complete ielts band 6 5 7 5 studentbook (1)

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complete ielts band 6 5 7 5 studentbook (1)

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Bands 6.5–7.5 Student’s Book without Answers Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2013 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2013 Printed in Italy by L.E.G.O. S.p.A. A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-107-62508-2 Student’s Book with Answers with CD-ROM ISBN 978-1-107-65760-1 Student’s Book without Answers with CD-ROM ISBN 978-1-107-64281-2 Class Audio CDs (2) ISBN 978-1-107-60964-8 Teacher’s Book ISBN 978-1-107-63438-1 Workbook with Answers with Audio CD ISBN 978-1-107-66444-9 Workbook without Answers with Audio CD ISBN 978-1-107-68863-6 Student’s Pack (Student’s Book with Answers with CD-ROM and Class Audio CDs (2)) Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Contents Map of the units Introduction IELTS Academic Module: content and overview Getting higher qualifications Colour my world Vocabulary and grammar review Units and A healthy life Art and the artist Vocabulary and grammar review Units and Stepping back in time IT society Vocabulary and grammar review Units and Our relationship with nature Across the universe Vocabulary and grammar review Units and 18 28 30 40 50 52 62 72 74 84 94 Additional material Speaking reference Writing reference Language reference Word lists IELTS practice test Recording scripts 96 97 102 112 124 132 149 Acknowledgements 165 Contents Unit title Reading Listening Speaking Getting higher qualifications Reading Section 1: The MIT factor: celebrating 150 years of maverick genius s 4RUE&ALSE.OT'IVEN s .OTECOMPLETION s 3HORT ANSWERQUESTIONS ,ISTENING3ECTION!GRADUATE RECRUITMENTFAIR s &ORMCOMPLETION 3PEAKING0ART s !NSWERINGQUESTIONSABOUT YOURSELF s 5SINGADVANCEDVOCABULARY s 5SINGused to and wouldTOTALK ABOUTTHEPAST Colour my world Reading Section 2: Learning color words s -ATCHINGHEADINGS s 3UMMARYCOMPLETION s 0ICKFROMALIST ,ISTENING3ECTION!COLOUR EXHIBITION s 4ABLECOMPLETION s 0ICKFROMALIST 3PEAKING0ART s "EGINNINGANDENDINGTHETALK s )NTRODUCINGPOINTSWITHINTHETALK s -AINTAININGmUENCYAND COHERENCE Map of the units Vocabulary and grammar review Units and A healthy life Reading Section 3: Examining the placebo effect s 9ES.O.OT'IVEN s 3UMMARYCOMPLETIONWITHA BOX s -ULTIPLECHOICE ,ISTENING3ECTION)NTERVIEWWITHA PHYSIOTHERAPIST s -ATCHING s &LOW CHARTCOMPLETION 3PEAKING0ART s !DDRESSINGTHETASKANDMAKING USEFULNOTES s 4ALKINGABOUTAMBITIONSAND ASPIRATIONS Art and the artist Reading Section 1: The history of the poster s 4ABLECOMPLETION s &LOW CHARTCOMPLETION s 4RUE&ALSE.OT'IVEN ,ISTENING3ECTION!LECTUREON !BORIGINALART s .OTECOMPLETION 3PEAKING0ARTSAND s 5SINGADVANCEDVOCABULARY s !DDRESSINGABSTRACTTOPICS s 'ENERALISINGANDDISTANCING Vocabulary and grammar review Units and Stepping back in time Reading Section 2: Last man standing s -ATCHINGINFORMATION s 3ENTENCECOMPLETION s -ATCHINGFEATURES ,ISTENING3ECTION!TALKBYA PALAEONTOLOGIST s -ULTIPLECHOICE s ,ABELLINGADIAGRAM 3PEAKING0ARTSAND s &LUENCYSTRATEGIESSPEAKINGFOR THEFULLTWOMINUTES s 3PECULATINGANDHYPOTHESISING s 'IVINGREASONSANDEXAMPLES IT society