tai lieu van hanh cua bien tan ALSTOM
Trang 2During op eration, f req uency converters can h ave live, rotating or
m oving p arts and th eir surf aces m ay b ecom e h ot, dep ending on
th e p rotection class involved
T h ere is a risk of severe p h y sical inj ury or m aterial dam age if any
of th e covers are rem oved or th e unit is installed, used or
op erated incorrectly
F urth er details are given in th e docum entation
A ll sy stem design, transp ort, installation, com m issioning and
m aintenance work m ust b e carried out b y q ualif ied sp ecialist
p ersonnel ( according to I EC 6 0 36 4 , CEN ELEC H D 38 4 or DI N
VDE 0 1 0 0 and I EC 6 0 6 6 4 or DI N VDE 0 1 1 0 and national saf ety
Q ualif ied sp ecialist p ersonnel in th e sense of th ese saf ety
instructions are p ersons wh o are ex p erienced in th e sy stem
design, installation, erection, com m issioning and op eration of th e
p roduct and h ave th e q ualif ications req uired f or such work
2 C o rrec t u s e
Converters are intended f or installation in electrical p lant or
m ach inery
W h en installed in m ach ines th e converter m ay not b e
com m issioned ( i e op eration of th e converter m ay not b e started)
until it is evident th at th e m ach ine com p lies with EC directive
9 8 /37/EC ( M ach ine Directive) ( f orm erly 8 9 /39 2/EEC) A lso EN
6 0 20 4 m ust b e ob served
Com m issioning ( i e op eration) is only p erm itted in com p liance
with th e EM C directive ( 8 9 /336 /EEC)
O ur converters satisf y th e req uirem ents of low voltage directive
73/23/EEC T h e standards of th e series EN 5 0 1 78 / DI N VDE
0 1 6 0 in conj unction with EN 6 0 4 39 - 1 / VDE 0 6 6 0 P art 5 0 0 and
EN 6 0 1 4 6 / VDE 0 5 5 8 are ap p licab le to drive converters
T h e tech nical data and th e connection conditions are sh own on
th e rating p late and in th e docum entation T h ey m ust b e
ob served
3 T rans p o rt and s t o rag e
T h e instructions f or transp ort, storage and correct h andling m ust
A ll converters m ust b e p rotected against undue m ech anical
sh ock s or stress I n p articular no com p onents m ay b e b entand/or no insulation sp acing m ay b e altered during transp ortand h andling Do not touch electronic com p onents or contacts.Converters contain com p onents suscep tib le to electrostaticdisch arge ( ES D) wh ich are easily dam aged b y static electricity orincorrect h andling Do not dam age m ech anically or destroyelectrical com p onents ( h ealth h az ard p ossib le)
5 E lec t ri c al c o nnec t i o n
T h e ap p rop riate national saf ety regulations ( e g B G V A 2) m ust
b e ob served wh en work ing on converters wh ich are connected to
th e electricity sup p ly
T h e electrical installation m ust b e ex ecuted in accordance with th erelevant regulations ( e g cab le cross- sections, f uses, earth ing)
A dditional instructions are given in th e docum entation
I nstructions on EM C com p liant installation, such as screening,earth ing, f ilters and cab le routing, are also given in th econverters docum entation T h ese also ap p ly to converters b earing
th e CE m ark Com p liance with th e lim its sp ecif ied in EM Clegislation is th e resp onsib ility of th e p lant or th e m ach inery
m anuf acturer
6 O p erat i o n
I f necessary , p lant or m ach inery in wh ich converters are f itted
m ust b e eq uip p ed with additional m onitoring and saf ety f acilities
in accordance with th e relevant regulations, e g th e law ontech nical eq uip m ent, th e ap p rop riate saf ety regulations etc
Do not touch any p arts of th e eq uip m ent wh ich m ay b e live orany p ower connections even af ter th e converter h as b een isolated
f rom th e electricity sup p ly , as cap acitors m ay rem ain ch arged
F ollow th e instructions given on warning lab els
A ll covers and doors m ust b e k ep t closed during op eration
7 S erv i c e and m ai nt enanc e
A ll instructions given in th e docum entation m ust b e ob served
Trang 3!!! The mains chokes are not included in the ALSPA MD2000 scope of supply!!!
