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common dialogues

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GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG (Nghe điện thoại) Hello I’m Mary May I speak to John, please? Xin chào Tôi Mary Xin cho nói chuyện với John Could you hold a minute, please? Xin vui lòng giữ máy giây lát One moment, please Vui lòng đợi chút Hold on I’ll get him Đợi môt chút Tôi gọi anh I’m sorry, but John is busy now Would you leave a message/call back later? Tôi xin lỗi Bây John bận Bạn muốn để lại lời nhắn/chốc gọi lại không? How are you? – Couldn’t be better Thank you Yourself? Bạn khỏe không? – Khỏe Cảm ơn Còn bạn? (Có thể hỏi: “Are you ok?”và đáp lại bằng: (I’m) fine / not bad / great / very well / pretty bad / not fine / not good / awful) Thank you – You’re welcome Cảm ơn bạn – Không có chi (Có thể đáp lại bằng: Never mind (Đừng bận tâm)/ Not at all (Không có chi)/ It’s my pleasure (Vinh hạnh tôi)/ Don’t mention it (Đừng đề cập đến)) It’s getting late I’ve got to go Goodbye See you soon – Take care Trễ Tôi phải Tạm biệt Hẹn sớm gặp lại – Bảo trọng Excuse me, but could you please tell me where Dong Thap supermarket is? Xin lỗi, xin ông vui lòng cho biết siêu thị ĐT đâu? Good luck! (Chúc may mắn!) Congratulations! (Xin chúc mừng!) My God! (Chúa ơi!) Would you like something to drink? (Bạn muốn uống không?) Let’s go fishing - That’s sounds great Chúng ta câu cá nhe – Nghe hay Why not go shopping? – I’d love to, but I’m busy now Sorry Sao lại không mua sắm? – Tôi thích không khỏe Xin lỗi I’m terribly sorry (Tôi thành thật xin lỗi.) No problem (Không thành vấn đề.) Don’t worry about it (Đừng bận tâm điều đó.) How beautiful/handsome you are today! (Hôm bạn đẹp đấy!) You’re exactly right (Bạn hoàn toàn đúng.) I couldn’t agree more! (Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý.) I’m tired to death (Tôi mệt muốn chết.) Give me a break (Hãy để yên.) Can I take a break? (Em giải lao?) Keep your promise (Hãy giữ lời nhé.) Don’t break your promise (Đừng nuốt lời nhé.) I’m all ears (Tôi chăm nghe.) Don’t beat about the bush (Đừng vòng vo tam quốc.) Come back to earth (Quay thực tế đi.) Take your pick (Hãy chọn đi.) It’s your turn (Đến lượt bạn.) It rains cats and dogs (Trời mưa trút nước.) It’s on me (Để trả tiền.) I’m broke (Tôi bị cháy túi rồi.) Poor you! (Tội nghiệp bạn quá!) Don’t pull my leg (Đừng trêu chọc tôi.) That chance slips through my fingers (Cơ hội vuột khỏi tầm tay tôi.) Watch your language (Hãy cẩn ngôn.) Behave yourself (Hãy cư xử cho nhé.) That’s a tempest in an teapot (Chuyện bé xé to.) Trang 1/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 42 I wouldn’t say no (Tôi đâu có từ chối.) 43 They are no match for you (Họ đối thủ bạn.) 44 Travel broadens your minds (Đi ngày đàn học sàn khôn.) 45 It’s like water off a duck’s back (Như nước đổ đầu vịt.) 46 At first strange, now familiar (Trước lạ sau quen.) 47 I read you like a book (Tôi guốc bụng bạn.) 48 I slipped my tongue (Tôi lỡ lời.) 49 The more, the merrier (Càng đông vui.) 50 I’m over the moon (Tôi rat sung sướng/hạnh phúc.) 51 He’s a pain in the neck (Nó gai mắt.) 52 Take it or leave it? (Lấy hay bỏ?) 53 It’s up to you (Tùy bạn.) 54 I could eat a horse (Tôi ăn ngựa = Tôi đói bụng.) 55 I could drink an ocean (Tôi uống đại dương = Tôi khát nước.) 56 First think, then speak (Uốn lưỡi lần trước nói.) 57 They talk behind my back (Họ nói xấu sau lưng tôi.) 58 I’d like to join the green summer campaign (Tôi muốn tham gia chiến dịch mùa hè xanh.) 59 Many men, many minds (Chín người mười ý.) 60 Slow but sure (Chậm mà chắc.) 61 Seeing is believing (Trăm nghe không thấy.) 62 Love cannot be forced (Ép dầu ép mỡ nỡ ép duyên.) 63 The more you get, the more you want (Được voi đòi tiên.) 64 They change defeat into victory (Họ chuyển bại thành thắng.) 65 The market is flat (Chợ búa ế ẩm.) 66 Hands off (Lấy tay ra.) 67 He’s dead drunk (Hắn ta say bí tỉ.) 68 I freeload a meal/a breakfast/a lunch/a dinner (Tôi ăn chực.) 69 I eat my fill (Tôi ăn đời/no nê.) 70 Nothing doing (Còn lâu, khuya.) 71 Don’t bully the weak (Đừng bắt nạt kẻ yếu.) 72 Add fuel to the fire: Thêm dầu vào lửa 73 After rain comes fair weather: Sau mưa trời lại sáng 74 As firm as rock: Vững bàn thạch 75 Behind the times: Lạc hậu 76 Better believe it: Cứ tin 77 Better late than never: Thà muộn không 78 Bring home the bacon: Kiếm cơm nuôi gia đình 79 Can’t top this/that: Không thể chê 80 Don’t poke your nose into my business: Đừng xía vào chuyện 81 Don’t quit love with hate: Đừng lấy oán trả ơn 82 Don’t scare him to death: Đừng làm sợ khiếp vía 83 Every day is not Sunday: Sông có khúc người có lúc 84 Give him the green light: Bật đèn xanh cho (= Đồng ý cho anh ta) 85 Good finds good: Ở hiền gặp lành 86 He lied at rest forever: Ông ta mãi (= He died/passed away.) 87 He/She is left on the shelf: Anh/Chị ta bị ế (vợ/chồng) 88 He/She is the man/woman of the world: Ông/Bà ta người trải/già dặn 89 I feel my age: Tôi nhận già 90 I got a flat / a puncture on the way home: Tôi bị bể/thủng bánh xe đường nhà 91 I miss the point: Tôi không hiểu Trang 2/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 92 I’m a bit under the weather: I’m not quite well 93 I’m on cloud nine / I’m in th heaven / I’m over the moon: Very happy 94 I’m out of job: Tôi việc 95 I’ve spent years’ attachment to my company: Tôi gắng bó với công ty năm 96 It costs an arm and a leg: Very expensive 97 It looks yummy: Trông ngon lành (thức ăn) 98 It never rains but it pours: Họa vô đơn chí 99 Kill two birds with one stone: Nhất cử lưỡng tiện 100 Learn from experience: Rút kinh nghiệm 101 Live and let live: Sống cho sống cho người 102 Makes haste slowly: Dục tốc bất đạt 103 Misfortune has its uses: Trong rủi có may 104 Money makes the mare go: Có tiền mua tiên 105 My heart is in my mouth: Tôi sợ hết hồn 106 Practice makes perfect: Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim 107 Speak by the book: Nói có sách mách có chứng 108 Speak up: Nói to lên 109 Speak your mind: Hãy nói anh nghĩ 110 That food makes my mouth water: Món ăn làm thèm chảy nước dãi 111 That’s a matter of life and death: Đó vấn đề sống 112 That’s only a floating part of an iceberg: Đó phần tảng băng 113 They are daring in thinking and doing: Họ dám nghĩ dám làm 114 They fell flat to the ground: Họ bị đo đường (té xe) 115 This book sells like hot cakes: Quyển sách bán đắt tôm tươi 116 Win a few, lose a few: Khi được, thua 117 Without a doubt: Chắc chắn vậy/ Là 118 You and who else? Anh thá vậy? 119 You got it: Đúng Tôi hiểu 120 You’ve made this mistake the zillionth time: Bạn mắc lỗi lần 121 You’ll be the death of me: Tôi khổ bạn (Từ Exercise trở đi, GV cho HS làm lớp, làm nhà để kiểm tra cũ làm tiết học tăng tiết ) Exercise 3: Hãy chọn câu trả lời nhất: There are many ways _ someone’s attention A to attract B to sell C to lend D to buy We can use _ and _ forms of communication to attract one’s attention