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Sound and vibration analysis of compliant piezoelectric enabled structures

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SOUND AND VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANT PIEZOELECTRIC ENABLED STRUCTURES BY CAI CHAO (B. Eng. JU, M. Eng. JU and NUS) DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2005 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It has been a great pleasure and inspiration to work with my supervisors, Associate Professor Liu Gui Rong (Dr) and Professor Lam Khin Yong (Dr). I am grateful to them for their extensive encouragement, advice, guidance and patience during the years I worked on this research and dissertation at National University of Singapore. This research has been undertaken with the support of my employer, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) which is gratefully acknowledged. I could not fulfill my dream to pursue this advanced study without this sponsor. I wish to acknowledge the help and assistance of my colleagues and friends at Computational Multiphysics Modelling Programme in IHPC. Special thanks go out to Dr. Zheng Hui for the many productive and challenging discussions. Also thank Dr. Cui Fangsen for spending one whole afternoon picking apart the presentation. It made the actual presentation go much more smoothly. Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my parents whose caring and support have been the important factors which let me seek this degree without worries, Last, but certainly not least, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my wife, Wu Jian, and my children, Zhang Junbo, Jack and Cai Junyao, Stefanie, who have been there throughout the years, encouraging me to go further than I thought possible. The sacrifices, patience and love from my wife have been my guiding light. I hope I make all of you proud. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Table of contents ii Summary viii Nomenclature x List of figures xiv List of tables xx Chapter Introduction and literature review 1.1 Overview 1.2 Literature review 1.2.1 Wave interactions with structures of passive damping 1.2.2 Wave interactions with piezoelectric enabled structures 1.2.3 Passive damping treatment for vibration control 11 1.2.4 Active damping treatment for vibration control 16 1.3 Outline of the research 21 1.3.1 Objective and scope of the research 21 1.3.2 Synopsis of the research 22 1.4 Thesis organization 26 iii Chapter Overview of theory on elastic and piezoelectric materials 29 2.1 Elastic materials 29 2.2 Material symmetry 30 2.3 Engineering constants of orthotropic materials 34 2.4 Viscoelastic effects in elastic materials 36 2.5 Transformation of field parameters 37 2.6 Piezoelectric materials 41 2.6.1 Linear piezoelectric constitutive relations 42 2.6.2 Commonly used piezoelectric materials 43 2.6.3 Direct piezoelectric effect 44 2.6.4 Converse piezoelectric effect 45 2.6.5 Basic relations of piezoelectric materials 46 2.7 Boundary conditions 51 2.8 Plane stress assumption 52 2.9 Plane strain assumption 53 Chapter An exact method for wave interactions with infinite plates 58 3.1 Introduction 58 3.2 Formulation 58 3.2.1 Basic equations for a layer in plate 60 3.2.2 Wave field in plate 61 3.2.3 Wave field in fluid 64 3.2.4 Interaction between plate and fluid 65 iv 3.3 Application examples 69 3.4 Remarks 73 Chapter An exact method for wave interactions with an infinite bi-layer piezoelectric plate 86 4.1 Introduction 86 4.2 Governing equations for an infinite bi-layer plate 86 4.2.1 Formulations for elastic layer 87 4.2.2 Formulations for piezoelectric layer 87 4.3 Wave interactions with a bi-layer piezoelectric enabled plate 88 4.3.1 Surface impedance matrix for elastic layer 88 4.3.2 Surface impedance matrix for piezoelectric layer 93 4.3.3 Boundary conditions 101 4.3.4 Sound wave incidence from a bottom-free bi-layer plate 105 4.4 Distribution of displacement and traction 106 4.4.1 Distribution of displacement and traction in elastic layer 106 4.4.2 Distribution of displacement and traction in piezoelectric layer 107 4.5 Application examples 109 4.5.1 Sound reflections and radiation 109 4.5.2 Effects of the thickness ratios on active sound control 110 4.5.3 Sound cancellation properties 111 4.5.4 Field parameter distributions along the thickness of plate 112 4.6 Remarks 113 v Chapter An exact method for wave interactions with an infinite multilayered piezoelectric structure 131 5.1 Introduction 131 5.2 Wave propagation in an elastic layer 131 5.3 Wave propagation in a piezoelectric layer 134 5.4 Wave propagation in fluid media 138 5.4.1 Wave propagation in the fluid above structure 140 5.4.2 Wave propagation in the fluid below