Page 1 7 5
5 3 M a in s a n d m otor c on n ec tion
Pl eas e r ef er t o t h e o p er at i n g m an u al " S o f t w ar e V 3 0 " R ef N o 0 2 9 2 0 8 8 8 9 f o r a
c o m p r eh en s i v e d es c r i p t i o n o f p ar am et er s an d d i s p l ay s
Trang 4
1 Brief description 1
1.1 General 1
1.2 Basic operation 2
1.3 Main features 3
2 Technical Data 5
2.1 Key to types, rating plate 5
2.2 Series of types 6
2.2.1 Technical data at rated current 8
2.2.2 Technical data at basic load current 9
2.2.3 Power loss and cooling air volume 10
2.3 System data 11
2.3.1 Standards, operating conditions and certificates 16 Standards applicable 16 Certificate 17 CE Certificate 17
2.3.2 CE mark 18
2.4 Supply components 20
2.4.1 Components for 3AC supply 20 Fuses for 3AC mains connection 20 Mains chokes (3-phase chokes) 22 Line fuses for operation class gL and cable cross-sections 26 Fuse circuit breakers 27 Mains contactor 28
2.4.2 DC supply 29
2.5 Options 30
2.5.1 Control unit (BDE) 30
2.5.2 Brake chopper and braking resistors 32 Brake chopper option E31 33 Braking resistors 34 Thermal overcurrent relay 36 Overload relay for braking resistors 37
2.5.3 Mains filters and push-pull chokes 38
2.5.4 Motor filters and output chokes 39 Motor du/dt filters 39 Output choke 42
2.5.5 Optional assemblies for A10 Control board 44 Relay outputs 220 V Option E81 44 Optocoupler, Option E80 46
2.5.6 Option boards for ALSPA MD2000 48 Encoder interface Option E83 53 I/O Interface Option E24 60 Field bus coupler Modnet 1/SFB (Bitbus) Option E11 67 Field bus coupler Modnet 1/P (PROFIBUS) Option E11 69 Field bus coupler Modnet 1/MB+ (Modbus Plus) Option E11 72 Field bus coupler Modnet1/SN1 (SNET) Option E11 75 Technology coprozessor 78 Additional power supply NG3 79 Connection kit 81 Connection kit Technology coprocessor 82 Electronics auxiliary supply 83 Analog isolation module 84 Function low voltage 85 Through-mounting 86 Operation on a mains supply with no earth 88
2.5.7 PC Handling and Operating Software 89 ALSPA PCS 89 Unit-specific files 90
Trang 52.6 Summary circuit diagrams 95
2.6.1 Summary circuit diagram, ALSPA MD2000 with 3AC supply 95
2.6.2 Summary circuit diagram, ALSPA MD2000 with DC supply 96
2.7 Connection, terminal wiring 97
2.7.1 Power stack 97 3AC supply 97 DC supply 100
2.7.2 Electronics section, A10 control board :X15 103 Terminal strip wiring :X15 and signal functions 104 Description of terminal strip inputs / outputs 109
2.8 Dimensions, Installation drawing, weights 113
2.8.1 Alspa MD2000 build-in units 113
2.8.2 Mains chokes for ALSPA MD2000 115
2.8.3 Installation drawing for ALSPA MD2000 control unit BDE 117
2.8.4 Dimensions and installation dimensions Base for semiconductor fuses of operating class gR with 110 mm length 119
2.8.5 Dimensions and installation dimensions Fuse isolator for semiconductor fuses with 110 mm length (DIN 43653) 120
2.8.6 Dimensions and installation dimensions Fuse isolator for encapsulated fuses 27.60 121
2.8.7 Dimensions and installation dimensions Braking resistors 122
2.8.8 Dimensions and installation dimensions, motor du/dt filters 123
2.8.9 Dimensions and weights 125
2.8.10 Output choke 126
2.8.11 Dimensions and weights 127 Connection and Installation dimensions, Mains filter 128 Connection and installation dimensions, Matching chokes 132
2.8.12 Electronics auxiliary supply 134
2.8.13 Dimensions and connection Thermal overcurrent release 135
3 Transport, Installation and Connection 137
3.1 Safety instructions 137
3.2 Storage 138
3.3 Transport 138
3.4 Installation 138
3.5 Connection and wiring 139
3.5.1 Potential separation 146
3.6 Installation and connection instructions for EMC 148
3.7 Specific measures for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 159
4 Operation and Software 161
4.1 Unit operation 161
4.1.1 Software structure 162
4.1.2 Control philosophy 163
4.2 Parameter adjustment 164
4.3 Menu 166
4.4 Description of parameters and displays 171
5 Commissioning 173
5.1 Safety instructions for commissioning 173
5.2 General 175
5.3 Mains and motor connection 175
5.4 Sequence diagram 176
5.5 Commissioning report 180
Trang 66 Help in the event of errors 189
6.1 First value log for error messages 189
6.2 Switching sequence on errors 189
6.3 Event log 189
6.4 Events 189
6.5 Error log 192
6.6 Errors 192
7 Maintenance 197
7.1 Battery for RAM and clock 197
7.1.1 Battery change 197
7.1.2 Technical data of battery 197
7.2 Fans 197
7.3 Power connections 197
7.4 Reforming the link capacitors 198
8 Spare Parts 201
9 Appendix 205
EU – Declaration of Conformity 233
List of diagrams 235
List of Tables 237
Comments from users 239
c 06-1/01
Trang 7Expressions used Note::::
Notes separate important information from the text and give additional information
Limitation of liability Unless anything to the contrary is contractually agreed, the "General Delivery Terms
for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry" ["Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie"] as amended from time to time shall apply
Data, illustrations and descriptions contained in this manual shall not entitle any customer, user or any third party to request any modification whatsoever of equipment previously supplied
