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Transport connections in northern mountainous provinces project environmental monitoring report

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Environmental Monitoring Report Third Semi-Annual Report July-December 2014 Socialist Republic of Vietnam Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces ADB Loan 2789-VIE Prepared by the Project Coordination Consultant (CDM-Smith Inc. in association with Phu Thai Consultancy Joint Stock Company and Southern Environmental Protection and Technology J.S.C.) for the Joint Coordination Committee and the Asian Development Bank. Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 THIRD Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION . 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Report . 1.3 Progress of Project Implementation . 2.1.1 On-going Construction Activities . 2.1.2 Construction Activities during the Previous Reporting Period 11 2.1.3 Planned Construction Activities for the Next Reporting Period 11 II. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING FRAMEWORK 11 2.2 2.3 Applicable Policies, Laws, Decrees, Regulations and Standards . 11 2.2.1 Vietnam Environmental Laws, Regulations and Standards . 11 2.2.2 ADB Safeguard Policy and Environmental Safeguards . 12 Institutional Arrangement for EMP Implementation and Monitoring . 12 2.3.1 Responsibilities of Parties in Environmental Monitoring 12 2.3.2 Roles and Responsibilities in EMP Implementation and Monitoring 12 2.3.3 Schedule of uEMP Implementation and Environmental Monitoring . 15 III. METHODOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING . 18 3.1 Monitoring of Compliance with the EMP 18 3.2 Ambient Environmental Quality Monitoring 18 2.3.4 Air Quality Monitoring . 18 2.3.5 Surface Water Quality Monitoring . 18 IV. STATUS OF uEMP IMPLEMENTATION 21 4.1 Capacity Building and Training 21 4.2 Compliance with ADB Loan Covenants . 21 4.3 Compliance with Government Environmental Requirements . 23 4.3.1 Environmental Protection Commitment (EPC) 23 4.3.2 Quarry/Aggregate Sources, Borrow Pits and Disposal Site Permits 23 4.4 Status of Updating of EMP and Preparation of SEMP . 23 4.5 Staff Resources for EMP Implementation 24 4.6 Information Dissemination . 25 4.7 Compliance with the uEMP during the Pre-construction Stage 25 4.8 Status of Compliance with the uEMP during the Construction Stage . 25 4.8.1 Bac Kan Provincial Road, PR 255 25 4.8.2 Cao Bang Provincial Road, PR 202 31 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) ii Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 4.8.3 Ha Giang Provincial Roads, PR 176A and PR 183 . 35 4.8.4 Tuyen Quang Provincial Roads, PR 187 and PR 189 . 39 4.8.5 Yen Bai Provincial Road, PR 163 . 44 4.8.6 Lao Cai Provincial Roads, PR 151, PR 151B, PR 154, PR 156 and PR 160 . 47 4.9 Outstanding Environmental Issues and Recommendations . 53 4.10 Feedback from Local Communities . 56 4.11 Ambient Environmental Quality Monitoring 57 4.11.1 Environmental Standards 57 4.11.2 Sampling Sites 58 4.11.3 Results of Air Quality Monitoring . 61 Results of TSP Monitoring . 61 Results of Noise Monitoring 64 4.11.4 Results of Surface Water Quality Monitoring . 68 Water Quality of Streams at Bac Kan Provincial Road 68 Water Quality of Streams at Cao Bang Provincial Road 70 Water Quality of Streams at Ha Giang Provincial Roads . 72 Water Quality of Streams at Tuyen Quang Provincial Roads . 78 Water Quality of Streams at Yen Bai Provincial Roads 83 Water Quality of Streams at Lao Cai Provincial Roads 86 V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 99 5.1 Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Management Measures . 99 5.2 Recommendations 99 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) iii Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank BOD5 – Biological oxygen demand, 5-day CSC – Construction Supervision Consultant DARD – Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DCI – Department of Culture and Information DDC – Detailed design consultant DO – Dissolved oxygen DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment EA – Executing agency EMP – Environmental management plan ES Environmental Specialist ESO – Environment and safety officer FPD – Provincial Forest Protection Department GRC – Grievance redress committee GOV – Government of Vietnam HIV-AIDS – Human immunodeficiency virus- acquired immune deficiency syndrome IEE – Initial environmental examination JCC – Joint Coordination Committee MONRE – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MOT – Ministry of Transport NGO – Non-governmental organization PCC – Project coordinating consultant PDOT – Provincial Department of Transport PPMU – Provincial project management unit PPC – Provincial Peoples’ Committee PPE – Personal protective equipment ROW – Right-of-way RP – Resettlement plan SC – Steering Committee SEMP – Specific Environmental Management Plan SPS – ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) SR – Sensitive receiver TA – Technical assistance TCNMP – Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces TCVN – National Technical Standards of Vietnam QCVN Vietnam National Environmental Standards TOR – Terms of reference TRP – Tree-cutting and replanting plan TSS – Total suspended solids TSP – Total suspended particulates uEMP – Updated Environmental Management Plan UXO – Unexploded ordnance Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) iv Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) v Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) I. Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Government of Vietnam, in pursuit of its poverty reduction and road improvement programs, is implementing the Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces (TCNMP) Project (The Project). The Project covers the six northern mountainous provinces of Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai and Lao Cai. The Project will rehabilitate/improve twelve provincial road sections with a total of 284 kms in the six provinces. It is jointly financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Vietnam at an estimated cost of US$106.6 million. The Project incorporates flexible design guidelines to reduce life-cycle costs and to improve the sustainability of the roads. Resiliency to disasters and adaptability to climate change impacts have been considered in the design. The twelve high priority provincial road sections selected for improvement are listed in Table 1. The roads have been divided into 23 contract packages. The locations of the roads and contract packages are shown on the map in Figure 1. Table 1. List of Project Roads Province Road Section Road Length (km) Proposed Road Upgrading Bac Kan PR 255 23.58 Class IV and V Cao Bang PR 202 30.6 Class V PR 176A 29.2 Class VI Junction with NH-34 (Ca Thanh Commune, Nguyin Binh District; km 0) Du Gia Commune, Yen Minh District; km 38+000 PR 183 35.55 Class IV Vinh Tuy, Bac Quang District; km 0+747 Ha Giang PR 187 12.87 Class V PR 189 54.4 Class V PR 163 40.59 Class IV PR-151 8.9 Class V PR-151B 15.0 Class V PR-154 13.0 Class V PR-156 12.6 Class V PR-160 7.2 Class V Tuyen Quang Yen Bai Lao Cai Project Total Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) Starting point Ending point Junction with PR 254 (Ngoc Phai Commune; km 0+000) Junction with PR 87 (Yen Thinh Commune; km 24+981) Huy Giap Commune, Bao Lac District, km 30+600 Junction with PR 176, at Dai Thi Bridge, Yen Lap Commune, Chiem Hoa District; km 0+000 Junction with PR 176 at Bo Village, Binh Xa, Ha Yem District; km 0+000 Junction Nam Cuong, Nguyen Thai Hoc ward, Yen Bai City; km 4+303.16 Junction with NH 279 Junction with PR 151, Lao Vao Junction with NH 4-D, Muong Khong town Junction with NH 4-E, Tan Stream (Hop Thanh) Junction with NH 279 (at Pho Rang Bridge) 283.5 Junction with PR 176 at Mau Due Commune; km 73+000 Xuan Giang Commune, Quang Binh District, km 36+300 Keo Mac Pass (border with Bac Kan Province), Yen Lap Commune, Chiem Hoa Province; km 12+870 Trung Son, Yen Thuan, Ham Yen; km 54+400 Dong Cuong Village, Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, km 49+000 Near Khe Hong, Provincial border with Yen Bai, km 4+960 NH-279, Hoa Mac Commune Nam Chay Commune; km 14+940 Bac Cuong Commune Xuan Hoa Commune Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Figure 1. Location of the TCNMP Project Roads 1.2 Purpose and Scope of Report This report has been prepared in line with the Terms of Reference for the Project Coordination Consultant (PCC). It documents the implementation of the updated Environmental Management Plan (uEMP) and the results of the Environmental Quality Monitoring for all the ongoing civil works of the Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 road contract packages under the TCNMP Project. This report presents the results of the environmental management and monitoring activities from July 2014 to December 2014. The report covers the: (i) environmental capacity building activities conducted during the period; (ii) status of compliance with ADB environmental loan covenants and with the environmental requirements of the Government of Vietnam during the report period; (iii) status of implementation of the environmental mitigation measures during the report period based on the IEE and updated EMPs and SEMPs, including documentation of complaints received and corresponding action/resolution; and (iv) results of the environmental monitoring of air quality (TSP and noise) and surface water quality covering the baseline and three quarterly monitoring. 