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ĐỀ tài vẽ đồ THỊ áp 3 PHA HÌNH SIN TRÊN CÙNG một hệ tọa độ

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Ñeà Taøi :VEÕ ÑOÀ THÒ AÙP 3 PHA HÌNH SIN TREÂN CUØNG MOÄT HEÄ TOAÏ ÑOÄ >> x=linspace(0,5*pi,500);% cho x chay tu o den 3pi voi 500 mau >> y1= 5*sin(x) y1 = Columns 1 through 11 0 0.1574 0.3146 0.4715 1.2459 1.3977 1.5481 Columns 12 through 22 0.6279 0.7837 0.9388 1.0929 1.6969 1.8441 2.8154 2.9440 1.9895 2.1329 2.2742 2.4132 2.5498 2.6839 3.0698 Columns 23 through 33 3.1925 4.0506 3.3120 3.4282 3.5411 4.1409 3.6504 3.7562 3.8582 3.9564 4.2270 Columns 34 through 44 4.3090 4.8051 4.3867 4.8462 4.4600 4.5289 4.5934 4.6533 4.7085 4.7592 4.9792 5.0000 4.9970 4.8825 Columns 45 through 55 4.9140 4.9891 4.9406 4.9762 4.9624 4.9584 4.9911 4.9980 Columns 56 through 66 4.9357 4.5809 4.9081 4.8756 4.8383 4.7963 4.7494 4.6979 4.6417 4.1232 4.0321 3.9370 3.8381 3.7353 2.9185 2.7893 2.6573 2.5227 2.3856 4.5155 4.4457 Columns 67 through 77 4.3715 4.2929 4.2101 3.6289 3.5188 3.4053 Columns 78 through 88 3.2883 3.1682 2.2461 2.1044 3.0448 1.9606 Columns 89 through 99 1.8148 0.5967 1.6673 0.4401 1.5181 1.3674 1.2154 1.0621 0.9078 0.2832 Columns 100 through 110 0.1259 -0.0315 -0.1888 -0.3460 -0.5028 -0.6591 -0.8148 -0.9697 -1.1236 -1.2763 -1.4279 Columns 111 through 121 -1.5780 -1.7265 -1.8734 -2.0183 -2.1613 -2.3021 -2.4407 -2.5768 -2.7104 -2.8413 -2.9694 Columns 122 through 132 -3.0945 -3.2166 -3.3355 -3.4511 -3.5632 -3.6719 -3.7769 -3.8781 -3.9755 -4.0690 -4.1584 0.7526 Columns 133 through 143 -4.2438 -4.3249 -4.4017 -4.4742 -4.5422 -4.6057 -4.6647 -4.7190 -4.7687 -4.8137 -4.8538 Columns 144 through 154 -4.8892 -4.9197 -4.9454 -4.9661 -4.9820 -4.9928 -4.9988 -4.9998 -4.9958 -4.9869 -4.9730 Columns 155 through 165 -4.9543 -4.9306 -4.9020 -4.8686 -4.8303 -4.7873 -4.7395 -4.6870 -4.6299 -4.5682 -4.5019 Columns 166 through 176 -4.4312 -4.3561 -4.2767 -4.1931 -4.1053 -4.0134 -3.9176 -3.8178 -3.7143 -3.6071 -3.4964 Columns 177 through 187 -3.3821 -3.2646 -3.1437 -3.0198 -2.8929 -2.7631 -2.6306 -2.4955 -2.3579 -2.2179 -2.0758 Columns 188 through 198 -1.9316 -1.7855 -1.6376 -1.4881 -1.3371 -1.1848 -1.0313 -0.8769 -0.7215 -0.5654 -0.4088 Columns 199 through 209 -0.2517 -0.0944 1.0005 1.1542 0.0630 0.2203 1.3068 0.3774 0.5341 0.6903 0.8458 Columns 210 through 220 1.4580 1.6078 2.6038 2.7368 1.7560 1.9025 2.0471 2.1897 2.3300 2.4681 2.8672 Columns 221 through 231 2.9947 3.8979 3.1192 3.9945 3.2407 3.3589 3.4738 3.5853 3.6932 3.7974 4.0872 Columns 232 through 242 4.1758 4.7294 4.2603 4.7781 4.3406 4.8221 Columns 243 