In the event of any software modifications and updates, we are not obliged to make such modifications and updates available to customers on a retroactive basis
The contents of this manual were developed and revised with utmost care However, ALSTOM does not accept any liability for any damage or loss whatsoever which might result from any defects in such documentation
The user shall be solely responsible for the proper and correct use of the ALSPA MD2000 frequency inverter ALSTOM disclaims any liability whatsoever for improper or incorrect installation or use
Process information and circuit details contained in this manual shall be deemed as being suggestions only, which shall be subject to verification with regard to their suitability for any given application ALSTOM disclaims any warranty or liability for the suitability of such process information and circuit suggestions with regard to any given application
Data, illustrations, modifications Data and illustrations shall not be deemed as being warranted properties in the legal
Modifications in the interest of technical progress are reserved
Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement or modification
A model form can be found on the last pages of this publication
Training ALSTOM offers training programs for additional and supplementary system knowledge
Without our prior approval, this document shall not be copied or disclosed to any third party in any manner whatsoever The recipient hereof or any third party shall not use this document for any improper purpose whatsoever Translation to any foreign language is not permitted Any data, dimensions, weights, illustrations and other technical information shall be subject to change without notice, particularly in the interest of further perfecting our equipment The data and specifications agreed to in the event of
an order shall be generally deemed as being the binding basis
Trang 81.1 General ALSPA MD2000 units are processor-controlled pulse inverters with a field-orientated
control concept for continuous low-loss speed adjustment of AC motors
The power stack consists of a diode rectifier in a 3-phase bridge circuit on the mains side and an IGBT inverter on the motor side
The basic inverter models are designed for standard applications Through suitable options (eg bus couplers, encoder interface) the units can be integrated into automation systems and can also fulfil highly dynamic requirements
Operation of all units is identical throughout the entire type range Easy familiarisation and operation as well as maximum flexibility were the prime objectives during development
The inverters are operated and parameters adjusted by means of a optional removable control unit (BDE) or using a PC and an PC software package
Connection to automation systems is possible through conventional bus systems (see field bus coupler options)
With a mains voltage range from 380 to 480 V build-in units cover the power range from 22 kVA to 330 kVA
In conjunction with standard asynchronous motors the drive capacities provided are therefore as follows:
- At unit rated current 18.5 kW to 200 kW, 400 V
Trang 91.2 Basic operation The link voltage is generated from the mains supply through the mains rectifier A
3-phase choke connected to the mains supply reduces harmonic currents and serves to decouple the unit from other converters (consumers) on the same supply network ALSPA MD2000 units are connected as standard to an earthed network
The link voltage is smoothed by high quality electrolytic capacitors With the motor converter these provide the magnetising reactive power required by the motor and decouple the converter on the mains side from the inverter on the motor side
Through optimised pulse width modulation the motor converter generates from the link voltage a sinusoidal 3-phase system with variable frequency and voltage
A power dump (option) in conjunction with a braking resistor allows braking energy to
be used in regenerative operation
Control and regulation of the ALSPA MD2000 are fully digital Different control structures such as, frequency control, speed control with or without encoder and torque control with or without encoder can be selected, depending on the application requirements The field-orientated control concept provides control dynamics directly comparable to those of a DC drive
In addition, various inputs and outputs can be connected individually according to the task involved Thus the drive system can very easily be customised for the
requirements of the specific application
RS 422/485
SAB 80C 187
Encoder Interface
Start Stop Motor Parameter
menu enter
quit error ready run
Trang 101.3 Main features • Consistent range of Types for drives from 15 kW to 250 kW with
IGBT inverters
• Supply voltage ranges:
- 3AC 380 V 460 V +10 %/ -15 % 480 V +6 %/ -15 %
• Standard design for connection to earthed networks
• Output frequency range: 0 300 Hz
• 120 % overload capacity for 60 s based on unit rated current (Unit rated current = 1.25 ∗ unit basic load current)
• 150 % overload capacity for 60 s based on unit basic load current
• Standard asynchronous motors can be used without power reduction