A silence / noise B verbal / non-verbal C verb / adverb D gentle / impolite Probably the most common ways of attracting someone’s attention is by _ A dancing B singing C yelling D waving We might raise our hand and wave to our friend as a _ that we see her or him A signature B sign C signal D sigh When you see your brother _ the plane, you may _ to call his name A look at / throw a stone to him B pass by / whistle and clap your hands C get off / claps your hands D get off / jump up and down There are some social _ where smaller, non-verbal signals are more appropriate A situations B signatures C attractions D documents When you approve someone’s opinion, you can stare at him or her and _ slightly A kneel B nod C shake you head D sigh Trang 3/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG In a restaurant, we can raise our hand to show the waiter that we need his _ A fame B sponsor C assistance D donation You shouldn’t _ or clap your hands to get the person’s attention in a restaurant A whistle B smile C nod slightly D keep silent 10 Whistling and _ in a restaurant is considered to be impolite and even rude A talking B clapping hands C smiling D sighing 11 You shouldn’t _ the person or thing you want your friend to look at A take notice of B mention to C look at D point at 12 In most situations, pointing at someone is usually considered to be _ A polite B impolite C gentle D dish 13 Your opinion is reasonable, so it is _ A acceptable B suffered C denied D refused 14 In some special social situations, pointing at someone is completely _ A lovely B acceptable C gentle D formal 15 _, a teacher may point to student so as to get his or her attention A Forgive B Forever C For instance D For the sack of 16 In some social situations, _ is allowed to friends A fighting seriously B rudeness C accurate D informality 17 To attract the waiter’s attention, wait until you _ and raise you hand slightly A catch his eye B can attract him C pay attention to him D take advantage of him 18 Raising hand and waving are of the _ form of communication A uncountable B countable C non-verbal D verbal 19 Mary looks very attractive in her _ clothes A terrible B old fashioned C fashionable D out-dated 20 Politeness is very necessary in a common social _ A community B communication C compassionate D competition 21 Phil: You really have a beautiful dress, Maggie! Maggie: Thanks Phil That’s a nice _ A complexion B comfortable C compliment D completion 22 Peter: Your hairstyle is really _, Mary! Mary: I’m glad you like it, Peter Thanks so much A terrific B terrible C horrified D terrorist 23 Your dress is really beautiful, Cindy! You look very _ in it A awesome B ugly C naughty D decent 24 Nam: You really have a beautiful hairstyle now, Hưng! Hưng: _! You’ve pushed me into the blush A It isn’t your work B You must be kidding C Yes, of course D Nice to meet you 25 I think I’ve finally found a style that looks decent and easy _ A fighting B to fight C to handle D handling 26 Minh: I think you’ve played very splendidly in the match, Nam! Nam: Thank you That’s a nice compliment I wish I could _ you I’m still terrible A half as well as B double as well as C as badly as D far worse than 27 Giang: You’re really an excellent student, Hồng Hồng: _ I’m still very bad I think I have to try my best to keep pace with you, Giang A Certainly B You must be kidding C Sure D You’re welcome 28 Long: I didn’t know you could play badminton so well, Trâm Trâm: Thank you, Long _ I wish I could play half as well as you, Long A That’s a nice compliment B That is not your fault C You’re welcome D I certainly play very excellent Trang 4/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 29 Hạnh: I don’t know what tailor’s that can make such a beautiful dress for you, Hiền! Hiền: _, Hạnh I’ve finally found a style that suits me so much A Never mind B Go to the canteen with me C I’m glad you like it D Nice to see you 30 Thành: I really enjoy your public speaking skills, Nga Your English is really good, too Nga: _, Thành Thank you very much for your sincere compliment You made me try much harder A It’s very kind of you to say so B That’s not your work C I’m certainly very famous for those things D Yes, of course It’s me! 31 “Would you care for a drink?”can be transformed as _ A How about a drink? B Have a nice drink! C What about have a drink? D Would you stop drinking? 32 “Why don’t we stay at home?”can be transformed as _ A I suggest not staying at home B I suggest that we should not stay at home C I suggest staying at home D I suggest to stay at home 33 “Would you please give me a hand?”can be transformed as _ A Would you mind giving a hand? B Can I help you? C Would you mind helping me? D A and C are correct 34 A(n) _ length of time is the main problem for our trip A reasonable B reason C excellent D old fashioned 35 Good children should be _ to the elderly A naughty B obedient C impolite D rude 36 To attract the guests’ attentions at the party, a polite MC on first appearance may say _ A Good night every body! B Good evening my slaves C Ladies and gentlemen! D Hey, everybody! Shut up now! 37 When two strange people are first introduced to each other, they often say” _” A Nice to meet you! B Shut up! C You’re welcome! D Never mind! 38 At their first meeting, two people may say the same sentence like” _”and then shake hands when making acquaintance to each other A Pardon me? B I hate you so much! C I don’t know you! D How you do? 39 When two friends meet after a long time apart from each other, they often say” _” A How old are you? B Long time no see! C It’s odd to see you! D Shut up! 40 To show your care for another person’s health, you may ask” _”to him or her A How you do? B How old are you? C How are you? D Nice to see you! 41 Jane: “Wow! You look great with your new hair”– Jack: _ A You’re welcome C Congratulation! B It’s a pleasure D Thanks It’s nice of you to say so 42 She divorced him because of his _to the children A kindness B unkindly C unkindness D kindly 43 You will have to work hard if you want to _ A success B successful C succeed D successfully 44 When the alarm went _, Mick just turned over and went back to sleep A out B up C down D off 45 Hoi An is a tourist _ A attractive B attraction C attracted D attract 46 Sam: - “Would you like to have dinner with me?”– Susan: “ _” A I’m very happy B Yes, so C Yes, it is D Yes, I’d love to 47 Lĩnh: “How you do?”–Nam: “ _” A I’m well Thank you B Not too bad C Yeah, OK D How you do? Trang 5/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 48 Johnson: “Merry Christmas!”