Reading Section 3: The new way to be a fifth-grader s -ULTIPLECHOICE s 9ES.O.OT'IVEN s -ATCHINGSENTENCEENDINGS ,ISTENING3ECTION!LECTUREABOUT ANIMATIONTECHNOLOGYINTHElLM INDUSTRY s .OTECOMPLETION 3PEAKING0ARTSAND s 0ARAPHRASINGUNKNOWNOR FORGOTTENVOCABULARY s $ISCUSSINGADVANTAGESAND DISADVANTAGES Vocabulary and grammar review Units and Our relationship with nature Reading Section 2: Gold dusters s -ATCHINGHEADINGS s 3ENTENCECOMPLETION s 0ICKFROMALIST ,ISTENING3ECTION3TUDENT DISCUSSIONABOUTAPHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT s ,ABELLINGAPLAN s 3ENTENCECOMPLETION s 3HORT ANSWERQUESTIONS 3PEAKING0ARTSAND s 3TRUCTURINGTHETALK s 5SINGADVANCEDVOCABULARY s 3PECULATINGANDTALKINGABOUTTHE FUTURE Across the universe Reading Section 3: The Earth and Space Foundation s 9ES.O.OT'IVEN s -ULTIPLECHOICE s 3UMMARYCOMPLETIONWITHA BOX ,ISTENING3ECTION!LECTUREON SPACEOBSERVATION s .OTECOMPLETION 3PEAKING0ARTSAND s 5NDERSTANDINGTHEQUESTIONAND GIVINGANAPPROPRIATEANSWER s 5SINGARANGEOFLANGUAGE FUNCTIONS Vocabulary and grammar review Units and Map of the units Writing Vocabulary Pronunciation Key grammar 7RITING4ASK s 7RITINGANINTRODUCTIONTOTHETASK s 3ELECTINGANDSUMMARISINGMAIN FEATURES s 'ROUPINGINFORMATIONINPARAGRAPHS s !DVANCEDUSEOFSUPERLATIVES $EPENDENTPREPOSITIONS 3ENTENCESTRESS s 3TRESSINGIMPORTANTWORDS INCLUDINGPRONOUNSAND CONTRACTIONS 0ASTSIMPLE PRESENTPERFECT SIMPLEANDPASTPERFECT SIMPLE 7RITING4ASK s !NALYSINGTHETASKAND BRAINSTORMINGIDEAS s 0LANNINGANANSWER s 5SINGATTITUDEADVERBIALS 0HRASALVERBS )NTONATION s 5SINGINTONATIONTOSHOWHOW YOUFEEL .OUNSANDARTICLES 7RITING4ASK s 3UMMARISINGKEYFEATURESINMORE THANONECHART s 0ARAGRAPHINGANDTHEOVERVIEW s 5SINGYOUROWNWORDS s %XPRESSINGAMOUNT EXTENTOR CATEGORY 6ERB NOUNCOLLOCATIONS ,INKINGANDPAUSING %XPRESSINGLARGEANDSMALL DIFFERENCES 7RITING4ASK s "RAINSTORMINGMAINIDEAS s -AINTAININGACLEARPOSITION s 5SINGREASONSANDEXAMPLESFOR SUPPORT s )NTRODUCINGARGUMENTS #OLLOCATIONSANDPHRASESWITH make take do and have 3PEECHRATEANDCHUNKING s 0AUSINGBETWEENWORDGROUPS %XPRESSINGPURPOSE CAUSE ANDEFFECT 7RITING4ASK s 3UMMARISINGADIAGRAM s !NALYSINGTHETASKANDORGANISING THEANSWER s ,INKINGINFORMATION SIGNALLINGAND COMPARINGSTAGES s 5SINGPARTICIPLECLAUSESTOEXPRESS CONSEQUENCES 7ORDFORMATIONnNEGATIVE AFlXES 3PEAKINGHYPOTHETICALLY 3ENTENCESTRESS s (IGHLIGHTINGIMPORTANTASPECTS OFANANSWER EGAREFERENCE CONTRAST ETC 7RITING4ASK s $ESCRIBINGADVANTAGESAND DISADVANTAGES s 3TRUCTURINGANANSWERANDLINKING PARAGRAPHS s 0RESENTINGABALANCEDVIEW DISCOURSEMARKERS !DJECTIVE NOUNCOLLOCATIONS )NTONATION s 3HOWINGYOUAREENGAGEDIN DISCUSSION s (ELPINGTHECONVERSATIONmOW 2EFERENCING 7RITING4ASK s #ATEGORISINGDATA s /RGANISINGINFORMATION s 0ROOlNGYOURWORKPUNCTUATION )DIOMATICEXPRESSIONS 7ORDSTRESS 3PECULATINGANDTALKING ABOUTTHEFUTURE 7RITING4ASK s ,INKINGIDEASANDVIEWSACROSS PARAGRAPHS s 7RITINGACONCLUSION s 5SINGADVANCEDVOCABULARY 6ERBSANDDEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS 2HYTHMANDCHUNKING s !CHIEVINGNATURAL SOUNDING RHYTHM %MPHASISING Map of the units Introduction s ACOMPLETEIELTS practice test Who this book is for Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5ISASHORTPREPARATION COURSEOFnCLASSROOMHOURSFORSTUDENTSWHOWISH