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Antidumping, competition and the WTO system implications for vietnamese legal reform

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ANTIDUMPING, COMPETITION AND THE WTO SYSTEM IMPLICATIONS FOR VIETNAMESE LEGAL REFORM TRAN VIET DUNG LL.B (Hon.), Ho Chi Minh City University of Law LL.M (Hon.), Transnational Law and Business University A THESIS SUBMITED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY FACULTY OF LAW NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2007 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, my sincere thanks to the National University of Singapore for granting me the research scholarship to write this thesis. I am especially grateful to my supervisor, Professor Hsu Locknie for her support and encouragement throughout my graduate study in Singapore. Her technical and editorial advice was essential to the completion of this thesis and she has taught me innumerable lessons and insights on the workings of academic research in general. I would also like to thank Professor Alan Tan Khee Jin, Professor Victor Ramraj, Professor Teo Keang Sood, Professor Koh Kheng Lian, Professor Sornarajah, Professor Wang Jiangyu, Professor Michael Ewing Chow for their support and encouragement. My sincere thanks to Normah Bte Mahamood, whose assistance in administrative matters was invaluable. I am also very grateful to my faculty-mates and friends in Normanton Park Vu Dai community for their great friendship and support. Many thanks go to my friend Hoang Viet. I am fortunate to have his friendship that has led to many interesting discussions and making the hard work real fun. I also appreciate Hoang Long, Bedabrata, Aisulu, and Anna Toh for their friendship and help with English editing. I am also grateful for the invaluable support of the US-Vietnam Trade Council, Asia Research Institute, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law and the Vietnam Competition Administration Department. Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and love to my parents for their dedication and the many years of support during my undergraduate and graduate studies that provided the foundation for this work. I would also like to thank my wife, Tuyet Dung for always being my wonderful companion, and my little son Khoi - a bright spark of my life. Tran Viet Dung December 2007 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments i Table of Contents ii Summary vii List of Figures and Charts ix List of Abbreviations x CHAPTER I ANTI-DUMPING LAW AND POLICY: ECONOMIC, LEGAL, STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS 1.1 Introduction 01 1.2 Dumping And The Law Against Dumping . 03 1.2.1 The Notion of Dumping 03 Economic Definition of Dumping . 04 Legal Definition of Dumping 07 1.2.2 Economic Analysis on Dumping 10 Price Discrimination . 10 Sale-Below-Cost . 12 1.2.3. Welfare Impacts of Dumping 16 Impacts of Dumping on Importing Country . 16 Impacts of Dumping in Exporting Country . 20 Concluding Remarks on the Welfare Impacts of Dumping . 22 1.2.4 Rationales of Anti-Dumping Laws . 22 Economic-Efficiency Argument 23 Protection of Comparative Advantage . 27 Social Considerations 29 Maintenance of Fair Competition . 30 Political Economy Rationale 32 1.2.5 WTO Anti-Dumping Rules and Some Critical Issues Arising From National Anti-Dumping Practices 35 The Determination of Dumping and Dumping Margin . 36 Dumping Causation Determination 39 Anti-dumping Duties 41 ii 1.3 Anti-dumping and Competition Policy 43 1.3.1 Competition Policy: Objectives and Scope . 43 1.3.2 Anti-dumping Laws vs. Competition Laws 46 1.3.3 Summary . 51 1.3.4 Perspectives of Development of the Legal Regime against Dumping 51 Replacement of Anti-Dumping Laws With Competition Laws . 51 Establishment of a Filter System For Anti-Dumping Regime . 55 1.4 Conclusion . 59 CHAPTER II VIETNAM’S DEVELOPMENT BACKGOUND 2.1 Introduction 60 2.2 The “Doi Moi” Policy and Economic Integration . 61 2.2.1 Economic reforms 61 2.2.2 Doi Moi in Foreign Trade Policy 65 2.2.3 Economic Integration – More outside Pressures on Trade Reforms . 69 2.3 Insights of the Legal System 75 2.3.1 Adoption of Rule of Law Concept In The Legal System 75 2.3.2 Rule-Making and Rule-Implementing 77 2.3.3 Achievements and Issues in Developing a Modern Foreign Trade Regime 83 Revision of Economic Laws and Regulations . 83 Judicial Review System . 87 Transparency Issue . 89 2.4 Conclusion . 92 CHAPTER III: VIETNAM’S ANTI-DUMPING SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 3.1 Introduction 94 3.2 Vietnam’s Perspective on Development of The National Anti-dumping System 94 3.2.1 The Problems of Foreign Anti-Dumping Practice 95 3.2.2 Problems of Foreign Dumping 100 iii Chinese Motorcycle Imports Case . 