1.3 2.1.1 Progress of Project Implementation On-going Construction Activities All the 23 civil works contract packages are ongoing as of 31 December 2014. TQ-R189-03 in Tuyen Quang Province commenced in October 2014. Province Road Section Table 2. On-going Civil Works as of 31 December 2014 Contract Package BK-R25501 Bac Kan Cao Bang PR 255 PR 202 BK-R25503 Const. of Section Km 8+000 – Km 18+120 Joint Venture of Tan Thanh JSC – Bac Kan Investment and Construction JSC BK-R25504 Const. of Section Km 18+120 – Km 24+981 CB-R20201 Rehab. of Ca Thanh – Lung Pan – Ban Rien Km 0+000 – Km 15+000 Rehab. of Ca Thanh – Lung Pan – Ban Rien Km 15+000 – Km 23+000 Rehab. of Ca Thanh – Lung Pan – Ban Rien Km 23+000 – Km 30+618.43 Rehab of road section Minh Ngoc – Mau Due; km 38+000 – Km 52+000 Km 52+000 – Km 73+000 Joint Venture of Me Linh Construction and House Development Company and An Thinh JSC Joint Venture of Dong Do JSC Corporation and Cao Bang Construction JSC No. Joint Venture of Construction Jsc No. 568 and Construction JSC No. 703 CB-R20202 HGR176A-01 HG-R18301 PR 183 HG-R18302 Tuyen Quang PR 187 Joint Venture of Toan Phat Investment and Construction JSC – Me Linh Construction and House Development Company Joint Venture Thai Bac Ha Const. of Section Km 1+000 – Km 8+000 HGR176A-02 Ha Giang Construction of bridges Contractor BK-R25502 CB-R20203 PR176A Scope TQ-R18701 Rehab of road section Minh Ngoc – Mau Due; Km 0+747 – Km 16+000 Rehab of road section Minh Ngoc – Mau Due; Km 16+000 – Km 6+283.58 Rehab of road section Km 0+000 – Km 12+953 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) Joint Venture of Thang Long Construction Jsc and Quang Trung Co. Ltd. Joint Venture of Cao Nguyen VN Company – Toan Phat-Dong Bac Joint Venture of TRAENCO JSC – Dong Bac One Member Co. Joint Venture of Hiep Phu co. Ltd and TADICO Investment and Construction JSC Joint Venture of Tan Thanh JSC – 559 JSC –Bien Dong Const – No. 568 JSC Joint Venture of Hung Thinh Co. Ltd – Toan Phat Industry Construction Co. Start Date Completion Date 03/01/2014 24/01/16 04/10/2013 24/09/15 25/12/2013 24/09/15 24/09/2013 24/09/15 15/11/2013 01/11/15 15/11/2013 01/11/15 15/11/2013 01/11/15 01/04/2014 30/03/16 14/05/2014 13/05/16 15/04/2014 14/04/16 15/04/2014 14/04/16 20/02/2014 19/02/16 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) TQ-R18901 PR 189 TQ-R18902 Rehab of road section Km 26+000 – Km 41+500 TQ-R18903 Rehab of road section Km 41+500 – Km 56+914 YB-R16301 Yen Bai PR 163 YB-R16302 YB-R16303 Lao Cai PR 151 LC-R15101 PR 151B LCR151B-01 PR 154 PR 156 PR 160 Rehab of road section Km 2+500 – Km 26+000 LC-R15401 LC-R15601 LC-R16001 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Ltd. – Quoc Khanh Joint Venture of Trung Thanh Investment and Construction Co. Ltd. – Thanh Giang Construction and Commercial Co. Ltd. – 27-7 Co. Ltd. Joint Venture of Thinh Hung Co., Ltd. – Vinh Binh One Member Co., Ltd and Minh Phuong Tuyen Quang Co., Ltd. Thanh Hung Investment and Construction Co. Ltd. 28/02/2014 27/02/16 28/02/2014 27/02/16 01/10/14 - Const. of Yen Bai – Khe Sang Road, Section Yen Bai – Trai Hut Km 4+303.14-Km 23+500 Const. of Yen Bai – Khe Sang Road, Section Yen Bai – Trai Hut Km 23+500 – Km 49+000 Yen Bai – Khe Sang Road Section Yen Bai – Trai Hut Construction of bridges Rehab of Tan An – Khe Sang Km 0+000 – Km 4+051 Km 5+506 – Km 6+000 Km 7+660 – Km 8+000 Rehab of Vo Lao – Nam Rang – Hoa Mac Km 0+000 – Km 4+000 and Km 7+000 – Km 15+200 Rehab of Km 0+000 – Km 13+000 Joint Venture of Hiep Phu - Thanh Hung - Dong Tien 17/05/2013 17/05/15 Joint Venture of Thi Son – Truong Tho – GT Yen Bai 01/08/2013 01/08/15 Joint Venture of Bien Dong City – 568 City 10/09/2013 10/09/15 01/09/2013 15/03/15 01/09/2013 17/01/17 21/8/2013 30/06/15 Rehab of Bac Cuong – Ta Phoi – Hop Thanh Km 0+000 – Km 3+175 and Km 6+000 – Km 12+647 Km 0+000 – Km 7+200 Joint Venture of Construction Company No. VI and Hoang Lien Thanh Company 18/10/2013 18/10/15 01/09/2013 04/08/15 Phuc Binh Co. Ltd. Joint Venture of Hoang Son Const. Co. Ltd and Lao Cai Construction Bridge JSC Joint Venture of Dong Hai – Hoang Son COTABIG Co. Ltd Source: Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces Project, Monthly Report December 2014, PCC The fourteen contract packages that were awarded in 2013 have varying accomplishments during the period covered by this report. As of December 2014, construction activities focus on the following: No. Contract package BK-R255-01 BK-R255-02 BK-R255-03 Construction Activities, July-December 2014 Na Tum bridge (Km 0+ 747): beams and approach bridge under construction Ban Bay bridge (Km 9+974): piers completed; awaiting beams Na Ca bridge (Km13+388): constructed piers; still awaiting girder Ban Cau bridge (Km18+120): not yet repaired; Ban Vay bridge (Km 22+309): pier foundation and superstructure completed, bridge approaches under construction Na Tum bridge (Km 0+747): beams and bridge approaches under construction Ban Bay bridge (Km 9+974): piers completed, awaiting beams Na Ca bridge (km 13+388): piers and bridge superstructure completed Ban Cau bridge (km 18+120): boring for pier foundation Lowering of slopes, re-routing, slope protection, construction of road pavement and drainage Spreading of base course and drainage construction Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) BK-R255-04 Base course, road surfacing, construction of drainage CB-R202-01 Construction of road beds and vertical sewer and drainage lines CB-R202-02 Lowering of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds and vertical drains, awaiting base construction CB-R202-03 Road bed under construction, spreading of base aggregates, construction of vertical drains HG-R176A01 Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, construction of road beds and sewers across the road (starting point of Km 38- Km 45). HG-R176A02 Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, roadway and sewer construction Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds and sewers across the road are built, (the starting point of Km 0+474 ~ Km 5). Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection; construction of roadbeds and sewer. HG-R183-01 HG-R183-02 TQ-R187-01 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Keo Mac Bridge under construction. Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds TQ-R189-1/3 and sewers across the road Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds TQ-R189-2/3 and sewers across the road TQ-R189-3/3 YB-R163-01 YB-R163-02 YB-R163-03 LC-R156-01 LC-R154-01 LC-R151B01 LC-R151-01 LC-R160-01 Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds and sewers across the road Vertical drains and corrugated steel plate balustrade under construction Vertical drains and corrugated steel plate balustrade are being completed; construction of general items as bridge, road, drain, slope protection Nga Quan bridge: Bridge completed; cleaning up Nghia Phương bridge: Bridge completed; cleaning up Viet Thanh bridge: Bridge completed; cleaning up Yên Hưng bridge: Bridge completed; cleaning up Km 0-Km 4: Spreading of base course and asphalting Km 4-Km7: Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds and sewers Km7-Km10: Drainage construction and materials stockpiling Construction of piers for Suoi Chan Bridge Km 0+000 –Km0+700: Cutting of slopes Spreading of base course, construction of vertical drains, slope protection, asphalting Hoa Mac bridge (Chan stream) at Km10 under construction Cutting of slopes, route adjustment, slope protection, construction of road beds and sewers across the road Km –Km 4: Road surfacing, base course Ba Xa bridge: surface/sides of bridge are being constructed; bridge approach being constructed Khe Quạt Bridge: bridge surfacing/sides of bridge under construction Cầu Khe Hồng: sides of bridge surface/sides of bridge and access road are being constructed Khe Sang spillway: underground drains completed Pho Rang bridge: beams under construction; spreading of base course for roadway Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 10 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) PR 154- WS5, 26 Dec 2014 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 PR 154- WS6, 26 Dec 2014 PR 156 Summary matrix of the monitoring test results for PR 156 can be found in Appendix 3-11. The temperature readings in December 2014 were mostly low, ranging from 17.1 C to 18.2 C. These are much lower compared to the baseline levels and during the past monitoring events. The pH readings in December 2014 ranged from 7.5 to 7.6 indicating that all the waters are alkaline. The pH levels were within the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT standard range. As is the trend in all the other streams, increases in turbidity and TSS in all the monitoring sites markedly increased in December 2014 compared to past monitoring events. Except for WS5 which just barely meet the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT limit, all the other sites exceeded the 50mg/L QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT limit for TSS. Loose soil from construction sites are probable contributor to high TSS and turbidity levels. In most sites, except WS1, DO concentrations decreased in December 2014 compared to the past monitoring events. During this monitoring period, DO concentrations ranged from 3.6mg/L to 5.2mg/L only. For WS1, the DO concentrations in December 2014 were higher than the past monitoring events. The DO level of WS6 however remarkably dropped to 3.6 mg/L in December 2014 and did not meet the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT guideline value of 4.0mg/L. Depletion of DO at WS6 could be attributed to the combined effect of higher turbidity, TSS, BOD, COD, oil and grease, total coliform and fecal coliform. It would be noted that of all the stations in PR156, WS6 registered the highest concentrations of all these DO depleting pollutants. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 94 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) PR 156- WS3, 24 Dec 2014 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 PR 156- WS4, 24 Dec 2014 Stream WS6 consistently recorded the highest concentration of COD, oil and grease and coliform counts of all the water quality monitoring sites along this road. While the project construction activities may be contributing to the pollution load in this stream, the high concentrations of pollutant were most likely due to the limited capacity of the stream to assimilate waste due to its low flow. