... create and to delete an airport The name, runway size and capacity of the new airport are selected when a new airport is creating The program has function to add to an airport one or more fixed... not participate to an airport and which has the needed runway size shorter than the airport runway size The program has function to remove one or more helicopter(s) from an airport The program... function to add to an airport one or more helicopter(s) which currently does not participate to an airport The program has function to remove one or more helicopter(s) from an airport having Require
Trang 1Create a C# Windows form program to manage an airport with fixed wing airplane and helicopter
Require 001: Business need
Create a C# Windows form program to manage an airport with fixed wing airplane and helicopter
Require 002: Working requirement
Working time: 3hrs
Working environment: Visual Studio.Net 2010 IDE, NUnit, log4Net and FxCop 10.0 on local PC, no internet
Delivery: Source code and testing, reviewing evident packaged in a compress archive,
Require 003: Product architecture
The product is implemented using MVC pattern
Require 005: Input data
The product gets input data from an input file
An input file is a csv file
The input file contains the information about 25 fixed wing airplanes, each one in one input line Each fixed wing airplane has its ID, model, plane type, cruise speed, empty weight, max takeoff weight, min needed runway size
The input file contains the information about 40 helicopters, each one in one input line Each helicopter has its ID, model, cruise speed, empty weight, max takeoff weight, range
The input file contains the information about 4 airports, each one in one input line Each airport has an ID, a name, runway size, max fixed wing parking place, list of fixed wing airplane ID, max rotated wing parking place, list of helicopter ID
Require 006: Data constraint
In the input data has followed constraints:
Trang 2 ID is a string of 7 characters, started by “FW” for fixed wing airplane, “RW” for helicopter and “AP” for airport,followed by 5 digits ID is unique
The model size is maximum 40 characters
Three fixed wing airplane type are CAG (Cargo), LGR (Long range) and PRV (Private)
Require 007: Airport Management
The program has function to create and to delete an airport The name, runway size and capacity of the newairport are selected when a new airport is creating
The program has function to add to an airport one or more fixed wing airplane(s) which currently does not participate to an airport and which has the min needed runway size shorter than the airport runway size
The program has function to remove one or more helicopter(s) from an airport
The program has function to add to an airport one or more helicopter(s) which currently does not participate
to an airport
The program has function to remove one or more helicopter(s) from an airport having
Require 008: Plane management
The program has function to change plane type and min needed runway size of fixed wing airplane
If a fixed wing airplane is parked in an airport, its min runway size does not excess the airport runway size
The program has function to cruise speed and max takeoff weight of helicopter
The max takeoff weight of helicopter does not excess 1.5 times of its empty weight
Require 009: Output data
The program has function to save the data of an airport, having a valid data to an output file
An airport, having a valid data is an airport having
o At least 5 fixed wing airplanes
o At least 10 helicopters
The output file is a csv file
The output data of an airport is
o In the first line: Airport ID, name, runway size, capacity
o Fixed wing airplane information, sorted by range and min needed runway size from higher to lower
o Information of each fixed wing airplane is in one output line
o Helicopter information, sorted by range and max takeoff weight from higher to lower
o Information of each helicopter is in one output line
o The plan – fixed wing and helicopter – information will be followed by its fly method – “fixed wing” for fixed wing airplane and “rotated wing” for helicopter
Trang 3Require 010: Main Interface
The main windows form contains the control for:
Data input group
o This group allows inputting data from file The input data file can be selected by file selection dialog
Airport management group
o The window form must follow the requirement 009 and