TOTAKETHE!CADEMICMODULEOFTHE)NTERNATIONAL%NGLISH ,ANGUAGE4ESTING3YSTEM)%,43 )TTEACHESYOUTHE READING WRITING LISTENINGANDSPEAKINGSKILLSTHATYOU NEEDFORTHEEXAM)TCOVERSALLTHEEXAMQUESTIONTYPES ASWELLASKEYGRAMMARANDVOCABULARYWHICH FROM RESEARCHINTOTHE#AMBRIDGE,EARNER#ORPUS AREKNOWN TOBEUSEFULTOCANDIDATESNEEDINGTOACHIEVEAHIGH BANDSCOREINTHETEST)FYOUARENOTPLANNINGTOTAKETHE EXAMINTHENEARFUTURE THEBOOKTEACHESYOUTHESKILLS ANDLANGUAGEYOUNEEDTOREACHANADVANCEDLEVELOF %NGLISH#OMMON%UROPEAN&RAMEWORK#%& LEVEL#  What the book contains )NTHEStudent’s BookTHEREARE s eight units for classroom study EACHCONTAINING nONESECTIONONEACHOFTHEFOURPAPERSINTHE )%,43TEST WITHRELEVANTLANGUAGEINPUTANDSKILLS PRACTICE n ARANGEOFENJOYABLEANDSTIMULATINGSPEAKING ACTIVITIES DESIGNEDTOENHANCEYOURmUENCY ANDYOURABILITYTOSPEAKATLENGTHANDEXPRESS COMPLEXIDEAS n ACOHERENTAPPROACHTO)%,437RITINGTASKS n KEYGRAMMAREXERCISESRELEVANTTOTHEEXAM INCLUDINGEXERCISESBASEDONTHE#AMBRIDGE THATHIGHLIGHTCOMMON ,EARNER#ORPUS PROBLEMAREASFORADVANCEDSTUDENTS n VOCABULARYEXERCISESTHATAIMTORAISEYOUR KNOWLEDGEOFADVANCEDVOCABULARYITEMSANDHELP DEMONSTRATEYOURABILITYTOUSETHESEIN7RITING AND3PEAKINGTASKS n AUNITREVIEWWHICHREVISESTHEVOCABULARYAND GRAMMARTHATYOUHAVESTUDIEDINEACHUNIT s Speaking and Writing reference sectionsWHICH EXPLAINTHETASKSYOUWILLHAVETODOINTHE3PEAKING AND7RITINGPAPERS4HEYGIVEYOUEXAMPLES TOGETHER WITHADDITIONALEXERCISESANDADVICEONHOWBESTTO APPROACHTHESETWO)%,43PAPERS s ALanguage reference sectionWHICHCLEARLYEXPLAINS ALLTHEAREASOFGRAMMARANDVOCABULARYCOVERED INTHEBOOKANDWHICHWILLHELPYOUPREPAREFORTHE )%,43TEST )NTRODUCTION s E IGHTPHOTOCOPIABLEword listsONEFOREACHUNIT CONTAININGTOPIC BASEDVOCABULARYFOUNDINTHEUNITS ACCOMPANIEDBYADElNITIONSUPPLIEDBYACORPUS INFORMED#AMBRIDGEDICTIONARY EGTHECALD s COMPLETErecording scriptsFORALLTHELISTENINGMATERIAL s A CD-ROMWHICHPROVIDESYOUWITHMANYINTERACTIVE EXERCISES INCLUDINGFURTHERLISTENINGPRACTICEEXCLUSIVE TOTHE#$ 2/-!LLTHESEEXTRAEXERCISESARELINKEDTO THETOPICSINTHE3TUDENTS"OOK !LSOAVAILABLEARE s T WOaudio CDsCONTAININGLISTENINGMATERIALFORTHE EIGHTUNITSOFTHE3TUDENTS"OOKPLUSTHE,ISTENING 4ESTINTHE)%,43PRACTICETEST4HELISTENINGMATERIAL ISINDICATEDBYDIFFERENTCOLOUREDICONSINTHE3TUDENTS #$ #$ "OOKASFOLLOWS s ATeacher’s BookCONTAINING – step-by-step guidanceFORHANDLINGALLTHEACTIVITIES INTHE3TUDENTS"OOK – a large number of suggestions for alternative treatmentsOFACTIVITIESINTHE3TUDENTS"OOKAND suggestions for extension activities n INFORMATIONANDADVICEONTHETESTANDTASKTYPES FORTEACHERSTOPASSONTOSTUDENTS – extra photocopiable materialsFOREACHUNITOFTHE 3TUDENTS"OOK TOPRACTISEANDEXTENDLANGUAGE – complete answer keys INCLUDINGSAMPLEANSWERS TOWRITINGTASKS – four photocopiable progress tests ONEFOREVERY TWOUNITSOFTHEBOOK n EIGHTphotocopiable word listsONEFOREACHUNIT TAKENFROMTHE)NTERNATIONAL#ORPUSWHICHEXTEND THEVOCABULARYTAUGHTINTHEUNITS%ACHITEMINTHE WORDLISTISACCOMPANIEDBYADElNITIONSUPPLIEDBY ACORPUS INFORMED#AMBRIDGEDICTIONARY EGTHE CALD s AWorkbookCONTAINING – eight units for homework and self-study%ACHUNIT contains full exam practiceINONEPARTOFTHE)%,43 2EADINGAND,ISTENINGPAPERS – further practiceINANALYSINGTHETASKSFROMTHE 7RITINGPAPERANDWRITINGANSWERS n FURTHERPRACTICEINTHEgrammar and vocabulary TAUGHTINTHE3TUDENTS"OOK – an audio CDCONTAININGALLTHELISTENINGMATERIALFOR THE7ORKBOOK IELTS Academic Module: content and overview part/timing content LISTENING approximately 30 minutes s FOURSECTIONS s QUESTIONS s ARANGEOFQUESTIONTYPES READING HOUR s THREESECTIONS s QUESTIONS s ARANGEOFQUESTIONTYPES test focus s # ANDIDATESAREEXPECTED TOLISTENFORSPECIlC INFORMATION MAINIDEASAND OPINIONS HEREISARANGEOFTASKTYPES s 3ECTIONACONVERSATIONONASOCIALTOPIC EGSOMEONEMAKING s WHICHINCLUDECOMPLETION ABOOKING MATCHING LABELLINGAND s 3ECTIONAMONOLOGUEABOUTASOCIALTOPIC EGARADIOREPORT MULTIPLECHOICE s 3ECTIONACONVERSATIONONASTUDY BASEDTOPIC EGA s % ACHQUESTIONSCORESMARK discussion between students candidates receive a band s 3ECTIONAMONOLOGUEONASTUDY BASEDTOPIC EGALECTURE SCOREFROMTO 3TUDENTSHAVETENMINUTESATTHEENDOFTHETESTTOTRANSFERTHEIR ANSWERSONTOANANSWERSHEET 4HERECORDINGISHEARD/.#% s 3ECTIONAPASSAGEWITHQUESTIONS s 3ECTIONAPASSAGEUSUALLYDIVIDEDINTOPARAGRAPHSWITH QUESTIONS s 3ECTIONAPASSAGEWITHQUESTIONS !TLEASTONEPASSAGECONTAINSARGUMENTSANDORVIEWS4HISIS USUALLY3ECTION #ANDIDATESAREADVISEDTOSPENDNOMORETHANMINUTESONEACH SECTION WRITING HOUR s TWOCOMPULSORYTASKS s 4ASKA WORDSUMMARYOFINFORMATIONPRESENTEDIN GRAPHICORDIAGRAMMATICFORM s Task 2: a 250-word essay presenting an argument on a given topic s # ANDIDATESAREEXPECTED TOREADFORUNDERSTAND SPECIlCINFORMATION MAIN IDEAS GISTANDOPINIONS s % ACHSECTIONCONTAINS MORETHANONETASKTYPE 4HEYINCLUDECOMPLETION MATCHING PARAGRAPH HEADINGS 4RUE&ALSE.OT 'IVENANDMULTIPLECHOICE s % ACHQUESTIONSCORESMARK candidates receive a band SCOREFROMTO s # ANDIDATESAREEXPECTEDTO write a factual summary and ADISCURSIVEESSAY s C andidates are assessed on a NINE BANDSCALEFORCONTENT COHERENCE VOCABULARYAND GRAMMAR #ANDIDATESAREADVISEDTOSPENDMINUTESON4ASKAND MINUTESON4ASK WHICHISWORTHTWICEASMANYMARKSAS4ASK SPEAKING nMINUTES s three parts s one examiner + one candidate s 0ART4HEEXAMINERASKSANUMBEROFQUESTIONSABOUTFAMILIAR TOPICSSUCHASTHECANDIDATESSTUDIESWORK HOBBIES INTERESTS ETC 4–5 minutes s 0ART!FTERAMINUTESPREPARATION THECANDIDATESPEAKSFOR TWOMINUTESONAFAMILIARTOPICPROVIDEDBYTHEEXAMINER 3–4 minutes s 0ART4HEEXAMINERANDTHECANDIDATEDISCUSSSOMEGENERAL QUESTIONSBASEDONTHETHEMEOFTHE0ARTTOPIC 4–5 minutes s # ANDIDATESAREEXPECTED TOBEABLETORESPONDTO QUESTIONSONFAMILIARAND UNFAMILIARTOPICSANDTO SPEAKATLENGTH s Candidates are assessed on a NINE BANDSCALEFORmUENCY VOCABULARY GRAMMARAND PRONUNCIATION !LLCANDIDATESWHOTAKETHETESTRECEIVEAN/VERALL"AND3COREBETWEENANDTHATISANAVERAGEOFTHEFOURSCORESFOR EACHPARTOFTHETEST&ORINFORMATIONONCOURSES REQUIREDBANDSCORESANDINTERPRETINGBANDSCORES SEEWWWIELTSORG )%,43!CADEMIC-ODULECONTENTANDOVERVIEW Unit Getting higher qualifications Starting off Work in small groups. Explain what it means to have each of these personal qualities, using your own words. When you have finished, look at page 96 to check your answers. a You things like read documents very carefully and focus on all the small points, checking their accuracy. a b c d e f g h an eye for detail creativity an enquiring mind the ability to work in a team vision an outgoing personality good communication skills management skills Which of the qualities in Exercise you think each of the photos