speaking writing SPEAKING PART I

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speaking writing SPEAKING PART I

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SPEAKING PART I: List of questions for conversation with examiner Home and Family Tell me about your home. Tell me about your ideal home. How have your parents influenced your choices throughout your life? Who is the closest person to you in your family? Who has been the biggest influence in your life? How? What do you think is most important for a family? What are the differences between traditional families and modern ones? What do you think about the roles of women in the family? What do you think about the roles of men in the family? What do you think about the sayings: Men make houses, women make homes? What factors make families happy? How many people are there in your family? What do you like to do with your family?

SPEAKING PART I: List of questions for conversation with examiner Home and Family Tell me about your home. Tell me about your ideal home. How have your parents influenced your choices throughout your life? Who is the closest person to you in your family? Who has been the biggest influence in your life? How? What do you think is most important for a family? What are the differences between traditional families and modern ones? What do you think about the roles of women in the family? What do you think about the roles of men in the family? What do you think about the sayings: "Men make houses, women make homes?" What factors make families happy? How many people are there in your family? What do you like to do with your family? People and Places How would you describe yourself? What kind of people do you like? What is more important, appearance or personality? Who do you admire most? What do you think about beauty? Do you think looking attractive is important? What do people often lie about? Why is it important to be honest? What do you think are the most important qualities in people? What is the most interesting place in Vietnam you have been to? Food and Drink Is food fuel or pleasure for you? What kinds of drinks do you enjoy? What kind of food do you like? How many bottles of water do you drink a day? What is traditional food in your hometown? How do food and drink affect you? What kinds of food are good for your health? Do you think alcohol is good for your health? What do you like to eat for breakfast? What do you want to eat or drink right now? What is your favorite summer drink? Do you like dessert? Do you know how to cook? Travel and Leisure What do you like to do in your free time? What do most students enjoy doing in their leisure time? Do you think people watch too much T.V.? Where is a place in VN that everyone should visit? Top three places to visit in the world? Why? What are some benefits of leisure activities? What is important to take with you when you travel? How often do you travel? Where do you go? What was your favorite trip? Have you ever traveled abroad? What country would you most like to go to? Health and Sports What should we do to keep fit? Give some examples of healthy food? What are some popular sports around the world? Are sports beneficial to your life? Why? How are sports good for you physically/ mentally? Are there any sports that are bad for your health? What sports do you like to play? How can we encourage young people to do morning exercise? What do you do to improve your health every day? Which sport do you most hate to play? What does your favorite sport require? Love and Marriage What is most important in a dating relationship? What is most important in a marriage? What characteristics do you want in a future spouse? Why is love important? What would you do for love? Where would you like to go for your honeymoon? Do you believe in love at first sight? How do you feel when you are in love? Money or love? Why? Money What is the purpose of money? What would you do if I gave you 100,000 Dong? Do you think giving to charity is a good idea? Is money important? What do people do for money? Would you marry for money? How much money do you spend in a month? Do you think you waste money? Can money buy everything? Can you live without money? Does money influence your decisions? Job and Training What job would you hate to do and why? What job did you want to do as a child? What is the best job in the world? What skills do you need for your current job? Do you think job training is always necessary? What kinds of jobs need long training? What kinds of jobs need short training? What is your dream job? Why? What kind of job would you like in the future? What are you doing to prepare yourself for your future job? Environment What is the environment? What can we do to help the environment? Why should we protect the environment? How do people hurt the environment? How do people help the environment? What is the worst environmental problem nowadays? What do you think of trees? What kinds of trees do you have in your hometown? Why do people throw their garbage on the ground and in the water? How can people save energy? What could you do to clean the beach? Have you ever thrown garbage on the street? Should we recycle? What are alternative sources of energy? Others Where in Vietnam are you from? How many people are there in your family? What do/does your parents/brother/sister do? Describe the landscape of your town/city/province. What are the main industries in your town/city/province? What are the typical specialties of your town/city? What kind of music/sports do you like most? What do you think about… (name of famous singer/football player/football team)…? What is your favorite T.V. program? Would you prefer to… (eat out or at home / to live in the city or in the countryside / to watch football matches in person or on T.V.)? Why? How did you/your family spend your summer holiday/Tet? What happened at the Lunar New Year’s Eve? How is Hanoi different from (learner’s hometown)? What do you like most about living in Hanoi? How does that compare with you hometown? What is the most embarrassing/funny thing that has ever happened to you? PART II: TEN TOPICS FOR ORAL TESTS Topic 1: The means of transport you like/ hate most Topic 2: The most useful machine in the twentieth century Topic 3: Your favorite leisure activity (for women)/ fishing (for men) Topic 4: the advantages of living in the countryside Topic 5: The disadvantages of living in the city Topic 6: Talk about your weekend activities. Topic 7: Talk about one of your hobbies Topic 8: The most interesting place you have been to. Topic 9: The importance of learning foreign languages Topic 10: Ways to have a good health WRITING Exercise 1: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. In your next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how you keep fit and healthy! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 2: This is part of a letter you receive from your pen-friend. I'm glad you like learning English. Your teacher sounds really nice and your friends do too! Tell me all about your English classes. Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 3: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. We had dinner at a new restaurant yesterday. It was great! How often do you eat out? What's your favourite restaurant like? Exercise 4: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. You went to a party last weekend, didn't you? Did you have a good time there? Tell me about that party! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 5: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. I've just seen a brilliant programme about dolphins on television. Which programmes have you enjoyed recently? How much television do you watch? Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 6: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. I'm glad you like your job. In your next letter, tell me about it! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 7: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. I know you've just come back from holiday. Tell me about the holiday and whether you enjoyed it! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 8: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. I know you've just moved to a new house. In your next letter, could you describe it to me? Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 9: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. I know you often play sports at weekends. What's your favourite sport? Tell me about it! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Exercise 10: This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. In your last letter, you said you had some close friends. Tell me about one of your close fiends! Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2015, 18:17

Mục lục

    Topic 4: the advantages of living in the countryside

    Topic 10: Ways to have a good health

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