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Practice test 3

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Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ÑEÀ THI TIEÁNG ANH ( 9 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE TEST 3 PAPER 1 READING COMPREHENSION (l hour) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This paper is in two parts, section A and section B. For each question you ansurer conrreectly in section A you again one mark, for mark question you ansewer correctly in section B you gain two marks. No marks are deducted for wrong answer. Answer all the question, indicate choice of answer in every case on the separate answer sheet, which shuold show your name and examination index number. Follow casefully the instruction about how to record your answers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION A In this section you must choose the word or phrsase which best completes each sentence. For each question, 1 to 25, indicate on your answer sheet the letter A, B, C or D against the mumber of the question. 1. This moming the postman was ……………. down the street by my dog. A hunted B chased C run D sped 2. The child hurt himeself badly when he fell …………… the bedroom window. A out from B out of C down D over 3. He ……………. being given a receipt for the bill he had paid. A asked to B demanded C insisted on D required 4. I knew him. ... .............. 1 was a child. A until B when C as D during 5 I have absolutely no doubt ………….. the innocence of the accused. A about B over C on D with 6 Mr and Mrs Hudson are always ……………. with each other about money. A annoing B arguing C discussing D shouting 7 When he !eft school, John decided to ………….. a priest instcad or Studying languages A change to B become C train for D study for 8. I walked away as calmly as I could ………….. they thought I was the thief. A or else B to avoid C owing to D in case 9. I am late because my alarm clock never …………… this moming. A came on . B rang out C went off D tumed on 10. He ……………….. me to buy my air ticket immedlately or it would be loo late. A convinced B insisted C advised D suggesled 11. on wonl abou tr)n ng lo calch the last train home, as we can easily .................... A take B put C set D keep 12. Take this road and you will ..................... at the hotel in five minutes. Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info A arrive B come C find D reach 13. I would like lo orrer a small ……………. to anyone who finds my missing dog. A receipt B repayment C expense D reward 14. The young girl carefuny ..... ............... lelt and rlght before crossing the road. A watched B glanced C stared D looked 15 ..................... people go to football matches now than twenty years ago A Less B Lesser C Fewer D Few 16. He got out or bed and look a few ………….. hut couldn't go any rarther. A stages B starts C steps D actions 17. You reauy can't ..................... a thlns that woman saysl A believe B rely C count D imagine 18. His perrormance was .................. ..; the audience was delighted A unmarked B faultless C worhless D imperfect 19 But why did the police susped you? lt Just does not make .........-.......... to me. A reason B nght C sense D truth 20 Could you please teu me if you have any electric typewriters .....................? A in store B in order C in supply D in stock 21 Two other ..................... in his argument for his country's independence are worth a mention. A notices B points C effects D reports 22 He's such a naughty child; lt's amazing what his mother lets him .................away with. A go B make C do D get 23. The factory paid ………….. nearly a million pounds lo their employ employees who were injured in the explosion. A off B out C back D in 24 Having . .............. .... the table, Mrs Roberts called the family for supper. A laid B spread C ordered D completed 25 The liltle girl wouldn't go into the sea . ............ ... . her rather went too. A except B but C also D unless --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION B In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of question or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. you must choose the one which you think fist best. For each question 26 to 40, indicate on your answer sheet the letter A, B, C or d against number of the question FIRST PASSAGE The sun was going down beyond great banks or cloud which were full or Orangepink light. lt woöld usuïally be time for to be going in, but he didn't want to go back it Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted were still there, because his mother would only send him Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info straight to bed out or the way. So he turned away from home and walked down the lane past the football rield, kicking a stone berore him at the risk of scratching the toes of his best brown shoes. A couple or dogs, one large. black and smooth-haired, the other smaller with a long black and.white coal, played on the edge of lhe field. running round and round. jumping at each other and sometimes rolling over and over together, totally content in each other s company. Joe watched them for a moment or two and walked on. Twenty minutes later he was on the riverside and half-way round the aùrcle he had set out to walk from the town and back again. On his way he had passed several couples and one or two family groups returning from their Sunday evemng walk; bul now there was no one about except one man resting on the grass between the path and the nver bank. When Joe realised that it was his father, his surprise was so great that he stopped. Then his father, who had been leaning on his arm and looking into the river. looked round, but did not seem surprised to see him. Hello Joe he said dully. He went back to staring at the river. The fact that he was wearing his best clothes somehow added to the strangeness or his sitting there alone like this, and as Joe looked at him he was conscious ror the first time of a sense of his rather as not his father, but as someone without connection with himself as a man, with thoughts and feelings outside their existence as father and son. He saw, for the first time. his rather as a person carrying about with him a world of his own, and he had an indefinite sense of this world or his father’s extending back to a time and a life before he himself was bom. He was only a part or his fathe'r's world, while his rather belonged in the centre of his, Joe's world. And things were far from well in his father's world, he knew. He moved a few steps nearer, and his rather did not look at him. They're all at home, wondenng where you are, said Joe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26. Joe didn’t go straight home because he . A didn't want to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted. B wanted to find his father first. C wanted to watch the two dogs playing. D didn't want to go to bed immediately. 