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Brochure More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/2239873/ There's a Customer Born Every Minute. P.T. Barnum's Amazing 10 "Rings of Power" for Creating Fame, Fortune, and a Business Empire Today -Guaranteed!. Revised and Updated Edition Description: Praise for THERE'S A CUSTOMER BORN EVERY MINUTE "Joe Vitale has created an entertaining, educational, and motivational manual-with the help of P.T. Barnumthat belongs in every hotel room alongside the Bible. Then, guests might read his inspirational book first, and give thanks to God for this worthy discovery." —Alan Abel, media hoaxer, author, consultantand lecturer on "Using Your Wits to Win" "If you're going to excel in business, learning about a showman like Barnum and applying some of the lessons he taught can give you valuable insights. Joe Vitale has captured ten of these lessons (he calls them 'rings of power') and shows how you can apply them in a way that will open your eyes and stretch your imagination. There's a lot of money-making and fun wisdom here." —Joseph Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Finally someone does it!!! Joe Vitale reveals the REAL P.T. Barnum! Vitale highlights the outrageously astute marketing of Barnum. Barnum's driving belief certainly was that there IS a customer 'born' every minute. You will glean a number of useful 'new' marketing ideas that you can instantly use in your business. And you will learn about one of the savviest marketers of a time gone by. Fun, exciting, insightful, and packed with ideas! Genius!" —Kevin Hogan, author of The Science of Influence and The Psychology of Persuasion "I love this book. If you'd like to know the real story about one of the most fascinating characters in American history, told by a master storyteller (and the person who probably knows more about him than anyone else), read this book. Barnum is not the guy portrayed by the legend attached to his name. He is much, much more, and Vitale tells his story with the can't-put-it-down passion and excitement he's become so well known for." —Bill Harris, President, Centerpointe Research Institute Contents: Foreword Jeffrey Gitomer. Preface: How P.T. Barnum Almost Killed Me Twice (and Why I Don’t Really Mind). Acknowledgments. 1. Presenting . . . the Greatest Marketeer of All Time—P.T. Barnum! 2. P.T. Barnum’s Amazing 10 Rings of Power for Creating an Empire. 3. Bonus: Barnum’s Rules for Success in Business by P.T. Barnum. 4. P.T. Barnum’s Amazing Mind-Set for Success. 5. Attention! What P.T. Barnum Learned When He Was Almost Hanged. 6. Barnum Knew People Would Spend Their Last Nickel on This One Thing. 7. P.T. Barnum’s Secret for Making Unknowns Famous and Himself Rich. 8. The Shakespeare of Advertising’s Rules for Jumbo Success. 9. How an Unknown P.T. Barnum Met Queen Victoria—and Got Rich. 10. How Barnum Purchased the Business of His Dreams with No Money. 11. P.T. Barnum’s Secret for Surviving Disasters and Tragedies. 12. How P.T. Barnum Wrote His Own Ticket to Success. 13. Bonus: My Exclusive Interview with P.T. Barnum. 14. How P.T. Barnum Got Rich Right after Going Broke. 15. Bonus: The Art of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum. 16. How to Barnumize Your Business. Epilogue: Farewell by P.T. Barnum. Notes. Bibliography. Resources. About the Author. Index. Ordering: Order Online - http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/2239873/ Order by Fax - using the form below Order by Post - print the order form below and send to Research and Markets, Guinness Centre, Taylors Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Page 1 of 2 Fax Order Form To place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to 646-607-1907 (from USA) or +353-1-481-1716 (from Rest of World). If you have any questions please visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/contact/ Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct. 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