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TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU, QUÁN TOAN, HỒNG BÀNG, HP. Trang Họ tên: …………………………………………………… ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII Môn Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi bao gồm 80, 05 trang. Học sinh không dùng tài liệu có liên quan. Không dùng bút chì, bút mực đỏ.) Choose one word whose stress is marked differently from the rest. 1) A. dedicate B. invention C. organic 2) A. abnormality B. automatically C. metropolitan 3) A. discard B. conceal C. birthmark 4) A. continental B. conservation C. revolution 5) A. potentially B. fashionable C. invaluable D. bacteria D. miraculously D. suppose D. particular D. electrify Choose the best answer for each sentence below. 6) I can't understand how your father managed to ________ that man. He had deceived all the rest of us. A. see against B. see through C. see to D. see out 7) Our car is much older ________ than yours. A. model B. pattern C. manufacture D. form 8) I ________ in bed all night thinking about it. A. laid B. lay C. led D. lied 9) According to the doctor, there's absolutely nothing the ________ with you. A. wrong B. problem C. matter D. illness 10) I looked everywhere but I couldn't find ________ at all. A. anyone B. no one C. someone D. somebody 11) It was ________ a simple question that everyone answered it correctly. A. so B. such C. much D. too 12) I'm sorry, but I like my eggs soft ________, not hard. A. cooked B. steamed C. boiled D. watered 13) John was amazed when the train arrived exactly ________ time. A. at B. in C. on D. by 14) I'd like to take this ________ of wishing you all the best of luck with your exams. A. chance B. possibility C. occasion D. opportunity 15) Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to ________ between unfamiliar sounds in that language. A. separate B. differ C. distinguish D. solve 16) ________ my opinion, French cheese is better than English cheese. A. In B. To C. By D. For 17) Father would not ________ us to go there for the weekend. A. let B. permit C. agree D. consent 18) Every day the old man's dog goes to the shop to ________ him a newspaper. A. carry B. fetch C. take D. bring 19) - Rex: It's already half-past six. - Hal: Good heavens, so it is! It's time we ________. A. are gone B. are going C. were gone D. shall go 20) I drove around the town for half an hour but couldn't find a car ________. A. park B. garage C. plan D. parking 21) The smell was so bad that it completely ________ us off our food. A. set B. took C. got D. put 22) Although he hasn't said anything he ________ to be upset about it. A. acts B. shows C. behaves D. seems THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. By NĐH*  -  : 0912.883.190 TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU, QUÁN TOAN, HỒNG BÀNG, HP. 23) It's strange. His sisters are blonde, ________ he is very dark. A. therefore B. in order to C. whereas 24) We very much ________ that you will come to dinner next Friday. A. wish B. want C. like 25) Crops are often completely destroyed by ________ of locusts. A. bands B. troupes C. swarms 26) It is illegal to _______ on grounds of race, sex or religion A. discriminate B. differentiate C. certify 27) ________ she could not say anything. A. Therefore upset was she that B. However upset was she that C. So upset was she that D. So upset was that 28) Do you mind if I borrow your plate? _______________. Do you need only one? A. I’m sorry. B. Not at all C. Yes, I 29) A ________is a book or a movie with an exciting story about crime or spying A. thriller B. romance C. biography 30) Did Mr. Pike ________the class while Miss White was ill in hospital? A. take over B. take away C. take off Trang D. however D. hope D. flocks D. differ D. Yes, I would D. comic D. take up Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer for each question. Scientists claim that air pollution causes a decline in the world’s average air temperature. In order to prove that theory, ecologists have turned to historical data in relation to especially huge volcanic eruptions. They suspect that volcanoes effect weather changes that are similar to air pollution. One source of information is the effect of the eruption of Tambora, a volcano in Sumbawa, the Dutch East Indies, in April 1815, the largest recorded volcanic eruption; Tambora threw 150 million tons of fine ash into the stratosphere. The ash from a volcano spread worldwide in a few days and remains in the air for years. Its effect is to turn incoming solar radiation into space and thus cool the earth. For example, records of weather in England show that between April and November 1815, the average temperature had fallen 4.5 oF. During the next twenty – four months, England suffered one of the coldest periods of its history. Farmers’ records from April 1815 to December 1818 indicate frost through out the spring and summer and sharp decrease in crop and livestock markets. Since there was a time lag of several years between cause and effect, by the time the world agriculture commodity community had deteriorated, no one realized the cause. Ecologists today warn that we face a twofold menace. The ever-present possibility of volcanic eruptions, such as that of Mt. St. Helens in Washington, added to man’s pollution of the atmosphere with oil, gas, coal and other polluting substances, may bring us increasingly colder weather. 