illustrates? Some could illustrate more than one quality. Work in pairs. s What type of work you or want to do? Why? s Which of the qualities in Exercise you need? Why? s What other qualities would be useful? Why? Unit Listening Section Look at Questions 1–10 and quickly check what type of information you need to fill each gap. Exam information s 9OUHEARACONVERSATIONBETWEENTWOPEOPLEON ASOCIALTOPIC Questions 1–10 Complete the form below. s 4HISISTHEEASIESTPARTOFTHE,ISTENINGTEST 4HEOTHERTHREEPARTSAREININCREASINGORDER OFDIFlCULTY Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer. Graduate Fair Registration TGS Global s )NTHISSECTIONONLY YOUAREGIVENANEXAMPLEAT THEBEGINNING Graduate details Work in pairs. You are going to hear a conversation between a university student and a company representative at a graduate fair. Before you listen, look at this advertisement, then discuss the questions below. Example: Marketing Dominika London BA Area of work: Name: Nationality: Email address: University: Type of course: Date available: Are you a high achiever? Do you want a job as soon as you graduate? The world’s biggest companies in IT, marketing, finance, and telecoms want graduates! Personal information organised a charity Interests: and Previous job(s): Career plans: wants to be a Heard about fair through: 10 Other activities: for Now listen and answer Questions 1–10. Exam advice Form completion s "EFOREYOULISTEN THINKWHATTYPEOFINFORMATION YOUNEEDFOREACHGAP s 2EADAHEADASYOULISTEN BECAUSEYOUONLYHEAR THERECORDINGONCE s #HECKYOURSPELLINGANDANYSTANDARD ABBREVIATIONSEGcmFORcentimetres THAT YOUUSE Visit the fair and register with them now! What you think happens at a graduate fair? Why you think they are useful? Why many jobs require you to have a university degree? When is vocational training more useful than a university degree? What might improve a graduate’s chances of getting the job they want? s )FYOUNEEDTOWRITENUMBERS WRITETHEMAS lGURES NOTWORDS ASYOUARELESSLIKELYTO MAKEMISTAKES Work in pairs. Imagine you are talking to another student who you have met at the coffee bar at a graduate fair. Introduce yourselves and tell each other about your: s studies and qualifications / current job s career plans and reasons for them s free-time interests and related qualifications. Getting higher qualifications [...]... 1992 1994 19 96 1998 2000 2002 2004 20 06 2 Which FOUR of these statements (1 7) describe main features of the graph? 1 The number of graduates fell between 19 96 and 1998 2 The overall rise in numbers was not always steady 3 Just under 75 , 000 male students graduated in 1992 4 More women than men graduated between 1992 and 20 07 Getting higher qualifications 15 5 In 20 07, there were nearly 150 ,000 female... males 8,000 7, 000 number of graduates 1 2 3 4 6, 000 5, 000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Past simple, present perfect simple and past perfect simple 1 Complete this table has/had reach 1 reached 2 reached fall back 3 4 rise 5 6 widen 7 8 take place 9 10 experience 11 12 Past simple, present perfect simple and past perfect simple 0 19 95 19 97 1999 2001 2003 20 05 20 07 2009 2011 The number of men obtaining degrees... since 19 95, but the