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Context based visual object segmentation 3

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Chapter Background Context Augmented Hypothesis Graph for Object Segmentation In this chapter, we address the problem of semantic segmentation. Inspired by the significant role of the context information in this task, our solution makes use of semantically meaningful overlapping object hypotheses augmented by contextual information, which is obtained from a novel background mining procedure. More precisely, a fully connected conditional random field is considered over a set of overlapping segment hypotheses, and the unlabeled background regions are learned from a training set and applied in the unary terms corresponding to the foreground regions. The final segmentation result is obtained via maximum-a-posteriori inference, where the segments are merged based on a sequential aggregation followed by morphological hole filling and super-pixel refinement serving as post-processing. Moreover, by incorporating other kinds of contextual cues, like global image classification and object detection cues, new state-of-the-art performance is achieved by our proposed solution as experimentally verified on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2012 and MSRC-21 object segmentation datasets. 84 4.1 Introduction Semantic object segmentation or scene labelling is one of the central problems in computer vision, which has drawn much interest in recent years [11, 16, 65, 72, 85, 99, 105]. The goal is to assign a class label taken from a predefined set or the background for each pixel in the image, which is quite challenging in general due to large intra-class pose and appearance diversity as well as occlusions. Over the past few years, various approaches have been proposed to solve this problem. The bottom-up segment ranking approaches generate a large pool of object hypotheses. The regions are then scored and ranked based on their “objectness”, and finally they are combined to obtain the final segmentation [9, 11, 65]. However, the inter-segment relationships and the segment background information are generally not very well modelled, especially for visually confusing categories. Hence these approaches still cannot guarantee the perfect classification and ranking of the segments. The detection-based methods [64, 83, 85] utilize top-down guidance obtained from object detectors and refine the coarse object localization within the predicted bounding boxes. The main shortcoming of those methods is that the poor detection results or mis-detection will deteriorate the segmentation performance especially in the case of interacting objects. Besides, there are also some methods which consider the graphical representation of the problem, where the nodes represent pixels or super-pixels, and the graph is partitioned into several sub-graphs corresponding to di↵erent object regions. These models are very prosperous in semantic object segmentation, which mainly consider a conditional random field (CRF) [16,72,104,106]. Although these methods have a great generalization ability, the main bottleneck, as proved in [107], is the lack of rich features that can discriminate the local patches from similar categories. Since the breakthrough of deep learning in image classification [20], great progress has also been witnessed in other visual recognition tasks, like in semantic segmentation [39, 108, 109]. Recently, it is a popular approach to use convolutional neural network (CNN) trained from raw pixels in order to extract feature vectors which have a great representation power. 85 In this chapter, we propose a CRF model based on a fully connected segment hypothesis graph in order to incorporate the interaction between the segments. It is motivated by the observation that when the hypotheses are classified independently without considering the inter-segment relationship as well as other high-level cues, it is hard to distinguish some confusing classes [11]. On the other hand, using the semantically more meaningful segment hypotheses as the nodes for the CRF model will in turn alleviate its low discriminating power among local patches. Furthermore, the unlabeled regions (i.e. background) are often discarded, but they may contain a large portion