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Đề luyện thi TOEIC test10

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... lot around here? M: I don't think so Why don't we park under 044-046 the trees on the other side of Bay Boulevard? I W: Hello, this is Sharon Ford from the National think the shade from the trees... employees here in Denver I'm sure this proceeds from this event will go to a local orientation will offer all of you a lot of important charity! So please join us this Thursday! Before to our we... entitles you to present this great award for the employee of the 30% off your next purchase at our store Please year I'm glad to announce that this year's award take this coupon to our store

Actual Test 10 (B) They are standing pushing pushing pushing PART 1 pushing pushing . (C) They are getting out of the vehicle. 001 (D) The van is pushing pushing pushing . (A) She is putting a book on the chair. (B) She is pushing pushing pushing pushing . (C) She is sitting pushing pushing pushing 007 pushing pushing pushing (B) All the buildings are pushing pushing pushing. pushing pushing . (D) She is sitting (A) Plants are pushing pushing pushing pushing . pushing . (C) The buildings have many stories. 002 pushing pushing the skyscrapers. (D) pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing (A) A woman is pushing pushing pushing 008 (B) Some people are at the bus stop. (C) Some travelers are pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (D) There is pushing pushing pushing pushing (A) They are preparing some food. (B) A woman is pushing pushing pushing pushing. (C) They are having a meal together. pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (D) pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . 003 009 (A) Both men are pushing pushing pushing (A) Small tables stand pushing pushing pushing lights are hanging pushing pushing (B) Some people are seated at a cafe. pushing . (B) The pushing . (D) Some people pushing pushing pushing the (D) People are wearing hats. counter. 004 010 (A) Fruits are pushing pushing pushing . (A) She is pushing pushing pushing pushing . (B) Baked goods are pushing pushing . (C) The woman is ready to pushing pushing pushing . pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (B) The man is looking at something in his hand. (C) The woman is taking a photograph. (D) The man is pushing pushing pushing pushing . 006 (A) The parking lot is full. Sand is being pushing pushing pushing pushing . (D) She is rushing into the sea. 005 pushing (B) (C) She is pushing pushing pushing pushing . (D) An employee is serving the customer. pushing (C) There are pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (C) Most of the tables are pushing (A) pushing pushing . PART 2 011 018 pushing pushing pushing pushing Dr. Kim? Let's pushing pushing pushing pushing in (A) pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing 10 minutes. pushing . (A) Sure, (B) In the morning. exercise. (C) I'll meet him at 2. (B) Unfortunately, it's broken. pushing pushing pushing is great (C) Sorry, but I have a meeting soon. 012 Let's go pushing pushing this weekend. 019 (A) Yes, pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . pushing , didn't it? (B) I don't have a bike though. (A) Right, we made pushing pushing pushing . (C) That's a good idea. (B) Yes, I went to pushing pushing pushing ast year. 013 (C) In the sales meeting. How do you like your new house? (A) It's pushing pushing . 020 (B) No, I don't like it. I have to pushing pushing today. (C) She's pushing pushing . (A) I don't pushing pushing pushing in your report. 014 (B) It will be pushing pushing pushing . pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing (C) Where are you going? pushing ? (A) It begins in about 10 minutes. 021 (B) They're still here. Are you going to use pushing pushing pushing to (C) Yes, I have seen him at the convention center. print the pamphlet? (A) pushing pushing pushing pushing the printer? 015 (B) I'll call her this afternoon. When are you pushing pushing ? (C) Yes, this copy machine is very useful. (A) By plane. (B) Around 2 o'clock. 022 (C) Because pushing pushing pushing pushing . Do you want me to pushing pushing pushing pushing ? 016 (A) His office pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing the application form? pushing pushing pushing pushing . (A) Ms. Lee did. (B) No, pushing pushing pushing pushing . (B) I heard she applied for our company. (C) I'd appreciate that. (C) From the main office. 023 017 Do you know pushing pushing pushing pushing What did you pushing pushing pushing pushing our office? pushing ? (A) She is a very important client. (A) I don't think I can attend the conference. (B) I'm not sure. (B) OK, I'll see you then. (C) Yes, she knows everything about our business. (C) The global economy. 024 Do you have pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing ? 031 (A) I have some coins in my pocket. Joan gave me two free tickets to the movie. (B) Yes, I'm very pushing . Would you like to pushing pushing pushing on (C) pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . Sunday? (A) It was pushing pushing pushing . 025 (B) In front of the theater. Should I leave this letter here or pushing pushing (C) pushing pushing pushing ? pushing . Sure, pushing pushing pushing pushing (A) Yes, I'll get someone else to do it. (B) You can put it on my desk. 032 (C) pushing pushing pushing pushing for you. Do you have any plans for tonight? (A) I plan to see him tomorrow. 026 (B) My cousin is coming to see me. The desks pushing pushing pushing pushing , (C) won't they? pushing pushing pushing . pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing (A) New ones will be here tomorrow. (B) Because they look very pushing . 