- Jason: “ " A Same for you! B The same to you! C You are the same! D Happy Christmas with you! 49 Amanda: “What a beautiful shirt you're wearing!” Anne: “Thank you It _ especially for me by my mother” A is made B has made C made D was made 50 George gets _Lisa A marry with B marry to C married with D married to 51 She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _ only with colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a cluB A supposes B socializes C attention D discussed 52 I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time A correct B right C exact D suitable 53 You should _ more attention to what your teacher explains A make B get C set D pay 54 Body language is a potential form of _ communication A verbal B non-verbal C tongue D oral 55 Our teacher often said,”Who knows the answer? _ your hand” A Rise B Lift C Raise D Heighten 56 This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate A situation B attention C place D matter 57 They started, as _ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years A informal B informally C informalize D informality 58 Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and A communicate B communication C communicative D communicator 59 The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _ in response to questions A attention B attentive C attentively D attentiveness 60 Pay more attention _ picture and you can find out who is the robber A to B for C at D on 61 She looked _ me, smiling happily and confidently A on B over C forward D at 62 - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _ A Thank you very much I am afraid B You are telling a lie C Thank you for your compliment D I don't like your sayings 63 you wanted to ask your teacher a question during his lecture, what would you do? A As B As if C Even of D Suppose 64 The mother told her son _ so impolitely A not behave B not to behave C not behaving D did not behave 65 I _ you everything I am doing, and you have to the same A will tell B would tell C told D was telling 66 She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _ only with colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a club A supposes B socializes C attention D discussed 67 I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time A correct B right C exact D suitable 68 You should _ more attention to what your teacher explains A make B get C set D pay 69 Body language is a potent form of _ communication A verbal B non-verbal C tongue D oral Trang 6/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 70 Our teacher often said,”Who knows the answer? _ your hand." A Rise B Lift C Raise D Heighten 71 This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate A situation B attention C place D matter 72 They started, as _ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years A informal B informally C informalize D informality 73 Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and A communicate B communication C communicative D communicator 74 The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _ in response to questions A attention B attentive C attentively D attentiveness 75 Pay more attention _ picture and you can find out who is the robber A to B for C at D on 76 She looked _ me, smiling happily and confidently A on B over C forward D at 77 - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _ A Thank you very much I am afraid B You are telling a lie C Thank you for your compliment D I don't like your sayings 78 In _ most social situations, _ informality is appreciated A Ø / Ø B the / an C a / the D the / a 79 - What beautiful dress you are wearing! - Thank you That is _ nice compliment A a / a B the / Ø C Ø / Ø D the / the 80 you wanted to ask your teacher a question during his lecture, what would you do? A As B As if C Even of D suppose 81 The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to _ her attention A attract B pull C follow D tempt 82 If something _ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it A pays B allow C catches D wave 83 When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need assistance A bill B menu C help D food 84 After a _ hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice A rude B slight C small D impolite 85 He is one of the most _ bosses I have ever worked with He behaves rudely to not only me but also others in the staff A thoughtful B impolite C attentive D communicative 86 In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _ their head A turning B raising C pointing D nodding 87 There was a _ tremble in her voice, which showed that she was very nervous at that time A slight B slighted C slightly D slightness 88 If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees _ A appropriate B appropriately C appropriation D appropriating 89 Mrs Pike was so angry that she made a _ gesture at the driver A rude B rudeness C rudely D rudest 90 _ nonverbal language is _ important aspect of interpersonal communication A The / Ø B A / the C The / a D Ø / an 91 Balzer, _ linguistic researcher, reported that approximately 75% of classroom management behavior was nonverbal A a B an C the D Ø 92 I have never seen such a beautiful dress _ you before Trang 7/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG A of B on C for D in 93 Small children are often told that it is rude to point _ other people A on B to C at D for 94 - You look great in this new dress - A With pleasure B Not at all C I am glad you like it D Do not say anything about it 95 Suppose you want to go out during a lecture, what should you do? A As B If C Though D When 96 When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is appropriate A coming nearer to B catching sight of C pointing at D looking up to 97 When you catch someone's _ you something to attract his attention so that you can talk to him A head B hand C eye D ear 98 When the play finished the audience stood up and _ their hands loudly A clapped B nodded C shook D hold 99 It is _ not to say”Thank you”when you are given something A small B rude C slight D formal 100 A whistle is the _ for the football players to begin the match A communication B instance C attention D signal 101 It is often considered to be impolite to _ at someone A look B smile C point D raise 102 He is not really friendly and makes no attempt to be _ A society B social C socialize D sociable 103 She sent me a _ letter thanking me for my invitation A polite B politely C politeness D impoliteness 104 Mr Timpson's behavior and comments on occasions were inappropriate and fell below the _ standards A accept B acceptable C acceptance D accepting 105 In general, the meaning of _ touching depends of the situation, culture, sex, and age A a B am C the D Ø 106 _ same words or phrases can have many _ different meanings, depending on how they are saiD A Ø / Ø B A / the C Ø / the D the / a 107 I recognized my grandmother as soon as she got _ the plane although we had not seen each other for more than 10 years A over B of C away D off 108 I waved _ him from the window but he didn't see me A through B for C up D to 109 Nam: How well you are playing! – Mai: A Say it again I like to hear your words B I think so I am proud of myself C Thank you too much D Many thanks That is a nice compliment 110 Peter: “How you do?”