of the pixels. For example, in the PASCAL VOC 2012 TrainVal segmentation dataset [1], 69.3% of the pixels belong to the background. Li et al. [77] showed that the background regions actually contain useful contextual information for accurate recognition. For instance, plane and bird are more likely to occur in the presence of the sky background (see Fig. 4.1). Intuitively, the contextual information obtained by learning the relationship between the foreground objects and their background regions of interest can augment the CRF model. The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows: • We propose a CRF-based solution over a hypothesis graph that utilizes the relationships between the overlapping object-level segments which are more semantically informative than disjoint local regions, like pixels and superpixels (see Section 4.3). A fully connected graph is also employed to enhance the interaction between the segments. • Obviously, with more annotated data, the learned model will be more accurate. Nevertheless, in many situations, there does not exist a large set of training data. Therefore, we also propose a novel background-aware approach to help re-score the unary term for segment hypotheses by extracting contextual cues from the background regions without explicit labelling of the background categories (see Section 4.3.2), which alleviates the annotation burden to the cluttered background categories. Moreover, due to the great generalization ability of the proposed CRF model, various contextual cues, like global im86 Figure 4.1: Illustration of the role of background context information (e.g. sky or indoor). In many cases it can help recognize the objects (e.g. the bird instead of boat or the potted plant instead of tree). age classification and object detection cues can easily be integrated into our method to further boost the performance. • We conduct a comprehensive analysis to verify the roles of di↵erent contextual cues and the improvement provided by the proposed background context (see Section 4.5.1). And we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-arts in benchmark datasets like PASCAL VOC [1] and MSRC-21 [4] (see Section 4.5.2). 4.2 Related Work Bottom-up segment ranking methods Carreira et al. [11] proposed a method where figure-ground hypotheses are generated by solving the constrained parametric min-cut (CPMC) [56] problem with various choices of a parameter. The hypotheses are then ranked and classified using Support Vector Regression (SVR) [11]. In [59] a generative model is introduced, which maximizes the composite likelihood of the underlying statistical model by applying the expectation-maximization algorithm. 87 Figure 4.2: Overview of the proposed solution. First, a pool of object hypotheses are generated. A fully connected hypothesis graph is then built to model the relationship between the possible overlapping segments. A novel background contextual cue is predicted for the segments via sub-category classifiers. The scores are fed into the CRF model together with other cues like image classification and object detection. Finally, the coarse segmentations obtained via MAP inference are merged and postprocessed to achieve the final segmentation result. Analogous to average and max-pooling, second-order pooling (O2 P) is applied in [9] to encode the second-order statistics of local descriptors inside a region. The segments generated by CPMC [56] generally have a very high overlap ratio with the ground-truth1 , and the O2 P is proved to have a significant discriminative ability [9], achieving the state-of-the-art performance. Compared with our proposed framework, however, those methods mainly focus on the foreground hypothesis segments and ignore the background regions that might be informative, furthermore, no intersegment relation is modelled. CRF-based methods Ladick´ y et al. [72] introduced a hierarchical CRF model to incorporate the information from di↵erent scales, like object detectors in [12] and object occurrence in [104]. Boix et al. [16] also incorporated the global classification as an extra higher order potential, called harmony potential, in the CRF formulation. Yadollahpour et al. [107] introduced a two-stage approach by discriminatively The maximum overlap with the ground-truth is 81.2% in average on the PASCAL VOC 2012 TrainVal dataset [1]. 