trend 2 (not always be) steady Between 19 95 and 19 97, the university 3 (experience) a slight increase from just over 4,000 science graduates to just under 5, 000 This was followed by a period during which numbers 4 (drop) a little and then 5 (remain) stable However, between 2000 and 20 05, the faculty 6 (see) a dramatic increase in male graduates, and by 20 05, their numbers 7 (reach)... How much 4 compared with the past? Sentence stress 1 5 Work in pairs Ask and answer these Part 1 questions using: 2 2 – 5 In order to achieve a vocabulary score of Band 6 or more, you need to use some advanced vocabulary Listen again and complete each of these extracts with a word/phrase 1 A couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 work in the I’m looking forward to graduating... 3 1 2 – 5 Listen to four students answering some Part 1 questions As you listen, decide on the focus of each student’s answer, then complete the examiner’s question by writing one word in each gap In some cases, more than one answer is possible Student 4 5 6 7 Examiner’s question used to and would Why are you taking your current 1 course of study? Have you ever owned a 2 a waiter when I was 16 She would... 2001 and 20 06 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant International graduates, Canadian universities, 2001–20 06 New Brunswick Nova Scotia provinces Quebec Alberta British Columbia Manitoba Newfoundland & Labrador Ontario 20 06 2001 0 2 4 6 8 percent 10 12 14 Choose the correct verb tense to complete these sentences written by IELTS candidates... marked, with just over 70 ,000 males and about 100,000 females However, by 20 07 there had been more significant growth in female numbers That year, they rose to 1 47, 000, compared to just 95, 000 males Thus the gap between the number of male and female graduates had widened A more detailed look at the graph reveals that the overall growth in numbers was not always steady Between 1992 and 19 95, there was a slight... how the student has grouped the information in paragraph 3 of the sample answer 5 Work in pairs Answer these questions about the sample answer 1 What is the difference in focus between the second and third paragraphs? 2 What is the purpose of the last paragraph? 3 What phrases does the writer use in the second 4 5 6 7 8 16 paragraph to mean a not as great? b stronger? What verb is used to describe... reflects the belief that intellect and craftsmanship go together 5 Silicon Valley companies pay higher salaries to graduates from MIT 6 Read Questions 1 5 carefully, then read around the words you have underlined in the passage and decide whether each question is True, False or Not Given Exam advice True / False / Not Given 7 Read Questions 6 9 and quickly check what information you need for each gap Then,... shows the number of university graduates in Canada from 1992 to 20 07 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant University graduates, Canada, 1992–20 07 160 ,000 females 150 ,000 males 140,000 number of graduates Pronunciation 1 Work in pairs Look at the Writing task below and complete this introductory sentence, using the words in the box to

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