033 (C) No, it's broken. Who will be pushing pushing pushing pushing ? (A) The tour begins in a few minutes. (B) I asked Susan to do it. 027 What do you think about pushing pushing (C) pushing pushing pushing until 3 p.m. pushing pushing ? (A) pushing pushing pushing last week. 034 (B) They are very comfortable. pushing (C) No, I don't like them. newspaper? pushing pushing pushing today's (A) We are pushing pushing pushing today. 028 (B) pushing pushing pushing pushing . Will you take summer break in July or August? (C) It was delivered this morning. (A) To Hawaii this year. (B) No, pushing pushing pushing pushing . 035 (C) pushing pushing , pushing pushing . Would you like the pizza pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing ? 029 (A) Put some extra cheese on it, please. Why do you want to apply for this position? (B) Sorry, I can't go with you right now. (A) pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (C) I'll have it here. (B) She didn't reply to my offer. (C) I have a lot of experience pushing pushing 036 pushing . pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing ? 030 (A) It'll cost about 100,000 dollar all together. Should I clean the office now or will you get (B) someone to do it later? pushing pushing pushing . (A) No, pushing pushing pushing pushing . (C) To improve the old faculty building. (B) I had pushing pushing pushing It took pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . 037 (C) Let's order some office supplies later. Could you pushing pushing in moving these building materials? (A) I'm afraid he's not available at the moment. (B) I called a moving company pushing pushing pushing pushing . (C) Where do you want me to place them? 038 Why don't you wait until next year before buying a new house? (A) Do you think pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing ? (B) I already bought my car last year. (C) Because pushing pushing pushing pushing last year. 039 Could you please tell me pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing around here? (A) It's around 3:30. (B) In the bottom drawer. (C) The machine over there. 040 I heard you went to the same high school with Jane. (A) Yes, but pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . (B) I think it went well. (C) I heard pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing . PART 3 children are preparing a special gift for their 041-043 mom. I'm so looking forward to it. M: Hello, Sally. This is Dr. White. I'm calling to ask if you saw David's medical chart. I thought I put 050-052 it on my desk, but I can't locate it now. W: Tim, there must be an open parking space W: Oh, I got it from your desk to update his file. right next to the seafood restaurant at this time But I forgot to get it back to you after I was of day. Let's park the car there while we go to finished with it. lunch. M: That's all right. I just wanted to go over it M: Well, it's almost 12 o'clock and it's boiling before he visits for a regular check-up tomorrow. outside. Under the scorching sun, the projector in When you have time, just put it back on my desk. the trunk could be damaged from the heat while W: I can bring it over to your office right away. I we eat lunch. was going to stop by your office to talk about W: That makes sense. Maybe we should park your somewhere else. Do you know if there's any presentation at the forthcoming medical conference on June 13th. I'll see you in a minute. underground parking lot around here? M: I don't think so. Why don't we park under 044-046 the trees on the other side of Bay Boulevard? I W: Hello, this is Sharon Ford from the National think the shade from the trees really helps the car Museum of Contemporary Art. I'm calling since with the heat. we have some problem with our security system in the main gallery. The problem is our security 053-055 alarm went off every 10 minutes all day long M: I've been waiting for the computer technicians today but I don't know what's wrong with it. all morning. What happened? It's already 11:30. M: I'm sorry we have no technician available at The final report is due tomorrow but we haven't this moment. But I think I can send someone made any progress since the computer was out of after 6 p.m. Is that OK with you? order. W: I'm afraid the museum closes at 5 o'clock W: Right. They were supposed to get to our office today. But we open at 9 tomorrow morning. at 11 but a guy from the repair center just called M: In that case, I'll send John Davis, our senior me and he said they were having trouble finding technician first thing tomorrow morning. I'll have our building. I gave him directions and they will him call you before he gets there. probably be here in about half an hour. M: Hopefully, they'll arrive in time. If we don't get 047-049 our computer fixed soon, we will be in big W: Hello, welcome to "Jenny's Morning." How may trouble. I don't really want to work overtime I help you? again. M: I'm here to pick up the cake that I ordered last night. It is for my wife's birthday. My name is 056-058 Peter Bright. M: Hi, Jane. The general manager wants to see W: One moment, please. Oh, I found your order your monthly report with the sales figures in it. here. Wow! I think you made a great choice. This W: I'm afraid I'm not finished with it. Besides, I is one of our best-selling birthday cakes. If you need to go to BOS bank to withdraw some cash want to have anything written on it, we can do from our corporate account right now. I'll get the that right away. report ready as soon as I return to my office this M: That would be nice. Can you please write "I afternoon. love you, darling" on it, please? Tonight, we are M: BOS bank? It is located on the other side of planning to throw a surprise party for her. My town, isn't it? Why don't you use the ATM in the lobby instead? I think it would be more convenient for