• High dynamics: Torque rise time: tan = 2 to 8 ms
• ALSPA MD2000 units are resistant to idling, short circuit and earth fault
• DC system bus supply for several ALSPA MD2000 through
DC link connection (option)
• 4Q operation (option) through power dump with braking resistor or mains
• Cooling airflow Power stack cooling air circuit can be remote (optional mounting facility)
• Mains supply power connections at top and motor connections at foot
• Motor temperature monitoring by thermistor processing electronics (PTC)
• Easy, user-friendly system structure
• Consistent and easily learned operation via control unit (option) with plain text display (various languages available)
• Extensive additional operating facilities via PC, for example menu control, user-controlled commissioning, oscilloscope function
• RS 422 serial interface as standard
• Consistent operation through control systems (option)
• Connection to automation system through field buses (option):
Bitbus, Profibus, Modbus Plus, SNET
• Control structures available:
- Frequency control
- Speed control with or without incremental rotation encoder
- Torque control with or without incremental rotation encoder
Trang 11• Kinetic support on mains failure supports operation of the control electronics using the kinetic energy in the drive systems at speeds close to zero, also suitable for flow machines
• Capture without torque surge (the inverter is applied to the de-excited motor while the motor is running)
• Automatic restart facility after mains failure (Parameter-adjustable up to 15 s as standard)
• Conventional drive through standard terminal strip
- 12 digital potential-separated inputs for control signals (eg Start, Stop etc.),
of which 3 inputs are parameter-adjustable through selection list
- 4 digital potential-free outputs for messages (On, Ready, Error, free output parameter-adjustable through selection list, 1 output "Ready” can be re-assigned via technology)
- 2 free adjustable and scaleable analog outputs
- 2 scaleable analog demand inputs
- 2 parameter sets switchable via control unit or terminal strip
• Expansion of standard terminal strip (I/O interface option)
- 20 configurable digital inputs with separate potential
- 8 configurable digital outputs with separate potential
- 2 configurable analog demand inputs
- 2 configurable analog outputs
• Comprehensive testing and diagnostics facilities:
- Self-test on control electronics and hardware
- Event memory with timings of all binary events with first value error message and documentation
- Error log with timing details
- Protocol log for documenting all parameter changes
- Oscilloscope function (history log) with 4 analog and 8 digital channels, can be processed with the Windows PC Handling Program ALSPA PCS Trigger signal is safe against mains failure
• Comprehensive protection and monitoring facilities
• Co-processor (option), can be customised for user-specific solutions
Trang 122.1 Key to types, The type data includes the following information An example:
ALSPA MD2000 225 / 275 - 400
at rated current
Based on 3AC 400 V supply voltage
Fig 2: ALSPA MD2000 rating plate
The following details are required for identifying the unit:
- Type No :
- Serial No :
- Project No :
Trang 132.2 Series of types ALSPA MD2000 for 3-phase AC connection
ALSPA MD2000 22 275 kVA, 3AC 380 480 V Processor-controlled pulse inverter with field-orientated control concept for continuous low-loss speed adjustment of standard AC motors
MD2000 type
Frame size
Unit input current,
3AC supply 4)
mains current5)
Rated current1)
Basic load current2)
Max current
60 s 3)
Table 2: ALSPA MD2000 frame sizes, AC supply
Scope of supply: Build-in unit, IP20,
Trang 14ALSPA MD2000 for DC supply
current 1)
Basic load current 2)
Max current
60 s 3)
Max current for max 60 s overload, cycle time 600 s
Table 4: ALSPA MD2000 frame sizes DC supply
Scope of supply: Build-in unit, IP 20
ALSPA MD2000 drives with a DC system bus connection must be designed accordingly Special matching chokes and semiconductor fuses will be required according to the system configuration
Trang 152.2.1 Technical data Overload capacity 1.2 x rated current
The technical data shown in Table 5 applies at a pulse frequency of fp = 3 kHz,
as supplied ex works, and a maximum air supply temperature up to 40 °C
Output current
Trang 162.2.2 Technical data Overload capacity 1.5 x basic load current
at basic load current
The technical data shown in Table 6 applies at a pulse frequency of fp = 3 kHz
as set ex works, and a maximum air supply temperature up to 50 °C
Basic load current
Max current 1)
for max 60 s
Unit apparent power [kVA]
at basic load current
Output current
Fig 4: ALSPA MD2000 Overload capacity 1.5 x basic load current
Trang 172.2.3 Power loss and The rise in temperature of the cooling air at rated current is ∆υ≤ 16 °C for the
cooling air volume cooling air volume stated and when the installation clearances are maintained
ALSPA MD2000 type Frame size Cooling air
volume 2)
Rated current Power loss1)
[kW] at rated current und 3AC supply voltage
Trang 182.3 System data • Mains supply voltage 3AC 400 460 V; +10/-15 % 480 V; +6/-15 %
• Mains frequency 50 60 Hz ±5 %