101 Development of the National Anti-dumping Law . 105 3.3 3.3.1 Brief Legislative History 105 3.3.2 Significance of the New Anti-Dumping Legislation 110 3.4 Insights of the Anti-dumping System . 113 3.4.1 Legal and Institutional Framework of the Anti-Dumping System . 113 Legal Framework . 113 Institutional Framework . 117 3.4.2 Legislative Intention of the Anti-Dumping Policy 120 3.4.3 Linkage between Anti-dumping and Competition Policies in Vietnam 124 3.4.4 Competition Policy Considerations Within the Anti-Dumping Policy . 127 3.5. Some Strategic Policy Considerations 131 3.5.1 Improve the Substantive Content of The Legislation . 132 3.5.2 Focusing More on Due Process and Operation of Anti-Dumping Authorities 133 3.5.3 Improvement of Transparency 135 3.5.4 Necessity of Judicial Review Regulations 137 3.5.5 Rising the Public Understanding of The National Anti-Dumping System . 137 3.6 Conclusion 139 CHAPTER IV VIETNAM’S ANTI-DUMPING LAW: SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES 4.1. Introduction . 140 4.2. Injury Determination . 141 4.2.1. Normal Value Determination 142 Exporter’s Domestic Price . 144 Like Product . 148 Where the Exporter’s Domestic Price Cannot Be Ascertained 159 Export Price to Third Country 166 Constructed Normal Value . 167 4.2.3. Export Price Determination . 182 The Price Actually Paid or Payable . 183 iv Constructed Export Price . 184 4.2.4. Determination of Dumping Margin 187 Fair Comparison . 187 Comparison Methods . 190 4.3. Injury Determination . 193 4.3.1. Domestic Industry . 194 4.3.2. Material Injury 197 Volume Effects of Dumped Imports 199 Price Effects of Dumped Imports . 201 Impact of Dumped Imports on the Domestic Industry . 204 4.3.3. Cumulation of Injury . 207 4.3.4. Threat of Material Injury . 213 4.3.5. Causation . 215 4.3.6. Public interest clause . 217 CHAPTER V VIETNAM’S ANTI-DUMPING LAW: PROCEDURAL ISSUES 5.1. Introduction 227 5.2. Initiation of the Anti-Dumping Investigation 229 5.2.1. Standing to File a Private Petition . 231 5.2.2. Petitions . 235 5.2.3. Acceptance or Rejection of Petitions 238 Time Limits for Making Decision to Initiate the Investigation . 240 Acceptable Contents . 241 Evidence . 244 Other Grounds for Rejecting Petitions . 245 5.3. Anti-Dumping Investigation . 247 5.3.1. Parties to anti-dumping proceeding . 249 5.3.2. Investigation Techniques and Due Process Rights . 251 Investigation Periods . 251 Questionnaires 257 Protection of Confidential Information . 262 Inspection of non-confidential information . 267 Hearings . 268 Best available information . 271 v 5.3.3. Anti-dumping Measures . 275 Anti-dumping duties . 275 Undertakings 282 5.4. Standard Administrative and Judicial Reviews 282 5.4.1. Standard Administrative Reviews . 282 Sunset Reviews 288 5.4.2. Judicial Reviews 290 Legal Basis for Judicial Reviews 290 Original Jurisdictions and Venues . 292 Standing . 295 Standards of Judicial Reviews . 296 Some Legal Implications . 301 Chapter VI CONCLUSION: MAIN FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 6.1. Findings . 305 6.2. Recommendations 308 6.2.1. General anti-dumping policy 309 6.2.2. Regulatory Design . 313 Normal Value and Export Price 314 The Dumping Margin . 316 Determination of Injury 317 Public interest considerations . 318 6.3. Some Competition Policy Considerations to Change the System In The Future . 319 6.4. Final Thoughts 322 Postscript 324 Bibliography 325 Appendix A: Anti-dumping Ordinance . 335 vi SUMMARY This PhD thesis is a result of the author’s research on the development of anti-dumping law and policy of Vietnam in the light of its ongoing economic reforms and recent successful accession to the WTO multilateral trading system. It investigates the theoretical and practical implication of anti-dumping law with regards to promotion of trade liberalization, fair competition and economic development for Vietnam. During the study this author tries to assess critically the existing rules governing the Vietnamese anti-dumping system from the competition and economic efficiency perspective. Overall, the thesis seeks to provide some contributions to the stock knowledge concerning anti-dumping law and policy in Vietnam and provide suggestions for development of the national anti-dumping system. The thesis begins with an introductory Chapter I, which presents theoretical discussions on the economic rationales of dumping and the law against dumping. In particular, this chapter introduces an analysis on the contradiction and linkage between anti-dumping and competition policies in the context of current development of international trade. The analyses