– Mary: “ _” A Yeah, OK B Not too bad C How you do? D I’m well Thank you 111 Lam: “Bye!”- Lan” _.” A See you lately B See you later C Thank you D Meet you again 112 John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “ ” A Good lock B It’s nice of you to say so C That’s a good idea D Congratulation! 113 Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”- Lam: “ .” A Yes, I’d love to B I’m very happy C Yes, it is D Yes, so I Trang 8/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 114 Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.”- Maria: “ _.” A I’m, too B I don’t C Neither I D So am I 115 Ann: “Are you going to visit Britain next month?”– Kim: “Yes, _.” A I am B I C I like D I going 116 Bob: “James is a very brave man.”- David: “Yes, I wish I _ his courage.” A Had B will have C have had D have 117 David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!”– Helen: “ .” A I B Thanks for your compliment C You, too D Okay 118 Sue: “I love pop music.”– Alice: “ .” A I do, too B No, I won’t C Yes, I like it D Neither I 119 Ann: “What you usually on Sundays?”– Mary: “ .” A I used to drive to work B I’d be sleeping all day C I’m not doing anything D I usually sleep until noon 120 Jack: “I’ve got to go, Sarah So long.”– Sarah: “So long, Jack And _.” A be careful B don’t hurry C take care D don’t take it seriously 121 Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing.”- Julia: “ _.” A That’s nice B I like it C That’s all right D I’m glad you like it 122 David: “Merry Christmas!”- Jason: “ ” A You are the same! B Same for you! C The same to you! D Happy Christmas with you! 123 A: “ ?”- B: “Once a week.” A How often you go shopping B How much you want C Are you sure D When will you get there 124 A: “Sorry I’m late.”– B: “ .” A OK B Don’t worry C Hold the line, please D Go ahead 125 A: “Good morning My name is Turner I have a reservation.”– B: “ .” A What you want? B Yes, a single room for two nights C I haven’t decided yet What about you? D What you like? 126 Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.”– Peter: “ .” A Thank you B Same to me C Good luck D See you 127 A: “Thank you for the lovely present.”– B: “ .” A Go ahead B Not at all C Come on D I’m pleased you like it 128 A: “Are you coming on Saturday?”– B: “ .” A I’m afraid not B I’m afraid not to C I’m afraid to D I’m afraid I don’t 129 A: “ they travel abroad?”– B: “Once a year.” A When B How C What time D How often 130 Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?”– Mary: “ .” A I know so B Yes, I act so C I think not D Yes, that’s right 131 Trung: “I’m getting married next week.”– Nguyen: “ .” A Thanks, the same to you B Congratulations! C Well done! D Sorry to hear that 132 A: “How’s life?”– B: “ .” A Sure B Not too bad, but very busy C Very well, thank you D Pleased to meet you 133 A: “Excuse me, what’s the time?”– B: “Sorry I .” A don’t see B not have a watch C won’t know D know 134 A: “Are you free this coming Sunday?”– B: “ ” A Yes, I will B No, thank you C Yes, I can D I think so Why? 135 A: “ ”– B: “Certainly” Trang 9/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG A Welcome back! B What are you doing there? C I’m sorry I am late D May I borrow a pencil, please? 136 A: “Are you hungry?”– B: “ ” A Yes, I B Soon C Right now D Yes, a little 137 A: “Would you like some more tea?”– B: “ ” A Yes, please B Here you are C It doesn’t matter D I’m OK 138 Hello, my name’s John to meet you A Please B I am very well C Pleased D Thank you 139 Mary: ? – Peter: He’s OK now A What is he B How is he C How tall is he D What’s he like 140 Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift.”– Mary: “ ” A You are welcome B Thank you C Cheers D Have a good day 141 Dona: “What’s your name?”– Helen: “ ” A Really? B Pardon? C OK D Forgive me 142 A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.”– B: “ ” A Don’t mention it B I’m glad you enjoy it C Yes, I’d like that D Yes, that would be very nice 143 A: “I hope to see you again.”– B: “ ” A I hope so, too B Good enough C Thank you D I really enjoy meeting you, too 144 “Would you like a cup of coffee?”– “ ” A Yes, thanks a lot B No, thanks you C Yes, please D No, you are welcome 145 Charles: “Excuse me, Mr Ward?”– Mr Ward: “ ?” A Eh! What B Yes C No D Thank you 146 A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight.”– B: “ ” A I hope not B I’m afraid I can C Yes, let’s D Yes, thank you 147 A: “ ?”– B: “Yes I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy” A Do you like flowers B What you like C Can you help me D Can I help you 148 A: “What’s , Peter? You don’t look very happy” A matter B problem C the matter D that 149 A: “Jenny, I passed my exam.”– Jenny: “ ” A Oh! B Oh! Good luck C Congratulations! D Ouch! 150 “Is she coming to the party tonight?”– “ _” I can’t stand seeing her behaviour” A I don’t think so B I hope so C I don’t hope so D I hope not 151 “Are you going to be in town next Saturday?”– “ _ I am in the countryside visiting my grandparents.” A No B Yes C Surely D Certainly 152 “Where are you from?”– “I’m from _” A Vietnamese B American C Chinese D California 153 “ _was he driving when the accident happened?”– “About kilometers an hour.” A How far B How quick C How fast D How long 154 “I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!”– “ _” A What a shame! B What a pity! C Me too D What’s happened? 155 Alice: “What shall we this evening?”– Carol: “ _” A Let’s go out for dinner B Oh, that’s good! C No problem D I went out for dinner 156 Maria: “I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.”– Sarah: “ _!” A Good chance B Good time C Good day D Good luck 157 Helen: “Where you come from?”- Ann: “ _” A In London B Yes, I have just come here Trang 10/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C I’m living in London D I come from London 158 Maria: “I’m taking my end-of-term examination tomorrow.”– Ann: “ _” A Good luck B Good day C Good time D Good chance 159 “How you do?”– “ _” A How you do? B Good morning C Very well, thanks D I’m fine, thanks 160 “ _do you go to the dentist’s?”- “Twice a year.” A When B Why C How D How often 161 A: “ _” - B: By bus A What you go to school? B Do you go to school by bus? C Who are you taken to school by? D How you come to school? 162 I’m Charles, from Continental Computers How you do?- “ _?” A How tall are you? B How you do? C Bad to meet you D I hate you, Charles 163 “Thank you for coming to meet us”– “ _” A You are welcomed B Same to you C Thank you too D Not at all 164 Shop assistant: “ _”– Customer: “I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my girl friend.” A What you want? B Pleased to meet you C How are you? D Good morning, can I help you? 165 A: “ _?”- B: “Yes, I’d like some information about trains, please.” A: Can I help you? B May I help you? C What can I for you? D All are correct 166 “Thanks for your help.”