• Power factor
- Mains base frequency cos ϕ1 > 0.97
- Total at rated current depending on mains
at rated power ≥0.97 on 3-phase supply
• Overload factor 1.2 for max 60 s at rated current Cycle time
• Min operating frequency
• Speed adjustment range For speed control
The adjustment range is 1:20 in regenerative
• Speed accuracy For speed control
• Torque rise times For speed control
• Frequency resolution 10 mHz standard
• Frequency stability for frequency control <0.01 % standard
Trang 19• Frequency accuracy for frequency control <0.01 %
• Temperature response
of analog demand <0.01 %/°C
• Overtemperature shutdown Frame size 1 and 2 at >90 °C
• Coolant temperature 0 40 °C at rated current, overload factor 1.2
• Installation altitude ≤1000 m above MSL, up to max 2200 m with
• Protection classes
Cubicle-mounted units IP21 Standard
• Environment class DIN EN 60721 Part 3-3
/ 2K2
- Max relative humidity 85 % at 28 °C, condensation not permitted
- Insulation Contamination Class II to DIN VDE 0110
• Permitted switching Precharging circuit duty cycle = 2 %/180 s,
• Power loss of control ca 80 W (Frame size 1) ca 130 W (frame size 4) electronics with control board, no additional options
Trang 20• Mechanical use prEN50178:1994/IPA90 DIN IEC86 T.2-6 10 150 Hz (Vibration)
• Electromagnetic
Interference resistance To IEC1800-3 (IEC22G/21/CDV), EN50082-2,
Radiated interference To IEC1800-3 (IEC22G/21/CDV)
see section 3.7 for optional measures
• Vector frequency adjustable Standard 3 kHz
Maximum Up to 12 kHz
At a vector frequency of fV = 12 kHz a power reduction is done depending on the type
of unit
• Servicing Data memory battery replacement required,
Trang 21Power reduction curves
90 100
Installation altitude above msl in m Rated current in %
40 50 60 80
100 90
400 V
Frame size 4; 460 V
Frame size 2; 460 V Frame size 3; 400 V, 460 V Frame size 4; 400 V
70 80 90
Coolant temperature in C °
Current rating in %
Rated current (3kHz)
Basic load current (3kHz)
Fig 5: Power reduction curves (Derating) ALSPA MD2000 22 275-400
Trang 22Efficiency curves
80 85 90 95 100
Fig 6: ALSPA MD2000 Efficiency curves 22 275-400
The curves in Fig 6 apply to pulse frequency 3 at a 400 460 V supply voltage
Trang 232.3.1
2.3.1 Standards, operating conditions and certificates Standards applicable As per 06.1996
VDE 0100-540 Installation of heavy current systems with rated voltages up to 1000 V; selection and
installation in electrical equipment, earthing, protective conductor, potential compensation conductor
VDE 0106-100 Protection against electric shock; configuration of actuator components close to parts
which are dangerous to touch
Rating of air gaps and creepage distances
VDE 0160/pr EN50178 Installing electronic equipment on heavy current systems
DIN EN 60146-1-1 (IEC 146-1-1) Semiconductor converters; general requirements and mains-fed converters;
basic requirements (DIN VDE 0558 Part 11: 1994-03)
DIN EN 60146-1-3 (IEC 146-1-3) General requirements and mains-fed converters,
transformers and choke coils (DIN VDE 0558 Part 8: 1994-03)
requirements and test methods (conversion IEC 801-2)
requirements and test methods
IEC 1000-4-4 Resistance to fast electrical transients and bursts (conversion IEC 801-4)
(VDE 0875 Part 11), limits and test methods for radio interference suppression of industrial, scientific and medical high frequency equipment
telecommunications technology (VDE 0878 Part 3), limits and test methods for radio interference suppression on technical information equipment
IEC1800-3/prEN61800-3:1995 EMC product standard for variable speed drives
DIN EN 50081-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); specialist basic standard for radiated
Part 1: Residential, business and light industry
DIN EN 50081-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); specialist basic standard, radiated interference;
Trang 24DIN EN 60204-1 (IEC 204-1) Machine safety; electrical equipment on machines;
Part 1: General requirements (VDE0113 Part 1: 1993-06)
Part 2: Individual conditions
DIN EN 60721-3 classification of environmental conditions
- Classes of environmental influences and limits
VDE 0660 Part 500 1994-04 Certificate
DIN EN ISO 9001 Model for quality assurance in development, design, production, assembly, testing,
sales and maintenance
TÜV-Südwest Audit QM-M-96/732 Certificate Registration No 70 100 M732 Certificate obtainable from ALSTOM Power Conversion GmbH CE Certificate
See appendix for EC Certificate of Conformity
Trang 252.3.2 CE mark The ALSPA MD2000 frequency inverter carries the CE mark This confirms for
monitoring authorities responsible in the European Union (EU) that the unit complies with the low voltage guideline 73/23 EC and the CE mark guideline 93/68/EC The certificate of conformity with the low voltage guideline is available on request
The ALSPA MD2000 frequency inverter is completed into a drive system by the connection of an AC motor and electrical components, safety equipment and external radio interference suppression components Installation must be carried out by experienced personnel in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations
No certificate of conformity is required for the ALSPA MD2000 as an “independently operated unit” in the sense of EMC Directive 89/336/EC The ALSPA MD2000 is classified according to CEMEP2 for use and supply through the industry, trade and other users experienced in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Type tests on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) were carried out to demonstrate compliance with the documented EMC-relevant IEC standards, DIN EN standards, EMC installation guidelines and specified combinations with optional radio interference suppression components in this operating manual when connected to an earthed mains supply Compliance with the EMC installation instructions in section 3.6
is essential
Section 3.7 provides optional measures for guaranteeing EMC
EMC product standard including specific test methods for
EMC product standard for drive converters;
EMC radiated interference and interference resistance
DIN EN 50082
Specialist basic standard, interference resistance Part 1: Residential, business and light industry connected to the public electricity supply network
(VDE 0839 Part 82-1) Part 2: Industrial 1) VDE 0839 Part 82-2)
DIN EN 50081
Specialist basic standard, radiated interference Part 1: Residential, business and industrial connected to the public electricity supply network
(VDE 0839 Part 81-1) Limit to EN 55011 Group 1 Class B
Trang 26EMC interference resistance IEC1800-3/prEN61800-3 (IEC224/21CDV); EN50082-2
The following limits for interference resistance are fulfilled when a mains choke and screened control cables are used
ESD (Static discharge)
IEC1000-4-2 (IEC 801-2) Air discharge (AD) ±8 kV
Contact discharge (CD) ±6 kV Burst
IEC1000-4-4 (IEC 801-4) Mains connection 2 kV, 5 kHzkap
Load connection 2 kV, 5 kHzkap
Limit curves, radio interference voltage
0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 90 100
50 60 70 80 90 100
Interference frequency in MHz
EN 55011 Group 1 Class A
Fig 8: Typical interference voltage characteristic at mains input
Fig 8 shows the typical interference voltage characteristic at the mains input in the example of the ALSPA MD2000 27/33-400 with mains filter B84143A50-R, function
Trang 272.4 Supply components The ALSPA MD2000 can be supplied with power through
- Connection of the units to a 3-phase supply or
- Connection to a DC system bus
Standard components are specified for both possible supply methods Fig 48 and Fig 50 show the basic configuration of ALSPA MD2000 supply components for a 3AC
or DC connection
2.4.1 Components for 3AC supply The components for connecting the ALSPA MD2000 to an AC network are determined
according to the ALSPA MD2000 type rating
The basic components
- semiconductor fuse 3AC main connection ( with aR characteristic
- mains choke (
- mains fuse ( with gL characteristic
are required to VDE and are shown in the tables below
Minimum cross-sections for mains supply cables with PVC insulation to EN 1:1992 are given at an ambient temperature of ϑ = 40 °C and laying method E
60204-In the event that the supply includes separation points,
- Ferraz fuse isolator, 3-pole, for frame size 1 only (
- fuse circuit breaker (
- mains contactor / main contactor (
are to be used as shown in the following tables Fuses for Mains fuses with aR characteristic (semiconductor protection)
3AC mains connection
Frame size
110 mm DIN 43653
Bussmann fuse
110 mm DIN 43653 Rated
current [A]
Basic load current [A]
current for
60 s [A]
Type 6,6 URD- Ref No
Trang 28
These parts are mounted on the fuse base SI DIN 110630 or are installed in conjunction with the fuse circuit breaker
See section for fuse circuit breakers
Fuses can also be equipped with microswitches for fuse monitoring
Single pole fuse base
170 H 3027 +
170 H 0066
029.139 082
029.026 279
Table 10: Semiconductor fuses
As an alternative to fuses to DIN 43653 Ferraz encapsulated fuses 27x60 with the relevant 3-pole fuse isolator can be used on ALSPA MD2000 units of frame size 1 with 3AC mains supply, according to the table below:
Capsule fuse 27x60
Ferraz fuse isolator 3-pole ALSPA MD2000
Frame size
Rated current
Basic load current
current for
60 s
Type 6,621 CP URQ
Table 11: Ferraz fuses
Terminal cover per pole Type PS27 029.141 723
Trang Mains chokes If the ALSPA MD2000 is connected to a 3AC mains supply a mains choke is required
(3-phase chokes) in the supply cable to reduce the harmonics and limit commutation failures The mains
chokes for the relevant ALSPA MD2000 types are listed in the table below
Mains chokes are included in the ALSPA MD2000 scope of supply for 3AC mains connection They are supplied loose with the ALSPA MD2000 and are installed outside the ALSPA MD2000 in the cubicle
The mains choke must be allocated individually to each ALSPA MD2000 to guarantee decoupling when several units are operated at the same mains supply point A mains choke of high rating is not suitable for several low power ALSPA MD2000 units Mains chokes improve the overvoltage protection The impedance of the choke forms
a voltage divider with the impedance on the mains side When the choke is not saturated magnetically it limits the current rise when the voltage rises This prevents excessive overvoltages at the ALSPA MD2000 mains input