you. help you? W: I know. But it is out of order right now. I M: Hi, I'm calling to make a reservation for dinner can't wait for it to be fixed because it's kind of on Tuesday around 6 p.m. I was wondering if you urgent. I'll call you when I finish the report later have a table for a party of 6 available? It would in the afternoon. be wonderful if you can offer us a private room. W: Let me check our calendar. Well, we can give 059-061 you a table in the middle of the main dining hall W: Hi, Sam. Do you have an extra application at 6 but if you want a private room, you have to form for the advertising seminar? I just realized wait until 7:30 p.m. Which one would you prefer? that I misplaced it when I tried to sign up. M: The private room sounds better to me, but we M: I'm afraid I don't have any. Oh, wait. I heard won't be able to wait until 7:30 because we are Christine in Sales decided not to attend it because supposed to catch a 9 o'clock train right after she must prepare for the sales campaign for our dinner. So we should finish eating by 8 o'clock new products. I think you could ask her for one. at the latest. W: Hmm. Actually, I came by her office this morning to get one but she wasn't there. Her 068-070 secretary all-day M: I'm so pleased to hear our second-quarter net meeting with other department heads today. I profit rose by 15%. I think it was boosted by the suppose there might be some extra copies in our high sales of our new novels. office cabinet. W: M: I don't think so. If you check the seminar Johnson's new mystery novel is mainly responsible webpage, for the entire increase. I heard it is so popular in told you me she will can be at probably an download the You have a point there. I suppose Mr. application form there. Otherwise, it would be a Europe as well. lot better if you can sign up directly on the Web M: To be honest, I didn't expect his novel would site. make such an impact on the European readers. However, I don't understand why the sales in Asia 062-064 are so low up to now. W: Hello, I ordered 5 laptop computers from your W: store about a couple of days ago. And they were published only in English and French so far. supposed to be here last week at the latest. But I According haven't received them yet. translated in other languages such as Chinese and M: Sorry to hear that. It is our goal to ship every Japanese in the near future. I'm sure we'll see order within 48 hours of when the order is similar results in Asia soon. placed. But from time to time, there are some unexpected delays. Could you tell me the name on the order, please? W: Of course, I placed the order under the name of "Bluewave." M: Let me see. Oh, I got your record here. The model that you ordered is in demand and it was temporarily out of stock. It will be restocked in a matter of days but for popular items, please allow 8 to 10 business days for delivery. Sorry for any inconvenience. 065-067 W: Hello, thank you for calling "Paris." How can I I think to it's the because editor his in book chief, has it been will be PART 4 know if a room with 30 seats will be big enough. 71-73 Questions refer to the following If the turnout for the meeting is expected be announcement. higher, we can arrange a larger room for you. As Attention, all passengers of Flight 107 bound for you requested, we'll get an overhead projector Boston with a brief stopover in Chicago. We ready in the room at least an hour before the regret to announce that this flight has been conference commences. When you're done with delayed by one hour due to winter winds and the projector, please return it to our storage room heavy snow here in L.A. Please make sure this which is located next to the computer lab on the flight has been rescheduled for 10 a.m. Also, the third floor. Please make sure that food and drinks departure gate has been changed to 30A. If you are not brought in the conference room. When are traveling on this flight, please stay in the you are back, please contact me at 889-9922. boarding Thank you. area in announcements. case we Because have we any further appreciate your 80-82 cooperation, we will offer drinks free of charge in Questions refer to the following the lounge next to Gate 30A. Once again, we announcement. sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I'm glad to let you know that Southern Michigan University will host its 10th family festival this 74-76 Questions refer to the following Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the main instructions. campus in Northern Woods. This annual event is Good morning, everyone, and welcome to "Smith open Corporation." to admission charge. This festival will be fun and congratulate you on starting a new career here educational because it is full of exciting activities with us. My name is Sandy Kitten and I'll be such as puzzles and games organized by our leading today's new employee orientation. First, students and faculty for participants. Visitors can please go ahead and start completing the forms also take guided tours of our renowned university on the table in front of you. After you submit the museum where you can see a variety of paintings forms to me, you are advised to go over materials of Wild West culture and Native American history. including the program schedule in the packets If we've made for you. As you know, you'll be community, you may want to participate in a assigned after raffle. It costs 2 dollars for a raffle ticket with the completing the 4-week orientation program for grand prize being two flight tickets to Hawaii. The our new employees here in Denver. I'm sure this proceeds from this event will go to a local orientation will offer all of you a lot of important charity! So please join us this Thursday! Before to our we start, headquarters I'd in like Seattle to you all local residents