31) It is believed that the earth get colder when ____________. A. volcanoes erupt B. the air is polluted by modern man C. the rays of the sun are turned into space. D. all of the above 32) The effects of Tambora’s eruption were ____________. A. felt mainly in the Dutch East Indies B. of several days’duration worldwide. C. evidence of pollution’s cooling the earth. D. immediately evident to the world’s scientist. 33) The cause of cold weather in England from 1815 to 1818 was ______________. A. decreased crop and livestock production B. volcanic ash in the atmosphere C. pollution caused by the Industrial Revolution D. its proximity to the North Sea 34) No one realize the cause of the deterioration of the world agricultural commodity market because A. there was a long delay between cause and effect B. the weather is beyond our comprehension C. weather forecasts were inaccurate D. ecologists didn’t exist until modern times. 35) If, as some scientist predict, the world ends in ice, what might be the cause? A. modern man’s pollution of the air B. volcanic eruptions THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. 0912.883.190 By NĐH*  -  : TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU, QUÁN TOAN, HỒNG BÀNG, HP. Trang C. obliteration of solar radiation D. all of the above. Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer to fill in each numbered blank. THE LONDON TEA TRADE The London Tea Trade Centre is on the north of the River Thames. It is the centre of an industry of ____________ importance in the 37)____________ lives of the British. Tea is without 38)____________ the British national drink: every man, woman and child over ten years of age has 39)____________ average over four cups a day or some 1500 cups annually. Some thirty per cent of the world’s exports of tea makes its 40) ____________ to London. Britain is 41)____________ the largest importer of tea in the world. Samples of the vast amounts of tea brought into the country to 42)____________ the national thirst go to the London Tea Trade Centre, where they are tasted by 43)____________ professional tea tasters before being sold at each week’s tea sale. It is fascinating to see them at 44)____________. Over a hundred samples are 45)____________ in a line on long tables. Teas are generally tasted with milk, 46)____________ that is how the majority in Britain drink their tea. The tasters move down the line with surprising 47)____________, tasting each sample from a spoon and deciding what is a 48)____________ price for each tea. The types of tea that are popular in Britain are 49)____________ inexpensive but they are of a very high quality. The best are delicate 50)____________ of numerous teas from different sources and countries of origin. 36) 36) A. high 37) A. common 38) A. uncertainty 39) A. for 40) A. route 41) A. considerably 42) A. satisfy 43) A. effective 44) A. action 45) A. composed 46) A. out of 47) A. speed 48) A. fine 49) A. approximately 50) A. mixtures B. wide B. typical B. dispute B. by B. journey B. by far B. match B. skilled B. operation B. put up B. since B. hurry B. right B. comparatively B. associations C. great C. everyday C. disbelief C. at C. direction C. largely C. answer C. developed C. practice C. settled C. so C. rush C. fair C. slightly C. unions D. large D. usual D. doubt D. on D. way D. by much D. serve D. handy D. work D. laid out D. owing to D. dash D. deserved D. roughly D. gatherings Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer for each question. Noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is another environmental pollutant. Particularly in congested urban areas, the noise produced as a byproduct of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it. Unlike the eye, the ear has no lid; therefore noise penetrates without protection. Loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear. Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the same ways that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well- being, causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long known that hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem, but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well. 51) What is the author’s main point? THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. 0912.883.190 By NĐH*  -  : TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU, QUÁN TOAN, HỒNG BÀNG, HP. Trang A. Loud noises signal danger B. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health C. The ear is not like the eye D. Hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem 52) What is the author’s definition of noise? A. A by-product of technology B. Unwanted sound C. Physical and psychological harm D. Congestion 53) According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to A. annoyance B. disease C. damage D. danger 54) It can be inferred from this passage that the eye A. respond to fear B. increases functions C. enjoys greater protection than the ear D. is damaged by noise 55) According to the author, which of the following is true? A. Noise is an unavoidable problem in an industrial society B. Noise is not a serious problem today C. Noise is America’s number- one problem D. Noise is a complex problem 56) What was probably the topic of the paragraph that preceded this passage? A. Environmental pollutants B. Technology C. Urban areas D. Diseases Error identification. 