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de thi HSG tinh tieng anh 9

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Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Ninh Đề thi CHNH THC kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi CP tỉnh lớp năm học 2009 - 2010 ( thi ny cú trang) Tiếng Anh (bảng A) Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề Chữ ký giám thị Môn: SBD: 1: Ngày thi: 25/3/2010 Họ, tên thí sinh: Ngày sinh: Nơi sinh: Học sinh trng: Ban coi thi: 2: Số phách chm ln 1: S phỏch im bi thi H tờn, ch ký ca hai ngi chm phỳc kho: chm ln 1: chm ln 1: Bng s: .. 1: Bng ch: .. S phỏch chm phỳc kho: Số phách chm ln 1: 2: . . im bi thi chm phỳc kho: Bng s: . .. Bng ch: . .. H tờn, ch ký ca hai ngi chm phỳc kho: 1: 2: . . Ghi chú: Thí sinh trả lời vào bi thi này. Nếu viết sai phải gạch bỏ viết lại. PART I. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (7.0 pts) I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. The weather has turned _____ . A. coldy and windily B. coldly and windy C. cold and windy D. cold and windily 2. Nobody is ready,_____? A. is he B. isnt he C. are they D. arent they 3. He was pleased to have the _____ to hear such a fine musician play his favourite piece of music. A. occasion B. possibility C. opportunity D. fate 4. _____ I had met him twice before, I didnt recognise him. A. Although B. However C. If D. But 5. I wish youd stop chatting and _____ with some work. A. get down B. get on C. come on D. come back 6. He won $ 200.000, _____ he gave his parents. A. half of which B. half of that C. half of them D. half of it 7. The bus company has _____ the fare by 50%. A. raised B. arisen C. rose D. risen 8. Its time you _____ back to your work A. go B. went C. have gone D. shall go 9. There was no _____ in waiting longer than half an hour so we left. A. good B. point C. worth D. use 10. If we built more hospitals, we could _____ better care of people. A. get B. C. give D. take 11. Twenty-five dollars _____ too much to pay for that shirt. A. is B. are C. were D. been 12. The kidnappers have been caught, and the child is no longer _____ danger. A. on B. in C. at D. of 13. Jims parents wouldnt _____ him go to the demonstration. A. agree B. allow C. permit D. let 14. Tony always goes to work _____ his car. A. on B. by C. in D. with 15. Hoa is very good at _____ English A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. speaks 16. My watch stopped some days ago. I have it _____ A. repaired B. repair C. repairs D. repairing 17. You have read this book, _____ ? A. have you B. havent you C. you D. dont you 18. He wanted to know if I _____ learning English A. like B. have liked C. will like D. liked 19. Be quiet! Its rude to _____ people when they are speaking. A. interfere B. interrupt C. prevent D. introduce 20. It was not easy to understand her _____ to the situation. A. feelings B. conduct C. outlook D. reaction II. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the word or phrase with the same meaning as the underlined part. 1. What would happen if the water resources were made dirty? A. run out B. restricted C. polluted D. destroyed 2. Most people who live in apartments are urban dwellers. A. of a village B. of a city C. wealthy D. famous 3. He was proud of his sons accomplishment. A. first attempt B. endurance C. determination D. achievement 4. They extended the road for ten more miles. A. lengthened B. repaired C. planned D. constructed 5. It is risky to climb to the top of that tree. A. unusual B. normal C. dangerous D. brave III. Underline and correct mistakes in the following paragraph. Each line has one mistake. Write the correct one in the numbered blanks. (0) is an example. The other day, when I was in London, I ran in an old friend of mine who had been at university with me. Although we hadnt seen one another for ages and had lost touch, it was just like old times, and he told me all his new. He moved to London after leaving from university, and started to train as an accountant. He left after a few months because he hadnt found it very interesting, and he didnt feel like spending the rest of this life in an office. His parents were very helpful - they didnt try to make him to carry on training as a chartered accountant, and said they will continue to support him despite of the fact that he didnt have a job to go to. He soon found work what he really wanted - writing for a TV show, after the first series, the producer let him to have his own TV show even though he was relatively young, and it turned out to be a great success. 0. ___into__ 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. _______ IV. Use the correct form of the words in capital letters on the right column to complete each of the numbered spaces on the left. (0) is an example. EXCHANGE VISITS The most (0) effective way of learning a language is by 0. EFFECT living in the country concerned, but parents should think (1) . before they send their children abroad. 1. CARE Although some (2) . arrange visits for 2. ORGANIZE children as young as ten, the (3) of them 3. MAJOR wont be ready to stay away from home and deal with (4) . differences until they are in their teens. 4. CULTURE Even then they will need a basic (5) of the 5. KNOW language and some experience of foreign travel before they go. Exchange visits are a good way for (6) 6. TEENS to improve their language skills. It is a good idea for them to exchange (7) . before the visits. Host families 7. CORRESPOND should not feel any (8) to provide an 8. OBLIGE extensive program of (9) It is more 9. ENTERTAIN important to make the guest feel welcome. Travel can (10) . the mind, and 10. BROAD exchange visits give young people experience of a different way of life as well as a different language. V. Use the correct form of the VERBS in brackets. Write your answers in the numbered spaces. (1.0 pt) I (1- walk) ________________ along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the North of England (2- look)______________ for somewhere (3- make)_______________ a phone call. My car (4- break)________________ down outside the town and I wanted to contact the A. The street (5- run) ______________ parallel to the sea and (6join)_______________ to it by a number of narrow side streets. Low grey clouds (7drift)________________ off across the sky and there was a cold damp wind (8blow)________________off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet when I (9- cross)_________________one of the side streets. It (10- rain)_____________________ for a long time. PART II. READING (7.0 pts) I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the right word(s) to complete the passage below Are you one of the thousands of people who eagerly follow every new (1)_____ that appears? Or are you one of those who go to the shops and just buy (2)_____ they can find in their size that (3)_____ them? Or perhaps you order from a mail-order catalogue, and then have to send everything back because nothing fits? Whatever kind of shopper you are, one thing is certain. Everyone finds clothes important. (4)_____ a recent survey, people spend more time (5)_____ buying clothes or thinking about buying them, or looking at them in shop windows than they on most other products, apart from food. And the reason is obvious. Clothes are an important part of our appearance. At work, you may need to impress a customer, or persuade the boss that you know what you are doing, and clothes certainly help. Well dressed people, so they say, get on in the world. And as far as attracting the opposite sex is concerned, clothes also play a vital role. (6)_____ a friend who has been wearing the same old jacket or the same old dress suddenly appears in the (7)_____ fashion, you can be sure that romance is in the air. And apart from work and romance, there are the (8)_____ of sport, music and leisure on the way we dress. So excuse me while I (9)_____ on my tracksuit and training shoes. Im just dashing off (10)_____ some fast window-shopping. 1. A. appearance B. fashion C. uniform D. dress 2. A. whatever B. whoever C. whichever D. however 3. A. matches B. suits C. takes D. couples 4. A. On account of B. Because of C. According to D. Due to 5. A. but B. either C. or D. nor 6. A. If B. Because C. Although D. Unless 7. A. last B. minute C. latest D. complete 8. A. affects B. benefits C. conveniences D. influences 9. A. have B. dress C. wear D. put 10. A. in B. for C. to D. toward II. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the best answers. After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity, business schools in the United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvard's MBA School has shown a substantial increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degrees has dropped about percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower-enrollment rates is expected to continue. There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American Cities. Many of the entry-level management jobs are going to students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question "Is an MBA degree really what I need to be best prepared for getting a good job?" The second major factor has been the cutting of American payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA schools are struggling to meet the new demands. 1. What is the main focus of this passage? A. Jobs on Wall Street B. Types of graduate degrees C. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools D. How schools are changing to reflect the economy. 2. The phrase ''two decades" in the first paragraph refers to a period of: A. 10 years B. 20 years C. 50 years D. 100 years 3. The word "prosperity" in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following? A. success B. surplus C. nurturing D. education 4. Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment? A. Princeton B. Harvard C. Stanford D. Yale 5. The phrase "trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. reluctance of B. drawback to C. movement toward D. extraction from 6. As used in the second paragraph, the word "seeking" could best be replaced by which of the following? A. examining B. avoiding C. seizing D. pursuing 7. Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street? A. A center for international affairs B. A major financial center C. A shopping district D. A neighborhood in New York 8. According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollments? A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession B. Low salary and foreign competition C. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs D. Declining population and economic prosperity 9. The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following? A. Factors contributing to the decline in MBA students B. A current trend affecting the nation's business schools C. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford D. Two decades of hard times for business schools 10. As used in the second paragraph, the word "struggling" is closest in meaning to: A. evolving B. plunging C. starting D. striving III. Read the following passage. Choose from the sentences (A-G) below which best fits in each numbered gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you not need to use. There is an example at the beginning(0). Carnival is definitely not a spectator sport. Its very difficult to get carried away by the atmosphere unless (0)___G___ and by that I mean wearing a disguise of some kind, even if its nothing more than a mask or a funny hat. In fact, the number of people (1)_____ is usually fairly small, so you will almost certainly be conspicious out of fancy dress. You are bound to regret not having gone to a bit of trouble when (2)_____ having the time of their lives. Ask a friend to lend you a costume if (3)_____. You may even find that (4)_____ . If all else fails, you can always improvise with old streets and clothes, after all, you dont have to look spectacular, elegant or beautiful, but you should try to enter into the spirit of the festivities if (5)_____ . A. you not have one D. they are available for hire somewhere B. who not bother to dress up C. who dont want to make trouble E. you want to enjoy them F. you see every body else G. you are taking part yourself IV. Fill in each numbered space with one suitable word. Id like to talk about some of the problems that students face (1)___________ they follow a