Max current for
Relative short circuit voltage uK = 2,2 %
Operating voltage 380 V 460 V +10/-15 %, 50/60 Hz ±5 %
Environment class DIN EN 60721 Part 3-3 3K3 / 3M2 / 3C2 / 2K2
See section 2.8.2 for dimensions, weights and installation instructions
Trang 30Harmonics
The mains converter consists of an uncontrolled 6-pulse bridge circuit (B6) with diodes Capacitors which decouple the mains converter from the motor converter are fitted on the link and maintain the continuous flow of current to the motor converter A varying amount of energy is taken from the link capacitor depending on the load on the motor, whereby the mains converter compensates for the reduction in charging according to the mains voltage characteristic, i.e the phase position of the current, in contrast to the thyristor mains converter, remains almost constant and is not
dependent on the momentary value
The effective mains impedance and the load conditions affect the shape of the mains current curve and therefore the harmonic content, whereby the mains choke and the ratio between the mains short-circuit voltage and the inverter apparent power are decisive for the harmonic content
Mains harmonics
At rated mains voltages of ≥460 V and a ratio between the inverter rated power and the short circuit capacity Sk“) of the ALSPA MD2000 supply point Sk“/ SInverter460V ≥ 300 a special mains choke uk≥ 3.3 % based on a 460 V supply voltage is recommended for limiting mains current harmonics The special mains choke can also be constructed using a series circuit of two standard mains chokes for the ALSPA MD2000
ALSPA MD2000 22/27-400, main transformer uk=6 % Rated voltage UN=460 V
A special mains choke is required in this configuration if the transformer rated power / mains power exceeds approx 550 kVA
ALSPA MD2000 54/62-400, mains data as above A special mains choke is only required at a transformer rated power of >1.2 MVA
VDEW = Association of German Electricity Supply Companies
Trang 310,2 0,3 0,4
Apparent input power SN
Effective output power PN
Fig 9: Effective values for mains harmonics
- Higher commutation inductance through the use of special mains chokes
- Transformers of different groups for two 6-pulse converters
- Filter circuits for harmonics (choked)
- Increase in mains supply power by using higher rated transformers
- Mains division, use of converter transformers
- Higher number of pulses for mains converter (12-pulse system)
- IGBT mains pulse inverter
The amplitude characteristic for the mains current harmonics shown in Fig 9 can be reduced by increasing the commutation inductance with a 3-phase choke Uk = 3.8 % based on a 400 V supply voltage Under the mains conditions stated, for example, the dominant 5th harmonic can be reduced from approx 43 % to approx 34 % However,
it must be noted that increasing commutation inductance reduces the utilisation of the
Trang 32In large industrial plant it is possible to reduce the dominant 5th harmonic in 6-pulse mains converters by connecting some of the converter load through transformers with
a phase shift of 30° electrical in relation to the other transformers Another transformer circuit in switching group Yy0 with a compensation winding could be implemented instead of the Dy5 circuit often used In this configuration, for example, the 5th harmonic can be reduced by more than 50 % provided that both converters have the same overlap angle
At the planning stage it is not possible to directly analyse the mains voltage harmonics included in commutation failure For this reason the harmonic current is used to estimate the mains feedback effects through commutation failures and mains harmonics
ALSPA MD2000 units operate with an uncontrolled 6-pulse mains converter As long
as its commutation reactance at the mains connection point is better by a factor of 2 than the mains reactance, the harmonic current can be considered approximately as load-independent Fig 9 offers assistance for project design
Thus in general a minimum mains network short circuit capacity in comparison to the overall supply capacity of the ALSPA MD2000 operated at the connection point can
be stated in consideration of mains distortion (duration of commutation) and the level
of commutation reactance (3-phase choke) with a connection involving only ALSPA MD2000 units
For correct operation the AC mains voltage may not deviate from the critical value for the mains voltage base frequency by more than 20 % according to DIN VDE
No limits are exceeded by a ALSPA MD2000-only connection for the correct
application when the mains minimum short circuit power is taken into consideration
Trang 332.4.1.3 Line fuses for Installation instructions for a 3AC ALSPA MD2000 connection in the customer’s low operation class gL and voltage distribution system:
cable cross-sections The NH fuses recommended for operation class gL and the cable cross-sections to be
used for ALSPA MD2000 3AC mains connections are shown in the following table Minimum cross-sections for mains supplies cables with PVC insulation according to
EN 60204-1:1992 are given for an ambient temperature of ϑ = 40 °C and laying method E
Basic load current
Max current for 60 s
Type Ref No