88 re-ranking the M -best diverse segmentations obtained by the CRF model. Generally, those approaches utilize di↵erent contextual cues to help classify the local patches, which are intrinsically not as discriminative as the object-level hypotheses used in our framework. If the local classification is not accurate enough, many mislabelling cannot be recovered even with carefully designed optimization algorithms. Ion et al. [99, 110, 111] also considered a CRF model over the set of possibly overlapping figure-ground hypotheses. Given a bag of figure-ground segmentations, a joint probability distribution is provided over the compatible image interpretation as well as the labellings of the composite tilings, which are cast as sets of maximal cliques. Some contextual information like the pairwise compatibilities among the spatially neighboring segments are also modeled. However, in contrast to our method, in [99, 110] only the valid compositions of hypotheses are used (i.e. the maximal clique tilings have no spatial overlap), but we consider all the generated segments in a fully connected CRF model. Furthermore, there is no contextual modeling from the unlabeled background regions as well as the global classification and detection cues as compared in the proposed model. CNN-based methods Farabet et al. [108] proposed a method that uses a multi- scale CNN to extract dense feature vectors that captures texture, shape and contextual information. By making use of such representation, multiple post-processing methods are applied (e.g. CRF model) to produce the final labelling from a pool of segmentation components. In [109] a recurrent CNN is proposed for scene labelling allowing for a larger input context while limiting the capacity of the model. Trained in an end-to-end manner over raw pixels that is yet not dependent on any segmentation technique or any task-specific features, the system could identifies and corrects its own errors, leading to the state-of-the-art performance in several scene labelling benchmarks. Girshick et al. [39] applied a CNN framework pre-trained on the ImageNet classification dataset [31] to extract features on the object segment proposals, and used linear SVM to classify the segment proposals. Although the CNN-based features have a great representational power compared to hand-crafted 89 features, those models usually have millions of parameters to learn thus they require tremendous quantity of annotated training data, which is quite difficult to obtain in some cases. Non-parametric methods Liu et al. [112] proposed a non-parametric label trans- fer model for scene labelling, to transfer and warp the annotations in the training set to a test image by matching dense SIFT flow between the training and test samples. Tighe and Lazebnik [113] presented another non-parametric approach by matching a test image against the training set, followed by super-pixel level matching and Markov random field (MRF) optimization to incorporate the neighborhood context. Myeong and Lee [105] applied higher-order semantic contextual relationships between the objects in a non-parametric manner. In [114] the relevance of individual feature channels is learned by using a locally adaptive feature metric based on small patches and simple gradient, color and location features. Contextual modeling Numerous contextual cues, like the global scene layout [74] and the interaction between objects and regions [77–80], were successfully integrated in object recognition frameworks. In [74], a holistic CRF model is presented, which integrates di↵erent levels of contextual cues like scene labelling and detection. Li et al. [77] extracts contextual cues from the unlabeled regions in order to boost the traditional object detection. Heitz and Koller [78] proposed a probabilistic “things and stu↵” model to consider the contextual relationship between the regions and detected objects to boost the detection performance. The method proposed by Cinbis and Sclaro↵ [80] makes use of relative locations and scores between pairs of detections. In [115], stacked sequential scale-space Taylor coefficients are proposed to gather contextual information by sampling the posterior label field sequentially, which achieved the state-of-the-art performance in MSRC-21 benchmark [4]. In [79], the context information is obtained in a supervised manner. However, the background annotations are generally very difficult and time-consuming to obtain in practice due to the huge clutterness. Although, employing the background infor- 90 mation to help classify the foreground objects is not a new idea, the novelty of our approach mainly lies in how the background context (BC) information is obtained: in contrast to the previous methods, it is extracted from the background regions without knowing the exact labelling of the background categories. 