through 253 4.4165 4.4881 4.5553 4.6179 4.6759 4.8613 4.9994 4.8957 4.9252 4.9944 4.9499 4.9697 4.9845 4.9944 4.9994 4.8957 4.8613 4.8221 4.7781 4.7294 4.2603 4.1758 4.0872 3.9945 3.8979 3.1192 2.9947 2.8672 2.7368 2.6038 4.9845 Columns 254 through 264 4.9697 4.6759 4.9499 4.6179 4.9252 4.5553 Columns 265 through 275 4.4881 3.7974 4.4165 3.6932 4.3406 3.5853 Columns 276 through 286 3.4738 2.4681 3.3589 3.2407 2.3300 2.1897 Columns 287 through 297 2.0471 0.8458 1.9025 0.6903 1.7560 1.6078 1.4580 1.3068 1.1542 0.5341 Columns 298 through 308 0.3774 0.2203 0.0630 -0.0944 -0.2517 -0.4088 -0.5654 -0.7215 -0.8769 -1.0313 -1.1848 Columns 309 through 319 -1.3371 -1.4881 -1.6376 -1.7855 -1.9316 -2.0758 -2.2179 -2.3579 -2.4955 -2.6306 -2.7631 Columns 320 through 330 1.0005 -2.8929 -3.0198 -3.1437 -3.2646 -3.3821 -3.4964 -3.6071 -3.7143 -3.8178 -3.9176 -4.0134 Columns 331 through 341 -4.1053 -4.1931 -4.2767 -4.3561 -4.4312 -4.5019 -4.5682 -4.6299 -4.6870 -4.7395 -4.7873 Columns 342 through 352 -4.8303 -4.8686 -4.9020 -4.9306 -4.9543 -4.9730 -4.9869 -4.9958 -4.9998 -4.9988 -4.9928 Columns 353 through 363 -4.9820 -4.9661 -4.9454 -4.9197 -4.8892 -4.8538 -4.8137 -4.7687 -4.7190 -4.6647 -4.6057 Columns 364 through 374 -4.5422 -4.4742 -4.4017 -4.3249 -4.2438 -4.1584 -4.0690 -3.9755 -3.8781 -3.7769 -3.6719 Columns 375 through 385 -3.5632 -3.4511 -3.3355 -3.2166 -3.0945 -2.9694 -2.8413 -2.7104 -2.5768 -2.4407 -2.3021 Columns 386 through 396 -2.1613 -2.0183 -1.8734 -1.7265 -1.5780 -1.4279 -1.2763 -1.1236 -0.9697 -0.8148 -0.6591 Columns 397 through 407 -0.5028 -0.3460 -0.1888 -0.0315 0.7526 0.9078 0.1259 0.2832 0.4401 0.5967 1.0621 Columns 408 through 418 1.2154 1.3674 1.5181 1.6673 1.8148 1.9606 2.1044 2.2461 3.1682 3.2883 3.4053 3.5188 3.6289 4.2929 4.3715 4.5155 2.3856 2.5227 2.6573 Columns 419 through 429 2.7893 3.7353 2.9185 3.0448 3.8381 3.9370 Columns 430 through 440 4.0321 4.6417 4.1232 4.6979 4.2101 4.7494 4.4457 4.5809 Columns 441 through 451 4.7963 4.9970 4.8383 4.8756 5.0000 4.9081 4.9357 4.9584 4.9762 4.9891 4.9406 4.9140 4.8825 4.8462 4.8051 4.3867 4.3090 4.1409 4.0506 4.9980 Columns 452 through 462 4.9911 4.7592 4.9792 4.7085 4.9624 4.6533 Columns 463 through 473 4.5934 3.9564 4.5289 4.4600 3.8582 3.7562 Columns 474 through 484 4.2270 3.6504 2.6839 3.5411 2.5498 3.4282 3.3120 3.1925 3.0698 2.9440 2.8154 1.8441 1.6969 1.3977 1.2459 0.3146 0.1574 0.0000 2.4132 Columns 485 through 495 2.2742 1.0929 2.1329 1.9895 0.9388 0.7837 Columns 496 through 500 0.6279 0.4715 >> y2= 5*sin(x+3*pi/2); >> y3= 5*sin(x-3*pi/3); >> plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3); >> % set axis limits and grid lines >> grid on >> xlabel('Time') 1.5481 >> ylabel('Amplitude') >> legend('First','Second','Third') >> title('3 phase_sin plot') >> [...]