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Framework for project preparation and appraisal

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Framework for project preparation and appraisal tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về...

Overall Framework for Project Preparation and Appraisal Saeed Ahmed Rana ADFD/WB Project Preparation and Appraisal Workshop Abu Dhabi, April 2010 Why A Project?  This is an instrument to provide assistance to the billions in the developing world, who need to overcome poverty and raise their standards of living  Investment projects contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of member countries  Such investment helps borrowers make the best use of their resources – natural, financial and human – to alleviate poverty, protect the environment and enhance effectiveness of public and private sectors Why project preparation and appraisal?  Project preparation and appraisal processes play an important role in enhancing the developmental impact of investments and building government capacity in national planning and investment  These processes are not intended to be document driven but to bring together multiple perspectives on a project and various tools of analysis needed to assess, monitor and improve on the different activities and expenditure components involved in the project  A strong foundation of preparation and appraisal can ensure better performance and disbursement during the life of the project and is the primary framework for conducting project supervision and monitoring A Framework for Project Preparation and Appraisal I Project Cycle II Project Rationale and Preparation III Borrower Roles IV Donor Roles V Project Appraisal Costing Analysis Environmental and Social Assessments VI Assessing Project Quality VII Early Signs of Project Failure The Bank Project Cycle Project Cycle - The project cycle starts with a development strategy based on selectivity and comparative advantage It is targeted to country’s development objectives It is followed by:        Identification Preparation Appraisal Negotiations and Approval Implementation and Supervision Completion and Evaluation Stages of the Bank’s Project Cycle (I)  Country Assistance Strategy-the Bank proposes lending and advisory services to help countries identify their priorities and reach their main development goals  Identification-Projects are identified that support country strategies and that are financially, economically, socially and environmentally sound  Preparation-The Bank provides policy and project advice along with financial assistance Clients conduct studies and prepare final project documentation  Appraisal-The Bank appraises the economic, technical, institutional, financial, environmental and social aspects of the project The project appraisal document and draft legal agreements are prepared Stages of the Bank’s Project Cycle (II)  Negotiation and Board Approval-The Bank and Borrower agree on loan or credit agreement and the project is presented to the Board for approval  Implementation and Supervision-The Borrower implements the project The Bank ensures that the loan proceeds are used for the loan purposes with due regard for economy, efficiency and effectiveness  Implementation and Completion-The Bank team evaluates the performance of both the Bank and Borrower  Evaluation-The Bank’s Independent Operations Evaluation Department prepares an audit report and evaluates the project Analysis is used for future project design Project/Lending Types  Development Projects can be original projects, pilot projects or repeater projects  Pilot projects test the design criteria and implementation strategy of new technologies before embarking upon a full scale investment  Repeater projects adopt the design and practices of a successful project for the same Project Development Objective (PDO) under similar implementation conditions and environments  A SWAp is a sectorwide approach that supports locally owned programs for a particular sector in a comprehensive and coordinated manner SWAps promote increasing reliance on country systems and procedures and use a common framework for planning, implementation, expenditure, and monitoring and evaluation  Project Lending is primarily the Specific Investment type Loan (SIL) Lending is also extended for sector investment, maintenance, financial-intermediary and technical assistance projects Project Identification Birth of a Project Country Development Plans Borrower Specific Request Unforeseen Conditions (e.g natural calamities) Set Project Development Objectives  Basic Consideration: If the project is successful, what will be its principal outcome for the primary target group?  General Guidelines (see next slide) Project Development Objective Guidelines  What group is targeted directly by the project as the key recipient of project benefits?  Immediately after the close of the project what problem would have been solved for the target group?  What will the target group be doing differently after the project that should make it better off?  The PDO should focus on the outcome for which the project reasonably can be held accountable, given the project duration, resources and the approach  The PDO should not merely restate the project’s components or outputs Efficient use of inputs or delivery of outputs must be translated into outcomes or results for the primary target group  KISS Your PDO (Keep – It – Short - and - Simple), concise and meaningful  Don’t try to reach the sky in one go  PDO should not encompass higher level objectives that depend on other efforts beyond the scope of the project 10 Results Framework (RF)  RF is the program logic that explains how (PDO) is to be achieved  It links PDO, outputs, outcomes to be delivered and indicators used to verify achievement  RF is a management tool for all stages :   at the beginning for strategic planning during implementation for day to day management and evaluation of project progress  near the end for overall project evaluation and feedback 29 Example of Results Framework 30 Post-Mission Activities  Management approval of mission findings  Convey management approval and the loan conditionality to the government/borrower  Complete outstanding actions agreed in the aide memoire  Determine if post appraisal mission work is needed  Update appraisal document  Coordinate with the government/borrower  Negotiations  Board approval  Loan agreement signing  Project launch workshop 31 Assessing Project Quality  A checklist of commonly found deficiencies in project preparation is given in the next slide  A focused and timely Quality Enhancement Review (QER) should help in making up these deficiencies before the project is appraised  A second look at these issues would determine, among others, if postappraisal work is needed 32 Checklist of General