– “ _” A You are welcomed B That’s all right C Thank you, too D The same to you 167 A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: _ A Yes I B I think not C I don’t think so D She thinks so 168 Helen: “May I introduce you to Mary, Peter?”– Peter: “ _” A How ugly are you, Mary? B How old are you, Mary? C Pleased to meet you, Mary D Please to hit you, Mary 169 A: “How about a biscuit?”– B: _ I’m on a diet A Yes, please B Yes, thank you C No, thanks D It’s OK 170 A: When you want them? – B: _ A Last week B Yes, of course C Good afternoon D As soon as possible 171 “I need some ice Can you get some from the fridge for me?”– “ _” A No, thanks B Yes, please C Certainly D Yes, thank you 172 “Thank you very much for the wonderful gift.”– “ _” A Good luck B Don’t mention it C Congratulations D You are welcome 173 “Let’s eat out tonight!”– “ _” A Ok Why not? B Congratulations C Good luck! D Yes, I will 174 “Congratulation on your success!”– “ _” A Not at all B Thank you C All right D The same to you 175 “ _ is Mr Brown going to retire?”– “Soon, I think He has been working for this company for nearly ten years.” A When B How long C Why D Who is she 176 “Have you ever met the girl over there?”– “No, _?” A I don’t B I have C Why not D Who is she 177 “The room is too hot _ if I turn the fan on?”– “No” A Do you mind B Would you like C Do you like D Could you please 178 How _ was your holiday? – One week A long B big C soon D well 179 A: Is Monday possible for you? – B: _ A I hope so, too B Yes, that’s fine Trang 11/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C Thank you D I really enjoy meeting you 180 A: “ _”- B: “I’ve got no idea.” A It’s your turn B Are you tired? C Let’s go D What about you? 181 Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?”– Carol: “Oh! _” A I don’t hope B I hope not C I don’t hope so D It’s hopeless 182 A: May I borrow your pen for a minute, please? – B: _ A Yes, certainly B Yes, thank you C No, thanks D No, of course 183 A: How old are you, Mr Bull? – B: _ A I’m fine, thanks B I’m OK C Very well thanks and you? D What! I don’t like personal questions! 184 “Goodbye Have a nice weekend.”– “Goodbye _” A Me too B You’re welcome C Not at all D The same to you 185 “Sorry, I’m late.”- “ _ We haven’t started yet.” A Don’t worry B Thank you C You are welcome D Why 186 Customer: “Waiter! I’d like the menu, please.”– Assistant: “ _” A But I don’t like B Here are you, sir C Here you are sir D Yes, thank you 187 “I am having an examination tomorrow.”– “ _” A Congratulations! B Good luck! C Be careful D Why? 188 “What are you doing, Hung?”– “ _ Why?” A No B Not C None D Nothing 189 “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?”– “Yes _ Where can we meet?” A I would B I will C I’d love to D I like 190 A: Have a cigarette – B: _ I am trying to stop A No, thanks B Thank you C Not at all D Come on 191 A: _? – B: I’m sixteen A How long does it take to get there B How old are you C How much is that D How are you 192 “Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy.”– “ _ I can manage.” A No, thanks B Yes, please C Sorry D You are welcome 193 “Have a good holiday, Peter!”- “ _, Mary” A You too B You will C You D You have 194 “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.”– “ _” A Yes, please B I hope so C I hope not D That is a good idea 195 “ _?”– “I am very well thanks.” A How you B How are you C Are you well D What are you like 196 “How you do?”– “ _” A I’m fine, thanks B I’m very well C Please to meet you D How you 197 “How about having a drive to the countryside this weekend?”– “ _” A Not at all B You are welcome C No, thanks D That’s a good idea 198 Anne: Make yourself at home - John: _ A Yes, Can I help you? B Not at all Don’t mention it C Thanks! Same to you D That’s very kind Thank you 199 Trung: “Why you think most people learn English?”– Phong: “ _” A All of them are B I heard it was very good C Very often it’s to get a better job D Because I like it 200 John: “What kind of job would you like?”– Mike: “ _” A Is there a good chance of promotion? B I’m good at computing C Anytime after next week D Anything to with computers 201 “Oh, no, I’m late for my appointment _” A Catch you now B Catch you later Trang 12/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C Nice to see you again D Pleased to meet you 202 Linda: “Excuse me! Where’s the nearest police station?”– Maria: “ _” A It’s over there B I’m afraid not C Don’t worry D Yes, I think so 203 Tom: “How did you go to this city?”– John: “ _” A I came here by the coach B I came here by train C I came here last night D I came here by foot 204 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.”– Hoa: “ _” A Thanks B Have a good day C You are welcome D Cheers 205 Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?”– Carol: “Oh, _” A I don’t hope B I hope not C I don’t hope so D It’s hopeless 206 Tom: “Congratulations!”– John: “ _” A What a pity! B Thank you C I’m sorry D You are welcome 207 Dora: “What’s your name?”– Helen: “ _.” A Really? B Pardon? C OK D Forgive me 208 Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?”– Susan: “ _.” A I don’t agree, I’m afraid B You are welcome C That would be great D I feel very boring 209 Laura: “What a lovely house you have!”– Maria: “ .” A Of course not, it’s not costly B Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D No problem 210 “ _ detective stories?”– “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.” A How about B What you think about C Are you fond of D What people feel about 211 A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?”– B: “ .” A Yes, let’s B Yes here it is C Great D Not at all 212 John: “Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris?” – Mary: “ .” A Sorry, I don’t B Yes, it was C I don’t think that D Not yet 213 Anne: “Thanks for a nice gift!”– John: “ _” A In fact, I myself don’t like it B You are welcomed C I’m glad you like it D But you know how much it costs? 214 Peter: “Thanks for coming What a nice gift you’ve brought us!”– Mary: “ _” A I’m glad you like it B You are welcome C The same to you D Not at all 215 Hung: “You have a good voice You sang so beautifully!”– Lan: “ .” A The same to you B You, too C Thanks for your compliment D Thank a lot 216 Trung: “You’re certainly a smart student.”– Phong: “ .” A Congratulations B I don’t think so C I don’t hope so D Good luck 217 A: When children in Vietnam go to primary school? - B: “ .” A At years B At the age of six years old C When they are D When they are old years 218 Peter: “Hi, Michael What’s going on?”– Michael: “Nothing special, Peter with you?” A What’s up B Have you got C Nothing new D Not much 219 A: you like reading? - B: Well, I like reading all sorts of books A How B Why C What kind of books D When 220 What you think of these stories? - A They are OK B Yes I C I don’t think D I think of them 221 “ _?”