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 95 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) PR 156- WS5, 24 Dec 2014 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 PR 156- WS6, 24 Dec 2014 PR 160 Summary matrix of the monitoring test results for PR 154 can be found in Appendix 3-12. Lower temperatures were recorded in December 2014 in all sampling sites compared to the baseline and past monitoring events. Temperatures during this monitoring period ranged from 0 17.1 C to 18.2 C only. pH levels in December 2014 are comparable to the past monitoring events and did not deviate from site to site. Readings ranged between 7.5 to 7.9, indicating that the streams are alkaline. As is the trend in all sites, the TSS and turbidity levels in all the water monitoring sites along this road were higher in December 2014 compared to the previous monitoring events, although the baseline turbidity of WS1 was higher. High turbidity and TSS were recorded at WS1, WS2, and WS6, exceeding the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT limit of 50mg/L for TSS. Turbidity and TSS were probably contributed by runoff containing silt and loose soil into the streams. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 96 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) PR 160- WS1, 28 Dec 2014 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 PR 160- WS2, 28 Dec 2014 As in the past monitoring events, the DO concentrations in all the sampling stations were higher in December 2014 than the QCVN limit of 4mg/L, except for stream WS2 which barely met the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT limit. Conversely, BOD5 was high only at stream WS2 during this monitoring period, similar to the past monitoring. All monitoring stations have low BOD5 during all the sampling events. All the sampling stations recorded COD concentrations way lower than the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT limit of 30mg/L during the three monitoring periods. All the streams also had low total coliform and fecal coliform in December 2014. As in the past monitoring events, total and fecal coliform counts obtained in all sites in December 2014 were much lower than the QCVN 39:2011/BTNMT limits. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 97 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 PR 160- WS3, 28 Dec 2014 PR 160- WS4, 28 Dec 2014 PR 160- WS5, 28 Dec 2014 PR 160- WS6, 28 Dec 2014 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 98 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) V. 5.1 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Management Measures As previously reported, the environmental management system of the project has been completely prepared during the preconstruction phase. All the environmental preparatory activities that would ensure that consideration will be given to environmental protection during the construction stage have been put in place. All the EMPs had been updated and approved, all SEMPS had been prepared and approved by the respective PPMUs, and capacity-building and environmental awareness orientation programs had been conducted. Still, there are remaining documentations that need to be completed. Some areas along the road alignments are being used as spoils disposal sites without permit. There is a need to ensure that permits are secured for these sites prior to use by the contractors. The water quality test results indicate that construction activities, particularly the removal of vegetation and earthworks are contributing to increases in temperature, turbidity, TSS, BOD and coliform, particularly where loose soils are eroded down the streams. At the construction sites, the environmental mitigation measures are not being paid much attention by the Contractors. While some measures are being implemented for compliance, environmental protection is not a concern. New waste sites have been opened are being used without the necessary permits. Other non-compliance issues have been noted during this period. These include: limited provision of PPE to workers; workers not enjoined to wear PPE; lack of acceptable sanitary facilities at camp sites; improper management of spoils; failure to ensure road accessibility and traffic safety during blasting and other critical road works; improper disposal of wastewater, especially used bentonite; and lack of measures to prevent soil from eroding down the streams. The contractors are trying comply with the required environmental management measures. The PPMU, with assistance from the PCC and CSC is continually conducting discussions and reminding the contractors to improve the implementation of environmental measures. The CSC and the PCC are regularly monitoring the contractors’ performance according to plan. Monitoring of air quality and surface water quality are also regularly conducted according to plan. 5.2 Recommendations The PPMUs could help facilitate getting clearances for new disposal sites and should remind the contractors to refrain from using sites prior to issuance of permits. The contractors should require their assigned safety and the environment officers to attend to securing permits for disposal sites prior to use. To improve the implementation and to achieve full compliance with the ADB's environmental policy, the PPMU should consider imposing penalty to contractors that failed to comply with their commitments in the SEMP. As suggested previously, the PPMUs should consider applying Nopayment form for item 117.01 Environmental protection and HIV / AIDS prevention. Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 99 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 APPENDIX Approval on Updated SEMP of PR 160 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 100 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 101 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 APPENDIX SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATION MEASURES Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 102 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) APPENDIX 2-1 SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation1, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) BK-R255-01 BK-R255-02 BK-R255-03 BK-R255-04 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D I. BAC KAN PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace - - - - 11) Traffic Management 12) Loss of biodiversity 13) Usage and storage of dynamite - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 103 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 APPENDIX 2-2 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation2, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) CB-R202-01 CB-R202-02 CB-R202-03 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D II. CAO BANG PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace - 11) Traffic Management - - 12) Loss of biodiversity 13) Usage and storage of dynamite - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 104 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 APPENDIX 2-3 SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation3, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) HG-R176A-01 HG-R176A -02 HG-R183-01 HG-R183 -02 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D III. HA GIANG PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11) Traffic Management 12) Loss of biodiversity 13) Usage and storage of dynamite - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace Constructio n has not started yet Construction has not started yet 3 Constructio n has not started yet Constructio n has not started yet Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 105 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 APPENDIX 2-4 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation4, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) TQ-R187-01 TQ-R189-01 TQ-R189-02 TQ-R189-03 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D IV. TUYEN QUANG PROVINCIAL ROADS - - - - - 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace Con stru ctio n has not start ed yet - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 12) Loss of biodiversity - - - - - - - - - - - - Constru ction has not started yet 11) Traffic Management 13) Usage and storage of dynamite Constru ction has not started yet - - - Construction has not started yet Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 106 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) APPENDIX 2-5 SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation5, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) YB-R163-01 YB-R163-02 YB-R163-03 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D V. YEN BAI PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - - - - - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace Construction completed Construction completed 11) Traffic Management 12) Loss of biodiversity 13) Usage and storage of dynamite - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 107 Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 APPENDIX 2-6-1 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation6, July-December 2014 Impacts/Mitigations (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) LC-R156-01 LC-R154-01 LC-R151B-01 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D VI. LAO CAI PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace 11) Traffic Management 12) Loss of biodiversity - 13) Usage and storage of dynamite - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 108 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 SUMMARY OF MONTHLY ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF MITIGATING MEASURES, JULY-DECEMBER 2014 Impacts/Mitigations APPENDIX 2-6-2 Assessment of Effectiveness of Mitigation7, July-December 2014 (From EMP and SEMP list all mitigation measures of environmental impacts which need to be completed) LC-R151-01 LC-R160-01 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D VI. LAO CAI PROVINCIAL ROADS 1) Spoil disposal 2) Solid waste management and disposal (domestic waste and construction waste) 3) Hazardous Waste Management 4) Bitumen and Asphalt concrete 5) Drainage and erosion: Site management, Drainage/ Erosion prevention/ Sediment control 6) Materials Management: Manage the material piles, spoil waste piles and surface runoff from construction sites and buildings 7) Pollution of surface water: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a) Waste water discharging b) Maintenance of vehicles and equipment 8) Noise and vibration: Site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 9) Dust and exhaust: site preparation, construction management, and materials transport 10) Health and safety: Public and workplace 11) Traffic Management 12) Loss of biodiversity 13) Usage and storage of UXO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Effectiveness Rating Criteria: 1- very good (meet all requirements), 2- Good (take main measures), 3- Medium (take several measures) 4- Poor (take few measures), - Very poor (take very few measures) Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 109 [...]