice: -Having students read the text again -Students answer the T/F in groups -Getting feedback -T asks some questions +Where does Minh live? +How many people are there in his family? +What is next to a book store? +Where does his mother work? -Students work in pairs to answer *True/False: a.F b.T c.T d.T e.T f.F *Answer: a.Minh lives in a city b.There are four people in his family c.There is a restaurant next to bookstore d.She works in hospital 51 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Getting feedback 2> -Asking students to complete exercise in a.city pairs b.resrtaurant,bookstore,teple -Getting feedback c.hospital -T asks some questions and students answer in d.house,store pairs e.factory +Where does Minh’s mother work? +Where does Minh live? *Answer: +Where does his father work? -She workd in hospital -Checking some pairs -He lives in city -He works in a factory 4.Consolidation: -Asking students to look at the table of words in B3 -call s a students read the the words -Explaining the exercise B3 -Students listen to tape (twice) and write down the words they hear in groups -Getting feedback 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Learn new words -Prepare next lesson 3> a.stadium b.factory c.park d.hotel Week 13 Period 37: Unit :(cont) -C1,C2-Around The House I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to crible place around their house and make questions about scene around their house II>Language Content: -Voc : in front of,behind,on the letf,on the right,well,mountain III>Techniques: -Q & A 52 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook -stereo,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -T sticks a picture and asks: +What can you see in the picture? (well,moutain) -Introduce new words 2.Presentation: -Asking students to read the text and underline new words -T explains new words -T reads and students repeat -Students listen to tape and repeat 3.Practice: -Having students read the text in silence again -Students work in pairs to answer the questions -Getting feedback -Asking students look at the pictures in C2 -T asks some questions to find out the differences between the pictures -Students listen to tape to choose the right pictures in groups -Getting feedback Lesson Plan –English Content -mountain (n) : núi -well (n) : giếng -in front of : phía trước -behind : phía sau -letf : bên trái -right :bên phải -tall : cao *C2: a.A b.A c.B 4.Consolidation: -Show the picture on board and ask students: +Where is the yard? +Where is the well? +Where are tall trees/mountain? -Getting feedback 53 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next lesson Period 38: Unit : (cont) -C3->C4I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to crible a town II>Language Content: -Voc : drugstore,photocopy store,police station,toy store,movie theatre,bakery,opposite,between III>Techniques: -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook,picture -stereo,tape V>Procedures: Teacher & Students’activities 1.Warm up: -T asks students to tell some vocabulary about topic city (hotel,park,restaurant,….) -T introduces the lesson “Today I introduce you some more words about city” 2.Presentation: -Students look at the pictures and say some stores there are -T explains new words -T reads and students repeat -Student listen to tape and repeat Content *New words: -drugstore (n) : tiệm thuốc -toy store (n) : cửa hàng đồ chơi -bakery (n) : tiệm bánh -photocopy store (n) : tiệm photo -movie theatre (n) : rạp chiếu phim 54 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English -Call some students to read again 3.Practice: -Asking students to read the text again -Work in pairs to answer the questions begin : “Where is/Where are……? -Getting feedback -T asks some questions: “It’s next to the bakery.What is it? “It’s between the bakery and drugstore.What is it? -Students work in pairs to make similar questions,then practice to ask and asnwer -Chekcing some pairs -police station (n) : đồn cảnh sát -between : -opposite : đối diện *Answer: -It’s the photocopy -It’s the theater *Matching: drugatore toystore police station moive theather bookstore photocopy store oppisite 4.Consolidation: -Having students work in groups to match some new words with the meaning 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare for the test 45’ Period 39 : Test 45’ 55 rạp chiếu pphim nhà thuốc đồn cảnh sát tiệm đồ chơi đối diện tiệm sách tiệm photo Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English I>Objectives: -Checking stduents knowledge from unit to unit II>Language Content: -Gram and voc from unit to unit WEEK 14: Period 40: Unit : YOUR HOUSE (A1-A2) I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to ask and asnwer some informations about their house II>Language Content: -Voc : beautiful,apartment,flower garden,photo,vegetable garden,any -Structure: +Is there a yard? Yes,there is +Are there any trees? No,there aren’t III>Techniques: -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teachning aids: -textbook,picture -stereo,tape V>Procedure: Teacher & Students’activites Content 1.Warm up: -T shows picture and asks students to -There is a house translate sentences  Is there a house? +Có nhà -There are many trees in front of the house +Có nhiều trước nhà  Are there any trees in front of the house? -T introduces the way to change these -any (n) : vài 56 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English sentences into questions 2.Presentation: -T reads the dialogue -Students repeat -Explaining new words -Students repeat new words -Students listen to tape and repeat -Call some students read again -T asks some questions: +Is your house big? +Is there a yard? +Is there a well? +Are there any trees? +Are there any flowers? -Students work in pairs to practice -Getting feedback 3.Practice: -T shows a picture and says: “This is Nga’s house.Now we read Nga’s letter to know more about her house” -T reads the letter first -Students listen to tape and repeat -Students work in groups to answer the questions -Getting feedback *New words: -vegetable (n) :rau -garden (n) : vườn -photo (n) : hình -any (n) : vài -apartment (n) : hộ -beautiful (a) : đẹp *Answer: a.D b.A c.E d.B e.C 4.Consolidation: -Asking students to say about their house in pairs -checking some pairs 5.