4.3 Proposed Solution Given a test image I : ⌦ ! R3 , a set of object hypotheses {Si ✓ ⌦}m i=1 is extracted by applying the method proposed in [11,56], which provides visually coherent segments. In this work m is set to 150 as in [11]. We aim to assign a class label li L for each segment Si (1  i  m) via CRF-based formulation (see Section 4.3.1), where L is a finite predefined label set. The contextual information of the background regions for each class, called background context (see Section 4.3.2), as well as other kinds of cues is also extracted and applied to augment the unary term. After calculating the optimal labelling for the segments, they are projected back to I and are merged into the final segmentation result followed by some simple post-processing techniques (see Section 4.3.3). The proposed pipeline is shown in Fig. 4.2. 4.3.1 CRF-based Formulation Here, the graphical representation of the labelling problem is briefly introduced. We consider a complete graph G = {V, E} where the set of nodes consists of the segment hypotheses. For each segment node Si V a random variable xi is assigned, which takes a label from L. The CRF model has the energy function defined over all possible labellings x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) Lm in the following form [16] E(x) = ↵ X 'u (xu ) + Su 2V where ↵ and X uv (xu , xv ) , (4.1) (Su ,Sv )2E are global weighting parameters. Note that the variable x follows a Gibbs distribution, i.e. p(x) = Z1 exp( E(x)), where the partition function Z = P x2Lm exp( E(x)). The first term 'u (xu ) is called the unary term that expresses 91 the local confidence of the label xu L for the segment Su . uv (xu , xv ) is the pairwise term expressing the compatibility of the labels xu and xv for adjacent nodes. The goal is to find the optimal labelling: x⇤ = arg minm E(x). x2L (4.2) Unary term In this term we incorporate di↵erent kinds of cues. For this sake, for each segment Si (1  i  m), we extract n di↵erent kinds of feature vectors, denoted by f ij (1  j  n). These descriptors are classified by making use of |L| (l) binary linear classifiers2 , like SVR [11], providing the scores sij for Si to have the class label l L based on f ij . The scores are put in a sigmoid function and the negative log-likelihood is applied [16]: ⌘ Y ⇣ (x ) (x ) (x ) log p xu |suju ; wuju , buju |Su | n 'u (xu ) = = log |Su | j=1 n Y j=1 1 + exp (x ) (x ) (x ) wuju suju +buju . (4.3) |Su | denotes the number of pixels inside the given segment. There are two parameters (x ) (x ) wuju and buju for each sigmoid function which are learned simultaneously on the validation set (for more details please refer to Section 4.4). Pairwise term For uv (xu , xv ) we apply the Potts model that has the form [16, 106]: uv (xu , xv ) = [xu 6= xv ] n ˜ X j j (f uj , f vj ) , (4.4) j=1 where [xu 6= xv ] is the indicator function taking the value of if xu 6= xv and otherwise. j is the weight for the Gaussian kernel j for all j = 1, . . . , n ˜ , where n ˜ is the number of the involved kernels defined as: j (f uj , f vj ) = exp ⇣ (f uj f vj )T ⌃j (f uj f vj ) ⌘ , We remark that one can use any classifier, like multi-class classifiers, to obtain the scores for the segments belonging to a certain class label. 92 Figure 4.3: Exemplar sub-category clusters for the horse category from the PASCAL VOC 2012 TrainVal dataset [1]. Each row shows some images with a certain subcategory. It is observed that each cluster shares significant consistency among both the foreground horse objects and the background regions. where ⌃j stands for a positive-definite matrix. By applying Gaussian kernels in the pairwise term a very efficient inference can be performed as shown in [106]. As it is noted, the function [xu 6= xv ] introduces a penalty for nearby similar segments that are assigned di↵erent labels, but it is insensitive to compatibility between the labels. Instead, one can learn a symmetric compatibility function µ(xu , xv ) that also considers the interactions between labels. 