...Columns 36 4 through 37 4 -4.5422 -4.4742 -4.4017 -4 .32 49 -4.2 438 -4.1584 -4.0690 -3. 9755 -3. 8781 -3. 7769 -3. 6719 Columns 37 5 through 38 5 -3. 5 632 -3. 4511 -3. 335 5 -3. 2166 -3. 0945 -2.9694 -2.84 13 -2.7104 -2.5768 -2.4407 -2 .30 21 Columns 38 6 through 39 6 -2.16 13 -2.01 83 -1.8 734 -1.7265 -1.5780 -1.4279 -1.27 63 -1.1 236 -0.9697 -0.8148 -0.6591 Columns 39 7 through 407 -0.5028 -0 .34 60 -0.1888 -0. 031 5 0.7526... 0.2 832 0.4401 0.5967 1.0621 Columns 408 through 418 1.2154 1 .36 74 1.5181 1.66 73 1.8148 1.9606 2.1044 2.2461 3. 1682 3. 28 83 3.40 53 3.5188 3. 6289 4.2929 4 .37 15 4.5155 2 .38 56 2.5227 2.65 73 Columns 419 through 429 2.78 93 3. 735 3 2.9185 3. 0448 3. 838 1 3. 937 0 Columns 430 through 440 4. 032 1 4.6417 4.1 232 4.6979 4.2101 4.7494 4.4457 4.5809 Columns 441 through 451 4.79 63 4.9970 4. 838 3 4.8756 5.0000 4.9081 4. 935 7... 4.8051 4 .38 67 4 .30 90 4.1409 4.0506 4.9980 Columns 452 through 462 4.9911 4.7592 4.9792 4.7085 4.9624 4.6 533 Columns 4 63 through 4 73 4.5 934 3. 9564 4.5289 4.4600 3. 8582 3. 7562 Columns 474 through 484 4.2270 3. 6504 2.6 839 3. 5411 2.5498 3. 4282 3. 3120 3. 1925 3. 0698 2.9440 2.8154 1.8441 1.6969 1 .39 77 1.2459 0 .31 46 0.1574 0.0000 2.4 132 Columns 485 through 495 2.2742 1.0929 2. 132 9 1.9895 0. 938 8 0.7 837 Columns... through 495 2.2742 1.0929 2. 132 9 1.9895 0. 938 8 0.7 837 Columns 496 through 500 0.6279 0.4715 >> y2= 5 *sin( x +3* pi/2); >> y3= 5 *sin( x -3* pi /3) ; >> plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3); >> % set axis limits and grid lines >> grid on >> xlabel('Time') 1.5481 >> ylabel('Amplitude') >> legend('First','Second','Third') >> title( '3 phase _sin plot') >> ... -2.7 631 Columns 32 0 through 33 0 1.0005 -2.8929 -3. 0198 -3. 1 437 -3. 2646 -3. 3821 -3. 4964 -3. 6071 -3. 71 43 -3. 8178 -3. 9176 -4.0 134 Columns 33 1 through 34 1 -4.10 53 -4.1 931 -4.2767 -4 .35 61 -4. 431 2 -4.5019... 1.6078 2.6 038 2. 736 8 1.7560 1.9025 2.0471 2.1897 2 .33 00 2.4681 2.8672 Columns 221 through 231 2.9947 3. 8979 3. 1192 3. 9945 3. 2407 3. 3589 3. 4 738 3. 58 53 3.6 932 3. 7974 4.0872 Columns 232 through... 1.9895 2. 132 9 2.2742 2.4 132 2.5498 2.6 839 3. 0698 Columns 23 through 33 3. 1925 4.0506 3. 3120 3. 4282 3. 5411 4.1409 3. 6504 3. 7562 3. 8582 3. 9564 4.2270 Columns 34 through 44 4 .30 90 4.8051 4 .38 67 4.8462

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2015, 21:21