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next lesson 57 [...]... Lesson Plan –English 6 2Activity 1 -Sts work in groups to practice A3 -Checking some groups 3.Activity 2: T gives some cues Sts ask and answer in pairs 4.Consolidation: Play “Bingo” 4.Homework: -Do exercise in workbook -Prepare next leson: Unit 2 - -Hoa/ 15 -Tuan / 20 -Huy/ 1 -Uyen / 12 1 3 5 7 20 15 14 12 11 9 17 16 18 13 2 4 WEEK 3 Period 7: Unit 2: AT SCHOOL A-Come in (A1-A2) I>Objectives: -By the end... to repeat after the cassette 90: ninety 10 0 : one hundred 21: twenty – one 99: ninety – nine 2 Practice Count the items in the classroom 4.Consolidation: 1 door 1window 1 clock Count the items in the pupils/ classroom 1 eraser Complete the exercise 2students 1 chair 1 table a twenty x five = 4 benches b eighty : two = 1books 6 desks 1 board c fifteen x three = 1 ruler d sixty – eighty = Write questions... ……………………………………….? 7 They are in the yard ……………………………………………? 8 My father is forty 3 Activity 3 Numbers Numbers a Write the words for the numbers 3 three 6 six 13 thirteen ……………… b Write the numbers for the words 5, 16 , 38, 72 4 Homework - Do exercise page 43 WEEK 7: Period 19 : Test 45’ I>Objectives: -Checking students’knowledge II>Language Content: -Gram & Voc : from Unit 1 Unit 3 Period 21: 29 Trường... activities Content 1 Activity 1 1 I …… a student * To Be 2 There…… four people in my family 3 How many desks…… there 4 He ……… A doctor 5 Lan………… 11 years old 6 They…… In the livingroom 28 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen 2 Activity 2 * Make questions Lesson Plan –English 6 7 My parents…… teachers 8 Ba …… My brother 9 There …… a book on the table 10 ……… this your pen? ……………………………………? 1 I am 12 …………………………………... / live c Who / is d What / is 7 Numbers a Write the words for the numbers 1 one , 5 five , 8 eight b Write the numbers for the words 4, 7, 9, 11 , 15 , 25, 60 *- Reviewing the usage of this that - Having ss complete the dialogue in pairs -Getting feedback 8 Greetings Hello, How, fine You, thanks 9 This and that - that / is / yes -this / is / isn/t 10 A picture quize 27 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị... old lesson carefully - Prepare for the next period B1,2,3 Period 14 21 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English 6 Unit 3 ( cont ) B1,2 I/.Objectives By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to ask for and give numbers II/ Language content - Vocabulary : sister , mother, father - Grammar : How many ? (review) Number ( 21 -> 10 0 ) III/ Techniques : Qs – As , pair work ,group work... a)My school is in th country / city b)There are 21 classrooms c) There are 15 00 students Period 23: Unit 4: (cont) B-My Class I>Objectives: -By the end of the lesson,students will be able to count ordinal number from 1st to 10 th and ask and answer about their grade,class II>Language Content: -Gram : +Which grade……? +Which class……? -Voc: ordinal number (1st -10 th),grade,floor,have III>Techniques: -brainstorming... Content *Ordinal number: 1st : first 2nd :second 3rd : third 4th : fourth 5th : fifth 6th : sixth 7th :seventh 8th : eighth 9th: ninth 10 th : tenth -floor (n): tầng -grade (n) : khối -class (n) : lớp -Which grade are you in ?:Bạn học khối nào? I am in grade 6 -Which class are you in? Bạn học lớp nào? I am in class 6A Thu Phong You 33 grade class 7 6 6 7C 6A 6/3 Classroom’s floor 2nd 1st 1st Trường THCS Bảo... are there ? - > There is are 23 Trường THCS Bảo Bình Vũ Thị Phương Uyen Lesson Plan –English 6 - Getting feedback 5 Practice Count the items in the livingroom 1 couch 2 chairs 1 lamp 4.people 1 telephone 1. television 2 armchairs 1. bookcase 1 stereo 2.stools -Ask ss to close the books and summarize the content of the lesson -> open the books - > look at “ remember “ 6 remember 4.Consolidation: Write... –English 6 -Q & A -pair/groupwork IV>Teaching aids: -textbook,picture -stereo,tape V>Procedure: Teacher & Students’ activities 1. Warm up: -Call some students to count from 1 10 -Asking others to write them on board 2.Presentation: -T introduces the ordinal number from 1st to 10 th -Giving examples to compare ordinal number and cordinal number -T introduces the dialogue and explains new words -T reads ... exercise in workbook -Prepare next leson: Unit - -Hoa/ 15 -Tuan / 20 -Huy/ -Uyen / 12 20 15 14 12 11 17 16 18 13 WEEK Period 7: Unit 2: AT SCHOOL A-Come in (A1-A2) I>Objectives: -By the end of the... “this is….” 1. one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5.five 6.six 7. seven 8.eight 9.nine 10 .ten Content 11 .eleven 12 .twelve 13 .thirteen 14 .fourteen 15 .fifteen 16 .sixteen 17 .seventeen 18 .eighteen 19 .nineteen... Content 1. Warm up: -T writes the time on board 11 .00 -Students say the time 12 .15 10 .30 8.25 2.Presentation: -Asking students to tell about their routine -What you everyday? -Students listen to A1

Ngày đăng: 16/11/2015, 05:03

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