course of study through the medium of English (2)_____________ English is not their mother tongue. The problems can be (3)_____________ into three broad categories: psychological, cultural and linguistic. The first two categories mainly affect those (4)____________ come to study in Britain. Ill comment only briefly on these two categories and then spend most of the time looking at linguistic difficulties apply to everyone. Some of the common psychological problems really involve fear of the unknown: for (5)____________, whether ones academic studies will be too difficult. Looking at the cultural problems, we can see that some of them are of a very practical nature, e.g arranging satisfactory accommodation. Others are less easy to define. (6)____________ largest category seems to be linguistic. Lets look at this (7)____________ some detail. Most students, in their (8)______________ countries, will have little opportunity to practise using (9)______________ . When foreign learners first have the opportunity to speak to an English-speaking person they may have a shock: they often have great (10)_____________ in understanding. PART III. WRITING: (6.0 pts) I. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the first one. 1. He has never been on board a ship before. This is the first . 2. David finds it easy to make friends. David has . .. 3. Finish eating first, then you can watch TV. You cant watch TV. .... 4. In spite of her tiredness, she managed to finish her work. Although .. 5. No messages have come for me, have they? There have . 6. When he drinks a lot, he gets very bad. The more. . 7. Her wish is buying that villa but its too far expensive. She wishes . 8. My advice to you is to go to the doctors. If I. ... 9. A doctor is taking his temperature. He is having..... 10. I was not familiar with that kind of computer. It was a .. .. II. Use the word given in the brackets and other words as necessary to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the first one. Do not change the form of the given word. 1. He drove so carelessly that he had an accident last month. (such) 2. Dickens last novel was unfinished when he died. (without) 3. Mark is too young to see the horror film. (enough) 4. Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer. (succeeded) 5. How about going to the concert? said John. (suggested) III. Write a paragraph in which you suggest several ways to protect the environment of your school (about 150 words). . . ___________hết___________ Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Ninh hớng dẫn chấm thi chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnh lớp năm học 2009 - 2010 Đề thi CHNH THC Môn: Tiếng Anh (bảng A) I. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: (7,0 im) I. 3,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,15 im. 1.C 4.A 7.A 10.D 13.D 2.C 5.B 8.B 11.A 14.C 3.C 6.A 9.B 12.B 15.C II. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A III. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,1 im. 16.A 17.B 18.D 5. C 1. one another each other 2. new news 3. leaving from leaving 4. hadnt found didnt find 5. this his IV. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,1 im. 6. to carry carry 7. will would 8. despite of despite 9. doing 10. to have have 1. carefully 2. organizations 3. majority 4. cultural 5. knowledge V. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,1 im. 1. was walking 2. looking 3. to make 4. had broken 5. ran 6. teenagers 7. correspondence 8. obligation 9. entertainment 10.broaden PART II. READING (7,0 im) I. 2,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B II. 2,0 điểm. Mỗi câu 0,2 điểm. 1. C 2. B 3. A 6. D 7. B 8. A III. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. B 2. F 3. A 19.B 20.D 6. was joined 7. were drifting 8. blowing 9. was crossing 10. had been raining 6. A 7. C 4. B 9. B IV. 2,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. when 3. divided 5. example/ instance 2. if 4. who 6. the 8. D 9. D 10. B 5. C 10. D 4. D 7.in 8.own 5. E 9. English/ it 10. difficulties PART IV. WRITING (6,0 im) I. 2,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. This is the first time he has (ever) been on board a ship. 2. David has no difficulties/ not any difficulties (in) making friends. 3. You cant watch TV until/ before you finish/ have finished eating. 4. Although she was tired, she managed to finish her work. 5. There have been no messages/ not been any messages for me, have there? 6. The more he drinks, the worse he gets. 7. She wishes she could buy that expensive villa. 8. If I were you, I would go to the doctors, 9. He is having a doctor take his temperature/ his temperature taken by a doctor. 10. It was a kind of computer which/that I was not familiar with/ with which I was not familiar. II. 1,0 im. Mi cõu ỳng 0,2 im. 1. He was such a careless driver that he had an accident last month. 2. Dicken died without finishing his last novel. 3. Mark isnt old enough to see the horror film. 4. Only Jane/ Jane was the only one who succeeded in producing the correct answer. 5. John suggested going to the concert. III. 3,0 điểm (M bi: 0,5 im; thõn bi: 2,0 im; kt lun: 0,5 im). Yêu cầu thí sinh viết thành đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh (có mở bài, thân kết luận), nờu mt s hot ng bo v mụi trng trng hc ca em nh: khụng nộm rỏc ba bói v ngoi lp hc; b rỏc vo thựng rỏc; hng ngy phi quột dn lp hc sch s; khụng vit, v by lờn mt bn, mt gh v trờn tng; tớch cc trng cõy xanh trng v thng xuyờn ti nc cho cõy . Nếu thí sinh viết chủ đ, ngữ pháp, dùng từ chuẩn xác, đoạn văn không ngắn (khoảng 150 từ) cho điểm tối đa. Tổng số: 20 điểm --------------------------------------------- . Sở GD&ĐT Quảng Ninh kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi CP tỉnh lớp 9 năm học 20 09 - 2010 Đề thi CHNH THC ( thi ny cú 7 trang) Chữ ký của giám thị Môn: Tiếng Anh (bảng A) Thời gian làm bài:. (3)_____ them? Or perhaps you order from a mail-order catalogue, and then have to send everything back because nothing fits? Whatever kind of shopper you are, one thing is certain. Everyone finds. There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush

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