4.3.2 Background Context Modeling In this section, we introduce how we model and obtain the contextual information from unlabeled background regions in a weakly-supervised manner, which is used in the unary term in (4.3). Assume that we are given a set of training images (j) {I˜j : ⌦ ! R3 }rj=1 with annotated ground truth regions {Ri m j ✓ ⌦}i=1 , where mj is the number of the objects on I˜j . 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In Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014. 130 List of Publications 1. Wei Xia, Zheng Song, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan, Loong Fah Cheong, Segmentation over Detection by Coupled Global and Local Sparse Representations, European Conference of Computer Vision(ECCV) 2012. 2. Wei Xia,Csaba Domokos, Jian Dong, Loong Fah Cheong, Shuicheng Yan, Semantic Segmentation without Annotating Segments, In International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCV) 2013. 3. Jian Dong, Qiang Chen, Wei Xia, Shuicheng Yan, A deformable mixture part model with parselets. In International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCV) 2013. 4. Jian Dong, Wei Xia, Qiang Chen, Jiashi Feng, Zhongyang Huang, Shuicheng YAN, Subcategory-aware Object Classification. In International Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2013. 5. Tam Nguyen, Bingbing Ni, Hairong Liu,Wei Xia, Jiebo Luo, Mohan Kankanhalli, and Shuicheng Yan. Image Re-Attentionizing. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2013. 6. Junshi Huang? , Wei Xia? , Shuicheng Yan. Deep Search: Attribute-aware Neural Network for Clothes Retrieval. ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) Demo, 2014. (? equal contribution) 7. Wei Xia, Csaba Domokos, Loong Fah Cheong, Shuicheng Yan. Segmentation over Detection via Optimal Sparse Reconstructions. In IEEE Transaction on 131 on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) 2014. 8. Wei Xia, Csaba Domokos, Loong Fah Cheong, Shuicheng Yan. Background Context Augmented Hypothesis Graph for Object Segmentation. In IEEE Transaction on on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) 2014. 9. Yunchao Wei, Wei Xia, Junshi Huang, Bingbing Ni, Yao Zhao, Shuicheng Yan. CNN: Single Label to Multi-Label. In IEEE Trans. of Pattern Anal. and Mach. Intell. (TPAMI) 2014. (In review) 132 List of Challenge Awards 1. Wei Xia, Csaba Domokos, Jian Dong, Loong Fah Cheong, Shuicheng Yan, Zhongyang Huang, Shengmei Shen. DM2:Detection, Mask transfer, MRF pruning. PASCAL VOC Challenge, Workshop of ECCV 2012. (Winner of the segmentation competition) 2. Jian Dong, Qiang Chen, Zheng Song, Yan Pan, Wei Xia, Shuicheng Yan, Yang Hua, Zhongyang Huang, Shengmei Shen. Sub-class-aware Object Classification. PASCAL VOC Challenge, Workshop of ECCV 2012. (Winner of the classification competition) 3. Wei Xia, Zheng Song, Qiang Chen, Shuicheng Yan, Loong Fah Cheong. Object Segmentation Using CRF with Detection Mask. PASCAL VOC Challenge, Workshop of ICCV 2011 (Ranking the 3rd in the segmentation competition) 4. Min LIN, Qiang Chen, Jian Dong, Junshi Huang, Wei Xia, Shuicheng Yan. Workshop of ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), ICCV 2013. (Runner-up Winner in the classification competition) 5. Jian Dong, Yunchao Wei, Min Lin, Qiang Chen, Wei Xia, Shuicheng Yan. Workshop of ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (LSVRC), ECCV 2014. (Winner Prize in the detection competition with provided data) 133 [...]... (54 .3) (58.6) (55.1) (14.5) (49.0) (30 .9) (46.1) (52.6) (58.2) ( 53. 4) (32 .0) (44.5) (34 .6) (45 .3) ( 43. 1) (46.8) O2P-CPMCFGT-SEGM 85.1 (85.2) 65.4 ( 63. 4) 29 .3 (27 .3) 51 .3 (56.1) 33 .4 (37 .7) 44.2 (47.2) 59.8 (57.9) 60 .3 (59 .3) 52.5 (55.0) 13. 6 (11.5) 53. 6 (50.8) 32 .6 (30 .5) 40 .3 (45.0) 57.6 (58.4) 57 .3 (57.4) 49.0 (48.6) 33 .5 (34 .6) 53. 5 ( 53. 3) 29.2 (32 .4) 47.6 (47.6) 37 .6 (39 .2) 47.0 (47.5) Proposed method... 52.2 53. 5 50.1 (51.5) person 51.9 plant 35 .7 38 .2 36 .6 33 .7 (34 .6) 55 .3 49.1 50.9 43. 7 (44.1) sheep sofa 40.8 35 .5 30 .1 29.5 (29.9) 54.2 53. 