structure 141 5.5 Transfer matrix for a layer 142 5.6 Transfer matrix for multiple layers 145 5.7 Reflection and transmission from a piezoelectric substrate 145 5.8 Reflection and transmission from an infinite layered elastic plate 149 5.9 Reflection and transmission from an infinite layered piezoelectric plate 150 5.10 Formulation for wave normal incidence 153 5.10.1 Transfer matrices for layers with different types 157 5.10.2 Boundary conditions 158 5.10.3 Application examples 159 5.11 Remarks 165 Chapter Interaction of waves with piezoelectric structures at oblique incidence 178 6.1 Introduction 178 6.2 Sound radiation from a point source 179 6.3 Linear array 181 vi 6.3.1 Linear array in phase 181 6.3.2 Linear array with phase shift 184 6.3.3 Linear array of piecewise line sources with phase shift 186 6.4 2-D finite array 188 6.4.1 2-D array of discrete point sources in phase 188 6.4.2 2-D array with continuous point sources in phase 189 6.4.3 2-D array with continuous point sources and a phase shift 191 6.5 Sound reflection from a finite passive reflector 192 6.5.1 Sound reflection from a 1-D reflector 192 6.5.2 Sound reflection from a 2-D reflector 194 6.6 Suppressing of sound reflection using a piecewise bi-layer plate 195 6.6.1 Excitations of the bi-layer plate 196 6.6.2 Pressure field radiated from the bi-layer plate 197 6.6.3 Application Examples 208 6.7 Remarks 209 Chapter Vibration response of an elastic structure with passive damping treatment 226 7.1 Introduction 226 7.2 Governing equations 227 7.2.1 Basic kinematic relation 227 7.2.2 Energies of a PCLD system 228 7.2.3 Assumed modes method 229 7.2.4 Lagrange’s equation 231 vii 7.3 Selection of admissible functions 233 7.4 Application examples 235 7.5 Remarks 238 Chapter Vibration response of an elastic structure with active damping treatment 246 8.1 Introduction 246 8.2 Governing Equations 247 8.2.1 Basic kinematic relationships 248 8.2.2 Energies of a ACLD system 249 8.2.3 Assumed modes method 252 8.2.4 Lagrange’s Equation 254 8.3 Governing equations for conventional analytical mode 257 8.4 Application examples 263 8.5 Remarks 264 Chapter Conclusions and recommendations 276 9.1 Summary and conclusions 276 9.2 Contributions of the research 279 9.3 Recommendations for further study 280 References 281 Appendix 295 viii SUMMARY It is imperative that the accurate prediction of the interactions of waves with fluid-loaded passive or piezoelectric-enabled structures for suppression of sound reflection and transmission. The work in the thesis concentrates on using different exact methods to predict sound transmission and reflection by an infinite compliant plate-like structure immersed in fluids, subjected to an incident plane wave in Chapter 3. The coupling between the fluid and structure is taken into account in a rigorous manner. A matrix formulation for the submerged plate subject to a plane sound wave excitation, which can have a stack of arbitrary number of isotropic or anisotropic layers, is derived to obtain the transmission and reflection coefficients for waves in the frequency domain. In Chapter 4, the technique of transformation of the second-order ordinary differential equation to a first-order ordinary differential equation is employed to study sound wave interactions with an infinite bi-layer piezoelectric enabled plate. Mode superposition method is applied to obtain solutions of the first-order ordinary differential equation with consideration of the upward and downward waves’ separation. For multilayered piezoelectric plate-like structures, the transfer matrix approach is proposed as well to investigate the sound wave interaction with the structure in Chapter 5. For piecewise piezoelectric layers or infinitely periodic structures subject to oblique wave incidence, both incident wave and piecewise electric potential excitations undergo the Fourier transforms respectively which convert the problem in piecewise x coordinate system into the problem in the wave-number space in Chapter 6. The ix upward pressure waves in the x coordinate system are obtained through inverse Fourier transformations. In Chapter 7, a refined analytical method is proposed to analyze the vibration analysis of the beam with passive constraining layer damping treatments. The refined approach differs from the conventional analytical approach in that the third admissible function is introduced to represent the longitudinal displacements of constraining layer in passive damping treatments. The longitudinal vibration mode shape function of a free-free beam is used for this third admissible function. Finally in Chapter 8, the refined approach working well with passive constraining layer damping treatment is extended for the vibration analysis of the beam with active constraining layer damping treatment under both mechanical and electric excitations. The contributions of this thesis are: (1) the derivation of governing equations that consider all the couplings among elastic, piezoelectric and acoustic combinations; (2) the proposal of a refined analytical method for vibration analysis of a beam with passive and/or active constraining layer damping treatments. 