... streams) APHA 1060 B Parameters Baseline Survey Baseline Survey report Every 3 months during construction Periodic instrument monitoring report Quarterly Reports Semi-Annual Reports Figure 3 Environment Monitoring Methodology Project Coodination Consultant (PCC) 20 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) IV Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 STATUS OF... The methodology of environmental monitoring, data analysis and reporting is illustrated in Figure 3 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 19 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semi-annual Report Jan-Jun 2014 Method of laboratory analyses Visual Inspection Instrument-based sampling and measurement Checking daily/weekly on environmental management... Visual monitoring and inspection of contractors’ environment management IV.5 Periodic report Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 16 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Table 5 Work Schedule of the Environmental Specialists of the PCC Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 17 Transport Connections in Northern. .. Environmental Instrument Monitoring III.1 Prepare environment training materials and questionnaires III.2 Prepare and conduct environment training needs assessment III.3 Deliver and Assess Initial Environment Training III.4 Arrange for Baseline Instrument Monitoring IV Environmental Monitoring of Construction Impacts IV.1 Conduct Baseline instrument monitoring IV.2 Periodic instrument monitoring 3 month/6 month... implementation and environmental monitoring is shown in Table 4 while the work schedule of the Environmental Specialists of the PCC is shown in Table 5 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 15 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semi-annual Report Jan-Jun 2014 Table 4 Schedule of uEMP Implementation and Environmental Monitoring Activities No... during coordination meetings in the course of the PCC’s monitoring activities Table 7 lists the completed capacity building and training activities up to the end of this report period Table 7 Completed Capacity Building and Training Training Topic ADB and Vietnam environmental policies Participants Government’s Requirement on preparing and implementing uEMP Requirement on preparing and implementing... 3 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 12 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Table 3 Roles and Responsibilities in EMP Implementation and Monitoring Agency Roles/Responsibilities   Provincial People’s Committee (PPC)        Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU under PDOT)       Executing... Vietnam Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) 24 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 The CSCs are continually providing support to the PCC through close inspection of implementation of the environmental management measures and daily compliance at site The CSC regularly submits reports to PPMU and PCC on monitoring. ..Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) 2.1.2 Construction Activities during the Previous Reporting Period Construction activities during the past months covered by the second semi-annual monitoring (January to June 2014) included boring and construction of pier foundations of bridges,... Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semiannual Report Jan-Jun 2014 III METHODOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3.1 Monitoring of Compliance with the EMP Monitoring of compliance by the contractors with the EMP is done on a daily basis by the CSC and weekly by the PCC through visual inspection Monitoring is aided by the monitoring checklist prepared by . programs, is implementing the Transport Connections in Northern Mountainous Provinces (TCNMP) Project (The Project) . The Project covers the six northern mountainous provinces of Bac Kan, Cao. methodology of environmental monitoring, data analysis and reporting is illustrated in Figure 3. Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semi-annual. Transport Connections in Northern Moutainous Provinces (ADB Loan 2789-VIE) Environment Monitoring Semi- annual Report Jul-Dec 2014 Project Coordination Consultant (PCC) v This environmental monitoring

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