o The window form must display information about 5 airports and allows selecting any airport for management action
Fixed wing airplane management group
o The window form must follow the requirement 010 and
o The window form must display the information of one fixed wing airplane and allows selecting any fixed wing airplane for management action
Helicopter management group
o The window form must follow the requirement 010 and
o The window form must display the information of one helicopter and allows selecting any helicopter for management action
Close program
Each unsuccessful action will be informed to user by a message box
Require 011: Testing
The product is tested pass in user case level
Require 012: Coding review
The product is tested with no error message in FxCop tool
Require 013: Logging
The product running is logged in method level using Log4Net
Trang 4o Add fixed wing airplane 8p
o Remove fixed wing airplane 8p
o Add helicopter 8p
o Remove helicopter 8p
Fixed wing airplane management 6p Each data 3p
Helicopter management: 6p Each data 3p
Require 003: Product architecture
Require 004: Technology
Each complete terminology 1p: total 8p
Require 011: Testing
Total 5p, each error found decreases 1p, minimum 0p
Require 012: Coding review
Total 5p, each error found decreases 1p, minimum 0p
Require 013: Logging
Total 5p, each error found decreases 1p, minimum 0p
Trang 6sanbay sb = new sanbay();
maybay mb = new maybay();
Tructhang tt = new Tructhang(); public void menusanbay()
ketnoi kn = new ketnoi();
Trang 7Console.WriteLine("\n 2) Xoa San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 3) Xem San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 4) Them May Bay Vao San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 5) Xoa May Bay Khoi San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 6) Them Truc Thang Vao San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 7) Xoa Truc Thang Khoi San Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 8) Thoat");
Console.WriteLine("\n Vui long chon chuc nang!");
Console.WriteLine("\n==================================="); chon = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (chon)
case 1: sb.Nhap(); break;
case 2: sb.Xoa(); break;
case 3: sb.XuatSanbay(); break;
case 4: mb.NhapMBSB(); break;
case 5: mb.XoaMBSB(); break;
case 6: tt.NhapTTSB(); break;
case 7: tt.XoaTTSB(); break;
case 8: break;
Trang 8Console.WriteLine("\n 2) Xoa May Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 3) Xuat May Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 4) Sua Loai May Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 5) Sua KTDB May Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 6) Thoat");
Console.WriteLine("\n Vui long chon chuc nang!");
Console.WriteLine("\n==============================="); chon = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (chon)
case 1: mb.nhap(); break;
case 2: mb.Xoa(); break;
case 3: mb.XuatMaybay(); break;
case 4: mb.SuaLoai(); break;
Trang 9case 5: mb.SuaKichThuoc(); break;
Console.WriteLine("\n 2) Xoa Truc Thang");
Console.WriteLine("\n 3) Xuat Truc Thang");
Console.WriteLine("\n 4) Thoat");
Console.WriteLine("\n Vui long chon chuc nang!");
Console.WriteLine("\n==============================="); chon = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (chon)
case 1: tt.nhap(); break;
case 2: tt.Xoa(); break;
Trang 10case 3: tt.XuatTructhang(); break; case 4: break;
private string idmb;
public string Idmb
get { return idmb; }
Trang 11set { idmb = value; } }
private string model;
public string Model
get { return model; } set { model = value; } }
private string cruisespeed;
public string Cruisespeed {
get { return cruisespeed; } set { cruisespeed = value; } }
public string Loai
get { return loai; }
set { loai = value; } }
private string emptyweight;
public string Emptyweight {
get { return emptyweight; } set { emptyweight = value; }
Trang 12}
private string maxtakeoffweight;
public string Maxtakeoffweight {
get { return maxtakeoffweight; } set { maxtakeoffweight = value; } }
private string minneededrunwaysize;
public string minneededrunwaysize1 {
get { return minneededrunwaysize; } set { minneededrunwaysize = value; } }
private string idsb;
public string Idsb
get { return idsb; }
set { idsb = value; }
private string loai;
public void ThemMaybay(maybay mb) {
ketnoi kn = new ketnoi();
Trang 13SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