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Lam 2000 Sound reflection and transmission of compliant plate-like structures by a plane sound wave excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration 230(4) pp. 809-824 C. Cai, G. R. Liu and K. Y. Lam 2001 A technique for modelling multiple piezoelectric layers, Smart Material and Structures 10 pp. 689-694 C. Cai, G. R. Liu and K. Y. Lam 2001 A transfer matrix approach for acoustic analysis of a multilayered active acoustic coating, Journal of Sound and Vibration 248(1) pp. 71-89 M S Khan, C. Cai, K C Hung and Vijay K Varadan 2002 Active control of sound around a fluid-loaded plate using multiple piezoelectric elements, Smart Material and Structures 11 pp. 346–354 C. Cai, K. C. Hung and G. R. Liu 2003 A survey of recent developments in numerical modelling of piezoelectric enabled structures for vibration control, Research Trends: Current Topics in Acoustical Research pp. 127-136 Appendix 296 H. Zheng and C. Cai 2004 Minimization of sound radiation from baffled beams through optimization of partial constrained layer damping treatment, Applied Acoustics 65 (5) pp. 501-520 H. Zheng, C. Cai, G. S. H. Pau and G. R. Liu 2004 Minimizing vibration response of cylindrical shells through layout optimization of passive constrained layer damping treatments, in press, Journal of Sound & Vibration C. Cai, H. Zheng and G. R. Liu 2004 Vibration analysis of a beam with PCLD patch, in press, Applied Acoustics Conference papers G. R. Liu, C. Cai, X. M. Zhang and K. Y. Lam 1999 Effects of piezocomposite coating on sound radiation and scattering by a submerged cylindrical structure, 70th shock and Vibration Symposium Nov. 15-19, 1999, USA (Albuquerque, NM) G. R. Liu, C. Cai, and K. Y. Lam 2000 Application of piezoelectric layers for active underwater acoustic control, Separated Paper of ICAPV2000 Proceedings, June 19-22, 2000, Xi’an China X. M. Zhang, C. Cai, G. R. Liu and K. Y. Lam 2000 Acoustical control of sound radiation and scattering from plate-like structures with piezoelectric sensors and Actuators, Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, 28-30 August 2000, Nice, France, 2000 H. Zheng, C. Cai, G. R. Liu and K. Y. Lam 2000 FEM/BEM Simulation of Vibroacoustics of a Fluid-loaded, Stiffened Plate Under Combined Force-moment Excitation, ASME DAS’2000 Appendix 297 C. Cai, G. R. Liu, H. Zheng and K. Y. Lam 2000 A Study on Boundary Integral Equation for Acoustic Radiation from Axisymmetric Bodies, ASME DAS’2000 G. R. Liu, C. Cai and V. K. Varadan 2000 Wave propagation in composite laminates with piezoelectric layers and related inverse problems, SPIE’s 2000 Symposium on Smart Materials and MEMS, 13-15 Dec. 2000, Melbourne, Australia. (Invited paper) Zheng H, Cai C, K. C. Hung, K. L. Lee & C. A. Teh 2001 Simulation Based Design for Naval Vessels with Low Acoustic Signature, May 09, NPTS 2001 Liu G R, C. Cai and K. Y. Lam 2001 Computational simulation of active piezoelastic coating with sensors and actuators applied in underwater acoustics, Proceedings of the SPIE: Smart Structures & Devices, 13-15 December 2000, Melbourne, Australia, edited by D K Sood, R A Lawes & V V Varadan, pp. 48-62. SPIE, 2001 M. S. Khan, C. Cai and K. C. Hung 2002 Modeling of acoustics field and active structural acoustic control in ANSYS, 2002 Ansys User’s Conference and Exhibition, April 22-24, 2002, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A. (Best of Session Technical Paper Award) C. Cai, H. Zheng, Md. Shahiduzzaman Khan and K. C. Hung 2002 Modeling of Material Damping Properties in ANSYS, Ansys User’s Conference and Exhibition, April 22-24, 2002, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A. G. R. Liu, C. Cai, K. Y. Lam and V. K. Varadan 2002 A Review of Simulation Methods for Smart Structures with Piezoelectric Materials. IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, May 20– 24, 2002, Japan (Keynote lecture) Appendix 298 C. Cai, K. C. Hung, H. Zheng and M. S. Khan 2002 Damping Considerations in Modal Analysis, 4th ASEAN ANSYS User conference 2002 C. Cai, H. Zheng, K. C. Hung and G. R. Liu 2003 An Improved Approach for Vibration Anslysis of Beam with Partial VEM Patch treatment, Internoise 2003 Jeju Internaltional Convention Center, Korea, August 25-28, 2003 [...]