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Roles of TACC related protein, mia1p in MTOCs and microtubule dynamics in schizosaccharomyces pombe 6

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R., and Doxsey, S.J (2000) Cytoplasmic dynein-mediated assembly of pericentrin and gamma tubulin onto centrosomes Mol Biol Cell 11, 2047-20 56 131 92 Zhou, J., Yao, J., and Joshi, H.C (2002) Attachment and tension in the spindle assembly checkpoint J Cell Sci 115, 3547-3555 93 Zimmerman, S., and Chang, F (2005) Effects of {gamma}-tubulin complex proteins on microtubule nucleation and catastrophe in fission... centromeric and nucleolar DNA in fission yeast by fluorescence in situ hybridization J Cell Sci 101 ( Pt 2), 267 -275 129 83 Vardy, L., and Toda, T (2000) The fission yeast gamma-tubulin complex is required in G(1) phase and is a component of the spindle assembly checkpoint Embo J 19, 60 98 -61 11 84 Venkatram, S., Jennings, J.L., Link, A., and Gould, K.L (2005) Mto2p, a novel fission yeast protein required... Fujita, A., Toda, T., and Niwa, O (2004) Functional dissection of the gamma-tubulin complex by suppressor analysis of gtb1 and alp4 mutations in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Genetics 167 , 1095-1107 78 Toya, M., Sato, M., Haselmann, U., Asakawa, K., Brunner, D., Antony, C., and Toda, T (2007) Gamma-tubulin complex-mediated anchoring of spindle microtubules to spindle-pole bodies requires Msd1 in fission yeast... yeast Nat Cell Biol 9, 64 6 -65 3 79 Tran, P.T., Marsh, L., Doye, V., Inoue, S., and Chang, F (2001) A mechanism for nuclear positioning in fission yeast based on microtubule pushing J Cell Biol 153, 397-411 80 Troxell, C.L., Sweezy, M.A., West, R.R., Reed, K.D., Carson, B.D., Pidoux, A.L., Cande, W.Z., and McIntosh, J.R (2001) pkl1(+ )and klp2(+): Two kinesins of the Kar3 subfamily in fission yeast perform... Cell 16, 2719-2733 94 Zimmerman, S., Tran, P.T., Daga, R.R., Niwa, O., and Chang, F (2004a) Rsp1p, a J domain protein required for disassembly and assembly of microtubule organizing centers during the fission yeast cell cycle Dev Cell 6, 497-509 95 Zimmerman, W.C., Sillibourne, J., Rosa, J., and Doxsey, S.J (2004b) Mitosisspecific anchoring of gamma tubulin complexes by pericentrin controls spindle... Potashkin, J., Shpakovski, G.V., Ussery, D., Barrell, B.G., and Nurse, P (2002) The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Nature 415, 871-880 89 Yamashita, A., Sato, M., Fujita, A., Yamamoto, M., and Toda, T (2005) The roles of fission yeast ase1 in mitotic cell division, meiotic nuclear oscillation, and cytokinesis checkpoint signaling Mol Biol Cell 16, 1378-1395 90 Yanagida, M (1987) Yeast tubulin... J.R (1998) cut11(+): A gene required for cell cycle-dependent spindle pole body anchoring in the nuclear envelope and bipolar spindle formation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mol Biol Cell 9, 2839-2855 87 Wiese, C., and Zheng, Y (20 06) Microtubule nucleation: gamma-tubulin and beyond J Cell Sci 119, 4143-4153 88 Wood, V., Gwilliam, R., Rajandream, M.A., Lyne, M., Lyne, R., Stewart, A., Sgouros, J., Peat,... functions in both mitosis and meiosis Mol Biol Cell 12, 34 76- 3488 81 Uzawa, S., Li, F., Jin, Y., McDonald, K.L., Braunfeld, M.B., Agard, D.A., and Cande, W.Z (2004) Spindle pole body duplication in fission yeast occurs at the G1/S boundary but maturation is blocked until exit from S by an event downstream of cdc10+ Mol Biol Cell 15, 5219-5230 82 Uzawa, S., and Yanagida, M (1992) Visualization of centromeric... H., Reinhardt, R., Pohl, T.M., Eger, P., Zimmermann, W., Wedler, H., Wambutt, R., Purnelle, B., Goffeau, A., Cadieu, E., Dreano, S., Gloux, S., Lelaure, V., Mottier, S., Galibert, F., Aves, S.J., Xiang, Z., Hunt, C., Moore, K., Hurst, S.M., Lucas, M., Rochet, M., Gaillardin, C., Tallada, V.A., Garzon, A., Thode, G., Daga, R.R., Cruzado, L., Jimenez, J., Sanchez, M., del Rey, F., Benito, J., Dominguez, . Biol Cell 8, 1 461 -1479. 22. Drummond, D.R., and Cross, R.A. (2000). Dynamics of interphase microtubules in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Curr Biol 10, 766 -775. 23. Drummond, D.R., and Hagan, I.M Pelto- Huikko, M., and Gustafsson, J.A. (2000). Isolation and characterization of AINT: a novel ARNT interacting protein expressed during murine embryonic development. Mech Dev 97, 13- 26. 66 . Samejima,. Tournier, S., and Millar, J.B. (2003). Deletion of Mia1/Alp7 activates Mad2-dependent spindle assembly checkpoint in fission yeast. Nat Cell Biol 5, 764 - 766 ; author reply 766 . 68 . Sato, M., and Toda,

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