3-phase cables NYY/ NYM
Niederspannungs-Schaltgeräte und -Anlagen Postfach
24531 Neumünster
Trang 342.4.1.4 Fuse circuit breakers The above semiconductor fuses (aR-Characteristics) with 100 mm length to
DIN 43 653 can be installed as an alternative to fuse bases in conjunction with the hand-operated fuse circuit breaker
This creates a separation point in the 3AC mains supply and all poles of the semiconductor fuses can be switched
Table 15: Fuse circuit breakers
See section 2.8.5 for dimensions and installation distances
Trang 35 Mains contactor Contactors 3 AC 400 V, 50/60 Hz
On 3AC mains supplies which include (automatic) on/off switching of the mains voltage at the ALSPA MD2000 input (eg ALSPA MD2000 units with optional
brake chopper and braking resistor), 3-phase contactors according to the following tables are used
Note the mains contactor control voltage
Rated current
Basic load current
Table 17: Mains contactors
Mains contactors and accessories are stated for 400 V, 50/60 Hz mains voltage
Trang 36
2.4.2 DC supply The DC supply components for ALSPA MD2000 with a DC connection (see section must always be project designed because the matching choke on the DC supply of each ALSPA MD2000 must be matched to the configuration of the DC system bus
The components for a DC system bus connection
- Fuse circuit breaker or fuse isolator
project-DC system bus (option)
An 800 A bus or a 2500 A bus can be used for project design according to the current carrying capacity requirements The calibration choke is rated for the electrical characteristics of the bus
Both system buses are installed in different cubicle assemblies
A 200 mm high assembly is used for the 800 A bus and a 300 mm high assembly for the 2500 A bus
See also section DC supply
Trang 372.5 Options The user can install optional assemblies and function modules to adapt the ALSPA
MD2000 to many different applications
Standard options are available for
- The power stack
- The control electronics
- Handling and operation
2.5.1 Control unit (BDE)
The control unit for the ALSPA MD2000 allows you to operate, control and monitor the unit Values are displayed with the physical units of measurement used The BDE has
a 2-line, 20-character LCD display, 3 LEDs and 9 keys (5 keys for controlling the machine and 4 keys for parameter adjustment) Display contrast can be adjusted using a potentiometer on the rear (the PCB side)
The BDE can be used regardless of the ALSPA MD2000 type rating and software version
It can be installed in the front door of the unit or located up to 2 m away, in the door of
a another cubicle for example If the BDE is installed in the door of a cubicle, a protection class up to IP54 is possible when the contact surface between the BDE and the door is sealed
Fig 10: ALSPA MD2000 BDE control unit
The menu label is removable
Trang 38The BDE control unit is supplied with installation material:
When supplied loose, an adapter cable is required for connection
The following is also required if the unit is to be installed at a distance of up to 2 m:
If after delivery of the ALSPA MD2000 the control unit is removed and installed separately, for example in a cubicle door, the installation opening in the ALSPA MD2000 must be sealed with a blank panel
See section 2.8.3 for dimensions and installation spacings
The menu label can be replaced very easily and is available in all languages used for the menu
menu label Hungarian on request
Trang 392.5.2 Brake chopper (Option 31) The ALSPA MD2000 can additionally be equipped with a brake chopper (option E31) and braking resistors for applications involving regenerative operation, for example braking processes
Regenerative operation of the drive occurs if negative load torque or negative acceleration torque (braking torque) occurs in the speed range In the majority of all
applications braking processes are the cause of regenerative drive operation
The ALSPA MD2000 can be equipped with a power dump for this application Braking energy is then converted by the power dump into heat in an external resistor
In this case the ALSPA MD2000 link voltage is limited to a fixed value, the link current
is reversed and is taken off through the power dump and the external braking resistor
You can estimate whether a ALSPA MD2000 with a power dump for braking is required if you have the following drive parameters available:
• ML Load torque on the motor shaft [Nm]
• J Total inertia applied to the motor shaft [kgm²]
Fig 11: Load cycle diagram
Trang 40With this information you can calculate the rated motor torque MN and the braking torque:
Motor rated torque
Braking torque
The ratio between braking torque and rated motor torque determines whether a power dump is required
At low braking torque (0.1 0.2 x Mrated ) the drive system is braked by its own losses
2 MB/Mnom > 0,1 0,2 Power dump required Brake chopper option E31 The brake chopper is installed in the ALSPA MD2000 build-in unit It can only be fitted
in the factory, i.e the optional E31 brake chopper must be ordered when the ALSPA MD2000 itself is ordered
The table below shows the ALSPA MD2000 brake chopper power dumps with the relevant technical data for the ALSPA MD2000 types