... interaction of acoustic waves with fluidloaded passive compliant structures; 2) interaction of acoustic waves with fluid-loaded piezoelectric enabled compliant structures; 3) vibration analysis of the beam with a partial covered PCLD patch; and 4) vibration analysis of the beam with a partial covered ACLD patch 1.2 Literature review In order to investigate the interaction of acoustic waves and structures. .. the area of in situ fibre optic sensors for measurement of strain and vibration, and for structural health monitoring As one of the smart materials, piezoelectric material can transform mechanical energy into electric energy and vice versa Correspondingly, there are two kinds of piezoelectric effects: the converse and direct piezoelectric effects (Auld 1973) The former allows one to use the piezoelectric. .. the piezoelectric enabled structures One uses distributed piezoelectric devices that cover or embed the entire structure (laminated-type smart structures) The other uses discrete piezoelectric devices that occupy a relatively small area of structures (discrete-type smart structures) The modeling approaches and analysis techniques differ considerably between the laminated-type and discrete type smart structures. .. theory for sandwich plates and solved for generally forced vibration in case of plane-strain Yin et al (1967) evaluated CLD quantitatively based on experiments Most earlier theoretical work on sandwich beams with viscoelastic cores can be traced to DiTaranto (1965) and Mead and Markus (1969) for the axial and bending vibrations of beams resulting in a sixth-order equation of motion Their analysis was... Transmission loss and reflection coefficients of a sandwich plate for case 3 in Table 3-1 84 Figure 4 - 1 A bi-layer piezoelectric enabled plate 115 Figure 4 - 2 L An elastic layer with end impedances IM e and IMU e 115 Figure 4 - 3 A piezoelectric layer with end impedances IM L and IMU p p 115 Figure 4 - 4 Sound reflection with different incidence angles at p in = 1 Pa and ϕ =0 116 Figure 4 - 5 Sound radiation... of a beam section 266 Figure 8 - 2 Schematics of two types of beam with a partial ACLD patch 266 Figure 8 - 3 Frequency response of a simply-supported beam with “soft” VEM and ϕ0 = 0 (x1=0.19 m, x2=0.21 m) 267 xix Figure 8 - 4 Frequency response of a simply-supported beam with “soft” VEM and ϕ0 = 200+ j 200 Vol (x1=0.19 m, x2=0.21 m) 267 Figure 8 - 5 Frequency response of a cantilever beam with “soft”... row i and column j cCE Stiffness matrix of piezoelectric material at constant electric field strength cw1, cw2 Sound speeds in lower and upper fluids D Electric displacement vector Dx, Dy, Dz Components of electric displacement in x, y and z directions d Piezoelectric strain matrix Ep Electric field vector Epx, Epy, Epz Components of electric field in x, y and z directions Ex, Ey, Ez Moduli of elasticity... Wave number components in x and z directions k f1 , k f 2 Wave number vector in lower and upper fluids kxf1, kzf1 Components of kf1 in x and z directions xi kxf2, kzf2 Components of kf2 in x and z directions respectively N Number of layers p in Amplitude of incident wave p re Amplitude of reflected wave p tr Amplitude of transmitted wave && q Volume acceleration per unit length of linear array && Q Volume... discussed the use of single and double layers of piezoelectric material to form acoustically active surfaces for the elimination of reflected and transmitted waves from a theoretical standpoint Lafleur’s paper was declared to be the first to give out the basic equations relating the reflection or transmission coefficients of a layer of piezoelectric material to the driving voltage applied across, and furthermore,... direction of piezoelectric 57 Figure 3 - 1 A sketch of physical model of a multilayered anisotropic laminate in fluids 75 Figure 3 - 2 Geometric schematic of bi-layer plates 75 Figure 3 - 3 Geometric schematic of a sandwich plate 75 Figure 3 - 4 Transmission loss and reflection coefficients of the plates with a coating above when thickness of the coating changes 76 Figure 3 - 5 Transmission loss and reflection . SOUND AND VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANT PIEZOELECTRIC ENABLED STRUCTURES BY CAI CHAO (B. Eng. JU, M. Eng. JU and NUS) DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. imperative that the accurate prediction of the interactions of waves with fluid-loaded passive or piezoelectric- enabled structures for suppression of sound reflection and transmission. The work in the. Distribution of displacement and traction in piezoelectric layer 107 4.5 Application examples 109 4.5.1 Sound reflections and radiation 109 4.5.2 Effects of the thickness ratios on active sound control

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2015, 17:13