27. Instead or going home Joe went A on to the football field. B through some rields. C along the bank of the river. D half-way to the town. 28. When Joe had completed half his intended walk he A saw a man sitting by himself. B passed a couple of people. C went back to the town. D met some family groups. Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info 29 When Joe's father saw Joe, he A sat down on the grass. B didn’t seem very interested in him. C looked round at the river. D went back to the river. 30 That evening Joe realised that A he hardly knew his father at all. . B he had not seen his rather wearing those dothes before. C he had never really loved his father. D his rather had a lire of his own. 31 That evening, Joe thought that his father was A dull B pecuhar. C a stranger. D worried. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECOND PASSAGE I cannot stress too much the importance of waching, your opponent, of knowing exaclly where he is on the tennis court and what he is doing. lt is usually possible to work out the pattem of his game very early in a match. Test him at the front of the court. Try hitting one or two balls up high to see what his shots are like. the more quickly you discover his weaknesses the easier the match should become. Now and again it may be a good idea to give your opponent an opportunity of making a mistake. if early in the match, it seems that be is a very accurate player. but not a forceful one then you should tempt him to play a winning shot. Give him the opening, for there are some player who simply cannot hit winners. They will try to play an attacking game bul they carmot quite finish it off. The way to break up their steady game may be by putting them into the front of the court. It is obviously wiser to try to decide at the beginning or the match whether Your opponent is weaker on his lert-hand or on his right-hand side. and then play a little more than fifty per cent of your shots down that side. Play a normal attacking game, or the game you think you will win, but concentrate on the weaker side. A number of players expenence more trouble than others in the back comers of the court - always be ready to recognise this weakness Perhaps an opponent has a favounite backhand shot, but tacks certainty with his forehand shot. Tempt him to play the forchand shot There are advantages in leaming as much as possible about another player even before you play him. When you know. in a competition, who your next opponent will be, try to watch him play beforehand. It is only under match conditions that his weaknesses are likely to show - you are bound to pick up some information. even if It’s a basic thing such as slowness in reaching the front or the court. The Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info Australian team members always pool their knowledge of the team’s opponents so that rarely does a member walk on to a court without knowing what to expect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32. What are tennis players advised to do early in a match? A Plan their own game carefully. B Find out an opponent's weaker points. C Test out a few new shots. D Concentrale on playing acturatcly. 33 What should a playrer do against an opponent who has dirriculty in playing shots on one sidp? A play on to his backhand at the front of the court. B Play his usual game. C Play more shots than usual to his opponent's weaker side. D Play to the back comers or the court. 34. This passage tells a tennis player playing a match how to A get an opponent to make mistakes. B avoid making mistakes himself C Play a steady game. D play accurately rather than focefully 35. Before playing a match in a competition what is a player advised to do? A Talk to members of his own team. B Talk to his opponent beforehand C Play a practice game against the opponent. D Observe his opponent playing a match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIRD PASSAGE Regulations for the road user at rallway level crossings 1. Approach a level crossing at a moderate speed and cross it with care. Do not cross too slowly. Never drive over it too close to another vehicle. Never drive on to one unless you can see the road is clear on the other side. Never stop on or immedlately beyond any level crossing 2. Many level crossings have gates operated automatically or by an attendant Some also have orange lights followed by flashing red 'Stop lights Do not pass the lights once they show. If there are no lights at all, stop when the gates begin to close. 3. There are some unaltended level crossings. with gates which road-users have to open themselves, 'Stop' signs and small red and green lights Do not cross when the red light is showing. as a train is coming. There is a special rallway telephone, and it you are driving a very large or slow' moving vehicle, or are on foot with animals you must first telephone the nearest station to make sure it is safe for you to cross Open both gates before you cross and close them after you. When you have crossed, telephone the station to let them know you are over. Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info 4. Some other unattenñed level crossings have gates but have no red lights. At such crossings stop. look both ways, listen and make sure there is no train coming. if there is a special rallway telephone, first telephone to make sure it is safe for you to cross Before you cross with a vehicle or with animals open the gates on both sides wide. and then check once again that no train is coming Drlve your vehicle or animals right across and well clear of the crossing and then close both gates Level crossing where a road crosses a railway line 36 All the level crossings desribed in the passage have A flashing lights. B attendants. C telephones. D gates. 37 According to the instructions you shoulñ cross all level crossings A wtthout hesitating. B in a vehilcle. C as cautiously as possible. D as far as possible from the car in front. 38 you should never drive on to any level crossing if A another vehicle is approaching. B the exit isn't clear. C the attendant has not operated the lights. D a green light is flashing. 39 At a crossing with gates you open yourself you are told to telephone the A a red light is showing. B your car breaks down close to it. C you are driving a very large vehide. D you have not closed the gates. 40. Imagine you ar going to drive across an unattended level crossing which has no lights at all. what is the final thing you must do before actually crossing? A Open the near gate wide B Look to see if a train is coming C Telephone the nearest station. D Listen for any animals approaching. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPER 2 COMPOSITION write two only of the following composition exercises. your answers must follow exactly the instuction given, and must be of between 120 and 180 words each --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. You have had an accident, and are in bospital for a few days Write a letter to a friend explaining what has happened. 2 A visitor to your home is admiring your family's collection of books, pictures, plants etc. Write what you say as you show the things you are especially proud of Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info 3 Write a description of a very old person you know. 4 Do you consider that all young people should have to do a period or mililary training when they leave school? 5 Based on your reading of any one of these books, write on one oí the following: CHARLES DICKENS: Nicholas Nickleby What happened when Smike was brought back to school after running away? ARNOLD BENNETT: the card In what ways was the Countess of Chell usefull to Denny DAPHNE Du MAURIFR: rebecca How did Colonel Julyan conduct his enquirics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPER 3 USE OF ENGLISH (2 hours) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION A 1. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a village on the east coast of Scotland. people were waiting anxiously for news. Two of their fishing-boats ..... ............... .................. (1) been caught in the storm …………………………." (2) had blown up during the night. in the cottages round the harbour people stood ....................... .......... ....... (3) their doars, .................................... (4) worried to talk. . The rest of the fishing fleet had ........................... ............. (5) the harbour befort dark, and ule men from these ships waited and watched ……………………… (6) the wives and families or. ...... .. ............... ......... (7) missing men. Some had.............................(8) thick blankets and some nasks of hot drinks, knowing that the men ………………………… (9) be cold and tired. ..................:..................(10) dawn began to break over ............. ........ .. . .............. (11) the east a small point or light was ………………………….. (12) in the darkness or the water and a ………………………. (13) minutes later. ................... . .................... (14) was a shout. ......………………………….. (15) long, the two boals ……………………… (16) tuming in. past the lighthouse. to the ………………………… (17) oí the harbour. The men .......................................... (18) helped out or their boats. and……………….............. (19) they were stiff ……………………………… (20) cold and tiredness, they were an safe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it EXAMPLE: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. ANSWER: It's years since I enjoyed myself so much a) I don't think john will come, said Bill. Bill doubted ………………………………………………………………………… Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info b) The postman was bitten by our dog. Our dog ……………………………………………………………………………. c) we couldn't drive because of the fog. The fog prevented ………………………………………………………………… d) Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car. In spite ……………………………………………………………………………. e) The cake was so hard that I could not eat it. It was ……………………………………………………………………………… f) we didn't go, because it rained. If it hadn’t ………………………………………………………………………… g) I can'l cook as well as my mother does. My mother ………………………………………………………………………… h) I don't suppose you have change for a pound, do you? Do you happen ……………………………………………………………………. i) He failed to win the race. He didn't ……………………………………………………………………………. j) Mary rang hours and hours ago. It’s hours …………………………………………………………………………. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to from a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank this way. Examples: He said Good moming in a most friendly way. RLEND My teacher .encouraged me to take this examination. COURAGE a) This coffee is too....................................to drink. HEAT b) I really don't think he has the ……………….. to do this job. ABLE c) The proressor explained his ideas with great ………………… CLEAR d) Do you know what the ……………………… of the river is? DEEP e) He is a very ……………………………….. carpenter. SKILL r) He ………………… to hit me if I didn't hand over my money. THREAT g) He drives so ……………… that he is sure to have an accident. CARE h) I am ……………………. he will succeed in his chosen career. CONFLDENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Giovamni lives ill Ilaly and plans to visit Englatrd. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following eight sets of word phrase eight sentences which together make the letter Glovanmi wishes to send to the college where he hopes to study English. Note carefully from the example what of alterations need tp make. Writer each sentence in the space provided. EXAMPLE: I / wonder / why you / not / reply / last letter ANSWER: I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter Taøi lieäu naøy ñöôïc cung caáp taïi Forum Cao Hoïc Kinh Teá : http://caohockinhte.info Dear Mr Johnson , A friend / mine / recently / retum / England / advise me / wnte / you a) ………………………………………………………………………………………. I / hope / come / England / next year / spend / some months / Cambidge. b) ……………………………………………………………………………………… Perhaps / recommend / suitable English family / me stay. c) ………………………………………………………………………………………. While 1 I ./ there / take / part-time course / improve / my Englishs d) ……………………………………………………………………………………… Be / part-time course / your conege? e) ……………………………………………………………………………………… If 1 be / I / be grateful / you send / application from f) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Please / tell / much / fees 1 course / be g) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… I / like / know / date / course 1 begin. h) ……………………………………………………………………………………… Your sincerely Giovanmi Bianchi ... 32 What are tennis players advised to early in a match? A Plan their own game carefully B Find out an opponent's weaker points C Test out a few new shots D Concentrale on playing acturatcly 33 ... court 34 This passage tells a tennis player playing a match how to A get an opponent to make mistakes B avoid making mistakes himself C Play a steady game D play accurately rather than focefully 35 ... crossing where a road crosses a railway line 36 All the level crossings desribed in the passage have A flashing lights B attendants C telephones D gates 37 According to the instructions you shoulđ

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