and there is no want to help poor children in our information to help you successfully settle in a new environment. In half an hour, Tim Henderson Questions 83-85 from Human Resources Department will be here Welcome to the world's number one chocolate to tell you about employee benefits and the brand, Davis's main factory in Boston. My name is payroll system. Kenny Garcia and refer to the following talk. I'll show you around our manufacturing plant today. First we'll visit our Questions 77-79 refer to the following voice mail storage room where cacao beans are stored and message. we'll see our main processing plant to see how Hello, this message is for Betty Curtis. This is the separate ingredients are mixed together to Andy your make our popular chocolate products. At the end reservation. You called yesterday and reserved a of the tour, you'll be invited to browse our with souvenir store where you can select from a wide stockholders tomorrow from 1 to 3 p.m. I'd like to range of our special items like T-shirts and hats. Wood conference and room I'm for calling the about meeting Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that next week will be "Children's Week," which will the back of the coupon. Don't miss out on this as give an unforgettable memory to your family. Any this is a once-in-a-life time opportunity. child aged 10 and under will receive a free gift box that contains our chocolate-covered almond Questions 92-94 cookies and our famous chocolate bars. message. refer to the following voice mail Good afternoon, Mr. Johnson, this is Victor Lee Questions 86-88 refer to the following radio from "Super Turbo" auto repair shop. I'm calling broadcast. to let you know that your van is ready to be Yesterday, we learned that women's average yearly picked up. Our experienced repairman, Sam found salary for all industries is about 7 percent lower that than that of men's. Today, let's move onto the properly so we replaced the light bulb for yo. As retirement plan for women. In the first segment, you are our regular customer, we won't charge we will talk about how to save money and how you for that. We're closing for the day in about much we need to put aside for our uncertain an hour. Tomorrow, we'll open from 8 a.m. to 7 future. For our second part of the show, Dr. Susan p.m. as usual. If you have any questions, please Stone, who is the assistant professor of Business kindly call us at 860-0099. Thank you. one of your taillights was not working Administration at Minnesota College is in the studio with us today. She will tell us a little bit Questions 95-97 refer to the following speech. about her new book, Top things to know for your Good morning. I called this meeting to share safe a opinions about our new growth strategy with you. perfect As you know, we have experienced a drastic individual pension plans. If you have some time to decrease in sales of large cars in the last 3 years. surf the web later, I encourage you to visit her Although small foreign cars are in high demand in official Web site, www.susanstone.com. I'm sure the United States, full-size cars such as our AX that the informative contents provided on the site models, have become less popular in the market. will show you how you should earn and spend I think it's time to change our future direction. money. For example, we will get to know exactly I recommend we develop new production lines for how much money you need to save every month compact for the rest of your life based on your yearly particular, salary. Now, let me hand this microphone over to "Srategically" important to us. While the new Dr. Stone. hybrids are almost as powerful as normal cars, retirement. comprehensive And guide she will give to managing you cars as well as cost-effective hybrid vehicles. hybrid cars In are their fuel efficiency is much better than most cars. Questions 89-91 refer to the following telephone I'm sure they are becoming more popular with message. consumers. As the president, I firmly believe that Hello, Mr. Lee. This is Henry Freeman. I'm calling we should start to develop effective hybrids that from "Top Office Supplies." We are very grateful people want to drive as soon as possible. that you have completed our online customer 98-100 satisfaction survey. Your honest feedback will be Questions considered to improve our business and services introduction. in our Ladies and gentleman, welcome to HC Computer's appreciation in answering our survey, we decided 10th annual awards ceremony. I'm very pleased to to send you a special coupon that entitles you to present this great award for the employee of the 30% off your next purchase at our store. Please year. I'm glad to announce that this year's award take this coupon to our store to enjoy a wide goes to Mr. Tailor, our vice-president. He has range of office supplies. You can now shop online worked via our Web site as well. You are entitled to the established 20 years ago. He started his career as same discount by entering the 4-digit code on a sales person and set the highest sales record in a variety of ways. As a token of with us refer since to our the following company was the company's history. Due to remarkable achievements he made, he became the marketing director after just 2 years in the job. Since he was promoted constantly to his current introduced position, innovative he has marketing strategies. They have really helped our company retain the number one market share in the PC industry. In addition, he has strived to study and develop new marketing skills and concepts by himself. We are very proud to recognize his great work with this award. Please welcome him to the stage with a big round of applause.

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2015, 09:11



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