7 50.2 47.5 (50.5) train tv 47.8 53. 5 46.8 44.7 (44.5) avg 47 .3 48.0 48.1 44.8 (46.7) O2P-CPMC-CSI 85.0 59 .3 27.9 43. 9 39 .8 41.4 52.2 61.5 56.4 13. 6 44.5 26.1 42.8 51.7 57.9 51 .3 29.8 45.7 28.8 49.9 43. 3 45.4 (85.0) ( 63. 6) (26.8) (45.6) (41.7) (47.1) (54 .3) (58.6)... 62.7 60.0 ( 63. 9) bike 31 .0 29.5 25.6 27 .3 ( 23. 8) 39 .8 50.6 46.9 46.4 (44.6) bird boat 44.5 35 .6 43. 0 40.0 (40 .3) 58.9 59.8 54.8 41.7 (45.5) bottle bus 60.8 64.4 58.4 57.6 (59.6) 52.5 55.5 58.6 59.0 (58.7) car cat 49.0 54.7 55.6 50.4 (57.1) 22.6 22.0 14.6 10.0 (11.7) chair cow 38 .1 38 .7 47.5 41.6 (45.9) 27.5 24 .3 31.2 22 .3 (34 .9) table dog 47.4 48 .3 44.7 43. 0 ( 43. 0) 52.4 55.6 51.0 51.7 (54.9) horse m/bike... Proposed method 85.5 (85.7) 68.1 (68.5) 29.5 (29.6) 46.6 (46.9) 44.6 (45.1) 45.8 (47.2) 65.4 (66.1) 65.5 (65.9) 58.7 (59.2) 14.0 (14.7) 45.7 (46 .3) 23. 3 ( 23. 7) 45 .3 (46.2) 45.6 (45.9) 55.9 (58 .3) 51.2 (51.5) 37 .2 (37 .4) 52.1 (52 .3) 31 .5 (31 .9) 60.7 (60.6) 49 .3 (47.5) 48.6 (49.0) all the three di↵erent cues, referred to as the Full model The detailed results are presented in Fig 4.5 and Fig 4.6 qualitatively... 69 8 ) (4 79 tv 58 ( ) n ai 29 tr 7 (2 05) fa 5 so (4 ) p ee 41 sh ) 33 t ( 75 an 48 ( pl ) on 24 rs 2 (5 pe e 7) ik 3 /b m (38 e rs 2) ho 2.6 (4 5) g 2 do 19 ( ) e bl 11 ta 9 (3 9) w 8 co 11 r( ai 4) ch 6 .3 5 t( 1) ca 0 65 ) r( 3 ca 4.7 ) (6 41 s bu (41 ) le tt 06 bo 42 ( 2) at bo 3. 7 (4 ) rd 85 bi 3 ) (2 5 8 ke bi (67 e 1) an pl 3. 7 (8 g b/ Figure 4.5: The improvement of the IoU accuracy on the PASCAL... 86 83 82 88 88 89 90 87 90 84 88 94 94 96 95 98 96 77 76 27 48 53 85 96 97 37 61 71 49 78 83 80 48 55 65 80 68 20 22 17 Boix Gatta Bergbauer et al [16] et al [117] et al [115] 81 87 91 83 87 90 81 87 96 78 91 88 86 83 76 94 94 94 96 84 90 87 62 76 48 44 57 90 93 84 81 67 69 82 83 89 75 57 60 70 74 84 52 26 44 PropPropFullySup WeaklySup 89 88 87 86 88 88 88 87 89 87 92 93 98 98 86 85 56 56 92 91 83 82... method, we conduct experiments on the latest PASCAL VOC 2012 object segmentation dataset [1] which consists of 20 object classes Due to the large intra-class variability and object interaction, this dataset is among the most challenging ones in the semantic segmentation field The average image size is 4 73 ⇥ 38 2 pixels and on average 2 .38 objects are contained per image For quantitative evaluation, the... 2012 Segmentation Challenge is a detection -based approach, which first computes the optimal sparse representation of the training objects [ 83] and provides an initial segmentation mask for each bounding box These masks are then used in MRF formulation to obtain the final result The method proposed by Xia et al [85] is also detection -based, which estimates a shape guidance for each object bounding box based. .. 85 56 56 92 91 83 82 77 76 75 76 72 71 54 55 building grass tree sky water road 82 95 88 100 92 93 75 99 91 95 71 90 71 98 90 93 86 89 66 87 84 93 82 82 69 97 92 97 82 86 67 95 92 95 73 82 75 95 92 96 77 86 – – – – – – FgAvg FullAvg 70.8 77.8 75.1 78 .3 75.9 79 .3 78.9 80.0 74.6 78.2 79.2 80.5 81.7 83. 2 81 .3 – MSRC-21 dataset In order to test the generalization ability of the proposed method, we also... Chapter 4: Background context augmented hypothesis graph for object segmentation, we proposed a unified fully connected CRF model over a set of semantically meaningful overlapping object hypotheses augmented by di↵erent contextual cues, including image classification cues, object detection cues as well as a novel background context cues obtained from the unlabled background regions The final segmentation result . 2.5 3 3. 5 4 b/g ( 83. 71) plane (67.85) bike ( 23. 85) bird ( 43. 72) boat (42.06) bottle (41.41) bus (64. 73) car (65.01) cat (56 .34 ) chair (11.89) cow (39 .11) table (19.25) dog (42.62) horse (38 .37 ) m/bike. are merged into the final segmentation result followed by some simple post-processing t echniques (see Section 4 .3. 3). The proposed pipeline is shown in Fig. 4.2. 4 .3. 1 CRF -based Formulation Here,. 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.1 0.2 0 .3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 IoU accuracy (%) τ 3 Figure 4.4: Illustration of the e↵ects of post-processing parameters: ⌧ 1 , ⌧ 2 (Top) and ⌧ 3 (Bottom)

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2015, 11:07