Talk a Lot Free Time For more fu n worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! 29 Sentence Blocks: 1. (Present Simple) I love going to the cinema with my friends, because we always have a good time. Why 2. (Present Continuous) Barney and Wanda are enjoying a day out at an amusement park. Who 3. (Past Simple) We went on a camping holiday last summer for two weeks. How long 4. (Past Continuous) Chester’s son was playing golf badly yesterday afternoon with a few friends from his cousin’s bowling club. How 5. (Present Perfect) I have seen Macbeth at this theatre five times. How many 6. (Modal Verbs) You should do some exercise instead of playing computer games all day. What 7. (Future Forms) Me, Jess and Casey are going to watch the tennis in the park. Where 8. (First Conditional) If the leisure centre is still open we can all go swimming. What . friends, because we always have a good time. Why 2. (Present Continuous) Barney and Wanda are enjoying a day out at an amusement park. Who 3. (Past Simple) We went on a camping holiday last. Talk a Lot Free Time For more fu n worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! 29 Sentence Blocks: 1. (Present Simple) I love going to the cinema with my. theatre five times. How many 6. (Modal Verbs) You should do some exercise instead of playing computer games all day. What 7. (Future Forms) Me, Jess and Casey are going to watch the tennis