help to identify the problems of anti-dumping rules as well as to determine the possibilities of improving and strengthening the rules. Chapter II offers to illustrate the economic, political and legal developments in Vietnam during the last two decades under the “Doi Moi” Policy. In particular it considers the Vietnamese political and legal infrastructure within which anti-dumping law and policy is designed and developed. This helps to give a broad overview of the objective and subjective problems of Vietnamese anti-dumping system as well as the possibility of improvement. Chapter III seeks to provide a succinct review of the Vietnam’s anti-dumping system, including its development rationales, underline objectives, and historical developments. It also examines whether or not, and to which degree, the Vietnamese government takes into account the economic efficiency and competition policy considerations while designing and developing the national anti-dumping system. It then proposes some strategic considerations for development of the national anti-dumping system. vii Chapter IV and Chapter V concentrate on the substantive and procedural issues of the Vietnamese anti-dumping legislation. Existing anti-dumping rules are analyzed and compared with relevant analogue legislation of other countries in the world and particularly with the regulations of the ADA. Chapter IV reserves a special focus on the analysis of development of an effective public interest assessment mechanism in Vietnam because it is believed that this mechanism will help best to balance the interests of domestic producers and that of consumers in anti-dumping proceeding. Finally, Chapter VI concludes the thesis by summarizing the principal findings of the studies and proposing some recommendation for development of a pro-competitive anti-dumping system in Vietnam. 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Decree No 90-2005-ND-CP of the Government providing detail guidelines for implementation of some provisions of the Ordinance against dumping of imported goods in Vietnam, dated 11th July 2005. Decree No 06/2006/ND-CP of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Vietnam Competition Administration Department, dated 09 Jan., 2006. Decree 04/2006/ND-CP of the Government setting up the Council for handling of antidumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard cases and defining its functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure, dated 09 Jan., 2006. Law on Complaints and Denunciation, issued (Law No. 26/2004/QH11, dated 25 February, 2004). Official Letter 1273-CP-QHQT of the Government Office announcing legislative action plan to submit to the WTO Working Party, dated 19 September 2003. Ordinance 41/2002/PL-UBTVQH issued by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on most-favored-nation treatment and national treatment, dated 25 May 2002. Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, (Law No 02/2002/QH11, dated 16 Dec., 2002). Official Letter 6172/VPCP-TCQT of the Government Office instructing ministries, branches and people's committees to continue to check the legal instruments within the sectors for which they are responsible and the instruments, dated 18/12/2001. Resolution 48/2001/NQ-QH10 adopted by the National Assembly on the Ratification of Vietnam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement, 2001 Other jurisdictions India: Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination Injury) Rules, 1995. Mexico: Foreign Trade Act, 1993. China: The Anti-Dumping Regulation of the People's Republic of China, 2001. Decision of The State Council on Amendments to Anti-dumping Regulations, dated 15April, 2004. 333 Colombia: Decree No 299 Regulating the Application of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (1995). EC: EC Regulation 384/96 on Protection against Dumped Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Community (1995). Canada: Special Import Act 1984 (SIMA). Malaysia: Countervailing and Ant-Dumping Duties (Amendment) Act (1998). Thailand: The Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Act (1999). Singapore: Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties Act (1996). US: - Anti-dumping Act 1916, (15 U.S.C., Sec. 72). - US Tariff Act 1930, (19 U.S.C., Chapter IV, Sec. 1673, 1677). 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 [...]