_”He is OK now.” A What is he B How is he C How tall is he D What’s he like Trang 13/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 222 A: “Excuse me It’s a bit stuffy in here ?”- B: “No, I don’t mind at all I feel like some fresh air, too.” A Do you mind if I open the window B Do you mind opening the window C Can you open the window for me D Could you open the window 223 A: Is it going to rain tonight? – B: _ A I don’t hope so B I hope not C I think not D Yes, I am 224 “ _ eating out tonight?”– “That’s a good idea.” A Would you B How about C How are you D Are they 225 “Would you like a cup of coffee?”– “ .” A Yes, I B Yes, I like C Yes, I would D Yes, please 226 “ ?”– “I have got a terrible headache.” A What’s the matter with you B What’s the wrong with you C What’s happened with you D What’s problem with you 227 “Have a nice weekend!”– “Thank you _” A Me too B Same to you C The same to you D The same with you 228 Bob: “James is a very brave man.”– David: “Yes I wish I his courage.” A had B will have C have had D have 229 David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!”– Helen: “ _.” A I B Thank you C You, too D Okay 230 “What is your hobby, Lan?”- “ _” A Well, I like shopping B Well, I want sugar C Oh, with you D Oh, I live here 231 _ is that over there, Lan? A Who B How C What D Where 232 What’s _ new house like? It’s very nice He loves it A hers B his C her D him 233 A: “What a beautiful dress I like it”– B: “ _.” A Don’t mention it B Your welcome C It’s nice of you to say so D I feel happy to hear that 234 How are you, today? – “ _” A I’m years old B It’s very nice C It’s kind of you to help me D Very well, thanks 235 I got one mark only for my English test A How interesting B Poor you C Thanks a lot D It’s a good new 236 “ _”– “Oh, That sounds interesting” A How are the cakes? B What cakes you like? C What you think about the cakes? D Would you like some cakes? 237 Customer: Excuse me? – Shopkeeper : Yes, _? A Can you help me B How can I help you C what happens D help me 238 “I have some lucky money for you Happy new year”– “ _” A Great Thanks B Have a nice day C Good luck D What a pity! 239 Jane: How often you go swimming, Linda? – Linda: _ A I guess I’m OK B once a week C about one hour D last night 240 How much time you spend reading books? - _ A Twice a week B It’s o’clock C Two hours a day D Once upon a time 241 “Thank you for helping me!”– “ _” A Thanks B Goodbye C You’re welcome D It’s nice to meet you 242 John: “I’ve passed my final exam”- Tom: “ ” A Good luck B It’s nice of you to say so Trang 14/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C That’s a good idea D Congratulations! 243 “How often you go to school?”- “ _” A I go there early B Every day except Sunday C I not think so D I go there by bus 244 Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music”- Maria: “ _” A I’m, too B I don’t C Neither I D So I 245 Ann: “Are you going to visit Britain next month?”– Kim: “Yes, _” A I am B I C I like D I going 246 Bob: “James is a very brave man”- David: “Yes, I wish I _his courage” A had B will have C have had D have 247 Tom: “How did you get here?” - John: “ _” A Is it far from here? B I came here last night C The train is so crowded D I came here by train 248 Sue: “I love pop music”– Alice: “ ” A I do, too B No, I won’t C Yes, I like it D Neither I 249 Ann: “What you usually on Sundays?”– Mary: “ ” A I used to drive to work B I’d be sleeping all day C I’m not doing anything D I usually sleep until noon 250 Jack: “I’ve got to go, Sarah So long”– Sarah: “So long, Jack And _” A be careful B don’t hurry C take care D don’t take it seriously 251 Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing”- Julia: “ _” A That’s nice B I like it C That’s all right D I’m glad you like it 252 David: “Merry Christmas!”- Jason: “ ” A You are the same! B Same for you! C The same to you! D Happy Christmas with you! 253 A: “ _?”- B: “Once a week” A How often you go shopping B How much you want C Are you sure D When will you get there 254 A: “Sorry I’m late”– B: “ ” A OK B Don’t worry C Hold the line, please D Go ahead 255 Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow”– Peter: “ ” A Thank you B Same to me C Good luck D See you 256 A: “Thank you for the lovely present”– B: “ ” A Go ahead B Not at all C Come on D I’m pleased you like it 257 A: “Are you coming on Saturday?”– B: “ ” A I’m afraid not B I’m afraid not to C I’m afraid to D I’m afraid I don’t 258 A: “ they travel abroad?”– B: “Once a year” A When B How C What time D How often 259 Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?”– Mary: “ ” A I know so B Well, I hope so C I think not D Yes, that’s right 260 Mary: “Whose bicycle is that?”- Tom: “ _” A No, it is over there B It’s Jane’s C It’s just outside D It’s Jane 261 A: “How’s life?”– B: “ ” A Sure B Not too bad, but very busy C Very well, thank you D Pleased to meet you 262 A: “Excuse me, what’s the time?”– B: “Sorry I ” A don’t see B not have a watch C won’t know D know 263 A: “Are you free this coming Sunday?”– B: “ ” A Yes, I will B No, thank you C Yes, I can D I think so Why? 264 A: “ ”– B: “Certainly” Trang 15/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG A Welcome back! B What are you doing there? C I’m sorry I am late D May I borrow a pencil , please? 265 A: “Are you hungry?”– B: “ ” A Yes, I B Soon C Right now D Yes, a little 266 A: “Would you like some more tea?”– B: “ ” A Yes, please B Here you are C It doesn’t matter D I’m OK 267 Hello, my name’s John to meet you A Please B I am very well C Pleased D Thank you 268 ? He’s OK now A What is he B How is he C How tall is he D What’s he like 269 Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift”– Mary: “ ” A You are welcome B Thank you C Cheers D Have a good day 270 Dona: “What’s your name?”– Helen: “ ” A Really? B Pardon? C OK D Forgive me 271 A: “Thank you for a lovely evening”– B: “ ” A Don’t mention it B I’m glad you enjoy it C Yes, I’d like that D Yes, that would be very nice 272 A: “I hope to see you again”– B: “ ” A I hope so, too B Good enough C Thank you D I really enjoy meeting you, too 273 “Would you like a cup of coffee?”– “ ” A Yes, thanks a lot B No, thanks you C Yes, please D No, you are welcome 274 Charles: “Excuse me … Mr Ward?”– Mr Ward: “ ?” A Eh! What B Yes C No D Thank you 275 A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight”– B: “ ” A I hope not B I’m afraid I can C Yes, let’s D Yes, thank you 276 A: “ ?”– B: “Yes I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy” A Do you like flowers B What you like C Can you help me D Can I help you 277 “Is she coming to the party tonight?”– “ _ I can’t stand seeing her behavior” A I don’t think so B I hope so C I don’t hope so D I hope not 278 “Are you going to be in town next Saturday?”– “ _ I am in the countryside visiting my grandparents” A No B Yes C Surely D Certainly 279 “Let/s go to the movie now”- “Oh! _” A Good idea! B I don’t C Why/s that? D I need it 280 “I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!”