57) We educate our children (A) as well as we can, because (B) an (C) educational population is the key (D) to future. 58) The more (A) frequent you (B) exercise, the (C) greater physical endurance you (D) will have. 59) (A) It is believed that in (B) the near future robots will (C) be used to doing things (D) such as cooking. 60) Robots in (A) the home (B) might not be (C) enough creative to (D) the cooking, plan the meal and so on. 61) (A) It is becoming (B) extremely difficult to grow enough (C) to feed the worlds rapidly (D) increased population. 62) Visitors (A) may realize that (B) even though they can’t make their homes in Da Lat city, they can take (C) away with them memories of (D) their beauty. Pick out the underlined word that has different pronunciation. 63) A. thrive B. gather 64) A. overflow B. throw 65) A. spacious B. courteous 66) A. punctual B. commune 67) A. survive B. native C. thoughtful C. shower C. precious C. gratitude C. passive D. this D. tomorrow D. dangerous D. document D. active Choose the best answer for each sentence below. 68) I don’t believe a word he said; I think he just made _________ that story. A. up B. down C. out 69) He’ll be very upset if you turn __________ his offer. A. away B. from C. down 70) Those letters ________ now. You can the typing later. A. needn't be typed B. need to type C. need typing typing 71) Not only __________ air pollution but it also does harm to our health. A. car exhaust causes B. car exhaust cause C. does car exhaust cause D. car exhaust cause 72) By the time we reach New York on Friday, we_________ over 60 hours traveling. A. will have spent B. will be spending C. have spent 73) ____________ in the morning has become my habit for years. A. Having had a cold bath B. Having a cold bath C. Have a cold bath D. Having cold bath 74) Air, food and water are_______ to human beings. A. unquestionable B. indispensable C. undeniable THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. 0912.883.190 D. off D. against D. needn't D. will spend D. indebted By NĐH*  -  : TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU, QUÁN TOAN, HỒNG BÀNG, HP. 75) Did you apologise to Mary, ____________? A. who you spilt some coffee on her dress B. you spilt some coffee on her dress C. whose dress you spilt some coffee D. whose dress you spilt some coffee on Choose one sentence that has the same meaning to the given one. 76) We can’t deny that all of us made certain mistakes early on. A. It can be denied that not all of us made mistakes. B. We admit that we could avoid making certain mistakes when young. C. Everyone of us denies that we made certain mistakes early on D. It is true that nobody could avoid making mistakes. 77) He decided to repair the thing himself and not to take it back to the shop. A. He decided to have the thing repaired and not to take it back to the shop. B. He took the thing back to the shop because he wanted to have it repaired C. He decided to repair the thing himself as he couldn't take it back to the shop D. Rather than take it back to the shop, he decided to repair the thing himself. 78) Before / accept / position / I / be glad / receive / further information. A. Before I accept the position I would be glad to receive further information. B. Before accepting the position I would be glad you receive further information. C. Before accepting the position I will be glad receiving further information. D. Before I accept the position I would be glad to have received further information. 79) Job / carry / pension / scheme / what / be / prospects / promotion? A. The job carries a pension scheme, so what are the prospects for promotion? B. The job carries a pension scheme, and what are the prospects for promotion? C. The job carries a pension scheme but what about the prospects for promotion? D. Does the job carry a pension scheme and what are the prospects for promotion? 80) You / mention / there / regular / salary increases / you mean / they / automatic? A. You've mentioned that there are regular salary increases; you are mean that they are automatic? B. You've mentioned that there are regular salary increases; you mean that they are automatic? C. You mentioned that there were regular salary increases; you mean that they were automatic? D. You mentioned that there would be regular salary increases; can you mean that they are automatic?  THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. 0912.883.190 By NĐH*  -  : Trang . HỒNG BÀNG, HP. Họ và tên: …………………………………………………… ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII Môn Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi bao gồm 80, 05 trang. Học sinh không được dùng bất kỳ tài liệu nào có. C. got D. put 22) Although he hasn't said anything he ________ to be upset about it. A. acts B. shows C. behaves D. seems THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. By NĐH*  -  : 0912.883.190 Trang. ice, what might be the cause? A. modern man’s pollution of the air B. volcanic eruptions THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN VIII. By NĐH*  -  : 0912.883.190 Trang 2 TTLTĐH NHẬT THÀNH - SỐ 65 HẢI TRIỀU,

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2015, 07:03

