LETTER OF GUARANTEE FOR TAX PAYMENT tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các l...
Form 2B/BL-VCCB ………, date: …/…./20….. No: ……../BL-VCCB…. LETTER OF GUARANTEE FOR TAX PAYMENT1 To: [Tax authorities/customs]................................................ ……………………………………………………… Bank – Branch............................. Address:............................................................................................................................... Tel:............................................................Fax:................................................................... Represented by:.....................................Job title:............................................................... (Hereinafter reffered to as “VCCB”) Affirm guarantee for: Company:....................................................................................................................... Certificate of business registration No: …………issued on……/………/…………. in. Address:............................................................................................................................... Tel:............................................................Fax:................................................................... Represented by:.....................................Job title:............................................................... (Hereinafter reffered to as “The Guaranteed”) To hereby affirm to guarantee and be reponsible for the tax payment obligation of consignment:..............................under the Contract for Import of goods No:..........dated.../.../...between................and...............according to Bill of Lading/Airway Bill No ……..dated.../.../.... and Invoice No....... dated..../..../.... The maximum amount of guarantee: ……………….. (In words:....)2. Pasting the limited time in the Notice of Tax Authorities/Customs ..……………., If The Guaranteed was not to fulfill the tax payment mentioned in the notice, VCCB would undertake up to the tax payment obligation of The Guaranteed under the provisions of Laws and VCCB3. Any requests in writing from your company must be attached with this Letter of guarantee for tax payment (original), submitted and received by VCCB at …………………. on working hours within the validity of this Letter. This Letter of Guarantee for tax payment is valid within …days, from …/.../… to ….h…,…./…/... After this period, this Letter shall be null and void even though the origin of this Letter returns or not to VCCB. This letter of guarantee for tax payment is governed by the Laws of Vietnam. Any dispute(s) in respect thereof shall be settled by competent tribunals. 1 2 3 When a Taxation Office or Customs form is requested to be submitted, make sure all requirements of VCCB are met Refer to Customs Clearance Form or Tax Notice Give correct information about VCCB sponsorship obligations as required in the sponsorship form 1 This Letter is in one original version, untransferable and drawn-up in Vietnamese, maybe in English (Vietnamese version shall be officially used for any dispute(s) arising relating to this Letter). Authorized signature of VCCB 2 ...This Letter is in one original version, untransferable and drawn-up in Vietnamese, maybe in English (Vietnamese version shall be officially used for any dispute(s) arising relating to this Letter) ... shall be officially used for any dispute(s) arising relating to this Letter) Authorized signature of VCCB