– “ ” A What a shame! B What a pity! C Me too D What’s happened? 281 Alice: “What shall we this evening?”– Carol: “ ” A Let’s go out for dinner B Oh, that’s good! C No problem D I went out for dinner 282 Maria: “I’m taking my driving test tomorrow”– Sarah: “ _!” A Good chance B Good time C Good day D Good luck 283 Helen: “Where you come from?”- Ann: “ _” A In London B Yes, I have just come here C I’m living in London D I come from London 284 “ _do you go to the dentist’s?”- “Twice a year” A When B Why C How D How often 285 A: _ - B: By bus A What you go to school? B Do you go to school by bus? Trang 16/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C Who are you taken to school by? D How you come to school? 286 Nam: I’m Charles, from Continental Computers How you do? – Nam: _? A How are you? B How you do? C Pleased to meet you D B and C are correct 287 “Thank you for coming to meet us”– “ _” A You are welcomed B Same to you C Thank you too D Not at all 288 Shop assistant: “ _”– Customer: “I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my girl friend” A What you want? B Pleased to meet you C How are you? D Good morning, can I help you? 289 A: “ _?”- B: “Yes, I’d like some information about trains, please” A: Can I help you? B May I help you? C What can I for you? D All are correct 290 “Thanks for your help”– “ _” A You are welcomed B That’s all right C Thank you, too D The same to you 291 A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: _ A Yes I B I think not C I don’t think so D She thinks so 292 Helen: “May I introduce you to Mary, Peter?”– Peter: “ _?” A How are you, Mary? B How you do, Mary? C Pleased to meet you, Mary D B and C are correct 293 A: “How about a biscuit?”– B: “ _ I’m on a diet” A Yes, please B Yes, thank you C No, thanks D It’s OK 294 A: When you want them? – B: A Last week B Yes, of course C Good afternoon D As soon as possible 295 “I need some ice Can you get some from the fridge for me?”– “ ” A No, thanks B Yes, please C Certainly D Yes, thank you 296 “Thank you very much for the wonderful present”– “ ” A Good luck B Don’t mention it C Congratulations D You are welcome 297 “Let’s eat out tonight!”– “ ” A Ok Why not? B Congratulations C Good luck! D Yes, I will 298 “Congratulation on your success!”– “ ” A Not at all B Thank you C All right D The same to you 299 “ is Mr Brown going to retire?”– “Soon, I think He has been working for this company for nearly years” A When B How long C Why D Who is she 300 “Have you ever met the girl over there?”– “No ?” A I don’t B I have C Why not D Who is she 301 “The room is too hot if I turn the fan on?”– “No” A Do you mind B Would you like C Do you like D Could you please 302 How was your holiday? – One week A long B big C soon D well 303 A: Is Monday possible for you? – B: A I hope so, too B Yes, that’s fine C Thank you D I really enjoy meeting you 304 A: “ ”- B: “I’ve got no idea” A It’s your turn B Are you tired? C Let’s go D What about you? 305 Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?”– Carol: “Oh! ” A I don’t hope B I hope not C I don’t hope so D It’s hopeless 306 A: May I borrow your pen for a minute, please? – B: A Yes, certainly B Yes, thank you C No, thanks D No, of course 307 A: How old are you, Mr Bull? – B: A I’m fine, thanks B I’m OK Trang 17/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG C Very well thanks and you? D What! I don’t like personal questions! 308 “Goodbye Have a nice weekend”– “Goodbye _” A Me too B You’re welcome C Not at all D The same to you 309 Customer: “Waiter! I’d like the menu, please”– “ ” A But I don’t like B Here are you, sir C Here you are sir D Yes, thank you 310 “What are you doing, Hung?”– “ Why?” A No B Not C None D Nothing 311 “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?”– “Yes Where can we meet?” A I would B I will C I’d love to D I like 312 A: Have a cigarette – B: I am trying to stop A No, thanks B Thank you C Not at all D Come on 313 A: _? - B: fifteen A How long does it take to get there B How old are you C How much is that D How are you 314 “Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy”– “ I can manage” A No, thanks B Yes, please C Sorry D You are welcome 315 “Have a good holiday, Peter!”- “ _ , Mary” A You too B You will C You D You have 316 “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready”– “ ” A Yes, please B I hope so C I hope not D That is a good idea 317 “ ?”– “I am very well thanks” A How you B How are you C Are you well D What are you like 318 “How about having a drive to the countryside this weekend?”– “ ” A Not at all B You are welcome C No, thanks D That’s a good idea 319 Anne: “Make yourself at home”_ John: “ _” A Yes, Can I help you? B Not at all Don’t mention it C Thanks! Same to you D That’s very kind Thank you 320 Trung: “Why you think most people learn English?”– Phong: “ _” A All of them are B I heard it was very good C Very often it’s to get a better job D Because I like it 321 John: “What kind of job would you like?”– Mike: “ ” A Is there a good chance of promotion? B I’m good at computing C Anytime after next week D Anything to with computers 322 “Oh, no, I’m late for my appointment _” A Catch you now B Catch you later C Nice to see you again D Pleased to meet you 323 Linda: “Excuse me! Where’s the nearest police station?”– Maria: “ ” A It’s over there B I’m afraid not C Don’t worry D Yes, I think so 324 Tom: “How did you go to this city?”– John: “ _” A I came here by the coach B I came here by train C I came here last night D I came here by foot 325 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party”– Hoa: “ _” A Thanks B Have a good day C You are welcome D Cheers 326 Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?”– Susan: “ _” A I don’t agree, I’m afraid B You are welcome C That would be great D I feel very boring 327 Laura: “What a lovely house you have!”– Maria: “ ” A Of course not, it’s not costly B Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D No problem 328 “ detective stories?”– “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers” Trang 18/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG A How about B What you think about C Are you fond of D What people feel about 329 A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?”– B: “ _” A Yes, let’s B Yes Here it is C Great D Not at all 330 John: “Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris?”– Mary: “ ” A Sorry, I don’t B Yes, it was C I don’t think that D Not yet 331 Anne: “Thanks for a nice gift!”– John: “ ” A In fact, I myself don’t like it B You are welcomed C I’m glad you like it D But you know how much it costs? 332 Peter: “Thanks for coming What a nice gift you’ve brought us!”– Mary: “ ” A I’m glad you like it B You are welcome C The same to you D Not at all 333 Hung: “You have a good voice You sang so beautifully!”