MAYBAY(IDMB,model,cruisespeed,loai,emptyweight,maxtakeoffweight,minneededrunwaysize) VALUES ('" + mb.Idmb + "','"+ mb.model + "','" + mb.Cruisespeed + "','" + mb.Loai + "'," + mb.Emptyweight + ",'" + mb.Maxtakeoffweight + "','" +
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM MAYBAY", kn.conn);
SqlDataAdapter sdr = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow Row in dt.Rows)
Trang 14Console.WriteLine("ID May Bay : {0} \n\nModel : {1} \n\nToc do : {2} \n\nLoai May Bay : {7} \n\nSuc chua : {3} \n\nSuc chua toi da : {4} \n\nkich thuoc duong bang : {5} \n\nID San Bay : {6}", Row["IDMB"], Row["model"],
Row["cruisespeed"], Row["emptyweight"], Row["maxtakeoffweight"], Row["minneededrunwaysize"], Row["IDSB"],
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update MAYBAY set minneededrunwaysize='" + mb.minneededrunwaysize1 +
"' where IDMB='" + mb.Idmb + "'", kn.conn);
Trang 17Console.Write("\nNhap Id San Bay can them : ");
Trang 18maybay mb = new maybay();
Trang 19public string Idsb
get { return idsb; }
set { idsb = value; }
private string ten;
public string Ten
get { return ten; }
set { ten = value; }
private string minneededrunwaysize;
public string Minneededrunwaysize
get { return minneededrunwaysize; } set { minneededrunwaysize = value; } }
private string maxfixedwingparkingplace;
public string Maxfixedwingparkingplace {
get { return maxfixedwingparkingplace; } set { maxfixedwingparkingplace = value; } }
Trang 20public void ThemSanbay(sanbay sb)
ketnoi kn = new ketnoi();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO SANBAY
(IDSB,TEN,minneededrunwaysize,maxfixedwingparkingplace) VALUES ('" + sb.Idsb + "','" + sb.Ten + "','" +
sb.Minneededrunwaysize + "'," + sb.Maxfixedwingparkingplace + ")", kn.conn);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM SANBAY", kn.conn);
SqlDataAdapter sdr = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
Trang 23private string idtt;
public string Idtt
get { return idtt; }
set { idtt = value; }
private string model;
public string Model
get { return model; } set { model = value; } }
private string cruisespeed;
public string Cruisespeed {
get { return cruisespeed; } set { cruisespeed = value; } }
private string emptyweight;
public string Emptyweight {
get { return emptyweight; } set { emptyweight = value; }
Trang 24}
private string maxtakeoffweight;
public string Maxtakeoffweight
get { return maxtakeoffweight; } set { maxtakeoffweight = value; } }
private string minneededrunwaysize;
public string minneededrunwaysizeTT {
get { return minneededrunwaysize; } set { minneededrunwaysize = value; } }
private string idsb;
public string Idsb
get { return idsb; }
set { idsb = value; }
Trang 25SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO
TRUCTHANG(IDTT,model,cruisespeed,emptyweight,maxtakeoffweight,minneededrunwaysize) VALUES ('" + tt.Idtt + "','" + tt.model + "','" + tt.Cruisespeed + "'," + tt.Emptyweight + ",'" + tt.Maxtakeoffweight + "','" + tt.minneededrunwaysizeTT + "')", kn.conn);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TRUCTHANG", kn.conn);
SqlDataAdapter sdr = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow Row in dt.Rows)
Trang 26Console.WriteLine("ID Truc Thang : {0} \n\nModel : {1} \n\nToc do : {2} \n\nSuc chua : {3} \n\nSuc chua toi da : {4}
\n\nkich thuoc duong bang : {5} \n\nID San Bay : {6}", Row["IDTT"], Row["model"], Row["cruisespeed"],
Row["emptyweight"], Row["maxtakeoffweight"], Row["minneededrunwaysize"], Row["IDSB"]);
Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nBam Enter de quay lai menu");
Trang 27Tructhang tt = new Tructhang();
Trang 29ketnoi kn = new ketnoi();
menu mn = new menu();
Tructhang tt = new Tructhang();
Console.WriteLine("\n 2) Quan Ly May Bay");
Console.WriteLine("\n 3) Quan Ly Truc Thang");
Console.WriteLine("\n 4) Thoat");
Console.WriteLine("\n Vui long chon chuc nang !");
Console.WriteLine("\n=================================="); chon = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
switch (chon)
Trang 30{
case 1: mn.menusanbay(); break;
case 2: mn.menumaybay(); break;
case 3: mn.menutructhang(); break;
Trang 32INSERT INTO MAYBAY(IDMB,model,cruisespeed,loai,emptyweight,maxtakeoffweight,minneededrunwaysize)
Trang 33INSERT INTO SANBAY(IDSB,TEN,minneededrunwaysize,maxfixedwingparkingplace) VALUES ('AP33333','QUOC
TE CAN THO','4000M',100)
INSERT INTO SANBAY(IDSB,TEN,minneededrunwaysize,maxfixedwingparkingplace) VALUES ('AP44444','QUOC
TE DA NANG','5000M',100)