Deficiencies in Project Preparation  Overambitious and non achievable Project Development Objectives (PDO)  Project design not fully relevant to PDO  Project implementation period is not long enough  Mismatch with country context  Inflexibility in project design  Complexity of project design compared to absorptive capacity of the government, including project cost and post project activities  Inadequate M&E arrangements  Weak governmental institutions  Poor risk analysis  Lack of beneficiary participation  Weak ownership by the government  Weak sustainability analysis 33 Early Signs of Project Failure  Normally, with the approval of a project by the Board and signing of the loan agreement, the appraisal team signs off with mission accomplished satisfaction and the ball bounces to the implementation court  As noted in the project cycle steps, the next step is equally important for the parties concerned  Early signs of implementation issues should be carefully monitored  The main issues are listed in the next slide 34 Early Signs of Project Failure  Undue delay in project effectiveness [recipient country’s legal requirements] An initial test of the recipient’s commitment to the project objectives  Delay in the establishment/appointment of project implementation unit (PIU)  Delay in recruitment of project consultants  Delay in holding a project launch workshop This is the venue to straighten out financial, procurement and startup issues  Slippage in the government’s ability to meet obligations in the conditionality package including funding  Absence of a champion in the government for achieving project objectives 35 Some Examples of Project Experience Republic of Yemen (RoY) Case General Background  Since 1995 Bank assisted RoY in 47 projects for US$1.7 billion and has provided substantial technical and analytical support  Implementation overall has been satisfactory  Some cases of strengths and weaknesses are presented in the following slides 36 Taiz: Municipal Development and Flood Protection PDO  Protect city residents, businesses and infrastructure from seasonal flash flooding  Capacity development of Taiz local government  Support for Yemen Decentralization Program Strength  Simple design conforming to Govt dev strategy; clear focused Development Objectives (DOs)  High level of borrower commitment  Experienced PMU  Targeted good training program Weakness  Original 4-year time frame was too ambitious; had to be extended  However, in view of satisfactory implementation Bank approved additional financing for enlarged scope 37 Third Public Works Project PDO  Provide needed infrastructure to improve services and environmental conditions  Creation of short term employment  Community involvement in project selection, preparation and implementation  Development of local contracting and consulting business Strength  Well designed Repeater Project  Clear objectives applying lessons from previous projects  Strong government support  PMU gained experience and responded to implementation issues (e.g unexpected events such as sharply increasing costs of construction materials) Weakness  No major weakness Presents a good model for Repeater Projects and Pilots 38 Groundwater and Soil Conservation Project PDO  Improve groundwater conservation in farming areas and increasing surface water availability  Improve water use efficiency  Improve recharge and protection of watersheds  Support groundwater management framework and institutions Strength  PDOs are strategically strong but not fully supported by project design  Project pursued needed policy objectives (increasing fuel price and reducing subsidy)  Institutional strengthening e.g IAS Fed of WUAs, quality control and agreement with beneficiaries on water usage Weakness  M&E design – inappropriate indicators  Weak project consultants (funded by other agency with no Bank control) 39 Second Rural Access Project PDO  Reduce isolation of poor rural people by giving them better access to markets and services Strength  Result framework is well designed  PDO very relevant to government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)  Provides impetus to sound institutional framework Weakness  Beneficiary participation low  Poor preparation – premature Board presentation - first year’s design not ready  Weak risk analysis - particularly related to benefits to minorities who are the main beneficiaries - elite capture prospects 40 Yemen Rural Energy Access Project PDO In pursuance of GoY’s commitment to an agreed nationwide rural electrification program and the strategy set out in PRSP, the PDOs are to:   Improve electricity access of rural population in the selected areas of Yemen in a financially sustainable manner Demonstrate feasibility of increasing access in the off grid areas using solar energy Strength      High level of borrower commitment; Institutional and legal framework in place; significant local funding  Targeted good training program Clear objectives relevant to sector development strategy Achievable and monitorable objectives; satisfied consumer population is a good indicator of desired outcome Simple design with a low cost pilot component for sustainable solar energy use Substantial co-financing by IDB,AFD, Germany, France ($80 m+ compared to $25 m by IDA and $11 m by government) indicates confidence in project design Weakness   Selection of beneficiary areas may become an issue   Keeping end use tariff affordable to rural consumers is a High risk Financial sustainability RESPs will be difficult to achieve A combination of tariff adjustment and government subsidies needed to achieve full financial viability Need to develop a suitable solar energy system with little outside help 41 Summing Up  PDO Simple, real, achievable - KISS it  Preparation Complete with full justification-Institutional  Design  Participation  Ownership  Appraisal  Result  Final Word Framework, Risk, Analysis, Flexible, Relevant, Proven Track Beneficiary, Government Beneficiary, Government Project Ready for Implementation Achieve PDO Beneficiary Satisfaction 42 Resource, Availability, Sustainability Record ‫‪Thank You‬‬ ‫•‬ ‫شکرلا جزی ل‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ... of the project and is the primary framework for conducting project supervision and monitoring A Framework for Project Preparation and Appraisal I Project Cycle II Project Rationale and Preparation. .. financial and human – to alleviate poverty, protect the environment and enhance effectiveness of public and private sectors Why project preparation and appraisal?  Project preparation and appraisal. .. report and evaluates the project Analysis is used for future project design Project/ Lending Types  Development Projects can be original projects, pilot projects or repeater projects  Pilot projects

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2015, 19:48