– Lan: “ ” A The same to you B You, too C Thanks for your compliment D Thank a lot 334 Trung: “You’re certainly a smart student”– Phong: “ ” A Congratulations B I don’t think so C I don’t hope so D Good luck 335 A: When children in Vietnam go to primary school? - B: “ ” A At sixyears B At the age of six years old C When they are sixth D When they are six old years 336 Peter: “Hi, Michael What’s going on?”– Michael: “Nothing special, Peter with you?” A What’s up B Have you got C Nothing new D Not much 337 A: you like reading? - B: Well, I like reading all sorts of books A How B Why C What kind of books D When 338 What you think of these stories? - A They are OK B Yes I C I don’t think D I think of them 339 “ going to the movie now?”- “That is a good idea!” A What about B Let’s C Why don/t we D Shall we 340 A: “Excuse me It’s a bit stuffy in here ?”- B: “No, I don’t mind at all I feel like some fresh air, too” A Do you mind if I open the window B Do you mind opening the window C Can you open the window for me D Could you open the window “ _ eating out tonight?”_ “That’s a good idea” A Would you B How about C How are you D Are they 342 “ ?”_”I have got a terrible headache” A What’s the matter with you B What’s the wrong with you C What’s happened with you D What’s problem with you 343 “Have a nice weekend!”– “Thank you _” A Me too B Same to you C The same to you D The same with you 344 David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!”– Helen: “ ” A I B Thank you C You, too D Okay 345 “What is your hobby, Lan?”- “ ” A Well, I like shopping B Well, I want sugar C Oh, with you D Oh, I live here 346 is that over there, Lan? A Who B How C What D Where 347 A: “What a beautiful dress! I like it”– B: “ _” A Don’t mention it B Your welcome C It’s nice of you to say so D I feel happy to hear that 348 How are you, today? – “ _” Trang 19/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG A I’m years old B It’s very nice C It’s kind of you to help me D Very well, thanks 349 Tom: I got one mark for my English test Mary: _ A How interesting B Poor you C Thanks a lot D It’s a good new 350 “ _”- “Oh, That sounds interesting” A How are the cakes? B What cakes you like? C What you think about the cakes? D Would you like some cakes? 351 Customer: Excuse me? Shopkeeper: Yes, _? A Can you help me B How can I help you C what happens D help me 352 “I have some lucky money for you Happy new year”- “ _” A Great Thanks B Have a nice day C Good luck D What a pity! 353 How often you go swimming, Linda? - _ A I guess I’m OK B once a week C about one hour D last night 354 How much time you spend reading books? - _ A Twice a week B It’s o’clock C Two hours a day D Once upon a time 355 “Thank you for helping me!”- “ _” A Thanks B Goodbye C You’re welcome D It’s nice to meet you 356 ”Would you like another coffee?”- “ _” A I’d love one B Willingly C Very kind of your part D It’s a pleasure 357 “I am tired?”- “ ” A Me too B Also me C For me the same D I also “Thanh you very much!”- “ _” A Nothing B Indeed C Of course D Not at all 359 “When can I take my holiday this year?”- “ ” A It’s for you B It’s up to you C How you like D After your wish 360 - “ you visit your grandparents?”- “Twice a month” A How long B How far C How usually C How often 361 “May I smoke?”- “ ” A What suits you? B You are free C Accommodate yourself D Go ahead 362 “Do you know where Lees Close is?”- “ ” A I’m sorry not to B I regret, but no C Pardon, I don’t know D I’m afraid I don’t 363 “How much you earn a month, Jean?”- “I’d _” A rather don’t say B better not to say C rather not say D prefer not say 364 “Have a nice day!”- “Thank you ” A And yours! B The same to you! C The same! D As much to you! 365 “ _ was he driving when the accident occurred?”- “About kilometers per hour” A How far B How often C How long D How fast 366 “What are you doing?”- “ ” A It doesn’t touch you B It’s none of your business C You don’t enter at all D Look after your own affairs 367 “Would you like a glass of beer?”- “I’m sorry, I’m ” A under control B in order C on job D on duty 368 “Help!”- “ ” A Just a minute! B Moment! C I come at once! D Wait on! 369 ”I am eighteen today!”- “ ” A Best wishes! B Good day! C Congratulate! D Happy birthday! 370 “Has the post come yet?”- “I don’t think _” A it B so C not D either 371 _she has! A How a lovely dog B How lovely dog C What lovely dog D What a lovely dog Trang 20/21 GV: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn MỘT SỐ CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG 372 “I’m afraid I can’t come with you”- “ ” A What a pity! B Patience! C What a shame! D turned away 373 ”I have passed all my examinations!”- “ ” A My dear! B Best wishes! C Well done! D, That’s very well! 374 “What ”- “Terrible!” A the weather is like? B is the weather like? C like is the weather? D weather is like? 375 “I haven’t got anything for you?”- “ _” A Never mind! B It isn’t the matter! C Nothing! D Not problem! 376 “ ”- “I have a bad headache” A What does is matter? B What matters? C What’s matter with you? D What’s the matter with you? 377 “I am terribly sorry!”- “ ” A It’s nothing B Nothing C Don’t worry D Never mind! 378 “Whose umbrella is this?”- “I am not sure, but I think ” A It’s John’s sister B That john’s sister’s C It’s John’s sister’s D John’s sister umbrella 379 “I’ve got a new grammar book”- “ ” A What its price? B How many cost? C How much was it? D How much you paid? 380 “Is that a new coat?”- “Yes, what _it?” A are you thinking of B you think of C is your idea about D did you think about 381 Jack: “I’m getting married next week”– Jane: “ _” A Best luck! B I congratulate! C Congratulations D My best regards 382 “How are you?”- “ _” A Very good, thank you B Thank you C I’m a student D I’m fine Thanks 383 “How you do?”- “ _” A How you do? B Good morning C My name is John D Very well, thank you 384 “ _?”- “He is a mechanic” A What he does? B What does he do? C What is his job? D A and B 385 “ _?”- “From Viet Nam” A Where are you from? B Where you come from? C Where are you coming from? D B and C 386 “ _?”- “About one kilometer” A How far is it from here to Boston? B How often is it from here to Boston? C How long is it from here to Boston? D B and C 387 “I don’t like tests”- “Neither _” A I B I C I don/t D I like them 388 “Would you mind if we you by your first name?”-“Not at all Please call me Tom.” A called B call C calling D want to call Trang 21/21 ... attention A silence / noise B verbal / non-verbal C verb / adverb D gentle / impolite Probably the most common ways of attracting someone’s attention is by _ A dancing B singing C yelling D waving... clothes A terrible B old fashioned C fashionable D out-dated 20 Politeness is very necessary in a common social _ A community B communication C compassionate D competition 21 Phil: You really

Ngày đăng: 15/11/2015, 07:03

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