... to expand their market By expanding the export market, they ensure a certain increase of output and greater investments Moreover, by using dumping strategy firms can depress the profit margins of competitors in foreign market and reduce their funds available for investment in research and development (R&D) and advantage conferred on the Welsh tin-plate industry at the turn of the century by the dumping... market and re-sell them in the other In either case, the firms could not succeed in maintaining a higher price in one of the two markets The other presupposition of price discrimination is that one of the two markets should be less elastic than the other The condition of low “elasticity” of demand in one separate market is significant because it enables the firm to charge a higher price for the products... products without fear that their sales volume will drop because of the price differences If costs for supplying the two markets are the same, then the larger markup will also result in a higher price It is to say if all the cost for supplying goods in the two markets is similar, but one of the markets is less elastic than the other, than the sale price in the market with less elastic demand will be higher... introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value, if the export price of the product exported from one country to another is less than the comparable price, in the ordinary course of trade, for the like product when destined for consumption in the exporting country …When there are no sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade in the domestic market of the exporting... assessed in the light of the general theory of competition policy This analysis will help to determine the possibilities of improving and strengthening the national anti-dumping regime 2 1.2 DUMPING AND THE LAW AGAINST DUMPING 1.2.1 The Notion of Dumping The origin of the word “dumping” is uncertain According to Richard Dale, its usage was recorded in the early 19th century, with the meaning of the act... rather than the world as a whole or a single welfare unit.19 Therefore, to examine the welfare effects of dumping, it is necessary to consider the matter first of all from the point of view of the importing country and subsequently from the point of view of the exporting country In doing so, it is easier to observe the effects of dumping on income distribution, output and competition (although in the. .. amount for administrative, selling and general costs and for profits” This definition implies that dumping is an action of selling products to the importing country at a price (export price) lower than the normal value of the products The bases for determination of the export price and normal value depend on the particular situation prevailing in the country of origin or exporting country and the importing... but rather they are to protect domestic producers against international competition The misuse of anti-dumping laws for the purpose of protectionism can be quite detrimental to economic development as national resources will be misallocated and substantial interests will be vested in the wrong industries This Chapter, therefore, focuses on analyzing the theories on dumping and anti-dumping policy The. .. or legal In the modern context, economists often refer to the legal factors, i.e high import tariffs, import restrictions or technical standards, as examples which cause market isolation in international trade Without the separation of markets, consumers in one market would always come to the other market with the cheaper price to buy the products or they might buy the cheap products in one market and. .. country “Normal value”, in the primary sense of Article 2.1 of the ADA, is equivalent to domestic market price of the product in the country of origin or exporting country, or the supplier’s export price to a third country or the cost of production in the country of origin The comparison between this price and export price conforms to the economic definition of dumping The legal definition of dumping . to buy the products or they might buy the cheap products in one market and re-sell them in the other. In either case, the firms could not succeed in maintaining a higher price in one of the two. economic development for Vietnam. During the study this author tries to assess critically the existing rules governing the Vietnamese anti-dumping system from the competition and economic efficiency. determine the possibilities of improving and strengthening the rules. Chapter II offers to illustrate the economic, political and legal developments in Vietnam during the last two decades under the

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Mục lục Impact of Dumping in Exporting Country Protection of Comparative Advantage Maintenance of Fair Competition

    1.3.1. Competition Policy: Objectives and Scope

    1.3.4. Perspectives of Development of the Legal Regime again

    Up to now, the best known test on categorization of products